wireless power transmission(wpt)/sanjeet-1308143

Wireless Power Transmission Presented by Sanjeet Kumar ROLL NO:-1308143 BRANCH:-Electrical & Electronics Engineering 06/24/202 2 wireless power transmission/sanjeet/1308143 1

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Wireless Power Transmission

Presented bySanjeet KumarROLL NO:-1308143BRANCH:-Electrical & Electronics Engineering9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/13081431


OVERVIEWINTRODUCTIONDEFINITIONHISTORYTYPES OF WPT Near-field techniques Far-field techniquesAdvantages and disadvantageApplicationsConclusionReferences

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INTRODUCTIONOne of the major issues in power system is the losses occurring during the transmission and distribution of electrical power.The percentage of loss of power during transmission and distribution is approximated as 26%. The main reason for power loss during transmission and distribution is the resistance of wires used in grid.

losses in the world a whopping 27-40%. Tesla has proposed methods of transmission of electricity using electromagnetic induction. 9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/13081433


DEFINITION9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/13081434As the word wireless means without wire.

Wireless energy transfer or wireless power is the transmission of electrical energy from a power source to an electric load without interconnecting man made conductors.

Wireless transmission is useful in cases where interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous or impossible.


WHY NOT WIRES???As per studies, most electrical energy transfer is through wires.

ii. Most of the energy loss is during transmission

iii. On an average, more than 30%

iv. In India, it exceeds 40%

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WHY WPT?ReliableEfficientFastLow maintenance costCan be used for short-range or long-range.9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/13081436


Electro magnetismResonant magnetic couplingRESONANCEBasics of WITRICITY9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/13081437


Nikola Tesla in late 1890sPioneer of induction techniquesHis vision for World Wireless SystemThe 187 feet tall tower to broadcast energyAll people can have access to free energyDue to shortage of funds, tower did not operate

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HISTORY (Cont.)Tesla was able to transfer energy from one coil to another coil

He managed to light 200 lamps from a distance of 40km

The idea of Tesla is taken in to research after 100 years by a team led by Marin Soljai from MIT. The project is named as WiTricity.

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Types and Technologies of WPTNear-field techniquesInductive CouplingResonant Inductive CouplingAir Ionization

Far-field techniquesMicrowave Power Transmission (MPT)LASER power transmission9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814310

Near fieldNear field is a wireless transmission technique over distances comparable to or a few times the diameter of devices.

Near field is usually magnetic.

Near field energy is non radiative .but some radiative and resistive losses will occur.

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Wpt basics:-There are mainly 3 major types of wireless energy transfer:--



Long range power transfer ELECTROMEGNETIC WAVE9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814312

Inductive coupling Primary and secondary coils are not connected with wires.Energy transfer is due to Mutual Induction

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Inductive coupling(contd)Electric brush also charges using inductive couplingThe charging pad (primary coil) and the device(secondary coil) have to be kept very near to each other

It is preferred because it is comfortable.Less use of wiresShock proof

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Resonance Inductive Coupling(RIC)

Combination of inductive coupling and resonanceResonance makes two objects interact very stronglyInductance induces current9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814315

Air IonizationToughest technique under near-field energy transfer techniquesAir ionizes only when there is a high fieldNeeded field is 2.11MV/mNatural example: LighteningNot feasible for practical implementation9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814316


9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814317Based on resonance inductive coupling

Energy transfer wirelessly for a distance just more than 2m.

Used frequencies are 1MHz and 10MHz

Video of WPT

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Advantages of near-field techniques

No wiresNo e-wasteNeed for battery is eliminatedEfficient energy transfer using RICHarmless, if field strengths under safety levelsMaintenance cost is less9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814319

DisadvantagesDistance constraintField strengths have to be under safety levelsInitial cost is highIn RIC, tuning is difficultHigh frequency signals must be the supplyAir ionization technique is not feasible9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814320


Far-field energy transferRadiativeNeeds line-of-sightLASER or microwaveAims at high power transferTeslas tower was built for this

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Microwave Power Transfer(MPT)

Transfers high power from one place to another. Two places being in line of sight usuallySteps:Electrical energy to microwave energyCapturing microwaves using rectennaMicrowave energy to electrical energy9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814322

MP T (contd)AC can not be directly converted to microwave energyAC is converted to DC firstDC is converted to microwaves using magnetronTransmitted waves are received at rectenna which rectifies, gives DC as the outputDC is converted back to AC9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814323

Wireless power transmission and reception using microwaves249/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/1308143

LASER transmissionLASER is highly directional, coherentNot dispersed for very longBut, gets attenuated when it propagates through atmosphereSimple receiverPhotovoltaic cellCost-efficient9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814325

LASER METHODIn the case of electromagnetic radiation closer to visible region of spectrum (10s ofmicrons (um)to 10s ofnm), power can be transmitted by converting electricity into alaserbeam that is then pointed at asolar cellreceiver. This mechanism is generally known as "power beaming" because the power is beamed at a receiver that can convert it to usable electrical energy.

