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All you need to know about 2013’s international music business meeting held in Vienna.


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economic issues (e.g. the situation of record stores, music management in small markets), approaches the direct-to-fan-phenomenon heavy metal, presents innovations and new technologies, introduces international festivals and a lot more. Numerous information panels and workshops round off the programme.

• gueSt countRieS Slovenia and belgiumOnce again, the conference programme focuses on the two guest countries of the festival. Besides information on the Slovenian and Belgian music markets and the music scenes of the two countries, the conference programme introduces and discusses how to access these music markets and what their peculiarities are. Numerous delegates from the guest countries are included as speakers and discussion partners throughout the whole conference programme.

• feedback SeSSionS foR WaveS actS fRom at / be / SiWaves acts from the focus countries and from Austria selected by an expert jury will get constructive feedback from renowned music professionals. This gives these bands the opportunity to gain the conference audience for their performances in the evening programme. There will also be a feedback session dedicated to the websites of select bands and labels.

WaveS muSic confeRence 2013

Herausgeber Thomas Heher Redaktion Manuel Fronhofer (Koordination), Susanna Fellner; mica – music austria Mitarbeit Isabella Reichl Bild material zur Verfügung gestellt von PR- und Booking-Agenturen sowie den Konferenzteilnehmern Layout Manuel Fronhofer Medien inhaber Wien macht Kultur e. V. Geschäftsleitung Thomas Heher Adresse Favoritenstraße 4–6/III, 1040 Wien E-Mail [email protected] Web www.wavesvienna.com Druck Donau Forum Druck Erscheinungsort Wien. Namentlich gekennzeichnete Beiträge spiegeln nicht unbedingt die Meinung des Medieninhabers wider. Druckfehler und Irrtümer vorbehalten.



SuppoRted by

maSthead impressum

The Waves Music Conference is part of the festival and off ers keynotes, panels, and workshops on October 3rd and 4th 2013. The specialist programme, which is meant to be the basis and inspiration for a long-term, pan-European cooperation, addresses current issues in the music industry as well as the key subject of Eastern and Western European exchange.

inteRnational induStRy meeting aS an oppoRtunity foR local muSicianSDuring the Waves Music Conference, Vienna becomes the meeting point of international disseminators of the music business such as festival and concert organisers, labels and publishing houses, as well as managers and media people. Internationalisation is a key issue for many local artists and their business environment. The conference off ers the opportunity to establish important, long-lasting contacts to all those who have not yet been present at international festivals and conferences.

Focal points and innovations 2013:

• neW location – moRe Space foR netWoRkingThis year the conference is held at the Urania, one of the most attractive and historic lecture buildings. Several rooms of diff erent sizes enable a more extensive programme. Besides suffi cient space for panels, delegates have enough room for getting acquainted with each other, discussions, and networ-king. The conference programme 2013 includes longer breaks, which off ers larger time margins for discussions.

• bRoad topical ScopeApart from the main focus “Cooperation between East and West”, the conference programme addresses exciting future topics of the music industry (e.g. cross-border licensing, how will new music be approached in the future?), current social issues (e.g. well-intentioned censorship, the income situation of musicians, women in the Eastern Europe music world),

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Slovenian Reception

True to the motto “East Meets West”, Waves Vienna once again welcomes two guest countries to this year’s festival and conference programme – and thereby continues to encourage a long-term, pan-European exchange.

Despite its small population and geographical size, Slovenia has lots of interesting music to offer. Many genres are currently flourishing in the wake of the historical developments of recent years. The loss of the broader common Yugoslav cultural sphere in 1991 shook the economic foundations of Slovenian music. This led to a commercialisation of both the music scene and the media landscape, and many musicians consciously shifted their gaze across national borders to actively get involved with international music industry trends. A positive consequence of all these turbulent events is that today’s music scene in Slovenia is livelier than ever. In recent years, the alternative part of the Slovenian rock scene has experienced a unique renaissance, the electronic scene got extremely lively with internationally established DJs and producers, and

the Jazz scene continues to be as amazing as it has always been. And we are lucky to be able to wel-come nine Slovenian representatives in this year’s festival line-up: gloomy tunes from outer space by Coma Stereo, It’s Everyone Else – known for their distorted synths, the rock ’n’ rollers from Kill Kenny, the Milk Drinkers – you’ll recognise them by their leather jackets and bottles of Jack Daniel’s, freestyle-champion N’toko, New Wave Syria – lo-cated somewhere between rock ’n’ roll and minimal, the Slovenian-Finnish combo The Toronto Drug Bust, DJ and producer Ian Green, and Melée and her boys of Werefox.

During the Slovenian reception held at Urania on Saturday, Slovenian rapper, freestyle champion, and producer N’toko will cater for the right music for this event. Free drinks and finger food will be served to appease your hunger.

FRI 04.10., 16:30–18:00 Slovenian Reception @ Dachsaal / Urania; LIVE: N’toko; free drinks and finger food for delegates.

As this yeAr’s guest country from eAstern europe, sloveniA introduces its very vivid And diverse music scene At the sloveniAn reception on fridAy, october 4th.


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Buy your conference registration now






15 - 18 januarY 2014groningen, nl

Eurosonic Noorderslag is the key exchange and networking platform for European music, with a proven track record for helping new acts break into the international music scene.

Focus country: Austria “Highlighting Austrian music at Eurosonic Noorderslag is a natural thing to do. At previous editions of Eurosonic Noorderslag we’ve presented now successful Austrian acts like Soap & Skin, Elektro Guzzi, Bauchklang, Clara Luzia, Gin Ga and Steaming Satellites. It has always been a pleasure to work together with our Austrian partners such as Radio FM4, Frequency Festival, Nova Rock Festival, Waves Festival and Austrian Music Export.”Peter Smidt, Creative director Eurosonic Noorderslag

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belgian Reception

Belgium – the Western representative and guest country of this year’s festival – is a small country, but it is also a European melting pot with a rich music history. Not to forget that Belgium consists of four language areas (the Dutch area, the French area, the German area, and the bilingual capital area) and is sometimes considered the border between Germanic and Latin Europe – a crossroads of diff erent cultures. And being the European capital, Brussels is a genuine magnet for international immigrants, visitors, and cultural infl uences. This is why Belgium is so rich in creative talent and overfl owing with cultural activi-ties. Music thrives everywhere!

At the same time, it seems diffi cult to market Belgium as a music nation abroad – a small and com-plicated country with a rather dull image that is stuck to a handful of tired clichés (chocolate, fries, waffl es, and so on). A pity, because its music heritage is noth-ing to be embarrassed about – even the saxophone is a Belgian invention. And it has a long-lasting tradi-tion of world-class summer festivals such as Rock Werchter, Pukkelpop, Dour, I Love Techno, etc.

At Waves Vienna, ten acts from Belgium will be per-forming. What you’ll get: Girls in Hawaii, who have already gained an international fan-base, beautiful melancholic sounds by Amatorski, the young dream pop duo Floatfall, Flying Horseman, whose lead singer is also a member of Dans Dans, The Experi-mental Tropic Blues Band, known for their extrava-gant stage performances, dreamily melancholic lo-fi folk by oscar & the Wolf, the talented duo Soldout, BRNS from the medieval streets of Brussels, and Compuphonic, who actually studied classical music, but then fell in love with a synthesiser.

During the Café BELGIAN BOOMS Reception, held at Urania on Friday, you will be served free Belgian beer and fi nger food while being able to enjoy live per-formances by two exceptional Belgian bands – Girls in Hawaii and Amatorski.

THU 03.10., 16:30–18:00 Café BELGIAN BOOMS Reception @ Dachsaal / Urania; LIVE: Amatorski & Girls in Hawaii; free drinks and fi nger food for delegates.

WAves viennA’s guest country introduces itself, its flourishing music scene, And its Well-tAsting beer At the belgiAn reception on thursdAy, october 3rd.



it S





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Crew ManagementEquip your team with Playpass wrist-bands and via a simple web interface you can quickly and easily manage their access, accreditation, allocate ‘benefits’ such as food or drink tokens and monitor their location throughout your event.

Crowd ManagementPlaypass’ enabled wristbands and pass-es can not only cut down on touts, re-duce overall costs and increase security but provide you with real-time overview of your event, allowing you to monitor crowd flow and allocate staff and re-sources to those areas that need them.

Brand ActivationWith Playpass, wristbands or other de-vices incorporating RFID technology can be used to create fun, inter- active campaigns that build real world lasting relationships with consumers, whilst also providing invaluable data.

A Cashless EventCashless systems offer event organi-sers several advantages, from increased security speedier bars where buying a drink can be as easy as waving your wrist past a scanner.

crew and crowd management software


it S





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MINSTREL projectwww.minstrel.eu

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WundeRbaR -geRman bandS on boaRd

auStRian ShoWcaSe

Initiative Musik’s aims are the support of young talents, spreading German music abroad, and the integration of people with migration background. Its core area of activity is contemporary music: rock, pop, and jazz. Since 2008, around 450 artists and infrastructure projects have been supported. Funding is off ered for recording, promotion, and touring.

