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From Triage To Transformation “Do You Want To Get Well?” Weekly Devotions Week 1: The Crisis Week 2: The Emergency Room Week 3: The Intensive Care Unit Week 4: Recovery Week 5: Discharge Come & Be Healed We thank God that you have joined us in this exciting new series called “From Triage To Transformation: Do You Want To Get Well?” Each Sunday you will receive a new devotional booklet to use

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From Triage To Transformation“Do You Want To Get Well?”

Weekly Devotions

Week 1: The Crisis

Week 2: The Emergency Room

Week 3: The Intensive Care Unit

Week 4: Recovery

Week 5: Discharge

Come & Be Healed

We thank God that you have joined us in this exciting new series called “From Triage To Transformation: Do You Want To Get Well?” Each Sunday you will receive a new devotional

booklet to use during your daily prayer time. The devotions are written by the Pastors, Lay Pastors, Elders, Deacons, & Members of New Life At Calvary.

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Week 5 Devotions: Discharge

Week 5 Introduction: Praise God that you have made it to week 5 of our series From Triage To Transformation “Do You Want To Get Well?” We praise God that you have spent five weeks in your journey toward transformation.

Last week we spent time understanding what it means to be in recovery. Recovery is something that we should expect when we walk with God. There are some things that many of us are going through right now and it seems like we have become resigned to living like this. We don’t expect change and transformation. We expect for things to be like they have always been. When we take this attitude we begin to limit God. The whole point of our time for us here on earth is to change and transform to become more and more like Jesus Christ! We are not supposed to stay the same sinners. We are not supposed to stay the same prideful individuals. We are definitely supposed to stay the same selfish people that we entered this world as. WE ARE SUPPOSED TO CHANGE!

We began this series by asking the question, “DO YOU WANT TO GET WELL?” Well, if we are honest, most of us don’t want to get well, because that would require true change on our parts. If we truly look at ourselves in the mirror we don’t mind going from crisis to crisis, from emergency to emergency, and we are currently living in the intensive care unit. Few of us actually make it to recovery and discharge. Very few of us actually get well. Friends, this can change today. We can go from some of us getting well, to all of us getting well! How do we do that, we begin to truly believe in and reply upon the power of the Holy Spirit. We begin to get real with ourselves and make the necessary changes in our lives that will allow us to get well, and finally we begin to understand that discharge is more than about feeling better and being able to function better in this world, discharge is about going into the world and making a true change on behalf of Christ! You were created just for this purpose.

Remember that included in this devotion is a page that will allow you to list people, events, or circumstances that you can pray for during the remaining weeks of our series. Make sure at the end of the series to pay attention to answered prayers and to thank God for the blessings.

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Prayer List___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Sunday The Crisis of an athlete Part 5, by RGM*

6 But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." 7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist thedevil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4:6-8 (NIV)

It had never occurred to me that God might have more to say about whether I played football, or how I went to college, or what my career was going to be, than I did. I just assumed I should plan my life, and God should bless my plan. I found out the hard way that God is not obligated to fulfill a contract that we offered to God as an ultimatum on our part. “God if you want me to do this, then you must do that.” There in the hospital room with tears still coming down from my face, I said in my heart, “you’re right God, I was doing all this for me.” You see my church activity was a false substitute for the worship and adoration of the true God. If you would have seen me in church, you would have thought I was a 17 year old faithfully serving God. In reality I was a 17 year old, who thought I could control God to do what I wanted God to do. My life outside of church was not very godly at all.I got up out of that hospital bed, with the tears still coming down from my face. I knew that I was sick and injured with my neck. But my neck was not the most critical issue for me at this moment. For the first time I realized that I was a sinner in need of God in my life spiritually. I had heard the preacher say it many times, but it had not really clicked with me until this moment. I got down on my knees on that cold hospital floor and invited Jesus Christ to come into my life. I didn’t care about how many games any more. I simply accepted that whatever God wanted to do with my life, it was going to be okay with me. When we give our lives, to Jesus, it may seem as though we are giving up so much. But trust me, when we go and follow Jesus, we discover something that can never be taken away from us. I wanted more than a chance to play football again. I wanted to be well with the Lord.

Prayer: Thank you God that you have allowed me to see what has really been in my heart. Thank you for helping me to get well.

Questions To Reflect On:1. What is Grace?

2. What areas of your life are still out of control?

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Monday: Discharged… Am I Ready? Have I Changed? JWD

How could He do this to me ... ? HOW COULD HE ... do this to me?  I was immediately saddened because yet again I was about to miss the point. I had become way too busy for God and He was an interruption to my busy life.

