whole 10.435. three per wraps: formosa....

____-___________________-------. CH*! WHOLE NUMBER. 10.435. RICHMOND, VA., WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 10, 18*4. THREE CENTS PER COPY. NSIslttAT rtttOSS. V-^*V 'x \r NA*v*.A/WV I La. U .£» I"! CHM WRAra. TnALHIUfB SfEOIAL nnriuxi, ONE or THE LARCH-T MAVITACTCHERS 1IVB INaTSCcrTtONs to BKALrtrCL r:.i>H coats. rLc^it newma BVICB SHOWN Tfctw food* mutt and are tn )»c (old without rv ht -old w'lble If" wok-, attrh innaBtsxIremeCy wu ai.it txrrnros.i. tbow sbc.i a tore* tad Wt bar* made Usnjr* a'l CLOTH AND ard Kawspecial effort*.aad feeteoaSdeiif ilia! von wber.' In Mebivearrw mc.i*f Uichxc SAMPLE Wit Al's cit i/e .Vt. Ill* IS *- Mrs. OllLiW: DOD RBR KEB D DR RS. D I) RRR KB D DR RR DDD R a caa r v ace v v r^ V V vv V BBB LILL A McTST II EA t (IU I - fe K AT KIO MAOX'fs. CASHttEBE C4LOVEB, LINEN HANDKERCHIEF!*, and many useful -ph*!- *' prices flttlBTtl THAt.HlxiElt BttOTWKBe*, X VMM MM A .eV*. ,11 *.*X(tSts 44 X X MMMM AA sg~* Ml ia BS fl 444 X M MIC XI A A "HIL, Il DC,** 4 44 ITITI AAA , ll __ *D4+H X Xl M MA A "SS8- lll«*-iW*i- 44 A BBB RBR KKK BUB DDD KEB NN N BBRKE B DDS NN N BBB BRR FR RB D D EB N N N 8 b R R B B DDK N N N m BL R K EEK BBB DDD BRR N NN . OOO OO 0 OO o §0 o OO o OOO OO .IOU EAST BR Ht v, ..m.d hey yt.nr HOLIDAY OIFTsnnw.ru- pun has, r. I*- We*.*'- your especial tit iitl-it poplins, the most SaraMt aaa'MMe I .. f.-s-l; on t.|t"l.li.s teinlro'liiie'l thew- lovely our prier f..r them '-.)(!> W liat mure up .sif-.or a son bl. in,.'ber, tli'.i Hil- I I uri hu-, r '.eenie - fatly taltal BEACTIl CL sll.hs lu l-l c- and color*. See ll f-t, INT BU BI At h X I I '. I s. a mm ph tc as-ort incut. See yirds. A CLOAK ta B n-i fill artie I, md ti" lady "' idn'tl upw I e xl.ii ol LESSES arc very popular present*, es hex at 4. BIVI 1 IffJL DRU-- PLA phi -i M- ros i.i v 111 .!. \. a nie. BATTS BC xt:f Saras*. \ f IM \ lix* DlxllK llll.r, willi a col- . e, d border, for 18.r. -I SPIN DI li- --"> l" 7>. -i -. K-. l t. i I 1- -|T t VI-BI I P'S-. Col I.AH-IMTTON-. te. Il M -i Xl: I'aBTs-PA iTl.l.N- sud MU'- 1NCS. tir-i'-ci. ls* rill* »1 -t* Uti *ot"K DL-V cool)-. MINC1-. Our force ha- lusn In rr always, lit RRFFDEN. TM LEY A CU., ¦t-S, TY O L FE -~! TOOL E ¦BS8 T OOO LULL KEB BBB BBB OO TITI fl ll FEB CHR KRSB ll HR ROO TH HE t R S ^ BBB RRR O O T HUH IK 1,'RR 3SBa B II ll BO Ov f ll ll K K Bk ,}... BRU B R OO tt H u 'I', K -~ DDD RHR Y T DM HR Y Y D l> RRR YT D I) K R Y DDD KU T OOO OO Ol) I'DD KsSHH O OOOOnDDjJB SV C. O O O O D D "BS, 0 ec O OO O D D K C.'-'. 00 OO DDD .-*:-. TIIK TALK OF THE TOtt N I< THE COLOR- | Xl e l.OAlx .-ALU now In pro^ren In our mainii",lh CLOAK DE¬ PARTMENT. Oui sissi!'. ' I ,i',r. du ls er a.lcd willi overSl(l.(i()0 wor'h af CLOAKS, mc I tl, BM --or 15.000 xs,.-th lu restive. There an .|iil. t -tiles for old ladles Jaunty c.nfc,»I- -ii- ttl v.Hiie cue*, cb rant di situs for middle-1.. I..: otp,iii HAVl I.oCKs nnd NEW M xl;ixK I- for little Stitt, There are CLOAKS am) WRAPS to -ult all lane* and putset. Irnin SSAS XX Vl.lx IM.-.I Xl li¬ ll- ;., SSI I'l.lsll Si XX fl IBKBTS A lady in UM United bc hard tn please who r ,11-1.1.., I lu all tills vast ataortuirut just the vrliilc- wrap-he wants at just ibc price that sun* ber purse. I Cb's. MIFFS al 11.25 Barta SS, MOSS'S Mil 7." Ba** I* ..l.'KY XII I)- " « I i rn SS, Flit i ol LARS tl 75c. tt nh tl.Mi. Fl'lrcoi.- I.AIcs at Bl.ei.ftf, |!_.*!.?.'.. .voriiidoiiblt thc money I-LI -iiivtii|l.5c> wrrihfe.10.all ULAI K RAl'-e ¦))¦ i: I) VELVBT *1*2 50 -..¦th li; P.LAiK BMSBOWS ASTSAGBAfi,'Mll.SS- mar.e.t el-r, thi dur f ol' a rh. u-c* at fi.', 0 (sa uresl Icrttxlti: BLACK SILK V Ft.VET at from ll per yuri up CiiI.t'iLl.i) SILK lit -Matti : ColtiRHl hi;-ie ADM) VELVETS nt Sl.25 «,-rti. -. Thel»r...i Xl L-I.IN'IN TO-TEL In Hit elly for -I I- OUC lust llif ll-e- Sit. f»r |H' i.i N I I xi- \ - |, -, l|l I- u 'n,c; v iXil N S ALI -XlOi I. LLD SHH; !- Bl 75r. "Ch*- best COL'sIT In Ce rix¦ f.r 40c.wiu.l te. \ * I xx. ii il ld ACE DIXconxl atti.25; tl S I ll VII v- iil.nl E.- ..I all sindt; Eadie-- casiivhice c.lovesbi uoe.jwrni ^ atrtn: A Bee BM "I e;l M LKMEN'.- Fl TtNisIIINO SDODs. Ine'uditi. KECKWEAR. ll\M> KEBCUllfa, SI -1-KSDl i,'-. .Ir.XX r LUX. An ALL Mi.K I.MHRtilDERED SI -PENDER lt ftllc, 14-lU'tftil tl. l ixl n i td.LAH- Mire* for35c; ALLI INtN DI IO 1 iil.LAR-s.10c.; All-IINFN III M-Illi IUD HVNDKER- CHIT*, Otaillenten'r Msw, white, 10',c, heister f.,rvOc. ititi ht-etct f"r ibc.. beautiful ijualiCy r.sr soc: ALI LINEN OF NTL EMEN'S HvNDKER- c UH-ls in wMu-and -..lr*. l.sje.; WINDSOR SCARF*- In Nautitul coitus, hultable- nu'- ivy*. Sir.; DI Di 'l 'I - lu wli.ie and colored satin ard mull: C.ENTI 1 vpn'- DBE-.- cLci\ )-. RIDlNei-aiiel URI VIN!.-CLOY Es. XVORKINC-cl.oX 1.-, Ac LACE (ILTAINS froi* S>.60toS7 per pair: bed sela al 11.50 Co .7 tssr nair: C ARKIacI. ItoBlSfn tn 76e.toS7.S0i Hole -1 ttl AN KITS tVoio ll Ml |5; L-l e.- fi. to ."ne. n, SS; Ms! eel I - rr«m t4 6d lo 46; Oil.-i LOTH X! X lr-. 7.. ; CAlCPlfs. l.V. i*r yard.au entire aew ttock of e AR FITS; ?I.ANKI1-rreim SI U-SIH; Ml - -ct elli- and NAPKINS! NAPKINS lr..in 4t)c. per d"»en to til per tleien. lils.. XIV- is | Xl,II.-' HANDKERCHIEFS. A BEACTIH I M! Il lUMSTlTCHED COL- ORtD-tloL-DUHDH.xNDKEP.i HIKE,love¬ ly patterns, al latte,; Clret! Kietaius lu -ILK I! VNDKl RC IDEFS; AMII, HASDKFKi HIFF at S"e. wo: th 5 e.: I i'X l I X HIM*! Iii ll) D WH1TK HANDKER¬ CHIEFS fr.to lSlt to SOc. Yon caa utily »etau Mea of '.ht many baryalna that wt sbave in -lore tty a pert nial ,,)._.n _t.on. Lit* ia luoilu- column for otirtraat Te)Y*4- s. ri. .lt.. ul. SM Ll SBOT.SBa. aolO-la-WAfllt Sll Hr.*d stneL Rlcbnioud, V*. ;fl"- / II Ills'! M A.-C X I.I >- ASP SOI VE NI Lin. At waa*, tltt Urttett ttock ot tbe mott -ril-tle -etisus can be foapd st WEST. JOHN-TON A C O'S, Dil Matu stree*. TntvoM the rrcwds of the appnsxcblna a**on it. tart) -i lc tl "ii a x ia' le. de 4 IJNKjUE C(»KLECT10N OF gEASOif- Ahl S .is ta Be mik a. bt-1 *ed rbaap. for out aad yow-*-; CHR|*TMAS.e *HDs. many new .tx),.; aL- II) xi-, lilsK-. WoKK-HoXl'.s. l'.ifKlll- BCKiVS. DWFS.-INC.e ASE-. PoltTFlil.Iois.aiid *v FANCY AR! ICLFs wor'liy ol pie-n.;. n. A call lt aube 11 e. RANDOLEH A BNcLI-ll. ao IO AAw 1 BUS Main *ti.*-t. HOLIDAY OOOD«-.-D<Mi»tl)uy, loar Chi isla,a, prs-H ot udciI voa aa*' of laney Artleient. tad -trading c'.tsu .¦Ila-- SKlMts.Tabltw.r-esjesiii tri lt |»- |. it.aae.cion with icsof I'tbuyA you iss-1-. our bute ttewkof lane) Artlt i< ». Chair*, MB IwkK Utnaint aad stradlna (''..miri-. Ea.fl std-. Mirrors, KW-ul la BmMm*. Tables.. I's-Jtaiait, ¦ lid n.any idher tiilrl*- li coaaaetioa wlU, o'., of IB* Uiti»i aad losl stttsrtcM Hack of Pallor teni 41raa._rr Min* lo Isa .en la tis* tte*. Y'-u ext .ave ataeer bl eatnil-l** tar -lort aita nota- 1 Barrat PtRaa. ' E. oATBRleiHT A BOB, J .is 7-fft IS aa4 IB (^varagf ttfitt, ai Nmi.ll***- mtOnttr*, '.' t*s\f^- **^r s.*^/^s-rs.iS*s.r / WRAPS: PLUSH WRAP*-, IIROTHERrP rOB THIS silk, NORTH HAS.SENT TO THEM. WITH POSI- SM.I.. DBI Off THE MOST f-T<)( KS OP FRETS. AMD PUSH JACKETS IN THIS (TTY. ¦rrve. Now,hear In -rind Hut the** goo.1t are tn ha-plier*. We .rettie only house In th* city, varied itock of PM s|l GOOD!*. dillons I-- our <torb or MIK WRAPS, ran Ik- more easily suited In onr ****** Mian rlse- U,r rliy. that are teing sold at one half their value. ooo oo oo nnn .sa_ fl O o 0 Q o o x>XSJ> a na aaa oo oo THP. LOWES-T POSSIBLE PRICES. KID GLOVES CASHMERE CLOVES, SILK lt VN Dh MK Hil P.'. thal eau not bc undersold at Filth and Rroail streeU. ,11 ssM*sk*»(s « X XMM MM A .OB. ll SS SSW m 444 XX MMMM AA *, ¦ ll* ** *;**s444. X X M M M AAA - ^ uiBtastBaM fl " x xm m ma a's*.8 .AL L FEET Y 44 TAALLRYY 44 T 4 A L L KB YY AA 4 T AAA Li R Y ._ 4 4,. T 4 AU.IJ LIXLEKK Ym 444** ,7sR8» ¦S8S DAD FTREET. fore Hie assortment Is broken, and thc crowd ol ct mes so-:re tl. rntlon to the following: rem good. ss!,!, ty ins n Vb torla. according le late rt rats. 'I In v con- 18 van!- io Un- pattern, and propilate piesni aaa a husband make lils Wt giiiraulie iheui lo wear until Ute >.<! ftiai sin liss gullen fii'l value. ur HLA( Iv sa.KSni -si, »1.2S,antl 11.50. RAHS al ei.n ur MAI \ VELVET DRUMS-PATTERN. 10 r..r»7.'.. Iioeiil bf vililunit one. Wc have them from tl.50 tm, I'tsislly Iroiii Imlle.i (.. lin lr servants. These we t..niti Ike. II I i.tMioci. Dom 2(11<> lille. I RI SKNTS ffOO ('HILDREN. ROLLS nt all price*. ll till Hs.-jo.4'1. and!)3e. -.. ur l-auliful Hl-Ol K DOM.-. A nice lins d MR CAPES, COLLARS, nnd Ml li- Hill il,.-i n af all nyes. V tl, i rm."i I of 'lui I at le.si tban the uvular ". HANDSOME Mi'PP for ll. PAR! V GOODS, sol IONS, nnd DtlK.ss-TIIIM- iied. an-: DUH Pilli K- Al!E,as la f] si. 5(19 EAST ItlOAll ST1IEET. tOT*OBAW K.NS..V YOOOL KEB 2 b Y Y O UL R B88H YY 0 L EB a 2 Y 0 OL K BSSS Y DOO LLLi KEE BRR RRR OO TTTT II II KEB RKR HSS8 "' S B R K O O T II II K K Rv B" '¦HI'- HRH o o ll Hil KR HRH * titi. !t K R R o o T li H K R H A 2 *KB B B OO lilli RRR ll B Ms* LIST 00 H II OO L ll ODD A Y Y H ll O O I. Il D D AA Y Y lil ll fi o I, Il DI) AA YT li HOOL ll D D AAA Y ll Ll o-i II DUD AA Y OOO OO OO ODD KSS. o oo oo od d2 O 0 OO OD D^SSa fi nco oo od d. 2,. GOG OO 00 DOD aS88» rrrr oo y yhs-l. 44 ooo T O OT fr1 4 4 OO T O fi V V "SS.. AA 4 0 T O O V B 2- 4 A- O O .. T OO Y °88B. AAA* OOO . VRlTlNO-IH-K-fr in 50c np to S2.80; Vi n:Iv BOXER from ..Ar. np lo fi; IANHKERI HIKK-lloXKs from 50e. up to Si.So; .l.oX F-HoXI '.» -r,.. 50e. up lo 11.60: 'ARI YPKRKlMERY-ll.iXKSfi'om 2Jc up lo li; roiLET-c tn - tum *i aomfOi HF I I.-HOXL- from 5c. up lo 50c.', 'AMY HAIK-PIN Ho\l s; iii! HASH AL Td-; 'AR I)- R F'f'Kl Vi Rm from 28c. to 80c.; .AINT-HOXI -, ffAMOT lld ls ilOVSTAl'HF-ciTs, I I Pm and SAPCKRS, Asl- Mlbilol.-s.iov F LFi'HANTS, 'ARLOR-PH.-. NOAH'S AllhS. I VII -lot K Fis. in MMINO-Tol'-, IAR.MoMi AS. Mt s!( AI, sl'lN.NTNO-TOPS- plays tbrisp illfTrrcnt alis; ITPLK-JAi.'Ks. In atl sties; i"i i, -iiit-itle for Clirntinas-trees, tl per box, containing 144 piece-; SK-sl vs!is, s, l.-Al'-HOOKS, "ll'iliK.i:\PH.ALHCMs, (OOO) OO) oVKHKDKAsEl. PHOTOURAP1I- ALRI'.M-, t.-OCK F'H.l 'RES, CIGAR-) ASKS. .in EET-MTBOORA ll iND-olasses .ins, BORRA TRI MC) I- OW M.-II At Ks, WHIsp.HROOM HOLDKRS, it lotiHAPHALHCMS. lA-M.S. CH li HF-EAMI -, I.A-sF IS, A lt ( lil.ot KS. .lphaiiet rirsSLBA (i ;ar-sta!.DS, 'Ol KFT-lKMiKs, NOTE-HOOKS. MY ACHOl'.Als, BRI -III.-, lAKNKRs. TOY SAD-IRONS, IAIIY .RATTLES. 0 Hl-T I.KS, 4e.; V VI' III s, ,11.WEI.RY -CASKETS, ION KY- II A N Ks, BTE A kt-1 Ni i IN KS. tAT( H-sAFEs, 1 OMI!-and BRUSH-CASES, OOl.-(Il EsTS. altuo.t an ORPHAN ASYLUM. lie rliarlta'-le. Come and adopt a BARY (Doll), xv hut ami li. veli DOLLA MALE aud FEMALE DOLLS, Ol.Daud YOI Ni. DOLLS. TALL nutt -MALL DOI.l.s. CKYlNG-DOI.Ls, BfaEEPlEO-DOLL, BtfR-1NG-DOM.S, TAI.KIM,-D'H -. WAX-DOLL-, CHIXA-I Ol.l.v, Wt ODIN-DOLLS, PAPER DoM.s. WORST) d liiil.l.s-al! prices, all i|uallttfa, ¦ ll Mus; DliLL-H FADS-very rbeap; CLAPPINi.-DtH I.S. We are terelvlug lou of TOYS dilly. Now ls le lime to buy. Avoid the rush. Take your tKitce. Pri-eUlm lt all over the lind- throughout be North, '.hr fca-t, thc South, Die West-that 8YCLE BROTHERS' li Use place to buy HOLIDAY GOODS. iiere you can make one dollar ito a* far ai two ecorally goes. ( ouie sm*, rome all. to tbe bsn-in f bsrgaliu. ITOLR HHOTHERS, Sit Hr. «*d street, Richmond, Va. noSO-bn,Wt»tlt kT MAS (.OODS. I uow have : n More U.e LARGEST AMD PINE-T bTOCK Off GOODS ii r .bun ii in Ibis liy.iouslsi.i.g td' ll'Nl. \RIA.N. CORER!', FRANZ JOSEPHS, AND ROYAL DRESDEN GOODS, KMBrlOIDEKMX'.I.A-S, AND ALL THE OTHER NOVELTIES IN ffANCY GLASSWARF- te7 luU stat, F. ic FLOMIBTB- M I'l'l liv PANCY ST BAW HA SK EPS AND DE- slf.N.v lMMOinFI.LP.Fl, wblteaud all col- r* { ('-ALI POM Bl A PAMPAS PLUMES, natural ¦d colors*]; DH I FD (. KA SSE N sud a rall r-t-kokof tptillc. for the holiday trade. Prices redueoU. HENRY W. WOOD, Fterdrm.u. m S-21 corner Stxtb and Marshall atr***a. [ADI r* pt B SALE, A TtVELVE-BOBEE- POWP.B PNolf.K in ta,rfeet 4*s4»r. Ann|7 ilttWfavaiffiiwknBsi-T-iH. etT-ll*- Il OM rt AT CSttPS- //AA/V'/'.'V _.V-''-'VAr*^-rV-Ay-^.J^-«" r»Ol'R(,UREAN, PRICE, TEMPLE A CO- ISS EAST BSOAD STREET. S's fifer a few Umdy bl.Vi lo the C-B-S-BM ba|cr: JAPANESB TRAYS. PIN-< CSHION*. DREB*- !N(,-CA«EH. OLOVI- ind HANDKER¬ CHIEF-BOXES. FEATHER FANS. GRIP- BACis. PORTE-MONNA1ES, PLCSH EM¬ BROIDER! D CLOAKS, novelty lu LIQUflR SITH POeK FT-BOOKS, a tnperb assortment, 25c to .6. HAND-SATCHELS, 60c. lo |5, offering beal velari. HANDKERCHIEFS. EMBROIDERED WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS. 26c. to IS; PLAIN HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, lStr-. toSIJlO; COLOI.-FD-BORDERED FANCY HANDKER¬ CHIEFS In cudlee* variety e,r ro I and eolor- Inf. REAL LACE-. DUCHESS LACES ta JILETS, TeiRsARDF.*., COLLARS. COLLARETTES, tad HAND- KERCHIEFS, we are oSerlng *l fabulously low figure.. We bespeak tbe attention of all Inn mp nt and f.t--idt.,u* buyers. Many rare bartalns can Ik- found lu real handsome SPANISH and E&CL'HIAL LACE STARES and Fie HCE*. FAN'S for RFC'FrTIONS, THEATRE, CHCRCH, or EVENING fJBls-SSi toSlOaptoee. TABLE- AND riANO-COVERS. Oriheie peels. In .UTE and FANCY EMBROID¬ ERED, a larre consignment ha* lieen put into our hands. Toivotd (emilnt any hack, rarest vielue- may be bad. Cutt 11.25 tn 130. s..met hint suitable fora holiday-gift. GLOVES. JERSEY. RFRLIN. KID. DE Sl'EDF. OAsT-'i.t, CAPE. LAMB-SKIN, FCC-LINED, «n all trade* nnd price-; CE.NTI-MI.Hl, DELOHMI', .lot'VIN, and otter standard grade * of KID CiLux I - Thc C KJxTK.MFKI ol.oVF, In all grade-*, ls strictly ,,i.lined lo u*. Llae nil otlicr superior iinir lr«, Un Mle BBBM I* cl xe Iv imitate! l,y Irrc siM.irMl.h .letters. Thc only GENUINE GLOVES hear thc full name-of P. CENTF.MIRI A CIS. MILANO. xYItAFPINOS of all kinds mu»l move off now. PLUSH I'M- ltosst l> vei.vf.'i. OTTOMAS, B-fBBOfD- EIIH) C LOT ll. and ot ht -r in le-tir ¦ sin' ..".ere 1 at ott for many, and at great rrdoctlom for all. CARBOLIC MOCTII-YY ASH. PEARS' SOAP. (elo7-lw| c IABDOI 0 fl CO. will display on MONDAY a Inrpe- number of DBSIBABU GOODS . iiifii.ii for tbe BOUDATBt ctiti-l-'.tiig in part of ELECANT WeiKK-BASKMIS TOILET-SETS, LACE HANDKERCHIEFS, PLUSH AND SEALSKIN CLOAKS An immense spick of GENTLEMEN'S SCARFS, SILK A.v.i LINEN' HANDKEP.C il I Kid*, BOYS' SCARFS In nriKAT VAUICTY, io which they Invite thc attention af UH trtdc. _Ide 7-cavll_ __T THE REVOLUTION I.V PRICES or TTTT OO Y YKSS, T O 0 Y Y 2^ TOO Y_Y °SS3 "sUsS CHKIS1MAS ITT A NN N OOQY T F AANNN.OYY FT AA 1 ttl fl TY F AAA N NN 0 0 T V A A N NN (XX) Y OtMl OO OO DDD irSS- O 00000 1)1)2° O O O OO DD °SSH o iio o o ti o ii D ¦ 5. OOO OO OO DDD °rr_". .Some-time during Hilt week we "hall plBM M tilt a mewl gltanllc lot or all kimi- of FANCY UmCUtS fen Ihe holidays. The pundi*-- cou- .iiiMif the t-nilre balance stock of a New Y'ork .ncy-toodi lniportcr. This stock wat purcl-iaol ry ut at 50c. on thc dollar, value-* to bc euume- .alesd from the forexlxn bills. On accoiiiit of the Hine nee-eestxry for li- Ins', arklng, eic, for such enormous flt of _..