At this year’s festival, Initiative Musik invites you to an exclusive musical boat trip on the Danube Canal: “Wunderbar – German Bands On Board” at Waves Vienna. During the two-hour ride on Friday after-noon, the up-and-coming bands Hurricane Dean, four musicians from Eastern Friesland banking on dark wave and plenty of indie rock, retro pop Queen Marla Blumenblatt, and Roosevelt, known for his smooth electronic sounds, will introduce themselves with great performances. While listening to live music, you will be served refreshments. The ship-ping pier of the MS Schlögen is at Schwedenplatz. No registration needed. We are very much looking forward to seeing you aboard!

FRI 04.10., 18:00–20:00 Initiative Musik Showcase @ MS Schlögen; LIVE: Roosevelt, Marla Blumenblatt& Hurricane Dean

Austrian Music Export is a joint initiatve of the Aus-trian Music Information Center mica – music austria and the Austrian booths at international music trade fairs. Its aim is to be a service and resource centre for exporters of contemporary Austrian music in all genres. AME focuses on the promotion of Austiran music, providing access to information on Austrian artists and companies regardig operational activities. Furthermore, it funds Austrian artists, labels, agen-cies, and artist management companies to showcase at professional events.

This year’s Austrian Music event ist taking place at a pretty old and amazing venue: the Odeon Theatre, originally part of the Viennese Corn Exchange, was destroyed by a fi re in 1945 and was restaurated 42 years later by the Serapions Ensemble. At the AME-Showcase, you will be presented with three exception-al Austrian performances: Attwenger, making music somewhere inbetween nonsense and profoundness since the 90s, The Who The What The Yeah with clear protest statements in word and sound, and the docu-mentary “Trains of Thoughts” by Timo Novotny, which will be transformed into a unique concert experience with projections and live sounds.

FRI 04.10., 19:30–22:00 Austrian Music Export Showcase @ Odeon, open for all festival and conference attentees, LIVE: Attwenger, The Who The What The Yeah & Trains of Thoughts

deutsche initiAtive musiK invites you to A boAt trip With live music by three germAn Artists.

on fridAy, october 4th, AustriAn music eXport is hosting A speciAl shoWcAse At the odeon theAtre.




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delegateS cRuiSe

We have a very special trip prepared for you on Sat-urday. The fl agship of the Danube Shipping Company is going to be part of – no, even more important – it’s going to be the connection between Waves Vienna and Waves Bratislava, the latter of which is taking place for the fi rst time ever in the Slovak capital.

On Saturday, 5th of October, the ship is going to set off at 11 am in Vienna. Three Austrian bands will perform on this extraordinary cruise: The Beth Edges, who, despite their young age, turn out to be pretty experienced musicians with great depth in their sound, the very talented Austrian-British alternative pop band Gin Ga, and Austrian singer-songwriter Coshiva. Of course, we take care of food and drinks as well.

After the Delegates Cruise, we take you on a short tour trough the city centre of Bratislava. After that, you can enjoy some Slovak music at our reception before you can either go back to Vienna by bus or stay in Bratislava and attend some of the splendid shows of Waves Bratislava. Access only with registration in the Pro Area on our website. Enjoy a great cruise!

SAT 05.10., 11:00–19:00 Delegates Cruise to Bratislava @ Admiral Tegethoff ; LIVE: Gin Ga,The Beth Edges, Coshiva

on sAturdAy, 5th of october At 11 Am shArp, the AdmirAl tegethoff leAves viennA And goes doWn the dAnube to brAtislAvA.


WaveS muSic confeRencethankS itS paRtneRS

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one event, one app!

one event, one app!

one event, one app!

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teRRaSSen- Saal

kammeR- Saal (café)


Room 3.8

Room 3.9


Roof teRRace





teRRaSSen- Saal

kammeR- Saal (café)


Room 3.8

Room 3.9


Roof teRRace





fReitag / fRiday 04. 10.

donneRStag / thuRSday 03. 10.13:45




























#01: Gut gemeinte Zensur oder wichtige Kontrolle

#02: Women in the Music Industry in Eastern Europe

#03: Innovations Presented by Departure

#05: Is There a Space for Music Managers in Small Markets?

#04: Wie arbeitet man mit Kulturforen

#07: What Is the Current Situation of Record Stores

#10: How Do People Find Out about Music Today

#09: Investing in New Repertoires

#11: Belgian Music Scene

Austrian Music Export Matchmaking

Spring Goes Waves Spring festival dJ-team

film: Last Shop Standing

#35: How Many Festivals Can a Market Take?

Kafe & Gipfeli by Swiss Music Export LIVE my heart belongs to cecila Winter

#17: Festivals in South Eastern Europe

film: Welcome to the Machine

#18: Feedback Session Websites

#19:Showcase Festivals Presentation

#20: keynote Stefan Herwig

#22: press conferenceEurosonic Focus

on Austria

#24: Come Back National Collecting Societies,

All Is Forgiven?

#23: Feedback Listening Session 2

Slovenian Matchmaking

#21: How to Make Money in Social

with Bands

#08: Insights in an Austrian Indie Label

Presented by SAE

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#10: How Do People Find Out about Music Today

#09: Investing in New Repertoires

#11: Belgian Music Scene #12: Belgian Music Market

#13: Feedback Listening Session 1

#14: How to Work with the Belgian Market

#15: Always Direct to Fan - Heavy Metal

#16: Money from Music

Café BELGIUM BOOMS: LIVE: amatorski and girls in hawaii

free Belgian beer

Meet the Bookers Matchmaking

Meet the Festivals Matchmaking

#24: Come Back National Collecting Societies,

All Is Forgiven?

#23: Feedback Listening Session 2

#25: Slovenian Music Scene #26: Slovenian Music Market #27: How to Work with the

Slovenian Market

#29: Wann braucht ein Indie-Artist einen Verlag

#31: Innovations Presented by Departure

Meet the Slovenes LIVE n’toko

Primavera Sound Reception LIVE headbirds

Swiss Music Export Matchmaking

panel Workshop presentation Reception matchmaking (invite only)


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confeRence detailS thu 03.10.

# 01 panel gut gemeinte ZenSuR odeR Wichtige kontRolle? (11:00-12:00)Wie gehen wir damit um, dass Kunst, die uns teilweise zuwider sein mag, aber gegen keine Gesetze verstößt, ein großes Publikum anspricht? Braucht es mehr Einschränkungen? Muss eine demokratische Gesellschaft das nicht einfach aushalten? Fällt jegliche musikalische Äußerung unter die Freiheit von Kunst? Sollen bzw. dürfen sich Politiker einmischen? Wie sollen Fördergeber oder Preise damit umgehen?[DE] Urania, DachsaalSprecher: Walter Gröbchen (Monkey Music; AT), Thomas Rammerstorfer (Kulturverein Infoladen Wels; AT), Muff Sopper (Planet Music; AT), Sylvia Margret Steinitz (Wienerin; AT), Klaus Werner-Lobo (Kultursprecher der Grünen Wien; AT)Moderation: Stefan Parnreiter-Mathys (Cultural Manager; AT)

# 02 panel Women in the eaSteRn euRopean muSic induStRy (11:00-12:00) Maybe the impression is wrong, but it seems that there are more women in strong positions in the music business and in music organizations in Eastern Europe than in Western Europe. Is that simply because music business is newer there and structures therefore less rigid and gridlocked and there-fore more open to the best people regardless of their sex? Or do only men consider music a less profitable business? We want to find out about women’s experiences and situations in the East and the West.[EN] Urania, TerrassensaalSpeakers: Zsuzsanna Bende (A38; HU), Nathalie Blue (Primary Talent; UK), Zorana Kličković (Menart; HR), Irena Povse (Buba Booking; SI)Host: Oľga Smetanová (Music Centre Slovakia / IAMIC; SK)

# 03 pReSentation innovationS pReSented by depaRtuRe (11:00-11:45) [EN] Urania, Klubsaal1. UrbaNCHaTroomThe importance of virtual communication in our society constantly growing. How can we bridge the gap between virtual and real worlds to create up to date communication in real time and space for a new experience of communication and social networking? Speaker: Pascale Rasinger (UrbanChatRoom; AT)