It was at that very moment I woke up. It was in that moment I decided I wanted to get well. Spiritually well, for I already knew I was on the way to recovery physically but God wasn't ready to discharge me until there was a change in my spiritual well-being.

John 9:37-39 NIV Jesus said, “You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you.”    Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him. Jesus said,  “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.”

It was at that very moment I stopped feeling sorry for myself. I stopped asking why me and starting ask why am I here and what do you want me to do?  For the first time in a long time, I sat still and waited to hear God speak to me. (It kind of helped that I had no place to go and nothing to do.) Instead of just waking up in the morning angry to realize I was still in the hospital and they were taking my vitals, I was up praying, writing and reading. And when they came in at 4:30am to take my vitals, I was greeting them warmly.

It was then that Christ gave me sight. The older woman right across the hall from me went through dialysis every other day and still I could hear her singing hymns and being kind to the nurses and aides that came to her room each day. One of the nurses that came to my room was very sweet and kind but when God opened my eyes I saw that she was hurting. Even though she came to work every day she was dealing with a very sick spouse whose outcome did not look good. I was able to pray with and for her. She would stop by even if I wasn't one of her patient's that day. The one thing that God opened my eyes to see is that during my time of distance and pitying, one of my very own prayer warriors was suffering. Ms. Betty's cancer had come out of remission. I would only get to see her one more time before God welcomed her home but I almost missed it.

I was in the hospital for approximately another week. The recovery period was hard but needed. I was discharged a few days before Christmas. I had my physical discharge instructions with medications to continue to as well as continued care for

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my incision from surgery. I also had my spiritual discharge instructions. My job was to follow up and get routine care.

Acts 9:15-19 NIV But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel.  I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”    Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized, and after taking some food, he regained his strength. Saul spent several days with the disciples in Damascus.

After being given what I call a second chance, I left the hospital with the scales off my eyes and regained strength. I spent time with God a lot more and regained purpose for my life in a whole new way.

Now, I can't tell you that I never had to visit the emergency room again because that wouldn't be true. Praise God, I have not had to have another extended hospital stay and pray I can keep it that way. I will tell you that I would rather just go to my regular office visits. I would rather get my routine check ups. There I can get the minor issues, that we tend to ignore, looked after before they become major issues that can no longer be ignored. I would rather pay attention to what God is trying to show me. I rather Christ be able to use me. Before my crisis I thought all was well. I was coasting with a few potholes here and there. I didn't realize my value and how I was letting it depreciate by being idle. I can tell you from triage to discharge, I was a completely different person. By discharge, it wasn't about just showing up at church but there was work to be done both inside and out. By discharge, my family needed to see that I was more than just talk but Christ really did live in me. By discharge, God knew I was His again.

After being discharged, I still stayed in touch with the nurse for a little while through letters and phone calls. One of the last communications with her, she reported that her husband was making a turn for the best.  GOD IS AWESOME!

Jude 1:24-25 NIV To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.

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Prayer: Lord, thank you for discharging me into my life again. Thank you for saving me and for opening my eyes to see what was right in front of me. Thank you for taking this sinner and helping me to be well.

Questions For Reflection:

1. Who is right in front of you that needs encouragement and help?

2. Who has been right next to you that has been joyful, spirit filled, and speaking God into your life, but you just have not been paying attention?

3. What miracles have you witnessed in your life?

Tuesday: Have I Gotten Well?

Today’s devotion is about you! That’s right you! Today’s devotion will be a reflection from your life. I know you may be thinking, but I’m not a good writer, I don’t have anything to say, I don’t want anyone to know or read this and all of those thoughts (plus many others) are ok. But today, we have to stop and think about your life, YOU! Are you getting well. Using the scripture below, take a moment and write down a recent story from your life and ask yourself are you getting well. If you are courageous share your story with someone else, take it to your bible study class this week, phone a friend, email someone, post it on Facebook.

Scripture: When Jesus saw him and knew he had been lying there a long time, he said to him, "Do you want to be healed?" (John 5:6 RSV)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Prayer: Thank you Lord, for bringing my life before my eyes. Thank you for helping me to see. Lord, I truly want to get well, but I realize that I cannot get well without you. Help me Lord, I surrender myself to you this day and for the rest of my life. It is by your stripes that I am healed. Amen.

Questions For Reflection:

1. Did you write anything down? Why or why not?

2. What is holding you back from making true changes in your life?

3. What type of help do you really believe that you need in order to make real changes?

Wednesday: The Journey DN

John 14:1-4 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe in Me. In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you….And where I go you know, and the way you know.”

