· web viewthis is to certify that the work embodied in this report entitled topic has been...

Employee Management System A Minor Project On Employee Management and Payroll System Submitted in Partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering Submitted to RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDHYALAYA BHOPAL (M.P.) Submitted By: Aayushmaan Gupta - 0133CS091001 Prateek Sharma - 0133CS091073 Pradeep Pawar - 0133CS091069 Naveen Singh - 0133CS091056 Under The Supervision of Prof Brijkishore Gupta / Prof Mayank Sagar Institute of Research and Technology Page 1

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Employee Management System

A Minor ProjectOn

Employee Management and Payroll System

Submitted in Partial fulfillment for the award ofBachelor of Engineering

Submitted to


Submitted By:

Aayushmaan Gupta - 0133CS091001Prateek Sharma - 0133CS091073Pradeep Pawar - 0133CS091069Naveen Singh - 0133CS091056

Under The Supervision ofProf Brijkishore Gupta / Prof Mayank


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Employee Management System




This is to certify that the work embodied in this report entitled Topic has been satisfactorily completed by Student name. It is a bonafide piece of work, carried out under our/my guidance in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Sagar Institute of Research & Technology, and Bhopal for the partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of Engineering during the academic year 2011-2012.

Project Guide: HOD: Director:

Prof. Brijkishore Gupta Prof. Megha Kamble Dr. S.C. Bhageria

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Employee Management System




This to certify that the project report entitled “Employee Management System” is done by us is an authentic work carried out for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree Bachelor of Engineering, under the guidance of Prof. Brijkishore Gupta.

Name of the student Roll No. Signature of the student

1. Aayushmaan Gupta 0133CS091001

2. Prateek Sharma 0133CS091073

3. Pradeep Pawar 0133CS091069

4. Naveen Singh 0133CS091056

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Employee Management System



The austerity and satisfaction that one gets on completing a project cannot be fulfilled without mentioning the people who made it possible, with gratitude, we are very much thankful to the Almighty God who helped us all the way throughout the project and who has molded us into what we are today.

We are privileged to express our sincere gratitude to honorable Dr. S.C. Bhageria, Director, SIRT, and Bhopal for all encouragement he gave us.

We express our sincere thanks and gratitude to Prof. Megha Kamble (H.O.D.) of Computer Science for all his valuable suggestions and guidance throughout our project.

We wish to express our hearty gratitude to our internal project guide, Pro. Brijkishore Gupta for his valuable suggestions and guidance throughout the tenure of our project.

We extend our sincere thanks to all the college staff members who helped us to complete this project successfully.

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Employee Management System



1. Introduction 6

1.1 Purpose / objective 6

1.2 Study of existing System / Scope of new System 6

1.3 Software Requirements 7

1.4 Hardware Requirements 8

2. Analysis 9

2.1 Study Of Proposed System 9

2.2 Problem Definition 9

2.3 Solution Strategies 9

3. Designing 10

3.1 Data Flow Diagram 10

3.2 E-R Diagram 11

3.3 Database Design 13

3.4 Use Case Diagram 15

4 Coding 16

5. Front End Forms/screens 42

6 Testing 48

6.1 System testing 48

6.2 Test cases 50

7 Limitations & Future Enhancements 51

8 Conclusion 52

9 Bibliography & References 53


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Employee Management System


Employee management and payroll system is the modern computer based record management system of employees of any firm. Since it would be very difficult for any firm to maintain the records of employee on the papers and keep their attendance records also, we tried to convert this manpower to computer power. It is found that this is very efficient way to manage records as well as attendance record through this system.

1.1 Purpose / Objective:

The main goal of this project is to make the record of employee’s easier & quicker.

It is situated for all level of peoples. It provides proper details about the entire employee & their posts. User friendly environment makes the data handling more easily. It easily provides an environment where the user can get information about

all the employees / worker

1.2 Study of existing System:

Exiting EMS is based on the standalone system. It is developed on the access 95 hence it is not compatible on modern

operating system. Existing EMS is not user friendly. It is not provided with the detailed project information done or to be

assigned based on the application. It needs extra manual power also.