2. Play.fm Play.fm offers an impressive collection of DJ mixes, radi-oshows and live recordings from clubs and festivals from all around the world – online, free of charge and on demand. Music on Play.fm is hand selected and not assembled by machine algorithms but by the world’s top ranked DJs as well as underground talents.Speaker: Georg Hitzenberger (Play.fm; AT)3. omaI Tagtool: Paint and Animate as a Team. Tagtool can transform an iPad into a live instrument for collaborative projection art. Tagtool is a multiplayer system for collaborative visual expression. Multiple artists can simultaneously create images by painting and then bring them to life by animating. Use cases include site-specific projection art, spontaneous visuals to music and improvised storytelling. Tagtool has its roots in an open source project that started in 2006 and that soon became a worldwide movement. Since December 2012, Tagtool is also available as an iPad app.Speaker: Markus Dorninger (Projection Artist & Designer; AT)

# 04 WoRkShop Wie aRbeitet man eRfolgReich mit kultuRfoRen? (11:45-12:30)Welche Aktivitäten werden von den österreichischen Kulturforen gefördert, zu welchem Zeitpunkt sollte man mit welchen Informationen einreichen?[DE] Urania, room 3.9Vortragender: Christian Brunmayr (bmeia; AT)

# 05 panel iS theRe a Space foR muSic manageRS in Small maRketS? (12:15-13:15)One of the reasons why there are so few music managers in countries like Austria and in most of Eastern Europe is most probably that there’s not enough money and they’re running a label or a booking agency at the same time. Does this mean there’s no place for managers or do they have diverse job descriptions in small markets?[EN] Urania, TerrassensaalSpeakers: Sandi Maver (Kurzrockvibe; SI), Reha Öztunal (Artistic Ideas; TR), Jules Parker (Polaroid Management; UK), Jeroen Siebens (Fritspecial; AT / BE), Guna Zucika (Prata Vetra Management; LV)Host: Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt (IMMF; UK)

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# 06 panel hoW many feStivalS can a maRket take? (12:30-13:30)Tons of new festivals are springing up like mushrooms. How long will this last? Does it help the bands?[EN] Urania, DachsaalSpeakers: Dragan Ambrozic (Dom Omladine; RS), Bev Burton (Killer B Music; UK), Reinhold Seyfriedsberger (Ink Music; AT), Peter Smidt (Eurosonic Noorderslag; NL)Host: Edo Plovanic (Musika.hr; HR)

# film ScReening laSt Shop Standing (11:45-12:45)[EN] Urania, KlubsaalBased on the successful book of the same name, the 50-minute documentary Last Shop Standing is a celebra-tion of the unique spirit of comradeship and entrepreneurial ingenuity that has enabled so many shops to keep operat-ing successfully against the backdrop of massive changes in the music industry, the biggest recession in years, the growth of online file sharing and the explosion of choice in music consumption. Not long ago there was a record shop on every high street, but over 500 independent record stores have closed during the last few years. Record shops were always more than retail outlets, they are part of our culture; they support new bands and local talent. A place for musicians and music fans to congregate, to browse away a few hours, to walk away with music they didn’t know existed. The film features appearances by musicians and industry insiders including Johnny Marr, Norman Cook, Billy Bragg, Paul Weller, Nerina Pallot and Richard Hawley, but the real stars are the record shop owners, their stories are the stuff of folklore! The film tells the full story, holds back no punches, but also celebrates and promotes our great independent record stores.

# 07 panel What iS the cuRRent Situation of RecoRd StoReS? (12:45-13:45)Record stores are not able to fulfill the interactive desires of a digital generation. Are they destined to fade away? Will music disappear from the big chain stores? Are small stores better able to cope with it?[EN] Urania, Klubsaal Speakers: Graham Jones (Proper Music Distribution / “Last Shop Standing”; UK), Ed Pearson (Mama & Company; UK), Andreas Voller (Recordbag; AT), Damien Waselle (PIAS; BE)Host: Rainer Praschak (mica – music austria; AT)

#08 WoRkShop pReSented by Sae inSightS in an auStRian indie label (13:00-13:45) [EN] Urania, room 3.9Speaker: Dom Kardashian (Dreieck Records; AT)

#09 panel inveSting in neW RepeRtoiReS (13:45-14:30)It is a difficult time for labels, where back catalogues seem to be easy to sell without big risks, but establishing new artists is very challenging. However, who is going to invest in new artists? Is it the big internet and media player that will invest in new repertoire because they need new stars?[EN] Urania, TerrassensaalSpeakers: Shigs Amemiya (iMusician Digital; CH), Ilias Dahi-mène (Seayou; AT), Andreas Jantsch (Las Vegas Records; AT), Lars Potyka (VUT; DE)Host: Stefan Trischler (Radio FM4; AT)

# 10 panel hoW do people find out about muSic today? (14:00-15:00) It’s obvious that it’s not only the record stores, radio and print media anymore where people discover new music. So who provides curation nowadays? What are the filters?[EN] Urania, DachsaalSpeakers: Matthias Leihs (They Shoot Music Don’t They; AT), Susi Ondrusova (Radio FM4; AT), Huw Stephens (BBC; UK), Carlo Wittek (Deezer; DE)Host: Ritchie Pettauer (datenschmutz.net; AT)

# 11 pReSentation the belgian muSic Scene (14:00-14:30)Find out more about the rich and lively Belgian music scene.[EN] Urania, KlubsaalSpeaker: Marc Decock (Ancienne Belgique; BE)

# 12 panel the belgian muSic maRket (14:30-15:30)Facts and figures about a versatile and rewarding music business market.[EN] Urania, Klubsaal Speakers: Jean-François Japsers (Jaune Orange; BE), Gerrit Kerremans (Studio Brussel; BE), Maarten Quaghebeur (Rockoco / Glimps; BE), Damien Waselle (PIAS; BE), Paul-Henri Wauters (Botanique; BE)Host: Marc Decock (Ancienne Belgique; BE)

# 13 WoRkShop feedback liStening SeSSionS 1 (15:00-16:30)International festival and label professionals give construc-tive feedback on fresh acts with international potential.[EN] Urania, TerrassensaalSpeakers: Sarah Casey (Leighton-Pope Organisation; UK), Matjaž Manček (Kino Šiška; SI), Robert Meijerink (Eurosonic Noorderslag; NL), Jules Parker (Polaroid Management; UK) Host: Nick Hobbs (Charmenko; UK)

# 14 panel hoW to WoRk beSt With belgium (15:30-16:30)Learn from the experience of others how to get access to the Belgian music market.[EN] Urania, KlubsaalSpeakers: Rutger De Brabander (Nada Booking; BE), Herman Hulsens (Peter Verstraelen Bookings; BE), Jean-François Japsers (Jaune Orange; BE), Joseph Meerseman (Manager BRNS; BE), Jeroen Siebens (Fritspecial; AT / BE)Host: Marc Decock (Ancienne Belgique; BE)

# 15 panel alWayS diRect to fan – heavy metal (17:00-18:00)Like no other genre, Heavy Metal has always succeeded in attracting their fans directly. What can we learn from Metal?[EN] Urania, TerrassensaalSpeaker: Roman Filež (MetalDays; SI), Paul Kraker (ORF; AT), Thomas Zsifkovits (Nova Music; AT)Host: Michael Ternai (mica – music austria; AT)

# 16 pReSentation money fRom muSic (17:00-18:00)The Future of Music Coalition presents a multi-method, cross-genre examination of how US-based musicians’ re venue streams are changing, and why.[EN] Urania, KlubsaalSpeaker: Jean Cook (Future Of Music Coalition; US)

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confeRence detailS fri 04.10.

# 17 panel feStivalS in South-eaSteRn euRope (11:00-12:00) Looking at the characteristics of four selected festivals and how they have evolved over the years. With the support of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Enlargement.[EN] Urania, TerrassensaalSpeakers: Login Kochishk (Taksirat; MK), Roman Filež (Metal Days; SI), Vladimir Vodalov (Exit Festival; RS), more tba.Host: Haris Bilalovic (Radio & Television Presenter; BA)

# film ScReening Welcome to the machine (11:00-12:45)A documentary about the twelve commandments of music business. The secret of success, the purpose of music awards, the whole truth about recording contracts and ten other monstrosities.[EN] Urania, Klubsaal

# 18 WoRkShop feedback SeSSion WebSiteS (11:15-12:15) Interested musicians & labels get live feedback from industry professionals on their website. [DE] Urania, Seminarraum 3.9Speakers: Florian Bogdan (Digital Affairs; AT), Ritchie Pet-tauer (datenschmutz.net; AT), Lisa Stadler (Der Standard; AT)

# 19 pReSentation ShoWcaSe feStivalS (12:15-13:15) Five of the best European Showcase Festivals present themselves.[EN] Urania, TerrassensaalSpeakers: Ed Pearson (The Great Escape; UK), Maarten Quaghebeur (Rockoco / Glimps; BE), Philipp Schnyder von Wartensee (m4music; CH), Helen Sildna (Tallinn Music Week / Musiccase; EE), Mirko Whitfield (SXSW; US)

# 20 keynote Stefan heRWig (12:30-13:15)Why Macroeconomics can help with solving the copyright debate.[EN] Urania, DachsaalSpeaker: Stefan Herwig (Mindbase strategic Consulting)