When I thought about recovery, I couldn’t help but also reflect on intensive care. I have been in one or both places a few times in my life which could be stories within themselves, but my mind settled on my stepmother and the “Triage to

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Transformation” journey I took along with her about four years ago. You see God had put me in the position of assisting in her care, and when she became sick, I was her main care provider, especially since I was the only family living in Cleveland. Fortunately however, I was blessed by God to have a husband that was there supporting me, assisting me, and assuming everything along with me and a brother that was involved as much as he could be since he lived out of town. God is an Awesome God!!

Often time with love ones, as well as ourselves, we pray and expect recovery to be from our perspective. We often want to be removed from the “holding status,” and actively resume life as we left it or even return to it in better condition, BUT God’s agenda is not always the same as ours, as it was with my mom.

During the time leading up to recovery (the intensive care period), she fought as hard as she could, but then one day after being in and out of intensive care a couple of times, I distinctly remember her looking intensely at me and saying, “Baby, I’m tired.” It was at that moment I knew her desire of and for “recovery” had reached another plateau. She wanted to recover with her God in His domain and she had no fear or remorse of desiring it. Well Saints, God took her home. Mom’s “recovery,” mom’s wellness was with her Maker.

Often when we are in those times and places where we are “sick,” and in need of treatment, as Christians we must believe that God is always in control no matter what the “recovery” of our situation turns out to be. There are always so many different aspects and roads to becoming well and being discharged. Whether ones wellness/recovery is with God in His spiritual realm or remaining to continue working in the world, the recovery is for God’s purpose. It doesn’t matter if it’s the sick person that recovers or the loved ones that are left behind, God’s choice of “recovery” is the most precious one.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for my entire life. Thank you for guiding me through every situation, thank you for discharging me into a life of wholeness with you. Amen.

Questions For Reflection:

1. What is your relationships like right now? How can you improve?

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2. When God doesn’t answer your prayer like you desire, what has historically been your reaction?

3. How can you change your reaction to be more like Jesus when he said, “Thy will be done?”

Thursday: Hold On To God’s Unchanging Hand Part III, ST & ER

“Hold to God’s unchanging hand, Hold to God’s unchanging hand; Build your hopes on things eternal, Hold to God’s unchanging hand. Trust in Him who will not leave you, Whatsoever years may bring, If by earthly friends forsaken, Still more closely to Him cling. Song written by Porter Wagoner

Psalm 23 The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake 4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley,[a] I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Transformation isn’t just about the person that is going through the crisis, the intensive care, the recovery, and the discharge. It’s also about the people all around that person. ST shared a story of losing her father and the devastating effect that had on her life. ER was the outside observer who experienced ST’s loss with her. What was notable to ER was that ST’s father was discharged to heaven, however, ST experienced transformation here on earth.

ST: “After losing my father, I wasn’t giving up. I could not give up on God. I knew then that everything belonged to God and not me.”

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ER: I got the call Mr. G has passed away. I remember thinking at the time that I had met Mr. G through the church choir. When we had choir rehearsal he would come and pick me up and take me to church for rehearsal, Sharon didn’t want to go and pick up anybody

ST: “I didn’t want to share my daddy with nobody.”

ER: [Watching ST go through transformation], “It was a slow process, but her heart was in God, and she didn’t let anything keep her from realizing that there was and is a God. And if she would just hold on and take it slowly God was going to ease all of the pain that was in her heart and God did that.

She had her mother, her brothers, and she had me. She had her church family.

And we still continue to spoil her today.

ST & ER: If there was a song that could describe what happened to me (ST) it would be “A Wonderful Change Has Come Over Me. What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought since Jesus came into my heart. I have light in my soul for which long I had sought, since Jesus came into my heart. By the Gospel Drifters.

ER: You could see it [the change in ST]. What a wonderful change in my life “

Prayer: Lord, what a wonderful change has come over me, since you have come into my heart. Lord, each day I give you this broken, beat up, heart that is need of repair. I thank you for your constant healing. Amen.

Questions For Reflection:

1. Who have you seen experience true transformation? What was that process like for you being the observer?

2. Is there someone that you know of that is going through a difficult situation, how can you be a source of support and encouragement?

3. How can you be more open and honest about the things that are happening in your life, the places that you are struggling?

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Friday: New Life At Calvary We Are Changed and Transformed, by PKCS

Editing these devotions has been a special privilege. Over the last 5 weeks I have laughed, cried, prayed, and just been immersed in your lives. I have had the special honor of being able to come and talk to you all about your devotions, I have been able to understand in a deeper way your walk with God. What I have been truly blessed to see is all the many ways that we have changed and are continuing to change. I listen as brothers and sisters and Christ try to find ways to be more patient and kind. I have watched you all help each other in ways that people outside of our church would not believe. We physically changed we took two churches and became one, many spoke against us, many were afraid, many didn’t believe we could do it, but by the power and the grace of the Holy Spirit we have been doing just that. We have been doing the impossible made possible by Jesus Christ!