Scope of new System:

It is user friendly, can be accessed by any one. It has user id and password system to maintain privacy and security. It is very fast and accurate. No need of extra manual effort. Just need little knowledge to operate the system. Doesn’t require any extra hardware device.

1.3 Software requirements:

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Employee Management System

Operating System : Windows XP or higher.

Front End tool : Visual Basic 6.0.

Back End tool : Oracle 10g.

Software Justification:

 Operating System: As now a day’s windows XP or higher are more common in market, we have designed this software to support all these OS.

Front End tool:Visual Basic 6.0: Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 is the powerful programming language to develop application for windows. Windows is the operating system, which runs based on messages and with rich user interface.

Back End tool: Oracle 10g: Oracle 10g is very easy to understand and easily programmable. It provides easy database storage also; hence we have used this to store data in form of table of our software.

1.4 Hardware Requirements:

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Employee Management System

The configuration given below is the Hardware handled for the system development.

Processor                  :     PENTIUM IV or Above

Primary Memory (RAM)          :     256 MB or Above

Secondary Memory (Hard disk)    :    20 GB or Above

Monitor                                          :    COLOR, 15inch or above

Display card                                   :    SVGA

Mouse & Keyboard                        :    Any Company

Cabinet                                           :    Mini tower ATX

These above hardware requirements are now a days very common and can be found on any computer system. It is kept in mind while designing that no extra hardware support which can be needed to run the software should be there so that it can be afforded by any firm or industry.



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Employee Management System

2.1 Study of the proposed system:

This system consists of different table which contains the record of employees & it is commented through VB which is the front end. In VB we have seen the information about the employee. You can also provide the different buttons like, add, delete, edit, exit etc. which helps you to edit any data & make your work easier.

2.2 Problem definition:

In the old system the main task of editing is not done easily& it will also take time. But in the proposed system the main assumptions are, the system should already contains all the hardware’s & software’s as well as the person who use this product should familiar with window XP or any operating system.

2.3 Solution strategies:

The main solution of the problem is to provide suitable &user friendly environment to a user so that the user can maintain the detail of employee in a very easy manner.

2.4 Cost Estimation and Scheduling

Project estimation and scheduling were carried out together by the project leader as per the norms of the company. Some cost estimation was done at the early stage before the schedules were drawn up. Once the project was underway, estimates were updated. The factors involved in computing the total cost of a software project were Hardware & software cost, Maintenance cost, Travel and training cost and Effort cost. Scheduling as well as estimating the effort required to develop the software system was done by the project leader in discussion with the Company officials.



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Employee Management System

3.1 Data Flow Diagram:

3.2 E-R Diagram:

1) Login Form:

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Personal Details Attendance Details

Professional Details Salary Details

Report 2Report 3

Report 1

Employee Details

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Employee Management System

2) Personal Details:

3) Professional Details:

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User ID Password

Personal Details


EMP Name


Date of Birth



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Employee Management System

4) Salary details:

5) Attendance Details:

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Profession Details


Date of Join Designation


Salary Details





Basic Sal

Inc. TAX



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Employee Management System

3.3 Database design:

1) Add Employee Database Details:

Field Name Data Type SizeEmployee number Number 4

Employee Name Varchar2 30

Sex Varchar2 1

Address Varchar2 30

City Varchar2 20

Date Of Birth Date

Date Of Join Date

Designation Varchar2 20

Department Varchar2 15

2) Salary Details Database Design:

Sagar Institute of Research and Technology Page 13

Attendance Details


For Month

Sick Leaves

YearCasual Leaves

Other Leaves

Total Leaves

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Employee Management System

Field Data Type SizeBasic Number (7,2)Provident Fund Number (6,2)Group Insurance Scheme Number (6,2)

