why russia will invade america! - herbert w. · pdf filewhy russia will not invade america!...

VOL. II, NUMBER 1 The NatIonal MagazIne of AMBASSADOR COLLEGE JANUARY, 19S2 WHY Russia Will Not In vade America! by Herbert W. Armstrong F OR YEARS we have hovered on the brink of war with Russia. Many who claim to be authorities on prophecy have been busy assuring people such a war is prophesied in Ezekiel 38. The United States, Great Britain, and the democracies of northwestern Europe are actually modern ISRAEL..-descend- ed from the so-called lost Ten Tribes. Therefore, they conclude, Ezekiel 38 foretells a military invasion of the North American continent from Russia. But this is not what the prophecy says. What Ezekiel 38 does foretell is truly astounding. Let's understand it. The Time-Sequence of the Prophecy Ezekiel's message is for our day-a prophetic warning for America and Britain, now! To understand the time, the place, and all the facts of the prophecy of Ezekiel 38, we need to begin at the 1st chapter of Ezekiel's prophecy and read the book dear through. When we do this, we find a TIME- SEQUENCE flowing thru the Book. Let us skim thru it very briefly. Notice, in the very first verse, Ezekiel was among the Jewish captives who had been taken in the captivity of Judah to the River Chebar. It was in the fifth year of King Jehoiachin's captivity that this prophecy began coming to Ezekiel thru visions. It is a PROPHECY. Ezekiel was being shown things far into the FUTURE. Notice, the prophecy was inspired and written after JUDAH'S ca,/,tivit'j'- more than 131 years after the House of ISRAEL had been taken captive to Assyria. The advance-guard of the House of Israel already had begun to arrive in the British Isles before Ezekiel's vision and writing. Yet, Ezekiel is a prophet to the HOUSE OF ISRAEL. His prophecy applies to the far future-not to the captivity of Israel which had occurred more than 130 years before he wrote. Remember that! Notice, Ezek. 2:3, and 3:1,4-7, Eze- kiel's message, a PROPHECY for the FU- TURE, is for the HOUSE OF ISRAEL, not the House of Judah. In chapter 3, beginning verse 17, Ezekiel is set a watchman to WARN the House of Israel. Message to Israel, Not Judah Notice! Beginning chapter 3: After the prophet "eats the roll"-that is, re- ceives the prophetic warning message- he is to "go speak unto the HOUSE OF ISRAEL"-nor to the Jews among whom he dwelt. Remember he is already among the captives of JUDAH. But the Eternal says to him: "Go, get thee unto the House of ISRAEL." (Verse 4.) Surely we do not need to pause here to explain to readers of the PLAIN TRUTH that the twelve tribes of Israel had long before this divided into two nations-the ren Tribes being the House of ISRAEL, while Judah and Benjamin composed the House of JUDAH, who, only! were nicknamed "Jews." For the benefit of those readers .who do not understand this vital distinction-a veritable' "key" without which the prophecies cannot be opened to under- sranding-s-anoeber edition of the spe- cial booklet "The United States in Prophecy" will shortly be published, and upon special request a copy will be sent free. The Jewish people of today are de- scended from the House of JUDAH. But the white, English-speaking people of the United States and Great Britain are the leading "birthright" tribes of Eph- raim and Manasseh, heads of the ten- tribed HOUSE OF ISRAEL. Ezekiel's Message is for our day- and it is, therefore, a message for Amer- ica and Britain, NOW! Notice chapter 4. The prophet is to place before him a tile, and trace upon it the city of Jerusalem, and lay siege against it. The sins pictured are those of Jerusalem, .capiral of JUDAH. But "this" (verse 3) "shall be a sign to the HOUSE of ISRAEL." Then follows the well-known key to the "day for a year" method of reckoning prophecy. Continue chapter 5. "For," comes the warning Message from the Eternal, "thereof SHALL a fire come forth into all the HOUSE OF ISRAEL." (Verse 4.) Notice, this is to portray vividly a warn- ing of some FUTURE destruction upon the House of ISRAEL! Not upon Judah, already conquered by Nebuchadnezzar and in the midst of his sieges ..gainst

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Page 1: WHY Russia Will Invade America! - Herbert W.  · PDF fileWHY Russia Will Not Invade America! ... free. The Jewish people of today are de ... every man's heart shall melt: and they




WHY Russia Will NotInvade America!

by Herbert W. Armstrong

FOR YEARS we have hovered on thebrink of war with Russia.

Many who claim to be authorities onprophecy have been busy assuring peoplesuch a war is prophesied in Ezekiel 38.

The United States, Great Britain, andthe democracies of northwestern Europeare actually modern ISRAEL..-descend­ed from the so-called lost Ten Tribes.Therefore, they conclude, Ezekiel 38foretells a military invasion of the NorthAmerican continent from Russia.

But this is not what the prophecy says.What Ezekiel 38 does foretell is truly

astounding. Let's understand it.

The Time-Sequence of the Prophecy

Ezekiel's message is for our day-aprophetic warning for America andBritain, now!

To understand the time, the place,and all the facts of the prophecy ofEzekiel 38, we need to begin at the 1stchapter of Ezekiel's prophecy and readthe book dear through.

When we do this, we find a TIME­SEQUENCE flowing thru the Book.

Let us skim thru it very briefly.Notice, in the very first verse, Ezekiel

was among the Jewish captives who hadbeen taken in the captivity of Judah tothe River Chebar. It was in the fifth yearof King Jehoiachin's captivity that thisprophecy began coming to Ezekiel thruvisions.

It is a PROPHECY. Ezekiel was beingshown things far into the FUTURE.

Notice, the prophecy was inspired

and written after JUDAH'S ca,/,tivit'j'­more than 131 years after the Houseof ISRAEL had been taken captive toAssyria. The advance-guard of the Houseof Israel already had begun to arrive inthe British Isles before Ezekiel's visionand writing.

Yet, Ezekiel is a prophet to the HOUSEOF ISRAEL. His prophecy applies to thefar future-not to the captivity of Israelwhich had occurred more than 130 yearsbefore he wrote. Remember that!

Notice, Ezek. 2:3, and 3:1,4-7, Eze­kiel's message, a PROPHECY for the FU­TURE, is for the HOUSE OF ISRAEL, notthe House of Judah.

In chapter 3, beginning verse 17,Ezekiel is set a watchman to WARN theHouse of Israel.

Message to Israel, Not Judah

Notice! Beginning chapter 3: Afterthe prophet "eats the roll"-that is, re­ceives the prophetic warning message­he is to "go speak unto the HOUSE OFISRAEL"-nor to the Jews among whomhe dwelt.

Remember he is already among thecaptives of JUDAH. But the Eternal saysto him: "Go, get thee unto the Houseof ISRAEL." (Verse 4.)

Surely we do not need to pause hereto explain to readers of the PLAINTRUTH that the twelve tribes of Israelhad long before this divided into twonations-the ren Tribes being the Houseof ISRAEL, while Judah and Benjamincomposed the House of JUDAH, who,

only! were nicknamed "Jews." For thebenefit of those readers .who do notunderstand this vital distinction-averitable' "key" without which theprophecies cannot be opened to under­sranding-s-anoeber edition of the spe­cial booklet "The United States inProphecy" will shortly be published, andupon special request a copy will be sentfree.

The Jewish people of today are de­scended from the House of JUDAH. Butthe white, English-speaking people ofthe United States and Great Britain arethe leading "birthright" tribes of Eph­raim and Manasseh, heads of the ten­tribed HOUSE OF ISRAEL.

Ezekiel's Message is for our day­and it is, therefore, a message for Amer­ica and Britain, NOW!

Notice chapter 4. The prophet is toplace before him a tile, and trace uponit the city of Jerusalem, and lay siegeagainst it. The sins pictured are thoseof Jerusalem, .capiral of JUDAH. But"this" (verse 3) "shall be a sign to theHOUSE of ISRAEL." Then follows thewell-known key to the "day for a year"method of reckoning prophecy.

Continue chapter 5. "For," comes thewarning Message from the Eternal,"thereof SHALL a fire come forth intoall the HOUSE OF ISRAEL." (Verse 4.)Notice, this is to portray vividly a warn­ing of some FUTURE destruction uponthe House of ISRAEL! Not upon Judah,already conquered by Nebuchadnezzarand in the midst of his sieges ..gainst

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Jerusalem. But upon ISRAEL-the ten­tribed nation who had gone into its firstand original captivity one hundred thirtylong years before! The warning is notof the captivity alreacly so far back inhistory. It says "thereof SHALL a fireCOME" upon Israel! It is a prophecy re­lating to a FUTURE destruction and cap­tivity.

No such destruction and captivity hasever yet come to the House of Israelsince this was written! Therefore it isstill in the future-IN OUR TIME! Andit is a warning to Britain and America-NOW!

A Captivity of Israel Yet Future!

Notice more of this grim warning!A third part of thee (America-Brit­

ain) shall die with the pestilence, andwith famine shall they be consumed inthe midst of thee: and a third partshall fall by the sword round aboutthee; and I will scatter a third part intoall the winds" (in captivity being re­moved from our own land and scatteredover the world). (Verse 12.)

Coming to chapter 6, the local sceneof the vision shifts to the mountainousland of Palestine-but the MESSAGE isintended for AMERICA AND BRITAIN,today!

Will we heed it? God help us towake up!

