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Unit 3 – A Digital Portfolio Task 1 – Design your Portfolio Richard Collins 2A.P1 Introduction: In Unit 3, we are creating a Digital Portfolio for a possible IT Job at the company called Konnekted. With this portfolio I am hoping to show this company and possibly others of what I am capable of. The target audience of my portfolio are older people, 30-50. I feel this is the best people to target as they are normally higher up in the company’s structure. These people have had the most experience in the company and know what they’re looking for in an employee. I am hoping this portfolio will show the older members of the company what I am capable of and impress them. This portfolio could be used for other employers. This portfolio shows the people looking at it that I am skilled in certain areas of IT. The content I have planned for these pages include my designs from Unit 4, Creating Digital Animation. Unit 6, Creating Digital Graphics. Unit 11, Computer Networks. These all include visual evidence of the work I have done. For Unit 4, I have a storyboard design and a flash animation file. For Unit 6, I have both my main design and alternate designs as well as the finalised graphics. For Unit 11, I have 2 plain Visio designs of a network and 2 Visio layout plans for a shop. With all the unit work added together, I hope this will create a clear and concise portfolio, which will be effective towards my targeted audience in the company Konnekted.

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In Unit 3, we are creating a Digital Portfolio for a possible IT Job at the company called Konnekted. With this portfolio I am hoping to show this company and possibly others of what I am capable of.

The target audience of my portfolio are older people, 30-50. I feel this is the best people to target as they are normally higher up in the company’s structure. These people have had the most experience in the company and know what they’re looking for in an employee.

I am hoping this portfolio will show the older members of the company what I am capable of and impress them. This portfolio could be used for other employers. This portfolio shows the people looking at it that I am skilled in certain areas of IT.

The content I have planned for these pages include my designs from Unit 4, Creating Digital Animation. Unit 6, Creating Digital Graphics. Unit 11, Computer Networks. These all include visual evidence of the work I have done.

For Unit 4, I have a storyboard design and a flash animation file. For Unit 6, I have both my main design and alternate designs as well as the finalised graphics. For Unit 11, I have 2 plain Visio designs of a network and 2 Visio layout plans for a shop.

With all the unit work added together, I hope this will create a clear and concise portfolio, which will be effective towards my targeted audience in the company Konnekted.


Introduction on Home page about the portfolio

Portfolio Layout

All files from the Unit 6 Creating Graphics

Including the 2 Vector Images from the Pass and Merit criteria (User Guide)

Including the 2 Bitmap Images from the Pass and Merit criteria (Advert)





Network Design

All files from Unit 11 Networks

Including the Visio diagram(s) of the Network designs and layouts

All files from Unit 4 Creating Digital Animation

Including the Flash animation(s) about Healthy Living and the individual assets used in the animation task


Flash Animation



About Myself

A small biography paragraph about myself, including;




A small personal paragraph

Project timeline



How long to complete:

Finished by:

Start date:

20 Jan 2016

Planning stage


Writing an Introduction to the Unit.

30 minutes



Storyboard designs for all the website

2 hours


Structure Chart

Diagram of the Structure chart

40 minutes


Asset list

Project Assets combined into one list

1 hour


Alternative storyboard

Different designs to the original storyboard

2 hours


Detailed updated storyboard

Annotated design on the layout and links.

2 hours


Develop the webpage

Develop the webpage formatting, assets and links

3 days

Not yet completed

Updated asset list

Listed different assets used

1½ Hours

Not yet completed

Test the webpage

I and someone else will test the website, conducting repairs where necessary

30 minutes

Not yet completed


Evaluation of the webpage purpose, audience and user

2 hours

Not yet completed

Unit 3 – A Digital Portfolio

Task 1 – Design your Portfolio

Richard Collins




Vector graphic

My User guide created for Unit 6 – Task 3


Bitmap graphic

My Advert created for Unit 6 – Task 3


Visio image’s

2 different designs from Unit 11 for a Network.


Animation storyboard

Animation Storyboard drawn for Unit 4 – Task 2


Animation flash

Animated Flash video of 39 seconds created for Unit 4 – Task 3


Image of me

A professional image of me.