#21 WoRkShop hoW to make money in Social With bandS (12:30-13:15)[EN] Urania, room 3.8Speaker: Alan Blair Beaton (Social Media Scientist; UK)

# 22 pReSS confeRence euRoSonic focuS on auStRia (13:15-14:00) Austria is the focus country at Eurosonic Noorderslag 2014. First acts will be announced and details of this fruitful coop-eration presented.[EN] Urania, KlubsaalSpeakers: Ruud Berends (Eurosonic Noorderslag; NL), Tatja-na Domany (OMF / AME; AT), Franz Hergovich (mica – music austria; AT), Robert Meijerink (Eurosonic Noorderslag; NL)

# 23 WoRkShop feedback liStening SeSSionS 2 (14:00-15:30)International festivals and label professionals give construc-tive feedback on fresh acts with international potential.[EN] Urania, TerrassensaalSpeakers: Sigtryggur Baldursson (Iceland Music Export; IS), Bev Burton (Killer B Music; UK), Gerrit Kerremans (Studio Brussel; BE), Linus Volkmann (Intro; DE), Paul-Henri Wauters (Botanique; BE)Host: Thomas Zsifkovits (Nova Music; AT)

# 24 panel come back national collecting SocietieS, all iS foRgiven? (14:00-15:00)A discussion on how to actually get the digital use of local repertoire from smaller countries paid for across the EU.[EN] Urania, DachsaalSpeakers: Shigs Amemiya (iMusician Digital; CH), Alexander Hirschenhauser (VTMÖ; AT), Tomáš Mikš (SOZA; SK), Jérome van Win (SABAM; BE)Host: Peter Jenner (Sincere Management; UK)

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sAt 05.10.

# 25 pReSentation the Slovenian muSic Scene (14:15-14:45)Find out more about the rich and lively Slovenian music scene.[EN] Urania, KlubsaalSpeaker: Luka Zagoričnik (SIGIC / Radio Student; SI)

# 26 panel the Slovenian muSic maRket (14:45-15:45)An insight into the characteristics of a promising music market. [EN] Urania, KlubsaalSpeakers: Andraž Kajzer (Kapa Records; SI), Matjaž Manček (Kino Šiška; SI), Miran Rusjan (Moonlee Records; SI)Host: Luka Zagoričnik (SIGIC / Radio Student; SI)

# 27 panel hoW to WoRk beSt With Slovenia (15:45-16:45)Learn from the experience of others how to get access to the Slovenian music market.[EN] Urania, KlubsaalSpeaker: Dragan Ambrozic (Dom Omladine; RS), Tim Ertl (Springfestival; AT), Nick Hobbs (Charmenko; UK)Host: Matjaž Manček (Kino Šiška; SI)

# 29 WoRkShop Wann bRaucht ein indie aRtiSt einen veRlag? (16:00-17:00)Zu welchem Zeitpunkt in der Karriere komponierender Musik-schaffender macht es Sinn, mit einem Verlag zu arbeiten? [DE] Urania, Seminarraum 3.9 Sprecher: Walter Gröbchen (Monkey Music; AT), Sascha Weiß (aka Megablast / Luv Lite Recordings; AT)moderation: tba

# 31 pReSentation innovationS pReSented by depaRtuRe (17:15-18:00) [EN] Urania, Klubsaal1. ImUSICIaN DIgITalWith iMusician, we approach the Music Business from the DATA point of view. The Old Biz is a hundred years of rules and politics like layers on an onion. There are so many things – laws, egos, politics – that make “doing business” complex. Too complex. iMusician looks at musicians, their objectives, and draws the straightest, darkest line between those points using all the technology that is available to it today.Speaker: Shigs Amemiya (iMusician Digital; CH)2. PlayPaSSDavid De Wever talks about the digitalization of events and more particularly live music events. Playpass has developed an innovative software application that uses RFID technology to transform the humble wristband into a device allowing event organisers to manage their access; create exciting new ways for the public to interact with brands at events; and even create a safe and secure cashless environment. PlayPass’ application has already been used at some of Europe’s leading festivals, like Tomorrowland and Rock Werchter.Speaker: David De Wever (PlayPass; BE)3. TICKETgarDENPre-selling of tickets is a key success factor for event organ-izers but is mostly expensive and associated with administra-tive work. ticketgarden.com solves this problem by providing an easy-to-use tool to sell your tickets online and execute the administrative issues. With only 3 % commission including all payment fees and three tickets per 1,000 participants ticketgarden.com is a great deal for organizers.Speaker: Harald Trautsch (ticketgarden.com; AT)

#32 WoRkShop pReSented by Sae einblicke in ein öSteRReichiScheS indie-label (11:30-12:30) [DE] Clubschiff, T-mobile lounge Speaker: Dom Kardashian (Dreieck Records; AT)

#33 WoRkShop pReSented by pink noiSe diy-bandmanagement odeR: oRganiSieRen leicht gemacht! (12:45-14:00)Du spielst in einer Band, bist Musiker_in, und möchtest gerne mehr darüber erfahren, was es heißt eine Band zu managen, wozu man einen Technical Rider braucht und wie Konzerte organisiert werden? In diesem einführenden Workshop gibt’s dazu Tipps und Tricks aus der Praxis! Info: girls* / women* only, keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig.[DE] Clubschiff, T-mobile lounge Speaker: Julia Boschmann (Pink Noise; AT), Ulli Mayer (Pink Noise; AT)

#34 liStening SeSSion Wien XtRa & pRoJect pop! (14:15-16:15)[DE] Clubschiff, T-mobile lounge

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confeRence SpeakeRS A – Z

ZsuZsanna Bende(A38; HU)Zsuzsanna Bende is the head of programming at the prestigious Hungarian club A38, which is one of the most important international music clubs in Budapest. There she is responsible for organising and coordinating the inter-national music programme of the A38 ship. As a former student of cultural management, Zsuzsanna Bende also used to be an active musician and DJ, and definitely knows her way around in the music business.

shigs amemiya(iMusician Digital; CH)Australian / japanese by birth and Automotive Industry Process Engineer by trade. He likes straight lines, 90° angles and things that work. Finding little automotive industry in Zürich, he stumbled into the music biz in 2002 to discover the non-linearity of music copyrights, obtu-se angles, and things that don’t work. Co-founded iMusician in 2007. He still likes straight lines and rounded edges, but denies OCD tendencies.

dragan amBroZic(Dom Omladine; RS)Born in Belgrade 1962. Co-founder of Ritam magazine (music editor, then editor and publisher from 1989 to 1995). Started booking foreign bands for Belgrade and Serbia in 1990. Since 2000, involved in major international productions and became programme editor and manager of Exit Festival’s Main Stage. Since 2005, programme editor of Dom Omladine Cultural Center, organising cultural events such as Belgrade Jazz Festival.

ruud Berends(Eurosonic Noorder­slag; NL)Responsible for internatio-nal promotion, marketing, and sales coordination of the Eurosonic Noorderslag. Project manager at ETEP, the European Talent Ex-change Program. Formerly a European agent and promoter, he worked with Soundgarden, Nirvana, Hole, Babes In Toyland, Yo La Tengo, Motorpsycho, Afghan Whigs, The Flaming Lips, Alex Chilton, Big Star, The Saints, Suicide, The Wipers, Dead Moon and many, many more.

sigtryggur Baldursson (Iceland Music Export; IS)Sigtryggur Baldursson, born in 1962, is the Managing Director of the Iceland Music Export. He is also a veteran musician, being both founding member of the Sugarcubes and long-time collaborator of Emiliana Torrini. He has written music for film and theatre, as well as collaborated with various local Reykjavik acts like the SJS Bigband. He also runs a TV series called “Hljómskálinn” featuring Icelandic music.

haris Bilalovic(Radio & Television Presenter; BA)Bosnian radio and television presenter known for hosting numerous prime-time shows. His radio show “Kozmopolit” is a trademark for culture enthusiasts throughout the country and the TV magazine “BHT Popodne” has become an afternoon routine for many viewers. Due to his professional experience in the field of PR, he’s involved in a public relations campaign for the concert of Dubioza Kolektiv in December in Sarajevo.

allan Blair Beaton(Social Media Scientist; UK)Social media “scientist”, speaker, and trainer from the UK. Has managed in-novative social campaigns for large companies, public sector organisations, and SMEs. Currently a UK Am-bassador for HootSuite. He increases his client’s enga-gement in the social sphere by putting the “social” back into their campaigns. Allan has committed his life to helping people connect, engage, and increase the value they get from human relationships.

Florian Bogdan(Digital Affairs; AT)Florian Bogdan graduated with a degree in adverti-sing and sales from Vienna University of Economy and Business. He also holds a degree in biotechnology from the University of Applied Sciences Vienna. He first ventured into mar-keting and social media at the Viennese media house Monopol and moved on to hone his skills with Digital Affairs. He spends his spare time on music and its use in advertising and social media. His twitter account is @flowb0.

