whose intentions? what consequences? interrogating

CONTRIBUTED PAPER Whose intentions? What consequences? Interrogating Intended Consequencesfor conservation with environmental biotechnology S. Kathleen Barnhill-Dilling | Jason A. Delborne Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, Genetic Engineering and Society Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina Correspondence S. Kathleen Barnhill-Dilling, Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, North Carolina State University, 2800 Faucette Dr., Raleigh, NC 27695, USA. Email: [email protected] Funding information National Science Foundation, Grant/ Award Number: 1632670 Abstract Novel genetic interventions may offer innovative solutions to environmental conservation challenges, but they also represent new kinds of risks and con- cerns for diverse publics. Yet, by focusing on potential negative outcomes of emerging technologies like gene editing, their potential utility in species pro- tection could lead to overblown fears of unknown and unanticipated conse- quences. In response, Revive and Restore organized a workshop in June 2020 entitled, Intended Consequences,to highlight conservation successes in the discourse and governance of genomic interventions. This article argues that if we seek to emphasize Intended Consequences to embolden innovative conser- vation efforts, we must simultaneously query whose intentions are included and what consequences are considered to ensure that environmental goals are accompanied by the goals of responsibility, democracy, and justice. These questions reveal that the governance and management of conservation inter- ventions always rest upon value judgements. Inspired and informed by the Responsible Research and Innovation framework, we encourage anticipation of potential outcomes, reflection on assumptions and intentions, inclusion of diverse stakeholders and perspectives, and a commitment to responding thoughtfully to concerns and preferences of communities and broader publics. KEYWORDS biotechnology, conservation, responsible research & innovation 1 | INTRODUCTION As the world faces intractable species loss due to habitat deg- radation, climate change, invasive species, and other factors, a range of conservation institutions and individuals have called for transformational tools to address these losses (Campbell et al. 2019; Piaggio et al., 2017; IPBES, 2019; Redford, Brooks, Macfarlane, & Adams, 2019). In light of these pressing problems, inaction feels unethical (Brister, Holbrook, & Palmer, 2021). Yet, while novel genetic inter- ventions may offer innovative solutions to environmental challenges, they also represent new kinds of risks and con- cerns for diverse publics (Burgiel et al. 2021). Moreover, the nature of emerging environmental biotechnologies suggests that policy-makers and conservation practitioners will make impactful decisions in the midst of some uncertainty and Received: 24 August 2020 Revised: 26 February 2021 Accepted: 6 March 2021 DOI: 10.1111/csp2.406 This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. © 2021 The Authors. Conservation Science and Practice published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. on behalf of Society for Conservation Biology Conservation Science and Practice. 2021;e406. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/csp2 1 of 11 https://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.406

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Page 1: Whose intentions? What consequences? Interrogating


Whose intentions? What consequences? Interrogating“Intended Consequences” for conservation withenvironmental biotechnology

S. Kathleen Barnhill-Dilling | Jason A. Delborne

Department of Forestry andEnvironmental Resources, GeneticEngineering and Society Center, NorthCarolina State University, Raleigh, NorthCarolina

CorrespondenceS. Kathleen Barnhill-Dilling, Departmentof Forestry and Environmental Resources,North Carolina State University, 2800Faucette Dr., Raleigh, NC 27695, USA.Email: [email protected]

Funding informationNational Science Foundation, Grant/Award Number: 1632670


Novel genetic interventions may offer innovative solutions to environmental

conservation challenges, but they also represent new kinds of risks and con-

cerns for diverse publics. Yet, by focusing on potential negative outcomes of

emerging technologies like gene editing, their potential utility in species pro-

tection could lead to overblown fears of unknown and unanticipated conse-

quences. In response, Revive and Restore organized a workshop in June 2020

entitled, “Intended Consequences,” to highlight conservation successes in the

discourse and governance of genomic interventions. This article argues that if

we seek to emphasize Intended Consequences to embolden innovative conser-

vation efforts, we must simultaneously query whose intentions are included

and what consequences are considered to ensure that environmental goals are

accompanied by the goals of responsibility, democracy, and justice. These

questions reveal that the governance and management of conservation inter-

ventions always rest upon value judgements. Inspired and informed by the

Responsible Research and Innovation framework, we encourage anticipation

of potential outcomes, reflection on assumptions and intentions, inclusion of

diverse stakeholders and perspectives, and a commitment to responding

thoughtfully to concerns and preferences of communities and broader publics.


biotechnology, conservation, responsible research & innovation


As the world faces intractable species loss due to habitat deg-radation, climate change, invasive species, and other factors,a range of conservation institutions and individuals havecalled for transformational tools to address these losses(Campbell et al. 2019; Piaggio et al., 2017; IPBES, 2019;Redford, Brooks, Macfarlane, & Adams, 2019). In light of

these pressing problems, inaction feels unethical (Brister,Holbrook, & Palmer, 2021). Yet, while novel genetic inter-ventions may offer innovative solutions to environmentalchallenges, they also represent new kinds of risks and con-cerns for diverse publics (Burgiel et al. 2021). Moreover, thenature of emerging environmental biotechnologies suggeststhat policy-makers and conservation practitioners will makeimpactful decisions in the midst of some uncertainty and

Received: 24 August 2020 Revised: 26 February 2021 Accepted: 6 March 2021

DOI: 10.1111/csp2.406

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided

the original work is properly cited.

