what’s his first name? what’s his last name? what’s his telephone number? his first name is...

What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146.

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Post on 13-Dec-2015




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Page 1: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146

What’s his first name?

What’s his last name?

What’s his telephone number?

His first name is Tom.

His last name is Brown.

His telephone number is 61498146.

Page 2: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146


A: Hello! What’s your name?

B: My name is…

A: I’m… Nice to meet you.

A: What’s his name?

B: His name is…

A: And what’s her name?

B: Her name is…

Page 3: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146

True or False

Liu Xiang √


Sun Yanzi

Zhou Jie Lun

Tianliang ×√

Tian Liang

Zhou Jielun

Page 4: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146


我的 你的(你们的)他的她的它的我们的他们的


1.必须放在 n. 前面。


Page 5: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146

1.My name is Alan.

I am Alan.


His name’s Bob.

He is Bob.

Page 6: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146


Her name is Gina.

She is Gina.

Page 7: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146

人称代词主格主格I 我you 你 / 你们he 他she 她it 它we 我们they 他们 / 她们 /它们








1. 主格用在句首,做主语

2. 宾格用在 v. 和 prep. 的后面,做宾语

Page 8: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146

1.Who is the girl? ___is Alice. (she)

2.Look at the boy. ____name is Tom. _____ is in Class 3. We all like ______.(he)

3.What are those ? ____ are our books.(it)

4. Where are _____teachers? (we)

5. Who can help _____? (he)

6.It’s a photo of _____.(I)

7.Some orange is here. Do you like ____?(they)









Page 9: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146

1.Look at the girl. _____ID card is on the desk. ____ is my friend.(her)

2.Can you help ______? _____are good friends.(we)

3.There is a bird. ______ name is Polly._____ is an English bird. (it)


Sheus We


Page 10: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146

1. 你的时钟 your clock2. 他的棒球 his baseball3. 她的电话号码 her phone number4. 我的学生证 my school ID card5. 名字 first name6. 姓氏 family/ last name

Page 11: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146

7. 回答问题 answer the question8. 一块橡皮 an eraser9. 请原谅!对不起!打搅一下! Excuse me!10. 8 块手表 eight watches11. 电子游戏 computer game12. 玩电子游戏 play computer games

Page 12: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146

A:What’s this in English?B:It’s a backpack.

A:How do you spell it?B:B-A-C-K-P-A-C-K.

A:Is this your backpack?

B: Yes, it is. It’s my backpack.

Page 13: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146

2b Listening

Tim: Excuse me, Sonia. Is this your ______.

Sonia: Yes, thank you. And that is my_____

Tim: And Jane, is this your ______ ?Jane: No, it isn’t. It’s her ruler.

Tim: OK, and this is my _____.

And this is your _________ , Jane.



bookpencil case


Page 14: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146

SummaryIs this your pencil? Yes, it is. It’s my pencil.Is this my pen? No, it isn’t. It’s her pen.Is that his book ? Yes, it is. It’s his book.Is that her eraser? No, it isn’t. It’s my eraser.

Page 15: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146

我的英语书丢了。我叫 Lily. 我的电话号码 123-5678. 请根据上述信息写一则寻物启事。


My English book.

My name is Lily./ I’m Lily.

Please call 123-5678.


My English book

Please call Lily at 123-5678.

Page 16: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146


I s this your watch? It’s red.

Please call Liu Na.

Phone #652-9618.


Is this your watch? It’s red.

Please call Liu Na at 652-9618..

Page 17: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146

1.在失物招领箱里 in the lost and found case2. 给 Tom 打电话 call Tom3. 打 119. call 1194. 拨打 114 找她 call her at 114.5. 一串钥匙 a set of keys6. 见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you.

Page 18: What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Brown. His telephone number is 61498146

1. 你怎么拼写它?

How do you spell it?

2. 他的电话号码是什么?是 123.

What’s his phone number?

It’s 123.

3. 那是她的尺子吗?是的,那是。

Is that her ruler? Yes, it is.