Jake Beaumont-nesBitt(IMMF; UK)Executive Director of The International Music Managers Forum (IMMF), a global umbrella organisati-on for artist management associations. The IMMF represents the interests of managers and of the featured artists they ma-nage. With a background in finance, Jake is the chief executive of International Royalties Rescue, a neigh-bouring rights specialist, and consults on licensing and royalties for various major artists.

Julia Boschmann(Pink Noise; AT)Julia Boschmann is the organiser of the Girls Rock Camp and has many years of experience in band ma-nagement, booking, and event organisation (Alter Schlachthof Hollabrunn, Pink Noise, Girls Rock Camp). About Pink Noise: Pink Noise is a music mediator, multiplicator, platform, and networking tool for feminist, pop, and youth culture projects.

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marc decock(Ancienne Belgique; BE)Works as a programme manager at the Ancienne Belgique. Promoting a wide variety of genres and big names, the venue’s capacity of the main hall holds 2.000 and the club 280. Previously worked with EMI international (e.g. Blue Note, Blur, Radiohead). Also a former DJ, national Radio 1 colla-borator, and tour-manager for Oh La la La and T. C. Matic. Grew up together with the local Belgian pop rock scene and is glad to share any knowledge he might have.

Bev Burton(Killer B Music; UK)Has worked in many roles within the music industry since starting out in 1999: worked for Mushroom Re-cords with acts like Muse, Ash, or Garbage, now runs her own company, Killer B Music. Killer B Music primarily programmes and books live events, festivals in particular. There’s also a management arm to Killer B, Killer B Group, which is currently set up with fi ve managers around the globe with offi ces in Los Angeles, Sydney, London, Singapore, Sao Paulo, and Orlando.

christian Brunmayr(BMEIA; AT)Graduated from the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration in 1993, started at the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Aff airs the same year. Worked for the Austrian Embassy in Bratislava, the Austrian Permanent Representation to the EU, the EU Council Secretariat in Brussels and the Foreign Ministry. Assig-ned to Istanbul as Director of the Austrian Cultural Forum in 2007. Since, 2011 heading the Department for the Implementation of Cultural and Scientifi c Pro-jects Abroad in the Foreign Ministry.

david de wever(PlayPass; BE)CEO of PlayPass and foun-ding partner of Playout!. Playpass has developed a software application using RFID technology to turn wristbands into a device for organisers to manage their access, create exci-ting ways for the public to interact with brands at events, and create a safe, cashless environment. PlayPass’ application has already been used at festivals like Tomorrowland and Rock Werchter.

sarah casey(Leighton­Pope Organisation; UK)Early experience at Manchester United FC and concert promoters Aiken Promotions in Ireland. Worked for Vince Power, booking the London venue The Pigalle Club and the London Feis festival in 2011. In 2012, became Headline Talent Coordinator for the Opening and Closing Olympic and Paralympic Ceremonies. Now with Leighton-Pope Organisati-on where she helps building a roster already including Billy Ocean, Chris Rea, Heather Small, and Mick Flannery.

tatJana domany(OMF / AME; AT)Tatjana Domany studied political science, commu-nication, and musicology and is currently working in the music export depart-ment of the Austrian Music Fund (www.musikfonds.at) and for the Viennese label G-Stone Recordings (www.g-stoned.com).

Jean cook(Future Of Music Coalition; US)Musician, concert producer, and Director of Programs for Future of Music Coalition, a US-based NGO seeking to educate the media, policymakers, and public about critical policy issues impacting musicians such as copyright, media consolidation, and health insurance. Co-director of the Artist Revenue Streams project, an initi-ative off ering data-driven insight into US-based musician income and how it correlates with e.g. genre, career arc, or radio airplay.

markus dorninger(Projection Artist & Designer; AT)Markus strayed from his budding career as a video games designer to explore projection art. His work comprises interventions in public space as well as performances at cultural or commercial events. He often collaborates with musicians and a lot of his output is based on improvisation and freestyle storytelling. He’s a co-founder of OMAi, and the inventor and designer of Tagtool, the iPad app for projection art.

ilias dahimÈne(Seayou; AT)Founded Seayou Records in 2006 in order to create a new music outlet that is free of subcultural and genre boundaries and to build up a modern, high quality, international boutique label. It currently releases around 15 records per year and includes a booking and a publishing division. In winter 2012, he started the book-publishing brand RDE with Stefan Redelsteiner. He acquired the Viennese label Problembär Records in August 2013.

tim ertl(Springfestival; AT)Started out in the music business as a DJ in 1994. First gig in Slovenia in 1997 with a following residency in Ambasada Gavioli in 1999. With the Slovenian Super Club as his connec-tion point, he explored the Croatian and Slovenian club scene. Aiming at making Croatia the “new Ibiza”, he moved there in 2002 and stayed for eight years. Since 2009, shareholder and head of marketing and PR for the yearly held Springfestival in Graz, Austria.

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aleXander hirschenhauser(VTMÖ; AT)Ran the club Soul Seduc-tion from 1986 to 1993. Opened Black Market in 1990, which operates as a retail multi-store with music, fashion, and coff ee. With Soul Seduction Distribution, started in 1993, he exported Vienna’s electronic music output to the world markets. Artist management for Kruder & Dorfmeister until 1994. Started Austria’s fi rst internet music store in 1998. Spokesman of the Austrian Independent Label Association (VTMÖ) since 2008.

walter grÖBchen(Monkey Music; AT)Author, publisher, and jour-nalist in Vienna. Runs the music and communications agency Monkey (www.monkeymusic.at). Has worked as an editor and host at the radio stations Ö3 and Ö1, and has con-tributed texts for Die Zeit, Die Weltwoche, Financial Times, Rolling Stone, etc. Currently writes a regular column for the Austrian newspaper Die Presse am Sonntag. Also head of the music department at the radio station Lounge FM (www.loungefm.at).

roman FileŽ(MetalDays; SI)Roman Files is one of the main concert promoters for metal and hard rock music in Slovenia and terri-tories of ex-Yugoslavia and a guitarist and manager of two internationally suc-cessful bands, Noctiferia and Prospect. In the past ten years, his company or-ganised over 300 concerts and several festivals such as MetalDays / MetalCamp.

georg hitZenBerger(Play.fm; AT)CEO and cofounder of the Austrian music streaming service Play.fm. Also a passionate DJ and event promoter. With Play.fm, he won several awards: the App Star Award Ger-many (2011), the Austrian National Multimedia & e-Business Award / Social Media (2009), the Vienna Leader Web 2.0 (2009), and the Mercur Innovation Award / Cat. Creativity (2009)

Benedikt hauPt(crater8records; AT)Born in 1974, master in law as well as cultural manage-ment, learned the music business from the scratch. 15 years of experience as a musician, booker, and manager of the Austrian band Mudfuzz. Founder and head of crater8records from 2002 to 2009. Event manager since 2006 and responsible for booking, marketing, ticketing, and accounting for shows in lo-cations ranging from clubs to stadiums in Austria.

nick hoBBs(Charmenko; UK)Owner and MD of Istanbul-based Charmenko, co-owner of Charm Music Czechia and Charm Music Poland. Is a dormant rock-singer and artist manager, and an active agent, promoter, event and venue booker, specialised in Eastern Europe since the early 80s.

FranZ hergovich(mica – music austria; AT)Born in 1967 in Vienna. Project manager and curator of pop, rock, and electronic music at mica – music austria since 2008. Since 2011, deputy mana-ging director at mica and managing director of the MICA – Music Promotion Agency GmbH. Between 1996 and 2008, head of national distribution at Soul Seduction Distributi-on. Member of the IAMIC Board since 2012, member of the export advisory board of the Austrian Music Fund, Secretary of EMO since 2010.

herman hulsens(Peter Verstraelen Bookings; BE)Current booking agent at Peter Verstraelen Agency, where he deals with local and international talents of the Belgian market. Local acts include Amatorski, Sir Yes Sir, and Compact Disk Dummies. International talents include The Tallest Man On Earth, Julia Holter, Half Moon Run, etc. From 1997 to 2012 in-house promoter at the AB in Brussels, a 2.000 capacity venue. Previously tour manager for American bands.

steFan herwig(Mindbase Strategic Consulting; DE)Runs his own independent label Dependent and creates synergies for his bands with the mix of ma-nagement and label tasks. Has written two acclaimed dossiers in the industry journal Musikwoche that demand a better PR awareness of the industry as well as new strategies in crisis management of the creative sector. Founded the consulting fi rm Mind-base Strategic Consulting in 2009.

thomas heher (Waves Vienna; AT)Active in the cultural sector since 1996, Thomas Heher is co-founder of pop culture magazines The Gap and TBA and the literature magazine Volltext. He used to run the Viennese record label P.A.M. Records and gained lots of experience when promoting concerts, readings, and fi lm screenings. Currently, he works as festival director of Waves Vienna Music Festival & Conference.

