what is the class policy regarding: food drinks electronic devices block 7/21 - 7/22

What is the class policy regarding: • Food • Drinks Electronic Devices BLOCK 7/21 - 7/22

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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1
  • What is the class policy regarding: Food Drinks Electronic Devices BLOCK 7/21 - 7/22
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  • Thursday 7/23 Compare/Contrast Qualitative and Quantitative Observations: Name at least 2 of the properties that all living things share
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  • Friday 7/24 Scientific Process/Scientific Method List the 6 Steps we discussed in class: What do you do if your Hypothesis is rejected?
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  • Monday 7/27 Define Independent Variable What is another name for the I.V.? Define Dependent Variable What is another name for the D.V.? What are the controlled variables in an experiment
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  • BLOCK 7/28 7/29 Explain how the terms DRY and MIX can be of help when graphing: (what do all letters stand for) Draw and label the X and Y axes on a graph
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  • Thursday 7/30 What are the 5 things required on every graph? The X-axis covers 34 squares on your graph paper. Your IV data ranges from 0 to 150 years. What scale could you use to set up your x-axis? (1 square =?? Or years per square)
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  • Friday 7/31 What do each of the following letters represent, and what is each units numeric value (if Base Unit = 1) K H D B D C M ___ ___ deca Base deci ___ ___ __ __ __ 1 ___ ___ ___ What is metric unit of length? What is metric unit of volume (liquid)? What is metric unit of mass?
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  • Monday 8/3 Convert 48 centimeters (cm) to: _______ meters (m) _______ millimeters (mm) Convert 245 milliliters (ml) to: _______ liters (l) How many mm in (1) meter? _________ How many mm in (1) cm? _________ How many cm in (1) meter? _________
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  • BLOCK 8/4 8/5 What is the volume of an object measuring: 11 cm X 7 cm X 2 cm (include units!!) Describe how you can determine the volume of an irregularly shaped object such as a rock, a marble or a threaded nut?
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  • Thursday 8/6 List four Chemistry-related things you recall learning about:
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  • Friday 8/7 Define element: What 4 elements compose 90% of the mass of most organisms? Define atom: What three particles make up an atom? Electrons in an atoms outermost shell are called ______________ electrons
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  • Monday 8/10 Atoms of the same element can have different numbers of neutrons; these variations of an element are called:______ An atoms Atomic Number is equal to that elements number of :______________ An elements Atomic Mass is equal to its number of _________ plus its number of __________. To determine the number of neutrons, the ________is subtracted from the ________
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  • BLOCK 8/11 8/12 Define Compound: Define Molecule: What occurs in a Covalent bond? What occurs on an Ionic bond? What do you call an atom that loses an electron? Gains an electron?
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  • Thursday 8/13 What type of chemical bond forms between Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms in the making of a water molecule? What type of chemical bond forms between two water molecules? What do we mean when we say that water is a polar molecule? Draw a Bohr model for 1 molecule of water
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  • Monday 8/17 Compare adhesion and cohesion: Describe capillary action and give an example: Compare hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances, and give an example of each: Make up a potential Quiz Question :
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  • BLOCK 8/18 8/19 What do the horizontal rows or Periods in a Periodic Table represent? What do the vertical columns or Families in a Periodic Table represent? Why is water considered to be Polar? Draw the pH scale, label acid or base I----------------------------I-----------------------------I
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  • Friday 8/21 What are the 4 major classes of Macromolecules, and give an example of each:
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  • Monday 8/24 What is the chemical formula for Glucose: Simple Sugars (monosaccharides) are usually found arranged in what type of structural shape? What are the functions and types of organisms that use the following polysaccharides: Starch Glycogen Cellulose Chitin
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  • BLOCK 8/25-8/26 There are how many Amino Acids?______ From these amino acids, we can build how many proteins? __________________ Draw and Label the parts of an amino acid: When a protein is unfolded and loses its original 3- dimensional shape, it has become _____________ What are two ways a protein can lose its shape?
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  • Thursday What is Activation Energy, and how is it affected by an enzyme? List two unique characteristics of enzymes: What is a substrate? What was the substrate in the Enzyme demonstration I gave on Block Day?
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  • Friday List 3 facts about Saturated Fats: List 3 facts about Unsaturated Fats: Describe the structure of a Phospholipid: Which end of a phospholipid is Polar? Nonpolar?
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  • BLOCK What are the monomers of a Nucleic Acid polymer? What are the 3 parts of a Nucleic Acids monomer? List 3 differences between DNA and RNA:
  • Slide 23
  • Friday What is class policy on food and drinks? What is class policy on phones and other electronic devices? What are the consequences for breaking these policies?
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  • Monday Name 4 organelles found inside a cell and their function: How do plant cells and animal cells differ?
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  • BLOCK What are the 3 parts of the Cell Theory? What organelle manufactures Proteins? What organelle converts the chemical energy in food (bonds in glucose) into usable energy (ATP)? What organelle converts light energy into chemical energy (bonds in glucose)?
