what is talent management and how to build culture in entity

What is Talent Management and How to Build Culture in Entity By: Assumpta Hangganararas Talent Management Trainer for Expansions in AIESEC Indonesia

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What is Talent Management and

How to Build Culture in Entity

By: Assumpta Hangganararas Talent Management Trainer for Expansions

in AIESEC Indonesia

Objectives. •  K n o w i n g t h e d e f i n i t i o n o f Ta l e n t

Management •  Knowing how Talent Management works •  Knowing how to build culture in entity

First thing first, what is Talent Management?

“...companies define talent

management largely as consisting

of succession planning, high

potential identification and

development, assessment and

feedback, and career planning/


- Harvard Business Review

"It’s about everybody. It's about

pushing everybody to be the best

that they can be, because if

everybody becomes that 5%

better at what they do, then the

business as a whole gets a real

competitive edge.”

- Cranfield University

Talent Management is a set of integrated

organizational HR processes designed to

attract, develop, motivate, and retain

productive, engaged employees. The goal

of talent management is to create a high-

performance, sustainable organization

that meets its strategic and operational

goals and objectives.

- Johns Hopkins University

So, Talent Management

department in an entity is

responsible for:

recruit, retain, and develop

its precious member




Recruit - Talent Planning

- Recruitment

- Induction

- Career Planning

- Allocation

Retain - Talent Tracking

- Reward and Recognition


- Education and Training

- Performance Management



Talent Planning Recruitment Induction Career


Talent Allocation

Education and Training

Talent Tracking

Performance Managemen


Rewards and Recognition


doing the process alone is

not enough.

Talent Management needs

to build and foster

a culture in entity.

Aw yes,

what is culture and why it’s

essential for my entity?

Culture is the shared

values and practices of

the entity's members.


1.  Culture as an attraction for talent

2.  Culture retains the talent

3.  Culture reflects entity’s personality

4.  Culture creates & builds passion

5.  Culture unites members  

1. Culture as an attraction for talent

If the entity builds culture that is strong

and well-known in university, as long as

the entity develops the enticing and

enjoyable place for the members, then

you can attract serious talent looking to

join in the entity

2. Culture retains the talent

Once you’ve recruited talent that fits in

our culture, then they likely stay longer in

the entity. Having a good place and

atmosphere for members to do their

performance boosts talent retention in

the entity.

3. Culture reflects entity’s personality

If the entity have developed a strong

culture, you will know that other leaders

within the entity will better understand

how to make a decision based on how it

fits within the culture we created.

4. Culture creates and builds passion

If members are believe in the culture of

the entity, then they will be passionate

about what we have created, and how

they fit in with helping the entity grow


5. Culture unites members

With the right culture, members will fill

united in a cause: to grow the entity.

This will lead to a better teamwork and

stronger members initiatives.

How to build entity’s culture?

1. Set clear expectations and write culture plans

Creating a simple and easy-to-articulate

vision for what you are trying to

accomplish and what sorts of behaviors,

attitudes, and approaches are (and are

not) valued by the entity. Writing a culture

plan can help clarify to members the key

organizational values that the founder

aspires to.

For example:

I want to build a competitive and learning culture in

my entity.


After doing mini research and analyze the traits of my

member, they are craving for achievements and

personal development. Competitive atmosphere is

essential for my achiever member. I’ll have many

competitions and recognition for them. And to grow

their personal development, I’ll have education days

and online education library so they can learn and

access it everytime they want.

2. Be consistent in actions

A great culture begins with the leaders (EB,

MB, OCP) who proactively setting the tone

and give the example for its members. This

actions help showcases the culture.

Team members will likely notice if you do not

“walk the talk,” so it can be helpful to think

of yourself and your leadership team as role

models for the culture. If you consistently

present it in the right way, others will follow.

3. Foster frequent informal


Promoting another way of communicating with

your members in informal way. For example: in

every week you and your team have a bonding

time with karaoke or eat together in fancy resto

and talk about everything (not just AIESEC thing).

These informal interactions not only broke down

perceived hierarchical walls, but also gave you

direct engagement with members.

Basic human friendship is a more powerful

motivator than a top-down command.

4. Do invest and innovate in maintaining entity’s


Do invest in physical resources like IT

(online learning source, education

library, etc) or good office arrangement

and design, it is critical to invest in

developing and enhancing your culture

over time.

5. Feedback time

You have to focus on things that you can

measure. Measure the effectiveness of your

culture by doing feedback time regularly.

For example:

Create a feedback mechanisms when in

every week, leaders spend their time to have

1 on 1 (one on one) talk with member;

putting feedback boxes around the office;

have informal chat with teammates;

online survey; etc.

6. That’s it. Just do it!


Anay, Panos. “4 Easy Ways to Create a Workplace Culture That

Doesn’t Suck” in fastcompany.com, last accessed 19 December


Cohn, Chuck. “How to Create and Maintain a Workplace Culture

That Will Make Your Company Thrive” in forbes.com, last

accessed 19 December 2015

University, Johns Hopkins. “What is Talent Management?”, in

tmod.jhu.edu, last accessed 18 December 2015