we magazine | july 2013 issue


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Our health & wellness issue featuring our chief healthinista Tosh Patterson!



Tosh Patterson

Be, Eat, and Live Well Coach


Sandra Salathe

WE Magazine’s Fashion Contributor

Tanya Angelique

Owner of RelationScripts


Chiezda Washington

Life Coach & Author


Kara Frison

WE Magazine Contributing Writer

Shannon Henderson

WE Magazine Contributing Writer

ShaChena Gibbs

Owner of Real Sisters Rising


Michelle Hill-Smith

Graphic Designer, Branding Specialist & Business

Launch and Virtual Productivity Coach



message from the founder

down to business

my health is my wealth

the startup checkup

transform me

a male’s perspective on health

event recap: “beyond elegant”

basic tips for SH-E-Os

savory recipes for the soul

author spotlight

entrepreneur spotlight

fake it til’ you make it

cover feature: tosh patterson

spiritual corner

Michelle Hill-Smith

Graphic Designer, Branding Specialist & Business

Launch and Virtual Productivity Coach



This issue is all about incorporating

healthy aspects in order to achieve

a healthier lifestyle.

By choosing to eat healthier,

exercise more, and keeping your

spirit free of negativity help to

make a better you.

We hope that you enjoy this issue

and learn a lot of about health

and wellness.

With that being said flip the page

you won’t be disappointed! As


Happy Reading!

4 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

5 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

DOWN TO BUSINESS with Michelle Hill-Smith

Inside of your virtual gut lies an enormous amount of courage. You naturally

possess enough courage to become a force to be reckon with. However, the

problem with us as human beings is that we don’t exercise the outer forces that

were put on earth in order to allow ourselves to be our best selves.

Taking on your health can and will guarantee an immense amount of will, strength,

drive and desire to push forward to achieve your goals. You’ll naturally activate not

only your physical ability but also your spiritual and emotional ability as well.

Getting strong on the inside consist of healthy eating, eliminating junky foods and

poisonous habits. It consists of dedicating at least 2 hours of your day to physical

wellness with exercise and strength building. I can almost guarantee that you will

begin restoring your body’s fighting mechanisms that will in turn flush the toxins from

your system. With a cleaner inside, your outside will function properly, clearing up

your mind to activate it’s worth.

The best start to any day is the right type of food

that’s going to serve as effective, nourishing fuel.

The right ideas and actions will suffer due to the

lack of nutrition in your body.

The right foods is

key if you want to

slim down, add

muscle, and

succeed at work

and in business.

Avoid skipping

meals to help

your brain think

more clearly

and to allow

yourself to

make better


7 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

Chiezda Washington, Your Health Ambassador

Are you truly feeling good all over? Can you firmly plant your feet on the floor each

day without any pain, discomfort or fatigue?

If you can, you’re truly blessed. There are millions of people throughout the world who suffer

with chronic pain. Some illnesses are physically visible to the naked eye, but others are internal

and can’t be seen. What if I asked you what illnesses do you have? Would you know what's

ailing you? Do you wonder what your life would look like if you could have optimal health and

limitless wealth? Would you find yourself giving more, doing more and being more?

Your life’s desires were delivered to your heart because it's the safest place

for them to be. To bring them to manifestation, one must roll up their

sleeves and get to work. Ever feel too tired to simply get through the

day? I’ve been there before; raising two beautiful teenaged daughters

as a single mother hasn’t always been a walk in the park.

I’ve seen many sleepless nights, worked two jobs at one time and

even the graveyard shift so that I could spend more time with them

after their days concluded at school.

Making yourself and your health a priority in your household will

be one of the best gifts you could ever give yourself. When you show

others that you are willing to take time to rest, renew and rejuvenate

your mind, body and spirit, it gives them permission to do the same.

Sometimes you may take on too many tasks and can’t dedicate as

much time to them as you had originally planned. However, when you

are healthy, you can create positive changes in your life that will

motivate you to create the lifestyle you once only dreamed of living.

Don’t take good health for granted. It isn’t something that’s promised.

You may be healthy today, but your health could slip away from you in

the night.

Create a regimen that works for your life that includes walking

or other exercises at your desired level of intensity, eating nutritional meals,

supplementing vitamins and minerals as needed, and taking time to just be


9 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

In business, there’s a thing called a life cycle. The life cycle channels your business from

conception to exit—almost in the same pattern as the human life cycle. And just like the

human life cycle, your business can expect amazing accomplishments, tricky adventures and

unplanned difficulty. The key to surviving in life and business is to know how to navigate through

each phase and endure as few bumps and bruises as possible.

Your business’s health depends on your ability to perform highly in multiple areas: leadership,

strategy, financial management and quality of service. These core subjects serve as the internal

organs of your business. Therefore, you need to have a check-up on them every six months.

After all, not taking the necessary steps to perform a start-up check-up could be bad for your

business’s health. Here is how you can perform your business’s start-up check-up to make sure

your business is operating at its best:

By Shannon Baylor-Henderson

10 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

Strengthen the way you contribute to and run your

organization. Effective leadership is knowing what it

takes to propel your business to meet its vision and

mission. This means leading with your strengths,

evaluating your weaknesses and filling in the gaps. It’s

important for leaders to understand this: without an

organization deeply rooted in its vision and mission, or a team who believes in what the leader

stands for, there won’t be anything to lead. Therefore, consistently check yourself. Make sure

that you’re a valuable player on the team as much as you are the coach for it.

Plan. Execute. Evaluate. Plan again: This cycle is called

strategy. Without a strategy, your business's long-term

health is in jeopardy. Taking the time to create a

strategy means that you understand the multilevel

approach to your business's success. A well-planned

strategy outlines S.M.A.R.T (specific, measurable,

attainable, realistic and timely) goals, assigns team members to tasks, forecasts revenue and

monitors workflow. Good business health is about making smart decisions on how to grow and

maintain your business. Having a strategy is a smart decision.

Financial health leads to financial wealth: Ask yourself

these questions at least four times per week: How much

money does my business have? How much money

does my business owe? What are my projections for the

next month, quarter and year? What am I doing to

increase my revenue and strategically decrease my

overhead? Good financial health is about knowing here your business stands financially at all

times and managing the way your money works for you.