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gerrit kerremans(Studio Brussel; BE)Started at VRT, Flemish public broadcast, in 1993. First worked as a music selector then as a music producer for Studio Brus-sel, an alternative radio station. In 2007, became the fi rst head of music at VRT. Currently responsible for the music policy of fi ve radio channels and four TV channels and the music publishing company of VRT. Co-founder of the offi cial Belgian music awards, the MIAs, member of the EBU Eurosonic Group, and co-founder of the Eurosonic Festival in Groningen.

Peter Jenner(Sincere Management; UK)A legend in the music busi-ness and one of the most sought after and respected speakers in media today. Former manager to Pink Floyd, The Clash, Ian Dury & Michael Franti (amongst others), currently manages Billy Bragg. He is at the forefront of the debates surrounding the digital use of music and is President Emeritus of the IMMF, a director of the UK MMF, and is on the advisory board of the FAC. His overriding interest is in securing artists’ rights and fair payment.

Jean-FranÇois JaPsersJaune Orange; BE)For almost ten years, JF Jaspers has been mana-ging bands based in Liege, Belgium. The DIY company Jaune Orange manages and promotes local bands, does booking in Belgium (for local and foreign acts), releases records, and also books international acts for regular club shows as well as for their summer festival (www.microfes-tival.be). This year, one band from their roster will perform at Waves Vienna: The Experimental Tropic Blues Band.

Zorana kliČkoviĆ(Menart; HR)Born in 1979 in Belgrade, has an MA degree in Film and TV Production. Joined the News Corporation and later worked as a project manager for Happy TV in Belgrade. In 2007, she joined Rokaj Fest as Managing Director. Has been working as the Project Manager of Menart (Croatia), an independent music company, for almost two years now and to-gether with two colleagues is responsible for the Menart BPM department (Booking, Promotion, Management).

graham Jones(Proper Music Distribution / “Last Shop Standing”; UK)Got his break in the music industry thanks to a colleague’s comical failed suicide attempt. Eventually found his vocation travel-ling around the country selling records, tapes, and CDs to independent record shops. Co-founder of Proper Music Distribution. Toured the UK to interview 50 record shops and do-cument their tales for the book “Last Shop Standing (Whatever Happened to Record Shops?)”.

login kochishk (aka Big Loginski / Taksirat; MK)Promoter, A&R manager, event / party organiser, label manager, booking agent, publisher. Born in Yugos-lavia, spent some time in FYROM and Macedonia. Working in the music fi eld for the last 20 years. Set up the record label and artist management agency Lithium Records. Founder and director of the biggest Macedonian music festival Taksirat, D festival, Pivolend, Green Beach, and Aqua Park Festival. Promoter and a former booker and production manager for the biggest regional festivals.

andraŽ kaJZer(Kapa Records; SI)Started his career as a mu-sic journalist for diff erent media (newspaper Delo, Radio Student, magazine Glasna, ...). Formerly the editor of Slovenian month-ly music magazine RSQ. He’s also the programme manager of Kapa Records, mostly working with up-and-coming bands and producers, an occasional concert promoter (Spe-cialka – cultural society), and works with several well-established Slovenian musicians (Siddharta, Severa Gjurin).

Paul kraker(ORF; AT)Paul Kraker was twelve years old, when his brother bought a Kiss single on special off er. Since then, he has held distorted guitars and angry grunting in high esteem, despite his degree in law and his main occup-ation as a news editor and news reader for ORF radio. For more than 13 years, he has been co-hosting “House Of Pain” on Radio FM4, a radio broadcast specialising in head-ban-ging rock, electronics, and metal. Also writes reviews for music magazines.

dom kardashian(Dreieck Records; AT)Started off as a student at the SAE Institute for audio-engineering. Founded the label Dreieck Records, with music ranging from techno to big bands. After pushing his artists to Austrian charts next to Pink and Snoop Lion, he gained the bachelor’s de-gree in audio-production, started studying business administration, and is cur-rently working on a project aimed at dusting off current music distribution platforms.

andreas Jantsch(Las Vegas Records; AT)Born in Linz, Austria in 1977. During his studies of law in Vienna he started to work as a DJ and concert promoter. He co-founded the indie record label Las Vegas Records (label, booking, promotion, publisher) in 2006 and is always looking for the best of the Austrian music scene, such as Dawa, Maur Due & Lichter, Kommando Elefant, Illute, or My Name is Music.

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tomአmikŠ(SOZA; SK)Trained as a lawyer, active as musician, composer, and Head of International Aff airs at SOZA – Slovak Performing and Mechanical Rights Society. Currently coordinates SOZA’s policy towards European legisla-tion on collective manage-ment and online licensing. He briefl y worked with the Czech collective manage-ment organisation OSA. Recently active in the fi eld of authors’ rights within international organizations CISAC and GESAC.

sandi maver(Kurzrockvibe; SI)First worked with the local fanzine DIKS, later the editor of The Scream Magazine, established himself as a co-editor of Rock Vibe magazine. Started to dabble in band management and PR. He currently works as a band manager and booker with acts such as Elvis Jackson, Tide, Lollobrigida, Kill Ken-ny, Werefox, etc. Booker of Lent Festival (Večerov oder) and Overjam Inter-national Reggae Festival, amongst others.

matJaŽ manČek(Kino Šiška; SI)Music editor, journalist, and DJ at Radio Student; head of experimental electronic music label rx:tx; organiser of various festivals and music series (rock, improv, electronica). Initiator of the Klubski Maraton project. From 2005 to 2009, ope-rated the Kataman cultural association, promoting international artists in Ljubljana and organising showcase presentations of Slovenian artists at international festivals. Mu-sic programme manager of Kino Šiška Center for urban culture since 2009.

susi ondrusova(Radio FM4; AT)Born in 1980 in Ostrava (Czech Republic), living in Vienna since 1990. Been going to live shows since 1998 (favorite spot: front or left side middle). In love with festivals. First writing attempts for Skug. Currently working as a music editor for Radio FM4. Thinks that inter-views are the best format and radio is the best medium. Most precious work tools: pen, earplugs, and headphones. When in a record store, always che-cking if they have Slint’s “Spiderland” in stock.

ulli mayer(Pink Noise; AT)Ulli Mayer is the organiser of the Girls Rock Camp and enjoys the work with music, pop culture, and feminism. As a curator, coordinator, and organiser, she has already worked at various festivals (Donau-festival, Ladyfest, Wlevate, Into the City / Wiener Fest-wochen, etc.). About Pink Noise: Pink Noise is a mu-sic mediator, multiplicator, platform, and networking tool for feminist, pop, and youth culture projects.

reha ÖZtunal(Nublu Music; TR)First worked for Istanbul promoters like Pozitif and IKSV. In 2005, started to work for NYC-based Nublu Records and represented their roster in Turkey and Europe. From 2008 to 2010, worked with the IKSV (Istanbul Culture and Art Foundation) to coordinate the music programme of the Turkish Cultural Season in France. In 2010, he star-ted his own management and booking company Artistic Ideas (Club Bang-kok, The Ringo Jets, etc.) Recently started the record label Tantana Records.

JosePh meerseman(Manager BRNS; BE)Works with the current, promising generations of Belgian musicians, guiding them through all stages of their craft and career. A childhood immersed in classical music and youth spent in the DIY hardcore punk scene, he acquired his knowledge of the industry through hands-on experience and dedication. His integrity and ability to spot talent in its rawest form have allowed him to become an integral part Belgium’s ever-expanding music scene.

Jules Parker(Polaroid Management; UK)Founded Polaroid Management in 2012. The company represents artists working with Universal, EMI, Island, Capitol, Mercu-ry, Spinnin’, PRMD, 3Beat, etc. – covering multiple genres from EDM to rock, pop, and folk. Previously at PRS for Music, respon-sible for artist relations, music export, signing new writers, and creating pro-motional opportunities for artists. Also a songwriter and musician, working with BMG, Fiction, Univer-sal, and Warner Bros.

roBert meiJerink(Eurosonic Noorder­slag; NL)Programme manager of Eurosonic Noorderslag. The event consists of a music conference and two festivals, Eurosonic and Noorderslag, and takes place in the city of Gro-ningen, the Netherlands. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the city of Groningen is dedicated to new European talents. The festival is supported by the European Broad-casting Union (EBU). Saturday is reserved for Dutch acts only.

matthias leihs(They Shoot Music – Don’t They; AT)Matthias Leihs was born in 1980 in Vienna. He works as a freelance software developer and IT consul-tant for various clients in the fi eld of science and commerce. He studied Computer Science and Comparative Literature and teaches at the University of Vienna. He is co-founder of They Shoot Music – Don‘t They and usually the one who takes care of audio recording, IT issues, and business communication

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Allan B Beaton is a social media "scientist", speaker and trainer from the UK. He has developed and managed innovative and successful social campaigns for large companies, public sector organisations and SMEs and is currently a UK Ambassador for HootSuite.

