€¦  · web view: rabbits, kangaroos, frogs, and grasshoppers are all great jumpers. find an...

KINDERGARTEN E-LEARNING ACTIVITIES Week 4 MATH Count and Compare: Flip a coin ten times. How many heads? How many tails? Try again! Did you get the same result? Add them Up!: Write your name on a piece of paper. How many letters are there in your name? How many letters are there in the names of all your family? How many?: Set the table for dinner! How many plates do you need to put out? How many forks? How many glasses? Make sure everyone has a place! More or Less: Walk around the house. How many steps does it take you to get around your house? Now walk around taking giant steps. Which used more steps, small steps or big steps? Making Numbers: Describe all the different ways to make 10 (ex. 4 and 6). Additional Math practice (optional): Sign-in to www.student.freckle.com for more math practice LITERACY Writing : Write about what you do each night to get ready for bed. Phonics : Name all the letters in the chart. Then, say the sounds of the letters in your chart. Phonics : Color in all the vowels in your chart. Phonics : Fill in the blanks with the letter to complete the word. High Frequency Words: Keep practicing your HFW! Additional daily activities (optional). This free resource has many online resources and books by grade level. Simply go to the following website: www.scholastic.com/learnathome SCIENCE/PLTW Investigation: Animal Movement : Rabbits, kangaroos, frogs, and grasshoppers are all great jumpers. Find an open space (or move furniture out of the way) and make “animal jumping stations.” Ask an adult to help you mark a starting point and the distance that each animal can jump. Measure 5 feet for a grasshopper, 6 feet for a frog, and 15 feet for a kangaroo. At each jumping station, count how many jumps it takes to go the distance. Write your answer and draw a picture of you jumping. Models: Plant Parts Read: People eat plants! Eating plants helps us stay healthy. With an adult, search your kitchen for edible plants. Look for Round Lake Area Schools 116

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Page 1: €¦  · Web view: Rabbits, kangaroos, frogs, and grasshoppers are all great jumpers. Find an open space (or move furniture out of the way) and make “animal jumping stations.”


MATH● Count and Compare: Flip a coin ten times. How many heads? How many tails? Try again! Did you get

the same result? ● Add them Up!: Write your name on a piece of paper. How many letters are there in your name? How

many letters are there in the names of all your family? ● How many?: Set the table for dinner! How many plates do you need to put out? How many forks? How

many glasses? Make sure everyone has a place! ● More or Less: Walk around the house. How many steps does it take you to get around your house?

Now walk around taking giant steps. Which used more steps, small steps or big steps? ● Making Numbers: Describe all the different ways to make 10 (ex. 4 and 6).

Additional Math practice (optional):Sign-in to www.student.freckle.com for more math practice

LITERACY● Writing : Write about what you do each night to get ready for bed.● Phonics : Name all the letters in the chart. Then, say the sounds of the letters in your chart. ● Phonics : Color in all the vowels in your chart.● Phonics : Fill in the blanks with the letter to complete the word.● High Frequency Words: Keep practicing your HFW!

Additional daily activities (optional). This free resource has many online resources and books by grade level. Simply go to the following website: www.scholastic.com/learnathome

SCIENCE/PLTW● Investigation: Animal Movement : Rabbits, kangaroos, frogs, and grasshoppers are all great jumpers.

Find an open space (or move furniture out of the way) and make “animal jumping stations.” Ask an adult to help you mark a starting point and the distance that each animal can jump. Measure 5 feet for a grasshopper, 6 feet for a frog, and 15 feet for a kangaroo. At each jumping station, count how many jumps it takes to go the distance. Write your answer and draw a picture of you jumping.

● Models: Plant Parts Read: People eat plants! Eating plants helps us stay healthy. With an adult, search your kitchen for edible plants. Look for different parts of plants. For example: Look for roots on carrots or onions. Look for flower tops on broccoli. Look for leaves on lettuce. Beans or peas are seeds. Celery has a stem and bananas are fruit. Make a delicious snack. Draw a picture of it and label at least 1 part for each plant.

● Investigation: Push/Pull Write the word Push on 10 post-it notes (or pieces of paper). Write the word Pull on 10 post-it notes (or pieces of paper). Locate 10 different things you push in your home. Put the post-it note there. Locate 10 different things you pull in your home. Put the post-it note there. Practice counting up to 10. Practice counting down from 10. Is there anything you both push and pull? Draw a picture of it.

● Asking Questions: Take an I Wonder Walk Walk around your home or outside for 15 minutes. As you walk, draw a picture of things that you wonder using the statement “I wonder _______.” At the end of 15 minutes, look at your drawings. Write 3 questions that start with the words What, Who, Where, Why, or How.

Round Lake Area Schools 116

Page 2: €¦  · Web view: Rabbits, kangaroos, frogs, and grasshoppers are all great jumpers. Find an open space (or move furniture out of the way) and make “animal jumping stations.”

● Engineering Challenge : Come up with as many ideas as you can (but at least 15) for creative ways that you could use a paperclip (example: a bracelet, a fishing hook).