City Compensatory Allowance Number (6,2)

House rent Allowance Number (6,2)

Dearness Allowance Number (6,2)

Gross Number (7,2)

Income tax Number (7,2)

Net Salary Number (7,2)

3) Attendance table Database Design:

Field Data Type SizeEmployee Number Number 4For Month Number 2Year Number 4

Casual Leaves Number 2Sick Leaves Number 2Other Leaves Number 2Total Leaves Number 2

3.4 Use Case Diagram:

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Modify EMP

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Modify EMP

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Employee Management System

4.1 Login Form Code:

Private Sub Command1_Click()If Text1.Text = ("admin") And Text2.Text = ("skyworld") Thenwelcome.ShowMe.HideElseMsgBox "Sorry Enter a right user name and password !!!!"End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()If (MsgBox("Are You Sure You Want to Exit EMS?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Quit") = vbYes) ThenEndEnd IfEnd Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()welcome.ShowMe.HideUnload loginEnd Sub

4.2 Welcome For (MDI Form) Code:

Private Sub MDIForm_Load()

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Employee Management System

Me.WindowState = vbMaximized

End Sub

Private Sub mnuAPdis_Click()

Load disAtt


End Sub

Private Sub mnuAPenter_Click()

Load frmAddAtt


End Sub

Private Sub mnuEPadd_Click()

Load addemp


End Sub

Private Sub mnuEPdele_Click()

Load delemp


End Sub

Private Sub mnuEPdis_Click()

Load disemp


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Employee Management System

End Sub

Private Sub mnuEPmod_Click()

Load modemp


End Sub

Private Sub mnuExit_Click()

If (MsgBox("Are You Sure You Want to Exit EMS?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Quit") = vbYes) Then


End If

End Sub

Private Sub mnuHelp_Click()

Load help


End Sub

Private Sub mnuRep1_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub mnuRepPrn_Click()


End Sub

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Employee Management System

Private Sub mnuREPsalmon_Click()

Load saldis


End Sub

4.3 Add Employee form Code:

Private Sub save_Click()


adoRSaddemp.Fields("pf") = 0.12 * adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic")

adoRSaddemp.Fields("gis") = 0.05 * adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic")

adoRSaddemp.Fields("cca") = 1000

If adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic") < 10000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("hra") = 3500


If adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic") < 20000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("hra") = 3750


If adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic") < 30000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("hra") = 4200


If adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic") < 40000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("hra") = 4700


adoRSaddemp.Fields("hra") = 5000

End If

End If

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Employee Management System

End If

End If

If adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic") < 20000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("da") = 1500


If adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic") < 40000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("da") = 3000


adoRSaddemp.Fields("da") = 4000

End If

End If

adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross") = adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic") + adoRSaddemp.Fields("cca") + adoRSaddemp.Fields("hra") + adoRSaddemp.Fields("da")

If adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross") > 25000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("it") = 0.25 * adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross")


If adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross") > 17000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("it") = 0.2 * adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross")


If adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross") > 10000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("it") = 0.1 * adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross")

Else: adoRSaddemp.Fields("it") = 0

End If

End If

End If

adoRSaddemp.Fields("net") = adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross") - adoRSaddemp.Fields("pf") - adoRSaddemp.Fields("gis") - adoRSaddemp.Fields("it")

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Employee Management System


MsgBox ("Record Successfully Added In Table")

End Sub

Private Sub exit_Click()


Unload addemp

End Sub

Private Sub back_Click()


Unload addemp

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Combo1.AddItem "CS"

Combo1.AddItem "Mechanical"

Combo1.AddItem "EC"

Combo1.AddItem "Civil"

Combo1.AddItem "Electrical"

Combo1.AddItem "IT"