«..!., we nay Bot he enabled to place tiltia BR salt- before Ik- latter |i*rt of Hi* weet. Due notice will be riven In thli p»i*r. So don't buy any of your aucy articles until you ace our good* and prices. COHEN BROTHERS, dc 0-31 Fourth and Broad alsreet*. Fi^TAHKISHED A. D. I860. XMAS. J lSf-4. S.0H0 gallon* WHISKEY. FRENCH rn,I APPLE uHANDIKn, RPM. eiJN. PORT, iHEBMY, CATAWBA, CNIOBING-WIVF.s, HlMPACNE, CELATINE, RAISIN.-, CI'K- tAriTB. t ITHON. -lt,AR . xarloti* trade*: ri As.(OH FE, Fl OIT.'-bnlre brinda: BCC'K- Allt'AT. GRITS, ovTML Xl BACON, and .Alli), Ac For tale ty JOHN M. IHCCilNs. de 1610 Franklin slrueU ne r Old Market. SKAN1) OPENING OF DOLL!*. DOLL- BABIES. AND DOLL-' HIlXDs, A THB DOUBLE BTOBE, Nos. 713 AMD 715 bait Main htbbbt. I have tblt aeaaon bought * lirtcr aad -.'.le. ..-elicit d slock from imtiuncr.. Hain- dt Lota at a bambi. Als... on Ptiolo- ra(ls-.l|l nins at 25 per cent below Imp-el T"-cs; 2 tnars Motto-Cap* and -saucer*, t" be old at 25c; 1 gimt* Varna! tail ana Bael I trier* tn Ire sold al tl ; .00 lloyi' Wag.Hu, Vo- oclpedem Bicycle-*, Mcrhai.leal Toy., 0tri*' Pm- sib rt. Toy*, aud useful Fancy Unod* off every atc r! pl I. at l,..ttoin prece-, at H.- old-.st -i, I-bea Toy-HoBse, No*. 71» aad 715 catt Malu peet. Tbe ladle* a .- ino-t roapestfally lo-l'od ii call early aud often lo attach _ no SQ.SnAWaw tfX 1 RA KINE LtFf OE IHGl.sIA HAMS ABO FERRIS* BEEF- TONailTCS, te e~krittaas. SIB MCCARTHY A U>T*£S, FERTILE FORMOSA. PRIZE Ntl W COVETED EY FRANCE Aa aVlMBea ti tk* Berne* Ita rettie, fre- Sacr*. aad Oaverataaai, iTatn bul (Fnranaa) Letta*-. | If the Ficnch take anel eolonlz* Formo- aa, they will bave aitch a potteasioa a*the* little nowhere ebie in tbe world. It i* an Hand of great pee.aii,|iitj,.10f development It ls rleh In soi. nearly ill of lt. even to remote x allr>« and nish monnUin slope*. capable ot cultivation, and lt ha* a Mild. fqtMble climate thei ia not unhealthy md mitable to grama ami fruin and other vecetable prof.tietiona nf fa- northern and muthern li.titiiii. *. coal it known lo exl*t Lei esmel there in Hie mountain* 1n sr.tl c|uiu.titlea, and lhere are tuppmed tn hr -ir;e deposit* ot mM, silver, and other rn ne raia precious and ti-efnl, nwtitinr In- rellftrtriT elevelopment. Were it Oiled with Ere n. h farmer* and ita full opacities teat¬ ed, there I* no pmlic-tln? what nilghl no¬ lie (loif with it. There lt ny e|ue«Mon that Hie French can hold lt If they tee Sc for nr nutt. r how we'l tbe Chine*** may be al le to de fend theraaelve* on htnel, they have no jiowcr ta retake territory which hat been once taken from them. Formosa lies directly opj>o*i.c the south¬ ern | rovince* of China, from whl :h lt ls divided by a channel pc-rbap* 130 miles wide at it* Bfee-Ml point an-l 80 mile* »t the narrowest.that 1*. tbe ttrali be¬ tween Tam Sui incl neareat land In the Fo Klin province. Ita nunn t-empT.turc 1* therefore tliat of tliese districts* of China, except that, being surrounded by th? sea, it i.« niticb moister, and it presents an cspect of tir.lver-.-tl irreennes*) when the whole of the mainlund ii as brown a* California In a:;mmeer-tlme. Thc entire karts nf the island be 210 mile*, and Its extreme width 70. It form* a pretty piece of territory, far more saluhrteu* than Tonejuin or Cool)in China, an-l If nut Dion- fertile, linville at ka«t tlie SdfMtea of Wing haettaUf bf European". TM Chini'sc claim the merit of having di*cov- e re tl ir, so alto do the- Jansen, It xvould le strange, considering lt* nearnc**. tua', the navigator* of ot'cor other of these peo¬ ple should not have aee-n or visited it. But il* first settlers were tbe Dutch, xvho. from india, Java, un 1 Siam, pushed ronnel into Ilse C lui,a nea* and reached here in 1034. Their occupation onlv continued a few xe»rs, '.bough lt pei them time tn finish two fort.* of annie solidity, on- at Tain-Wan- Foo, the capital, and thc other sit Ta '.i-Sui. the-tatof the present trouble*.. It xvi* aleut the lime of the Tartar invasion, and they were i»peedilv <ti-pos-e«*ed by thc pi¬ rate sunder Koksinga, who infe-ted these seas and rendered comment' impossible. After the departure of the Dnteh and thc partial stilijiigatlon of the pirates lix tie new Uyiia*iy. the Chine-sc beran lo emi¬ grate from Hie neighboring Province of Fo Kien, partly of ibeir oxxn free xviii and paitly at thc- aiippe-stion of, or to get a* far a* possible from, their Tartar mister-. Tlii-- immigration has been going on grad¬ ually, till now the population af Chinese and half-breeds number* fmm o.OiKi.OCJO to t.(XW,bOO. Of late year* the Chinese au- thnrittes have been trying to accelerate lt. FtseardS arr puted iii Amnv. Sxvsttow, ami adjaerat rtlMgea, oiTringhied in the in¬ terior to all xvho will cultivsite it. TW* Itiiui ls, i'f ciiui'si. on the- frontier and si* Jjeert ta or rn thc upper slopes of the mountain*, still ot cupid hy lbs MYBgai tx hose- propirty lia* imt been pur-Vi- BBd who oliject to lieini' di-p is<iCsscil \\ bra tin- dt laded immigrant* arrive tin-, tin- fold where their BSepert] i* loci* and .treatedta re iee: t.ke it. ii is tbh that BM e.iii-t tl HM tr mill- wita th" -tx- nd lend to the high pre minni Ii«-> pluee on Chinese beads. Si bi/lily sir lliet-e vallie '1 thal the x ir- I >ri*i,|>-i<-d e.. n- tiel to thc xvoi'hip of the aborigine-, siui amorg tome tril'e* no fetas** brave is" til- hnxeel Io marry till he eta bring a* a pru >f nf his valor sit hast one: ht.ul or-kuli ix.ih pigtail att: tin il. nu: ABO-BBSS*. Winn ttl ( liliie-e cetlie they fotm tl txxn distinct people*-, theotrfe | et hip* not rae-e-s. inlial-itiiii: the l-.'aiul-f!,' l'tji-.i-xi'iin-"ii tin- western feast ami the piatas ami fart* hill* lo tin- ia-t of them, anel Die- MlfSJRI \xi,i'-e' YirttStt tribe* eeeapled Iks satin mouiitait) range, from the extr. me north to tbe extreme south, nnd I jrortion of it* .ixisimi ilopM UNI xalicxs. Tltt I'ti'-'i- Blim* istsil.v alliliutcd with tin- inv.nl, r*. Tl.iy had In fun- Leen friendly with this Dutch, and la tb. "lax there are f<-uii.1 aniline.1- them those who Bteiead, Wttb epa. side rab!.- pride, le a strain rt DuL-li lil'iosl. winn tbs PrateatsBl BthahMMriM came a fnv years ipi tlre-y found them (pit-- .P) n i'eliiible, and now el tim :n my of tis B as sincere coiiverts, Tln-y li ive iiit-rii u- riecl xxith tin- I liine-e. p->rri illv adapted the ( hineas ctn M and habit*, anti so lett much cf their distin.-Hw character. They arc fsiimer* by occupation aril mild nnd fri« nilly la MSPQBKmB. The BfBMea sir. described a* larne and finely-funned BBd wearies s peeoHar bead dreea. Made bx braiding red si I;, or worsted, xxith the bair sitid then 'niling it abetB tue head iu!o i arawa er coronet. Peartbf* 2 pei-cut. of the Chinese portion ol tm- imputation ssre- Ki '|so-xv han*, anti lbs tWI ra.es ar- *n closely allied in Interest a* lo render tl, .ii lo all iblc-nt .md pSTBOS * OBI people Scattered alon),' the- eastern frontier ol thc ( liint -I- -ettienie lits are the llikk-i*. xx li<> rimy number S0.O0B. They lieiraii lo emigrate freim Kwang Tun., the CBatoe piiniinc, und Kwaug rt, Jo-t west of lt. at a e-niuiiaiatively recent period. They atc a ran of aborigines, who speak a dulcet un¬ like aux othei lu arl in c liiui, but mostly ti-(milling the mandarin. They stSStrSBB*, hardy ami brave, tlie- jiionec-rs of this *m ill world which thcvlisix ec losen us their homo. Their work is to'till tin- field- and cut <K>wn the raaipkof forest* fur Cbteese cpitaii- * nd land-owner-. Of late they have bees lin uul.t rn from tbs Istdsaad suds sst- vkaabk) la flajbtiBg the Kn iu 'i. Withuuf ttl.in it i- haren passlltlS thc lau- rcpul-e "t the ttedfea realty a' Tun Sui xv.mid BBVer h xi iiiiui'iel. le iin>«t re«p. (..* these peo¬ ple are Chinese.nf 8 ht fer ebeSi il ls tine.sind need no minot:- description. Like thc saville s, the J ale tlioilk'ht to be of .Malax- origin, tlioiioh they have come to the i-land at ¦ much mon- n cent date. SAVAGE LIFE AM' TUA [ls. The "savages'' are known by no other nan.e BBNBtt the- ('hine*-, by wlmm they are ^n-.itly tlrcad.-d. Tli'-x live ia rtOOSadad villiiKes in the- monnlain-. Tliey are oc- casiiiiisilly seen in the titi'* on the sea coast, but an- "rarely visited bv xxiiites in their native forests. Ttiougii IbSJ an 10 bitt-rly boatile and so war-like, tee" are bdag trradtially forced backed into their ni uci- tain fastnesses, and their subjugation or entire extinction ts but ¦ tneettaa f>f a com- paratlxclv few years. Those in the «outh- ein half of the Uland are Inst known. These are detc-rtbed by those Who have visited them as bavin.' tbs bmxxn. Mi.onth »kln of thc M.il-ix, and be- inn tymmttrically made. They hive nevi tilled tbs Krouud till lately, bavinc MUMftO lived by the chase. They are black-ham -el. sharp-featured, and not bad-looking, ju li;- mir tinm by Oriental stmdard*. Tbeir women are spoken of a* finely made- and darkly handsome. Dtseiisc ha* neve r been knoxvn amoirif them until MNUpOS mfe communicated by foreigners tome year* siro. Their ldeaa ol religion are Va_ersad and ofum ft-rocious. Aumii.' cerfctiti IrlbS thc chief object of alorsidon ls a jtist decorated with three-(kuli-, i'him -.- ifenlB art- considered Hie moat BfSSSBfattl aff* ln/r on their bloody alt.t*. Other tribes with a gentler sentiment worahlp a bemii- ful echo in an outdoor temple in a vaih x among picture fM hill*. QusdbaliMB i- still common, tliouith it ts not kim wu tint all the tribern p.aitice it. The Botangi are eighteen of tbe «outhcrii Irib^u combined for mutual afotacttoo. There arc seven knowe MfMMifllalectt, in- dicating as manx distinct and wldtix-sepi rated immigratloua. Tbe fact tbat tbeae people are fuithful to a tingle wife lu* c iti-i 1 them to be accredited with a con¬ siderable SwffSf eif virtue. Tbev nttsf* their dally want* io the simp! -t mill¬ ner, a liUle bolled lice o~ millet and giiii.e. warmed rath?r tban cooked, sufli- fing for «u tt nuilee, liit.iiicatiii.' Ikjuor waa never known anon? them till Impart- ed by the Cbi)ie»e. Through the same me¬ dium they are learning thc use of minni. Their weapon* are of the ntost primitive description. Iielnsr usually a »pear with a bead shaped from flint or roughly made of Iron. Oemlonally tb*) buy from the Hakka* a gun xvitb a long smooth ,'-1' lind willi a nialch, tomewli.t like the old male hincks ot the Middle Age.*. 4BSBICAN JJKOOTUTIOSW WITB THS 1SLAND- K1LS. The south and east coasts «re very dm- L-e rou.-, and ahip* bave immy time* beru wrecked on them whose crew* were never ifierward heard of. In 6oa*e<iuenee ot run crou* outraee*of tliukind, tl)*' Ameri¬ can eonaul at Arney vtoited tb* southern md of tbe Wand and concluded a trea,J' with one of ttte chiefs of tbat locality io 186T, wbo engaged thereafter not onlv to il-tato from malesting rtrun,crs Un-Jtog peaeeahly, birt to suppl v their wanta, lt .**." a-rreed that a red flajr should be displayed thereafter by vessels d-airlne to land la a frlendlr manner. At an additional sreirrity, lt was stipulated that n fort *boukf tte erected ia tbe nelirli- borhood, and tte Chinese In tbc vicinity. scarcely more elviHaed tbnn tbe savjges. made similar tenn* with tbc white*, aa*ree- ln-c further that shoald fatr-rc outr.-reaoe- rnr, thry would thrra»e|vcs seek out the I*11" irnL.r* and deliver them up to Jir-tica. Il ¦« hard to say bow well the stipulaH.in* of this treaty baye been carried out hy tlie B"Vn-*e fairlies to IL but unfortun i" Iv Hie authority of il ese aborl-flnalchiefUlos"does not ci te mi far. Tl:t re Ii.-ivt; Isren numeron* out ram-, .Im e. tboujrh not ex«ctly lu this locality. It I* only .1 few years since a J iiunese ship wai lost on Formosa snd her crew eaten. Brdre.g was demanded of the Cliiae»e au¬ thorities, who could not nive IL Tbe.lapa- ne*e tuck tbe nutter Into their own li md*. landej gp armed force, and made such re- Drlsal* a* they thought -tatlsfiictory. Tbey mit-l.t hate retained tbc Uland If tbey bsd -wen lit. but retired after they bad niitnlnlstrrrd sutrrrntry Justice. It '"it a few months since tire American ship Spartan, lylnjr on* the east roast, not fir from Ke Lone, sent s Unit's crew a*h-re, accompanied by a pa** sciiL-'i', anxious to tee something of For¬ mosa. Before tbc boat n turned the shin had to stand out to sea lo weane being driven on shore liv a typhoon. She retained St soon ss she could with safety, but ti-niirli S search was nude for several days, tbe tor ding party were never seen again. Till CAITTAL AKD CB DTP TOWNS. When the Chinese set'led Formosa they seatls-rcd themselves along thc western cos.-t, *dcct mir for their principal town¬ s-nth harts-ir-t ** wert! available. Th" chief affbese was Tai-Wan-Foo, which, being most convenient to A*noy, naturally be. came tba capital, and bas since mnintiined that distinction. It is situated on a narrow c-tum v a ff w miles from the sea. Its port ls Au T-ii.-». a mere roadstead, adii.itiin.' vessels ol but moderate draft, from which even the*c arc obliged to flue when the southeast monsoon, blows a little more viciously than lnual, to Ibe harbor of Tii'kno, some tblrtv milt s to tho southward. Tai- Wan-Foo has a population wbieb, with IL* suburbs, ises- Htnaieij .it from -.'."