© 2021 The Authors. Conservation Science and Practice published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. on behalf of Society for Conservation Biology

Conservation Science and Practice. 2021;e406. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/csp2 1 of 11


Page 2: Whose intentions? What consequences? Interrogating

consideration of unintended consequences (Hayeset al., 2018). In the context of such uncertainty, some conser-vation practitioners are concerned that “decision-makingcan be hung up on concerns about unintended consequencesof a particular intervention, undermining the urgent needfor action [emphasis ours]” (Phelan, Karieva, Marvier, Rob-bins, & Weber, 2021, p.1).

In this context, Revive and Restore convened the“Intended Consequences Workshop” in June 2020(https://reviverestore.org/events/intended-consequences-workshop/), gathering conservation scientists and practi-tioners, social scientists, ethicists, environmental writers,and agency scientists. The organizers aimed to focus on“the successful achievement of ‘intended consequences’”of translocations and genetic interventions for conserva-tion, which some workshop participants described as“underplayed” (Phelan et al., 2021, p. 1). Facing theurgency of global species loss, the workshop highlightedsuccess stories to demonstrate the benefits to naturemade possible with innovative interventions.

The workshop theme explicitly countered the “specterof potential unintended consequences” (Phelan et al., 2021,p. 1) of novel conservation interventions. Many workshopparticipants expressed concern “that over-emphasis onunintended consequences could pose a barrier to innova-tion” (Phelan et al., 2021, p. 3). They explained that byfocusing on potential negative outcomes of emerging tech-nologies like gene editing, their potential utility in speciesprotection could lead to overblown fears of unknown andunanticipated consequences. To counter this paralysis, wemight instead consider the moral hazards of inaction(Brister et al., 2021), and how the loss of such tools wouldbe unethical in the context of global species loss.

As social scientists who participated in the workshop,and who work in the governance of environmentalbiotechnologies for species protection more broadly, weunderstand the urgency of responding to global species loss.In addition, as Science, Technology, and Society scholars,we see the framework of Intended Consequences' as a“black box” that warrants interrogation (Latour, 1987). Spe-cifically, we pose the questions:Whose intentions? And whatconsequences? This paper argues that if we seek to re-centerIntended Consequences to embolden innovative conserva-tion efforts, we must simultaneously query whose intentionsand what consequences to ensure that environmental goalsare accompanied by the goals of responsibility, democracy,and justice.

Raising the questions—Whose intentions? Whatconsequences?—reveals complexity, and perhaps evencontroversy, in the aims of the Intended Consequencesworkshop and the contents of this special issue. Toexplore this complexity, we invoke the framework ofResponsible Research and Innovation (RRI), which has been

proposed and institutionalized to align the processes andproducts of research and development more closely withpublic values (Burget, Bardone, & Pedaste, 2017; Stilgoe,Owen, & Macnaghten, 2013; Von Schomberg, 2013). As con-servation practitioners and scholars consider a variety ofinnovative efforts to protect and restore threatened species,RRI brings an infusion of just, democractic principles to thisinnovation process (Foley, Bernstein, & Wiek, 2016).Intended Consequences invites us to “keep the intended ben-efits to nature front-of-mind during a responsible planningprocess and through various stages of intervention and moni-toring” (Phelan et al., 2021, p.1). As we describe below, RRIreminds us, for example, that responsible planning shouldprompt us to ask who has—and has not—participated indefining those intended benefits. More specifically, theframework includes the four dimensions of anticipation,reflexivity, inclusion, and responsiveness, which reveal howasking whose intentions and what consequences helps positionresponsibility, democracy, and justice as foundational to ethi-cal responses to species loss.

To demonstrate RRI's utility in integrating such com-plexity into the process of conservation innovation, we firstprovide an overview of the RRI framework, situated in thecontext of emerging biotechnologies for conservation. Sec-ond, we provide a brief description of the two cases uponwhich we draw direct experience: (a) the geneticallyengineered American chestnut tree (NASEM, 2019; New-house & Powell, 2020) and (b) gene drive mice for the con-servation of island biodiversity (Campbell et al., 2019;Piaggio et al., 2017), advanced through the Genetic Bio-control of Invasive Rodents (GBIRd) partnership. We thenuse the dimensions of RRI to explore how asking whoseintentions and what consequences is critical to the re-centering of Intended Consequences in advancing geno-mic tools for conservation.


