· web view2020. 6. 1. · kendriya vidyalay no.3 afs chakeri kanpur. summer...

KENDRIYA VIDYALAY NO.3 AFS CHAKERI KANPUR SUMMER VACATION HOME WORK-2020 Class : XII COM Sub: ECONOMICS Note: Assignments should be done in home work copy. If you don’t have home work copy at this time then you can do it in class work copy or any where you find it suitable. Macro Economics Chapter – 1 (National Income and Related Aggregates) 1. Define macro economics. 2. Give examples of macro economic variables. 3. Explain the circular flow of income in two sector economy. 4. Describe the steps involved in the estimation of national income by value added method. State any two precautions that must be taken while estimating national income by this method. 5. State the precautions that must be taken while estimating national income by income method. 6. State the precautions that must be taken while estimating national income by expenditure method. 7. Explain the problem of double counting. How can it be avoided? Give two measures. 8. How will be the following treated while estimating GDP? Give reasons for your answer. Compensation of employees to the residents of Japan working in Indian embassy in Japan. Profit earned by a branch of foreign bank in India. Rent received by an Indian resident from Russian embassy in India. Profit earned by a branch of state bank of India in England. Profit earned by foreign banks from their branches in India. Salaries received by Indian residents, working in American embassy in India. Profit earned by an Indian company from its branch in Singapore. Compensation of employees given to the residents of China working in Indian embassy in China. Financial help given to flood victims. Salaries paid to non resident Indians working in Indian embassy in America. Given the following data, calculate NDP at FC: (Rs. In crores) (i) Depreciation 30 (ii) NFIA 170 (iii) GNP at MP 4000 (iv) Net indirect taxes 900 1. Given the following data, calculate: (a) GDP MP (b) GNP MP (c) NNP MP (d) NNP FC

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Note: Assignments should be done in home work copy. If you don’t have home work copy at this time then you can do it in class work copy or any where you find it suitable.
Macro Economics
1. Define macro economics.
2. Give examples of macro economic variables.
3. Explain the circular flow of income in two sector economy.
4. Describe the steps involved in the estimation of national income by value added method. State any two precautions that must be taken while estimating national income by this method.
5. State the precautions that must be taken while estimating national income by income method.
6. State the precautions that must be taken while estimating national income by expenditure method.
7. Explain the problem of double counting. How can it be avoided? Give two measures.
8. How will be the following treated while estimating GDP? Give reasons for your answer.
· Compensation of employees to the residents of Japan working in Indian embassy in Japan.
· Profit earned by a branch of foreign bank in India.
· Rent received by an Indian resident from Russian embassy in India.
· Profit earned by a branch of state bank of India in England.
· Profit earned by foreign banks from their branches in India.
· Salaries received by Indian residents, working in American embassy in India.
· Profit earned by an Indian company from its branch in Singapore.
· Compensation of employees given to the residents of China working in Indian embassy in China.
· Financial help given to flood victims.
· Salaries paid to non resident Indians working in Indian embassy in America.
· Given the following data, calculate NDP at FC:
(Rs. In crores)
1. Given the following data, calculate: (a) GDPMP (b) GNPMP (c) NNPMP (d) NNPFC
· Explain the limitations of GDP as economic welfare.
13. Calculate the value added by firm A and firm B from the following data:
(Rs. In crores)
(i) Purchase by firm A from rest of the world
(Rs. In crores) 100 1000 3800 500 200 150 150 500 200 -50 -30 40 4000 300
(Rs. In crores) 20 120 300 250 20 30
(Rs. In crores) 20 400 250 30 -40 12 9
(Rs. In crores) 20 15 10 5 300 100 80 250 50 30
(vi) Opening stock of firm A (vii) Closing stock of firm A (viii) Opening stock of firm B (ix) Closing stock of firm B
(x) Purchase by firm B from firm A
14. Calculate Gross Value Added at Factor Cost from the following data:
(i) Sales tax (ii) Sales
(iii) Purchase of raw material (iv) Excise duty (v) Change in stock
(vi) Imports of raw material (vii) Depreciation
15. Calculate the value added by firm X and firm Y from the following data:
(i) Closing stock of firm X (ii) Closing stock of firm Y (iii)Opening stock of firm Y (iv) Opening stock of firm X (v) Sales by firm X
(vi) Purchase by firm X from firm Y (vii) Purchase by firm from firm X (viii) Sales by firm Y
(ix) Imports of raw material by firm X
(x) Exports by firm Y
16. From the following data, calculate gross value added at factor cost:
(i) Net indirect taxes
(ii) Purchase of intermediate products (iii) Purchase of machines (iv) Sales
(v) Consumption of fixed capital (vi) Change in stock
17.From the following data calculate National income by (a) Income method (b)
Expenditure method:
(i) Current transfers from rest of the world (ii) Govt. final consumption expenditure (G) (iii) Wages and salaries (iv) Dividends
(v) Rent (vi) Interest
(x) Net exports (xi) NFIA
(xii) Consumption of fixed capital
(xiii) Private final consumption expenditure (C) (xiv) Net indirect taxes
2. From the following data calculate National income by (a) Income method (b) Expenditure method:
(Rs. In crores)
(Rs. In crores)
(Rs. In crores)
(Rs. In crores)
(i) Corporate tax
(Rs. In crores)
24.From the following data calculate national income by (a) income method (b) expenditure method:
(Rs. In crores)