¦0,000 lo l.GtiO.QQO. It is lite most other Chinese cities, vvbone pecu¬ liarities are well known to American-. They are narrow streets, temple*, and thc usual amount af tilth. There aft the house* and gard'ns of thc Taotai and principal it i't.flui in«, and, besides, some open, park¬ like places. There is thecxim'nationhall, cnniinnn to all large provincial towns, where the *ucce**fu! candidates take a degree preparatory to the aajfOtl denne. that can onlv bc niven nt I'eking. Tenons in Eurolie and At: erica my have wondered what bad he- cmiie pf tbe plant of thc little railroad, twelve mite* toasts inuit cathi fftart ago to cuiup't tin- villa,-.-.- of Woo Sung, at the tno'.ith of thc Woo Sung river, with Shang¬ hai. After bring taken up it was IBBRIlBll foTal-Wun-Fooiuid i-iveii to thc fien Tao tai af Enrinosa, a pioatBBlllS mandarin, who design,,| makin.' experiment* vvitti it. Bo was too prnR-ro*ani and w* lomaved B si,.it imp-afterward. The plant is slid at Tat-Waa-Foo, but worn Mal Bsatoes, The WOOOOB -leeper.* Ort boin"-oaten BB I y white nut*, lat n|ts*nt arc consumed ly ratt, and flic aim arc rotting. TiuVito bas n pojiulationof prob.iblv 5.000. tAoaahaoeae ever knows even approxi¬ mately the population ol a (mntsac town. Tani Sui. acenniing tn thc same imtli-jrity, lu- MOOj Baals. oV,.)Mi<>; bo*J Et»Lnaa;, oO.Is'O. Itiiiiki'.vxiiuii is twelve mill sib \ Tam sui, on tbs rivi r, i* stoat to tn-moved within tOe BBB* wine!, have ben built fer it tote at l,:ini Three are twenty or thirty feet mgm, ten or fifteen feet thick. snd (mbattleo. Al present there ls no- tliit'.' within t intii but rict-ticlds and a few (llicial residence*. If tin- French retain Formosa there will nrolBiWs atret lt much molt. Besides Ttl-Waii-Koo :.nd Banka, tl.i re are only two more walled ton 11*011 thc island.one In the inferior and oin'in tot tooth. Thara are, htamtesi s,\,-rii rilu-s ni fn-ni II'.iihh lo WJmt inhabitants, and InniiniiTnlilc tllasjrss. lin- use of opiitiu is common in Formo- sn. not only in thc citic*. but In thc vil- la-ies. It is not only smoked, but taken (.Hide In Die form of'pills. After the ro pnl-i of the French at 'Pam Sui. the vi oundell. 1.10 In BBmhOt, were taken to the BisslOO Hospital ft be t'cit-il. Here they were allowed to -moke nnitmi as an opiate, and tin 1 .Mraonlni-ry imt-in-c is related of a ( l.iii'iii.iin who tiinl li nt Ins arm ann.uta- t< d ly mg f'»r snsae hsutt on tim stump of it before he was ob*-rxcd. Ile hud bled o- ptonsty, and wa* with ditlictilty restored to (ntisi inioniOf Siuit- ini\ Un- dru,' witii a substance of powerful odor, mid so otto di tte! mn. Its Usc is spri ii'ln/;, audit vv tdd appear that the ability to parehase lt i- thc only thin ir that prevent it beeorntBR unix ci sal. It rbe more prosperous con- dill n of the Chinese in Amrri-a that .l.s the habit so nindi more common -.uiong tb< in tlita 11 in 1 lum si- cities, ODOODflBCR OF'THK ISLAM). Tko commerce of Formosi may he a m li¬ ter nf interest to American*, for thc rc 1*011 that they BtMttOOM nearly all thc tea ffroWH in thc island, mid I wfgt fraction of the l'ii.-iiii*s is in tbt ba:tds of an Atncricui finn. The fen itrn commerccof tlie Mind is «rnreclv twenty years old. not heviao laen really (cniiiKtHed till some years after the irpeaiag af the *iort* af Takao, TeJ* Wiwi-Foo, and Bink by the treaty of Tien Tah), Tot American population, divided betoota tot tlircc port* HHiitioncl. dm-* not exceed a dozen ptfftBRt, Aincri- ran interests are in thc bandi tf consu¬ lar uL-onts, who arc usually r.-pr. *cnt:itiv> * of British Minis. Thc chief exports an¬ ica from Taui Sui and sturar from Tai- WaB-Foe and Takao, thc latter nearly all foran In ( blneee and Ja-uni-sc ports. Be¬ sides tlie-,- tin rc aro con-idi-rablc exports of camphor, rice, turmeric, indigo, ll.ix, Ik mp, at,d some fruit.-, pt im-ipilly B*ra8RB*< ]mmiiloi*. and pineapple*, all of which are Bf gund t|ii.ili'y. Tlie Hakka*, as IA*Vtsd, ai- cbieil', eUfmgi ii in tot >' tmpiior-fnrcst*, Hitting out thc lumber and preparing the tum for export, thus -.ls the aborigines re¬ tire further into their tiiDiinlain-faslnt'ssc- ipi nilli.'n> w choring* lo tbt Chinese aad pi ji-o-xvL:in farmer*. One of th" priucipal trtlclfts of imp ir.. .-md enc that gives frequent employment to the cunnii:,' of thc MOMBO*, is opium. In IBB there were leo chests brought Into the port of Tam Sui alone for thc 11-c- of llanka and neighboring village-. Tin- other Imports arc cot iou goods and other articles which find their way from foreign countries to China or sre exchanged Sa¬ lween Chinese --or.*. Takao and Tai-Wan- Foo baye been ix porting annually from S,000.0)i0 to 'J,O(i",0CO pound* of sugar. Wham I* iiot-erffcMy refined. Thc taos i- laiscd by small f.irmcis, who cultivate from one tn three acres. It is crushed by native mills of the simplest patterns and with a considerable w.te of thc juice In expre*sin*r. There arc said to be ut lea«I MM of these mill* In the sucsr districts, eic!) owned by a little edi rle of formers, who use them In turn. Sometimes tlie uni.tined sugars arc taken to 8*vutow or Honu-Kong, where mw re- Dn« rles have been built, and they arc more scientifically treated. In 1S76. lat total trade of Tat-Wan-Foo amounted to over f l,0()0,00<i. the exports somewhat exceed- Int? the import*. The total trade of Ke LunL' und Tum Sal for the same year was W.Cl'vVOO, tbe exports being sliehtly in fWttm, In lr-8l the trade of Tai-Wan-Foo had Ineieased to marly »}'j.0))0,000, niosUy done in I'ligilsh bottotns. tba licrmansbav- ins a 'mall share of it, and the Americans and Fr. m-li still less. The su.rar export was valued at considerably over M.imoOO. Some ol the opium imported came- from Turkey snd rersla. American coUou-g(*-od* h*ve made their ¦I i-i .nice bert as well ss at other *>orU in (hips, .uni the English consular reports from which much of this Information is .:'¦' 'nt .1 express alarm at their superior quality and the d.tng"rof their superseding tbe British article. This note ot warning bas been sounded before by the London new-paper*, but there seems to ne no pres¬ ent nerd for lt, for though the Americans have p -.son to be nroud of their «-ood*. they sre not adapted to tbe market, because il,, i hinese sre too poor to purchsse them. If Auk rican maunfiicturers would send thc slcszy cottocs they used to send lo the In¬ terior of Africa Iforty years azo to exciiauxe with the -oudia chief* fer slave*, they nii-fl-.t bc able to drue tome thrifty bar¬ gains. The bett portrait of tbe Ute Fanny Elsslrr known to exist in thi* country it said to be that in the Corcoran Art (lalierv, Washing-ton, representing ber at La Syl|>lildf. Mrs. Annie M. Bali, _>0*J east Broad stn et. Richmond, san : " My physician ordered Brown't Iroo Bitters Tor my ton while sun-ring from chills, and it promptly and ertectually mitered him. It hm my (ruufiil rv-comtJsendaUon.'' CITY AND SUBURBAN. MANCHESTER MATTERS. Tbe Br«eM-Urlll-Caa_iilea sf Kansan ll**.-Me#tkn_ *r lt* CH» t*a«cll-r*r- .aaal .Waller*. Crrrtcv'* lt ill was well Sited Issi nigh*, the occasion being tbe presentation of the *. broom-drill." an enr-Hrtalirmeat gotten np hy the AW Seiefety of the Presbyterian church. Thc '. drill" consisted of most ol th. movements in a regular military drill, all nf which were .xeciited la an excellent manner by the sixteen yonng ladies who formed the e'e.itiipsiny." The en-t linn* were red skirts snd ba's, and black Jersey wait*. Every movement wa* In p.rf.,t onie. Thc drill'wm* frecpiently Interrupted Ly weH-deserved ami fre- quett applause from the tudience. In ad¬ dition to ibe drill. Hrs. Mtolv Remo*, of Kiehmnrd, and Miss Xilia Owen, of this city, suns neveral sweet solo*, and Indto come to fore the crttin the second time In response to tbe most flattering applause. At tbe close ot tbe enterttlnsnent a sup¬ per was served in the hill below. The whole affair wa* in every rcsriectb kwSSSSb and (hose who originated and pW-pin-d its presentation, si well a* those who partici¬ pated tn the drill, deserve great credit. Emmett Hood, the j ^ung gentleman who shot himself Sunday nurdi, was doing ss well yesterday ss could be expected. Dr. Archer thinks one of Ma rib* waa broken, but doc* not despair of his recovery. Friday Bight ia the regular monthly meeting of tbe Cltv Council. Among other Important business to lie considered ls the a I; lopriafion of Bt,-50 for the repair of the Free bridge. Hr. Edwin Bonnie, who ha* l>een quite tmaefl tor a long while, ls alowlv receiver* lng, end bi* friends think be will be out in a lew- week*. There will he the muni services at the city churches to-ufght. Ex-Judge John 0. Reynolds, of Cum¬ berland, is stopping in this city, tbe giusit of bis brother. Rev. T. W. Reynnlels. Mr. Ajax Cary, wbo has been tillite ill, I* slowly improving. 4 ex opei ti Casts lat I nited Htatea Court. Tbe Knited States Court.Joelie K. W. Huishc* pr "sui lng.was In IS.ABS yester¬ day. The coupon ease of J. A. Ford, trustee, ajralnst Taylor, treasurer of Henrioo coun- lp, was set for hearing in January before Judges Bond and Hughes. In the ca*e of E. A. Harsons against the Hoard of Sinking Fund Commissioners, it wis held that the plaintiff wes entitled to the mandamus, as prayed 'or, against tho Hoard for exchange for bond*. in the habeas corpus OMI of Mr. W. L. Royall, who was Ittlrtod fur refusing to pay additional lie-ensc tax te tbs Stets, tbs linke decided that his court bad no Jurisdiction, thc offence being one BB-la»S the State law, and Mr. Royall was elelivered into Hie custody of the City Sergeant and was balled in the sum of $200 for his appe-aram e, .Mr. S. H. Witt being bi* surety. Thc case briefly staled is: Attorneys prat ticing in <. uiiinn MOM are heavily taxed l.y the Stat--, asid Mr. Royall di erin d an additional tax iiin.ii c..upon lawyers unconstitutional, anel re¬ fused to piy more-. e»n being arrested for carrying on bertae** without the additional license tax I" ing paid, he-neil ou' a writ of hain ns BOiyei from the Knifed State* Circuit Court, and Ibe MM xx si* de¬ rided as above. It i* BOdtrttlld Mr. Bovell xviii appeal from Hit* decision. Tin* t'olin xxiii le In narinn to-elay at 10 o'elti' k. JSSSe Hugh K. Hom! tl, ..ni lied vol¬ te rda) I Imf BS would bl hen to-morrow. M.i.i'l y anil san!., i. Mr. D. L. Moody xxiii a in Richmond .lat'iiaiy 4-11, USB, sccoinpsinled by Mr. Sankc-v. A pitlllOl WM pn-*enteil to .Mr. Moody la*t MMMM at hi* home, in Nt.rtliliiltl. Ma**., by ||. M. < hrkc.jaw- eral secretary nf tbe Young Men's Cbrl*- Han As-ocia!ion. At tbat time it wm unec tiain when thc vi*it could be ar- fSSfld. Recently Mr. Clarke ba* been in corre-pondence xvitii him, and dcflnli . ar¬ range menft have been perte, ted for Cn sit nie lintis. Mr. Moody i* ut prc-t'iit la* IhuIdk in the West. Tbe Ir.y catt cu ll nc I'oiiiinltlee. Two member* of the House *(i<-cial e-oni- mince, nf which Mr. Jobn H. Mourns li dr¬ inan, will bc in the eitv to-day, chiefly for Hie purpose of putting SB expert aeooant- BBt to work in the line of tbeir inquiry in tin- Auditor's ofllce. Steps are now ticing taken to assen prompt smd tull ttatementa from all the ch t k* of courts, and hs soon a* this ie accomplished th- JBYrsUglttOB xviii bl pushed as thoroughly a- it can be linne. By permission of tbs Court, Mr. Smith was allowed to go to tbs Auditor's olllce yesterday to loeb eiver hi- papers. inclinion.! and AHe^limiy Railroad. A meeting of the ttoebboUeie nf the Kie-limmid and Allcghany Railroad Cum- PBS)! WM held X estel il ix at tlie ntlic of tile eoiiipanr. The only MSlBSM tlBBBBCtOCl was the election of director*, the old Kmird liiing elerie el, as fnll-ixv- William ll. Har-. BBB. Calvin s. Brier, Myron I*. Hram-ti, Jaine* T. (ios*on. Ki si rices e). Iiciitii, John Hnmphrcyxllle, John J.JfaCaok, U'illlnn K. Scott, Samuel shelburn, Jobi W. Simi>- son, Allen Y. Stokr*. Boonal Tba..*, stud Chairic* K. Wortham. M.sc-1'..no Terminal. The stoc-kbolelers of th - Richmond and V.'est-I'oint Terminal Railway ami Ware¬ house Company met ai tbs ofltts "f tbs Richmond and Danville Railrosnl Comp nix. in annual Mattoe, rt IS o'dnck yesterelay, and xvithout triBMetteg any btisiue*,* ad¬ journed till j o'clock »o-day. c...ru.hi .galna! trie City. Thc c ircuit Court wa* nigageil yester¬ day in trying the suit of Jobi Sf. (iordon agssin-t the city of liichmond fxr Sd.u'<> damage* allegeil to have lc en sustained by a fall on one of tbs street*. The BOM WM continued until 10 o'clo'-k this morning, nixing to thc s.li-eiit of Important wit¬ nesses. Leland Cpc-ru Coinpsiity. Axery good Imii-e wm pieMBt at the Theatre tort night lo MC tin- Kerami Juve- nih Opera Company iu ..Our American .Minister." The Leland children in their pt iformance on thc violin and comet were rc ry much enjoyed. The ploy will be re¬ peated at the matiue/e this afternoon and to¬ night. _ A Xoaart Attraction. The Mozart xviii pre-ent an unusual at¬ traction at their MMMsaf* to-morrow ni {ht in tbs person oi Miss Emma S. Howe, th. renowtn-d soprano of Bustup She with a reputation a.* a voe brilliancy. Mozart Hall crowded Thursday evening, and lovers of music may confidently expect a treat. ist,H_ She comes it'ilutmst of great will n > doubt le- l.c-s-lur* To-.". I* ht. F. D. Somerby, E-q., of Michigan, ls* pre-me Trustee ol tbe Order of fron Hal.', will lecture to-night at Monticello Hall. Two Tsars In tbe Panliea.laxTjr. Sergeant Wood, of Danville, brought to the penitentiary yesterday Walter Coles (colored), sentenced to txvo years' conflne- u.' nt for forge rv. Nu pi cm* Court of Appeala. Hates and als vs. Brown's administrator and als. Argued by Jimc* X. Dunlop and A. II. Sand*, E*ej«., for appellant, and Judge ii. H. Marshall for appellee* and sui inltted. Ratcbelder vs. White. Argued by Jmlge Edwaid Spalding for appellant aud con¬ tinued. Iluatluc* lunn. Thia court yesterday was engaged for the most of the time in hearing tbe ease of I. Levy, charged with obtaining good* un¬ der false-pretence*. After argument the Jury retired, and brought in a verdict ot acquittal. Fleming Fryor (colored), charged with larceny, was aentenced to Jail lor (Ive months. He ia the dr i) nun who carried thc anger from Major J. D. Hatton'* store to Hie house ot Massena B< atley. i-eilir. conn. The following cases were disposed of yesterday : Henry'Madison, drunk. Fined Si h. L. Goldman and A. J. Martin (both colored), charged with fighting on tba street. Discharged. Adelaide White (colored), drunk and disorderly on the street. Sent to Jail for tut months in default of surely. A. T. Harrison (w bite) and (.emus John¬ son (colored), charged with lighting in the .treet. Fined 15 each. Ellen Turpin (colored), charged wttb stealing one black velvet basque and oae Bicep silk drees, all of tbe value of $36. tbe property ot Joba G. ilcDowell. beat 0 Jail Sw three asoatbe oe ooavlottie of sci it larceny. James Ooldea ind H. FMier. charged r li b CgbttPg ca the street. Fl ned S3 each, nd turety i"4*q_Ired lor tbeir good be- Theo. ore Hope (eotxtred), ehw-d sitt seing dtsorclerly oo the rtrert. fleed ts. Netaen Flam (colored), charged wi'h fe- rwlously assanltlng and rtrlktag Albert lan foot, f-eette Hu-tl-se Court. Janu- ry term, ISM. Eddie Carter (colored), charged with be¬ ne tx strait. Ditcher iced E. A. -tnmpf and Phillp rfarris, chareed tith assaulting each otner In tb* taw-room f Edward Stumpf. Dbmtseed oe pay* aent of costs. THE TRAGEDY OF TUE RIVALS. l.