Listen! "Behold I, even I,'" says theEternal God (verse 3), "will bring asword (invasion) upon you, and I willdestroy your high places . . . and Iwill lay the dead carcasses of the chil­dren of ISRAEL before their idols; andI will scatter your bones round aboutyour altars. In all your dwelling placesthe cities shall be laid waste (atomic­bombing) . . . and ye shall know thatI am the Eternal." (Verses 5-7) .

Just a small remnant shall escape andbe spared (Verse 8). These are de­scribed in Luke 21: 36.

Continue: "Thus saith the EternalGod; ... Alas for all the evil abomina­tions of (not Judah, but) the HOUSEOF ISRAEL! for they SHALL" (not did,in the captivity 130 years beforeEzekiel wrote, but SHALL) "fall by thesword, by the famine, and by the pesti­lence." (Verse 11).


This is not a popular message. Youprobably have never heard it before.The preachers and teachers of prophecyalmost unanimously will rise up to denythis warning Message-to apply it to adifferent time or people. But the warn­ing is from the Eternal God, and it issure! The reader will do well to heed!

Notice the TIME!"All hands shall be feeble, and all

knees shall be as weak as water." (Chap-


ter 7 verse 17). Compare: "Howl ye;for the DAY OF THE LORD is at hand; ...therefore shall all hands be faint, andevery man's heart shall melt: and theyshall be afraid." (Isa. 13: 6-7). Plainly,the TIME is the "Day of the Lord"-yetin the immediate future.'

Continue: "They shall cast their silverin the streets, and their gold shall beremoved: their silver and their goldshall not be able to deliver them inthe day of the WRATH OF THE LORD."(Ezek. 7: 19). Now compare that withZeph. 1: 14-18: "The great day of theLord is near . . . That day is a DAY OFWRATH ... And 1 (the Eternal) willbring distress upon men ... Neithertheir silver nor their gold shall be ableto deliver them in the day of the Lord'sWrath:' Both are speaking of the sametime ... a time shortly ahead of us now,in this present generation!

"Wherefore," continues verse 24(Ezek. 7), "I will bring the worst ofthe heathen, and they shall possess theirhouses: and I will also make the pompof the strong to cease ... DESTRUCTIONcometh; and they shall seek peace, andthere shall be none ... then shall theyseek a vision of the prophet; but thelaw shall perish from the priest." (Verses25-26).

Yes, when this comes, our peoplefinally will cry out for a true prophetor minister of the Eternal God-but itwill be too late! For then shall havecome the time spoken by the prophetAmos, when there shall be a FAMINEof HEARING THE WORDS OF THE ETER­NAL- (Amos 8: 11) -an END of trueGospel preaching! Already the peopleand their paid ministers have turnedtheir eyes and ears from God's law!

Notice chapter 11 of Ezekiel's proph­ecy. It is a Message addressed to theHouse of ISRAEL-verse 5. "I will bringthe sword upon you, saith the EternalGod. And I will bring you out of themidst thereof and deliver you into thehands of strangers, and will executejudgments among you. Ye shall fall bythe sword." (Verses 8-10). WHEN? Itis future from the time Ezekiel wrote,and it has not yet happened since then!GOD SAYS IT WILL HAPPEN!

Chapter 12, verse 11: "they SHALLremove, and go into captivity:' It is yetfuture-and it is the House of ISRAEL!Not Judah.

When? "And they shall know I amthe Eternal, when I shall scatter themamong the nations, and disperse themin the countries." (Verse 15). The ex­pression "They shall know that I amthe Eternal" is used repeatedly thru theBook of Ezekiel-a-always referring tothe time of the SECOND COMING OFCHRIST, and Israel's final restoration backto the land of Palestine. Many prophecies

January, 1952

show Israel is to be scattered in thislatter-day captivity when Christ comesto RESTORE them back to Palestine.

People Won't Believe It!

Always the true prophets and minis­ters of God have stood almost alone,and opposed by the overwhelming ma­jority in Israel. That is Israel's historyof old. It is true today.

The 13th chapter shows the declara­tions of the popular ministry of thisday in Israel-in America and Britain.

"Son of man, prophecy against theprophets of Israel. . . . Woe unto thefoolish prophets, that follow their ownspirit and have seen nothing! 0 Israel,thy prophets are like the faxes in thedeserts. Ye have not gone up into thegaps, neither made up the hedge forthe HOUSE OF ISRAEL to stand in thebattle in the DAY OF THELORD." (Verses2-5). It is speaking of the soon-coming"Day of the Lord,"-not some ancienttime! ... "They have seduced my peo­ple, saying Peace; and there was nopeace." (Verse 10).

Certainly the popular ministry of to­day is saying to the people that weshall never be defeated in war, became,say those who understand our nationalidentity, we are the chosen people ofIsrael! But we were not chosen forspecial favors. We were chosen for aservice and righteous life we have failedto perform! Every time Israel of olddisobeyed God, departed from His lawsand ways, and went into the pagan cus­toms (as we have done today, actuallydeceiving ourselves by calling those-cus­toms "Christian!") they were invadedand conquered. Has God changed?

Ezekiel catalogs our sins-our cus­toms and ways which seem right in oureyes but which are contrary to God'slaws and an abomination in HIS sight.Some of them he mentions in the 8thchapter.

In chapter 22: "Thou hast despisedmine holy things, and profaned my sab­baths," says the Eternal (verse 8) . "Thouhast taken usury and increase, and thouhast greedily gained of thy neighborsby extortion, and hath forgotten me,saith the Eternal. . . . And I will (notdid, but will) scatter thee among theheathen, and disperse thee in the coun­tries, and will consume thy filthinessout of thee." (Verses 12, 15).

"Her priests" (prophetically speakingof modern Israel) "have violated my law,and have profaned mine holy things:they have put no difference between theholy and profane, neither have theyshown difference between the uncleanand the clean (Lev. 11), and have hidtheir eyes from my sabbaths, and I amprofaned among them." (Verse 26).

Please continue on page 13

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I Hold GOD Responsible!Milliol1s are born into this unhappy world without their ownknowledge or consent, Through ignorance and poverty and corruptcivilization millions exist in fear, suffering, starvation andfrustration! WHY?

by Herman Hoeh

Adam "fell"!Most of his children ever since have

lived in superstitution, squalor anddisease, ignorance and the fear of pov­erty and war.

Why?"The devil is the cause; he wrecked

everything for God"-say the churches."He thwarted the purpose of God inmaking Adam perfect."

But how do the churches know? Didthey get their answer from the Bible?

"We certainly did," they say. "Didn'tGod have to let men kill His son Jesusso we could be rescored to what Adamlost?"

Were God's Plans Wrecked?

Let's look at the Garden of Edenagain. Did the devil under the guise of aserpent sneak in, after God had laid allHis plans In well, and then wreck every­thing with the "fall"?

Did Satan really frustrate God's pur­pose by deceiving the woman?

If that be true, then the churches makeSatan more powerful than God for themoment. Cleverly, Satan had been ableto alter God's will.

"God, think fast!"And He did, the churches say. "Look,

in the struggle for supremacy He wasable to think out the plan of redemptionto restore His authority." Now He hadthe best of Satan. Then what?

The Creator waited too long to startrepairing the damage, it would seem­and Satan has been able to be just onelong stride ahead of God in keepingthe world lost. Christ's death just isn'trepairing the damage except for a few.The world is still lost in sin!

That's the kind of picture the churchesare painting of God! In their gospelsthey put Him in a gigantic controversywith Satan, and 10 and behold-Satanis winning the contest! Ignorance, pov­erty and war are the proofs that Godhasn't saved the world.

What a muddle! But then, where didyou read such a story in your Bible?

What's the Truth?

The truth is, Satan did not wreck thepurpose of God!

The Creator knew from the begin­ning, and planned to have it so--that

the devil Should deceive man into sin­ning. God did not design the plan ofsalvation to repair the damage and re­store mankind to the perfection Adam"lost."

God purposed the plan of redemptionbefore the "fall!" Adam was not createdwith perfect character in the first place,or he couldn't have sinned.

Adam was created so that he couldsin! Why?

The Reason for Sin

Because Satan is not more powerfulthan God ami he could not frustrate theplans of God, we must conclude thatGOD IS RESPONSIBLE for what hap­pened in Eden!

"Oh, no!" shriek the churches. "Godcouldn't be guilty of SIN!"

Who said God was guilty? I said Godis responsible.

Responsibility is not guilt. God didnot force Adam to sin. Adam did nothave to sin-for God permitted him­yes, urged him-to take of the tree oflife. But God put human nature in Adamso he would want to sin unless he re­sisted the pull of his nature. Adambecame guilty of disobeying a command.God was responsible for placing a natureand a mind in Adam and Eve so theyby themselves weren't able to resist thetemptation of the devil whom Goddeliberately permitted to enter theGarden.

WHY?"For the creature was made subject to

vanity, not willingly, but by reason ofHim who hath subjected the same inhope (Rom. 8: 20) ." Yes, HOPE!

The Bible says God is responsible formaking man the kind of creature he is­capable of sinning. God knew, therefore,that man would suffer, live in sorrow,poverty and war. God planned that thesethings should be, and that man shouldbe guilty of bringing these miseries up­on himself and his children! Why?

Because of a HOPE-a PURPOSE­God had in placing man upon the earth!And the present chaos is the way Godintended that His plan should be per­fected.

God placed in man, not according toman's wish, but according to God's pur­pose, a nature that would cause him to

sin. If He is responsible for that, thenHe must rectify it-He must save manfrom it! God's responsibility compelsHim to deliver man from the bondageof sin in which he has gotten himselffrom ignorance and yielding to thetemptations of the flesh.