RRI has a clearly expressed motivation: to explore how tobetter integrate responsibility into systems of innovation andgovernance of emerging technologies (Burget et al., 2017;Correljé, Cuppen, Dignum, Pesch, & Taebi, 2015; Gustonet al., 2014). Partly envisioned as a way to shift exclusivefocus away from the economic benefits of innovation towardhumanity's grand challenges and potential tools forresponding to them (Von Schomberg, 2013), RRI also shiftsattention upstream to consider the innovation process moresystematically (Krzywoszynska et al., 2018). To that end,RRI attends to the socio-cultural elements of technologicalinnovation, including human values, cultural practices, andexisting institutions.


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RRI emerged largely in response to publicly contro-versial science and technology, such as genetically mod-ified organisms, synthetic biology, and nanotechnology(Burget et al., 2017; Frewer & Shepherd, 1995; Gustonet al., 2014; Owen & Pansera, 2019). As some sciencepolicy-makers grew increasingly concerned aboutpublic trust in science, scholars demonstrated thatincreased attention to simply educating public audi-ences about genetic engineering, for example, had alimited effect on trust and technological acceptance(Owen, Macnaghten, & Stilgoe, 2012). In fact, increasedknowledge about a subject like genetic engineering mayjust correlate with the intensity of one's position ratherthan with support or opposition (Brunk, 2006; Sturgis &Allum, 2004). Scholars and practitioners developed RRIas an alternative to education initiatives narrowlydesigned to eliminate “knowledge deficits,” insteadfocusing on deliberative processes as a means ofintegrating technical expertise and democratic norms.

In the spirit of developing an ethos of responsibleconservation (Brister et al., 2021), RRI explicitly gener-ates deliberative space to infuse the development andgovernance of novel genetic tools with democratic prin-ciples oriented toward justice. RRI encourages the inclu-sion of disparate values, perspectives, and worldviews toconsider a broad range of ideas about what is ethicallyacceptable (Foley et al., 2016; Stilgoe et al., 2013). More-over, the RRI framework creates opportunities to engagewith the complex colonial and arguably undemocratichistories that plague conservation (Martin, McGuire, &Sullivan, 2013; Nelson, 2003). As such, this is a frame-work for interrogating how conservation practitionersand environmental biotechnology proponents and oppo-nents frame problems and proposed solutions. Manyagree that species loss is one of humanity's grand chal-lenges (IPBES, 2019), but not everyone agrees on thesame set of morally appropriate responses (Bristeret al., 2021).

While RRI has been described by many scholars, wereview the framework advanced by Stilgoe et al. (2013),which includes four dimensions of responsible innovation:anticipation, reflexivity, inclusion, and responsiveness.

Anticipation is the deceptively simple act of lookingout and ahead to see what possible impacts a particularinnovation system may have. Anticipation typicallytakes place through deliberative processes such as earlyand upstream community, stakeholder, and publicengagement (Stilgoe et al., 2013). In these deliberativespaces, innovators, engagement practitioners, and stake-holders anticipate and interrogate the knowable rangeof possible outcomes (Stilgoe et al., 2013; Wilsdon &Willis, 2004). In other words, anticipation prompts

exploration into an innovation system's potentialintended and unintended consequences.

Reflexivity is at once foundational to the practice ofscience and, as RRI defines it, requires questioning thevery foundations of scientific practice. Being responsibleinnovators requires “holding a mirror up to one's ownactivities, commitment, and assumptions, being awareof the limits of knowledge and being mindful that a par-ticular framing of an issue is not universally held”(Stilgoe et al., 2013, p. 1571). Another important ele-ment of reflexivity includes stepping away from theassumed agnosticism of science and acknowledging themoral and values-laden nature of innovation. These arecomplex ideas that conflict with the scientific norm ofobjectivity, yet understanding that one's own worldviewis not the only way to be in the world is foundational todemocratic commitments that underpin RRI. Reflexivityis therefore critical in understanding whose values,worldviews, and intentions come to define IntendedConsequences.

In RRI's original framework, inclusion referred tobroader, more participatory, deliberative decision-makingstructures that informed science policy and technologicalinnovation (Stilgoe et al., 2013). Scholars then wrestledwith how best to implement inclusivity, arguably in anattempt to usher in a new governance paradigm that wasmore directly democratic (Macnaghten et al., 2014;Valkenburg, 2020). We build on these foundational com-mitments, situate them more appropriately in the currenthistorical moment, and orient our articulation of inclusionin the context of diversity and inclusion scholarship andpraxis. Diversity refers to representation—who is at theproverbial or literal table, whereas inclusion refers to howthose diverse perspectives are meaningfully attended to,centered, and even elevated (Sherbin & Rashid, 2017). Inthis light, we use the structure of this paper to explore howdiversity and inclusion can shed light on whose intentionsand whose consequences drive the consideration of IntendedConsequences from genomic interventions in conservation.