-bly Kata! Altav OrasrlM Ont ef Leve lor a Beeatllal Uirl. A (htttanr-oga (Tenn.) special says: rbe c.oiibly fat. I affray' between William 'Line and Jobn Adam*, two prominent .t.ii fig meu living near McKinney, Tenn., ante* w Idespresd comment, and r* In all csp. tts the uinsf *cn«atlonal Incident that ia* oiTiirred in this seeiion in years; The oliowin* additional particulars of tbe ragedx lisve been ascertained: Thc young men were rival suitors for the land of a beautiful mountain belle, the 'Blighter of a wealthy fanner nwldlnir tn heir countv. The rivalry was ot long landing, hut the munt men were fast ri en cl*, and they did not permit lt to lessen heir reuaril forcaeh other. Recently tbs oimgr lady l-ryan to show a marked irefrrrnre for Adam*, and their engage- neat soon followed. Moon', on hc*eoming .ognlzatit of the fact, ceased bis attentions nd serried to accept ti;. defeat gracefully. I'be friendly relation* between the roung nen contiaued, and they frequently al- lided to tbe approaching marriage. A THUTI'I H 1 l.SISATIOS. I.nst Saturdiy they went hunting, and ftcr a day'* successful sport they started lome, each laden with game, and were hatting in Um best of spirits. In the 01,rsc of their conversation Adam* spoke f bis approaching nuptials, and boasted if the superior attractions which had won he lady'* heart. Moore seemed nettled liv be taunts of his quondam rival, and re- ne tl sharply. At this Adams bevin to aunt him, anil Intimated Hut he lacked the iiialitica to win a female: he-art, and from bis a bot quarrel arose. Moore suddenly seenme white with rage and Jealousy, and, hrowlug bis gun to his shoulder, be f veiled lt at the deriding rix ssl. and, before ie took a second thought, tired. Adams e.t ix. il tbe load in his breast. SI.-ODTIVO HIS B1YAL. He staggered and reeled, but in falling aught liiiii*.*if anti fell on his knee*. Tbe ilood gushed foi th from b score of xvonntl*. ult consciousness still remained. Nerving ii* strength xxith tin' elrsperatlonol a dying nan, he shrieked, " You shall not live to vin her," and tired on his adversary. Thc 1 rn xvas true, and Moore fell to the ground rn his face, hi* head riddled with shot. Tim ival* tty in _MtB tbSMS within a few feet if each other for some hour*, tin el wheo hey xvere .l.-coxered Moore wa* dead, but lelatns was still alive, and had strength re» naitiing to relate lb! circumstances ere be lied -I.ortly aflt-rtxaril. ro S-.ibsc'tiber* l.letoii.t-.i.l Tclepttott* I x.i'.ieisae- l'l, se rulil tn tour list Morton, Don nan i. Co., Thirteenth and UM) street-, K. S. 1ST, J W. C tums. Manager. Don't fail lo call at K. Lewis's. 912 M-iln tree!, and examine hi* handsome- stock of .U latIBM Cl I lil and Albums, xviih-h bs isis markeil doxvri at loxv figure*. Ht! has ilso a 'ar^'c stock of Bisque Figures. The grand lunch that Mr. E. A. S'umpf ixe xe -h nlay Ju-t ahows his facilities for iimWiing the nobbiest relishes of the -ca- ion. (sill ami see bim at the corner of EighthsBBd Main, where Hie t>est beverages incl Hie most dainty lunches can be h.ul at In- OMI res.-i.nsilil.' prices. Steamed oysters scived in excellent il vic. ___ On Monday ni.ht next. ItVh InsL-iot, the iimOMBfli rx' of e i.|(|.Fellows, of th's city. W. E. I'caric. comiHinder and chief tip- 'nit).will hold their regular scml-aunual rt union. On this occasion new feature-, iu iddition to an elegant supper and ball, will e Introduced, gntti n DB with their u-itsil aste and regari less ->f cost, which, lt I* bOBgSt. will c-s'lipse anytbiiig of Hu-kimi ¦ve r cutten up hc'retoforc. WhiNt the leketa an- limited in iBalbM. they may bc ibtaincd from _*a_b0fi ot the order. Linv.ors and firocerles very cheip at John M. HkHiiNs's. Children's Vriodpes, Kxpre-s-Wagon*, iVheelbsirrow*, and Drum*, M loxv sis any louse in thc city, at J. E. Kit .niel's, lort Broad street. owens Si Minor, opposite the post-offies', MVO Holiday Cresent* in aedMM varii-tv nm Hie attractive little; BtffBBM Christ- MSl inl.it Isl cents to beatilrfiil ISBH ino.I-and lis-nd-onie ( t-iiiilrtiil (i,mils in iche-t Hlllsli BBd lilille-seil Calf Ombb. ,Ye snlxise- aa carly in.-pcctioti of their leautiful display. II. illili Hollie.- Sade llliiec-)|eal.| ,arge supply fresh material for Frult-Oke, ilaiaga (.rapes, Florida Oranges, &v. Sic, t CHIHSIMS Si WlilT-'l*. Liquors and Groceries very cheap at John M. Hiiiuixs's. -mt . Hack's. Broad street .hove Elba depeif, ne! l!'i:.> Cary stree!, ile-st Cotil nt lowest rice*. Do not charge one $0, another .'i. H, smother ia for -amc.coal. Old newspapers at twenty-five cent* per undrcel at the Dispatch counter. Hullst Dolls: Do voit xvi-h . Wax Doll? Periapt ton i refer a IH'vub Doll. If not, aI'.sTtNT Doll. Maybe yu'J like a Kau DOLL. The paattttrt and cheapeett Dolls In l-twn eau bc found at JI LU ss MKYBH A SOS'S. As rn xs- AT I.. Lt xvi-'* at one half thc nattai rices. A fall-list*- Plu-li Alliutii at til nt lier* mm BB MM upward, at L. Lkwis's, als. Main reel. ____________ IMqcB Goods Wobticy or I'bb.bmtatio*. le . ti. MM and cheap, fur old »o_ younis. l*rtDfe>l hm m., -i ,id-, 5c. to SS; Uiblca, Prayer-*nd I yuin-Honks, Albums, Tn|>tl s, t.«, md Dretaltuc- - Desks aud Work-Boxes, elaine**. Opera- lla-scs, aud an millet* variety of Saucy t, i -1-. Sall ind you will bc sure to Iud soniothinx ta tull. l.-.XM.ol.l-ll A k.M.l.l.nll, 13B_ Malu -tree!. KSUBAVLVOS, I'AIXTlNOS, AVU ' 'I B'HiBAP11S t tri ul iv r. .lu. nt rates. Fratae* made lo uresltr, t L. Lawn's, vii Malu itrvet. Two neiLt-Aits wnsrth of CBtttt.BBsCSOBl for 80 enU, at I.. Lawn's ria* Art Uallery, vii lain street. _______________ BMOKB TKIXY e'l'.ire. lT:i\i.n. Chkistmas-Cauds, from S octal* p-ar-'s. at I.. LEWIS'*, -J I J M*li »ln».i. SiXIOK c Tbizy CTOAB*. K xs. x-t tim N0VBLT1BS la bois*, fr .Bi lb rou lo (5, at I. Lawn's, Dla Bala tiree- TUC ITNtST llltsqiK ASD llSOVKB ORSA > r- made al low figurta; ale,. Plush. Toilet laalcnrt, sbimI Udor latta, at L. Lawes'*, SIS lalu street. _________________ BMUKB TB1XV (Toa*.*. Sith! by len I-oTO-raaMKS. CaMuet-fi-wex, Catels, Xisrr-.is, at reduct J flu ssrer, at L Lewis's, HS Malu sires t. -..*>-*******a******aa***aaa»_*_______B-a Al 1 HOS N.4LIB THttS BAS. C B. COOK, ll A. IL, at ASS n*rfh six lb sl-el tl"' tiler, pl, tUiet, St. UCHMOSD HAZAAIt, 10 A. M.. horse*, mules. lt. BA-.E BSD HI'PPCtt. TUE LADIK*' OF DB. liOUK'rJ l-lll'BCH will oeaea their CBBISTBAM svLtt AND SUPfCB id lise lc Cnre-rvom on Tttt'lSDAY vms lira ixjtast. atl'i'eicKkP. M.. md cums ok fttir ii Kit*ht at lt ttrtoek, AjsBMacs^ttie. itataM rtB Ssumo SOM MUSIC by a la* cborat at* tw_tiy trttaaea aatl "Vbcit-cass aaa PBtsaso ttOixsejaeilBl w mrrmir iv wa****** . TO* Wemetm am*4m*UimmmW$mTmWm1 ano ata*aass*-B toasts. pk ta toa a-dgbtorliood of -tooth B-rty. snarlet are wowTaf inore eaalt»*0 ovor tht death «f sidney Itormer, the tsev»tm-yoarotd Pant-totem tad, wbotoaltooadtahaatlesm whipped tn death by William GUis-aWt**. IkaaeritotKB^ In C ncord. The aathortttoa have Otoo stow io aeL snd there r* much leditaUlao oa that acs-ounL MllpotrV-fc ia thirty imf of aa-e. Ile aiot a pw widow ia F-mrae> hsm last Jnne and ofered to tiki- ber ana. t-ldntv. ano editeafe him. Sin* tor tho vaffff no. aad knew nothing of his IM-tro*'*-**-** BB he wa* sent ti her dead tn n riiifO woodra b ix a few day* boo. Evtdsaao of the nel'-bbors sbow* Hut the bey** oars were pulled out ot .*._**»- by (lilpatf lek, nod hnas* down like s fox.bound'* un. The*/ fnqiieatly noticed fearful di«<ol .raD.-oo about Ibe face. At B.JO oVItie*. la the cyenlng ot Novem- ber Isl, Oilpatllek, IR the pie.eoee of SBtaa and bto wife wbo were miling him. aekod the lad lo spell " does." Tb** tod coulda't, aad (iilpatrick cuffed him ant itruck him s heavy blow on the head. " Do yon l*aow what you will fret I 'he demanded. * Tts, sir," said Sidney, paralyse-l with rear. " i'll letch it out ot you," roati-dtberuflUa, and toing to tbc bam he tot a heavy working barnes* brcechlas-strap. "ty reatlr "' be ordered, and tbe hov, trcmaOhMr with tear, u&di-eased and laid aeroes the tem ot a cnair. Tbe man thea with both Imnda applied the strap till he waa tired, when be caught up tbe uneoneciout victim aad threw bim ea a tola. A trw dav* toter ho simla lieot tbe tod andaeat bim to tbe tutrn. Be wa* found there unt-oBscioua tho next aromlng, sud dtod soon after from t*rmhv ftver, caused by Inhuman treatm-aL Tie body wasoovered with the tnark* of tbe strap. The family toft the plnee at once, but tbe mother of Oilpatrlck recently returned and dtopoeed of the prot-erty. Nobody In South New Market was allowed to see the body after the boy died, as it was boxed up hurriedly aad shipped to the dead boy's mother. Tho Low tai Eetlaad. Hood Wort-I For lonp after Shetlr.nd had come Into tbe possession of tbe Stotttsh crown toe old Norwegian towa and the Scandinavian machinery for the administration ol Justlco conttnucd to be upheld In IL The truth was, people were not very certain that Norway might bo. exer- else IU right ol redemption, tay off the marriage debt for abich it Wat mortgaged, and restore lt to it* origloal position as an appanage of tbe sc tndina- vmn crown. The ancient Law-ting, or Parliament of Zetland, had its principal place of session on a small holm in tho Loch ot lin-xvall. about six miles from Lcm lek. The Ting was always held In thc ni>en air. The ('rent Fowu or Lagtnin of Zetland, tbe principal executive and Judicial officer of tbe ((landa, presided, and around him. retted on stone amit, wire iiu*tered the interior Fnwd* and tbe Itin Titi), n or lower executive ofPecr*. To thia primitive assembly ernie all the iiilalli r* or freeholders ot the Fowd- rie on horseback, le-aring tlic'ii*eiyeB with lin ill;.-ts itv and gravity which Hie Itiitiortsncc of thc occasion rennin d. As there wa* no room for more than a limited nu ui I'tr of them on thc holm, the rest con* gn nail d on thc shun of the Indi. But tbe injury which lbs depasturing of so anny Inn*!* on thc ailjniiilng lauds occasioned wa* so gnat Hint the proprietors had to bc recompensed by a sr int of the scat or land-lux from thc tu igbboriii-r, pirlshtsof OtiaiiT tad Diinro-sn.-s. When thc Ting. -lititig ss a court nf Jtnticc, had cou¬ th inned a criminal to death, it i* *ald thal a curious Sc.n-lin.tv ian custom <Dll gave him a chaine of life. He wn* permitted to run tbe gauntlet bet-vecn a double-line formed by the titors. If he rescued Hie church, wss (bum two or thn s hundred yard* tn safety, his life wa* spared. Bnthe dim got so far allx.-. Whatever was tba result Hie BBB BOB Ss* was already n-g.irded as thc OM Dei. The execution of the de¬ crees ot the I. nv-uti-.' anJ ot the inferior courts of lat district Fowds, wa* intrtistcii tu Banceliiun. called In Orsiioy law-right men. who, to addition to their duties as biiiliffs orslicritr-oiticti*, as -ve should now call (oem, piTfnrrncl rn mv .if tin- funcHnn* in w alipou ii itc,I tn de ruting elden <*f Hi Kirk ol Sci11 land ii. tin- v .rm.is parishes (hiougbout thc island. Dr. W. ll. Snook*, 103 cast Broad * Blchniond, says: ..Brown's Iron Bit is undoubtedly tine tonic. I sell a deal of It, and my customers spc.k of tbt Light st tenn*'." "Sad Sh 'v (Million. . Consumers of «. Dill'* B *t " tobacco will please notice carefully Dp- yellow tag on same, and sec that it Las Hie wording, in Math totters, .. Dili'* Best." other tubae, cos are ticing plac d on thc market with a tig similar in coloring to the " Dill's Beet" tug, and nmy BssstoasJ < itnuaier* of this cclcbrtifeil lirand of toliacco. To be genu¬ ine, tbc little yellow tag must have on lt .. Dill's Bi st." In buying, do not tisk for thc little vi How t::g, an forincrlv, but '. Dill's Best," and sec tbtt you get what you ask tor." -..(BBS*,- Tbe -smiie Old try. Too many goods and nut enough money. And In order to exchange the goods for monty wc will offer special Inducement* to i;is|i buyers for tbe next two weeks. We want the monev, and all in want of Cloth¬ ing. Cnderwcar, Hosiery, or Neckwear, will find it to their BdVBBlBtB la examine our stock and ortona to fore BOffetff*nm*t*J elsewhere. E. IL bT_O0R i b*_R, ( lolhi.-r* ami Tailors, Ninth and Main. 'I'HE NEW YORK TIMES FOB 18SS. AN HONEST AND FEARLESS NEWSPAPER. THE ABLEST. THE ( HEAPEST. TUE REST. AC( CRATE IN ITS NEWS, STEADFAST ffOR THE RlliHT. PNePABING IM TUB EXPOSURE Ol' WRONG. TO MAIL si'B-t RlUr.K.*. POSTPAID. DAILY, exclusive of sunday, per year.ft 00 DAILY, InclntlBg Sunday, per yaar. T Ot HI ND AY ONLY, ter tree.1 BO DAILY, 1 month, vtlborwltkssut (ism-lay. . 71 TUE SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES. Single (opie*, one tear.02 00. 1UE WEEKLY TIMES. tloflt- Copies, one year.|1 IO Tin**: CASH IM ADVANCE Remit la Pos- lal Noli-* or l',i,l-iiSi'i Money Orders. We haye ao trsvclltiig agsats. tampia copies sent free. Address TUE NEW YORK TIME*, Maw Toan crrr. delO-eodSl _f" C: H A M P A O N I. Rt-et-ylBB tllreet from tte house of Bocca-B, Itu- 4 ni, ffraacst, EXTRA-DRY VEEZKNAT, VIN IMPERIAL. I'REMIPRE * EX RE, sad Moll ME -SBC*' A Iva. coBiUa'ty an baaA G. H. Mt MM 4 CO., L. R'iDPBEB and lb* I'RBAMA WINK COWPA. -COLD SEAL"-* very snt-evlor #!*_,) In mi* eomatrv. We .Ber tbe above WIMBO at Baa very mmmt msrket rates, de 7-u,\\ 4P101 a CB AMI 0 CO, ..aPAMlMl ITi-su a**-ste UT JOHN C. SHAFER, "sHT-'b**'---- T TAnrOw, l-M* Mal** BTBBftT