Are you good at what you do? How do you know for

sure? Before you toot your own horn, check your service

quality rating. The long-term health of your business

greatly depends on how much your customer’s value

your service. How will you know if your customers value

you? Ask them! Perform routine service evaluations and

ask questions with real weight such as: Did we resolve a problem for you? Has your situation

improved since you started using our service? Did our services justify the cost? Would you use us

again or recommend us to others? Building your credibility thorough direct feedback and

testimonials stabilizes and improves your business’s health. Performing routine start-up check-ups

will help your business stay healthy for a very long time. It cures most difficult situations and it

prevents most business-life threatening issues. Make sure your business always has a clean bill of


See for yourself! Get Kissed Today...visit us at:


13 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

The concept of transformation is often

desired but few know how to bring

about a lifelong shift. We often realize

the need to overhaul our lives, but lack

the knowledge of where to begin.

If you are like me, you can identify several

areas that you can think of areas in the past

you've wanted to alter but quickly failed

because you did not understand how to

make a true change. This leads to frustration

and causes you to throw in the towel. For

me, it was not until I learned how to select

the most detrimental areas first, understand

how I got there, then develop a plan of

action to make life-lasting transformations.

The concept of transformation is often

desired but few know how to bring about a

lifelong shift. We often realize the need to

overhaul our lives, but lack the knowledge of

where to begin. If you are like me, you can

identify several areas that you can think of

areas in the past you've wanted to alter but

quickly failed because you did not

understand how to make a true change.

This leads to frustration and causes you to

throw in the towel. For me, it was not until I

learned how to select the most detrimental

areas first, understand how I got there, then

develop a plan of action to make life-lasting


By Tanya Angelique

When you consider your life (business, finances, health, family etc.), do you feel trapped in a

circumstance that is undesirable? Maybe it's your weight, a dead-end job, unhealthy

relationship, or credit card debt- all these areas hinder your joy and stifle your purpose. Being

trapped is defined as being caught or held in a position from which it is impossible to move; the

inability to find a solution or feasible way out of a situation. If you have ever felt stifled or

experienced an inner restlessness here are a few steps are for you.

Peel back the layers

In order to truly move forward we must first understand why we are stuck in the first place. Many

dieters for example attempt to lose weight and shed those initial pounds only to regain them.

Why is that? Could it be that the diet plan was flawed? Not necessarily. Without understanding

what drives one to eat compulsively the habit of unhealthy eating is not resolved. So to

effectively shift your life, you must be honest about why the current reality exists.

Determine what you really want

Write out what you really want

and how your life will be

impacted. By being clear about

what you desire, you are charting

your course of action. You must

then strive to adapt skills to help

you stay the course.

When you are on top of life, you

can chart your course. You can

make things happen and you can

have your dreams come true.

When life is on top of you, you

have no power. You lose both

your confidence and your energy.

When you are in this state, it is very

difficult to make anything happen.

Any area of your life that isn't

working is an area where you

have lost your power.

So take your power back today by

intending what you desire to see

in your reality.

14 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

Visualize and believe

These two go hand in hand. Shifting your

mental energy to only dwell upon what

you desire recreates your reality. When

you learn to envision yourself as already

having it your faith grows.

Picture what you desire and shift all of your

feelings towards it. A lack of belief will

propel you backwards or cause you to

stay stuck.

Another tip is to silence the negative

chatter. Self-doubt is self-sabotage. It

prevents us from giving ourselves

permission to be great and leaves us

standing on the perimeter of our own

greatest possibility.

The negative chatter is often a soft-spoken seemingly intelligent voice consistently reminding us

that what we want is not possible. It’s the subtle “see, I told you so” comments whispered into

our ears that take root in our psyche, inevitably leading us to question who we really are.

Shake the doubt and release the possibilities.


You must do something different to yield new results; we have all heard that before. When you

do not act in accordance with what you said it implies you really don't expect to receive it.

Remember, it’s not what happens that will always determine the outcome; it’s what you decide

to do about it. The shifts of life are designed to make us grow. The greater the shift, the more

strength and endurance you develop.

Just as a bodybuilder knows that in order to transform a muscle you must take on weight against

great forces which stretches their limits forcing them to grow. This is the essence of


To learn more about Life and Business Coach Tanya Angelique visit www.relationscriptsinc.com

15 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

Meetups are currently based

out of SW Atlanta.

18 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

WE know you all are wondering why there is a man in this issue of Women’s

Elevation Magazine, but we have good reason!

WE Magazine sat down to chat with Chef and Owner of Aiden’s Cuisine on some tips to

help ladies stay active and eat healthy. With years of experience and expertise

in the culinary arts he tells us about his love for food, exercise, and of course

keeping it personal.

WE Magazine: Aiden, before you tell my readers

about your background I wanted to share with the

readers the reason why we chose you for this issue is

because we wanted to get a male perspective on

healthy living as it relates to healthy eating.

WE Magazine has used you in a past event in which

you were wonderful, and we know firsthand that you

know a lot about food and catering to your clients.

A. Baptiste-Boissiere: Well thank you. Well I am an

Accountant turned Chef from New Orleans and my goals

is to please people. With my food, I believe that I have done just that. As an accountant/auditor I

was good, but as a chef I am better. Since attending Le Cordon Bleu I’ve realized that it truly

allowed me to create my own thing, show people what I can do, and hopefully please their pallet.

WE Magazine: As a chef how do you help your clients stay healthy?

A. Baptiste-Boissiere: For starters, I shop around for the freshest ingredients I can find, but at the right

cost. I believe in working with local farmers in the area to get what I need and develop a rapport.

That also lets me know that the food is organic and there are no pesticides. I also cook with Olive

Oil which is much healthier than vegetable oil. I typically start all meals with this particular

ingredient. And lastly, I believe that when serving it’s all about the right portion on a plate. You

don’t want to overdo.

WE Magazine: Beyond food what do you think women can add to their daily/weekly routine to stay

healthy? A lot of the business owners that you meet on an everyday basis are running around and

don’t have time for full meal, therefore they snack a lot. What can they do to stay healthy?

A. Baptiste-Boissiere: "Fitness" is so important. Having a daily workout routine is so important. I know

we are all busy, but working out cuts down on stress which cuts out eating the wrong foods. It also

increases your energy level which makes you eat healthier. All it takes it 30-45 minutes for at least 3-

4 days a week. For me I love to do cardio and a rigorous muscle routine. I find that once I leave the

gym I don’t want to eat anything that isn’t healthy. I believe that after a while your body just wants

things that are healthy. Some of the things that you might crave are grilled shrimp or something

that is pan seared.