Y hat is the why of the plan of re­demption. Not to restore man from thedamage the devil did, but to perfect thehope God had from the begimling. Andwhat is that hope? What is God's PUR­POSE? The creation of God's own char­acter in us! God is reproducing Himself!

Hut why should there have been needof our guilt?

"That no flesh should glory in Hispresence" (I Cor. 1: 29). And again:

"For by grace (an unmerited freegift) are ye saved (from guilt) throughfaith; and that not of yourselves: it isthe gift of God: not of works, test anyman should boast." Here is Ephesians2: 9 we see it reiterated that Godplanned that sins of the flesh and theproud wisdom of men (I Cor. 1:26-30)should not be pardoned by our humanwork" but by God, lest we boast.

God's Workmanship

But why does God carry our his pur­pose so we have no chance to boast?Let's read right on:

"For we are His workmanship, cre­ated in Christ Jesus unto good works,which God hath before ordained thatwe should walk in them (Eph. 2: 11 ) ."

"Weare HIS WORKMANSHIP createdin Christ Jesus unto good works."

Now we see-God is making us Hisworkmanship, not according to ourworks but according to His works towhich we yield to permit Him to per­fect in us. GOD IS REPRODUCING HIM­SELF!

We human mortals were made sub­ject to temptation and vanity so wewould LEARN BY EXPERIENCE IN SUF­FERING AND POVERTY that the way con­trary to the law and character of God isnot good-that we should repent ofbreaking God's law-that we shouldwant to live by the faith of Christthrough the Holy Spirit so we can fulfillthat law by love and good works.

"The love of God is shed abroad inPlease continue on next pllge

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Page 4 The GOOD NEWS January, 1952

Sent free on personal request, as theLord- provides. Address communica­tions to the Editor, Box III, Pasadena,California.

The national magazine of


ministering to The Church of Godscattered abroad, and

reporting on campus happenings

Herbert W. ArmstrongPublisher and Editor

Herman Hoeh, Executive EditorRaymond Cole, Marion McNair,

Raymond McNair, Paul SmithAssociate Editors

Owen Smith, Campus Editor

Kenneth Herrmann, Science Editor

Dick Armstrong, Picture Editor

Rod Meredith, Sports Editor

Betty Bates, Society Editor

Great Day of Salvation!

God will send His Son the secondtime to "destroy . . . the face of thecovering cast over all people, and thevail that is spread over all the nations,... We have waited for Him, we will beglad and rejoice in his SALVATION."That is in your Bible, read it: Isaiah25:7-10.

The God who blinded men and madethem unable to deliver themselves fromthe suffering and consequences of sin­the God who concludes all in unbeliefthat He might have mercy upon all(Rom. 11: 32 )-even He shall removethe vail of blindness that hangs over allpeople so they shall come to the knowl­edge of the truth at last.

God is a responsible Person! He istrustworthy! 'that's why He must bringall to a knowledge of salvation from sinand death. God could not be just other­wise.

But why should God have chosen tomake us His sons-to raise us to theGodhead-by the path of human travailand woe? Is it worth it, will you ask?

"I reckon that the sufferings of thispresent time are not worthy to be com­pared with the glory which shall be re­vealed in us (Rom. 8:18)."

Not worth it, you say?Not worth having the power, the

might and the Character of God? Notworth immortality and eternity and theinheritance of this earth as an everlast­ing possession?

It is just because some of you wouldsay it isn't worth it, that God has per­mitted you to suffer, so you would cometo appreciate the great love He gives ininviting-ealling-you to become hisSons. So you would realize the AWE FULLresponsibilities that go with being co­CREATORS with God!

One in God's OFFICE can't afford tomake any mistakes. That is why youhave had to suffer the consequences ofignorance-to learn by bitter pain andsorrow the dire results of any other waythan the way, the character of God. Andthe way of God is love. the fulfillingof the LAW!

God purposed that you and all thesons of Adam should disobey that per­fect law of liberty (Jam. 2: 12) so youwould know what it means to breakit. By suffering sin, we learn obedienceto the Father as did Jesus (Heb, 5:9) .We will be carrying out His will, not ourown, for we shall have learned thatHis way is right.

'the mighty wisdom of God in plac­ing us in this environment! That wecome to know with all our heart-bysuffering-the weighty responsibility ofbeing God and governing the creationin LOVE.

HEARD ON PACIFIC COAST:XERB--50,000 watts-1090 on dial

-7:00 P.M. every night.KALI-Los Angeles-1430 on dial­

7 :30 A.M. euery morning.KXL-Portland-IO,OOO watts. 750

on dial- 2 :30 P.M., Sundays.KVI-Seattle-Tacoma-570, first on

dial-1O:30 P.M. Sundays.

TO THE NATION & CANADA:XERF-1570 on your dial (extreme

top of dial) every Sundaynight, 7: 15 P.M. CentralStandard time.

XEG-1050 on your dial, every night,8 :00 P.M. Central Standardtime.

XELO-800 on your dial, every night,9 :00 P.M. Central Standardtime. (8 :00 Mountain Stand­ard time.)

Herbert W. Armstrong analyzes to­day's news, with the prophecies ofThe WORLD TOMORROW!



OTHER STATIONSWAIT-ehicago-820 on dial-l:OO

P.M. Sundays.KMAC-San Antoni0--630 on dial

-7:00 P.M. Sundays.

the truth, this is our only day of salva­tion-while leaving the other people indarkness?

Because God is fulfilling in us throughHis workmanship, the hope He has forall the sons of Adam. And that hope isgiven in Romans 8: 21 : "Because thecreature ( man) itself also shall be de­livered from the bondage of corruptioninto the glorious liberty of the childrenof God."

We are to be made the Sons of God(I John 3: 1, 2), brought into the fam­ily of God (Eph. 3: 15), given the di­vine nature (2 Peter 1:4) -made likeGod so we can be the Persons in theKingdom or family of God ruling withHim. We shall be God, as the Fatherand the Son are God now, for God isSpirit dwelling in the Persons of theFather, the Son and us. No wonder Godwon't let us boast! If we earned any­thing we would become proud with thepowers of God and DESTROY the uni­verse by abuse of those powers.

Adam was not made a perfect char­acter in the beginning-not at all-buthe and his children were made to be­come perfect by inheriting the divinenature so we could fill the office of God'ssons. He and all his children have beenpermitted by God, according to God'sgreat Wisdom, to suffer from sin for sixthousand years. And then comes thegreat day of SALVATION!


I Hold GODResponsible

Continued from page 3

our hearts by the Holy Spirit which isgiven unto us (Rom. 5: 5 )." "Love isthe fulfilling of the law (Rom. 13: 10) ."The Law of God expresses the Characterof God. God is a SPIRIT. The Holy Spiritis God's Law in action.

By having the love of God in us thatfulfills the law, we become God's work­manship preparing us for the HOPE Hehad when He put Adam in Eden.

What Is That Hope?

God is moulding in a few whom Hecalls today the very character-divinelove, wisdom, patience, faith---of GodHimself. But the vast majority ofAdam's children have been going theirown way, never hearing of the PURPOSEof God, and consequently reaping untoldsuffering because of ignorance. And Godpurposed that these suffering mortalsshould not in this age have the knowl­edge of His purpose. It is according toGod's plan, because He blinded the na­tions that He might have, in the future,mercy on all.

Satan has deceived the nations accord­ing to the permission and plan of God!

But why is God calling out a fewfrom the world today-for us who know

Page 5: WHY Russia Will Invade America! - Herbert W.  · PDF fileWHY Russia Will Not Invade America! ... free. The Jewish people of today are de ... every man's heart shall melt: and they

ON THE CAMPUSRLLOWING are articles written by students on student activ­

sties. The purpose of this entire section will be to give you the story of our jam-packedlives on the campus. We hope you won't mind if we occasionally poke a little fun atourselves-striving human beings are always funny-and no matter how serious minded,our frailties wink. (We don't think there is anyone here who would claim to be the acme ofperfection.) h ks! C . . . d . I d Th d'-t an s. rtttctsm an suggestIons we come e Campus E itor

Co-Workers RespondGenerously

by Mary J0 Burrow

After three years of wear, with newstudents coming in each year, Mayfairlinen supply was becoming rather scarcerecently.

Mrs. Armstrong wrote a letter of ex­planation to some of our Co-Workersin Christ divulging a few facts aboutstudents' needs which they themselvescould not financially supply. The re­sponse was overwhelming. Many of youCo-Workers sent a large quantity oflinen, some slightly used and some newalong with generous portions of manetary help so that Mayfair now has asufficient supply of bedspreads, bathtowels, sheets, pillowcases, blankets andbathmats. When we students go to bed,we have a very great deal to be thankfulfor. I hope this little article might ex­press a minute portion of our gratitude.

We were also able to procure a fewcooking utensils for the kitchen thatMrs. Wallace, our cook, needed badly.

It did our hearts good to read yourletters in response to Mrs. Armstrongand see that you were not only willing,but anxious to help us whom many ofyou have never personally seen.

Christians prove that they are the chil­dren of God by their deeds. Jesus set usthe example by giving. He stated that itis more blessed to give than to receive­Acts 20:35. It is blessed to receive, butmore joy accrues from giving.

Also "whosoever shall give a cup ofcold water only in the name of a disciple... shall not lose his reward"-Matt.10:42, Mark 9:41.