Responsiveness is the lynchpin of RRI, yet it is chal-lenging for many innovation teams, as it “requiresthe capacity to change direction in response to stake-holder and public values and changing circumstances”(Stilgoe et al., 2013, p. 1572). Responsiveness involvesresponding to new knowledge as it emerges and to thecomplex perspectives, views, and norms made visiblethrough anticipation, reflexivity, and diversity andinclusion. Responding to new perspectives is inherentlyabout power sharing, ensuring that the framing ofIntended Consequences is responsible, democractic, andjust in both process and outcomes (Stirling, Hayes, &Delborne, 2018).


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While there are many historical, proposed, and emerginggenomic interventions for conservation—including sev-eral discussed at the “Intended Consequences Workshop”and in this special issue, we focus on two case studies ofenvironmental biotechnology: the GE chestnut and thegene drive mouse. We have played active roles in engage-ment activities surrounding these projects, and our expe-rience as researchers and practitioners provides insightinto how the questions of whose intentions and whatconsequences reveal the complexity of the IntendedConsequences framework for conservation.

3.1 | Genetically engineered (GE)American chestnut tree

An invasive pathogen now known as the chestnut blightentered the United States in the early 20th century, subse-quently killing upwards of 4 billion trees in the eastern for-ests. While traditional breeding practices have generatedmodest success in developing blight-resistant trees, agenetically engineered line of chestnuts is poised tobecome a significant part of the restoration toolkit(Powell, 2016). Currently under regulatory review, the GEchestnut may well become the first genetically engineeredorganism to be released freely into unmanaged environ-ments with the end-goal of growing and reproducingfreely. While species restoration may seem like a publicgood, it is not without controversy (Smolker & Petermann2019; Thompson, 2019). Some are concerned about thehigh levels of uncertainty in releasing a GE organism thatmay live for a century or more, while others are concernedabout the potential for a GE chestnut to cross sovereigntribal lands (Rosen, 2019).

As engagement researchers, we secured an NSF grant(1632670) to study the governance of the GE chestnut andwith that support, organized and facilitated a stakeholderworkshop to consider the role of public engagement at dif-ferent phases of development and potential deployment ofa GE American chestnut tree (Delborne et al., 2018). Inpreparation for that workshop, we cultivated relationshipswith the scientists who genetically engineered the tree sothat our engagement activities included them and theirmotivations. Simultaneously, we developed a collaborationwith members of the Haudenosaunee Environmental TaskForce (http://hetf.org/). This collaboration supported anIndigenous scholar in linguistics to explore how a conceptlike a genetically engineered tree would translate into

Haudenosaunee languages (see Delborne et al., 2018,pp.16–17). In addition, we worked to facilitate furtherengagement between Haudenosaunee EnvironmentalTask Force leadership and the chestnut scientists, as wellas federal and state environmental agencies. These activi-ties have precipitated conversations with members of theAmerican Chestnut Foundation and the Indigenous Envi-ronmental Network.

3.2 | Gene drive mouse for islandbiodiversity conservation

Invasive rodents live on 80% of the world's islands andare responsible for significant island biodiversity loss.This is particularly problematic because islands are hometo a disproportionate number of endemic species. Ongo-ing efforts to eradicate invasive rodents rely largely onrodenticides—highly toxic, broad-spectrum compoundsthat can also endanger the very species conservationistsare trying to protect. Moreover, invasive species eradica-tion is only effective on approximately 15% of affectedislands. The GBIRd, an international consortium of scien-tists and partners including the NGO Island Conserva-tion, is trying to develop a gene drive mouse to eradicateinvasive rodents on islands. Research is underway to con-struct a gene drive for mice that would bias offspring tobe all male, which would crash an island population overseveral generations (Barnhill-Dilling & Delborne, 2019;Godwin et al., 2019; Leitschuh et al., 2018).

Delborne has led GBIRd's engagement efforts sincetheir inception in 2016 and Barnhill-Dilling joined theengagement team in 2018, at the time funded by theDARPA Safe Genes program. Together, we organizedand facilitated a stakeholder workshop (Farooque,Barnhill-Dilling, Shapiro, & Delborne, 2019) that broughttogether stakeholders and technical experts to considerthe issues and implications associated with GBIRd's pro-ject goals. We both remain active leaders in GBIRd'sengagement strategy, organizing and moderating panelsat GBIRd's annual meetings, as well as representingGBIRd in broader gene drive workshops and conferences.