Set adoConn = New ADODB.Connection

adoConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;Data Source=ORCL;Persist Security Info=True"

adoConn.CursorLocation = adUseClient

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Employee Management System


Set adoRSaddemp = New ADODB.Recordset

adoRSaddemp.CursorType = adOpenDynamic

adoRSaddemp.LockType = adLockOptimistic

adoRSaddemp.Open "addemp", adoConn, , , adCmdTable

Set empno.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

empno.DataField = "empno"

Set ename.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

ename.DataField = "ename"

Set sex.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

sex.DataField = "sex"

Set address.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

address.DataField = "address"

Set city.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

city.DataField = "city"

Set dob.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

dob.DataField = "dob"

Set doj.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

doj.DataField = "doj"

Set desig.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

desig.DataField = "designation"

Set Combo1.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

Combo1.DataField = "deaprtment"

Set basic.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

basic.DataField = "basic"

Set pf.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

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Employee Management System

pf.DataField = "pf"

Set gis.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

gis.DataField = "gis"

Set cca.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

cca.DataField = "cca"

Set hra.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

hra.DataField = "hra"

Set da.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

da.DataField = "da"

Set gross.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

gross.DataField = "gross"

Set it.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

it.DataField = "it"

Set net.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

net.DataField = "net"

End Sub

Private Sub new_Click()


End Sub

4.4 Modify Employee Form Code:

Private Sub exit_Click()


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Employee Management System

Unload modemp

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Combo1.AddItem "CS"

Combo1.AddItem "Mechanical"

Combo1.AddItem "EC"

Combo1.AddItem "Civil"

Combo1.AddItem "Electrical"

Combo1.AddItem "IT"

Set adoConn = New ADODB.Connection

adoConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;Data Source=ORCL;Persist Security Info=True"

adoConn.CursorLocation = adUseClient


Set adoRSaddemp = New ADODB.Recordset

adoRSaddemp.CursorType = adOpenDynamic

adoRSaddemp.LockType = adLockOptimistic

adoRSaddemp.Open "addemp", adoConn, , , adCmdTable

Set empno.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

empno.DataField = "empno"

Set ename.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

ename.DataField = "ename"

Set sex.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

sex.DataField = "sex"

Set address.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

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Employee Management System

address.DataField = "address"

Set city.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

city.DataField = "city"

Set dob.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

dob.DataField = "dob"

Set doj.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

doj.DataField = "doj"

Set desig.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

desig.DataField = "designation"

Set Combo1.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

Combo1.DataField = "deaprtment"

Set basic.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

basic.DataField = "basic"

Set pf.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

pf.DataField = "pf"

Set gis.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

gis.DataField = "gis"

Set cca.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

cca.DataField = "cca"

Set hra.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

hra.DataField = "hra"

Set da.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

da.DataField = "da"

Set gross.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

gross.DataField = "gross"

Set it.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

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Employee Management System

it.DataField = "it"

Set net.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

net.DataField = "net"

Dim flag As Integer

Dim eno As Integer

flag = 0

eno = InputBox("Enter the employee number to be Modified", "Employee Number", 0)


Do While adoRSaddemp.EOF = False

If adoRSaddemp.Fields("empno") <> eno Then



flag = 1

Exit Do

End If


If flag = 0 Then

MsgBox ("Employee number does not exists")

End If

End Sub

Private Sub save_Click()


adoRSaddemp.Fields("pf") = 0.12 * adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic")

adoRSaddemp.Fields("gis") = 0.05 * adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic")

adoRSaddemp.Fields("cca") = 1000

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Employee Management System

If adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic") < 10000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("hra") = 3500


If adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic") < 20000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("hra") = 3750


If adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic") < 30000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("hra") = 4200


If adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic") < 40000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("hra") = 4700


adoRSaddemp.Fields("hra") = 5000

End If

End If

End If

End If

If adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic") < 20000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("da") = 1500


If adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic") < 40000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("da") = 3000


adoRSaddemp.Fields("da") = 4000

End If

End If

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Employee Management System

adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross") = adoRSaddemp.Fields("basic") + adoRSaddemp.Fields("cca") + adoRSaddemp.Fields("hra") + adoRSaddemp.Fields("da")

If adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross") > 25000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("it") = 0.25 * adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross")


If adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross") > 17000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("it") = 0.2 * adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross")


If adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross") > 10000 Then

adoRSaddemp.Fields("it") = 0.1 * adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross")

Else: adoRSaddemp.Fields("it") = 0

End If

End If

End If

adoRSaddemp.Fields("net") = adoRSaddemp.Fields("gross") - adoRSaddemp.Fields("pf") - adoRSaddemp.Fields("gis") - adoRSaddemp.Fields("it")


MsgBox ("Record Successfully Modified In Table")

End Sub

4.5 Delete Employee From Code:

Dim flag As Integer

Private Sub delete_Click()

If (MsgBox(" Are you sure you want to delete this record?", vbYesNo) = vbYes) Then



MsgBox ("Record Successfully Deleted in table!!!")

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Employee Management System

End If

End Sub

Private Sub exit_Click()


Unload delemp

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set adoConn = New ADODB.Connection

adoConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;Data Source=ORCL;Persist Security Info=True"

adoConn.CursorLocation = adUseClient


Set adoRSaddemp = New ADODB.Recordset

adoRSaddemp.CursorType = adOpenDynamic

adoRSaddemp.LockType = adLockOptimistic

adoRSaddemp.Open "addemp", adoConn, , , adCmdTable

Set empno.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

empno.DataField = "empno"

Set ename.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

ename.DataField = "ename"

Set sex.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

sex.DataField = "sex"

Set address.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

address.DataField = "address"

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Employee Management System

Set city.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

city.DataField = "city"

Set dob.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

dob.DataField = "dob"

Set doj.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

doj.DataField = "doj"

Set desig.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

desig.DataField = "designation"

Set dep.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

dep.DataField = "deaprtment"

Set basic.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

basic.DataField = "basic"

Set pf.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

pf.DataField = "pf"

Set gis.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

gis.DataField = "gis"

Set cca.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

cca.DataField = "cca"

Set hra.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

hra.DataField = "hra"

Set da.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

da.DataField = "da"

Set gross.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

gross.DataField = "gross"

Set it.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

it.DataField = "it"

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Employee Management System

Set net.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

net.DataField = "net"

End Sub

Private Sub search_Click()

Dim empno As Integer

flag = 0

empno = InputBox("Enter the employee number to be deleted", "Employee Number", 0)


Do While adoRSaddemp.EOF = False

If adoRSaddemp.Fields("empno") <> empno Then



flag = 1

Exit Do

End If


If flag = 0 Then

MsgBox ("Employee number does not exists")

End If

End Sub

4.6 Display Employee Form Code:

Private Sub exit_Click()


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Unload disemp

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set adoConn = New ADODB.Connection

adoConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;Data Source=ORCL;Persist Security Info=True"

adoConn.CursorLocation = adUseClient


Set adoRSaddemp = New ADODB.Recordset

adoRSaddemp.CursorType = adOpenDynamic

adoRSaddemp.LockType = adLockOptimistic

adoRSaddemp.Open "addemp", adoConn, , , adCmdTable

Set empno.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

empno.DataField = "empno"

Set ename.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

ename.DataField = "ename"

Set sex.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

sex.DataField = "sex"

Set address.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

address.DataField = "address"

Set city.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

city.DataField = "city"

Set dob.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

dob.DataField = "dob"

Set doj.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

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doj.DataField = "doj"

Set desig.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

desig.DataField = "designation"

Set dep.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

dep.DataField = "deaprtment"

Set basic.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

basic.DataField = "basic"

Set pf.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

pf.DataField = "pf"