If Jesus gave his all, how wonderful itis when we can give whatever Godmakes possible, and you did. You statedthat you were very happy to help.

The students of Mayfair, Mrs. Mann,our housemother, and Mr. and Mrs.Armstrong deeply appreciate the interestof you Co-Workers who responded sogenerously to make our life of studiesa bit easier. Thank you.

Girls Work Too!by Doris Allen

In the last issue of the Good Newsyou read about some of the work thefellows do; now I am going to tell you alittle about the girls' work.

Our work here at Ambassador Collegesurely varies-office and secretarial du­ties, library training, cooking and housecleaning in Mayfair.

For most of the girls, working hoursare spent in the office assisting the regu­lar employees. The general office fromwhich the literature is sent you, is ar­ranged in different departments witheach of us being trained to do the workof our department. Some of us type theenvelopes for, and mail the literature re­quested by listeners after hearing TheWorld Tomorrow broadcast.

The mail containing requests for book­lets only is called the "regular" mail.It is segregated from other mail in thereceiving room. After the booklets aremailed, the letters containing requeststo be put on the Plain Truth or GoodNews mailing list are sent to anotherpart of the office where each letter iscarefully checked through 'each file toprevent duplications which can easilyhappen because of poor handwriting oraddress changes. The letters are thengiven to the students typing stencils,where a separate stencil is made for eachletter. After a box might be cut, anotherperson interfiles these stencils into thefile cabinets where they await themonthly publishing of the Good Newsor the Piain Truth.

In the meantime some of the girls areworking very diligently on the mail fromyou Co-Workers who send in money tosupport this wonderful work of God thatthe Gospel might be preached to everynation. For each person who thus sup­ports this work there is a personal cardon which is typed the date and amountof money sent in. Each Co-Worker's cardhas a stencil corresponding to it.

Other office work, which requires spe­cial attention of one of the girls, is thechecking of mail that has been returned

for various reasons. For example, somepeople have moved, some are deceasedand there is the possibility of our havingtyped the address incorrectly because ofdifficulty in reading the correct address.These letters are checked through allthe files and the incorrect stencil is de­stroyed. When the correct address is dis­covered, the mail is sent out once again.

Now you can see how very importantit is that those who request literaturewrite their name and latest addressplainly.

Letters requesting booklets only areput in one large carton after 'the litera­ture is mailed. If the literature is mailedwith the wrong address it would be im­possible to search among the thousandsof letters for the original one. This iswhy some few people never receive theliterature asked for. It is important thateveryone write clearly because with anaverage of a thousand letters a day re­questing literature the work is retardedimmensely if we girl students have tostop and look at each name for a longtime.

When the Plain Truth, the GoodNews or a bulletin to you Co-Workersis being published each of us leaves herusual job to help with the mailing pro­cedures. The stencils are put into theaddressing machines and with one per­son operating each machine, the address­es are stamped directly on the maga­zines or bulletins. Another person checkseach address for mistakes or misprints.After all pieces of literature are dividedinto separate states and cities, tied intoseparate bundles, they are then put intomail bags and taken to the post office inthe evening.

I have described only a small portionof the work done in the general office,but at least you have a concise summaryof the kind of work we students do. Andnow for the first time perhaps you havean idea of what the mailing office isreally like-to say nothing of the print­ing office, the mail receiving office orthe managerial departments.

Aside from the office work there arethe other duties I mentioned at first.Charlene Glover acts as assistant librarian

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and spends most of her hours out of classworking there. Her work consists ofchecking out books, accessioning books,keeping in contact with the students incase they arc needed for work, welcom­ing visitors and giving information toanyone who may desire it.

Isabell Kunkel and Elise Bernard as­sist Mrs. WalIace, our cook, in preparingthe delicious meals served at Mayfair,the students' residence. This demands agreat deal of thought and preparationand we are very grateful and apprecia­tive for the great effort put forth bythem.

Much time is offered by Elise Bernardwho believes "cleanliness is indeed nextto Godliness." Her duty is to keep thefirst floor of Mayfair clean, which re­quires the cooperation of all the students.

Elva Russell, the faculty secretary, hasher own private office in the college.She types, checks papers, and operatesthe mimeograph machine for the facultymembers. Also many of the Good Newsmanuscripts are retyped by her afterinitial corrections have been made.

We all take much delight in doing ourwork. In very few places would we haveso many opportunities to work our waythrough College and to make that workso practical in experience for later life.We realize this is God's College inwhich He is using us girls as instrumentsto carry Out that part of His work whichyoung women can do.

The Messiahby Elise Bernard

"An oratorio, now JUSt where have Iheard that?" I muttered as I searchedin the dim recesses of my mind for theanswer hidden, perhaps, in some remotecrevice or cranny. Slowly the answer be­gan to creep forth and I remembered.

Sometime in years back, perhaps inhigh school, T had read of. Handel'sMessiah and it was quite natural to linkthe two together. It dawned on mymind that I would now be privileged tosee in Pasadena an oratorio, The Mes­siah, composed over 200 years ago inthe British Isles.

From the dictionary I learned that anoratorio is a dramatic poem text, usuallyfound in the Bible, set to music and sungin arias or choruses with an orchestralaccompaniment, but without the usualaction, scenery or costumes found in anordinary stage play.

The Messiah was produced in Dublinover 200 years ago by Handel and, con­trary to popular belief, it was not createdfor a Christmas entertainment eventhough it is usually presented near thattime. The Messiah is divided in threesections, the nativity of Jesus Christ, thepassion, and resurrection.


The MefJiah was presented by the cityof Pasadena and the Pasadena CivicMusic Association on Sunday, December16, 1951.

It was produced by the Pasadena CivicSymphony Orchestra, the Pasadena CivicChorus, and the Senior Glee Club ofEliot Junior High School. About twelvestudents of Ambassador attended, asthey obtained free tickets two weeks be­fore this occasion.

Slowly the curtain went up on thegreat stage and to my intense pleasurethe music rose in beautiful majestic tonesas though heralding the arrival of animportant personage. The story of thenativity had begun. It was beautiful!

One by one the artists performed butto my sad displeasure my soaring imag­ination had to come back to earth andtake an extreme let down. Why? Simplybecause wherever mere mortal man un­dertakes something of this kind withoutthe divine guidance of God he is boundto err by misapplying scripture. I thinkyou will understand as I try to narratethe story for you.

The recitative tenor began with theprophecy of Isaiah 40: 1-5. "The voice ofhim that crieth in the wilderness: Pre­pare ye the way of the Lord, makestraight in the desert the highway of ourGod." Then the chorus sang "Every val-

. ley shall be exalted, and every mountainand hill shall be made low; and thecrooked shall be made straight and therough places plain. And the glory of theLord shall be revealed, and all flesh shallsee it together: for the mouth of theLord hath spoken it."

The beginning of these verses refers tothe time of John the Baptist, but thesescriptures carry into the time of thesecond coming of Christ for we knowthat it is then when his glory shall berevealed. As Matthew 25: 31 expresses it,"when the son of man shall come in hisglory and all the holy angels with him,then shall he set upon the throne of hisglory." The time of his glory refers tothe time when he shall sit on his throneand before him shall be gathered allnations. This, we know, is future.

One thing I remember well at thispoint. One performer sang Haggai 2: 6-8."Yet once, it is a little while, and I willshake the heaven and the earth and thesea and the dry land; and I will shakeall nations, and the desire of all nationsshall come: and I will fill this housewith glory."

This same event is related again inJoel 3: 16 where the time of the secondcoming of Christ is described in detailas the day of the Lord.

"The Lord also shall roar out of Zion,and utter his voice from Jersualem; andthe heaven and the earth shall shake."

This is the time begun by the sun and

January, 1952

moon being darkened. An apt descrip­tion of this is found in Revelation 6: 12­14 where there is a great earthquake, thestars fall from heaven, the sun becomesblack, and "every mountarn and islandwere moved out of their place." In otherwords "the heaven and earth will shake"and men shall flee from the face of Himthat sirteth on the throne for "the greatday of his wrath has come."

The story then turned to Malachi 3: 1­3, when Jesus shall send his messengerbefore his face which according to Mat­thew 11: 10 and Mark 1:2 was John theBaptist. Then we read "But who mayabide the day of his coming and whoshall stand when he appeareth? for heis like a refiner's fire, and like fuller'searth. And he shall sit as a refiner andpurifier of silverand he shall purify thesons of Levi and purge them as goldand silver, that they may offer unto theLord an offering of righteousness:" Thisis the day of his coming when men willnot want to stand before him because ofhis wrath "For the great day of his wrathis come; and who shall be able to stand?"Rev. 6: 17.

The beautiful, persuasive voice of therecitative alto then told the story of thenativity from Isaiah 7: 14 where Jesus isto be born of a virgin. The triumphantvoices of the chorus then rang out theglad tidings of Isaiah 40:9. "0 Zion,that bringest good tidings, get thee upinto the high mountain; 0 Jerusalemthat bringest good tidings, lift l~P thyvoice with strength: lift it up be norafraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Be­hold your God." In actuality this refersalso to the time of bis second comingfor in the next verse it says the Eternal"will come with a strong hand and hisarm shall rule for him."

We know that this time of his ruleis in the future. Only in a typical sensewere these words fitting for the birth ofChrist, indeed a time of rejoicing.

The beautiful descriptive voice of thebasso then arose in the words of Isaiah60: 1-3.

"Arise, shine, for thy light is comeand the glory of the Lord is risen uponthee ... but the Lord shall arise uponthee and his glory shall be seen uponthee.