● Song: Soil, Water, Air, and Light Read: Plants need four important things to live and grow. Try singing the song over and over, going faster each time! Sing to the tune of “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” [Soil (Point down), Water (Pour water), Air (Wiggle fingers in air), and light (Point up), Air and light.] Draw a picture of a plant and label the soil, water, air, and light.

SOCIAL STUDIES● History : Talk with your family about your cultural background/heritage/past. ● History : Draw a picture that explains your family’s background/heritage/past.● History : Tell someone about a special family tradition. ● Civics/Rules : Try to make up a new game to play with friends. What are the rules? Tell someone

about it.● Community: Choose one thing that’s yours that you’d like to share with someone else. Why is it

important to share?

SEL● With an adult, create a goal on how you will finish the school year regarding your behavior.● Define what persevere means. Ask an adult for help. Discuss a time when you had a challenging

situation or pick a character from a book and describe how they got through the challenging situation.● Create a picture or poster which displays how people should treat each other. ● With an adult, have a discussion about why it is important to forgive other people. ● Read a book. As you read it, identify the conflict or problem in the book. How did the character solve

the problem?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Specials: For each day we are out of school, please choose one of the specials listed below and complete one of the assignments listed.

ART● Using any materials you would like, choose one of the items below and complete the assignment in

your sketchbook. If you do not have your sketchbook, feel free to complete the assignment on whatever paper you have available. Be sure to think about the concepts you have learned in class and try to incorporate and identify them in your picture.

○ Vertical and Horizontal Lines. Shapes. Rainbow Colors. Primary Colors. Light and Dark Value. Patterns. Proportion (Small, Medium, and Large)

Sketchbook Ideas to Choose From:

● Pretend you are an ant. Draw what you would see if you were an ant.● Create a picture of what the worst thing about being a kid is? OR Create a picture of what the

best thing about being a kid is? ● Create a picture of where you would go if you were invisible. Write 3 words to describe why you

would go to this place.● If 2 of your family members or friends turned into animals, what animals would they be? Write 3

words to describe each animal and create a picture of these 2 animals.● What is something you are good at? Create a picture of you doing what you are good at.

Round Lake Area Schools 116

Page 3: €¦  · Web view: Rabbits, kangaroos, frogs, and grasshoppers are all great jumpers. Find an open space (or move furniture out of the way) and make “animal jumping stations.”

P.E.● Do 20 jumping jacks, 10 sit ups and 10 push ups● Stand on your right foot and touch your nose with your left hand and count to 30, stand on your left foot

and touch your nose with your right hand and count to 30● Play Hot and Cold with a family member: ask the member to hide a toy and you get to go around the

room trying to find the toy, if you are close-they say hot, if you are far away-they say cold● Hop with two feet together for 30 seconds, hop on your right foot for 30 seconds and hop on your left

foot for 30 seconds● Ask a family member to play catch with you: practice pointing and throwing, two hands in front to catch

MUSIC● Create a song with high and low sounds using different items around the house.● Listen to a song you like, and move your body fast and slow to the rhythm.● Sing a song you really like to someone in your family. ● Ask your parents to call another family member or a friend who doesn’t live in your house, and sing

them a song.

ELA - Kindergarten, Week 4 Handouts

Round Lake Area Schools 116

Page 4: €¦  · Web view: Rabbits, kangaroos, frogs, and grasshoppers are all great jumpers. Find an open space (or move furniture out of the way) and make “animal jumping stations.”

WritingRound Lake Area Schools 116

Page 5: €¦  · Web view: Rabbits, kangaroos, frogs, and grasshoppers are all great jumpers. Find an open space (or move furniture out of the way) and make “animal jumping stations.”

Think about how you get ready for bed each night. Draw a picture and write a sentence that shows each thing you do, in order.

Round Lake Area Schools 116

__________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________________________________

__________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________________________________

__________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________________________________

Page 6: €¦  · Web view: Rabbits, kangaroos, frogs, and grasshoppers are all great jumpers. Find an open space (or move furniture out of the way) and make “animal jumping stations.”

PhonicsRead each of the letters. Then, say their sounds.

Aa Mm Yy Qq Tt Zz

Ll Bb Ff Hh Jj Oo

Ss Kk Rr Ww Nn Pp

Gg Dd Uu Ii Xx Ee

Vv Cc

Color in the boxes above that have vowels in them.

Write the missing letter to complete the word.

Round Lake Area Schools 116

Page 7: €¦  · Web view: Rabbits, kangaroos, frogs, and grasshoppers are all great jumpers. Find an open space (or move furniture out of the way) and make “animal jumping stations.”

High Frequency WordsKeep practicing your High Frequency Words! If you find any of your words in the article you read, underline them.

1 the 21 at 41 there

2 of 22 be 42 use

3 and 23 this 43 an

4 a 24 have 44 each

5 to 25 from 45 which

6 in 26 or 46 she

7 is 27 one 47 do

8 you 28 had 48 how

9 that 29 by 49 their

10 it 30 words 50 if

11 he 31 but 51 will

12 was 32 not 52 up

13 for 33 what 53 other

14 on 34 all 54 about

15 are 35 were 55 out

16 as 36 we 56 many

17 with 37 when 57 then

18 his 38 your 58 them

19 they 39 can 59 these

20 I 40 said 60 so

Round Lake Area Schools 116