WE Magazine: Now you are making me hungry! (laughs)

A. Baptiste-Boissiere: Yes the best dish is a pan-seared shrimp on top of a green salad with a light

vinaigrette. That’s perfect. We have to get away from the creamy dressing.

WE Magazine: Being healthy is not just about eating right what are other ways that you can stay

internally healthy?

A. Baptiste-Boissiere: A positive attitude does wonders for the body. You will be amazed when

you think positively about your life. Your energy changes for the better and you feel good about

yourself, which makes your eating habits better. Take time out for you, whatever inspires you to

be happy "Do It".

WE Magazine: What are some super foods that women can add to their regiment?

A. Baptiste-Boissiere: Ok so I have created a list of the top 10 Superfood's that I believe people

should incorporate into their life:

1) Almonds for daily snacking.

2) Avocado contributes 20 vitamins, minerals and

nutrients to your diet. Although high in calories be

mindful of the portions.

3) Blueberries can help maintain a healthy heart, you

add a little strawberries and take them to work with

you they are perfect.

4) Broccoli supports a healthy cardiovascular system its

rich in vitamins C and K. It also helps maintain a

healthy immune system.

5) Cantaloupe is a great source for Potassium.

6) Carrots give the body a healthy dose of nutrition.

7) Ground flaxseed help build cell membranes in the

brain. You can find this in buttery spreads, cooking

oils, peanut butters and mayo. You can find it at

Trader Joes or Whole Foods if you want just the


8) Oatmeal maintains cholesterol levels which in turn

help support a healthy heart and cardiovascular


9) Brown Rice, I know many do not like the texture of it however, it works to maintain cholesterol

and blood pressure levels already within normal limits.

10) Salmon one of the best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, I recommend wild salmon over

farmed and they typically have fewer contaminants. Eat at least 2 servings a week on top of

a salad or with broccoli.

WE Magazine: What is your favorite meal to cook for yourself and for your clients?

A. Baptiste-Boissiere: For myself I love cooking gumbo, and I say gumbo because the taste is ever

-changing it goes with your mood. That is one dish that I will serve to anyone to win them over as

a client as well. For my clients I like to cook swordfish, a pan-seared swordfish.

WE Magazine: I have never tried swordfish!

A. Baptiste-Boissiere: You will love it’s like a Tuna, its light it

taste and texture, and it does not dry out.

WE Magazine: I love fish so we are going to have to try that

the only fish I don’t like is Mahi Mahi. So what is your favorite

way to stay active? We can see the photos and see you at

events and you look great! What is your secret?

A. Baptiste-Boissiere: It goes back to eating healthy, and

having the correct portions. I love spinach and have a fish

after coming from the gym. That’s really all you need.

WE Magazine: What is your favorite way to relief stress?

A. Baptiste-Boissiere: I love to walk. Walking is the best thing for me. Walking gives me a chance

to think. It gives me a chance to see what is going on around the city. I really like to get out walk

because it takes me out of my routine. Because sometimes you miss a lot by driving every way so

it’s good to take that breather and walk.

WE Magazine: With your brand your signature saying is "It's Personal" if someone were to make

you their personal chef advisor what can they expect?

A. Baptiste-Boissiere: Personal Service all day Long. You not only get the quality food at a great

cost but you a get personalized meal plan to your specific needs.

WE Magazine: I know that you have classes coming in the fall tells a little bit about that.

A. Baptiste-Boissiere: I just teamed up with the Warford

Foundation. They found me on the Olivia Fox show, and

they asked me to cater for the foundation. Through that

conversation it led to talking about the classes that I

teach out of my home. So Parthenia Warford the CEO of

the foundation explained to me that she had many

women that would love to learn how to cook 30 minute

healthy meals for their children. She asked me to join the

board and become the culinary teacher, and instruct

classes to these women out of PG Community College.

Which I though was excellent! It’s going to be two classes a

week starting in the fall. It is open to others, and anyone

that would like to join can just reach me.

WE Magazine: That is a wonderful partnership! Ok my last

question before I let you go tell us about Cooking with Aiden. You are going to have a show


A. Baptiste-Boissiere: Yes, it will start in August and it will be on Sundays at 7 pm EST and its running

for six month’s straight on Listen Vision Live www.listenvisionlive.com. You will be to see us and

hear us.

WE Magazine: Awesome thanks so much Aiden for being a part of this issue.

For more information on Aiden and Aiden’s Cuisine check out www.aidenscusine.com.

20 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

WE Magazine was in attendance for the Beyond Elegant Events Launch

Extravaganza and Fashion Show on June 1, 2013 in Arlington, VA.

The event, hosted by Bonita Parker of Elegant Expose' and Kimberly Williams of Above and

Beyond Imagination, celebrated the official launch of Beyond Elegant Events. WE Magazine

spoke with Bonita Parker on the reason behind the event and what to expect

from them in the future.

Women’s Elevation Magazine: How did Beyond Elegant Events get started?

Beyond Elegant: The purpose of the event was to highlight the official merger of our event plan-

ning companies, Elegant Expose' (based in Washington, DC) and Above and Beyond Imagina-

tion (based near Miami, FL). We joined forces, comingling our individual expertise to feature

new and exciting trends within the industry and will be doing business as Beyond Elegant Events.

Women’s Elevation Magazine: Who did the event feature?

Beyond Elegant: As our area of expertise leans more towards the corporate side of planning,

our event primarily featured a variety of small business owners and entrepreneurs who could

largely benefit from the services we provide. Our event was hosted by Tawawn Lowe of

Tawawn Lowe Coaching and founder of Women Walking in their Own Shoes (WWITOS). Some

of our other notable sponsors included Critique Boutique, Dove Magazine, Women's Elevation

Magazine, Beautiful Faces by K , and a host of contributors and volunteers.

23 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

24 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

WE Magazine: What can we expect from you guys in

the future?

Beyond Elegant: WOW! We have so many exciting

things lined up right now that we are implementing

jointly, as well as individually. The one thing that I

can say is that Beyond Elegant Events will definitely

be a name to remember and look out for in the

coming months.

We are available for booking and are working on

filling our 2014 calendar. So if you have a

corporate launch or conference, wedding or

other social event coming up - we are your go-to

planners and will gladly make your event the

success you want it to be!