CURRENTCURRENTLASERTRANSFORMEROPTICAL FIBRE9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814326

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Solar Power Satellites (SPS)To provide energy to earths increasing energy needTo efficiently make use of renewable energy i.e., solar energySPS are placed in geostationary orbits9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814328

SPS (contd)Solar energy is captured using photocellsEach SPS may have 400 million photocellsTransmitted to earth in the form of microwaves/LASERUsing rectenna/photovoltaic cell, the energy is converted to electrical energyEfficiency exceeds 95% if microwave is used.

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Rectenna9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814331

Rectenna in USRectenna in US receives 5000MW of power from SPS and about one and a half mile long.

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FUTURE SCOPE OF WITRICITYMIT's WiTricity is only 40 to 45% efficient and according to Soljacic, they have to be twice as efficient to compete with the traditional chemical batteries. The team's next aim is to get a robotic vacuum or a laptop working, charging devices placed anywhere in the room and even robots on factory floors. The researchers are also currently working on the health issues related to this concept and have said that in another three to five years time, they will come up with a WiTricity system for commercial use.

if successful will definitely change the way we live. Imagine cell phones, laptops, digital camera's getting self-charged! Wow! Let's hope the researchers will be able to come up with the commercial system soon.

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Advantages of far-field energy transferEfficientEasyNeed for grids, substations etc are eliminatedLow maintenance costMore effective when the transmitting and receiving points are along a line-of-sightCan reach the places which are remote9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814334

Disadvantages of far-field energy trasnferRadiativeNeeds line-of-sightInitial cost is highWhen LASERs are used, conversion is inefficientAbsorption loss is highWhen microwaves are used, interference may arise

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Teslas vision of a wireless worldNikola Tesla the most well known scientist had a vision of wireless world.

In which wireless electric power and communication would reach around the world, delivering information and power.

WardenclyffeTowerDec 1914US Patent No. :1,119,732

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ApplicationsNear-field energy transferElectric automobile chargingStatic and movingConsumer electronicsIndustrial purposes

Far-field energy transferSolar Power SatellitesEnergy to remote areasCan broadcast energy globally (in future)

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Features and benefitsHighly resonant strong couplingHigh efficiency over distance

Energy transfer via magnetic near fieldCan penetrate and wrap around obstacles

Non radiative energy transferSafe for living beings and other environmental objects

Flexible geometryDevice that can fit into OEM (original equipment manufactures)products

Scalable designFrom Mw to kW

Witricitys TechnologyTechnology Benefit9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814339

ApplicationsConsumer electronicsIndustrialTransportation9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814340

WITRICITY APPLICATIONSAutomatic wireless charging of mobile electronics in home, car, office,...while devices are in use and mobile.

Direct wireless powering of stationary deviceseliminating expensive custom wiring, unsightly cables and wall-wart power supplies.

CONSUMER ELECTRONICS9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814341

Robots, package machinery, assembly machinery, machine tools.

Direct wireless power and communication interconnections at points of use in harsh environments.

Direct wireless power for wireless sensors and actuators, eliminating the need for expensive power wiring or battery replacement and disposal.

INDUSTRIAL9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814342

Automatic wireless charging for existing electric vehicle classes: golf carts, industrial vehicles.

Automatic wireless charging for future hybrid and all-electric passenger and commercial vehicles, at home, in parking garages, at fleet depots, and at remote kiosks.

TRANSPORTATION9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814343

ADVANTAGESNo need of line of sight.No need of power cables and batteries.Does not interfere with radio waves.

Wastage of power is small .Negative health implications.Highly efficient than electromagnetic induction Less costly.9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814344

Limitations: The resonance condition should be satisfied and if any error exists, there is no possibility of power transfer. If there is any possibility of very strong ferromagnetic material presence causes low power transfer due to radiation.9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814345

ConclusionTransmission without wires- a realityEfficientLow maintenance cost. But, high initial costBetter than conventional wired transferEnergy crisis can be decreasedLow loss In near future, world will be completely wireless

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ReferencesS. Sheik Mohammed, K. Ramasamy, T. Shanmuganantham, Wireless power transmission a next generation power transmission system, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887) (Volume 1 No. 13) Peter Vaessen, Wireless Power Transmission, Leonardo Energy, September 2009 C.C. Leung, T.P. Chan, K.C. Lit, K.W. Tam and Lee Yi Chow, Wireless Power Transmission and Charging Pad David Schneider, Electrons unplugged, IEEE Spectrum, May 2010 Shahrzad Jalali Mazlouman, Alireza Mahanfar, Bozena Kaminska, Mid-range Wireless Energy Transfer Using Inductive Resonance for Wireless Sensors Chunbo Zhu, Kai Liu, Chunlai Yu, Rui Ma, Hexiao Cheng, Simulation and Experimental Analysis on Wireless Energy Transfer Based on Magnetic Resonances, IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), September 3-5, 2008

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THANK YOU9/20/2016wireless power transmission/sanjeet/130814348



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