what is web 3.0?

What is Web 3.0? EDU 626 Integrating Educational Technology Spring 2013

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Page 1: What is Web 3.0?

What is Web 3.0?

EDU 626 Integrating Educational TechnologySpring 2013

Page 2: What is Web 3.0?


Web 1.0?

• Shopping carts are Web 1.0– The overall goal is to present products to potential

customers, much as a catalog or a brochure does — only, with a website, you can also provide a method for anyone in the world to purchase products. The web provided a vector for exposure, and removed the geographical restrictions associated with a brick-and-mortar business.• Basic Definitions: Web 1.0, Web. 2.0, Web 3.0

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Characteristics of Web 1.0

• Web 1.0 sites are static• Web 1.0 sites aren’t interactive• Web 1.0 applications are proprietary

– Is there a Web 1.0?

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What about Web 2.0?

• Web 2.0: – named by Tim O’Reilly in 2004, to refer to a

second generation in Web history based on user communities and a wide range of services, such as social networks, blogs, wikis or folksonomies, that encourage collaboration and efficient exchange of information among users.• MasterBase Glossary

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Another definition

• Web 2.0– One of those “cool” terms that is batted around with

little definition. It refers to the “second generation” Web, today’s WWW that is more interactive and participatory than the Web used to be. Most people use it to refer to things like social networks such as Facebook, and other sites such as YouTube, where people can post stuff and others can comment. Some people are referring to “Web 3.0” already.

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8Let’s try again!

• What is ‘Web 3.0,’ and should you care?– Nova Spivack, Twine’s founder, said in an

interview last week [4 years ago!] that Web 3.0 is more chronological and simple than some would make it out to be. It just means we’re in the third decade of the Internet, which technically began in March [2009], he said.• CNN SciTechBlog May 25, 2009

is a new way for you to collect online content – videos, photos, articles, Web pages, products - and bring it all together by topic, so you can have it in one place and share it with anyone you want.

See next slide!

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Twine is now Evri!• SEATTLE and SAN FRANCISCO, March 11, 2010—

– Evri (www.evri.com), the search and discovery engine that filters the real-time web for news and conversations that matter and distills them into intelligent information streams, announced today the acquisition of Radar Networks including its flagship property, Twine.com. The acquisition of Twine.com, which gives users a smarter way to share, organize and find information with people they trust, brings together the two key players in the semantic web space and creates the industry’s most comprehensive consumer semantic search & discovery company. Press Release

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Trends to come?

1. Real-time: – Information is moving faster online now than before.

Breaking news events occur on Twitter, the micro-blogging site, not just on news Web sites. Real-time searches allow users to get the latest buzz and to converse. Read more from Siegler at TechCrunch.

• What is ‘Web 3.0,’ and should you care?• Posted by: John D. Sutter -- CNN.com writer/producer

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More trends?

2. Semantics: – Researchers are trying to teach computers to

understand us better so they will know what we mean when we search for something, not just which keywords we're typing in. CNET’s Tom Krazit writes that Google is downplaying the importance of the ‘Semantic Web’ but is actually moving in that direction.

• What is ‘Web 3.0,’ and should you care?

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3. Open communication: – There’s a lot of data online. Citizen scientists are

compiling it and computer scientists are using it, but some predict open communication and product development will be stamps of the new Web era. More on this from Richard MacManus at ReadWriteWeb.

• What is ‘Web 3.0,’ and should you care?

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A Fourth?

4. Mobile and Geography: – Some say geography is playing a bigger role in the

information we post online. As Will Sullivan points out in a recent post [May, 2009] to Poynter.org, the rise of GPS-enabled phones is feeding this trend.

• What is ‘Web 3.0,’ and should you care?• Consider, also, the addition of the capability of indicating

your location on Facebook

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But what is Web 3.0?

• The suggestion seems to be that– If Web 1.0 was the content web– And Web 2.0 was the social web– Then web 3.0 will be the one that brings them

together and creates meaning out of it (hence, the “semantic web”)—putting the content into the social context

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How to make that work?• One way is Tim Berners-Lee’s Semantic Web

– . . . a world in which software “agents” perform Web-based tasks we often struggle to complete on our own.

– A Semantic Web agent could be programmed to do almost anything, from automatically booking your next vacation to researching a term paper.

– . . . it involves a reannotation of the Web, adding all sorts of machine-readable metadata to the human-readable Web pages we use today . . . • Tim, Lucy, and The Semantic Web

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What’s metadata?• That’s something librarians know about!

– metadata – Literally, “data about data.” Structured

information describing information resources/objects for a variety of purposes.

– Descriptive metadata facilitates indexing, discovery, identification, and selection. Structural metadata describes the internal structure of complex information resources.

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Let Tim Explain• Metadata is like keywords or subject headings attached to


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An Example of a Prototype Semantic Web Website

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Similar search engines to Evri

SenseBot is a semantic search engine, meaning that it attempts to understand what the result pages are about. It uses text mining to parse Web pages and identify their key semantic concepts. It then performs multidocument summarization of content to produce a coherent summary. You can read more about the approach in our interview to Search Engine Journal.

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But is that really Web 3.0?• What are they saying in 2012?

– Web 3.0 is alive and real • While the definitions vary I think about the next generation

Internet as having three elements: it is ‘personal’, it is ‘intelligent’ and it is ‘mine’. It is about building and equipping consumers with the tools to build ‘personal intelligent webs’.

• A web 3.0 world is more about Jeannie from the television show ‘I dream of Jeannie’ or Aladdin. It is where I have assistance in building dynamic and customized webs of content, function and social connections that literally alter on the fly based on what I want and what it knows. A web 3.0 world is not about finding but about filtering, organizing and doing. Very different from the librarian of my youth.

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Web 3.0?

What about Web 4.0, etc.?

See presentation “Web 4.0 and beyond” for our next discussion!