As we contemplate a stronger focus on the Intended Con-sequences of using new genomic tools for biodiversity con-servation, we argue for asking whose intentions select theconsequences under consideration. The importance of thisquestion emerges across the four dimensions of RRI: antic-ipation, reflexivity, inclusion, and responsiveness. Below,we first describe how each dimension informs the question


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of whose intentions matter. We then draw from our ownexperiences with the GE chestnut and gene drive mousecase studies to illustrate the importance of attending towhose intentions in the practice of engagement surround-ing environmental biotechnologies.

RRI's dimension of anticipation applies to anticipat-ing both unintended and intended consequences of inno-vation, but a focus on Intended Consequences reveals theimpact not just of who is doing the anticipating, but ofwhose intentions are being anticipated as desirable conse-quences. In the field of conservation, it may appear soobvious what the intentions are for a given project thatwe forget that conservation initiatives are always shapedby values and interests. We work harder to save somespecies than others; we cherish some types of habitat insome places more than others; and different stakeholdersenvision tradeoffs between competing values differently(e.g., how much to restrict human access to a habitat tomake it safe for a desired species). Thus, the IntendedConsequences of conservation are never completely neu-tral or objective. Whose intentions—the anticipations ofthose promoting the intervention—matter.

In RRI frameworks, anticipation typically takes placethrough deliberative processes such as early andupstream community, stakeholder, and public engage-ment (Stilgoe et al., 2013). These deliberative activitiesintroduce stakeholders, including technical experts, tonew perspectives and new ways to interrogate a potentialinnovation or intervention. Thus, who participates inanticipatory engagement activities serves as a proxy forunderstanding whose intentions have shaped the IntendedConsequences of particular projects. As mentionedabove, we organized two stakeholder workshops—addressing the GE chestnut and the gene drive mouse—where the diversity of our participants positivelyimpacted the range of anticipations that surfaced.

In April 2018, we organized and facilitated aninvitation-only workshop for interested stakeholders enti-tled, “Biotechnology, the American Chestnut, and PublicEngagement” (Delborne et al., 2018). Participantsincluded the scientists who had developed the GE chest-nut, representatives from conservation and environmen-tal NGOs, representatives from the HaudenosauneeEnvironmental Task Force (an Indigenous environmen-tal organization), chestnut growers, federal agency repre-sentatives, as well as academics from the social andnatural sciences. The proponents of the GE chestnut keptIntended Consequences central to the broader conversa-tion: the importance and urgency of genomic tools forthe restoration of a functionally extinct species. They alsodescribed how they anticipated and accounted forunintended consequences with the demonstrated safetyof GE chestnuts in laboratory and field experiments.

Other stakeholders anticipated different conse-quences of deploying GE chestnut trees into the environ-ment. Chestnut growers raised questions about whetherGE chestnuts might “contaminate” the hybrid chestnutsgrown commercially, and if so, whether consumerswould buy them, introducing a novel unintended conse-quence to the dialogue. A forest service representativeraised concerns about tensions between the chestnut pro-ject and their agency mission: there were questions aboutforest service (and other federal land management agen-cies) policies with respect to governing genetically engi-neering organisms. Could the Intended Consequences ofchestnut restoration using a GE tree conflict with agencypolicies? At the time, questions remained about whetheror not GE organisms would be allowed on federal lands.Indigenous leaders questioned whether the release of aself-propagating GE forest tree would undermine tribes'sovereignty to decide whether or not to permit GE chest-nuts on their land. And some environmental groupsargued that GE forest trees threaten the health and “nat-uralness” of forests. The combination of stakeholders notonly expanded what we might anticipate about the chestnutproject, but it also interrogated important assumptionsabout whose intentions have and should inform decisionsregarding the release, governance, and management of theGE chestnut.

Reflexivity acknowledges that our perspectives—andeven the scientific project writ large—are rooted in par-ticular worldviews that are not universal (Salmon, Priest-ley, & Goven, 2017). Further, reflexivity teaches us thatdeliberations about the potential use of genomic inter-ventions in conservation are rooted in deep, abidingquestions such as what constitutes “wild,” and what ishumanity's relationship to non-human nature (Bristeret al., 2021; Sandler, 2019). The answers to these ques-tions vary among diverse stakeholders, and acknowledg-ing these differences should directly inform how wethink about whose consequences are centered and there-fore intended. The remaining challenge is how to developconservation plans that could attend meaningfully todiverse intentions in collective efforts to make decisionsabout conservation practice.

With respect to whose intentions have shaped theirconservation plans, GBIRd scientists have opened them-selves up to reflexivity through a variety of mechanisms,including establishing an ethics board and hostingannual meetings that include scientists and social scien-tists from multiple disciplines. Even on monthly projectcalls, stakeholder engagement issues are perennialagenda items alongside the genetics and ecology updates.In addition to the stakeholder workshop referencedabove (Farooque et al., 2019), we have organized andmoderated panels that attend specifically to values and


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worldviews, designed to facilitate reflexivity about whoseintentions will shape decisions about research and devel-opment in the pursuit of a gene drive mouse.