1. What is meant by money?
2. Explain any two drawbacks of barter system. How has money solved this problem?
3. What is barter system?
4. Explain two purposes of demand for money.
5. Explain the four measures of money supply.
6. Define commercial bank.
7. Briefly explain any four functions of a commercial bank.
8. Explain the ‘acceptance of deposits’ function of commercial bank.
9. Explain the ‘banker to government’ function of central bank.
10. Explain the ‘banker’s bank’ and ‘supervisor’ function of central bank.
11. How does a central bank perform the function of controller of credit?
12. Explain any one of the following function of central bank- (i) Currency authority, and (ii) lender of last resort.
13. Explain briefly the agency functions of commercial banks.
14. Explain the ‘advancing of loans’ function of a commercial bank.
Rakesh Kumar Mishra
Class : VI B
Sub: Social Science
Note: Assignments should be done in home work copy. If you don’t have home work copy at this time then you can do it in class work copy or any where you find it suitable.
1- In an physical map of India locate the following and write a few lines in copy about it with the help of your
NCERT book:
14. Harappa.
16. Kalibangan
17. Mohenjo-daro
18. Chanhudaro.
19. Dholavira.
20. Surkotada.
21. Lothal.
2- What are the significance of BC,AD,CE and BCE used with dates.
3- Why dates are important in history?
4- Take a chart paper and make a colorful drawing of our solar system.(the best chart will be displayed in school)
5- Make a list of all states and union territories of India with the name of their Chief Minister & Governor, LG(for UTs)
6- Make a project on COVID-19 including its origin, spread, mortality, precautions and treatment, Government efforts, role of citizens, socio-economic and environmental impact, threats and opportunities, your suggestions and conclusions.
Note: Dgital Project will be appreciated. You can make PPTs, Videos, word file, PDF etc. If you make the project on digital platform, kindly send it by e-mail on [email protected]
Rakesh Kumar Mishra
Holiday Homework (Summer Break)
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1. Prepare a project file on any topic from the syllabus of class X.
2. Write first 7 practicals in a practical file. Details of it will be intimated shortly.
3. Write notes of chapter 1 (chemical reactions and equations). Also do all the exercise questions.
4. Do all the exercise questions of chapter 10( light-reflection and refraction) and chapter 11( the human eye and the colourful world).
5. Learn all the concepts taught thoroughly.
Shweta Katiyar
1. Prepare a scrap file in which you have to paste different types of pulses, grains and spices.
2. Prepare a chart on any one of the following topics ( parts of a plant, sources of carbohydrates, minerals, fats, proteins, vitamins or deficiency diseases)
3. Do all the exercise questions of chapter 1 and 2 in your notebook.
4. Write and learn meanings of all the keywords of chapter 1 and 2 in your notebook.
Shweta Katiyar
TGT Science
1. Prepare a project file on any topic from the syllabus of class IX.
2. Write first 7 practicals in a practical file. Details of it will be intimated shortly.
3. Write notes of chapter 1 and 2. Do all the exercise and intext questions.
4. Learn all the concepts taught thoroughly.
Shweta Katiyar
Complete all exercises and solve all examples from NCERT text book of following chapters (as per latest CBSE syllabus)
1. Relations and Functions
2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Solve all examples from NCERT text book of following chapters (as per latest CBSE syllabus)
4. Determinants
Learn all formulae of above 6 chapters
Note – Your online classes will be continuing during summer vacation as per time – table on WhatsApp group.