"And the Gentiles shall come to thylight and kings to the brightness of thyrising."

Here, the glory of Christ's secondcoming, the time when Gentiles cometo him seeking salvation is ascribed tohis first coming. Those who sang proba­bly did not understand that, at his secondcoming, there will be the great harvest,of souls when nations will seek Christand "the law shall go forth out of Zion."

But my imagination reached the eli-Please continue on page 12

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Portion of our magl1ificel1t campus-showing semi-circular lawn patio and rose garden off east portico oflibrary and class-room building. Is Ambassador College too beautiful?This is the place of GOD's choosing-not ours. It came to us thru ac;ombination of almo5t unbelievable pl"ovidential drcumstances. God

placed Adam in the Garden of Eden-more beautiful than our mindscan conceive-Paradise! God's Temple at Jerusalem was magnificent­awe-inspiring. Today God's college is still small-but beautiful! And the

facilities provided by these properties actually save more money we wereobliged to payout in the expenses of proclaiming the Gospel than we arepaying on the properties-which means, in fact, circumstances are suchthat we are being paid to accept and occupy these fine buildings andmagnificent grounds! They are costing less than nothing! Yes, this isGOD's doing!

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Here are grouped five pictures showing thedynamic nerve-center of this great work. Atlett, center, "The World Tomorrow" is ONTHE AIR, viewed from control room of broad­cast studio in Ambassador College. In fore­ground is Dick Armstrong, sen of Mr. andMrs. Armdrong, at ~ontrols. Thru the doubleglass Herbert W. Armstrong is shown in mainstudio speaking into microphone, with Mrs.Armstrong at his side. Above, left, a close­up of Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong during broad­cast. Above, right, opening and reading atypical morning's mail in mail-receiving room.

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Left to right, Mrs. Esther Olson, Mrs. Arm­strong, Mr. Armstrong, and Ella-Mae Cole.Map on wall shows where mail comes from.Below, left, a corner of Our printing office,showing Herman Olson, left, and James A.GOII, right, turning out thousands of attractivehaoklfl}ts. Below, right, a portion of largemailing office, showing the December "GoodNews" being addressed, sorted and placedlnte dozens of mail sacks. At right foregroundare shown hundreds of booklets ready formailing. Tons and tons of precious gospelliterature are mailed out from this busy office.

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View from Lower Gardens-The view on page 7 was looking directly toward this view. This picturereveals a portion of what was on beyond, and not shown on page 7.Netice "ur beautiful oe t-door baptistry between the pillars of the pergola,running water flowing from the three lips of the fountain above downinto the baptistry below, with the scenic pool in the foreground, thelibrary and class-room building across the campus up above. This picture

reveals a hitherto unpublished view of the magnificent landscaping ofthe Ambassador College campus. At the other end of the lower gardens,to the left, not shown in this picture, is the unusual Garden Theatre, withthe distinctive Tempietta as a rostrum, where religious services, assemblies,and commencement exercises are held.

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•••Saysbut don't you believe it!


YOU MAY have heard of Darwin'stheory, or Newton's law of gravi­tation, or the Planetesimal Hy­

pothesis of Chamberlin and Moulton.These men are acclaimed great scientistsby many of their fellow students and bythe world in general.

But don't you believe these scientificworks for that reason alone.

The pathway of science, as well asother studies, has left behind many anoble idea as new evidence proved it tobe but a half truth, a near truth, or evena complete contradiction of the truth.

Just how does a scientist arrive atthese conclusions? What are his theories,his laws, and his hypotheses? Let's lookat a few examples of science in action.

The Beginning of a Law

In God's creation, there is an orderwhich can often be expressed in a sim­ple statement. Scientists have writtenthese statements down as laws, some­times imperfectly, as they discoveredthem.

The next step is to check and perfectthis newly founded "law." Years of care­ful research and experimentation oftenshow that the facts of nature do notquite bear out the simple statement orlaw which the scientist had at firstthought was the complete answer.

Does this mean his first conception ofthe law was of no value? Not at all. Itincreased man's understanding of natureat the time. But now a new more perfectlaw must be formulated in place of theold one, or perhaps the old one is correctand the variation from it found by ex­perimentation is but the influence ofanother, unknown law.

Here is where hypotheses come in.Defined by men of science they are "pos­sible soletions to problems." How shouldthis affect our view of anything labeleda "hypothesis" by science?

In an attempt to explain the un­known, the scientist, after perhapsmonths and sometimes years of think­ing, comes up with an idea which seemsto him to answer all known facts. Someday it may, with minor changes, be ac­cepted by others in his field as anotherlaw.

For the present it is called a hypothe­sis. It may be laughed at by the worldat the time. It may be right; it may bewrong. Perhaps none realizes this morethan its author. His most daring hope isthat his hypothesis is at least partially

by Kenneth Herrmann

correct and a step in the direction of amore perfect knowledge.

One unfortunate result of the publi­cation of his idea is its acceptance asgospel truth by those unacquainted withthe methods of science, yet who are wellaware of the advances in knowledgemade by men who use such methods. Itmay be that had the scientist had accessto some of the facts possessed by his avidfollowers, he would have come up with aquite different idea.

A hypothesiJ, then, is a possib]e sola­tion to a problem.

What is a theory? A theory, definedby men of science, is a "tested and ac­cepted hypothesis." Note well that itdoes not say a proven hypothesis butmerely an accepted one. A theory maybe broad in scope, sometimes knittingtogether dozens of hypotheses and laws.

From Hypothesis to Law

Columbus had the idea the world wasround (Many others in his day and evenlong before his day believed it also ). Wemight call that his hypothesis.

Magellan's ship sailed around thisround earth. The hypothesis became es­tablished as a law-it was tested andproven; the earth must be round like asphere or ball.

Years later the discovery was madethat the earth was not quite a perfectsphere. It is somewhat flattened at thepoles and bulged around the equator.

The fact that the earth is round stillstands, though the law of gravity, whichis trying to make it a perfect sphere, hashad to give a little ground to the pull ofcentrifugal force which acts in accordwith the law of inertia to flatten theearth at the poles.

Should Bible students have known theearth was round when many men, butnot all, in science in that day thoughtotherwise? Yes, Bible students shouldhave known the earth was round thoughthey might not be held accountable forthe knowledge of the fact that it is a lit­tle flattened at the poles and bulged atthe equator.

They might have known both that itwas round and that it rotated. Its round­ness is indicated in Isaiah 40; 22 whereit speaks of the circle of the earth. It isthe opinion of some Hebrew studentsthat the English word sphere would be amore exact translation of the Hebrew.

Proof of its rotation is found in read­ing Job carefully. "It (the earth) isturned as clay to the seal." Job 38: 14.

Letters in Job's time were written ona block of soft clay with a stylus; theclay then baked; another coating of claymolded around it, which besides beinglettered with a stylus, was rolled againsta flat seal, which left its imprint uponthe curved surface of the clay letter. Theletter was again baked before being sentto its destination.

Luke gives us another proof that theearth is round. In chapter 17: 34-36,Christ, speaking of his return, said tWOwould be in bed, i.e, at night; tWOwould be grinding meal, work custom­arily done in the early mornine or fore­noon; and two would be in the field,work customarily done later in the day.Only a round earth could explain thesestatements; a round earth where night,morning, and afternoon are in progressin different places at the same time.

Knowing that it is round or spherical,a moment's contemplation shows theneed of its rotation to make the sun rise;the direction of rotation being towardthe east as that is where the sun, moon,and stars rise.

The foregoing example shows our ad­vantage ooer the scientist who deals withmaterial things alone By accepting thewords of the Bible to be inspired byGod, we can take a shortcut to new ma­terial knowledge. We can untangle thepuzzle of the history of mankind and ofthe earth, which could not be easily as­certained in a laboratory by extensiveexperiments or years of costly research.

What's Wrong with Science?

The main weakness of science is thatit deals, in general, only with materialthings, which, in effect, limits it to theview of an atheist. It is as a method,without God. accepting only what can bedemonstrated over and over before itsdoubting and critical eyes.

It calculates the speed of rotation ofthe earth; utilizes the first law of mo­tion, and reaches the conclusion that thisplanet of ours has been rotating at afairly uniform speed for a long time.But it can only conclude, because of itslimited view, that the scripture waswrong when it said that the sun stoodstill in the heavens for about a day(]oshua 10: 12) or that the sun cameback a number of degrees in its course.

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f&estion ~oxYour questions answered in tbese coltemns! Your opportunity to have

those puzzling queries, needing only a short reply, solved. If yours are nothere, then write them to us. As space permits they will be printed if ananswer is possible. Of course, questions demanding lengthy replies cannot

be placed in these columns. Edited by the Students.

Page 12

Are All Americans Racially Israelites?

We know from the Bible that Amer­ica is nationally of Israelite descent buthow are we to account for so manyraces living here? Before you finish thisquestion, be sure to read Mr. Arm­strong's booklet "The United States inProphecy" which explains our nationalidentity.

But now to racial identity. The vastmajoru y of Americans have come fromthe stock of Isr.icl which today is foundin rhe vasr British Commonwealth, andthe democracies of western ~nd norrheroEurope. But there are millions of peopleliving here who are Oriental, Negroid orsouthern European. Are these all of Is­rael?

There is grear possibility that someof these people auualJy arc the scatteredremnants of the House of Israel as theypassed through certain countries of Eu­rope migrating from the Caucasus tothe North and Baltic Seas. But most ofthese people are not Israelites. Does thismean rhar America is not predominantlyof the tribe of Manasseh? Not at all.