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tir-i'-ci. ls* rill* »1 -t* Uti *ot"K DL-V cool)-.MINC1-. Our force ha- lusn Inrr

always, lit



BBB BBB OO TITI fl ll FEB CHR KRSBll HR ROO TH HE t R S^BBB RRR O O T HUH IK 1,'RR 3SBaB II ll BO Ov f ll ll K K Bk ,}...BRU B R OO tt H u 'I', K -~


OOO OO Ol) I'DD KsSHHO OOOOnDDjJBSVC. O O O O D D "BS,0 ec O O O O D D KC.'-'. 00 OO DDD .-*:-.


now In pro^ren In our mainii",lh CLOAK DE¬PARTMENT. Oui sissi!'. ' I ,i',r. du ls er a.lcdwilli overSl(l.(i()0 wor'h af CLOAKS, mc I tl,BM--or 15.000 xs,.-th lu restive. There an .|iil. t

-tiles for old ladles Jaunty c.nfc,»I- -ii- ttl v.Hiie

cue*, cb rant di situs for middle-1.. I..: otp,iiiHAVl I.oCKs nnd NEW M xl;ixK I- for little

Stitt, There are CLOAKS am) WRAPS to -ult alllane* and putset. Irnin SSAS XX Vl.lx IM.-.I Xl li¬ll- ;., SSI I'l.lsll Si XX fl IBKBTS A ladyin UM United bc hard tn please who r ,11-1.1.., I lu

all tills vast ataortuirut just the vrliilc- wrap-hewants at just ibc price that sun* ber purse.

I Cb's.

MIFFS al 11.25 BartaSS, MOSS'S Mil 7." Ba**I* ..l.'KY XII I)- " « I i rn SS, Fliti olLARS tl 75c. tt nh tl.Mi. Fl'lrcoi.-I.AIcs at Bl.ei.ftf, |!_.*!.?.'.. .voriiidoiiblt thcmoney

I-LI -iiivtii|l.5c> wrrihfe.10.allULAI K RAl'-e ¦))¦ i: I) VELVBT *1*2 50

-..¦th li;P.LAiK BMSBOWS ASTSAGBAfi,'Mll.SS-

mar.e.t el-r, thi dur f ol' a rh. u-c* at fi.', 0(sa uresl Icrttxlti:

BLACK SILK V Ft.VET at from ll per yuri up

CiiI.t'iLl.i) SILK lit -Matti :ColtiRHl hi;-ie ADM) VELVETS nt Sl.25

«,-rti. -.

Thel»r...i Xl L-I.IN'IN TO-TEL In Hit elly for-I I- OUC lust llif ll-e- Sit. f»r |H'

i.i N I I xi- \ - |, -, l|l I- u 'n,c;v iXil N S ALI -XlOi I. LLD SHH; !- Bl75r.

"Ch*- best COL'sIT In Ce rix¦ f.r 40c.wiu.l te.\

* I xx. ii il ld ACE DIXconxl atti.25;tl S I ll VII v- iil.nl E.- ..I all sindt;Eadie-- casiivhice c.lovesbi uoe.jwrni^ atrtn:A Bee BM "I e;l M LKMEN'.- Fl TtNisIIINO

SDODs. Ine'uditi. KECKWEAR. ll\M>KEBCUllfa, SI -1-KSDl i,'-. .Ir.XX r LUX.

An ALL Mi.K I.MHRtilDERED SI -PENDERlt ftllc, 14-lU'tftil tl.

l ixl n i td.LAH- Mire* for35c;ALLI INtN DI IO 1 iil.LAR-s.10c.;All-IINFN III M-Illi IUD HVNDKER-

CHIT*, Otaillenten'r Msw, white, 10',c, heisterf.,rvOc. ititi ht-etct f"r ibc.. beautiful ijualiCyr.sr soc:

ALI LINEN OF NTL EMEN'S HvNDKER-c UH-ls in wMu-and -..lr*. l.sje.;

WINDSOR SCARF*- In Nautitul coitus, hultable-nu'- ivy*. Sir.;

DI Di 'l 'I - lu wli.ie and colored satin ard mull:C.ENTI 1 vpn'- DBE-.- cLci\ )-. RIDlNei-aiiel



froi* S>.60toS7 per pair: bed sela al 11.50 Co.7 tssr nair:

C ARKIacI. ItoBlSfn tn 76e.toS7.S0iHole -1 ttl AN KITS tVoio ll Ml |5;L-l e.- fi. to ."ne. n, SS;Ms! eel I - rr«m t4 6d lo 46;Oil.-i LOTH X! X lr-. 7.. ;CAlCPlfs. l.V. i*r yard.au entire aew ttock of


?I.ANKI1-rreim SI U-SIH;Ml - -ct elli- and NAPKINS!

NAPKINS lr..in 4t)c. per d"»en to til per tleien.

lils.. XIV- is | Xl,II.-' HANDKERCHIEFS.

A BEACTIH I M! Il lUMSTlTCHED COL-ORtD-tloL-DUHDH.xNDKEP.i HIKE,love¬ly patterns, al latte,;

Clret! Kietaius lu -ILK I! VNDKl RC IDEFS;AMII, HASDKFKi HIFF at S"e. wo: th 5 e.:I i'X l I X HIM*! Iii ll) D WH1TK HANDKER¬

CHIEFS fr.to lSlt to SOc.Yon caa utily »etau Mea of '.ht many baryalna

that wt sbave in -lore tty a pert nial ,,)._.n _t.on.

Lit* ia luoilu- column for otirtraat Te)Y*4-s. ri. .lt.. ul. SM Ll SBOT.SBa.

aolO-la-WAflltSll Hr.*d stneL Rlcbnioud, V*.;fl"-

/ II Ills'! M A.-C X I.I >-



At waa*, tltt Urttett ttock ot tbe mott -ril-tle-etisus can be foapd st

WEST. JOHN-TON A C O'S,Dil Matu stree*.

TntvoM the rrcwds of the appnsxcblna a**onit. tart) -i lc tl "ii i« a x ia' le. de 4



Be mik a. bt-1 *ed rbaap. for out aad yow-*-;CHR|*TMAS.e *HDs. many new .tx),.; aL-II) xi-, lilsK-. WoKK-HoXl'.s. l'.ifKlll-BCKiVS. DWFS.-INC.e ASE-. PoltTFlil.Iois.aiid

*v FANCY AR! ICLFs wor'liy ol pie-n.;.n. A call lt aube 11 e.

RANDOLEH A BNcLI-ll.ao IO AAw 1 BUS Main *ti.*-t.

HOLIDAY OOOD«-.-D<Mi»tl)uy,loar Chi isla,a, prs-H ot udciI voa aa*'

of laney Artleient.tad -trading c'.tsu.¦Ila-- SKlMts.Tabltw.r-esjesiiitri lt |»- |. it.aae.cion with icsof

I'tbuyAyou iss-1-.

our bute ttewkof lane) Artlt i< ». Chair*, MBIwkK Utnaint aad stradlna (''..miri-. Ea.flstd-. Mirrors, KW-ul la BmMm*. Tables.. I's-Jtaiait,¦ lid n.any idher tiilrl*- li coaaaetioa wlU, o'., ofIB* Uiti»i aad losl stttsrtcM Hack of Pallor teni41raa._rr Min* lo Isa .en la tis* tte*. Y'-u ext.ave ataeer bl eatnil-l** tar -lort aita nota- 1Barrat PtRaa. ' E. oATBRleiHT A BOB, J

.is 7-fft l» IS aa4 IB (^varagf ttfitt, ai

Nmi.ll***- mtOnttr*,'.' t*s\f^- **^r s.*^/^s-rs.iS*s.r /



rOB THIS silk,




¦rrve. Now,hear In -rind Hut the** goo.1t are tn

ha-plier*. We .rettie only house In th* city,varied itock of PM s|l GOOD!*.

dillons I-- our <torb or


ran Ik- more easily suited In onr ****** Mian rlse-U,r rliy.that are teing sold at one half their value.

ooo oo oo nnn .sa_fl O o 0 Q o o x>XSJ>a naaaa oo oo



thal eau not bc undersold at

Filth and Rroail streeU.

,11 ssM*sk*»(s « X XMM MM A .OB.ll SS SSW m 444 XX MMMM AA *, ¦

ll* ** *;**s444. X X M M M AAA - ^uiBtastBaM fl " x xm m ma a's*.8

.AL L FEET Y 44TAALLRYY 44T 4 A L L KB YY AA 4T AAA Li R Y ._ 4 4,.T 4 AU.IJ LIXLEKK Y m 444**



fore Hie assortment Is broken, and thc crowd olct mes so-:re tl.

rntlon to the following:

rem good. ss!,!, ty ins n Vb torla. according le latert rats. 'I In v con- 18 van!- io Un- pattern, andpropilate piesni aaa a husband make lilsWt giiiraulie iheui lo wear until Ute

>.<! ftiai sin liss gullen fii'l value.ur HLA( Iv sa.KSni -si, »1.2S,antl 11.50.RAHS al ei.nur MAI \ VELVET DRUMS-PATTERN. 10

r..r»7.'..Iioeiil bf vililunit one. Wc have them from tl.50tm,I'tsislly Iroiii Imlle.i (.. lin lr servants. These wet..niti Ike.II I i.tMioci. Dom 2(11<> lille.


ROLLS nt all price*.ll till Hs.-jo.4'1. and!)3e.-.. ur l-auliful Hl-Ol K DOM.-.A nice lins d MR CAPES, COLLARS, nnd

Ml li- Hill il,.-i n af all nyes.V tl, i rm."i I of 'lui I at le.si tban the uvular

". HANDSOME Mi'PP for ll.

PAR! V GOODS, sol IONS, nnd DtlK.ss-TIIIM-iied. an-: DUH Pilli K- Al!E,as

la f] si.




S B R K O O T II II K K Rv B"'¦HI'- HRH o o ll Hil KR HRH * titi.

!t K R R o o T li H K R H A 2*KB B B OO lilli RRR ll B Ms*

LIST 00H II OO L ll ODD A Y YH ll O O I. Il D D AA Y Ylil ll fi o I, Il DI) AA YTli HOOL ll D D AAA Yll Ll o-i II DUD AAY

OOO OO OO ODD KSS.o oo oo od d2O 0 OO OD D^SSafi nco oo od d. 2,.GOG OO 00 DOD aS88»

rrrr oo y yhs-l. 44 oooT O OT fr1 4 4 OOT O fi V V "SS.. AA 4 0T O O V B 2- 4 A- O O ..

T OO Y °88B. AAA* OOO .

VRlTlNO-IH-K-fr in 50c np to S2.80;Vi n:Iv BOXER from ..Ar. np lo fi;IANHKERI HIKK-lloXKs from 50e. up to

Si.So;.l.oX F-HoXI '.» -r,.. 50e. up lo 11.60:'ARI YPKRKlMERY-ll.iXKSfi'om 2Jc up lo

li;roiLET-c tn - tum *i aomfOiHF I I.-HOXL- from 5c. up lo 50c.','AMY HAIK-PIN Ho\l s;iii! HASH AL Td-;'AR I)- R F'f'Kl Vi Rm from 28c. to 80c.;.AINT-HOXI -, ffAMOT lld lsilOVSTAl'HF-ciTs, I I Pm and SAPCKRS,Asl- Mlbilol.-s.iov F LFi'HANTS,'ARLOR-PH.-. NOAH'S AllhS.I VII -lot K Fis. in MMINO-Tol'-,IAR.MoMi AS. Mt s!( AI, sl'lN.NTNO-TOPS-

plays tbrisp illfTrrcnt alis;ITPLK-JAi.'Ks. In atl sties;i"i i, -iiit-itle for Clirntinas-trees, tl per box,

containing 144 piece-;SK-sl vs!is, s, l.-Al'-HOOKS,"ll'iliK.i:\PH.ALHCMs,(OOO) OO) oVKHKDKAsEl. PHOTOURAP1I-

ALRI'.M-,t.-OCK F'H.l 'RES, CIGAR-) ASKS..in EET-MTBOORA ll iND-olasses.ins, BORRA TRI MC) I-


I.A-sF IS, A lt ( lil.ot KS..lphaiiet rirsSLBA (i ;ar-sta!.DS,'Ol KFT-lKMiKs, NOTE-HOOKS.MY ACHOl'.Als, BRI -III.-,lAKNKRs. TOY SAD-IRONS,IAIIY.RATTLES. 0 Hl-T I.KS, 4e.;V VI' III s, ,11.WEI.RY -CASKETS,ION KY- II A N Ks, BTE A kt-1 Ni i IN KS.tAT( H-sAFEs, 1 OMI!-and BRUSH-CASES,OOl.-(Il EsTS.altuo.t an

ORPHAN ASYLUM.lie rliarlta'-le. Come and adopt a BARY (Doll),


WAX-DOLL-,CHIXA-I Ol.l.v,Wt ODIN-DOLLS,PAPER DoM.s.WORST) d liiil.l.s-al! prices, all i|uallttfa,

¦ ll Mus;DliLL-H FADS-very rbeap;CLAPPINi.-DtH I.S.We are terelvlug lou of TOYS dilly. Now ls

le lime to buy. Avoid the rush. Take yourtKitce. Pri-eUlm lt all over the lind- throughoutbe North, '.hr fca-t, thc South, Die West-that

8YCLE BROTHERS'li Use place to buy

HOLIDAY GOODS.iiere you can make one dollar ito a* far ai two

ecorally goes. ( ouie sm*, rome all. to tbe bsn-inf bsrgaliu. ITOLR HHOTHERS,

Sit Hr. «*d street, Richmond, Va.noSO-bn,Wt»tlt


I uow have : n More U.e

LARGEST AMD PINE-T bTOCK Off GOODSii r .bun ii in Ibis liy.iouslsi.i.g td'



ffANCY GLASSWARF-te7 luU stat,

F. ic

FLOMIBTB- M I'l'l liv

PANCY STBAW HA SK EPS AND DE-slf.N.v lMMOinFI.LP.Fl, wblteaud all col-

r* { ('-ALIPOMBl A PAMPAS PLUMES, natural¦d colors*]; DH I FD (. KASSEN sud a rall r-t-kokoftptillc. for the holiday trade. Prices redueoU.