Class 12 English
1. Revise all the chapters and poems done till date.
2. Prepare the following topics for article/ speech writing:
a. Women Empowerment
b. Child Labour
c. Rights and duties in democracy
d. Importance of Games and Sports in life/ values inculcated through games.
e. Environmental problems and solution/ keeping mother Earth clean and healthy.
f. Your experience on this lockdown due to Covid 19
3. Design posters on
b. Cleanliness
4. You are XYZ, living at 243,Netaji Vihar, Kanpur. Write a letter to-
a. The Editor showing concern upon the illegal encroachments in the residential areas as well as markets.
b. The Manager of Iris Computers to check the issues in the computer purchased by you last month as it is under warranty period.
c. The Coordinator of KMY university seeking the information about One Year Diploma course offered by them. Also enquire about the fee structure and the last date of registration.
5. Read all the stories of Vistas and write their summary yourself.
Shalini Asthana
PGT English
Date of submission: 24.06.2020
Part A
1. Write a Python program to display line chart of tan(x) and cot(x) using pyplot.
2. Write a Python program to display line chart of numbers (from 1 to 10) and its cubes using pyplot.
3. Python program to display line chart for class wise student data.
Game no
Answer the following questions on the basis of above data-
22. Create data frame product for above data.
23. Display complete data from data frame.
24. Display no of rows in data frame
25. Display no of columns in data frame.
5. Display the detail of P2 product only.
6.Display the record of p2 and p5 products.
7.Display the pname and price of p2 and p5 products.
6. Write a NumPy program to create a 3X3 matrix with values ranging from 2 to 20
7. An ndarray X contain the following data :
[ [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
[4, 5, 6, 7]
[8, 9, 10, 11]
[12 , 13, 14, 15 ]]
(a) print(x[0:2, 2:0])
(b) print(x[2:0, 2:0])
(c) print(X[2:0:-1, 2:0:-1])
Part B
1. Write a Python program to draw a line with suitable label in the x axis, y axis and a title.
2. Write a Python program to draw a line using given axis values with suitable label in the x axis , y axis and a title.
3. Write a Python program to draw line charts of the financial data of Alphabet Inc. between October 3, 2016 to October 7, 2016.
Sample Financial data (fdata.csv): Date,Open,High,Low,Close 10-03-16,774.25,776.065002,769.5,772.559998 10-04-16,776.030029,778.710022,772.890015,776.429993 10-05-16,779.309998,782.070007,775.650024,776.469971 10-06-16,779,780.47998,775.539978,776.859985 10-07-16,779.659973,779.659973,770.75,775.080017
4. Write a Python program to plot two or more lines and set the line markers.
5. Write a Python program to display the current axis limits values and set new axis values.
6. Write a Python program to plot quantities which have an x and y position. The code snippet gives the output shown in the following screenshot:
7. Create a histogram that plots two ndarrays x and y with 48 bins, in stacked horizontal histogram.
8. Write a Python program to plot several lines with different format styles in one command using arrays.
9. Write a Python program to create multiple plots.
10. The plot method on Series and DataFrame is just a simple wrapper around :
a) gplt.plot()
b) plt.plot()
c) plt.plotgraph()
d) none of the Mentioned
11. Point out the correct combination with regards to kind keyword for graph plotting: a) ‘hist’ for histogram b) ‘box’ for boxplot c) ‘area’ for area plots d) all of the Mentioned
12. Which of the following value is provided by kind keyword for barplot ? a) barh b) kde c) hexbin d) none of the Mentioned
13. You can create a scatter plot matrix using the __________ method in a) sca_matrix b) scatter_matrix c) DataFrame.plot d) all of the Mentioned
14. Point out the wrong combination with regards to kind keyword for graph plotting: a) ‘scatter’ for scatter plots b) ‘kde’ for hexagonal bin plots c) ‘pie’ for pie plots d) none of the Mentioned
15. Which of the following plots are used to check if a data set or time series is random ? a) Lag b) Random c) Lead d) None of the Mentioned
16. Plots may also be adorned with error bars or tables. a) True b) False
17. Which of the following plots are often used for checking randomness in time series ? a) Autocausation b) Autorank c) Autocorrelation d) None of the Mentioned
18__________ plots are used to visually assess the uncertainty of a statistic. a) Lag b) RadViz c) Bootstrap d) None of the Mentioned
19. Andrews curves allow one to plot multivariate data. a) True b) False
20. Write the syntax to import Pyplot library?
21.What is histogram?