Above all people of the world, the Is­raelites had many foreigners dwellingin their midst of old, just as today. Amixed group of people went up withthe sons of Jacob out of Egypt. Manyof these were married to Israelites orlived among them in their own familygrou ps. See Ex. 12: )8; Deut. 10: 19.

Many, many of the laws of God givento Israel were guides as to how to livewith strangers and foreigners dwellingin the land. Exodus 2): 9-12 is a goodexample of this. The Israelites were com­manded not to discriminate or mistreatstrangers, for they were strangers inEgypt and ought to remember what theyonce suffered.

Rather than disproving our nationalidemity, the fact of foreigners in ourmidst is onc of the strongest proofs, be­cause many of them have come due tothe material birthright promises givento Abraham which have been found inour own United States to such abun­dance. These people of foreign national­ity have come to enjo- peace and pros­peri ry in our land and we ought to treatthem with equal justice according tothe laws God gave our ancestors to reg­ulate Just these matters.


Did the Apostle John Write All theBooks Bearing His Name?

Over certain of the five works bearingJohn's name, there has been some doubtas to the authorship, There is no dis­puting the authorship of the Gospel ofJohn. John 21: 24 states that the authorwas the disciple, and later the apostle,John.

There is almost universal consentthat he also wrote I John. Even thedoubting modernists admit that its lan­guage is that of the Apostle. I John, thefirst verse, knocks all doubts away. Itspeaks of Jesus "which we have heard,which we have seen with our eyes, whichwe have looked upon, and our handshave handled." Beside its sentiment, thisis absolute proof of the Apostle's author­ship.

The next two epistles or letters are by'The elder" and although to specific in­dividuals, were to be circulated to thechurches. Both of these letters have thesame tone or thought and wording.Adam Clark says: "The authority of theFirst Epistle of John being established,little need be said concerning the secondand third; if we regard the lunguage andthe sentiment only ... there can be nodoubt that he who wrote one, wrote allthe three."

The possible doubts that might remainare adequately answered from this fact:II John 4 and 5 imply that the eiderwho wrote this Epistle had the power to

give commandments which he receivedof the Lord. Peter was an elder and anapostle; so this elder also appears to havehad such a prerogative.

Knowing that the third Epistle is thesame style, we can have almost absoluteproof that the Apostle wrote it roo; forthis elder has the power of an Apostlealso, in being able to punish a rebelliouslocal elder, Diotrephes. Paul bore thesame authority. See 2 Cor. 1):2, 3, 10.Notice also that the author of thisEpistle separates himself from the breth­ren by saying that the fellow prates"against us" and also does not "receivethe brethren."

The Revelation has never had anotherauthor ascribed to it who would belikely. There is a tradition that John theApostle was banished to Patmos under

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January, 1952

On The CampusContinued from page 6

max in the words of Isaiah 9:6."For unto us a child is born, unto us

a son is given: and the government shallbe upon his shoulder: and his nameshall be called Wonderful, Counsellor,The Mighty God, The everlasting Father,The Prince of Peace."

Though this part of the oratorio be­gins with the birth of Christ there is agreater promise instilled in these words."The government shall be upon hisshoulder"-the government of other na­tions will be put down. Jesus Christ isnot now ruling the nations for there isconfusion and "God is not the authorof confusion."

The story of Jesus' birth was told inmusic and song from Luke 2: 8-14. Itwas very beautiful and was pervadedwith an air of rejoicing which was al­together appropriate.

Then came his triumphant entry intoJerusalem as the lowly king "tiding uponan ass and upon a colt the toal of anass." Zechariah 9:9.

Then came the promises of Zion's re­dem pr ion in Isaiah 35: 5-6. "Then theeyes of tbe blind shall be opened, and theears of the deaf shall be unstopped, Thenshall the lame man ieaj! as a hart, andthe tongue uf ibe dumb shall sing."

As a type, Isaiah 35:5-6 pertains coour time. For we who are chosen andcalled of God in this age can by faithhave our eyes and ears opened spirituallyas well as physically. But the greater ful­fillment of this will come during the timeof the reign of Jesus Christ when theearth will en joy a sabbath rest of onethousand years. During this time Satanwill not do any work of sin and thepeople will be given light and healing.

The passion and resurrection is thetheme of part two of The Mes.riah. It be­gan with John 1:29. "Behold the Lambof God which taketh away the sins ofthe world."

Then came his trial and death as de­picted in Isaiah 53: 3-8. "He was despisedand rejected of men ... Surely he hathborne our grief and carried our sorrows... He was wounded for our transgres­sion, he was bruised for our iniquities... He was taken from prison and judg­ment ... for he was cut out of the landof the living." Bur he was not to remain"cut out," for he rose and in the wordsof the chorus "I know that my redeemerliveth and that he shall stand at the latterday upon the earth." Job 19: 25.

So we came to the Hallelujah Chorus(Rev. 9: 6,16) an appropriate ending forso wonderful an event.

If you should ever come to Pasadenaat this season it would be time well spentif you would see The Messiah.

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Should Christians Swearby an Oath?

Most everyone has heard the words ofJesus "Swear nor at all." But we do norseem to believe they were for us. Why~Where can we prove that Jesus cold thepeople a falsehood?

Do we think the Bible is contradic­cory when it says, "Thou shalt swear byhis name"?

This seems co be the usual thought­that the Bible is full of contradictions­and so we just take what pleases us andfollow what the people in the world CUJ­

tomarily do. Because it is custom toswear, we swear, when actually the lawof the United States permit: UJ to af­firm or aeny a Jtatement-that is, sayyeJ or no-without miJing the hand tosuear.

The teaching of Jesus and of the trueearly church was not 10 stuear linda anycircumstances. James 5: 12 reads: "Butabove all tbings, my brethren, swear nor. . . but let your yes be yes; and your nobe no; lest ye fall into condemnation."Read also Jesus' instruction in Mr. 5:33­17 and 21: 16-22.

Here Jesus warns against swearing be­cause we can not perform the oath, andwe would be taking the name of God inuain' Not only is it wrong to lie delib­erarely under oarh (Leviticus 6: 3 and19: 12 ), bur we as human beings are soprone to mistaken judgment or lack ofknowledge, that any error we wouldmake under oath would be to take thename of God in vain. It's sin!

Bur if we merely say yeJ or no ro thebest of our understanding, then we arenor guilry of using God's name in vain.

Also, raking a vow, as in marriage, isanother matter. It is merely a "yes" ur

Russia Will Not InvadeContinued [ro-n paRe .2

Our people today can't see where thewrhings make ,lOY difference' Bur Ezekielsays the preachers have deceived the peo­ple, and led them astray. They have con­doned all these things, until the peoplehave lost God's pure TRUTH!

And so the prophecy continues onrhru the Book. Ezekiel digresses rhrueight chapters, 25 thru 32, co prophesyagainsr a number of foreign Gentilenations who have come in direct contactwith Israel. In chapter 33, rhe prophetreturns to pleading with the House oflsrael. 'Turn ye, rum ye," God pleads,"from your evil ways; for why will yedie. a House of Israel?" Here, too,

by Herman Hoeb

"no" co God and we are held account­able co keep our word co Him. If webreak the vow we have lied to God. Burit would not be sin if we rake it, neitherwould it be raking the name, of God invain.

Supposed Contradictions

Knowing these truths, how can we ac­count for God's command in ancient Is­rael co rake the name of God in an oath(Deut. 10:20; 6:13; Ex. 22:1l)~ Andwhy did the patriarchs, David and themen of old swear? See Genesis 2I :31and 31: 42 and 53 for the patriarchs; 1Samuel 20: 3 for David and numerousother passages showing ir was the com­mon practice in those days.

Above all, how can we account forthe fact that God swears by Himseli,when Jesus cold us nor CO swear? (He­brews 6:13-17; Psalm 110:4; Luke 1:73abour the oath co Abraham). In Isaiah45: 23, God has sworn that every kneeshall yer bow co Him.

Christians, who now are nor allowedto swear, shall do so after being bornagain into the Kingdom of God that willrule Israel and all the narions! (Isaiah65:16 and Jer. 4:2)

Are these contradictions? Does Godchange His ways though He denies do­ing so? Never! God has one and onlyone way by which he conducrs Himself.

How can we reconcile the matter?Very easily,

The principle of raking God's namein an oarh is correct and right. But we

Ezekiel is again set a warchman coWARN Israel-AMERICA AND BRITAINTODAY!-ar the rime when rhis proph­esied foreign sword is coming! Ezekielwrote the Message-bur ir remains forus to whom God has revealed it todayactually co shour and proclaim it to thepeople. God help us to be faithful inthis solemn arid grave commission!

In rhe 34rh chapter, God tells him toprophesy against the ministers of ourland. They have fed themselves, andnor the flocks. They have preached whaLpeople wanted to hear (II Tim. 4: 3-4)in order to ger their salaries!

The Coming of Christ!

And now the Eternal inspires thepropher to come co the solution'

rnrist not do it t oda«. because we are sub­jeer CO error and ~'ould be taking it inrain, When we are made on the plane ofGod, we shall swear by God because wesliall be God and can nor lie or swearfalsely. And being in the family of Godwe JbdII ban the power of performingour oaths. This we can't do now.