HENRY W. WOOD, Fterdrm.u.m S-21 corner Stxtb and Marshall atr***a.

[ADIr* ptB SALE, A TtVELVE-BOBEE-POWP.B PNolf.K in ta,rfeet 4*s4»r. Ann|7

ilttWfavaiffiiwknBsi-T-iH. etT-ll*-

IlOMrtAT CSttPS-//AA/V'/'.'V _.V-''-'VAr*^-rV-Ay-^.J^-«"




S's fifer a few Umdy bl.Vi lo the C-B-S-BMba|cr:JAPANESB TRAYS. PIN-< CSHION*. DREB*-


POeK FT-BOOKS, a tnperb assortment, 25c to

.6.HAND-SATCHELS, 60c. lo |5, offering beal





COLOI.-FD-BORDERED FANCY HANDKER¬CHIEFS In cudlee* variety e,r ro I and eolor-Inf.


DUCHESS LACES ta JILETS, TeiRsARDF.*.,COLLARS. COLLARETTES, tad HAND-KERCHIEFS, we are oSerlng *l fabulouslylow figure.. We bespeak tbe attention of allInn mp nt and f.t--idt.,u* buyers.

Many rare bartalns can Ik- found lu real handsomeSPANISH and E&CL'HIAL LACE STARESand Fie HCE*.



EVENING fJBls-SSi toSlOaptoee.


Oriheie peels. In .UTE and FANCY EMBROID¬ERED, a larre consignment ha* lieen put into

our hands. Toivotd (emilnt any hack, rarestvielue- may be bad. Cutt 11.25 tn 130.

s..met hint suitable fora holiday-gift.


JERSEY. RFRLIN. KID. DE Sl'EDF. OAsT-'i.t,CAPE. LAMB-SKIN, FCC-LINED, «n alltrade* nnd price-;

CE.NTI-MI.Hl, DELOHMI', .lot'VIN, and otterstandard grade * of KID CiLux I -

Thc C KJxTK.MFKI ol.oVF, In all grade-*, lsstrictly ,,i.lined lo u*. Llae nil otlicr superioriinir lr«, Un Mle BBBM I* cl xe Iv imitate! l,y Irrc

siM.irMl.h .letters. Thc only GENUINE GLOVEShear thc full name-of



of all kinds mu»l move off now. PLUSH I'M-ltosst l> vei.vf.'i. OTTOMAS, B-fBBOfD-EIIH) C LOT ll. and ot ht -r in le-tir¦ sin' ..".ere 1at ott for many, and at great rrdoctlom forall.




cIABDOI 0 fl CO.

will display on


a Inrpe- number of


. iiifii.ii for tbe


ctiti-l-'.tiig in part of





An immense spick of




io which they Invite thc attention af UH trtdc.







OtMl OO OO DDD irSS-O 00000 1)1)2°O O O O O D D °SSHo iio o o ti o ii D ¦ 5.OOO OO OO DDD °rr_".

.Some-time during Hilt week we "hall plBM Mtilt a mewl gltanllc lot or all kimi- of FANCY

UmCUtS fen Ihe holidays. The pundi*-- cou-

.iiiMif the t-nilre balance stock of a New Y'ork

.ncy-toodi lniportcr. This stock wat purcl-iaolry ut at 50c. on thc dollar, value-* to bc euume-

.alesd from the forexlxn bills.On accoiiiit of the Hine nee-eestxry for li- Ins',

arklng, eic, for such enormous flt of _..«..!., we

nay Bot he enabled to place tiltia BR salt- beforeIk- latter |i*rt of Hi* weet. Due notice will be

riven In thli p»i*r. So don't buy any of youraucy articles until you ace our good* and prices.

COHEN BROTHERS,dc 0-31 Fourth and Broad alsreet*.

Fi^TAHKISHED A. D. I860. XMAS.J lSf-4. S.0H0 gallon* WHISKEY. FRENCH

rn,I APPLE uHANDIKn, RPM. eiJN. PORT,iHEBMY, CATAWBA, CNIOBING-WIVF.s,HlMPACNE, CELATINE, RAISIN.-, CI'K-tAriTB. t ITHON. -lt,AR. xarloti* trade*:ri As.(OH FE, Fl OIT.'-bnlre brinda: BCC'K-Allt'AT. GRITS, ovTML Xl BACON, and.Alli), Ac For tale ty

JOHN M. IHCCilNs.de 1610 Franklin slrueU ne r Old Market.



Nos. 713 AMD 715 bait Main htbbbt.

I have tblt aeaaon bought * lirtcr aad-.'.le. ..-elicit d slock from imtiuncr.. Hain-dt Lota at a bambi. Als... on Ptiolo-ra(ls-.l|l nins at 25 per cent below Imp-elT"-cs; 2 tnars Motto-Cap* and -saucer*, t" beold at 25c; 1 gimt* Varna! tail ana BaelI trier* tn Ire sold al tl ; .00 lloyi' Wag.Hu, Vo-oclpedem Bicycle-*, Mcrhai.leal Toy., 0tri*' Pm-sib rt. Toy*, aud useful Fancy Unod* off everyatc r! plI. at l,..ttoin prece-, at H.- old-.st -i,I-bea Toy-HoBse, No*. 71» aad 715 catt Malupeet. Tbe ladle* a .- ino-t roapestfally lo-l'odii call early aud often lo attach

_no SQ.SnAWaw


TONailTCS,te e~krittaas.


FERTILE FORMOSA.PRIZE NtlW COVETED EYFRANCEAa aVlMBea ti tk* Berne* Ita rettie, fre-

Sacr*. aad Oaverataaai,iTatn bul (Fnranaa) Letta*-. |

If the Ficnch take anel eolonlz* Formo-aa, they will bave aitch a potteasioa a*the*little nowhere ebie in tbe world. It i* anHand of great pee.aii,|iitj,.10f developmentIt ls rleh In soi. nearly ill of lt. even toremote x allr>« and nish monnUin slope*.capable ot cultivation, and lt ha* a Mild.fqtMble climate thei ia not unhealthy mdi« mitable to grama ami fruin and othervecetable prof.tietiona nf fa- northern andmuthern li.titiiii. *. coal it known lo exl*tLei esmel there in Hie mountain* 1n sr.tlc|uiu.titlea, and lhere are tuppmed tn hr-ir;e deposit* ot mM, silver, and otherrn ne raia precious and ti-efnl, nwtitinr In-rellftrtriT elevelopment. Were it Oiled withEre n. h farmer* and ita full opacities teat¬ed, there I* no pmlic-tln? what nilghl no¬lie (loif with it. There lt ny e|ue«Mon thatHie French can hold lt If they tee Sc fornr nutt. r how we'l tbe Chine*** may beal le to de fend theraaelve* on htnel, theyhave no jiowcr ta retake territory whichhat been once taken from them.Formosa lies directly opj>o*i.c the south¬

ern | rovince* of China, from whl :h lt lsdivided by a channel pc-rbap* 130 mileswide at it* Bfee-Ml point an-l 80 mile*»t the narrowest.that 1*. tbe ttrali be¬tween Tam Sui incl neareat land In the FoKlin province. Ita nunn t-empT.turc 1*therefore tliat of tliese districts* of China,except that, being surrounded by th? sea,it i.« niticb moister, and it presents ancspect of tir.lver-.-tl irreennes*) when thewhole of the mainlund ii as brown a*California In a:;mmeer-tlme. Thc entirekarts nf the island be 210 mile*, and Itsextreme width 70. It form* a prettypiece of territory, far more saluhrteu*than Tonejuin or Cool)in China, an-l If nutDion- fertile, linville at ka«t tlie SdfMteaof Wing haettaUf bf European". TMChini'sc claim the merit of having di*cov-e re tl ir, so alto do the- Jansen, It xvouldle strange, considering lt* nearnc**. tua',the navigator* of ot'cor other of these peo¬ple should not have aee-n or visited it. Butil* first settlers were tbe Dutch, xvho. fromindia, Java, un 1 Siam, pushed ronnel intoIlse C lui,a nea* and reached here in 1034.Their occupation onlv continued a fewxe»rs, '.bough lt pei them time tn finishtwo fort.* of annie solidity, on- at Tain-Wan-Foo, the capital, and thc other sit Ta '.i-Sui.the-tatof the present trouble*.. It xvi*aleut the lime of the Tartar invasion, andthey were i»peedilv <ti-pos-e«*ed by thc pi¬rate sunder Koksinga, who infe-ted theseseas and rendered comment' impossible.

After the departure of the Dnteh and thcpartial stilijiigatlon of the pirates lix tienew Uyiia*iy. the Chine-sc beran lo emi¬grate from Hie neighboring Province of FoKien, partly of ibeir oxxn free xviii andpaitly at thc- aiippe-stion of, or to get a* fara* possible from, their Tartar mister-.Tlii-- immigration has been going on grad¬ually, till now the population af Chineseand half-breeds number* fmm o.OiKi.OCJO tot.(XW,bOO. Of late year* the Chinese au-thnrittes have been trying to accelerate lt.FtseardS arr puted iii Amnv. Sxvsttow, amiadjaerat rtlMgea, oiTringhied in the in¬terior to all xvho will cultivsite it. TW*Itiiui ls, i'f ciiui'si. on the- frontier and si*Jjeert ta or rn thc upper slopes of themountain*, still ot cupid hy lbs MYBgaitx hose- propirty lia* imt been pur-Vi-BBd who oliject to lieini' di-p is<iCsscil\\ bra tin- dt laded immigrant* arrive tin-,tin- fold where their BSepert] i* loci*and .treatedta re iee: t.ke it. ii is tbhthat BM e.iii-t tl HM tr mill- wita th" -tx-

nd lend to the high pre minni Ii«->pluee on Chinese beads. Si bi/lily sirlliet-e vallie '1 thal the x ir- I >ri*i,|>-i<-d e.. n-tiel to thc xvoi'hip of the aborigine-, siuiamorg tome tril'e* no fetas** brave is" til-hnxeel Io marry till he eta bring a* a pru >fnf his valor sit hast one: ht.ul or-kuli ix.ihpigtail att: tin il.

nu: ABO-BBSS*.Winn ttl ( liliie-e cetlie they fotm tl txxn

distinct people*-, theotrfe | et hip* not rae-e-s.inlial-itiiii: the l-.'aiul-f!,' l'tji-.i-xi'iin-"iitin- western feast ami the piatas ami fart*hill* lo tin- ia-t of them, anel Die- MlfSJRI\xi,i'-e' YirttStt tribe* eeeapled Iks satinmouiitait) range, from the extr. me north totbe extreme south, nnd I jrortion of it*.ixisimi ilopM UNI xalicxs. Tltt I'ti'-'i-Blim* istsil.v alliliutcd with tin- inv.nl, r*.

Tl.iy had In fun- Leen friendly with thisDutch, and la tb. "lax there are f<-uii.1aniline.1- them those who Bteiead, Wttb epa.side rab!.- pride, le a strain rt DuL-li lil'iosl.winn tbs PrateatsBl BthahMMriM camea fnv years ipi tlre-y found them (pit--.P) n i'eliiible, and now el tim :n my of tis Bas sincere coiiverts, Tln-y li ive iiit-rii u-

riecl xxith tin- I liine-e. p->rri illv adaptedthe ( hineas ctn M and habit*, anti so lettmuch cf their distin.-Hw character. Theyarc fsiimer* by occupation aril mild nndfri« nilly la MSPQBKmB. The BfBMea sir.

described a* larne and finely-funned BBdwearies s peeoHar bead dreea. Made bxbraiding red si I;, or worsted, xxith thebair sitid then 'niling it abetB tue head iu!oi arawa er coronet. Peartbf* 2 pei-cut.of the Chinese portion ol tm- imputationssre- Ki'|so-xv han*, anti lbs tWI ra.es ar- *n

closely allied in Interest a* lo render tl, .ii

lo all iblc-nt .md pSTBOS * OBI peopleScattered alon),' the- eastern frontier ol

thc ( liint -I- -ettienie lits are the llikk-i*.xx li<> rimy number S0.O0B. They lieiraii loemigrate freim Kwang Tun., the CBatoepiiniinc, und Kwaug rt, Jo-t west of lt. ata e-niuiiaiatively recent period. They atc a

ran of aborigines, who speak a dulcet un¬

like aux othei lu arl in c liiui, but mostlyti-(milling the mandarin. They stSStrSBB*,hardy ami brave, tlie- jiionec-rs of this *m illworld which thcvlisix ec losen us their homo.Their work is to'till tin- field- and cut <K>wnthe raaipkof forest* fur Cbteese cpitaii- *

nd land-owner-. Of late they have beeslin uul.t rn from tbs Istdsaad suds sst-vkaabk) la flajbtiBg the Kn iu 'i. Withuufttl.in it i- haren passlltlS thc lau- rcpul-e "tthe ttedfea realty a' Tun Sui xv.mid BBVerh xi iiiiui'iel. le iin>«t re«p. (..* these peo¬ple are Chinese.nf 8 ht fer ebeSi il lstine.sind need no minot:- description.Like thc saville s, the J ale tlioilk'ht to be of.Malax- origin, tlioiioh they have come tothe i-land at ¦ much mon- n cent date.


The "savages'' are known by no othernan.e BBNBtt the- ('hine*-, by wlmm theyare ^n-.itly tlrcad.-d. Tli'-x live ia rtOOSadadvilliiKes in the- monnlain-. Tliey are oc-

casiiiiisilly seen in the titi'* on the sea coast,but an- "rarely visited bv xxiiites in theirnative forests. Ttiougii IbSJ an 10 bitt-rlyboatile and so war-like, tee" are bdagtrradtially forced backed into their ni uci-

tain fastnesses, and their subjugation or

entire extinction ts but ¦ tneettaa f>f a com-

paratlxclv few years. Those in the «outh-ein half of the Uland are Inst known.These are detc-rtbed by those Whohave visited them as bavin.' tbs bmxxn.Mi.onth »kln of thc M.il-ix, and be-inn tymmttrically made. They hive nevitilled tbs Krouud till lately, bavinc MUMftOlived by the chase. They are black-ham -el.sharp-featured, and not bad-looking, ju li;-mir tinm by Oriental stmdard*. Tbeirwomen are spoken of a* finely made- anddarkly handsome. Dtseiisc ha* neve r beenknoxvn amoirif them until MNUpOS mfecommunicated by foreigners tome year*siro. Their ldeaa ol religion are Va_ersadand ofum ft-rocious. Aumii.' cerfctiti IrlbSthc chief object of alorsidon ls a jtistdecorated with three-(kuli-, i'him -.- ifenlBart- considered Hie moat BfSSSBfattl aff*ln/r on their bloody alt.t*. Other tribeswith a gentler sentiment worahlp a bemii-ful echo in an outdoor temple in a vaih xamong picture fM hill*. QusdbaliMB i-

still common, tliouith it ts not kim wu tintall the tribern p.aitice it.The Botangi are eighteen of tbe «outhcrii

Irib^u combined for mutual afotacttoo.There arc seven knowe MfMMifllalectt, in-dicating as manx distinct and wldtix-sepirated immigratloua. Tbe fact tbat tbeaepeople are fuithful to a tingle wife lu*c iti-i 1 them to be accredited with a con¬

siderable SwffSf eif virtue. Tbev nttsf*their dally want* io the simp! -t mill¬

ner, a liUle bolled lice o~ millet andgiiii.e. warmed rath?r tban cooked, sufli-fing for «u tt nuilee, liit.iiicatiii.' Ikjuorwaa never known anon? them till Impart-ed by the Cbi)ie»e. Through the same me¬

dium they are learning thc use of minni.Their weapon* are of the ntost primitivedescription. Iielnsr usually a »pear with a

bead shaped from flint or roughly made ofIron. Oemlonally tb*) buy from theHakka* a gun xvitb a long smooth ,'-1'

lind willi a nialch, tomewli.t like the oldmale hincks ot the Middle Age.*.4BSBICAN JJKOOTUTIOSW WITB THS 1SLAND-

K1LS.The south and east coasts «re very dm-

L-e rou.-, and ahip* bave immy time* beruwrecked on them whose crew* were never

ifierward heard of. In 6oa*e<iuenee ot

run crou* outraee*of tliukind, tl)*' Ameri¬can eonaul at Arney vtoited tb* southernmd of tbe Wand and concluded a trea,J'with one of ttte chiefs of tbat locality io

186T, wbo engaged thereafter not onlv to

il-tato from malesting rtrun,crs Un-Jtog

peaeeahly, birt to suppl v their wanta, lt.**." a-rreed that a red flajr should bedisplayed thereafter by vessels d-airlneto land la a frlendlr manner. At anadditional sreirrity, lt was stipulatedthat n fort *boukf tte erected ia tbe nelirli-borhood, and tte Chinese In tbc vicinity.scarcely more elviHaed tbnn tbe savjges.made similar tenn* with tbc white*, aa*ree-ln-c further that shoald fatr-rc outr.-reaoe-rnr, thry would thrra»e|vcs seek out theI*11" irnL.r* and deliver them up to Jir-tica.Il ¦« hard to say bow well the stipulaH.in*of this treaty baye been carried out hy tlieB"Vn-*e fairlies to IL but unfortun i" Iv Hieauthority of il ese aborl-flnalchiefUlos"doesnot ci temi far.