23. Name some commonly used chart types?
24.Name the functions that are used to create line chart.
25. Name the functions that are used to create bar chart.
Class: XII A Subject: Computer Science with Python
Basic Programs: Date of submission: 24.06.2020
List Programs:
1. Find out the cost of medicines consumed during 2014-15 from the following
Creditors for medicines purchased:
On 1.4.2014 11,500
On 31.3.2015 18,200
2. How would you treat the following items in the case of a ‘not-for-profit’ organisation?
Prize Fund Rs. 22,000. Interest on Prize fund Investments Rs. 3,000. Prizes
given Rs. 5,000. Prize fund Investments Rs. 18,000.
3. Subscriptions received by the health club during the year 2015 were as under:
Subscriptions received in advance in 2014 for 2015 5,000
Calculate the amount of subscriptions to be shown on the income side of Income
and Expenditure A/c.
4.State with reasons whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:
(i) Receipt and Payment Account is a summary of all capital receipts and payments.
(ii) If there appears a sports fund, the expenses incurred on sports activities will
be shown on the debit side of Income and Expenditure Account.
(iii) The balancing figure on credit side of Income and Expenditure Account denotes excess of expenses over incomes.
(iv) Scholarships granted to students out of funds provided by government will be debited to Income and Expenditure Account.
(v) Receipt and Payment Account records the receipts and payments of revenue
nature only.
(vi) Donations for specific purposes are always capitalized.
(vii) Opening balance sheet is prepared when the opening balance of capital fund is not given.
(viii) Surplus of Income and Expenditure Account is deducted from the capital/
general fund.
(ix) Receipt and Payment Account is equivalent to profit and loss account.
(x) Receipt and Payment Account does not differentiate between capital and
revenue receipts.
5.Following is the information given in respect of certain items of a Sports Club.
Show these items in the Income and Expenditure Account and the Balance
Sheet of the Club:
Sports Fund Investments 35,000
Sports Prizes awarded 10,000
General Fund 80,000
Interest on General Fund Investments 8,000
6. A. Mohan and Shyam are partners in a firm. State whether the claim is valid if the partnership agreement is silent in the following matters:
(i) Mohan is an active partner. He wants a salary of Rs. 10,000 per year;
(ii) Shyam had advanced a loan to the firm. He claims interest @ 10% per
(iii) Mohan has contributed Rs. 20,000 and Shyam Rs. 50,000 as capital. Mohan
wants equal share in profits.
(iv) Shyam wants interest on capital to be credited @ 6% per annum.
B. State whether the following statements are true or false:
(i) Valid partnership can be formulated even without a written agreement
between the partners;
(ii) Each partner carrying on the business is the principal as well as the agent
for all the other partners;
(iii) Maximum number of partners can be 50;
(iv) Methods of settlement of dispute among the partners can’t be part of the
partnership deed;
7.Saloni and Srishti are partners in a firm. Their capital accounts as on April 01. 2016 showed a balance of Rs. 2,00,000 and Rs. 3,00,000 respectively. On July 01, 2016, Saloni introduced additional capital of Rs. 50,000 and Srishti, Rs. 60,000. On October 01 Saloni withdrew Rs. 30,000, and on January 01, 2016 Srishti withdraw, Rs. 15,000 from their capitals. Interest is allowed @ 8% p.a. Calculate interest payable on capital to both the partners during the financial year 2016–2017.
8.Anubha and Kajal are partners of a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio
of 2:1. Their capital, were Rs.90,000 and Rs.60,000. The profit during the year
were Rs. 45,000. According to partnership deed, both partners are allowed
salary, Rs. 700 per month to Anubha and Rs. 500 per month to Kajal. Interest
allowed on capital @ 5%p.a. The drawings during the year were Rs. 8,500 for
Anubha and Rs. 6,500 for Kajal. Interest is to be charged @ 5% p.a. on drawings.
