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Literacy lesson 25.01.21 Comic strip writing: Creating your comic Task 1 (Monday): Panel Planning Log in to our class Epic account and choose a comic to read. What features did you notice? Were there any ideas you could magpie for your own comic writing? Open the ‘Panel Planning’ PowerPoint presentation in the literacy folder and listen to the audio clips on each slide . Make a rough ‘panel plan’ like the example on slide 10. Note down what is will happen in each panel. This will give you an idea of how many panels you will need in total. Use a blank piece of paper and a ruler to plan out your comic panels, thinking about the top tips from the PowerPoint. Remember, if you don’t feel ready to create your own just yet, there are templates available in the literacy folder on Teams. Task 2 (Tuesday/Wednesday): Writing your comic Follow the link below for some top tips on how to include dialogue in your comic writing: Make sure you have read the success criteria rubric on Teams and have your panel plan to hand before you begin. Roughly sketch out what is happening in each panel, remembering to include speech bubbles, thought bubbles, onomatopoeia and caption boxes wherever you need them. Read over your work or ask someone at home to do this and give feedback if they can. Task 3 (Thursday): Edit, colour and publish your masterpiece Spend some time today reading, editing and up levelling your comic strip. Does it meet all of the success criteria set in the rubric? You could also begin to add colour to really bring your comic to life!

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Literacy lesson 25.01.21

Comic strip writing: Creating your comic

Task 1 (Monday): Panel Planning

Log in to our class Epic account and choose a comic to read. What features did you notice? Were there any ideas you could magpie for your own comic writing?

Open the ‘Panel Planning’ PowerPoint presentation in the literacy folder and listen to the audio clips on each slide. Make a rough ‘panel plan’ like the example on slide 10. Note down what is will happen in each panel. This will give you an idea of how many panels you will need in total.

Use a blank piece of paper and a ruler to plan out your comic panels, thinking about the top tips from the PowerPoint. Remember, if you don’t feel ready to create your own just yet, there are templates available in the literacy folder on Teams.

Task 2 (Tuesday/Wednesday): Writing your comic

Follow the link below for some top tips on how to include dialogue in your comic writing:

Make sure you have read the success criteria rubric on Teams and have your panel plan to hand before you begin.

Roughly sketch out what is happening in each panel, remembering to include speech bubbles, thought bubbles, onomatopoeia and caption boxes wherever you need them. Read over your work or ask someone at home to do this and give feedback if they can.

Task 3 (Thursday): Edit, colour and publish your masterpiece

Spend some time today reading, editing and up levelling your comic strip. Does it meet all of the success criteria set in the rubric? You could also begin to add colour to really bring your comic to life!

When you are happy with your finished comic, submit it to the assignments page on Teams along with any other pieces of comic work you’d like me to see. I will give you feedback, which you can use in your writing next week!