This multifaceted event included opportunities to

network with other business owners, as well as a

fashion show featuring styles from Toni Foster’s

Critique Boutique. While there, WE Magazine was

able to talk to and network . “I’m here because I

was really excited about black businesses coming

together and the merger of these two companies,”

said Renada Hemsley of Love by Design, a fea-

tured vendor at the launch extravaganza. “I think to

be in two different locations and still be able to

merge together, that’s inspiring. So I wanted to

come and celebrate and share my business as well.”

WE Magazine looks forward to covering more events

hosted by Beyond Elegant Events.

Photo Credits: Paparazzi OS Photography

25 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

Presented by Women's Elevation Magazine and

hosted by owner DeLisha Sylvester, the WE Rock

Awards will not only celebrate women entrepre-

neurs, but it will also honor and award them for their

dedication, hard work and the differences that they

are making through their businesses for individuals

and their communities alike.

WE Rock Awards is allowing YOU as their peers,

business partners, customers and clients to be their

voice and nominate them for a chance to be

acknowledged and/or win one of the titles from our

plethora of categories.























WE Magazine can help you find your way!


Join the Conversation Today!

By ShaChena Gibbs

Many entrepreneurs want to live healthier but think that their busy lifestyle does not allow

the time to practice a better way of eating, drinking, exercising, etc.

For the last few years I've worked from home, and through that time I was not physically active. This caused me to

gain weight due to an increase in snacking. After grabbing a quick snack, I'd go back to my computer and begin

working. Snacking and sitting became my worst enemy; in my mind, I had no time to sit, eat, and enjoy a full meal.

I would cook for the family and hurry back to work for a conference call or a business project that needed my atten-

tion. I knew I needed to change. Although it took work, I managed to improve my diet and abandon my sedentary


How I Adjusted My Unhealthy Lifestyle

I began buying healthier snacks like raisins, nuts, smoothies, and fruits. My favorite became the Naked Smoothies.

I came across a great workout routine on YouTube that worked for me; one that didn't consist of alot of jumping

around, and wasn’t time consuming. Next, I started working out to Leslie Sansone’s Walk from Home, which

includes a minimum of a 1 mile/15 minute walk or a 2 mile/30 minute walk. You can choose up to a 5 mile walk,

which is what I usually did in the evening. The best thing about a simple walking routine is that it can help your

heart and increase your energy.

Changing Your Mindset

Healthy living also requires a change in your attitude. Negative attitudes can cause stress and ultimately lead to

other health issues. Having negative energy around you can also decrease your will to succeed in your life and/or

business. If you have any negative energy in your environment, do what is needed to remove it.

These are a few basic ways to start living a healthier lifestyle while building your empire. Living a healthier lifestyle

does not mean you have to change your schedule or set aside a lot of time. It starts with a few small changes in

your daily routine. Have patience with yourself, as it takes practice for the change to take full effect. She-E-Os, you

can do it! Our motto for business is “NO Excuses”. Let that be true for your health as well.

Website: www.thebusinessshero.com | Network: www.realsistersrising.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/shachenagibbs | Twitter: www.twitter.com/realsisterising

29 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine


2 lbs Mahi Mahi or Spanish Mackerel

cut into slices that are 3 inches thick

1 tomato

1 onion

1 medium bunch of parsley

1 green pepper

¼ cup coconut milk

2 tablespoons palm oil

salt and pepper to taste


Rinse out the fish under cold water to

clean it out .

Layer the slices of fish in a big cooking


Chop the onion, parsley, and ½ of the

tomato into small cubes and spread it

over the fish.

Drizzle the coconut milk and the palm

oil over the fish and season with salt

and pepper.

Cut the rest of the tomato into thin

slices and add as the last layer of the


Cover the pot and cook over medium

heat for 20-30 minutes. Don’t overcook

otherwise the fish will start falling

apart. You want the fish slices to stay

firm when you serve.

This dish is best served warm with rice.


4 (6-8oz) chicken breasts, boneless

skinless, tenderloins removed and


1 cup flour

Salt and pepper

1/4 cup vegetable oil

2 1/2 oz pancetta, cut into pieces 1 inch

long and 1/8 inch wide

8 oz white mushrooms, trimmed and

sliced thin

1 garlic clove, minced

1 teas tomato paste

1 1/2 cups sweet Marsala wine

4 1/2 teas lemon juice

4 tbs unsalted butter, cut into 4 pieces

and chilled


Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 200 degrees. Halve chicken horizontally, then cover chicken

halves with plastic wrap and pound to an even 1/4 inch thickness with meat pounder. Place flour in a shallow dish

or pie plate.

Pat chicken dry with paper towels and season with salt and pepper. Working with 1 cutlet at a time, dredge in four

mixture, shaking off excess, and transfer to large plate.

Heat 2 tbs oil in a 12 inch skillet over medium-high heat until shimmering. Place 4 cutlets in skillet and cook until

golden brown on first side, about 3 minutes. Flip cutlets, reduce heat to medium, and cook until no longer pink and

lightly browned on second side, about 2 minutes longer; transfer to large oven safe plate. Wipe out skillet. Repeat

with remaining 2 tbs oil and remaining cutlets. Tent loosely with aluminum foil and transfer to oven to keep warm

while making sauce.

Cook pancetta in now-empty skillet over low heat, stirring occasionally and scraping up any browned bits, until

crisp, about 5 minutes. remove pancetta with slotted spoon and transfer to paper towel lined plate. Add mushrooms

to skillet, increase heat to medium-high and cook stirring occasionally, until softened and lightly browned, about 8

minutes. Stir in garlic and tomato paste, and crisp pancetta and cook until tomato paste begins to brown, about 1

minute. Off heat stir in Marsala, scraping any browned bits. Return to high heat, bring to a vigorous simmer, and

cook stirring occasionally, until sauce is thickened and measures 1 1/4 cups, about 5 minutes. Off heat, stir in lemon

juice and any accumulated chicken juices. Whisk in butter, 1 piece at a time. Stir in parsley and season with salt and

pepper to taste. Pour sauce over chicken and serve immediately.

heat for 20-30 minutes. Don’t overcook otherwise the fish will start falling apart. You want the fish slices to stay

firm when you serve.

This dish is best served warm with rice.


1 1/2 cup whole-wheat flour

1 cup rolled oats

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 1/3 cup water

1 cup unsweetened applesauce

1 tablespoon canola oil

1/2 cup honey

1 teaspoon lemon zest

1 tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice

2 cups fresh raspberries


1. Preheat oven to 375 F.

2. Combine all the ingredients except raspberries in a large bowl and stir just until combined.

Gently fold in the raspberries.

