welcome to grade 10 communications technology …quite possibly the coolest course you’ll take in...

Welcome to Grade 10 Welcome to Grade 10 Communications Communications Technology Technology quite possibly the coolest course quite possibly the coolest course you’ll take in high school! you’ll take in high school! 1a What is Communication.ppt

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Page 1: Welcome to Grade 10 Communications Technology …quite possibly the coolest course you’ll take in high school! 1a What is Communication.ppt

Welcome to Grade 10Welcome to Grade 10

CommunicationsCommunicationsTechnologyTechnology……quite possibly the coolest quite possibly the coolest course you’ll take in high course you’ll take in high school!school!

1a What is Communication.ppt

Page 2: Welcome to Grade 10 Communications Technology …quite possibly the coolest course you’ll take in high school! 1a What is Communication.ppt

General Computer Lab General Computer Lab PoliciesPoliciesNo food or drink near computers.

No book bags or coats (leave in your locker if possible).Internet for school use only.No games on computers.Save all work in your folder on the “G” drive. Back-up work saved on the USB Drives. Work saved elsewhere will or may be deleted.Back up your work regularly (save to a USB memory stick). You’re not the only person using your machine.

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Other Things You Should Other Things You Should Know…Know…All equipment must be inspected before use and

checked by your teacher when returned.Students must sign in and out when working outside the classroom (ex. video project). You must also list the location where you will be working in case we need to find you. Video cameras must be handled with care (they are VERY expensive). Use proper techniques when filming.Clean up starts 5 min. before end of class (NO SOONER)!Failure to treat the room and equipment with respect will result in a general state of ugliness (you’ll see a side of your teacher you really don’t want to).

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Other Things You Should Other Things You Should Know…Know…Other teachers will likely drop by from time

to time, so be careful. They are relatively harmless, but they can sense fear. Whatever you do, don’t look them directly in the eyes (makes ‘em edgy).Be aware – we are going to make video critics of each and every one of you. You’ll never be able to watch TV, movies or animated cartoons the same way again. Sorry in advance! We cannot be held responsible for the psychological damage that may ensue.


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Other Things You Should Other Things You Should Know…Know…

Comm Tech teachers tend to do not-so-bright things once in a while, so be patient with us. We are human after all (or at least that’s the rumor). We, your teachers, may not always set the best example so please exercise YOUR better judgment.Above All.Treat the class, your classmates and your teacher with respect and this will be a really fun semester for everyone!

even even


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And now…And now…

Your First Your First “Official”“Official”Comm Tech Comm Tech Note!Note!Let the games begin!Let the games begin!

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What is What is Communication?Communication?


St. Christopher CSSSt. Christopher CSS

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Universal Systems Model of Universal Systems Model of TechnologyTechnology

One way of studying the technological system is by examining the inputs, processes, and outputs of that system.You can think of a communications system like a car.  The gas you put into a car is the input.  When the engine burns the gas, it processes the "input."  When the car moves, you have output.

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Universal Systems Model of Universal Systems Model of TechnologyTechnology

Feedback is an important part of the process.  It allows the sender to know whether or not the output was understood correctly by the receiver.  Feedback can take many forms.  A common example would be a person repeating back what they just heard from the sender.

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Universal Systems Model of Universal Systems Model of TechnologyTechnology

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What is Communication?What is Communication?

sending and receiving of information or messages

this text is a message. If you read and understand the words, you have received the message and communication has occurred.

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What is Communication?What is Communication?If this message was written in a language you couldn't read, communication would not occur because you couldn't receive the message correctly.

Today communication Technology is used to help people communicate faster, farther and more often than ever before.

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What is Communication?What is Communication?

It is used to exchange information with people, machines and animals.

At work people use it to become more creative and productive.

In school we are using it to learn new things and to explore our interest and abilities

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What is Communication?What is Communication?

At home we use it to stay informed, to be entertained and to keep in touch with family and friends.

Communication affects nearly every aspect of our life.

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What is Communication?What is Communication?

Just think about what your life would be like without communication.

No one would speak to you.

There would be no television

no newspaper, or no internet.

No messages would be sent, no messages would be received.

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Why do we communicate?Why do we communicate?

Humans have basic needs.Babies cry because they’re hungry. Food is a basic need for survival, along with shelter and security.Communication enables us to meet our basic needs.

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Why do we communicate?Why do we communicate?

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Communication System Communication System ModelModel

First their must be a message, it can be a picture, a sound or the written word.

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Communication System Communication System ModelModel

Next, there must be a sender to “launch” the message.This message travels through a communication channel to the receiver.Channels can take many forms (wires, paper, air, etc.).

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5 Main Reasons to 5 Main Reasons to CommunicateCommunicate

1. To inform (newspapers, news programs).2. To educate (teachers, journals,

newspapers, textbooks, documentaries).3. To persuade (ads, salespeople, lawyers).4. To entertain (huge industry – music,

movies, books, magazines, TV, games, CD-roms).

5. To control (propaganda, machine to machine, timers, thermostats).

Good exam or test question??

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The Communication The Communication ProcessProcess

All messages are designed to reach a specific AUDIENCE.

Ex. 1 – An ad for retirement planning probably won’t work well in a magazine for Canadian teens.Ex. 2 – Loud hip-hop music may be effective for a soft drink ad that appears on Muchmusic, but it wouldn’t be very useful for an insurance ad during “60 Minutes”.

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We need to consider audience and cost when designing any form of communication. Effective communication requires planning, organization and analysis.Each of these applies to what you will do in class, e.g., thumbnails (rough work) – composite drawing (reworked rough work in colour)

The Communication The Communication ProcessProcess

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Human-to-human communication: speaking, gesturing, writing, etc. Human-to-machine communication: computers, telephones, musical instruments, etc.

Machine-to-machine communication: CNC machines, thermostats, timers, automatic switches that can sense unsafe conditions and stop tool motion, etc. 

Modes of CommunicationModes of Communication

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Machine-to-human communication: fire alarms, alarm clocks, gauges, gameboy, machines that warn of necessary service or breakdown, etc. Supplementary types of communication: ESP, magnet, compass, etc. 

Modes of CommunicationModes of Communication

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Data Communication - Computer systems Technical Design - Engineering, architecture and industrial designers.... Optics - Photography, holograms... Graphic Production - Ink on paper, plastic metal or fabric... Audio and Video - Television, radio... 

Types of Communication Types of Communication SystemsSystems

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The Problem Solving The Problem Solving MethodMethod

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This problem solving method is used all of the time in the area of communication technology.Graphic designers use it to develop eye-catching messagesFiber optic engineers use it to invent new ways of sending messages. Whether you are taking photographs, producing a video, or printing a business cards, there will be problems to be solved

The Problem Solving The Problem Solving MethodMethod

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Congratulations! Congratulations!

You survived your first You survived your first comm tech note. Was comm tech note. Was that so bad?that so bad?