welcome to edgewood highland elementary school

Welcome to Edgewood Highland Elementary School Principal: Mrs. Marlene Gamba Kindergarten Teacher: Mrs. Lisa Connell

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Welcome to Edgewood Highland Elementary School. Principal: Mrs. Marlene Gamba Kindergarten Teacher: Mrs. Lisa Connell. Going to Kindergarten is a big step for you child!. Your child may feel: Happy Sad Excited Worried Curious Reluctant You may also feel some of these emotions!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Welcome to Edgewood HighlandElementary School

Principal: Mrs. Marlene Gamba

Kindergarten Teacher: Mrs. Lisa Connell

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Going to Kindergarten is a big step for you child!

Your child may feel:HappySadExcitedWorriedCuriousReluctant

You may also feel some of these


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Help prepare your child and yourself

Be sure your child has a chance to play with other children

Have a positive attitude about schoolTake your child to the park, farm, airport,

etc.Set and follow routines at homeAllow your child to use crayons and paintShow your child how learning is fun

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Start a routine now!

Try to:• Set a reasonable bedtime. Young children need about

10-12 hours of sleep each night.• Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast every day.• Read with your child every day and let your child handle

picture books. • Limit TV watching-no more than 1 hour per day (this

includes video and computer games). Choose educational programs.

• Plan time each day to talk about school.• Be positive and encourage your child to ask questions

and share feelings with you.

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What will kindergarten be like?

Dealing with more people:New children, more teachers, more school staff

New settings and activities:Visiting the computer lab, the gym, art and music

class, learning to work independently and cooperatively in centers and other areas of the room

More structureKindergartens will follow a daily routine.

More focus on learningYour child will spend more time doing reading,

writing, science, math and other activities.

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Morning Kindergarten Session:8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

(Please arrive by 8:20 a.m. and meet in the back schoolyard or multipurpose room in the case of inclement weather.)

Afternoon Kindergarten Session:12:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

(Please meet at 12:00 p.m. inside the front entrance of the school.)

Please be prompt and adhere to these times.

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A typical day…a lot to do in a little time!

• Unpack• Calendar• Special teacher (art, music, gym,

library)• Literacy skills/Reading/Science/Math/

Social Studies• Snack• Centers• Pack up to go home

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Getting ready for the first day!

• Send your child with a backpack (*please do not buy one with wheels, as it will not fit in his/her locker) and one healthy snack and drink (We will provide your child with a folder.)

• Label your child’s belongings (backpack, snack box, jacket, etc.)

• Practice with your child: - saying and writing his/her name (the first letter in upper case and the rest in lower case) - letters of the alphabet, shapes and colors - putting on and removing a coat with little help - following simple directions

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Children develop at different ratesand

Most children are stronger in some areas than in others

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Also remember…

We are here to help. The teachers and staff at Edgewood Highland are partners with

YOU in your child’s education! If you have any questions, we will do our best to

answer them or direct you to someone who can. You may contact me by

telephone at school at 270-8065 or by e-mail at

[email protected].

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Please fill out 2 emergency care cards and leave them in the box on the red table.

Please leave your child’s nametag in the basket on the red table.

Please leave your child’s lily pad and picture so we may hang it on the bulletin board.

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We look forward to a very exciting year with your