3. Divide mixture evenly in a greased standard muffin tin. (I like to use an ice cream scoop for

uniform, mess-free muffins.)

4. Bake for 25-30 minutes, until slightly golden on top. Let cool 10 minutes before removing

from tin.

This recipe easily makes 10 muffins.

32 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

34 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine


Meleny has obtained a Bachelors Degree in Psychology from

Hood College, a Master’s Degree in Nonprofit Management

and Leadership from Walden University, and is presently pursuing a Doctorate in Public Policy

and Administration with a concentration in Nonprofit Management and Leadership also from

Walden University. Furthermore, Meleny currently serves as the Director for an Afterschool

program in Brooklyn Park, MD for teens who are engaged in Substance use and/or Abuse.

Through her personal and professional career, Meleny has the ability to impact numerous lives

through various outreach efforts.

L.O.V.E International Network was birthed to further encourage and empower individuals who

may feel that they are alone in this world. The site—and soon to be nonprofit organization—

offers encouraging and uplifting messages for all who seek them. Additionally, L.O.V.E Network

will host annual conferences and a series of workshops that address particular issues that

individuals may face during their life.

Meleny is a personable and loving individual that desires to see individuals’ live fulfilled lives.

Through developing a firm spiritual foundation, self-identification, self-confidence and

endurance individuals can blossom into the beautiful beings that God intended.

Meleny Thomas is the Founder and Visionary

Director of Learning to Overcome Various life

Experiences (L.O.V.E) International Network.

Meleny believes that love is the cure to overcoming life’s

challenges and struggles. The organization’s mission states:

“L.O.V.E International Network exists primarily to empower

individuals to raise the B.A.R- (believe, achieve, and re-

ceive) in their lives. Clients must Believe in themselves and

their ability, acknowledge and Achieve their goals set and

Receive the benefits of their hard work and determination,

which will result in success in life”.

What inspired you to begin writing?

Often unable to voice my opinion at a young age, writing became an outlet to express thoughts

and feelings. I began writing in middle school; I kept a book of poetry and longed to publish it

one day. However, one day I decided to throw the book away. Since then, I have kept numerous

journals and unfinished manuscripts. Additionally, writing classes

that I registered for in College awakened my passion and desire to

write and become a published author.

What inspired you to write your current novel?

After mustering up the courage I decided to finish my manuscript

and began exploring the publishing world. However, as I prayed

and reflected, the book I had been working is not the one I have

published. This book, 101 Truths for You, was developed one night

as I was unable to sleep. The struggle I faced in completing the

book made it clear that this was the book that needed to set the

stage for what God was going to use me to do. The book is meant

to guide readers to explore their lives and their beliefs while pro-

voking thought. It is my desire that the readers not see me, but

see their glory as they read and uncover their beautiful life story

that God can create, if they wait on Him and do His will.

What is your favorite quote/mantra to go by as you reach for the


Each New Year, I set personal challenges via developing coin phrases that guide me through the

year. My favorite that I have developed for 2013 is the 3 S’s for this year – Seek God, See your pur-

pose and His plan and Secure all the promises and rewards that He has. In addition, Philippians

4:13- “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me”. This scripture verse and the phrase

for the year, encourage me to push beyond the struggles and challenges in life.

Therefore, the stars are just the beginning of the journey; when you serve a limitless God, there are

no restrictions in sight!

If you could give guidance to those that want to become writers what would it be?

My advice for future/potential writers’ is to believe in You. Remember the story is NOT for YOU, but

for SOMEONE to see God’s glory through your story. Continue to write and push past the struggle

and discouragement of the writing process. The time is N.O.W- New Opportunities Waiting…Seize

your opportunity today.

35 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

Upcoming Events:

Book Release Networking Event/ Meet and Greet- Location, Date and Time TBA- Be sure to

visit the website, www.learning2overcome.com to stay informed of upcoming events.

July 19-21, 2013- Break Every Chain Family Conference/Retreat- (Baltimore, MD)

This is one of the first events that L.O.V.E. Network will offer in partnership with Emmanuel

Wesleyan Church. Books will be available for purchase and Meleny will be available to

sign copies that are bought.

Visit: http://breakingeverychain.eventbrite.com for event details and registration.

August 17, 2013- (2-6 PM) - Create Your Own Sizzle – (Upper Marlboro, MD)

Meleny will be among other vendors at this dynamic event by Cheryl Wood.

Visit: http://createyourownsizzle.eventbrite.com for event details and registration. Hurry you

do not want to miss this FREE event.

October 18 & 19, 2013- Real Women-Real Talk: 2013Roundtable- (Ellicott City, MD)

Meleny will be among other vendors at this event. Be sure to register early to obtain the dis-

count. It will be a great discussion.

Visit: http://realwomenrealtalk.eventbrite.com for event details and registration.

Follow Meleny Thomas



Twitter @ 2_Overcome

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38 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

39 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine




WE Magazine sat down with a

phenomenal woman who is the

epitome of social media

working for her business.

Buchi Akpati is the owner of BA

Photo and Faces which is a

company that mixes Make-up

artistry and photography under

one umbrella.

Since we are talking about

healthy living and wellness it

only makes sense to include

someone who knows how your

outer beauty can help you

shine and do things to make

you feel better about yourself.

B. Akpati: Thank you I am still feeling the newness of being a graduate. I graduated with a

Bachelors of Science in Biology, Pre-Medicine and six months before graduation I was unemployed

and the jobs that I applied for were not paying enough to even cover my loans. So I basically just

got tired of waiting around for the job that I wanted, and decided to create my own lane. I have

always loved photography since my teens and so I got this idea to become a photographer and

make-up artist because I felt the two complemented each other. I also wanted to balance out my

love for science and love for artistry. I wanted to have an avenue to express myself without any

theories or rules so that was basically how I started my company. I started my business in 2011 and

that was exactly six months before my college graduation. I didn’t have a professional camera or

even many make-up equipment to start but I did a lot of research and just started my journey from

there. Some were in favor of my decisions and some were completely confused but I knew this was

something I wanted to do.

WE Magazine: Well that’s awesome that you started your business six months before graduation

because I wouldn’t have done it (laughs)…So that’s the first thing.