Set gis.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

gis.DataField = "gis"

Set cca.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

cca.DataField = "cca"

Set hra.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

hra.DataField = "hra"

Set da.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

da.DataField = "da"

Set gross.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

gross.DataField = "gross"

Set it.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

it.DataField = "it"

Set net.DataSource = adoRSaddemp

net.DataField = "net"

Dim flag As Integer

Dim eno As Integer

flag = 0

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eno = InputBox("Enter the employee number to be Displayed", "Employee Number", 0)


Do While adoRSaddemp.EOF = False

If adoRSaddemp.Fields("empno") <> eno Then



flag = 1

Exit Do

End If


If flag = 0 Then

MsgBox ("Employee number does not exists")

End If

End Sub

4.7 Add Attendance Form Code:

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Select Case adoRSattendence.Fields("for_month")

Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12

DM = 31

Case 4, 6, 9, 11

DM = 30

Case 2

DM = 28

Case Else

MsgBox ("Wronge month Number.Record Not Saved.")

Exit Sub

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End Select

nol = adoRSattendence.Fields("pls") + adoRSattendence.Fields("mls") + adoRSattendence.Fields("lwp")

If nol > DM Then

MsgBox ("Number of leaves greater then number of days in a month. Record Not saved.")

Exit Sub

End If

total.Text = CInt(pls.Text) + CInt(mls.Text) + CInt(lwp.Text)


MsgBox ("Record Updated")

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()


Unload frmAddAtt

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set adoConn = New ADODB.Connection

adoConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;Data Source=ORCL;Persist Security Info=True"

adoConn.CursorLocation = adUseClient


Set adoRSattendence = New ADODB.Recordset

adoRSattendence.CursorType = adOpenDynamic

adoRSattendence.LockType = adLockOptimistic

adoRSattendence.Open "attendence", adoConn, , , adCmdTable

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Set empno.DataSource = adoRSattendence

empno.DataField = "Empno"

Set formonth.DataSource = adoRSattendence

formonth.DataField = "for_month"

Set year.DataSource = adoRSattendence

year.DataField = "year"

Set pls.DataSource = adoRSattendence

pls.DataField = "pls"

Set mls.DataSource = adoRSattendence

mls.DataField = "mls"

Set lwp.DataSource = adoRSattendence

lwp.DataField = "lwp"

Set total.DataSource = adoRSattendence

total.DataField = "cls"

End Sub

Private Sub new_Click()


End Sub

4.8 Display Attendance Form Code:

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Dim empno As Integer

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Dim flag As Integer

flag = 0

empno = InputBox("Enter the employee number to show", "Employee number", 0)


Do While adoRSattendence.EOF = False

If adoRSattendence.Fields("empno") <> empno Then



flag = 1

Exit Do

End If


If flag = 0 Then

MsgBox ("Employee number does not exist.")

End If

End Sub

Private Sub exit_Click()


Unload disAtt

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set adoConn = New ADODB.Connection

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adoConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=tiger;User ID=scott;Data Source=ORCL;Persist Security Info=True"

adoConn.CursorLocation = adUseClient


Set adoRSattendence = New ADODB.Recordset

adoRSattendence.CursorType = adOpenDynamic

adoRSattendence.LockType = adLockOptimistic

adoRSattendence.Open "attendence", adoConn, , , adCmdTable

Set empno.DataSource = adoRSattendence

empno.DataField = "Empno"

Set formonth.DataSource = adoRSattendence

formonth.DataField = "for_month"

Set year.DataSource = adoRSattendence

year.DataField = "year"

Set pls.DataSource = adoRSattendence

pls.DataField = "pls"

Set mls.DataSource = adoRSattendence

mls.DataField = "mls"

Set lwp.DataSource = adoRSattendence

lwp.DataField = "lwp"

Set total.DataSource = adoRSattendence

total.DataField = "cls"

End Sub

Private Sub Next_Click()

If (adoRSattendence.EOF = True) Then

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MsgBox ("No more Records !!")