Tl:t re Ii.-ivt; Isren numeron* out ram-,.Im e. tboujrh not ex«ctly lu this locality.It I* only .1 few years since a J iiunese shipwai lost on Formosa snd her crew eaten.Brdre.g was demanded of the Cliiae»e au¬thorities, who could not nive IL Tbe.lapa-ne*e tuck tbe nutter Into their own li md*.landej gp armed force, and made such re-Drlsal* a* they thought -tatlsfiictory. Tbeymit-l.t hate retained tbc Uland If tbeybsd -wen lit. but retired after theybad niitnlnlstrrrd sutrrrntry Justice. It'¦ '"it a few months since tireAmerican ship Spartan, lylnjr on* theeast roast, not fir from Ke Lone, sent sUnit's crew a*h-re, accompanied by a pa**sciiL-'i', anxious to tee something of For¬mosa. Before tbc boat n turned the shinhad to stand out to sea lo weane beingdriven on shore liv a typhoon. She retainedSt soon ss she could with safety, but ti-niirliS search was nude for several days, tbetor ding party were never seen again.

Till CAITTAL AKD CBDTP TOWNS.When the Chinese set'led Formosa they

seatls-rcd themselves along thc westerncos.-t, *dcct mir for their principal town¬s-nth harts-ir-t ** wert! available. Th" chiefaffbese was Tai-Wan-Foo, which, beingmost convenient to A*noy, naturally be.came tba capital, and bas since mnintiinedthat distinction. It is situated on a narrowc-tum v a ffw miles from the sea. Its portls Au T-ii.-». a mere roadstead, adii.itiin.'vessels ol but moderate draft, fromwhich even the*c arc obliged to fluewhen the southeast monsoon, blows alittle more viciously than lnual, toIbe harbor of Tii'kno, some tblrtvmilt s to tho southward. Tai- Wan-Foo hasa population wbieb, with IL* suburbs, ises-Htnaieij .it from -.'."¦0,000 lo l.GtiO.QQO. It islite most other Chinese cities, vvbone pecu¬liarities are well known to American-.They are narrow streets, temple*, and thcusual amount af tilth. There aft the house*and gard'ns of thc Taotai and principalit i't.flui in«, and, besides, some open, park¬like places. There is thecxim'nationhall,cnniinnn to all large provincial towns,where the *ucce**fu! candidates takea degree preparatory to the aajfOtldenne. that can onlv bc nivennt I'eking. Tenons in Eurolie andAt: erica my have wondered what bad he-cmiie pf tbe plant of thc little railroad,twelve mite* toasts inuit cathi fftart ago tocuiup't tin- villa,-.-.- of Woo Sung, at thetno'.ith of thc Woo Sung river, with Shang¬hai. After bring taken up it was IBBRIlBllfoTal-Wun-Fooiuid i-iveii to thc fien Taotai af Enrinosa, a pioatBBlllS mandarin,who design,,| makin.' experiment* vvitti it.Bo was too prnR-ro*ani and w* lomavedB si,.it imp-afterward. The plant is slidat Tat-Waa-Foo, but worn Mal Bsatoes,The WOOOOB -leeper.* Ort boin"-oaten BBI y white nut*, lat n|ts*nt arc consumedly ratt, and flic aim arc rotting.

TiuVito bas n pojiulationof prob.iblv 5.000.tAoaahaoeae ever knows even approxi¬mately the population ol a (mntsac town.Tani Sui. acenniing tn thc same imtli-jrity,lu- MOOj Baals. oV,.)Mi<>; bo*J Et»Lnaa;,oO.Is'O. Itiiiiki'.vxiiuii is twelve mill sib \

Tam sui, on tbs rivi r, i* stoat to tn-movedwithin tOe BBB* wine!, have ben built ferit tote at l,:ini Three are twenty orthirty feet mgm, ten or fifteen feet thick.snd (mbattleo. Al present there ls no-tliit'.' within t intii but rict-ticlds and a few(llicial residence*. If tin- French retainFormosa there will nrolBiWs atret lt muchmolt. Besides Ttl-Waii-Koo :.nd Banka,tl.i re are only two more walled ton 11*011thc island.one In the inferior and oin'in

tot tooth. Thara are, htamtesi s,\,-riirilu-s ni fn-ni II'.iihh lo WJmt inhabitants,and InniiniiTnlilc tllasjrss.

lin- use of opiitiu is common in Formo-sn. not only in thc citic*. but In thc vil-la-ies. It is not only smoked, but taken(.Hide In Die form of'pills. After the ropnl-i of the French at 'Pam Sui. thevi oundell. 1.10 In BBmhOt, were taken to theBisslOO Hospital ft be t'cit-il. Here theywere allowed to -moke nnitmi as an opiate,and tin 1 .Mraonlni-ry imt-in-c is related ofa ( l.iii'iii.iin who tiinl li nt Ins arm ann.uta-t< d ly mg f'»r snsae hsutt on tim stump of itbefore he was ob*-rxcd. Ile hud bled o-ptonsty, and wa* with ditlictilty restored to(ntisi inioniOf Siuit- ini\ Un- dru,' witii a

substance of powerful odor, mid so ottodi tte! mn. Its Usc is spri ii'ln/;, auditvv tdd appear that the ability to parehase lti- thc only thin ir that prevent it beeorntBRunix ci sal. It i» rbe more prosperous con-

dill n of the Chinese in Amrri-a that.l.s the habit so nindi more common

-.uiong tb< in tlita 11 in 1 lum si- cities,ODOODflBCR OF'THK ISLAM).

Tko commerce of Formosi may he a m li¬ter nf interest to American*, for thc rc 1*011

that they BtMttOOM nearly all thc tea ffroWHin thc island, mid I wfgt fraction of thel'ii.-iiii*s is in tbt ba:tds of an Atncricuifinn. The fen itrn commerccof tlie Mindis «rnreclv twenty years old. not heviaolaen really (cniiiKtHed till some years afterthe irpeaiag af the *iort* af Takao, TeJ*Wiwi-Foo, and Bink by the treaty of TienTah), Tot American population, dividedbetoota tot tlircc port* HHiitioncl. dm-*not exceed a dozen ptfftBRt, Aincri-ran interests are in thc bandi tf consu¬lar uL-onts, who arc usually r.-pr. *cnt:itiv> *

of British Minis. Thc chief exports an¬

ica from Taui Sui and sturar from Tai-WaB-Foe and Takao, thc latter nearly allforan In ( blneee and Ja-uni-sc ports. Be¬sides tlie-,- tin rc aro con-idi-rablc exportsof camphor, rice, turmeric, indigo, ll.ix,Ik mp, at,d some fruit.-, pt im-ipilly B*ra8RB*<]mmiiloi*. and pineapple*, all of which are

Bf gund t|ii.ili'y. Tlie Hakka*, as IA*Vtsd,ai- cbieil', eUfmgi ii in tot >' tmpiior-fnrcst*,Hitting out thc lumber and preparing thetum for export, thus -.ls the aborigines re¬

tire further into their tiiDiinlain-faslnt'ssc-ipi nilli.'n> w choring* lo tbt Chinese aadpi ji-o-xvL:in farmer*.One of th" priucipal trtlclfts of imp ir..

.-md enc that gives frequent employment tothe cunnii:,' of thc MOMBO*, is opium.In IBB there were leo chests brought Intothe port of Tam Sui alone for thc 11-c- ofllanka and neighboring village-. Tin-other Imports arc cot iou goods and otherarticles which find their way from foreigncountries to China or sre exchanged Sa¬lween Chinese --or.*. Takao and Tai-Wan-Foo baye been ix porting annually fromS,000.0)i0 to 'J,O(i",0CO pound* of sugar.Wham I* iiot-erffcMy refined. Thc taos i-laiscd by small f.irmcis, who cultivatefrom one tn three acres. It is crushed bynative mills of the simplest patternsand with a considerable w.te of thcjuice In expre*sin*r. There arc saidto be ut lea«I MM of these mill* In thesucsr districts, eic!) owned by a littleedi rle of formers, who use them In turn.Sometimes tlie uni.tined sugars arc takento 8*vutow or Honu-Kong, where mw re-

Dn« rles have been built, and they arc more

scientifically treated. In 1S76. lat totaltrade of Tat-Wan-Foo amounted to over

f l,0()0,00<i. the exports somewhat exceed-Int? the import*. The total trade of KeLunL' und Tum Sal for the same year was

W.Cl'vVOO, tbe exports being sliehtly infWttm, In lr-8l the trade of Tai-Wan-Foohad Ineieased to marly »}'j.0))0,000, niosUydone in I'ligilsh bottotns. tba licrmansbav-ins a 'mall share of it, and the Americansand Fr. m-li still less. The su.rar exportwas valued at considerably over M.imoOO.Some ol the opium imported came- fromTurkey snd rersla.American coUou-g(*-od* h*ve made their

¦I i-i .nice bert as well ss at other *>orU in(hips, .uni the English consular reportsfrom which much of this Information is.:'¦' 'nt .1 express alarm at their superiorquality and the d.tng"rof their supersedingtbe British article. This note ot warningbas been sounded before by the Londonnew-paper*, but there seems to ne no pres¬ent nerd for lt, for though the Americanshave p -.son to be nroud of their «-ood*.they sre not adapted to tbe market, becauseil,, i hinese sre too poor to purchsse them.If Auk rican maunfiicturers would send thcslcszy cottocs they used to send lo the In¬terior of Africa Iforty years azo to exciiauxewith the -oudia chief* fer slave*, theynii-fl-.t bc able to drue tome thrifty bar¬gains.The bett portrait of tbe Ute Fanny

Elsslrr known to exist in thi* country itsaid to be that in the Corcoran Art (lalierv,Washing-ton, representing ber at LaSyl|>lildf.Mrs. Annie M. Bali, _>0*J east Broad

stn et. Richmond, san : " My physicianordered Brown't Iroo Bitters Tor my tonwhile sun-ring from chills, and it promptlyand ertectually mitered him. It hm my(ruufiil rv-comtJsendaUon.''


Tbe Br«eM-Urlll-Caa_iilea sf Kansanll**.-Me#tkn_ *r lt* CH» t*a«cll-r*r-.aaal .Waller*.Crrrtcv'* lt ill was well Sited Issi nigh*,

the occasion being tbe presentation of the*. broom-drill." an enr-Hrtalirmeat gotten nphy the AW Seiefety of the Presbyterianchurch. Thc '. drill" consisted of most olth. movements in a regular military drill,all nf which were .xeciited la an

excellent manner by the sixteen yonngladies who formed the e'e.itiipsiny."The en-t linn* were red skirts snd ba's, andblack Jersey wait*. Every movement wa*In p.rf.,t onie. Thc drill'wm* frecpientlyInterrupted Ly weH-deserved ami fre-quett applause from the tudience. In ad¬dition to ibe drill. Hrs. Mtolv Remo*, ofKiehmnrd, and Miss Xilia Owen, of thiscity, suns neveral sweet solo*, and Indtocome to fore the crttin the second time Inresponse to tbe most flattering applause.At tbe close ot tbe enterttlnsnent a sup¬

per was served in the hill below. Thewhole affair wa* in every rcsriectb kwSSSSband (hose who originated and pW-pin-d itspresentation, si well a* those who partici¬pated tn the drill, deserve great credit.Emmett Hood, the j ^ung gentleman who

shot himself Sunday nurdi, was doing sswell yesterday ss could be expected. Dr.Archer thinks one of Ma rib* waa broken,but doc* not despair of his recovery.Friday Bight ia the regular monthly

meeting of tbe Cltv Council. Among otherImportant business to lie considered ls thea I; lopriafion of Bt,-50 for the repair ofthe Free bridge.Hr. Edwin Bonnie, who ha* l>een quite

tmaefl tor a long while, ls alowlv receiver*

lng, end bi* friends think be will be out ina lew- week*.There will he the muni services at the

city churches to-ufght.Ex-Judge John 0. Reynolds, of Cum¬

berland, is stopping in this city, tbe giusitof bis brother. Rev. T. W. Reynnlels.Mr. Ajax Cary, wbo has been tillite ill, I*

slowly improving.4 ex opei ti Casts lat I nited Htatea Court.Tbe Knited States Court.Joelie K. W.

Huishc* pr "sui lng.was In IS.ABS yester¬day.The coupon ease of J. A. Ford, trustee,

ajralnst Taylor, treasurer of Henrioo coun-

lp, was set for hearing in January beforeJudges Bond and Hughes.

In the ca*e of E. A. Harsons against theHoard of Sinking Fund Commissioners, itwis held that the plaintiff wes entitled tothe mandamus, as prayed 'or, against thoHoard for exchange for bond*.

in the habeas corpus OMI of Mr. W. L.Royall, who was Ittlrtod fur refusing topay additional lie-ensc tax te tbs Stets, tbslinke decided that his court bad no

Jurisdiction, thc offence being one

BB-la»S the State law, and Mr. Royallwas elelivered into Hie custody of the CitySergeant and was balled in the sum of $200for his appe-aram e, .Mr. S. H. Witt beingbi* surety. Thc case briefly staled is:Attorneys prat ticing in <. uiiinn MOM

are heavily taxed l.y the Stat--, asid Mr.Royall di erin d an additional tax iiin.iic..upon lawyers unconstitutional, anel re¬fused to piy more-. e»n being arrestedfor carrying on bertae** without theadditional license tax I" ing paid, he-neil ou'a writ of hain ns BOiyei from the KnifedState* Circuit Court, and Ibe MM xx si* de¬rided as above. It i* BOdtrttlld Mr.Bovell xviii appeal from Hit* decision.Tin* t'olin xxiii le In narinn to-elay at 10

o'elti' k.JSSSe Hugh K. Hom! tl, ..ni lied vol¬

te rda) I Imf BS would bl hen to-morrow.

M.i.i'l y anil san!., i.

Mr. D. L. Moody xxiii a in Richmond.lat'iiaiy 4-11, USB, sccoinpsinled by Mr.Sankc-v. A pitlllOl WM pn-*enteil to.Mr. Moody la*t MMMM at hi* home, inNt.rtliliiltl. Ma**., by ||. M. < hrkc.jaw-eral secretary nf tbe Young Men's Cbrl*-Han As-ocia!ion. At tbat time it wm

unec tiain when thc vi*it could be ar-

fSSfld. Recently Mr. Clarke ba* been incorre-pondence xvitii him, and dcflnli . ar¬

range menft have been perte, ted for Cnsit nie lintis. Mr. Moody i* ut prc-t'iit la*IhuIdk in the West.

Tbe Ir.y cattcu llnc I'oiiiinltlee.Two member* of the House *(i<-cial e-oni-

mince, nf which Mr.Jobn H. Mourns li dr¬inan, will bc in the eitv to-day, chiefly forHie purpose of putting SB expert aeooant-BBt to work in the line of tbeir inquiry intin- Auditor's ofllce. Steps are now ticingtaken to assen prompt smd tull ttatementafrom all the ch t k* of courts, and hs soon a*this ie accomplished th- JBYrsUglttOB xviiibl pushed as thoroughly a- it can be linne.By permission of tbs Court, Mr. Smith

was allowed to go to tbs Auditor's olllceyesterday to loeb eiver hi- papers.

inclinion.! and AHe^limiy Railroad.A meeting of the ttoebboUeie nf the

Kie-limmid and Allcghany Railroad Cum-PBS)! WM held X estel il ix at tlie ntlic of tileeoiiipanr. The only MSlBSM tlBBBBCtOClwas the election of director*, the old Kmirdliiing elerie el, as fnll-ixv- William ll. Har-.BBB. Calvin s. Brier, Myron I*. Hram-ti,Jaine* T. (ios*on. Ki si rices e). Iiciitii, JohnHnmphrcyxllle, John J.JfaCaok, U'illlnnK. Scott, Samuel shelburn, Jobi W. Simi>-son, Allen Y. Stokr*. Boonal Tba..*, studChairic* K. Wortham.

M.sc-1'..no Terminal.The stoc-kbolelers of th - Richmond and

V.'est-I'oint Terminal Railway ami Ware¬house Company met ai tbs ofltts "f tbsRichmond and Danville Railrosnl Comp nix.in annual Mattoe, rt IS o'dnck yesterelay,and xvithout triBMetteg any btisiue*,* ad¬journed till j o'clock »o-day.

c...ru.hi .galna! trie City.Thc c ircuit Court wa* nigageil yester¬

day in trying the suit of Jobi Sf. (iordonagssin-t the city of liichmond fxr Sd.u'<>damage* allegeil to have lc en sustained bya fall on one of tbs street*. The BOM WMcontinued until 10 o'clo'-k this morning,nixing to thc s.li-eiit of Important wit¬nesses.

Leland Cpc-ru Coinpsiity.Axery good Imii-e wm pieMBt at the

Theatre tort night lo MC tin- Kerami Juve-nih Opera Company iu ..Our American.Minister." The Leland children in theirpt iformance on thc violin and comet wererc ry much enjoyed. The ploy will be re¬

peated at the matiue/e this afternoon and to¬night.


A Xoaart Attraction.The Mozart xviii pre-ent an unusual at¬

traction at their MMMsaf* to-morrow ni {htin tbs person oi Miss Emma S. Howe, th.renowtn-d soprano of Bustup Shewith a reputation a.* a voe

brilliancy. Mozart Hallcrowded Thursday evening, and lovers ofmusic may confidently expect a treat.

ist,H_ She comesit'ilutmst of greatwill n > doubt le-

l.c-s-lur* To-.". I* ht.F. D. Somerby, E-q., of Michigan, ls*

pre-me Trustee ol tbe Order of fron Hal.',will lecture to-night at Monticello Hall.

Two Tsars In tbe Panliea.laxTjr.Sergeant Wood, of Danville, brought to

the penitentiary yesterday Walter Coles(colored), sentenced to txvo years' conflne-u.' nt for forge rv.

Nu pi cm* Court of Appeala.Hates and als vs. Brown's administrator

and als. Argued by Jimc* X. Dunlop andA. II. Sand*, E*ej«., for appellant, andJudge ii. H. Marshall for appellee* andsui inltted.Ratcbelder vs. White. Argued by Jmlge

Edwaid Spalding for appellant aud con¬tinued.