RRI scholarship calls for increased diversity andinclusion in the decision-making spaces around inno-vation. Diversity and inclusion interrogations throwinto sharp relief whose intentions are—and whose arenot yet—shaping Intended Consequences of genomicinterventions in conservation.

Increasing diversity and inclusion can help conserva-tion face its troubled colonial past (Phelan et al., 2021)and attend to power dynamics inherited from these histo-ries. Historically, therefore, conservation goals andpriorities—and intentions—have been set by the domi-nant white culture (e.g., Martin et al., 2013; Nelson, 2003).As conservation becomes more explicit in its commitmentto broaden representation, the potential tension betweenpursuing well-established Intended Consequences withinthe conservation community and just, democratic processbecomes increasingly important.

More specifically, there are calls for increased Indige-nous participation in conservation, with practitioners not-ing that “cultural knowledge of Indigenous peoples inparticular often proves crucial to the success of conserva-tion initiatives” (Phelan et al., 2021, p.3; also seeTaitingfong, 2019). However, if we are attending to thosecolonial pasts, Indigenous participation must go beyond adata sharing exercise. Instead, rooted in the understandingthat the current framing of conservation is dominated byone set of cultural values and worldviews, we need tointerrogate and reimagine Intended Consequences. Thisreimagining would broaden the scope of whose intentionsshape Intended Consequences and require credible powersharing.

The GE chestnut project demonstrates how thesechallenging concepts can work in practice. The GE chest-nut case is one of the few environmental biotechnologyfor conservation cases where there is published scholar-ship and media about Indigenous perspectives regardingthe potential use of genetic interventions (Barnhill-Dilling & Delborne, 2019; Rosen, 2019). While we arealways improving our praxis, we actively sought toinclude Haudenosaunee environmental leaders in ourengagement activities. Through this effort, we learnedabout their distinct worldview with respect to species res-toration, how their native linguistic structures were botha mirror and a shaper of that worldview, and how chal-lenging it is to bring multiple worldviews together inenvironmental governance in light of historical powerimbalances (Barnhill-Dilling, Rivers, & Delborne, 2020).

RRI's responsiveness elicits a powerful form ofpower sharing. Some innovators may worry that being“responsive” requires shutting down a project in the

face of any degree of opposition, but this reflects anarrow interpretation of responsiveness—one whereone group's set of intentions substitute for another's.Instead, innovators could explore dimensions of theirproject that could shift in response to critical perspec-tives. RRI's responsiveness guides project proponentsto respond to opposition in more thoughtful, perhapsless polarizing ways.

For example, chestnut innovators decided not topatent the GE chestnut, as a direct result of public andstakeholder outreach, responding to concerns expressedabout the GE chestnut following in the footsteps of com-mercial agricultural biotechnologies (Powell, personalcommunication). Powell made it clear that his intentionswere for a vision of non-commercial chestnut restoration(Popkin, 2020). Similarly, in the wake of controversy overOxitec's field trials in countries with minimal regulation(Brown, 2016), GBIRd has committed to only exploringfield trials in national contexts with well-developed regu-latory structures (geneticbiocontrol.org).


Focusing on the Intended Consequences of using newgenomic tools for biodiversity conservation also promptsconsideration of what consequences are considered.Again, we use the dimensions of RRI and our experiencesas stakeholder engagement researchers and practitionersto explore that question.

The act of anticipation prompts us to look ahead to pos-sible outcomes of using genomic interventions in conserva-tion, and such outcomes will include a mixture of intendedand unintended consequences. Phelan et al. (2021, p. 2)write, “Intended Consequences are achieved by addressingthe potential for unintended consequences while keepingan eye on the desired conservation benefits.” This suggestsa need to anticipate both intended and unintended conse-quences, and we suggest that the boundary between themmay not be so sharp. For example, the deployment of her-bicides to eradicate an invasive weed will also kill somedesired plants. These non-target effects are easily antici-pated and possibly acceptable, but are they intended? Onone hand, they are intended, given the certainty thatdeployment of the tool will cause some off-target plantdeath. On the other hand, they are unintended in the senseof not being desirable, or the prime intention of theintervention. To avoid this quandary, we suggest theimportance of anticipating multiple orders of IntendedConsequences, beginning with the direct, foreseeable, posi-tive consequences and moving toward indirect, moreuncertain, possibly negative consequences. This spectrumimplies a gradient from the goals of a conservation


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intervention (first-order Intended Consequences) tounintended consequences (that might be positive ornegative).

