welcome to · on your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the...

Welcome to At KTB kids we understand what an emotional and stressful time starting nursery can be for both you as a parent and your child, which is why we have put together this guide to give you and your child some idea of what to expect when they start here at KTB Kids.

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Page 1: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover

Welcome to

At KTB kids we understand what an emotional and

stressful time starting nursery can be for both you

as a parent and your child, which is why we have

put together this guide to give you and your child

some idea of what to expect when they start here

at KTB Kids.

Page 2: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover

About us

KTB Kids opened in 2014, to provide high quality childcare to professional people living and working in and around Dartford Town Centre. Our children enjoy many fun

activities to encourage their development, increase their confidence and ultimately, prepare them for their transition to school. Every day at KTB Kids nursery our

children get messy exploring all their senses and they get creative expressing their ideas through painting, sticking, drawing and building. We put on puppet shows or

recreate stories, we enjoy daily yoga sessions, read together and the children are supported to extend their play ideas by imaginatively creating scenes, props and roles

using our vast range of open ended resources around the nursery. It's fun, interesting and stimulating for them – and through play, they are learning and developing. It’s

just as childhood be. We are inspired by the Reggio Emilia style of childcare, an approach that harnesses children’s natural curiosity and creativity, enabling them to be

driven by their interests to understand and know more. We have a development zone, classroom and baby room and whilst some learning is by age group, a lot includes

the children of all ages playing together. Child-initiated and spontaneous exploratory play are frequently and regularly encouraged. We bring the outside in, giving

children natural materials to play with – wooden toys, feathers, dried flowers and counting beads.

At meal times, they tuck eagerly into a wide variety of flavourful food made from local, ethical produce - healthy and nutritious, to give them the best start in life. We

have gained recognition of quality through the Soil Association where we are proud holders of their highest level of catering award. Beyond this we take some

responsibility towards sowing the seeds of good food habits for life through regular practical cooking and growing activities and food-based learning. Come rain or shine,

we take our children safely out to explore the local area, including parks, play areas and nature spots. We’re exercising, getting some fresh air and learning along the way

about our local area, animals, insects and the natural environment. And when it’s time for a rest, we have a wonderful sleeping room with cots for the babies and small

beds for the toddlers to sleep in a peaceful and tranquil room.

Our aim is to work in close partnership with our families, as our children develop we help and support the transitions through weaning, potty training and behavioural

management, working together to give consistent messages. At KTB Kids we offer an extension to the values our families would like to instil, leading the way with

development and education that can be continued at home.

Page 3: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover

Before you start

Registration forms

Every child is different; this is why we need to gain as much information as possible from you prior to any settling in sessions. Our registration forms including the health

questionnaire and consent forms will alert us to anything that we need to know to be able to safely care for your child. The forms will outline any allergies, health

concerns, food intolerances or preferences and all family and emergency contact details and child collection information.

Risk assessments

Should your child have nay allergies, intolerances or health concerns we will complete a risk assessment prior to your child starting. This will ensure we have a clear plan

of how to care for your child safely.

Home visits

We work in partnership with parents and we acknowledge the importance of parents as children’s first educators. The first step in creating this partnership is

offering home visit for every family attending the nursery, preferably before the child start their settling in sessions. We believe that this enables

parents and children to meet members of the nursery staff in the place where they feel most at ease, at home.

All about me forms

Getting to know your child is crucial in enabling us to support your child to settle in. This is why we ask parents to comment on their child’s likes, dislikes, interests,

favourite activities, and personality. We also ask for information about what your child can do well and what they might need more support with. This enables our

nursery educators to understand what to expect from the child whilst we are getting to know them, and also the activities the child would enjoy the most. This

information helps to ensure a child enjoys their first nursery experiences. We also ask for the parents expectations of us as a nursery so that we can meet and hopefully

exceed these standards.

My family boards/books

As part of the settling in process we ask parents to provide photos of the child with their family. These photos can be comforting for children to look at when they are

feeling upset or unsure.

Page 4: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover

Settling in sessions

Organising the settling in sessions

Each child who attends KTB Kids full time is entitled to 2 shorter and 1 longer settling in sessions:

What your child needs to bring

Nappies (if your child is still in nappies)

Wipes (if still in nappies)

Rain coat


Change of clothes

Water bottle

Comforter (if your child has one)

What your child should wear

Each day children will participate in a wide range of activities including messy and creative play. Although we provide protective aprons for these activities we still advise

that parents don’t dress children in new or expensive clothes. The best clothes for nursery are those that are comfortable.

What happens when I bring my child in for their settling in session?

At KTB Kids we understand that your child’s first day at nursery is a big occasion and that it can be upsetting for both you and your child. In order to reduce the upset for

your child it is important for you to stay as upbeat as possible, if you they see you crying or fretting, you’ll make them feel uneasy about the whole nursery experience.