By putting the ‘social’ back into his client’s social media campaigns, Allan is able to dramatically increase their visibility and engagement in the social sphere. Allan’s innovative, focused approach has quickly made him one of the leading social media consultants in the UK.

How to Make Money in Social Media With Bands

Allan Blair BeatonSocial Media Scientist & UK Ambassador HootSuite

#WavesHootUpTweet using:



Contact Allan

Allan B Beaton is a social media "scientist", speaker and trainer from the UK. He has developed and managed innovative and successful social campaigns for large companies, public sector organisations and SMEs and is currently a UK Ambassador for HootSuite.

By putting the ‘social’ back into his client’s social media campaigns, Allan is able to dramatically increase their visibility and engagement in the social sphere. Allan’s innovative, focused approach has quickly made him one of the leading social media consultants in the UK.

How to Make Money in Social Media With Bands

Allan Blair BeatonSocial Media Scientist & UK Ambassador HootSuite

#WavesHootUpTweet using:



Contact Allan

Page 28: Waves Vienna 2013 Conference Folder

ritchie Pettauer(datenschmutz.net; AT)Started as a freelance print journalist for the Austrian pop culture magazine The Gap. Worked as freelance web designer at APA and founded the company pnc – pettauer.net consulting in 2002 (clients include the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, ATV (Austria Television), and Austria Tourism). He teaches new media theory at the University of Vienna and authors datenschmutz, a popular weblog on media, culture, and technology.

lars Potyka(VUT; DE)Lars Potyka has been working at the German Association of Indepen-dent Music Companies – VUT since 2009. As a senior manager, he was recently responsible for the establishment of the fi rst VUT Indie Days as the professional platform for recorded music at the Berlin Music Week. Due to his many years of working for and with the German independent music indust-ry, he has a comprehensive insight on their functions.


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ed Pearson(Mama & Company; UK)Main booker at London’s Hoxton Square Bar & Kit-chen for the past two years, joined Mama in March 2013 where he’s continued to build his national touring network, promoting bands such as Future Of The Left, Mute’s Big Deal, Ducktails as well as many up and coming artists. Promoting in other London venues: The Garage, The Borderline, The Barfl y, Birmingham’s Institute and Mama’s newest venue: Liverpool’s East Village Arts Club. Helps advise on The Great Escape line-up and programming.

edo Plovanic(Musika.hr; HR)Co-founded @muzikahr, the biggest music portal in the Adriatic region. Jour-nalist, critic, and director of the portal. Founded Bend media house and grouped Muzika.hr with Filmski.net and Booksa.hr. Worked in two multinational adverti-sing agencies: Unex media department; as a research and new media executive. Helped building digital marketing agency within the Omnicom group. IAB member, lecturer at the University of Zagreb and the College of Agora in Zagreb.

steFan Parnreiter-mathys(Cultural Manager; AT)Freelance journalist, NPO / cultural manager, and consultant. Intensive study of cultural policy and issues of corporate responsibility. Studies in political science and executive management. Former concert and festival organizer, venue co-manager and artist ma-nager. Recent publication: “16 Zwanzixtl +1 – 20 Jahre Open Air Ottensheim”. http://stefanparnreiterma-thys.wordpress.com

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maarten QuagheBeur(Rockoco / Glimps; BE)Founded the Belgian music management company Rockoco in 1998, which fo-cuses on the development of young Belgian bands towards a professional mu-sic career in Belgium and abroad (e.g. Das Pop, The Go Find, Mintzkov, Trixie Whitley, The Van Jets). He founded the Boomtown Festival and the Belgian showcase festival Glimps. President of the Belgian Music Managers Federation and involved in a lot of the policy making for music in Belgium.

rainer Praschak(mica – music Austria; AT)Started DJing in the early 90s and has worked as a promoter and manager at the Viennese label Klein Records for many years. He belongs to the leading representatives of Viennese electronic club music and has earned a remarkable reputation over the years, mainly as a DJ and presenter of his own club nights. In mica – music austria, he works as a project manager (EU projects / PR & Marketing) and is an expert in the digital music industry.

thomas rammerstorFer(Kulturverein Infoladen Wels; AT)Born in Wels, Upper Austria, apprenticeship as a book-seller. Founding member of the Infoladen Wels – a left-wing bookstore – in 1998. Since 2004, involvement in the Liga für emanzipato-rische Entwicklungszu-sammenarbeit (League for emancipatory development cooperation; www.leeza.at). Since 2005, author, editor, presenter, and lecturer on right-wing and fascist themes. Elected in 2012 as a board member of the Wels Initiative against Fascism.

Pascale rasinger(UrbanChatRoom; AT)Pascale Rasinger is the founder and driving force behind the UrbanChatRo-om Project. She actively leverages her company, the Turbo Pascale Agency, and her master studies at the Vienna University of Technology, to research the fi elds of new media, social networking, and urban communication strategy.

irena Povse(Buba Booking; SI)Manager and promoter at Buba Booking. Buba has been organising concerts since 1987, promotes mu-sical diversity and encou-rages the development of the Slovene music scene. Buba is part of the ŠKUC Association Music Division and started its activities as part of the Ljubljana Hard Core Kolektiv. After two years, it changed its name into HC Buba. In 1988, the Ljubljana Hard Core Kolektiv split up into Strip Core and HC Buba, since then Buba acts as an independent promoter.

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Peter smidt(Eurosonic Noorder­slag; NL)Concert and festival pro-moter for 20 years. Created events like EuroSonic Noorderslag, Eurosonic Noorderslag Conference, R&B Night. Responsible for the export policy and the European policy at Buma Cultuur, the BUMA funded organisation for promo-tion of Dutch music and repertoire in and outside of Holland. Works in close corporation with EMO, the European Music Office. Ini-tiator of the European Tour Support Plan (ETS) and European Talent Exchange Program (ETEP).

reinhold seyFriedsBerger(Ink Music; AT)Booking agent and promo-ter with a strong focus on Central and Eastern Euro-pe. Working with Vienna-based Ink Music since 2008. Ink Music books and promotes over 500 shows for over 50 artists every year. He booked shows in the Baltics, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, the Balkan and many more. Part of Waves Vienna’s booking team, curator of various concert series in Vienna, frequent tour manager, and show-case festival attendee.

PhiliPP schnyder(m4music; CH)Director and co-founder of m4music – Festival, Confe-rence & Demotape Clinic, the Swiss meeting point for indie music. It is run by the foundation Migros Cul-ture Percentage, for which Schnyder has developed a support programme for indie labels. He is co-founder and vice-president of Swiss Music Export, board member of the coll-ecting society SUISA, and teaching “Music Business” at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste.

muFF soPPer(Planet Music; AT)Founded Vereinigte Öster-reichische Musikförderer (VÖM), an association for Austrian music promoters, in 1986. Since 1989, ma-naging director of Planet Music & Media GesmbH, ran the venues Rock House and Planet Music, and took over the venues Bank Austria Hall Gasometer and the Szene in 2008. Works as a consultant of the Viennese Kulturplakat GmbH (Gewista) and is managing director of the Hungarian Eutopia Kft, which involves developing the cultural sector in Hungary and Slovakia.

Jeroen sieBens(Fritspecial; AT / BE)Jeroen Siebens works in Vienna as a manager for the band Gin Ga. Since 2003, he has been active as a booking agent for various Austrian and foreign bands (among others: Zita Swoon, Amsterdam Klezmer Band, Buscemi, Starflam, Vive La Fête, etc.). Before 2003, he used to work in Belgium as a concert and festival organiser and as a freelance broadcaster at the Flemish public radio station Radio 1.

lisa stadler(Der Standard; AT)Lisa Stadler has been part of the Austrian all girl DJ / VJ collective Etepetete for five years now. Together with the girls, she played at many clubs and festivals, personal highlights being a tour in Switzerland, gigs in Moscow and Barcelona, and at Frequency Festival and Urban Art Forms Festival. When she‘s not travelling with Etepetete, Lisa works as a social me-dia manager for Austria’s biggest online newspaper derStandard.at.

helen sildna(Tallinn Music Week / Musiccase; EE)Helen has been working as a music promoter and events producer based in Estonia for 13 years. In 2009, she set up Tallinn Music Week, a music industry conference and one of the biggest showcase festivals in the Baltic-Nordic region today. Helen is also a board member of Estonian Music Development Centre, the Estonian Culture Council, and a member of the Esto-nian President’s Advisory Board.

oľga smetanová(Music Centre Slovakia / IAMIC; SK)Since 1999, working as the Director of The Music Centre Slovakia – one of the main music institutions in Slovakia. Since 2007, she has been serving as the President of The Internati-onal Association of Music Information Centres. Has participated in different cooperative projects in the field of contemporary music at home and abroad. She initiated organizing ISCM World Music Days in Slovakia and Austria in November 2013.

ian smith (Frusion; UK/AT)CEO of Frusion Music International, a multi-genre agency working in booking, media, and artist management. Ian Smith has also been working as a musician, producer, pro-moter and arts consultant for many years – originally in the UK, now in multiple territories. He created Fru-sion in the year 2000, and is now working with over 150 artists worldwide with a main office in the UK and a secondary one in Vienna. Smith also created Frusion matrix in 2011, generating a new way of co-operation internationally.

miran rusJan(Moonlee Records; SI)Phonogram producer (Moonlee Records), mana-ger and booker, show pro-moter, musician (Analena), editor (Indie-Grad), and, above all, music enthusiast and fan. In 2004, he founded Moonlee Records, an independent record label that slowly became one of the crucial labels in the ex-Yu area (Repetitor, Damir Avdić, Bernays Pro-paganda, Vuneny, etc.). In 2013, he become an editor of Indie-Grad, an internet platform for independent Slovenian record labels.