Iluatluc* lunn.Thia court yesterday was engaged for

the most of the time in hearing tbe ease ofI. Levy, charged with obtaining good* un¬der false-pretence*. After argument theJury retired, and brought in a verdict otacquittal.Fleming Fryor (colored), charged with

larceny, was aentenced to Jail lor (Ivemonths. He ia the dr i) nun who carriedthc anger from Major J. D. Hatton'* storeto Hie house ot Massena B< atley.

i-eilir. conn.The following cases were disposed of

yesterday :

Henry'Madison, drunk. Fined Sih. L. Goldman and A. J. Martin (both

colored), charged with fighting on tbastreet. Discharged.Adelaide White (colored), drunk and

disorderly on the street. Sent to Jail fortut months in default of surely.A. T. Harrison (w bite) and (.emus John¬

son (colored), charged with lighting in the.treet. Fined 15 each.

Ellen Turpin (colored), charged wttbstealing one black velvet basque and oaeBicep silk drees, all of tbe value of $36.tbe property ot Joba G. ilcDowell. beat

0 Jail Sw three asoatbe oe ooavlottie ofsci it larceny.James Ooldea ind H. FMier. charged

r li b CgbttPg ca the street. Flned S3each,nd turety i"4*q_Ired lor tbeir good be-

Theo. ore Hope (eotxtred), ehw-d sittseing dtsorclerly oo the rtrert. fleed ts.Netaen Flam (colored), charged wi'h fe-

rwlously assanltlng and rtrlktag Albertlan foot, f-eette Hu-tl-se Court. Janu-ry term, ISM.Eddie Carter (colored), charged with be¬

ne tx strait. DitchericedE. A. -tnmpf and Phillp rfarris, chareed

tith assaulting each otner In tb* taw-roomf Edward Stumpf. Dbmtseed oe pay*aent of costs.


l.-bly Kata! Altav OrasrlM Ont ef Levelor a Beeatllal Uirl.

A (htttanr-oga (Tenn.) special says:rbe c.oiibly fat. I affray' between William'Line and Jobn Adam*, two prominent.t.ii fig meu living near McKinney, Tenn.,ante* w Idespresd comment, and r* In allcsp. tts the uinsf *cn«atlonal Incident thatia* oiTiirred in this seeiion in years; Theoliowin* additional particulars of tberagedx lisve been ascertained:Thc young men were rival suitors for the

land of a beautiful mountain belle, the'Blighter of a wealthy fanner nwldlnir tnheir countv. The rivalry was ot longlanding, hut the munt men were fastri en cl*, and they did not permit lt to lessenheir reuaril forcaeh other. Recently tbsoimgr lady l-ryan to show a markedirefrrrnre for Adam*, and their engage-neat soon followed. Moon', on hc*eoming.ognlzatit of the fact, ceased bis attentionsnd serried to accept ti;. defeat gracefully.I'be friendly relation* between the roungnen contiaued, and they frequently al-lided to tbe approaching marriage.


I.nst Saturdiy they went hunting, andftcr a day'* successful sport they startedlome, each laden with game, and werehatting in Um best of spirits. In the01,rsc of their conversation Adam* spokef bis approaching nuptials, and boastedif the superior attractions which had wonhe lady'* heart. Moore seemed nettled livbe taunts of his quondam rival, and re-ne tl sharply. At this Adams bevin to

aunt him, anil Intimated Hut he lacked theiiialitica to win a female: he-art, and frombis a bot quarrel arose. Moore suddenlyseenme white with rage and Jealousy, and,hrowlug bis gun to his shoulder, bef veiled lt at the deriding rix ssl. and, beforeie took a second thought, tired. Adamse.t ix. il tbe load in his breast.


He staggered and reeled, but in fallingaught liiiii*.*if anti fell on his knee*. Tbeilood gushed foi th from b score of xvonntl*.ult consciousness still remained. Nervingii* strength xxith tin' elrsperatlonol a dyingnan, he shrieked, " You shall not live tovin her," and tired on his adversary. Thc1 rn xvas true, and Moore fell to the groundrn his face, hi* head riddled with shot. Timival* tty in _MtB tbSMS within a few feetif each other for some hour*, tin el wheohey xvere .l.-coxered Moore wa* dead, butlelatns was still alive, and had strength re»naitiing to relate lb! circumstances ere belied -I.ortly aflt-rtxaril.

ro S-.ibsc'tiber* l.letoii.t-.i.l Tclepttott*I x.i'.ieisae-

l'l, se rulil tn tour list Morton, Don nani. Co., Thirteenth and UM) street-, K. S.1ST, J W. C tums. Manager.

Don't fail lo call at K. Lewis's. 912 M-ilntree!, and examine hi* handsome- stock of.U latIBM Cl I lil and Albums, xviih-h bs

isis markeil doxvri at loxv figure*. Ht! hasilso a 'ar^'c stock of Bisque Figures.

The grand lunch that Mr. E. A. S'umpfixe xe -h nlay Ju-t ahows his facilities foriimWiing the nobbiest relishes of the -ca-ion. (sill ami see bim at the corner ofEighthsBBd Main, where Hie t>est beveragesincl Hie most dainty lunches can be h.ul atIn- OMI res.-i.nsilil.' prices.Steamed oysters scived in excellent

il vic.___

On Monday ni.ht next. ItVh InsL-iot, theiimOMBfli rx' of e i.|(|.Fellows, of th's city.W. E. I'caric. comiHinder and chief tip-'nit).will hold their regular scml-aunualrt union. On this occasion new feature-, iuiddition to an elegant supper and ball, wille Introduced, gntti n DB with their u-itsilaste and regari less ->f cost, which, lt I*bOBgSt. will c-s'lipse anytbiiig of Hu-kimi¦ve r cutten up hc'retoforc. WhiNt theleketa an- limited in iBalbM. they may bcibtaincd from _*a_b0fi ot the order.

Linv.ors and firocerles very cheip atJohn M. HkHiiNs's.

Children's Vriodpes, Kxpre-s-Wagon*,iVheelbsirrow*, and Drum*, M loxv sis anylouse in thc city, at J. E. Kit .niel's,

lort Broad street.

owens Si Minor, opposite the post-offies',MVO Holiday Cresent* in aedMM varii-tvnm Hie attractive little; BtffBBM Christ-MSl inl.it Isl cents to beatilrfiil ISBHino.I-and lis-nd-onie ( t-iiiilrtiil (i,mils iniche-t Hlllsli BBd lilille-seil Calf Ombb.,Ye snlxise- aa carly in.-pcctioti of theirleautiful display.

II. illili Hollie.- Sade llliiec-)|eal.|,arge supply fresh material for Frult-Oke,ilaiaga (.rapes, Florida Oranges, &v. Sic,

tCHIHSIMS Si WlilT-'l*.

Liquors and Groceries very cheap atJohn M. Hiiiuixs's.

-mt .

Hack's. Broad street .hove Elba depeif,ne! l!'i:.> Cary stree!, ile-st Cotil nt lowestrice*. Do not charge one $0, another.'i. H, smother ia for -amc.coal.

Old newspapers at twenty-five cent* perundrcel at the Dispatch counter.

Hullst Dolls:

Do voit xvi-h . Wax Doll?Periapt ton i refer a IH'vub Doll.If not, aI'.sTtNT Doll.Maybe yu'J like a Kau DOLL.

The paattttrt and cheapeett Dolls Inl-twn eau bc found at


As rn xs- AT I.. Lt xvi-'* at one half thc nattairices. A fall-list*- Plu-li Alliutii at til nt lier*mm BB MM upward, at L. Lkwis's, als. Mainreel.


IMqcB Goods Wobticy or I'bb.bmtatio*.le . ti. MM and cheap, fur old »o_ younis. l*rtDfe>lhm m., -i ,id-, 5c. to SS; Uiblca, Prayer-*nd

I yuin-Honks, Albums, Tn|>tl s, t.«, md Dretaltuc-- Desks aud Work-Boxes, elaine**. Opera-

lla-scs, aud an millet* variety of Saucy t, i -1-.Sall ind you will bc sure to Iud soniothinx ta tull.

l.-.XM.ol.l-ll A k.M.l.l.nll,13B_ Malu -tree!.

KSUBAVLVOS, I'AIXTlNOS, AVU ' 'I B'HiBAP11St tri ul iv r. .lu. nt rates. Fratae* made lo uresltr,t L. Lawn's, vii Malu itrvet.

Two neiLt-Aits wnsrth of CBtttt.BBsCSOBl for 80enU, at I.. Lawn's ria* Art Uallery, viilain street.


BMOKB TKIXY e'l'.ire.

lT:i\i.n. Chkistmas-Cauds, from S octal*p-ar-'s. at I.. LEWIS'*, -J I J M*li »ln».i.

SiXIOK c Tbizy CTOAB*.

K xs. x-t tim N0VBLT1BS la bois*, fr .Bi lbrou lo (5, at I. Lawn's, Dla Bala tiree-

TUC ITNtST llltsqiK ASD llSOVKB ORSA> r- made al low figurta; ale,. Plush. Toiletlaalcnrt, sbimI Udor latta, at L. Lawes'*, SISlalu street.


BMUKB TB1XV (Toa*.*.

Sith! by len I-oTO-raaMKS. CaMuet-fi-wex,Catels, Xisrr-.is, at reduct J flu ssrer, at L Lewis's,HS Malu sires t.-..*>-*******a******aa***aaa»_*_______B-a


C B. COOK, ll A. IL, at ASS n*rfh six lb sl-eltl"' tiler, pl, tUiet, St.

UCHMOSD HAZAAIt, 10 A. M.. horse*, mules.lt.


TUE LADIK*' OF DB. liOUK'rJl-lll'BCH will oeaea their

CBBISTBAM svLtt AND SUPfCBid lise lc Cnre-rvom on

Tttt'lSDAY vms lira ixjtast.atl'i'eicKkP. M..

md cums ok fttir ii Kit*ht at lt ttrtoek,AjsBMacs^ttie. itataM rtB Ssumo SOMMUSIC by a la* cborat at* tw_tiy trttaaea aatl"Vbcit-cassaaaPBtsasottOixsejaeilBl

wmrrmir iv wa****** .

TO* Wemetm am*4m*UimmmW$mTmWm1ano ata*aass*-B toasts.

pk ta toa a-dgbtorliood of -tooth B-rty.snarlet are wowTaf inore eaalt»*0 ovor thtdeath «f sidney Itormer, the tsev»tm-yoarotdPant-totem tad, wbotoaltooadtahaatlesmwhipped tn death by William GUis-aWt**.IkaaeritotKB^In C ncord. The aathortttoa have Otoostow io aeL snd there r* much leditaUlaooa that acs-ounL MllpotrV-fc ia thirty imfof aa-e. Ile aiot a pw widow ia F-mrae>hsm last Jnne and ofered to tiki- ber ana.t-ldntv. ano editeafe him. Sin* tor tho vaffffno. aad knew nothing of his IM-tro*'*-**-**BB he wa* sent ti her dead tn n riiifOwoodra b ix a few day* boo. Evtdsaao ofthe nel'-bbors sbow* Hut the bey** oarswere pulled out ot .*._**»- by (lilpatflek, nodhnas* down like s fox.bound'* un. The*/fnqiieatly noticed fearful di«<ol .raD.-ooabout Ibe face.At B.JO oVItie*. la the cyenlng ot Novem-

ber Isl, Oilpatllek, IR the pie.eoee of SBtaaand bto wife wbo were miling him. aekodthe lad lo spell " does." Tb** tod coulda't,aad (iilpatrick cuffed him ant itruck hims heavy blow on the head. " Do yon l*aowwhat you will fret I 'he demanded. * Tts,sir," said Sidney, paralyse-l with rear." i'll letch it out ot you," roati-dtberuflUa,and toing to tbc bam he tot a heavyworking barnes* brcechlas-strap. "tyreatlr "' be ordered, and tbe hov, trcmaOhMrwith tear, u&di-eased and laid aeroes the temot a cnair. Tbe man thea with both Imndaapplied the strap till he waa tired, when becaught up tbe uneoneciout victim aadthrew bim ea a tola. A trw dav* toter hosimla lieot tbe tod andaeat bim to tbe tutrn.Be wa* found there unt-oBscioua tho nextaromlng, sud dtod soon after from t*rmhvftver, caused by Inhuman treatm-aLTie body wasoovered with the tnark* of

tbe strap. The family toft the plnee atonce, but tbe mother of Oilpatrlck recentlyreturned and dtopoeed of the prot-erty.Nobody In South New Market was allowedto see the body after the boy died, as itwas boxed up hurriedly aad shipped tothe dead boy's mother.

Tho Low tai Eetlaad.Hood Wort-I

For lonp after Shetlr.nd had come Intotbe possession of tbe Stotttsh crown toeold Norwegian towa and the Scandinavianmachinery for the administration ol Justlcoconttnucd to be upheld In IL Thetruth was, people were not verycertain that Norway might bo. exer-else IU right ol redemption, tay offthe marriage debt for abich it Watmortgaged, and restore lt to it* origloalposition as an appanage of tbe sc tndina-vmn crown. The ancient Law-ting, orParliament of Zetland, had its principalplace of session on a small holm in thoLoch ot lin-xvall. about six miles fromLcm lek. The Ting was always held Inthc ni>en air. The ('rent Fowu or Lagtninof Zetland, tbe principal executive andJudicial officer of tbe ((landa, presided,and around him. retted on stone amit,wire iiu*tered the interior Fnwd* andtbe Itin Titi), n or lower executive ofPecr*.To thia primitive assembly ernie allthe iiilalli r* or freeholders ot the Fowd-rie on horseback, le-aring tlic'ii*eiyeBwith lin ill;.-ts itv and gravity which HieItiitiortsncc of thc occasion rennin d. Asthere wa* no room for more than a limitednu ui I'tr of them on thc holm, the rest con*gn nail d on thc shun of the Indi. But tbeinjury which lbs depasturing of so annyInn*!* on thc ailjniiilng lauds occasionedwa* so gnat Hint the proprietors had tobc recompensed by a sr int of the scat orland-lux from thc tu igbboriii-r, pirlshtsofOtiaiiT tad Diinro-sn.-s. When thc Ting.-lititig ss a court nf Jtnticc, had cou¬th inned a criminal to death, it i* *aldthal a curious Sc.n-lin.tv ian custom<Dll gave him a chaine of life. Hewn* permitted to run tbe gauntletbet-vecn a double-line formed by thetitors. If he rescued Hie church,wss (bum two or thn s hundred yard*tn safety, his life wa* spared. Bnthedim got so far allx.-. Whatever was tbaresult Hie BBB BOB Ss* was already n-g.irdedas thc OM Dei. The execution of the de¬crees ot the I. nv-uti-.' anJ ot the inferiorcourts of lat district Fowds, wa* intrtistciitu Banceliiun. called In Orsiioy law-rightmen. who, to addition to their duties as

biiiliffs orslicritr-oiticti*, as -ve should nowcall (oem, piTfnrrncl rn mv .if tin- funcHnn*in w alipou ii itc,I tn de ruting elden <*fHi Kirk ol Sci11 land ii. tin- v .rm.is parishes(hiougbout thc island.

Dr. W. ll. Snook*, 103 cast Broad *Blchniond, says: ..Brown's Iron Bitis undoubtedly tine tonic. I sell adeal of It, and my customers spc.k oftbt Light st tenn*'."

"SadSh 'v

(Million. .

Consumers of «. Dill'* B *t " tobacco willplease notice carefully Dp- yellow tag onsame, and sec that it Las Hie wording, inMath totters, .. Dili'* Best." other tubae,cos are ticing plac d on thc market with atig similar in coloring to the " Dill's Beet"tug, and nmy BssstoasJ < itnuaier* of thiscclcbrtifeil lirand of toliacco. To be genu¬ine, tbc little yellow tag must have on lt.. Dill's Bi st." In buying, do not tisk forthc little vi How t::g, an forincrlv, but'. Dill's Best," and sec tbtt you get whatyou ask tor."


Tbe -smiie Old try.Too many goods and nut enough money.And In order to exchange the goods formonty wc will offer special Inducement* toi;is|i buyers for tbe next two weeks. Wewant the monev, and all in want of Cloth¬ing. Cnderwcar, Hosiery, or Neckwear,will find it to their BdVBBlBtB la examineour stock and ortona to fore BOffetff*nm*t*Jelsewhere. E. IL bT_O0R i b*_R,

( lolhi.-r* ami Tailors,Ninth and Main.








DAILY, exclusive of sunday, per year.ft 00DAILY, InclntlBg Sunday, per yaar. T OtHI ND AY ONLY, ter tree.1 BODAILY, 1 month, vtlborwltkssut (ism-lay. . 71

TUE SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES.Single (opie*, one tear.02 00.


tloflt- Copies, one year.|1 IO

Tin**: CASH IM ADVANCE Remit la Pos-lal Noli-* or l',i,l-iiSi'i Money Orders. We hayeao trsvclltiig agsats. tampia copies sent free.Address

TUE NEW YORK TIME*,Maw Toan crrr.


_f" C: H A M P A O N I.

Rt-et-ylBB tllreet from tte house of Bocca-B,Itu- 4 ni, ffraacst,


G. H. Mt MM 4 CO., L. R'iDPBEBand lb* I'RBAMA WINK COWPA.-COLD SEAL"-* very snt-evlor #!*_,)In mi* eomatrv.

We .Ber tbe above WIMBO at Baa very mmmtmsrket rates,de 7-u,\\ 4P101 a CB AMI 0 CO,

..aPAMlMlITi-su a**-ste

UT JOHN C. SHAFER,"sHT-'b**'----T TAnrOw,l-M* Mal** BTBBftT