About 6 months ago, both of our previous churches were in emergency situations. We didn’t want to believe it, we didn’t want to think it, but we were in crisis mode. We have been through a lot, the crisis, the emergency room, the intensive care, recovery and now we are headed into discharge. The Lord has said, you are well, now GO and do what I have called you to do! We have been wondering why God has been sending us so many people that have such a great need of healing? Well, people who have gotten well, who know the doctor, we know how to help others get well and how to help them experience transformation. You may be saying, “I can’t do such a thing? I’m barely making it on my own.” Well, the reality is you are doing such a thing. Every time we come to church, every time we pray, every time we serve, every time we give, every time we put someone else’s needs before our own, every time we love, every time we forgive, we are helping with the process of getting well.

Sometimes it doesn’t seem like our little bit is doing much at all. But Praise God and with God, we are making a change. On an obscure corner in Cleveland, OH a group of people come together each week and make sure that someone has something to eat, that some else has clothing, that a group of young people college aged have the opportunity to worship, that seniors have a place to gather and laugh and eat, that children get to attend classes made especially for them where they can make beautiful crafts, sing, and learn, that people of all types get to come together

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to worship, fellowship, laugh, cry, hope, pray. There is much, much, much more that I can say that we have been doing for the cause for Christ. But ultimately what I can say, what We can say is that in our little space in the world, we are making a difference, better yet a difference has been made in us!

Sometimes it has been easy, sometimes it has been heard, sometimes it has been fun, sometimes it has been boring sometimes it has been exciting, sometimes it has been dull, but what has been the best part of it all is that we have been and are experiencing God! In 6 months we have accomplished much with God, just think of what God is going to allow to happen in the next 6 months, the next year and beyond. If we allow the process of transformation to truly occur in our lives, nothing is impossible! Friends, I can’t wait!

Prayer: Thank you God for your transforming power. Thank you for allowing us to become one, thank you for each person, each family, and each moment of the journey! We praise you! Amen

Questions To Reflect On…

1. How have you changed since becoming a part of New Life At Calvary?

2. How have you seen other members change since becoming a part of New Life At Calvary?

3. What can you do to continue to ensure growth and transformation at New Life At Calvary?

Saturday The Crisis of an athlete Part 6 The Conclusion, by RGM*

Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV) 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy

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Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

When I got up off my knees from that cold hospital floor, I was not the same Ricky Mobley that a few minutes earlier had gotten down on his knees to pray. God can meet us in the strangest places in times we least expect him to show up. A few hours earlier, when I entered that hospital, I had no intention of becoming a Christian. All I wanted from God was God’s blessings upon my athletic abilities and freedom to do what I wanted, when I wanted, with whom I wanted, as long as nobody got hurt. In an instant those athletic abilities were gone. But God had opened my eyes to a calling far greater than the plans I had set for myself. God had called me to be a child of God. As such, I was to be a part of the body of Christ, whose job it is to reach the world for Christ. Many people in the church today do not want to get well. They simply want a blessing from God. They miss out on the joy of being a child of God, actively involved in reaching the world for Christ. In that hospital room, I discovered that Jesus is with us always. We have to choose to see him and to respond to him. When I think of all the plans God had for me when I walked up to that hospital door I can only say thank you Jesus. I can’t remember how long I stayed in the hospital. I do remember Rev. Baker coming to visit me. He was a man of faith. He laid his hands on me and prayed for a healing. I never felt the pain again in my neck after his prayer. I watched all the rest of the games from the sidelines the rest of my senior year. The closest I got on the field was my teammates trying to comfort me by saying, “if you had of been playing, we would have won that game.” They didn’t know it, but I was playing a bigger game for Jesus.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a part of your team! I praise you that I am no longer the same and that in you I am forever changed! Help me Lord, to walk upon your path, help me to continue to strive for eternal transformation. I love you Lord, In Your Name I Pray, Amen.

Questions For Reflection:

1. What has changed about you over the last 5 weeks?

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2. What do you want to continue to work on in the upcoming weeks, months, and years?

3. How can you truly help others work on their transformation?

Sunday Morning Power Moment

Praise God you have completed all five weeks of our series from Triage To Transformation…Do You Want To Get Well! We have been through the crisis, the emergency room, intensive care, recovery and now we have been discharged to go and make a difference in the lives of others! We have gotten well, now let’s go help someone else. Thank you for spending these 5 weeks with us. Your transformation has begun! Praise God!

Devotional Notes:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________