Prepare partners capital accounts, assuming that the capital account is
(i) Profits will be shared equally;
(ii) Maneesh will be allowed a salary of Rs. 400 p.m;
(iii) Girish who manages the sales department will be allowed a commission
equal to 10% of the net profits, after allowing Maneesh’s salary;
(iv) 7% p.a. interest will be allowed on partner’s fixed capital;
(v) 5% p.a. interest will be charged on partner’s annual drawings;
(vi) The fixed capitals of Maneesh and Girish are Rs. 1,00,000 and Rs. 80,000,
respectively. Their annual drawings were Rs. 16,000 and 14,000,
respectively. The net profit for the year ending March 31, 2015 amounted
to Rs. 40,000;
Prepare firm’s Profit and Loss Appropriation Account.
10.A.Himanshu withdrew Rs. 2,500 at the end of each month. The Partnership deed
provides for charging interest on drawings @ 12% p.a. Calculate interest on
Himanshu’s drawings for the year ending March 31, 2017.
B. Bharam is a partner in a firm. He withdraws Rs. 3,000 at the starting of each
month for 12 months. The books of the firm are closed on March 31 every year.
Calculate interest on drawings if the rate of interest is 10% p.a.
Class: XII B
1. Define management.
2. Management is considered to be both an art and science. Explain.
3. Management is a series of continuous interrelated functions. Comment.
4. Coordination is the essence of management. Do you agree? Give reasons.
5. Management is considered to be both an art and science. Explain.
6. Why management is considered a multi-faceted concept?
7. Explain the following Principles of management given by Fayol with examples:
a. Unity of direction
a. Time Study
b. Motion Study
c. Fatigue Study
d. Method Study
e. Simplification and standardisation of work
9. How is the Principle of ‘Unity of Command’ useful to management? Explain briefly.
10. Explain the principle of ‘Scalar Chain’ and gang plank.
Class-VIIB Subject – Maths
Complete all exercises and solve examples, try these, do these of following chapters.
1. Integers
3. Data Handling
4. Simple Equations
7. Congruence of Triangles
(III)Learn Multiplication table (1-20)
1. Make charts on drawing sheet of A4 size.
Numbers (singular/plural)/Gender/Degree of comparison/Homographs/Homophones/Present, past/ construction(dont's> do not).
3. Write two slogans on team work.
4. Collect recipe of any five dishes you like most.
5. Collect the pictures of sports and games which are played in 'team's form
6. Learn to wash your clothes and learn cycling in summer break.
3-write 10 pages cursive handwriting..
4-select any animal or bird of your choice and make mask and than learn 5 sentences about the animal.
5-Make 5 words using the letters from ELEPHANT and HIPPOPOTAMUS.
6-Write 5 “ ing’ (action words) -----eg. READING.
7-Write 5 or 6 sentences on MY PET and MY FAMILY.
8-Write the names of the days of the week and months in a year.
9- Write 5 “ FUL” words eg. Helpful. Help+full= helpful.
Class-VIA Subject – Maths
Complete all exercises and solve examples, try these, do these of following chapters.
1. Knowing our numbers
4. Basic Geometrical ideas
5. Understanding Elementary Shapes
Learn Multiplication table (1-20)
Class VIII A & B
1 Learn & revise Le. 1& 2 que. Ans. From Honeydew It so Happened, also dp all exercise.
2. Write. A competition notice, a message, an email, a letter to his friend a letter to the Editor,
A story .. about 120 to 150 words, two comprehension passage.
3.In project write the rule of Active & Passive with example.
2. Learn que&ans L 1, 2 from Behive,Moment& poem
3. Write a. An article 150 to 200 words.
4. B. Dairy entry.
6. D. Letter to Editor 120 to 150 words.
7. Two comprehension passage.
9. Project.. write the rule of Active Passive with example
Class X A ,B
1. Revise. L 1, 2 from First flight, footprints without feet
2. Learn que&ans L 1, 2 from first flight & poem
3. Write a. An article 150 to 200 words.
4. B. Dairy entry.
6. D. Letter to Editor 120 to 150 words.
7. Two comprehension passage.
9. Project.. write the rule of Active Passive with example
10. Write the definition of figure of speech with examples.
Solve questions given below.
· The speed of a motor boat is 20 km per hour. How far can a motor boat go in six hours?
· Gracy took a loan of Rs 4000 to buy a net. She paid back Rs 345 every month for one year. How much money did she pay back to the bank?
· 20 fisherwomen have made their own bank. Each saves Rs 25 every month and puts it in the bank. So how much money does the group collect each month?
Write given below numbers in words.
