why study history? because there is more to people than we think…


Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Because there is more to people than we think…

I am more than just…

…someone who likes chocolate,

…who likes to read,

…and whose favorite band is Coldplay.

I have a story.

It begins in the Dominican

Republic, where my Dad was born.

…discovered by Columbus in 1492.

Through my grandfather, my family name can be traced back to Spain.

And from there to Turkey…

whose capital city was once the heart of the

Roman Empire.

My mother’s father was a pilot

during WWII

who fought to free German-occupied


My maternal grandparents came to America from France and Poland in the 19th century…

And like the thousands before them, they passed through New York’s famous Ellis Island.

Our lives are intimately connected to the past.

How can we know where we are going unless we know

where we have been?

A country without a memory is a country of madmen.

-George Santayana

We can not escape history.

-Abraham Lincoln

To be ignorant of the past is to remain a child.


There are many stories that remain untold.

Mine is only one.

What’s your story?