why companies moving are moving applications to the cloud

Experience. Innovation. Velocity Technology Solutions ©2013 Velocity Technology Solutions, Inc. Why Companies Are Moving Oracle Applications to the Cloud Velocity Technology Solutions ©2013 Velocity Technology Solutions, Inc.

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  • 1. Experience. Innovation.Velocity Technology Solutions2013 Velocity Technology Solutions, Inc.Why Companies Are Moving Oracle Applications to theCloudVelocity Technology Solutions2013 Velocity Technology Solutions, Inc.

2. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incYour HostWard Quarles Director of StrategicAlliances for VelocityTechnology Solutions A regular contributor toindustry topics related toOracles JD Edwardssoftware solutions Previously Director ofMarketing for JD Edwards2 3. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incTwitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incVelocity TechnologySolutions3#C13DEN@Velocity_incVelocity Technology Solutions is a leaderin enterprise and business applicationservices, fully-managed and protectedwithin a virtual private cloud. It is dedicatedto lowering operational costs, providingindustry-leading service levels andimproving software performance whilereducing the burden on IT staff andenabling deployment flexibility. Velocityprovides virtual private cloud solutions forenterprise applications with high levels ofperformance. Expertise managing software24/7, combined with proprietary technologythat enhances availability, security, andcontrol, make Velocity the trusted partnerfor rapidly and securely deployingapplication investments into a secure andresilient virtual private cloud. 4. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incAgenda Defining the benefits of Cloud computing Will Cloud computing drive process transformation foryour organization? What are the key drivers to the Cloud? What are the risks in Cloud computing? How are companies are using business applications inthe Cloud for competitive advantage? Review Oracle applications in the Cloud Takeaways4 5. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incWHY CLOUD?Moving Oracle Applications to the Cloud5 6. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incFirst, a Level Set on CloudCloud definitions vary.According to Gartner:Cloud computing is a style ofcomputing where scalableand elastic IT-relatedcapabilities are provided as aservice to external customersusing Internet Technologies.Service BasedCloud AttributesInternet TechnologiesMetered by UseSharedScalable & ElasticSource: Gartner6 7. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incOracle Cloud Computing EssentialsOracle defines five essential characteristics:1. Rapid Elasticity2. On-Demand self-service provisioning3. Broad network access4. Measure service (Billing and metering of service usage)5. Resource poolingSource: Oracles Achieving the Cloud Computing Vision7 8. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incBenefits of Cloud ComputingMore quickly adapt business to change (business agility)Greater control over costsFaster time to market with new solutionsIncreased workforce productivityReduced business riskHigher technology service levels8 9. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_inc 9 10. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incWhich Cloud Type or Provider? If Applications and Security are most important Private Cloud may be better than Public Cloud If Economics is more important than Applications Public Cloud may be better than Private Cloud If Cost is important Private Cloud with an OpExmodel may be better than on-premise CapEx If Resource constraints is a concern ManagedApplication Service Provider model may be better forspecialized application skills If Experience of the Provider is key Ask fornumber of cloud customers, number of years servingfrom cloud, applications supported, and references10 11. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incWHY APPLICATIONS IN THECLOUD?Moving Oracle Applications to the Cloud11 12. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incTwo Key Drivers for Moving Applications to theCloud12Focusing IT Staff on Innovation Greater business demand to focus internaltechnology staff on innovative or transformationalprojects, leveraging service providers for day-to-daytechnology managementNeed for greater application flexibility Companies must increase the adaptability andresiliency of their software delivery model to matchbusiness requirements today 13. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incSpectrum of Software Delivery ModelsOn Premise SaaSAbility to customize applicationMost LeastTime to MarketSlower FasterComplexity to ManageMore LessCostMore LessAbility to ControlMore Less13 14. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_inc 14Cloud Fills the Gap Rapid deployment of resources Supports many types ofapplications No underlying infrastructure tobuild and manage yourself Scalable and elastic Reduced costCloudPerpetual SaaS 15. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incMore Flexibility Means More Control to Managethe Business More time to focus on innovation, growingthe business versus building infrastructure Addresses shortage of IT expertise andresources to manage technology internally Provides a model for more controllable,predictable costs of ownership Helps maximize the strategic value ofsoftware by making it easier to take on thelatest software upgrades, features, ormodules15 16. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_inc 16Velocity Customer:Graniterock ConstructionWere a construction companywere not anIT company. The economics are such that itwould probably have cost us more to hosta solution internally, and we would not havedone as good a job. Excerpt from FierceCIO, Q&A: Disaster recovery when yourbusiness sits on the San Andreas Fault, February 1, 2012 17. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incCONSIDERATIONS FORSUCCESSMoving Oracle Applications to the Cloud17 18. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incCloud Computing ParticipantsCloud computing has many participants: End user limited understanding of the underlyingtechnology Business management responsible for governance ofdata or services residing in a cloud Cloud service providers provide apredictable and guaranteed servicelevel, security, and ongoingtechnology management Technology consultants providestrusted guidance to management andprovider18 19. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_inc 19The Requirements of the Application Impactsthe Deployment ModelCloudOn Premise SaaSMorePrivateMorePublicMajor drivers in deployment model: Security Ability to customize Application integration considerations Performance requirements 20. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_inc 20Directional Illustration: How Applications AreFalling Along the SpectrumCustom applications Expense ReportingTime reportingCRMIndustry applicationsEnterprise Resource PlanningBusiness IntelligenceContent Management Recruiting managementMorePrivateMorePublicCloud 21. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incRisks to Manage When Moving to the Cloud Security Compliance Infrastructure Fit to ApplicationRequirements Ability to Customize Level of ManagementRequired Service Levels DR Planning21 22. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incSuccess Factors for Deploying Applications inthe CloudInfrastructure optimized for applicationLifecycle managementMaturity of processTransparency into and demonstration of service levelsFlexible consumption of servicesStrong vendor relationshipsIntellectual property that enhances the offeringWell-defined customer support methodology22 23. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_inc 23Features for High-Performance ManagedApplication Services5Application Lifecycle Support platform design, ongoing maintenance, upgrade supportAdaptable, Scalable Cloud optimized for Oracle applications, easily adaptedFully Managed applications monitored and managed 24/7Exceptional Resiliency secure, virtual private cloud with built-in disaster recoveryDedicated Support Teamsupport experts named to each customer, providerinvests in understanding customers unique needsDemonstrated Expertiseextensive knowledge of the applications and theworkflows they enable 24. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_inc 24Universal Cloud Services ArchitectureVelocitys cloudarchitecture uses adefined set of technologycomponentsbuildingblockspurpose-built tooptimize the performanceof the customers specificapplicationsSOPHISTICATED CLOUD ARCHITECTURE,OPTIMIZED FOR EACH APPLICATIONCUSTOMERAPPLICATION AComponentsConfiguration BComponentsConfiguration AComponentsConfiguration CCUSTOMERAPPLICATION BCUSTOMERAPPLICATION CVELOCITY UNIVERSAL CLOUD SERVICES 25. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_inc 25Application-Focused Service DeliveryManage by Columns, Not RowsCustomer Relationship ServicesProject / On-Boarding ServicesCustomer Support / Advocacy ServicesProvisioningApplication ServicesNetwork Operations Center (NOC)Infrastructure ServicesNetworkFacilitiesOracleJDEdwardsOracleE-BusinessOracleHyperionOther Oracle& PartnerApps 26. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incCloud Computing Options for Oracle SoftwareCustomers adopt Oracle Applications in four distinct patterns: Standalone Application No interoperability (standalone) amongapplications and no integration with the other application suite. Loose Integration Adopt Talent Management to coexist withOracles PeopleSoft human resources functionality. In this case, theloose interoperability comes from integrating people, employees,hierarchies, or management hierarchies of the PeopleSoft system. Tight Integration Real-time integration of manufacturing with ordercapture, order fulfillment, and CRM. This may be Web service-based,real-time integration among multiple applications. Complete Adoption A complete set of financials, procurement, andproject modulesreplacing existing products as an upgrade tocomplete back-office ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems.26 27. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_inc 27Two Company Examples:Running Applications in the Cloud$3B MANUFACTURING COMPANYManagedApplicationServices forJD EdwardsPaaSfor SupplyChainManagedDisasterRecoveryServicesMULTI-DIVISION CONSTRUCTION MATERIALSManagedApplicationServices forJD EdwardsPaaSfor TaxationManagedDisasterRecoveryServicesPaaS for BIReportingPaaSfor FormsPrintingPaaSfor BusinessIntelligencePaaSfor HumanCapitalMgmtPaaSfor ExpenseMgmt 28. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incCONCLUSIONMoving Oracle Applications to the Cloud28 29. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_incReasons Companies Move to the CloudIncreasebusinessadaptability /agilityFocus internal staffon businesschange, less onmaintenanceAccelerateapplicationdeploymentDeliver newfeatures/functionsfasterLower overallcosts29 30. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_inc 30Customers Rely on Velocity to ManageTheir Enterprise ApplicationsEvery day, our job is to help you use enterprise applications to:Increase Responsivenessto the MarketManage RiskGrow Your Business 31. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_inc 31Velocitys Differentiating Value for CustomersUniversal Cloud Services customer has options, not limited by vendorUnique Intellectual Property greater transparency and controlBuilding-Block Architecture optimized for applications, easily adaptedEconomies of Scope, Scale reduced cost and higher levels of serviceFully-Managed frees IT to focus on strategic initiativesCustomer Experience Lifecycle adapts service as customer needs change 32. Twitter: #C13DEN, @Velocity_inc 32For More InformationWard QuarlesDirector, Strategic Alliances & Velocity Solutions for [email protected] | Velocity.cc