When it's time for you to say goodbye, explain carefully that you're about to go and you'll be back to pick her up when nursery is over. Don't start to leave and then get

drawn back by tears and a trembling lip and although tempting, slipping away when your child is distracted can lead to the child becoming very anxious and not letting

you out of their sight on the next visit.

Page 5: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover

Starting at the nursery

Your child’s belongings

Each child attending the nursery will have their own dedicated peg in the nursery cloakroom. This is where their daily belongings will be safely kept. Parents can choose

to either bring in a freshly stocked bag each day, or to bring in a stock of supplies to stay at the nursery, and we will inform you when this needs replenishing. Either is

fine by us. Please remember that if your child is in nappies they will need at least 6 nappies per day. Toilet trained children will always need spare undergarments.


If your child has a particular favourite toy or blankie they want to bring with them to help them settle in, it doesn't hurt at first as it can help nursery feel a little bit more

like home. Once your child is settled into nursery we ask parents to encourage their children to leave toys at home, so they aren't lost or misplaced as this can cause

distress when they come to go home.

The first day

On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover from

you. We will call you half way through the session with an honest update on how they are doing. Remember that some tears are expected but if your child was

inconsolable we would call you sooner. What we aim for in these first sessions is to be able to settle and distract the child should they become upset. It can take time for

a new child to settle into the nursery routine, but be reassured that they will.

Page 6: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover


We understand that children have their own daily routines and we can be flexible around the nursery routine to fit with individual needs. However, a nursery day needs

some structure and at KTB Kids we fit in two outside adventure trips each day and sit the children together in our communal dining space to eat five times per day so the

need for some organisation is important.

Our routine

Below is a breakdown of the structured times throughout our day. Please see the parent’s board for the adult led and child initiated activities for each day and the

themes and topics for the season.

Morning Routine Afternoon Routine Time Activity Time Activity 07:00-08:30 Breakfast 13:30 – 16:00 Afternoon outside adventures 09:15-09:45 Morning snack 16:00-16:30 Afternoon tea

09:00 – 11:30

Morning outside adventures


Evening snack

11:45 - 12:00

Circle time

12:00 – 12:30


Page 7: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover

Our rooms There are three main areas that the children accesses within the nursery, these areas are:

Although KTB Kids offers mixed age grouping,

we do have a dedicated space for our babies.

This room can have up to 9 babies under 18

months, with another 3 transitioning into the

development zones between 18months and two

years. This transition and the age that it occurs

will very much depend on the individual child

and their development, but our aim is for our

children to have transitioned into development

zone by the age of two.

The development zone is the largest room within

the nursery, as is the room dedicated for the 2-3

year olds within the nursery, although it is also

the room where the mixed age grouping occurs.

The babies access this room during quieter times

of the day, for example during park trips or when

some of the older children are sleeping. Our

pre-schoolers have free access to this room, and

will normally spend their day at nursery between

the development zone and the classroom.

The preschool classroom is the area where are

school readiness programme takes place. The

school readiness programme is a year

programme which the three years old within

the nursery will embark on in the September

before they go to school. Al 3 year olds will

spend some time though in this room

throughout the day.

Baby room

Page 8: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover

The Childcare Provider Poem

Although I am not their mother, I care for them each day.

I cuddle, sing, and read to them, and watch them as they play.

I see each new accomplishment, and help them grow and learn.

I understand their language, and listen with concern.

They come to me for comfort, and I wipe away their tears.

They proudly show their work to me, I give the loudest cheers!

No, I am not their mother, but my role is just as strong.

I nurture them and keep them safe, though maybe not for long.

I know someday the time may come when we will have to part.

But I know each child I’ve cared for is forever in my heart.

Page 9: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover

The key person system at KTB Kids

All children are allocated a key person before starting at the nursery. This educator is the person who will know your child the best and will be your first point of contact

within the nursery. Your child’s age, the days they attend and their interests are all considered when allocating a key person. The key educator will observe your child

and will plan and set up suitable activities on a daily basis that they know your child will enjoy, but will challenge them. This makes sure they reach their potential for

learning. They will also complete the statutory assessments required for each child attending a nursery. Should you wish to discuss a change to your child’s allocated key

person you are always welcome to discuss this with a member of the nursery management team.

Throughout their time in the nursery there will be planned key person changes. However the mixed age grouping philosophy within our nursery means that transitions

are always smooth and not daunting for the child or their family. Our babies are familiar with the main development zone and the practitioners in this area in the same

way that our 3 year olds are familiar with the classroom and the practitioners in this room. Practitioners will be watching out for the children that they will ‘inherit’, way

before they actually formally move ensuring that they are aware of their motivators, likes and dislikes. Our team is small and they work well together, meaning that they

communicate fully in providing the relevant information for a positive experience for all involved when changes are required.