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  • Thursday How do Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells differ? Compare magnification and resolution: What is the total magnification if the Ocular lens has a 20 X magnification and the High Power objective has a 60 X magnification? What type of microscope have we been using?
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  • Monday Name 3 things found in Plants cells, not in animal? Name one organelle found in animal cells but not in plants ? What are the total magnification powers of the compound light microscopes we used: Scanning = Low Power = High Power =
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  • Thursday What is the cell membrane composed of? What would happen to a freshwater frog placed into a bucket of salt water? (dont just say die) What would happen to a marine jellyfish placed into a bucket of fresh water? (dont just say die)
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  • Friday What are the three types of Passive Transport? What are the three types of Active Transport? Active Transport requires _____________ ?
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  • Monday List and Define the 3 types of Active Transport: List and Define the 3 types of Passive Transport:
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  • Wednesday List 3 things about / how cells divide:
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  • Thursday Define the following: Gamete Gene Chromatids Zygote Autosomes
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  • Friday Cell Cycle Diagram and info copied from Board:
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  • Monday What happens during the S phase of Interphase? Diploid or Haploid? Gametes Zygote Somatic Cells What are 4 types of mutations that can occur in a chromosomes structure? What occurs during Anaphase of Mitosis?
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  • Block Human gametes contain ______ autosome(s) and _______ sex chromosomes. If an organism has a diploid number of 2n=36, how many chromosomes will its sex cells have? Starting with G1, what is the correct sequence of the cell cycle? Which genes stimulate cell division and which genes put the brake on cell division?
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  • Monday What is Photosynthesis? (Include reactants and products in your response) What is one thing you learned from the article from Friday?
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  • BLOCK Write out the balanced equation for Photosynthesis Compare Species, Population, and Community Show a food chain of 4 organisms and label each Trophic Level How much energy gets transferred from one trophic level to the next?
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  • Thursday What is the most common sunlight-absorbing pigment found in chloroplasts? What is another name for the Dark Reaction or the Light Independent Reaction? What two energy carrying molecules are formed in the Light Reaction and used in the Dark Reaction? Compare autotrophs vs. heterotrophs
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  • Friday The H+ concentration gradient leads to the formation of _________________ What is produced as a result of the ETC?________ What are the 3 important end products of the Light Reaction? What happens to water in the Light Reaction? What is the end product of the Calvin Cycle?
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  • Thursday What is the purpose of Cellular Respiration? Write the balanced equation for Cellular Respiration What types of organisms undergo CR?
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  • Friday What are the starting and end products of Glycolysis? What energy carriers are associated with Cellular Respiration? Where does the Krebs Cycle take place? How many ATP are produced in the ETC of Aerobic Respiration?
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  • Mon What are the end products of the Krebs Cycle? Compare anaerobic vs. aerobic processes, and give an example of each: What are the 2 types of Fermentation, and what does each produce? One molecule of Glucose will produce a maximum of ________ ATP via Aerobic Cellular Respiration: ____ in Glycolysis, ____ in Krebs, and _____ in ETC
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  • Block Cellular Respiration Learning Goals Objective: Understand the importance and processes of Cellular Respiration I can: Trace the steps of Respiration from glucose to the production of ATP Understand the importance of NADH and FADH 2 Describe in detail each of the 3 Stages of Aerobic Cellular Respiration Differentiate and explain the 2 types of Fermentation Write the Balanced equation for Aerobic Cellular Respiration Compare Aerobic and Anaerobic processes and give examples Rubric: 4 All above and teach another student 3.5 All above 3Four of above 23 of above 1less than 3 of above
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  • Monday What are the building blocks of DNA called: What are the 3 parts of these monomers? What 4 bases make up DNA? What 4 bases make up RNA? What is DNAs shape?
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  • Thursday List three enzymes involved in DNA Replication and their functions: What does Semi-Conservative Replication mean: If a sample of DNA has 36% Thymine, what % of the sample will be Cytosine? How did you determine this percentage?
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  • Monday What are the building blocks (monomers) of Proteins? Where in the cell are proteins made? What are the 3 differences between RNA and DNA? What are the 3 parts of a Nucleotide?
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  • BLOCK Differentiate between Atomic Number and Atomic Mass: Differentiate between Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic: Differentiate between Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes: Differentiate between Active and Passive Transport:
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  • Thursday Differentiate and give examples of Quantitative vs Qualitative observations How does DRY and MIX relate to graphing? What are the 4 Macromolecules, and examples? List the stages of the cell cycle (break down to 8): ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Interphase I Mitosis I ?
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  • Friday There are _____ amino acids but _______ possible codons. Transfer RNA (tRNA) has an _________ _________ at one end and a 3-base ____________ at the other. ____________ are the non-coding segments that are snipped out of the transcribed mRNA. The segments that do code for proteins, __________, are then glued together by the enzyme ligase. Translation is the process of decoding the _________ into a polypeptide chain (a protein).