· 15723
· 85004
· 346513
· 400654
· 3572924
Tell the period, face value and place value of underlined digit.
· 32315
· 12524
· 653417
· 1718926
Draw these angle with protractor and tell type of angle.
· 60
· 30
· 90
· 110
· 160
· 180
· Make a cardboard clock.
· Paste pictures of some things where triangle shape is used to give it strength.
· Make any 4 shapes with the help of matchsticks.
Class-XIIA/B Subject – Maths
Complete all exercises and solve all examples from NCERT text book of following chapters (as per latest CBSE syllabus)
7. Relations and Functions
8. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Solve all examples from NCERT text book of following chapters (as per latest CBSE syllabus)
10. Determinants
Learn all formulae of above 6 chapters
Note – Your online classes will be continuing during summer vacation as per time – table on WhatsApp group.
· Learn Tables from 2 to 20.
· Learn all the formulae and important results taught during online classes.
· Complete all the exercises and assignments given till dateneatly
and fairly in your notebooks.
· Go through the topics through the
pdf of chapters taughtand their solutions once again.
· Do regular practice of the topics taught.
· Prepare a Maths project as peryour choice and ease .(not compulsory if it requires going out)
Anita Vishwakarma
· Learn Tables from 2 to 20.
· Learn all the formulae and important results taught during online classes.
· Complete all the exercises and assignments given till dateneatly
and fairly in your notebooks.
· Go through the topics through the
pdf of chapters taughtand their solutions once again.
· Do regular practice of the topics taught.
Anita Vishwakarma
· Learn Tables from 2 to 20.
· Learn all the formulae and important results taught during online classes.
· Complete all the exercises and assignments given till dateneatly
and fairly in your notebooks.
· Go through the topics through the
pdf of chapters taughtand their solutions once again.
· Do regular practice of the topics taught.
· Write 5 different situations or problems from daily life , where you find the topics you learnt are helpful in solving them .
· Prepare a Maths project as peryour choice and ease .(not compulsory if it requires going out)
Anita Vishwakarma
· Learn Tables from 2 to 20.
· Learn all the formulae and important results taught during online classes.
· Complete all the exercises and assignments given till dateneatly
and fairly in your notebooks.
· Go through the topics through the
pdf of chapters taughtand their solutions once again.
· Do regular practice of the topics taught.
· Write 5 different situations or problems from daily life , where you find the topics you learnt are helpful in solving them .
· Prepare a Maths project as peryour choice and ease .(not compulsory if it requires going out)
Anita Vishwakarma
Complete all exercises and solve examples, try these, do these of following chapters.
8. Integers
10. Data Handling
11. Simple Equations
14. Congruence of Triangles
Complete all exercises and solve examples, try these, do these of following chapters.
8. Knowing our numbers
11. Basic Geometrical ideas
12. Understanding Elementary Shapes
Learning- Que ans, fill in the blanks of chapters 1,2,3
Writing Work-
· A tiger’s sense of hearing is very sharp. Explain.
· Why lizards are not seen in winter?
· What do you know about Kalbelias?
· How are snakes useful for humans?
· Write the name of snakes which are poisonous and draw their picture.
· Write about kalbelia dance.
· How does poison enter into a person’s body?
· What is digestion?
· Why should we chew food properly?
· What is proper food?
· Why do we need to proper food?
· What is glucose?
Activity Work-
· Write a few sentences on your favorite animal. Draw/paste its picture as well.
· Make a paper snake.
B: Read and learn new words .
C: Write five sentences on each Morning walk , Morning scene , Neha .
D: Draw sense organs .
NOTE : Do all the work in activity notebook .
1..Learn all the NCERT BOOK. And Write the 1 to 5 lessons short questions with answers.
2..His,Geo, civics,eco ,2 to lessons 10,10,10,10,make the questions with answers ,Fill in blanks,
Choose the correct and,True and False,Match the following
3..Maps Skills
History and Geography Chapter Outline map India and World 1to5
4.I m whatsapp you can ask any problemsst any time
5.Children Stay Home and Save life .. Enjoy holidays.