An example of the ambiguity around intended versusunintended consequences emerged during the GBIRdworkshop that we organized and convened in March2019. For that workshop we structured the agenda anddeliberation around project phases ranging from labora-tory research to contained safety studies to potential fieldtrials in an island environment; in this way we were ableto anticipate beyond the current scope of the project—laboratory research—to collectively consider a range ofpotential outcomes. By design, our diverse participantpool expanded our understanding of the Intended Conse-quences for GBIRd and highlighted the tension betweenintended and unintended consequences. For example,animal welfare advocates questioned whether using genedrive to eradicate a population of island mice would bemore humane than using traditional rodenticides; theypointed out the potential for increased competitionamong males as the percentage of females dropped pre-cipitously, which could escalate to violence (Farooqueet al., 2019, p. 21). This potential, second-order conse-quence, which could be seen as either intended orunintended, had not been anticipated by GBIRd scientistsuntil raised in the context of this diverse stakeholderworkshop.

Broad reflexivity—an interrogation of assumptionsthat underpin project intentions—is warranted for think-ing about what consequences are considered as IntendedConsequences. Reflexivity prompts greater attention todeep, ethical questions, such as the definition of “wilder-ness” and the proper role for humans to intervene innon-human nature (Brister et al., 2021). Currentdecision-making institutions often lack such reflexivity(Kuzma, 2019).

RRI scholars note that codes of conduct and otherguiding principles might be important indicators ofreflexivity (Stilgoe et al., 2013), demonstrating how con-templation shapes what consequences are most important.For example, GBIRd lists guiding principles on itswebsite:

1. Early and sustained consistent engagement with stake-holders and communities

2. Proceed cautiously with deliberate stepwise methodsand measurable outcomes

3. Engage early and often with the research community,regulators, communities and other stakeholders

4. Maintain an uncompromising commitment to biosafety,existing regulations, and protocols as minimum stan-dards (e.g., NASEM, 2016; AAS 2017)

5. Use and participate in best practices

6. Only operate in countries with appropriate regulatorycapacity and

7. Be transparent with research, assessments, findings,and conclusion (www.geneticbiocontrol.org).

These principles both encourage reflexivity in termsof considering a range of intended consequences(e.g., transparency, biosafety, demonstrated caution) andencourage processes of reflexivity (e.g., engagement withstakeholders, regulators, and communities) that mightexpand what consequences are taken seriously.

The lenses of diversity and inclusion invite interroga-tion about how just or democratic the processes havebeen—and could potentially be—for deciding on whatconsequences matter for innovative conservation prac-tices. Diversity and inclusion remind us that some groupsmay experience Intended Consequences or even secondorder consequences differently than do other groups. Weshould be mindful of these differences overall, but partic-ularly with respect to historically marginalized communi-ties and peoples.

For example, the same consequence, a GE chestnutthat is able to introgress freely into wild populations, canimpact groups differently. If de-regulated by the Coordi-nated Framework for the Regulation of Biotechnology,the GE chestnut could, over time, cross into forestswithin sovereign Tribal lands. Some Haudenosauneecommunities have staunch anti- genetic engineering poli-cies and positions and might see their spread as an act ofcolonialism (Francis, 2015; Indigenous EnvironmentalNetwork, n.d.). Other Tribal representatives—from theEastern Band of Cherokee Indians, for example—mightwelcome the Intended Consequences of chestnut restora-tion through genetic engineering (Losiah, 2020).

Responsiveness is the process by which innovatorsadjust to new knowledge, experiences, and perspectives.This dimension of RRI shifts our attention from processes(anticipation, reflexivity, inclusion) to action and sub-stance. What consequences are imagined, considered,and given priority will largely determine the range ofpotential responses by innovation teams. While theseresponses may be more or less visible to stakeholders—depending on the stage of research and development andthe degree of transparency in project decision making—these are moments where conservation innovations canalign with diverse values and priorities.

At the GBIRd stakeholder workshop in 2019, we useda series of fictional scenarios to prompt stakeholders toevaluate trade-offs and make decisions about what conse-quences mattered most in the hypothetical selection of anisland for a field trial. The outcomes and subsequent dis-cussion of these island scenarios provided insight regard-ing a range of potential consequences: for example, the


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risk to a closely-related mouse species on the island andthe ethical implications of re-introducing invasive miceto an island where they have been previously eradicatedin order to test the function of the gene drive system(Farooque et al., 2019, pp. 18–21). The latter exampleillustrates the importance of choosing what consequencesmatter most. If the primary Intended Consequence of thefirst field trial of a gene drive mouse is to prove that thesystem works, then re-introducing invasive mice anderadicating them satisfies this intention and increasesconfidence that if the experiment went awry, traditionalmethods of eradication could eliminate the gene drivemice. If, however, the primary Intended Consequence isbiodiversity protection, then re-introducing invasive mice(even with a gene drive meant to crash the population)puts island species at risk and provides no benefit toisland biodiversity even if the experiment is “successful.”Ultimately, GBIRd, in consultation with stakeholdersand communities, will need to respond to this tensionbetween competing Intended Consequences.