So with that answer you’ve already jumped into my second question which was “Why did you

combine two?” But you have a perfect blend because make-up and photography do go together

very well. So jumping into the next question one of the things I found interesting about you was that

you advocated for AJ Crimson’s and his BB Crème Foundation, and through that you were able to

become the Social Media Publicist and Brand Ambassador. Tell me a little bit about how that came


B. Akpati: So social media is really powerful! I thank the site Instagram because it really helped with

establishing the connection between AJ Crimson and I. So about 3-4 months ago he had released

his BB Crème which is ‘Beauty Balm” Crème it is a face moisturizer, foundation, concealer, and

primer all in one. Which I thought was really cool so I ordered four of them. I had looked for other

skin care lines that offered beauty products in my skin tone, which is dark skinned, and it was hard

to find something that matched. I tried them out and loved them, and I started to follow him on

Instagram. So I began to use it on all of my clients and I took pictures and posted them on


WE Magazine: So thank you for talking with us this

evening. I want to start out with your story for

those of our reader that don’t know your work.

B. Akpati: So I graduate from George Mason

University just last year…

WE Magazine: Congratulations!

So I took before and after pictures and then I referenced what I used on the person, and which

brand I used. So I just began to post pictures, get on YouTube and create tutorial videos of how I

used the product, and then afterwards I asked him through Instagram if it would be helpful to

match his brand to other brands so that people can figure out what they were using in other

brands. I just took it as being a loyal customer of his brand, and I didn’t want anything in return.

WE Magazine: It sounds like you created a path for yourself within something that was already

established and I think that goes back to something that you said earlier in the interview which

was that you wanted to create your own path. I think that is what a lot of people are starting to

do within the entrepreneurial realm. That is definitely something that inspiring to young girls, it tells

them that yes education is important but you may have to go through other avenues to get

where you want to be. I wanted to ask you what do you do give back to the community as a

whole through your company?

B. Akpati: I want to give motivational speeches and teach young girls how it so important to

except yourself. I have worked in the past with other organizations and offered my services. One

of the events that participated in was put on by a sorority at my school where they were

donating gently used prom dresses to high school students.

WE Magazine: For those that are looking to get into your industry what tips can you give them?

B. Akpati: The first step to getting into this kind of industry is to do you research on the top in the

business. Second I would say is to have confidence in your abilities, and also understand that

there will be obstacles on your journey. So having a very realistic view on what you want out of

the industry. And the last is to practice every single day. There are a lot of blogs and YouTube

videos that can help you understand the industry.

WE Magazine: Thank you so much for this inspiring interview we look forward to hearing more

great things from you.

Follow BA Photo and Faces | Twitter: @BAPhotoandFaces | www.baphotoandfaces.com

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/BAPhotoandFaces/

BA Photo & Faces

42 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

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The world’s most successful women emanate a sense of success and accomplishment. Business

women who are effective in their line of work tend to radiate this “Can Do” attitude that leaves

us hopefuls in complete awe. We’re left wondering to ourselves “How does she do it?” or my

favorite “She’s the ultimate super woman”. But, what these prominent businesswomen fail to

inform us is that being a fruitful entrepreneur is no easy job. In fact, it’s rather straining.

As the cliché goes, when you gather all your eggs in one basket, it tends to get a little heavy

and it isn’t long before it starts to overflow. This cliché holds true when it comes to running your

own business. Your business is a reflection of who you are. If you’re not at your best, your

business, which you’ve worked so hard to develop, will start showing some cracks. That’s why it’s

always best to incorporate some “you time” so that you can recharge and relax. Scheduling

“you time” should be your number one priority— right next to building an empire of course.

By Sandra Salathe

Sometimes it can be a bit difficult to designate time for yourself when you’re always so busy

working. So with a few helpful tips, you too can find some “you time” without really having to

sacrifice your work.

Fake it Till You Make It- Even if you feel as if you’re crumbling to pieces on the inside,

never let it show. Always make sure that you look 100% bullet proof at all times. You may feel as

if you’re falling apart at the seams, but your appearance doesn’t have to suffer for it. Always

make sure that your hair, make-up and wardrobe are “on point”. When you look amazing on

the outside, you tend to feel the same on the inside.

Schedule Time Throughout The Day- Whether it’s only thirty minutes or ten, always

make sure to take periodic breaks throughout the day so that you don’t find yourself

transitioning into a momentary coma. Use that time to check personal emails, take a walk, or

even rest your eyes for a bit. Getting up to take a short walk revives the joints and gets your

blood flowing and helps to keep you focused. Working straight without any breaks really does a

number on the brain, so always make sure not to overwork yourself.

Leave Your Weekends Free- I’m sure you’ve vowed not to check emails and answer

calls during the weekend but once it rolls around, you find yourself breaking that promise.

Weekends are your time to de-stress after a long work week and should be spent doing the

things that you love. If you must, spend only thirty minutes checking emails and returning calls

but that’s it. Any minute longer is unacceptable. Use your weekends to catch up on some

reading or a night out with some friends. You are entitled to have some fun; after all, you’ve

been working all week.

Treat Yourself- Seeing how all your money has been thrown into your business, odds are

you haven’t spent a dime on yourself in a while. Even though your business is your baby and

you spend every hour nurturing it, you can still treat yourself every now and then. This sort of ties

in with tip number one. Treat yourself to a day at the hair salon or the spa. Maybe even stop by

the mall and buy yourself some new shoes. This doesn’t have to be a weekly excursion but in-

dulging yourself every now and then is expected, if not required.

Even though your business is your first priority, you should always make time for yourself. By doing

this you’re creating a balance that is required in order to run a prosperous business. Also, don’t

stress too much over the small things. It’s expected that you’ll make mistakes every now and

then but as long as you have your sanity, everything should work out!

44 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

WE Magazine: So Ms. Patterson, how are you this evening?

T. Patterson: I’m good. Thank you so much for having me [be] a part of this issue.

WE Magazine: I am so happy that you were able to be a part of this issue. For those of

my readers that don’t know what you do, tell them a little bit about your business.

T. Patterson: Yes, I am Chief “Healthnista” and CEO of Be Well, Eat Well, Live Well. I help

smart and successful women organize their meals so that they can lose weight for the

long term. So, I really help women lose weight and also get in touch with what may be

keeping them from losing weight.