Assets List (pass)

Color Design


In my alternate design, I decided to make certain changes that I felt could improve the Digital Portfolio and its professional look. Some of the changes include combing pieces of work into one general page for each unit, instead of having separate pages for each of the tasks from each unit. I felt this condensed everything down and would reduce the loading time, making navigation easier. I also felt this would benefit whomever was looking at the portfolio, as all the work relating to a specific unit would be under one page, instead of multiple, making it easier to view and compare.

In my alternate design I have also changed the layout of the menu/navigation bar, from a horizontal to a vertical bar. I feel as if this is an unusual design that is not commonly seen in either websites or portfolios. Because this is an unusual design, I feel as if it will stand out more to the prospective employer and show that I can create and design things thinking “outside of the box”.

My alternative design features a more seamless layout in each of the pages compared to my first design. The content is laid out more closely together and created a flush look on the pages. The content being closer together allows for quick comparison between the pieces of work by the potential employer.

Assets List (Merit)




Vector graphic

My User guide created for Unit 6 – Task 3. The Vector Graphic is a user guide created to show people how to use the phone.


Bitmap graphic

My Advert created for Unit 6 – Task 3. This is designed to advertise my product to the targeted audience.


Visio image’s

2 different designs from Unit 11 for a Network. These are network designs for a music shop.


Animation storyboard

Animation Storyboard drawn for Unit 4 – Task 2. A flash animation storyboard with greyscale drawings to show the layout of the animation.


Animation flash

Animated Flash video of 39 seconds created for Unit 4 – Task 3. A flash animation showing healthier living.


Image of me

A professional image of me.


Header backgrounds

Appropriate background images for the background of the header boxes



I chose to use the first design because I felt it was the most appropriate for its purpose. I have used a variety of assets and tools to create an appropriate portfolio.

The portfolio is simple but effective, using blue scale colours which I feel are close to neutral but bring good colour to the page, which I feel is eye catching but not over bearing for the user to look at. The buttons are placed closely together and using a different hint of blue colouring, these are designed to keep everything generic and simple, keeping everything close together into a group.

The header is at the top of all of the sites, as this keeps to uniformity. This shows that the design is professional and not created in a rush, that it has been carefully thought out and designed to be user friendly. This fits nicely with the detailed work being placed underneath the navigation bar, giving for an ease in reading/looking at the work and ease in navigating to the next piece of work or Unit.

Each of the pieces of work chosen have been specifically picked out from the multiple units we have done at college due to the fact that they are the most creative of all of them, with wide usage of digital creations to show. These are the assets for this portfolio and they show off the best quality and skills that we have learnt from our time in college.

Since the assets we have chosen are Digital or Media, we have to ensure they are not too big in resolution and in physical size for the portfolio, otherwise it will add a great deal of loading time to the main loading of the pages. For the graphical pieces of work from multiple units, we have to ensure that multiple items fit onto one page and that they are not too heavy in kilobyte size to lag the page up.

For Unit 6 (Creating Digital Graphics), I chose to show both of my Vector and Bitmap images. These will be on separate pages, with a detailed paragraph explaining the intended purpose of these graphics, the target audience and the scenario laid out in the brief given for the assignment we created these graphics for. This will show the potential employer my skills with graphical editing programs, such as Adobe© Photoshop.

For Unit 4 (Creating Digital Animation) I have chosen to show my storyboard and my final flash animation. The storyboard will be added next to the flash file, so that the person watching the animation can look at my ‘plans’ that I drew before making the animation and compare how close I kept my design but also the changes I made from the storyboard to the animation. This will show the potential employer my skills with Animation programs and my ability to stick to a design given.

For Unit 11 (Networks) I have chosen my Visio files, which clearly detail the primary and alternate network designs I have created for the given scenario. With my pages, I will place the Visio designs and a paragraph of text explaining the purpose of the network and giving the scenario given in the assignment for which they were created. This will show the potential employer my ability to design a functional network for a business.

Since I am aiming for a slightly older audience, people who are higher in the company hierarchy, I have gone for simplistic designs with all of these while showing off my skills in each of these units and their respective pages. Keeping to a colour scheme and general design will appeal to the uniformity of the business world, which is what is usually upheld by the more senior members of a business.

Overall I expect my page to run smoothly and sharply to give a good impression on the potential employers. I want them to see that I can design a website that is functional but also unique in its own way. Using clear and concise effort to target the correct audience and in depth thought about what assets to use to make that most effective.






Flash Animation


Network Design



About Myself