we hear the ‘swan song’ of capitalism, let’s get ready to sing the ‘song of victory’

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  • 8/10/2019 We Hear the Swan Song of Capitalism, Lets Get Ready to Sing the Song of Victory


    We hear the swan song of capitalism, lets get

    ready to sing the song of victoryFRIDAY, 14 NOVEMBER 2014

    Capitalist rulers have disardedall !patri"ti# $ar%s a&d have started da&i&$ i& the &ude'Mr' Mahi&da Ra(apa)sa is atte*pti&$ t" "&test +"r a thirdter* i& star) &a)ed&ess' e has &" l"thes "+ patri"tis* "r

    de*"ra- a&d the C"&stituti"& "r the la.s "+ the "u&tr- are &"t releva&t t" hi*' Alli&stituti"&s have %ee& *ade su%*issive t" $et the verdit he .a&ts' /hat are %ei&$displa-ed are &"t vit"ries "+ apitalis* %ut its risis' /hat .e hear is the !s.a& s"&$#"+ apitalis*' et#s $et read- t" si&$ the !s"&$ "+ vit"r-,# said the e&eral eretar- "+

    the 3V 5ilvi& ilva addressi&$ the 26th C"**e*"rati"& "+ !N"ve*%er er"es# heldat Vihara*ahadevi ar) -esterda- 718th9'Ma)i&$ the "**e*"rative speeh Mr' 5ilvi& ilva said, :/e are $athered at the "pe&air theatre "+ Vihar*ahadevi ar) t"da- t" +ul+ill "&e "+ "ur lass resp"&si%ilities' /eare here t" "**e*"rate "ur %el"ved "*rades i&ludi&$ C"*rade R"ha&a/i(e.eera a&d C"*rade ;patissa a*a&a-a)a .h" .ere .rested +r"* us 26 -earsa$"' A da- li)e t"da- i& 1

  • 8/10/2019 We Hear the Swan Song of Capitalism, Lets Get Ready to Sing the Song of Victory


    a&d the C are i& risis' /e i&vite *e*%ers "+ the a&d the C .h" d" &"t$" %ehi&d Ra(apa)sas %ut have +aith i& "ialis* t" rall- .ith the 3V t" ahieve"ialis* i& this "u&tr-'

    Capitalist rulers have disarded all !patri"ti# $ar%s a&d have started da&i&$ i& the&ude' Mr' Mahi&da Ra(apa)sa is atte*pti&$ t" "&test +"r a third ter* i& star)&a)ed&ess' e has &" l"thes "+ patri"tis*"r de*"ra- a&d the C"&stituti"& "r thela.s "+ the "u&tr- are &"t releva&t t" hi*' All i&stituti"&s have %ee& *ade su%*issivet" $et the verdit he .a&ts' /hat are %ei&$ displa-ed are &"t vit"ries "+ apitalis*%ut its risis' /hat .e hear is the !s.a& s"&$# "+ apitalis*' et#s $et read- t" si&$ the!s"&$ "+ vit"r-#'

    /e, "+ the 3V *arh +"r.ard "& the path sh".& t" us %- N"ve*%er er"es$atheri&$ "ialist +"res' 5"da- the risis i& apitalis* is s" aute that .he& a@uesti"& is se&t t" the (udiiar- the a&s.er that is e>peted t"" is .ritte& "& the "therside' /e are &"t surprised %- this' I+ the ruli&$ lass itsel+ destr"-s the (udiiar-, theplae a&-"&e has t" $" see)i&$ (ustie, .hat a& .e d" As "&e "+ "ur "*rades

    as)ed :Rulers, i+ -"u %rea) -"u ".& rules, .hat a& .e d" .e a&&"t d" a&-thi&$ i+Ra(apa)sas the*selves de+ile the di$&it- "+ the (udiiar-'

    C"*rade R"ha&a /i(e.eera, .h" .as ta)e& a.a- +r"* us 26 -ears a$", has tau$htus $""d less"&s re$ardi&$ the (udiiar- "+ apitalist s-ste*' I& his .ritte& su%*issi"&st" the Cri*i&al 3ustie C"**issi"& a+ter the 1pet

    (ustie +r"* la.' 5he ."r)i&$ *asses, stude&ts, +ar*ers "r ."*e& a&&"t e>pet a&-

  • 8/10/2019 We Hear the Swan Song of Capitalism, Lets Get Ready to Sing the Song of Victory


    (ustie +r"* this s-ste*' N". the reside&t has %e"*e i&sa&e .ith p".er' ed"es&t are +"r the la.' Duri&$ the past -ears .e have see& rulers li)e the prese&t"&e .h" have atte*pted t" at ille$all-' A&"ther rule +"ll".i&$ the sa*e p"liiesa&&"t $ive (ustie t" the pe"ple' e a&&"t s"lve issues "+ the pe"ple'

    N"., there is tal) t" de+eat Mahi&da' It is the $a*e the- have pla-ed +"r -ears'C"*rade R"ha&a /i(e.eera said pe"ple sared "+ the devil (u*p t" the sea a&d the&a+raid the- ."uld %e dr".&ed "*e %a) t" the devil' 5his .as .hat had %ee& d"&ethr"u$h"ut these -ears' I& this risis a&-%"d- .h" %rea)s i& ."uld %e"*e aditat"r' 5he- have t" .ear 3R#s l"thes' A&-"&e "*es a+ter Mahi&da t"" ."uld .earthe sa*e l"thes' e"ple#s real vit"r- "uld %e ahieved &"t %- ha&$i&$ i&dividuals'It "uld %e d"&e "&l- %- hasi&$ a.a- %"th this u&(usti+ia%le s-ste* a&d th"se .h"de+e&d suh a s-ste* a&d reati&$ a &e. s"ial s-ste*' 5he 3V is prepared t" $iveleadership +"r suh a tas)'

  • 8/10/2019 We Hear the Swan Song of Capitalism, Lets Get Ready to Sing the Song of Victory


  • 8/10/2019 We Hear the Swan Song of Capitalism, Lets Get Ready to Sing the Song of Victory
