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Download Wiring Your Stock Plan Proceeds - Morgan Stanley · Wiring Your Stock Plan Proceeds ... bottom of your bank checks and deposit slips. In addition, your account number ... approximately

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  • Wiring Your Stock Plan Proceeds

    education september2011


    Among the most often asked questions from employ-ees who receive equity compensation are how and when they can receive the proceeds from stock plan transactions. As the service provider for your compa-ny stock plan account, MorganStanley SmithBarney offers an automated way to transfer proceeds directly to your financial institution of choice.

    Federal fund wire instructions can be set up on benefitaccess.com, our website for stock plan partici-pants, as an alternative to receiving a check in the mail. Proceeds will be delivered to your bank, bro-kerage firm or other financial institution after the settlement date of your stock option exercise or a sale of shares.

    2 HowdoIsetupwireinstructionsonBenefitAccess?

    2 WhatinformationdoIneedtosetupwireinstructionsonBenefitAccess?

    3 WheredoIfindtheABA/routingtran-sitnumberandaccountnumberorSwiftcodeofmyinternationalbanksUSintermediarybank?

    3 WhenIdoastockplantransactiononBenefitAccess,howdoIchoosefederalfundwireformyproceedsdelivery?

    3 HowdoIobtainmybrokeragefirmsorcreditunionsintermediarybankinformation?

    4 Howmuchdoesitcosttowiresaleproceedstomybankaccount?

    4 HowcanIgetconfirmationthatmyfundshavebeenwired?

    4 WhocanIcontactforadditionalassistance?

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    2 morganstanleysmithbarney|2011

    Q. How do I set up wire instructions on Benefit Access?A. Go to the My Profile tab on benefit-access.com and click on Tax and Bank-ing Information. On the Bank Wire Instructions screen, click on the Add New link under US Fed Fund Wire Instructions. A window will open, al-lowing you to add wire instructions. You will be asked to identify the type of financial institution to which your funds will ultimately be wired: US Bank, Non-US Bank, Brokerage Firm or Credit Union.

    Q. What information do I need to set up wire instructions on Benefit Access?A. You will need different types of information to set up and store wire instructions on Benefit Access, de-pending on the type of account to which funds will be wired.

    USbankaccount:You will need your ABA/routing transit number and your bank account number.

    Non-USbankaccount:You will need the ABA/routing transit number and either the bank account number or SWIFT/SORT code of your finan-cial institutions US intermediary bank. The SWIFT/SORT code field requires 11 characters; if your code is 8 characters, add XXX at the end of the code to make it 11 characters. Additionally, you will need your inter-national financial institutions name, address information and your person-al account number. If your account number is longer than 28 characters, wire instructions cannot be set up on-line and you will need to contact the customer service center.

    Brokerageaccount:You will need the intermediary banks ABA/routing number and account number. You will also need your brokerage firms name

    and address, and your personal bro-kerage account number.

    Credit union account: You will need the intermediary banks ABA/routing number and account number. You will also need your credit unions name and address, and your personal credit union account number.

    Q. Where do I find my US banks routing (ABA) number and account number?A. Both numbers are typically at the bottom of your bank checks and deposit slips. In addition, your account number is shown on your bank statement. Please call your bank or look up the numbers on your banks website to verify.





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    Q. Where do I find the ABA/routing transit number and account number or Swift code of my international banks US intermediary bank?A. You should start by contacting your international bank or referring to your banks website. Please ask for the Incoming Wire Department and request the Routing Transit Number of the US intermediary bank. Routing transit numbers can also be looked up on the Federal Reserve Financial Services website http://www.fededirectory.frb.org/search.cfm; however, please confirm the routing transit number with your bank.



    Q. What will happen if I forget to enter the bank routing information, account number or Swift Code, or if I enter the incorrect information?A. If you did not enter your bank information or entered incorrect information at the time of set-up, we

    Q. How do I obtain my brokerage firms or credit unions intermediary bank information?A. This account is set up and maintained by your broker or credit union. This information can only be obtained by contacting your broker or credit union.

    will send your transaction proceeds via check. It is extremely important to obtain the correct account number or Swift code from your bank to avoid a mis-direction of funds.

    Q. When I do a stock plan transaction on Benefit Access, how do I choose federal fund wire for my proceeds delivery?A. Once you set up wire instructions, you can execute your transactions through the Exercise Grants or Sell Shares buttons on benefitaccess.com. When you get to Step D, please select Execute a Wire Transfer from the pull down box. If you have not previ-ously established wire instructions, you can also do so at this point.



  • 2011 MorganStanley SmithBarney LLC. Member SIPC. 2011-PS-2567 CCG6849801 6849801 09/11

    Q. How much does it cost to wire sale proceeds to my bank account?A. There is typically a $25 fee associ-ated with a federal fund wire, which is deducted from your sale proceeds. Your companys fee will be shown on-line at Step D on the Exercise Grants or Sell Shares screen.

    Q. How long does it take for me to receive my proceeds? A. For wires to US banks, brokerage and credit union accounts, you will typically receive your proceeds the day the transaction settles, on approximately the third business day after your transaction. For wires to international banks, MorganStanley SmithBarney releases the funds on

    settlement date and the receiving bank will credit the account according to their policy

    Q. How can I get confirmation that my funds have been wired?A. Once we receive confirmation that your bank has acknowledged the funds, you can obtain a paid reference number by contacting the Customer Service Center.

    Q. I have received less money than the original wire amount; why were additional fees charged?A. MorganStanley SmithBarney will not charge any additional fees above our standard wire fee. Your receiving bank and any intermediary banks, however,

    may charge either a flat rate fee or a per-centage of the dollar amount transferred.

    Q. What are the alternatives to wiring my proceeds?A. When choosing your proceeds de-livery method on Benefit Access, you can also choose to receive your pro-ceeds by check through regular mail or overnight delivery. If you have a MorganStanley SmithBarney broker-age account, you can deposit your sale proceeds to your brokerage account.

    Q. Who can I contact for additional assistance?A. Please contact the MorganStanley SmithBarney Customer Service Center at 1-800-367-4777 or 1-210-677-3652.