Date : 08.05.2020
Sub :-S.St
Class: 10-A
1..His,Geo,civic, Economic 2 and 3 lesson are write the same 10 ,10 questions with answers
2.. Solve the questions paper last 5. Years
3..All the lessons fill the maps of the India ( History&Geography )
4.. Project work
A. Createawareuss in learnes
B. Enable then to understand and co-relate all aspects of selected topic
C. Relate theory with practice
D. Relation of different aspects with life
E. Provide hands on experience.
1. Lesson read NCERT Book and Write the V Short
Ans each sub his.Geo,Civ.10,10,10 (2,3,4,)Lessen
2. Map work...His, Geography lesson wise ( 2to4.) Lesson fill the map
3. I am whatsapp you can ask any problems at any time
4. Stay home and safe life...So Happy vacations
Class : VI B
· Read the chapter 1,2&3 from the book. If not having the book read it from the pdf of book shared in the group.
· Do the exercise of the chapters
· Draw the figure of the plant parts
· Draw the table given at page no. 16 (table 2.3)
· Learn the spellings of the hard words of chapter( 5 spellings daily)
· Chapter 1 : Paste pictures of animals
· A: Can fly.
· B: Can crawl.
· C: Can hop.
· A: Collect five types of leaves and paste .
· B: Paste pictures of five plants .
· Chapter 3: Draw and colour sources of water .
· Chapter 4: Paste picture of your family .
· Do all the work in activity notebook .
Subject : Science
Class : VII B
· Read the chapter 1,2&3 from the book. If not having the book read it from the pdf of book shared in the group.
· Do the exercise of the chapters
· Draw the figures 1.2,1.3,1.6,2.2,2.6,2.7,2.9,3.9
· Draw the table given at page no. 26 (table 3.1)
· Learn the spellings of the hard words of chapter( 5 spellings daily)
· Read and learn the definitions of bold printed words of the chapter.
Drawing Home Work:-
Class 3 to 5th Draw and colour any one painting in A4 size paper Subject-  1.Covid 19 or city after Covind19
Class 6 to 10th Draw and colour any one painting in A3 size paper  Subject -1.  homesickness  2.Clean your city   3.What is covid 19 ?
Sample Arts

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2.Write them in copy.
3.Draw and learn diagram
11. I have given answers of all the questions in book in pdf file.
12. I am on whattsapp you can ask any problem at any time
CLASS: XII Science
The Solid State
Q1. What happens when ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic solid is heated?
Q2. Why a window of glass of old buildings is thick at bottom?
Q3. Give one example of each doping which produces n- type & p-type semiconductors?
Q4. What type of defect can arise when a solid is heated ? Which physical property is affected by this?
Q5. Analysis shows that nickel-oxide has the formula Ni0.98O1.00 . What fraction of nickel exist as Ni2+ And Ni3+ Ions?
Q2. Define: Reverse osmosis, osmotic pressure?
Q3. Calculation of molecular mass with the help of colligative properties?
Q4.explain the term elevation in boiling point & depression in freezing point with the help of graphical representation?
Q5. What do you mean by Ideal & non-ideal solutions? Explain with its graphs?
Q6. What do you mean by abnormal molecular mass explain with example?
Q7. State the Roult’s law and Henry’s law? How Roult’s equation is related to the Henry equation?
· AgCl (ii) AgBr
31. An element X with an atomic mass of 60 g/mol has density of 6.23 g cm-3 If the edge length of it’s cubic unit cell is 400 pm, identify the type of cubic unit cell.
Calculate the radius of an atom of this element.
32. What is a semi-conductor? Name the two main types of semi-conductors and explain their conduction mechanism.
33. (a) What is Curie-Temperature?
· Iron (II) oxide unit cell has a cubic structure and each of the unit cell side is
5Å. If the density of this oxide is 4.0 g cm-3, calculate the number of Fe2+ and O2- ions present in each unit cell. (At. Mass Fe = 56, O = 16)
13. A compound is formed by two elements X and Y. Atoms of the element Y (anions) make ccp and those of the element X (cations) occupy all the octahedral voids. What is the formula of the compound?
Q2. What does PMMA stands for?
Q3. Name a Synthetic polymer which is an amide?
Q4. Give chemical name of teflon?
Q5. What is the function of sulphur in vulcanization of rubber?
Q6. Write equation for the preparation of nylon 6, 6?
Q7. What is a plasticizer?
Q8. Why is Bakelite a thermosetting polymer?
28. I will be on whattsapp at 9:00AM to discuss with you the organic chemistry started.
29. Please write all reactions and show it to me.
30. I will take classes as mentioned in time table.
31. Please don’t hesitate and ask any problem.