This paper explores the hidden complexity of calls for re-centering the Intended Consequences of genomic inter-ventions for biodiversity conservation. Specifically, wehave raised the importance of asking whose intentionsand what consequences are considered and prioritized inthe research, development, and potential deployment ofenvironmental biotechnologies. These questions revealthat the governance and management of conservationinterventions always rest upon value judgments, whichhighlights the importance of seeking democratic, just,and responsible decision making. This paper has invokedthe framework of RRI to interrogate how Intended Con-sequences are identified, explored, and agreed upon. Thefour dimensions of RRI—anticipation, reflexivity, inclu-sion, and responsiveness—intersect with the questionswhose intentions and what consequences, revealing thecomplexity of Intended Consequences of novel genomicinterventions for conservation.

Neither this paper nor RRI dictates the properresponses to problems as wicked as species loss, but wehave argued for the importance of identifying the multi-ple intentions that surround a proposed conservation pro-ject and exploring a broad range of potentially knowableconsequences. To that end, RRI provides a roadmap forconservationists to:

1. Anticipate second and third-order consequences—aspossible outcomes from what are identified asintended consequences—that may result from the

development and deployment of novel technologiesfor conservation;

2. Reflect on the fundamental assumptions and values-based preferences that support the pursuit of some“intended consequences” and not others;

3. Include people with disparate perspectives, diverse dis-ciplinary training, and varied worldviews in processesof problem formulation and longer-term governanceof conservation interventions; and

4. Respond to new information and alternative perspec-tives that clarify the impact of intended consequences.

Using these dimensions as guideposts, RRI pushes fordeeper understanding of an innovation's context byprompting questions such as those found in Table 1.

TABLE 1 Responsible research and innovation: The

governance of intended consequences for conservation using

environmental biotechnologies

Anticipation • How can a systems approach improve ourability to anticipate first, second, andthird-order intended consequences ofusing environmental biotechnologies forconservation?

• How can project teams use community,stakeholder, and public engagement tobroaden anticipation of possibleoutcomes, thereby expanding the range ofintended consequences considered?

Reflexivity • How do values and socio-culturalassumptions shape the intendedconsequences of environmentalbiotechnology projects?

• How can innovation systems align withthe values and perspectives of innovatorsand stakeholders?

Inclusion • What greater diversity of disciplines,perspectives, worldviews, and livedexperiences provide a betterunderstanding of the intendedconsequences of genetic interventions forspecies protection?

• How can diversity and inclusion bemeaningfully integrated throughout theinnovation and deployment ofenvironmental biotechnology projects forconservation?

Responsiveness • How can project teams integrate newknowledge and perspectives to shapeintended consequences for conservationusing environmental biotechnologies?

• How might responsiveness representpower sharing in the context of whoseintentions and what consequences shapeintended consequences?


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If the primary intended consequence for conservationprojects is species protection, then time is precious; indeedthe urgency of the problem prompts important ethicalquestions about inaction in the face of the fear ofunintended consequences (Brister et al., 2021). Yet, weurge caution in forging ahead and drawing a bright linebetween intended and unintended consequences. Instead,inspired and informed by the RRI framework, we encour-age anticipation of potential outcomes, reflection onassumptions and intentions, inclusion of diverse stake-holders and perspectives, and a commitment to respondingthoughtfully to concerns and preferences of communitiesand broader publics. Such practices may help navigate thecontroversies and complexities that arise when novel geno-mic tools are proposed to solve ongoing environmentalchallenges. Re-centering Intended Consequences is consis-tent with this vision, but only if we carefully considerwhose intentions and what consequences are prioritized.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was supported by the NSF Science, Technol-ogy, and Society (STS) Program (Grant No. 1632670). Wewould like to thank Isabelle Coche, Natalie Kofler, AditiMankad, Delphine Thizy, Royden Saah, and ourreviewers for their comments that certainly strengthenedthis manuscript. We would also like to thank Revive &Restore for organizing the “Intended ConsequencesWorkshop” and Michele Weber for her ongoing supportand coordination of the special issue.

CONFLICT OF INTERESTThe authors have no conflict of interest to declare. Theauthors are both part of the Genetic Biocontrol ofInvasive Rodents (GBIRd) described in this article.

AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONSKatie Barnhill-Dilling and Jason Delborne equally concep-tualized this study. Katie Barnhill-Dilling developed andrefined the framework and conducted the literaturereview. Jason Delborne contributed to the literature reviewand significantly edited each draft of the manuscript.


ETHICS STATEMENTThe authors complied with Institutional Review Boardreview and Human Subjects research approval whererelevant.

ORCIDS. Kathleen Barnhill-Dilling https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3442-738X

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How to cite this article: Barnhill-Dilling SK,Delborne JA. Whose intentions? Whatconsequences? Interrogating “IntendedConsequences” for conservation withenvironmental biotechnology. Conservation Scienceand Practice. 2021;e406. https://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.406