We Magazine: And in doing that, what kind of services do you provide your clients? If

someone were to come to you and say, “I’m concerned about healthier eating and

making sure I am a healthy weight,” what services would you provide for them?

46 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

T. Patterson: I actually provide a lot of one on one coaching and I also have a lot of home study

programs that I offer. Specifically, one of the things that I help women learn how to do is to

incorporate juicing fruits and vegetables in their diet, so they can be healthier people. Some

people use juicing as a weight loss method and

other’s use juicing just as a way to incorporate [the

practice] into their daily life. I show people how to

do both. My significant other did a juice cleanse

last summer and as a result lost 60 pounds. So

juicing is a powerful way to lose weight. I also help

someone who is brand new understand how to be

a healthier person. The last service I offer is helping

women who need accountability and support.

That is, for those that have the best intentions to be

healthier and may even know how to incorporate

healthy [habits] into their lives, but still need more

accountability and support. Not only do I organize

meals, but I also provide structure so [that] they

can start to become consistently healthier and get


WE Magazine: That is definitely something that is

needed. There are a lot of people who are

suffering from being overweight or having issues

with eating. Many people will start diets without

considering the risks that they may impose on their

health. Some diets designed for weight loss do not

include the nutrients our bodies require. For our

readers who may have heard of it, but don’t know,

what is juicing?

T. Patterson: Juicing [can be thought about in] two

ways. You can squeeze fruits and vegetables [to

drink] the liquid that comes from them. The juice is packed with nutrients that your body can

quickly absorb. The second form of juicing is blending using appliances like the Nutribullet,

which keeps the fibers together, creating thicker consistency sort of like a smoothie. Juicing is a

way to eat more fruits and vegetables.

You can juice three cucumbers and a fruit and you get to increase your vegetable intake. The

dangerous side of it is that some people juice too much fruit and not enough vegetables, so

their sugar levels are higher.

47 July 2013 Issue Women’s Elevation Magazine

Tosh Patterson cont’d

The underlying point of it all is that people have

to do what works for them in order to have a

healthier lifestyle. I spend time with clients and

make sure that they understand what works for

them. I am not interested in showing people

how to diet. I am interested in showing people

how to create a lifestyle change that they can

sustain for the long term. If you can sustain it for

the long term, you’re more than likely to do it on

a more consistent basis.

WE Magazine: That actually brings me to a

question from one of our readers. I spoke to a

woman earlier today and she has been

involved in juicing. Last year she was a size 18

and she has brought herself down to a size 14,

so kudos to her. However, she wanted to know

how to maintain her weight loss. Should she focus on more exercise, juicing, etc., now that she

has lost the weight? What tips would you have for her?

T. Patterson: If she wants to maintain her weight she can keep doing what she’s doing honestly,

because it sounds like it has become a lifestyle change. But I think her question really is not how

to maintain, but how to continue to get results?

WE Magazine: She is getting married so of course that is another stress!

T. Patterson: Oh wow! You may not know this but Jon’ll Boyd (of Completely Yours Events) and I

are teaming up to put together a book on how to get brides in shape and what tips they need

for their wedding plans. But in regards to her question, my first recommendation for someone with

her issue would be to aim to have eight servings of vegetables per day because it’s going to rev

up her metabolism. The wonderful thing about vegetables is that you can have a lot of them

and not have the effect of consuming empty calories.

So people may think that 8 servings are too much, but if you think about how to incorporate it, it

really isn’t. You can have a cup of spinach and sauté it with some onions, or you can have

spinach and tomato with your eggs. There are many ways to include vegetables in your diet. If

you have another three cups at lunch time and then another serving at dinner then you’ve

almost made your mark. The goal is to incorporate eight servings of vegetables and 2 to 3

servings of fruits. If you think about it, the average American may have one serving of

vegetables per day and maybe a piece of fruit. We are really over fed but malnourished as a


WE Magazine: That is a good point. I want to shift and talk about your background. Share a bit

of your story so that our readers can understand why healthy eating and healthy living is

important to you.

T. Patterson: I am a vibrant, healthy, eager, and successful woman who loves the skin she’s in, but

I have to say it wasn’t always like this. There was a point in time where I was nearly 300 pounds. I

did not feel good in the skin I was in; I had achy knees, achy ankles, and I had a belly that I

affectionately called the “Buddha” belly. I had to ask for seat belt extenders when I rode on an

airplane. I was wearing a size 24 at one time so I was on the upper side of the clothing scale.

That was the world that I lived in. I started my first diet when I was 10 years old; so, from about

10 years old to 32 years old I was on a diet. I did the cabbage, soup, grapefruit, and shake diets; I

did everything.

In 2010, I was in a professional development

class and the instructor said “What’s one thing in

your life that you haven’t been able to accept

responsibility for?” My nearly 300 pound body

was the answer to the question. I had not been

able to accept responsibility for my health or

well-being. Even though I had done a lot of fad

diets I knew that I had not really taken my health

seriously. After that I decided that I would have

weight loss surgery. I opted to have lap band

surgery, but my body rejected the procedure.

I couldn’t keep food down, and it was a more

miserable existence than having my 300 pound

pre-surgery body. I knew I was at a crossroads

because my body was telling me that it was not

for me. So I began to find a more natural way

to care for myself. I worked with a holistic doc-

tor to help me find simplicity in food, and as a

result 7 months later I had lost 70 pounds. But,

being confronted with a new body in a new

skin, I found myself eating again because I

wasn’t comfortable with myself. It was in that

moment when I realized that this whole weight

loss thing was not about the “how to,” but that it’s the mental part that you have to deal with.

You need to [hone in on] the negative, self-hating thoughts that you have that keep you from

achieving and maintaining your goals. I found that it’s what’s eating you inside and not what you

are eating. A lot of us use food to self-soothe. We eat our sadness, we eat our anger, and we

eat our depression. Instead of doing that, we have to learn how we can really express the

emotions we are feeling and stop punishing ourselves with food.

WE Magazine: That is a powerful story and you are on something really big when you said that it’s

not what you’re eating; it’s what’s eating you. I think a lot of people don’t realize that. I am fairly

thin, but I am not the healthiest person. And I believe that we eat those unhealthy things

because there are other factors in our lives that we’re not dealing with.

I know that you have a book entitled Eat Well! 20 Easy & Delicious Recipes: Plus 7 Tips to Reduce

Your Waistline. We have another reader question: “Do you have any tips for the moms or

business women that don’t have the time to really sit down and cook a meal?” Does your book

help with this?