Jesus in the flesh did nor swear, to setus an example. Bur He swore to thefathers before being born of Mary, justas we shall swear later. So we see rhatthe principle of swearing is nor wrong;but God commands us nor co now in Hislove co protect us from using His namein vain and bringing sin on ourselves.

God perrnitred the men of old coswear because He gave them the lawonly in the letter and according to theletter it is right to swear. The purposefor doing so was co reach Israel in theflesh that their righteousness (Deut.6:24-2'5) could nor fulfill the law. Godgave man and has continued co give manthe opporruniry to prove by hard experi­ence that he can nor keep the law and befree from sin in an oath. Furtherrnore,the patriarchs and men of old were nortold, and hence could nor know, rhar, fora man to swear led to sin. It remainedfor Chrisr co make the law honorableand magnify it ( Isa. 42: 21 ). Bur peo­ple are held accountable according rothe knowledge possessed.

We know from the words of Jesus iris wrong co swear. And we have theSpirir co obey the law in the spirir ofirs meaning. Those men of old hadnot the Spirit as we do (John 7:39;Deut, 5: 29 ). God did nor require ofrhern what they did nor know.

"Thus sairh the Eternal God: Behold,I am against the shepherds; and I willrequire my flock at their hand, and causethem to cease from feeding the flock. , ,Behold I, even I, will borh search mysheep and seek them our ... and willdeliver them our of all places wherethey have been scattered in the cloudyand dark day (the DAY OF THE LORD-yer furure). And I will . . . garherthem from the countries, and bringthem co rheir own land (Palestine j , andfeed them (spirirual food) upon themountains of Israel by the rivers, andin all the inhabited places of the eOLIn­

try." (Verses 10-14).Chrisr Himself-for He is the Erernal

-shall come and rescue our people, noronly from the coming captivity and

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dispersion, but from the false Babylon­ish teachings which have been palmedoff to our people cloaked as "Chris­tianity." He will then set His hand againthe second rime to recover the remnantof His people Israel (Isa. 11: 11 ). Thespiritual blindness shall then be re­moved, and all Israel shall be saved!(see Romans 11: 25-26). The KINGDOMOF GOD shall be established. Men shallbe tired of their own ways, and seekGod's ways-and His law shall go forthof Zion (Micah 4: 2-3). And the nationsshall find PEACE!

The 35th chapter reveals the end ofthe Turkish nation, to occur at this time,because of their treachery against GreatBritain-all yet to be fulfilled. This tiesup with the prophecy of Obadiah.

In the 36th chapter, the Eternal ad­dresses Palestine: "Prophesy unto themountains of Israel . . . Thus saith theEternal God to the mountains, and tothe hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys,to the desolate wastes, and to the citiesthat are forsaken ... But ye, 0 moun­tains of Israel, ye shall shoot forth yourbranches, and yield your fruit to mypeople of Israel; for they are at handto come ... And I will multiply menupon you, all the HOUSE OF ISRAELeven ALL of it: and the cities shall beinhabited, and the wastes shall be build­ed: and I will multiply upon you manand beast." (Verses 1,4,8,10-11).

Yes, the House of Israel is picturedreturning to Palestine, not from a condi­tion of wealth and prosperity fromBritain and America-not in the posi­tion of a people victorious in a greatworld war-but as a slave and captivepeople, scattered thru the nations of theworld! ALL prophecies picturing thisrescue and re-gathering of Israel atChrist's coming give us the same pro­phetic picture! Why be blinded to thetruth?

Both Houses United in Palestine

In chapter 37, the first part picturesthe "valley of dry bones." This repre­sents (Verse 11), the whole House ofIsrael-including Judah. It has a dualsignificance. It pictures the re-birth andresurrection of Israel as a nation, fromcaptivity, dispersion and slavery. It pic­tures, too, the literal bodily resurrectionof the individual who has long sincedied, after which the knowledge of theTruth-spiritual knowledge-shall berevealed, and he shall be converted, andGod's Spirit shall enter within, and heshall be saved.

Beginning the 15th verse, the illustra­tion of the two sticks shows the twoHouses, or nations, Israel and Judah,being once more united,under Christat His second coming, in the land ofPalestine.


"Thus saith the Eternal God; BeholdI will take the children of Israel from"(from the British Isles, and America­from a position of wealth and affluence,recent victors in the world war? No,but) "from among the heathen, whitherthey be gone, and will gather them onevery side, and bring them into theirown land: and I will make them onenation in the land upon the mountainsof Israel; and one king shall be Kingto them all: they shall be no more twonations, neither shall they be dividedinto two kingdoms any more at all:neither shall they defile themselves anymore with their idols, nor with theirdetestable things, nor with any of theirtransgressions ... And they shall dwellin the land that I have given unto Jacobmy servant, wherein your fathers havedwelt ... they, and their children, andtheir children's children forever. . . .Moreover, I will make a couenaat ofpeace with them; it shall be an EVER­LASTING COVENANT." (The NEW Cove­nant). (Verses 21-26).

And Now Comes Gog!

Notice, now, the story-flaw-thetime-sequence! The prophet has carriedus thru the sins of Israel, the cominginvasion and captivity and dispersion,the terrible yet-future DAY OF THE LORD,the Coming of Christ as DELIVERER toRESTORE the fortunes of Israel. We havecome to the time when both Israel andJudah shall be re-united into one nation,rescued from captivity and dispersion,and re-gathered again in PALESTINE,once again made prosperous, havinglearned our lesson, now living God's way,under His laws, enjoying His richestblessings, both material and spiritual!

And now we come to chapter 38!And this chapter finds Israel restoredin Palestine-"the land that is broughtback from the sword," (Verse 8). Wefind Israel now at rest, dwelling SAFELY,yet totally UNPREPARED for war-hav­ing "neither bars nor gates" (Verse 11);in the desolate places of Palestine, nowinhabited, (verse 12) -yes, inhabited(same verse) by the people that aregathered out of the nations-and nowonce again restored to great materialprosperity-"which have gotten cattle,and goods, that dwell in the midst of theland."

Notice it!This prophecy does not picture the

British Isles and America! It picturesthe land of PALESTINE. It pictures ourpeople having been taken there from adispersion and captivity and slavery,gathered out of the nations where wehad been scattered, now once again richand increased with goods!

Notice it! The TIME of this proph­ecy is AFTER-not before, but AFTER

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the Second Coming of Christ-AFTERthe Great Deliverer has come and res­cued our people and restored us to Pales­tine-AFTER Israel and Judah are re­united! Certainly the "latter years"(Verse 8).

The PLACE of this battle is not Brit­ain or America-it is PALESTINE!

"Thou shalt come into the land thatis brought back from the sword, and isgathered out of many people, againstthe MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL, which havebeen always waste (once a perpetualwaste-Moffatt translation)." (Verse8.) The "mountains of Israel" is an ex­pression used all thru the Book of Ezek­iel, and always refers to the literal moun­tainous land of Palestine.

Our people shall have regained somuch wealth that Gog and allies-Rus­sia and numerous Gentile allies-shallcome to "take a spoil" (Verse 13), "tocarry away silver and gold, to take awaycattle and goods, to take a GREAT spoil."

Christ's Reign Contested!

But this very fact-that this invasionwill not come until after the SecondComing of Christ-will seem prepos­terous to many, at first thought.

That is because we have been accus­tomed merely to ASSUME things thatare not true. We have blindly AS­SUMED that when Christ comes, therewill be no opposition. Every person andpower on earth, we have thought, willsimply submit meekly and instantly toHim and His power. But that is nottrue!

The very battle at Armageddon is abattle between the "BEAST" and Christ.The power who undoubtedly shall final­ly conquer and disperse Israel, prior toChrist's coming-the power who shallthen enforce the "mark of the Beast"and martyr many saints (Mat. 24: 9;Rev. 6: 11 ) -this last coming Europeanrevival of the Roman Empire by a fed­eration of European nations, will fightChrist. The "Beast" and "False Prophet"who heads the organized religion Christshall abolish, shall both CONTEST Christ'sright to rule.

Israel will turn to Him immediately­because Israel shall have lost all hercolossal wealth and power, been reducedto slavery, scattered and dispersed thruthe nations. When Christ comes He willfind Israel humbled, repentant. Jeremiahsays Israel and Judah together shall go,WEEPING, and seeking the Eternal, andasking the way to salvation. (Jer. 50:4-6). Ezekiel says they shall "loathethemselves" for all the evils they havecommitted (20:42-44).

But the Gentile nations who haveschemed to conquer and rule the world-they shall not submit until forced to.The European Axis power shall be sub-

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dued and conquered at Armageddon.But Russia, and the populous Orientalnations who know not God or Christ,shall still have to be brought to sub­mission'

"Gog" Is Russia

It is conclusively proved as all studentsof prophecy know, that "Gog" in theland of "Magog" is RUSS1A. "Meshech"is Moscow. "Tubal" is Tobolsk. Themargin says "Prince of Rosh" which isRussia.

Notice the allies who come withRussia in this future battle. You willfind "Gomer," "Togarmah," "Magog,""Meshech,' "Tubal," identified in Gen­esis 10 as the sons of JAPHETH, fatherof the yellow races. Ethiopia and Libya(or Phut ) are descended from Ham.Any Bible map will show that the de­scendants of Japheth migrated north andnortheast into the territories occupiedtoday by Russia, and the Oriental races.

Therefore, this prophecy of Ezekiel38 shows that it is RUSS1A, not Japan,who shall finally succeed in marshallingall the yellow races into a gigantic in­vasion upon OUR people.