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steFan trischler(aka Trishes / Radio FM4; AT)A music enthusiast who loves nothing more than to work with and around rhythmically and / or me-lodically structured sound waves. Joined Austria’s Radio FM4 right after gra-duating from high school. Since then, he’s been involved in many aspects of the music industry – as a radio personality, writer, producer, label-owner, DJ, club promoter, rapper, and head of Soundpark, FM4’s web platform for fresh Austrian music.

michael ternai(mica – music Austria; AT)Originally from Eisenstadt, moved to Vienna to study. Since 2006, working at mica – music austria as an editor and journalist. Prior to his work at mica – music austria, numerous jobs and internships in various editorial departments (City Magazine, Wiener Zeitung, Sport1.de in Hamburg, Radda & Dressler Verlag). Enthusiastic about almost any music offside the mainstream.

harald trautsch(ticketgarden.com; AT)Co-founder of ticket-garden.com and a serial entrepreneur in the field of online enterprise solutions. Master’s degree in Orga-nisational Development and a dual MBA from the Vienna University of Economics and Business and the University of Min-nesota. Received the US-A Biz Award in 2013 and the Austrian State Award for Multimedia and e-Business in 2009.


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sylvia margret steinitZ(Wienerin; AT)Editor in chief of Austria’s leading women’s magazine Wienerin and a frequent interview partner for all things regarding feminism. Started her journalist career in 1995 with Wienerin and worked her way through Austrian print media including Woman, News, and First. Also worked as contributing author for Profil and was head of the Freizeit team at kurier.at, before retur-ning to Wienerin as editor in chief in 2010.

huw stePhens(BBC; UK)DJ, broadcaster, writer, and promoter. Joined BBC Ra-dio 1 at 17. Has contributed to BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio 4, and 6Music broadcast on BBC Radio Wales and presents a weekly Podcast for BBC Radio 1. Director and programmer of the Swn Festival in Cardiff, which he founded in 2007. Curates the Lake Stage at Latitude Festival and compères the main stage at Reading Festival. Columnist for NME.

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andi voller(Recordbag; AT)Worked for Virgin Me-gastore for twelve years. First sales assistant in the rock / pop dept., later Head of Buyer Austria and Managing Director and Head of Marketing Austria. Working at the Austrian Independent distributor Hoanzl Vertriebs GmbH as a product and promotion manager since 2005 and responsible for acts like Franz Ferdinand, Oasis, Tri-cky, Scott Matthew, Tosca, Soap & Skin. In 2004, he founded the record store Recordbag together with his wife.

linus volkmann(Intro; DE)Works in Cologne as the deputy editor in chief for Intro, a German Music Magazine and pop cultural player with an eye on hypes, madness, and style. Volkmann published books like “Heimweh To Hell”, “Wie sehr muss man sich eigentlich noch verstellen, um endlich natürlich rüberzukommen?” or just recently “Kein Schlaf bis Langenselbold”. He also sings in the full playback band Bum Khun Cha Youth – which is heading for two-digit clicks on Youtube. Massive!

damien waselle(PIAS; BE)Started his own distribu-tion company Bang! with friends. A year later, Bang Records was launched with a first amazing signing: Deus! The company conti-nued to grow with bands like Girls In Hawaii, The Tel-lers, or Dez Mona. In 2008, the label merged with [PIAS]. Damien Waselle is now General Manager of [PIAS] Belgium and in charge of the development of the local repertoire.

Jérome van win(SABAM; BE)Bachelor degree in marke-ting and a Master’s degreer in business and financial sciences. Communication and marketing manager at SABAM for two years. Started his career at SA-BAM (Belgian Society of Authors) as an external auditor. After five years, he became the manager of SABAM’s external control department (audits, field controls, anti-piracy) for seven years. Later, manager of the licensing department and coordina-ted the licences granted by SABAM in all disciplines.

vladimir vodalov(Exit Festival; RS)Executive Manager of AAA Production d.o.o., the event, booking, and promotion company in charge of Exit Festival’s programme and produc-tion. Part of the Exit team since its beginning in 2000. Member of the Exit programme production team and assistant to the programme production manager since 2005, responsible for legal as-pects, budget, and artists contracts in the booking department.

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guna Zucika(Prata Vetra Management; LV)Became International Exploitation Manager for Microphone Records / EMI licensee in 1999. Part of the team behind the breakt-hrough of Latvian band Pra-ta Vetra in 2000. In 2004, the band decided to release forthcoming albums on their own label and she went to work with Prata Vetra Records and Management. In 2007, chosen as a fi nalist for the British Council Young Music Entrepreneur of The Year Award. Also lecturer of Music Industry at the Albert College and Academy of Culture in Latvia.

mirko whitField(SXSW; US)European and International Development representati-ve for South By Southwest Film, Interactive and Music Festivals (SXSW). Between 1994 and 2001, he worked for the Reed MIDEM Organisation (RMO). Res-ponsible for co-organising RMO’s portfolio of inter-national music, television, and interactive trade events held in Cannes, Hong Kong, Miami, Singapore, and Vancouver. Prior to 1994, he lived in Berlin and worked with artists such as Paul van Dyk, PJ Harvey, and Ul-travox (A&R, management and touring).

klaus werner-loBo(Kultursprecher der Grünen Wien; AT)Author, member of the Provincial Parliament, member of the Vienna City Council, Spokesman for Culture and Human Rights of the Green Party Vienna. Was press spokesman of the Austrian Institute for Applied Ecology and worked as a freelance journalist for newspapers and magazines. The magazine Spiegel Online names him (together with Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Michael Moore and Jean Ziegler) as one of the stars of the alternative globalisation.

carlo wittek(Deezer; DE)While studying at John Moores University Liver-pool (BA Popular Music), he founded a small vinyl label before heading back to Germany to complete a Master’s degree in Music and Media at the Univer-sity of Music, Theatre, and Media, Hannover. Worked at City Slang Records / Co-operative Music in Berlin before joining the French streaming service Deezer as Editorial Assistant Ger-many / Austria. Currently Editorial Manager GSA at Deezer.

luka ZagoriČnik(SIGIC / Radio Student; SI)Has been writing about music, organising concerts and sound events, giving and organising lectures, preparing radio shows, moderating TV shows, working as a journalist for over ten years. Currently editor of the internet based music magazine Odzven. Has been running the small independent la-bel for experimental music L’Innomable since 2005 . Since 2012, co-curator of the festival Sonica organi-sed by MoTA – Museum of Transitory Art.

thomas ZsiFkovits(Nova Music; AT)Working as a concert promoter for 18 years. First an independent promoter, he booked club shows and started his own festival. Mind Over Matter showcased all styles of heavy guitar music. In 2001, he was invited by Ewald Tatar to join Wiesen Festivals where he worked as a booker until 2004. Co-founder and co-owner of Nova Music Entertainment. The company’s signature event Nova Rock Festival was held the 8th time this year.

Paul-henri wauters(Botanique; BE)Studied musicology, philosophy, and anthro-pology at University of Louvain-Belgium. Artistic director at Botanique Brussels, concert complex with several venues (Orangerie, Rotonde, etc.) organising about 250 shows throughout the year (650 diff erent bands). This also includes the festival Les Nuits Botanique in May. Co-president of De Concert!, an international federation of 27 festivals.

sascha weiss(aka Megablast / Luv Lite Recordings; AT)Passionate music lover and producer / DJ. Won his fi rst DJ contest at the age of 16. Following his own spiritual path and vision of “good music” and tired of the business and artist egos, he decided to found Luv Lite Recordings. He released Makossa & Megablast’s 2nd studio album in 2011. Luv Lite Recordings represents Megablast’s own vision of a family home base.

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