End If

End Sub

Private Sub Previous_Click()

If (adoRSattendence.BOF = True) Then

MsgBox ("Beginning Of File !!")




End If

End Sub

4.9 Salary Statement form Code:

Dim mon As Integer

Dim yr As Integer

Dim eno As Integer

Dim flag As Integer

Dim flag1 As Integer

Private Sub exit_Click()


Unload saldis

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End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

flag = 0

flag1 = 0

eno = InputBox("Enter 'Employee Number' whose salary slip to be show", "Employee Number", 0)


Do While EMPDE.rsaddemp.EOF = False

If EMPDE.rsaddemp.Fields("empno") <> eno Then



flag = 1

Exit Do

End If


If flag = 0 Then

MsgBox ("Employee number does not exists.")


mon = InputBox("Enter the 'MONTH' for which salary slip has to be generated", "MONTH", 0)

yr = InputBox("Enter the 'YEAR' for which salary slip has to be generated", "YEAR", 0)


Do While EMPDE.rsattendence.EOF = False

If EMPDE.rsattendence.Fields("empno") = eno And EMPDE.rsattendence.Fields("for_month") = mon And EMPDE.rsattendence.Fields("year") = yr Then

flag1 = 1

Exit Do

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End If


If flag1 = 0 Then

MsgBox ("Employee number does not exists in attendance table.")

End If

End If

If flag = 1 And flag1 = 1 Then

deduction.Text = EMPDE.rsaddemp.Fields("pf") + EMPDE.rsaddemp.Fields("gis") + EMPDE.rsaddemp.Fields("it")

nol.Text = EMPDE.rsattendence.Fields("cls")

netsal.Text = EMPDE.rsaddemp.Fields("net") - EMPDE.rsattendence.Fields("cls") * EMPDE.rsaddemp.Fields("basic") / 30

End If

End Sub

Private Sub print_Click()


End Sub

4.10 Module 1 Screen Code

Public adoConn As ADODB.Connection

Public adoRSattendence As ADODB.Recordset

Public adoRSaddemp As ADODB.Recordset



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5.1 Login Form Screen:

5.2 Welcome Form Screen:

5.3 Add Employee Screen:

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5.4 Modify Employee Screen:

5.5 Delete Employee Screen:

5.6 Display Employee Screen:

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5.7 Add Attendance Screen:

5.8 Display Attendance Screen:

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5.9 Salary Statement Screen:

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5.10 On Screen Department Wise Employee List Screen:

5.11 Help Screen:

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Software testing is a crucial element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. The increasing visibility of software as a system element and the attendant "cost" associated with a software failure are motivating forces for well-planned, thorough testing. Testing is a set of activities that can be planned in advance and conducted systematically. Testing begins at the module level and work towards the integration of entire computers based system. Nothing is complete without testing, as it is vital success of the system.

Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses on the verification of smallest unit of software design of the module. To check whether each module in the software works properly so that it gives desired outputs to the given inputs. All validations and conditions are tested in the module level in unit test. Control paths are tested to ensure the information properly flows into and out of the program unit under test. Boundary condition are tested to ensure that the modules operates at boundary establishes to restrict processing. All independent paths through control structure are exercised to ensure that all statements in a module have been executed at least once. And finally all errors handling paths are tested. In our system, Unit testing has been successfully handled. The test data was given to each module in all respects and have got desired output. Each module has been found working properly.

Black Box Testing

Black Box Testing methods focus on the functional requirements of the software. This testing enables the software engineer to derive sets of input conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program. This testing attempts to find errors in the following categories: incorrect or missing functions, interface errors, errors in data structure or external database access, performance errors and initialization errors and termination errors. In our system, Black Box testing has been successfully handled. The test input data was given has got desired output.