At KTB Kids the planned transitions take place at the following times:

- When a child turns 2 and they leave the baby room. - In the September of the year before they will start school when they move into our school readiness programme.

The transitioning process is smooth within the setting due to the open plan nature of the rooms. Children will be prepared for the move, and children and parents will be

introduced to the new key educator well in advance. Transitions are always child led and wellbeing is central to effective change, this will always be our priority.

Page 10: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover

Management team

The management team at KTB Kids is made up of Katie the nursery owner, Hayley the nursery manager and safeguarding designated person and

Naomi deputy nursery manager and SENCo. All members of the management team work actively within the nursery supporting staff to ensure that all

children receive the best care and education possible.

Mrs Katie Ballard - Owner Mrs Hayley Grayston - Manager Mrs Naomi Steel - Deputy

Page 11: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover

Baby room educators – caring for our under 2’s

We have three level three educators who work within our baby room with a maximum of 9 babies. Each member of staff will be a key person for a small

group of children and although your child’s key person is the first point of contact for you and your child, all the staff in baby room will have a good

knowledge and understanding of the individual needs of your child. The full profiles of the team are available on our website

Leanne – level III educator Sarah – level III educator

Marilyn – training educator

Page 12: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover

Development zone educators – caring for our 2 and 3 year olds

Our team of educators working within the development zone work closely with the staff in both baby room and pre-school to support children with their

transitions within the nursery. Our development zone educators will look after the children as they leave baby room, supporting them as they grow until

they are ready to move into their final year in the nursery before starting reception. Full profiles are on our website.

Naomi Level III educator

Emma Level III educator

Hannah Level III educator

Emma P Level III educator

Mel Level III educator

Ellie educator assistant

Page 13: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover

Class room educators – caring for our pre-school children

The staff in pre-school work closely with the staff in development zone to prepare the children in development for their school readiness year. Once

they start their school readiness year in the September before they go to school the staff in preschool will support the children in preschool to achieve

the skills required to fully prepare them for school. Full profiles are on our website.

Kylie Level III educator

Louise – Training educator Paige – Training educator

Page 14: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover

Working in partnership with parents At KTB Kids we understand that for the best outcome for the child, as educators we need to share information with the parents and carers of the children attending our

nursery. We have several measures in place to assist with this but ultimately it is important that all parents acknowledge that we always have an open door policy and if

you have any concerns, questions or information that you would like to share with us we would be open to receive or discuss this at any time.

Communication with parents

The measures that we have in place to be able to effectively communicate with parents and encourage two way communication and an open door policy with our

educators and management beyond the comprehensive handovers each day are:

1. Information for parents board

2. Weekly email to parents

3. Online learning book for child observations and assessments

4. Events

5. Key educator meetings

6. Comments box

7. Complaints

Weekly email to parents

Each week parents will receive an email containing the forthcoming weeks menu along with the planning for each room. This information provides parents with a bit

more of a insight into what the children will be doing and eating during their time at nursery. Also attached is a detailed explanation of the planning types used within

the setting and how they are used to ensure every child has access to varied, interesting and challenging experiences at nursery.


Page 15: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover

At KTB Kids we hold a minimum of two social events per year that parents are welcome to attend. Our summer picnic and Christmas party give parents the opportunity

to see their children interact amongst their friends and to chat to our team of nursery educators in a casual situation. It is also a good time to meet and chat to the other

parents at the nursery. We also offer parent workshops termly to support parents in understanding the settings ethos, the activities we provide and to support parents

to extend their child’s learning consistently with us. Topics include unlocking the learning potential of loose part play, Makaton signing, a guide to school readiness, and

exploring schemas.

Key educator meetings

At collection each day parents will of course chat to our educators about how their child is doing within the nursery, what they are learning, which activities they are

enjoying and who they are playing with. When the termly assessments are completed however, parents may wish to discuss the outcome and plans more formally. We

encourage parents with key educator meetings as frequently as required. They will be booked at the convenience of parents where ever possible.

Comments box

At collection each day parents will of course chat to our educators about how their child is doing within the nursery, what they are learning, which activities they are

enjoying and who they are playing with. When the termly assessments are completed however, parents may wish to discuss the outcome and plans more formally. We

encourage parents with key educator meetings as frequently as required. They will be booked at the convenience of parents where ever possible.

Page 16: Welcome to · On your child’s first day at nursery, like at the settling in session either the child’s key person or their buddy will be there to greet your child and take a handover

We hope that your child, and you, will have positive and enjoyable experiences of the time at our nursery.

Welcome to KTB Kids