T. Patterson: We’ve become such an automated, grab and go society that we are disconnected

from our food. I am a believer that quick food and fast foods are something like carrots or nuts.

But we snub our noses to that, citing that “That’s not real food.” A tip I have is to carry food with

you for snacking purposes in a cooler so that when you want it, it’s there. If you aren’t a planner,

stop by Whole Foods and try to grab something light like a salad or a piece of fruit. I would urge

people to think about how many times you are grabbing and going, because a part of taking

care of self is to stop and cook a balanced meal. You can cook a couple of things a week and

freeze or cook something like a stew or soup that you can grab that go.

WE Magazine: You’ve said what everyone doesn’t want to hear (laughs) — take time out. I think

that’s the hardest thing to really do.

T. Patterson: And if you can’t make every meal, don’t eat every meal out. Choose which meals

you can make at home. In the book I provide very simple recipes that have fruits and vegetables

that are really quick and easy to make. And all the recipes in the book all became my favorite

recipes over time that I consistently eat.

WE Magazine: You posted a picture on Facebook on May 24th, of these horribly rotten cucum-

bers with a quote that said, “If I can’t pronounce it or if I have to concentrate too hard to pro-

nounce an ingredient, I don’t eat it. Real food is simple to understand. Real food spoils.” That

sums up exactly what you’ve talked about in terms of fast food. I’m pretty sure that fast food

doesn’t spoil. I try not to think about it.

T. Patterson: My goal is once a week to go to different fast food places. I used to eat and leave

them on my counter to see if they’d spoil. My objective is to realize that I am not perfect but I

know that I am not who I was five to seven years ago. So when I go to these fast food places I

think to myself, “no wonder I wasn’t losing weight because I was putting all of these toxic fast

food meals into my body and confusing it with real food.” On March 31st I brought chicken

nuggets from McDonalds and they are sitting open on my counter in my kitchen. They do not

smell bad. They don’t have mold; they look just like the day I brought them.

WE Magazine: Oh wow, they are still sitting there and they haven’t spoiled?! I can’t believe that

they are still sitting on your counter.

T. Patterson: To me it’s a reminder of what I used to eat. If it hasn’t spoiled on my counter then

there is no way that it was getting processed in my body.

WE Magazine: I have another reader’s question: “Summer time is here and our friend’s cellulite is

out for show. How do you go about helping women who are afraid to put on those bathing suits

because they aren’t quite where they want to be?” What exercises or products would you


T. Patterson: My company is based on three principles. Be well, meaning to nurture a healthy

mindset. Eat well, which entails trying to eat more natural food. Finally, live well simply means to

create a life you love. In terms of clothing options, you really have to nurture a mindset that

allows you to be well. I think a woman is her own worst critic. Our dissatisfaction with our bodies

doesn’t serve us. You have to accept your body instead of looking at yourself and seeing what’s

wrong. What would happen if you just said: “This is the skin I am in right now. I can evolve

change and grow, but I am going to accept where I am in this moment in time, knowing that I still

want to strive to be my best self.” That’s the mindset that more women need to take on. Instead

of hiding what you don’t like, why not buy clothing that helps to extenuate yourself and makes

you feel comfortable?

WE Magazine: I just had a conversation with a group of women where we literally tore ourselves

down, and basically spoke on what we did not like about ourselves. We also incorporated the

male perspective of what they want from women plus what we see on TV. I often wonder if we

can ever get pass the self-hate and begin to accept ourselves for who we are.

T. Patterson: When I lost 70 pounds, I really thought that I would look like the women in magazines,

and when I didn’t that caused another issue. We are comparing ourselves to computer

generated images. I think that it is always your choice as to how much you want to beat yourself

up. If you want to be critical of yourself and drive yourself crazy, than that’s your choice. Every

morning we have a choice of where we are going to nurture ourselves; every moment is our


WE Magazine: That truly encompasses everything that our readers need to hear regarding their

healthy mindset. I am going to ask you some quick and candid questions before we end this


T. Patterson: Okay, awesome.

WE Magazine: What is your favorite food?

T. Patterson: What used to be my favorite were Nacho Cheese Doritos, and now my favorite food

is avocados.

WE Magazine: What is your favorite exercise?

T. Patterson: My favorite exercise is walking. I love that because it connects me back to nature.

WE Magazine: What is your favorite book?

T. Patterson: My favorite book is actually

called “Calling In The One” by Katherine

Woodward Thomas.

WE Magazine: Well Tosh, thank you for

talking with us.

T. Patterson: No problem thank you so much

for having me.

Editor’s note: Remember that homemade juices

are not pasteurized. Keep any juices that you

prepare chilled, and drink them as soon as

possible to avoid contamination.

For more information on Tosh Patterson:

Website: www.toshpatterson.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/


Twitter: @ToshPatterson

Graduations. Family reunions. Weddings. Vacations.

Are you preparing for any of these things? This is an extremely busy time of the year and it's easy to get

overwhelmed with work, personal/family obligations, etc... In the midst of everything that’s going on, don't forget

to take time out for/ take care of yourself!

Read a book, get your hair done, exercise or call a friend that you haven't spoken to in a while. Better yet; turn off

your phone and computer and enjoy a day of nothingness! It's a considerate thing to look out for other people,

but it's hard to do that if you're not taking care of yourself. Please remember that there's nothing wrong with saying

"No" at times. You do not have to be EVERYTHING to EVERYONE. You'll run yourself ragged.

Most of us work all day and have plenty of things to take care of once we get home. And don't forget about the

errands that need to be squared away during the trip from work to home! If we don't take care of ourselves, don't

be surprised if you have trouble sleeping, fatigue, irritability and/or anxiety.

Ladies, take the time to rest and recharge. Our "jobs" are almost never done but if you don't take the time to re-

plenish your strength, you will burn out. Being able to relax can decrease stress, improve your focus and increase

your ability to tackle projects that need your attention.

Designate time in the morning to set the tone of your day. Don't underestimate the power of prayer! Use that time

to read a passage from a devotional or inspirational book. Build yourself up with positive affirmations and be mind-

ful of what you listen to (on your way to work, school or wherever else you're headed). If your body feels good,

your spirit will too. Whatever you feed your spirit will be manifested through your actions. If we want to reflect the

love of God, we need to build that love within us.

Taking Care of Your Body & Spirit by Kara Frison