User Acceptance Testing

The performance of user interactive testing is actually the user show. The user gives live data and checks whether software is giving specified outputs.

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Implementation is the phase where the system goes for actual functioning. Hence in this phase one has to be cautious because all the efforts undertaken during the project will be fruitful only if the software is properly implemented according to the plans made. The implementation phase is less creative than system design. It is primarily concerned with user training, site preparation and file conversion. Depending on the nature of the system, extensive user training may be required. The initial parameters of the MIS should be modified as the result of programming efforts; programming provides a reality test for the assumptions made by the analyst. The system testing checks the readiness and accuracy of the system to access, update and retrieve data from new files. Once the programs become available, the test data are read into the computer and process.


We may define Software Maintenance by describing four activities that are undertaken after a program is released for use.

Corrective Maintenance

The first maintenance activity occurs since it is unreasonable to assume that software testing will uncover all errors in a large software system. The process of including the diagnosis and correction of one or more errors is called corrective maintenance.

Adaptive Maintenance

This activity that contributes to the definition of maintenance occurs since rapid change is encountered in every aspect of computing. Therefore, adaptive maintenance modifies software to properly interface with the changing environment.

Perfective Maintenance

This activity involves recommendations for new capabilities, modifications to the existing

functions and general enhancements when the software is used. To satisfy these requests, perfective maintenance is performed.

Preventive Maintenance

This activity occurs when software is changed to improve further maintainability or reliability. If the only available element of a Software Configuration is the source code, maintenance activity begins with the evaluation of the code, often complicated by poor internal documentation. The subtle characteristics such as program structure, global data structure, system interfaces and performance & design constraints are difficult to hand lead are often misinterpreted. The amounts of changes that are made to the code are difficult to access.

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6.2 Test Cases:

1) Test Case 1:

Case : Testing for login Screen.

Result : On testing username and password system was properly taking input.

2) Test Case 2:

Case : Testing for welcome Screen.

Result : On testing Welcome screen the proper results were obtained. The module was going at proper place on clicking.

3) Test Case 3:

Case : Testing for adding Employee.

Result : The employee was properly added and the fields in the database were properly saved.

4) Test Case 4:

Case : Testing for Modifying Employee.

Result : The employee was properly modified and the fields in the database were properly saved after modification.

5) Test Case 5:

Case : Testing for Deleting Employee.

Result : The employee was properly deleted and the fields in the database were properly deleted.

6) Test Case 6:

Case : Testing for Employee Salary Sheet.

Result : On entering the emp number, month and year the system was properly giving the salary sheet of the entered employee number and also giving proper deductions.

7) Test Case 7:

Case : Testing for Data Report.

Result : The data report was properly shown with the list of all the employees department wise with their basic, gross, net salary description.

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Skyworld Tech Employee Management System is limited to our control. Any change or modification can be done by us only.

It is not an online application or system. We have not provided any backup system for this. The system need to run oracle on background.

Further Enhancements:

Search details can be enhanced by detailed identification of searching problems and rectification steps by company.

This system is entirely designed for STAND ALONE usage, according to the need of the customer if needed the same system can be designed with Network facility to handle the branch activities also.

To make this system Online and creating data backups. Integrated Password management facility can be created.

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The Employee Management System didn’t automate 100% of their work, but it is really a good start to computerize everything and entire Detail can be 100% computerized.

As far as the work done so far much care was given about the user friendliness and a very good interaction with the end users. The interface are so designed and channeled the users can never make any mistake while using the application, for an example while adding new record, user can’t go out without either saving or canceling the operation, till the time either they save or cancel the current operation all other operations are blocked. There is no chance of making any mistake in the application.

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Bibliography & References

Informatics Practices - Sumita Arora(A Book of Visual Basic)

VB 6 in 21 days - Sams Publishing IP & My SQL - Sumitra Arora

For Any assistance Contact:

Aayushmaan GuptaMob: +91-9039221551 +91-9407221653Email: [email protected]

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