Russia is a Communist nation. Com­munism is atheism-it fights God!When God rules the world, thru Christ-with HIS chosen people restored togleal wealth in Palestine, the veryCENTER of the land surface of the earth(verse 13, Moffatt translation), Russiashall finally rise up with the most over­whelming armies ever assembled byman'

The mighty air-force of Russia in thatday will make those of the last warlook puny. "Thou shalt ascend," theEternal says of Russia, "and come likea storm (in the air), thou shalt be likea cloud TO COVER THE LAND." (Verse9). There shall be so many planes thenthat they will hide the sun off the groundbelow, like a huge dark shadow!

The END of World Conquest

This will be the final effort of rebel­lious, God-resisting man to conquer theworld in the lust for power and mate­rial wealth.

Our people Israel shall not be armedor prepared. "When my people Israeldwelleth safely, shalt thou not know it?asks the Eternal. "And thou shalt comefrom thy place out of the north parts(Russia is due north of Palestine) , thou,and many people (allies) with thee ...a mighty army: and thou shalt come upagainst my people of Israel, as a cloudto cover the land; it shall be in thelatter days, and I will bring thee againstmy land, that the heathen may knowme (note the purpose), when I shallbe sanctified in thee, 0 Gog, beforetheir eyes." (Verses 14-16).


But our people shall not have to fightin that battle. We shall have learnedby then that God fights our battlesfor us!

"And it shall come to pass at thattime when Gog shall come against theland of Israel (Palestine), saith theEternal God, that MY FURY shall comeup in my face." (Verse 18). "So that... all the men that are upon the faceof the earth shall shake at MY PRES­ENCE." (Verse 20). It is AFTER Christ'scoming! Note it!

"I will summon an utter panic againsthim (Gog), says the Lord the Eternal,till every man in his host shall drawthe sword against his fellow: I willpunish him with pestilence and blood­shed, I will rain on him and his hordesand all the nations in his train an over­powering flood, with hailstones, fire"and brimstone. I will let ALL THE NA­TIONS see MY MIGHT AND DREAD DI­

VINITY-to teach them that I am theEternal!" (Verses 21-23, Moffatt) .

Notice, these heathen nations do notsee and recognize the dread DIVINITY,the MIGHT, and POWER of the EternalChrist, even after He has returned. Hehas to TEACH them that HE is theETERNAL!

The 39th chapter shows in more de­tail the RESULT of this great battle, inwhich Christ, with supernatural power,causes five-sixths of these heathen armiesto be slain in this battle.

Notice, again, the time: "Now willI bring again the captivity of Jacob,and have mercy upon the whole Houseof Israel (Israel and Judah), and willbe jealous for my holy name; ... whenI have brought them again from thepeople, and gathered them out of theirENEMIES' LANDS, and am sanctifiedin them in the sight of many nations;then shall they KNOW that I AM THEETERNAL!" (Ch. 39:25-28).

Notice again! At Christ's SecondComing, He shall gather Israel-s-ourBritish and American people-out ofour enemies' land», not out of our ownland of wealth and power, North Amer­ica and the British Isles!

But then we shall be thoroughlychastened. We shall have learned ourlesson. We shall live by GOD'S rules,and obey His Law. "For I have pouredout MY SPIRIT upon the House of Israel,saith the Eternal God." (Verse 29).

And then, beginning chapter 40, theremainder of the Book of Ezekiel re­veals the ideal THEOCRACY-Gad's NEWORDER of divine government upon earth-the permanent forms and institutionswhich shall express the ideal relationbetween Gael anel man'

In the meantime, our job is to WARNAmerica and Britain of what lies ahead!To shout the warning to come out of

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BABYLON (Rev. 18:4)-that those whoheed may find God now-may comeunder His divine protection (Psalm 91) ,and by a true Spirit-filled life obedientto GOD'S WAYS and laws, be preparedto become a ruler or a teacher in Christ'ssoon-coming glorious Kingdom!

Science SaysContinued from page 11

II Kings 20:9. Each of these instances re­quires the earth's rotation to stop andthe latter requires it to turn back in theopposite direction before resuming itsnormal rotation.

The error the scientist makes is hisconclusion that, because he does notkrtow of arty power capable of stoppingand restarting the rotation of the earth,there is no such power and thus theevent did not happen.

In his private life he may feel there isa God, yet in his scientific method andcalculation God is rejected as a factor be­cause He can not be seen or measured ina laboratory.

Why Put Faith in Scientists?People look to the progress made and

rightly conclude that credit is to be giv­en to these men, who in order to arriveat new facts, set aside prejudices andseek only for the truth.

However, caution should be practicedas the men who use this scientific meth­od are human and cannot liue up to theideal of the method. Neither do all ofthem realize its shortcomings. The re­sult is they may make extravagant claimsand people may carelessly believe theclaims to be truth.

Limitations of ScienceScience does not deal with spiritttal

things; neither does it accept as evidencefacts which are supposed to have hap­pened in the past. It requires that a phe­nomena be demonstrated over and overagain before its prying eyes. This leavesit difficult for one trained in the scien­tific method to grasp the reality of amiracle with the same ease that he doesan event controlled purely by materialfactors.

Pure Science

Few of the lines of education can beclassified as pure science. Mathematics isone, though some of its applications havebeen unscientific. Astronomy could beclassed as pure science where it is a com­bination of observation and mathematicsalone.

"Factual" material put out by a line ofeducation must be free from speculationand assumption to be classed as purescience. Historical geology has practical­ly no information of this sort and is lit-

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tie more than a very inaccurate history.In this generation people have made

the error of accepting any new idea aslong as it has the name science attachedto it, whether it is right or wrong.

Accept "Science" with Caution

In his efforts to use knowledge to thebenefit of the world, man appears to belosing; but in the field of acquisitionand compiling of knowledge, i.e. sci­ence, he is making rapid progress.

People have seen the progress of sci­entists in their acquisition of this knowl­edge. Scientists have, in a few hundredyears, accumulated a storehouse of factsabout this universe that has gained themthe admiration of the world.

Nevertheless, they need to exercisegreater care that people do not lookupon their dreams, fancies, theories, andhypotheses as fact and swallow them asfact simply because they have seen theprogress of men who think scientifically,and have come to regard all their state­ments, whether facr or' theory, as gospeltruth.

Many scientists do set forth their hy­potheses and theories with care. Here isa warning from their own lips: "a hy­pothesis is an explanation which is notadequarelv substantiated, while a theoryis a tested and accepted hypothesis."Note again that it says an accepted one,not a proven one.

Do scientists value their theories toohighly? "The greatest value of a theoryis not the correctness of its assumptionsbut rather the fact that it may lead tonew generalizations without the neces­sity of gathering a great deal of data."

In other words, it is not set forth asbeing correct but as a rough tool helpfulin exploring the unknown. Yet peoplehave been accepting theory as provenfact because science uses its theories astools to gain new facts.

IE the hypotheses and theories of sci-

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ence are to be handled with such cau­tion, what of their laws? Here is thewarning of men of science concerningtheir laws. "Pew, if any, laws as statedby man are exact, i.e., few laws hold trueunder all conditions."

Then are these laws of sciencechanged from time to time? "Most ofour scientific laws have been revisedrepeatedly as additional informationshowed they were inaccurate or inade­quate."

These have been quotations for Man'sPhysical Universe by Bawden and Mac­Millan. They are not accusations againstscience, or against scientists, or theirmethods but admissions by scientists de­signed to warn us that all that glitterswith the name of science is not gold.

Has Science Failed?

Has the method of science beenweighed and found wanting?

It has supplied the world with materi­al knowledge, the main portion of which


Passover, after sunset, Tuesday,April 8th.

Days of Unleavened Bread, begin­ning sunset, Wednesday, April9th, ending sunset, Wednesday,April 16th. Thursday, April 10th,and Wednesday, April 16th, areannual Sabbaths.

Pentecost, Monday, June 2nd, be­ginning previous sunset.

Festival of Trumpets. Saturday.September 20th.

Day of Atonement, fast day, Mon­day, September 29th.

Festival of Tabernacles, begins sun­set, Friday, October 3rd, endssunset, Saturday, October 11th.

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is true and acceptable. The philosophy ofthis world has not caught up with thelead taken by the material sciences; elsethe world would enjoy great benefits.

One shortcoming of the scientificmethod is that it dos not acknowledgethe existence of God and thus ha· per­mitted numerous wrong conclusions.Another is that it has supplied man withknowledge and power that it is not inthe human heart to use for hi, own andhis neighbors' good. Except for these twomain shortcomings we can look .o sci­ence for material knowledge.

No, science has not failed. The truthis that the main portion of the knowl­edge obtained through its method is trueand dependable, and as researchers pushahead into the unknown, the supposedknowledge of today will be replaced bythe more nearly true knowledge of to­morrow.

Science is still searching, correcting,and adding to its knowledge. Are youa scientist?

Question BoxContinued from page 12

the persecution of Diomitian in 95 A.D.which would agree with the book (Rev.1:9).

Halley's Bible Handbook states that"in the opinion of the great body ofChristian scholars, the author was theApostle John." Being somewhat differentfrom the other works, as to its nature,it seems that the Apostle specifically af­fixed his name to it so there would beno doubt concerning its authorship.Furthermore, John directs himself inRev. I: 4 to the seven churches in themanner of an apostle as the direct rep­resentative of God. There being no validproof against this or any of the con­elusions, we can accept the preponder­ance of proof that John the Apostlewrote them all by inspiration.

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