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'. 'HHErWfc r taTlF ,- - ii A" If "L J t- I f- i i v. KMatnisM .f Ti ' V? gUgMMWll f '"mwm". ....... . ,. , " y . ,v-'- f) '''& ( afc '. '"tVHsjHBL'. ' "W'b.T. 'r IE' MBr ",Hi f- - - tj-.- y Stm ' r pailtt ' f Mef ..1:'','3SH Vol. TO!. Mo. 1179. HONOLULU, H. I.. WEDNESDAY EVENING, TtfOVEMfeER 18, 1885. BO OENTO PER MONTHj THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed anil published nt the office, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundnys oxceptcd). Subscription, - BO conU por Month. Addrc33 till Communications Daily Bulletin. Advortl3oment8, to en3uro insertion, should bo handed In beforo one o'clock r. Mi Daniel Logan.. Managing Editor Norman Loga- n- Associate Editor and Ac- - countant. W. A. S. Boals Collector and Shipping Reporter Bulletin. Steam Printing- - Ofllcs. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of all kinds done on the most favorable terms. JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager. Bell Telcphono .'No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 Commission Merchants. BREWER Be COMPANY, 0 (Limited) QENKiiAii Mercantile and Commission Agents. list of officers: P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Manager J. 0. Carter .Trcasmcr & Secretary directors: Hon. C. K. Bishop. Hon. H. A. P. Carter 338 ly Geo. W. Macfarlano. H. R. Macfarlanc. G. W. MMS'ABI.ANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS AND Sugar Factors, Fire-Pro- Building, - - C3 Queen street, Hbnolulu. H. I. agents tor The Watkapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, Tho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The Heeia Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, I. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlecs, Watson & Co's Sugar Machin ery, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets 385 O. Berqer, . G 24 Merchant Street. Genoral Agent for Tho N. Y. Life Insuranco Company, The City of London Firo In. Co(limit'd South Urltish. and National Firo &Ma-rin- e Insuranco Co. Macncale & Urban Safes, The Celebrated SpringQeld Gas Machinu Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co The Hartford Firo Insuranco Co. The Commercial Fire & Marine Insur- ance Co. 238 J. LYONS, L. L. COHEN. Si OOHEN, LYONS Auctioneer and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queea St., - Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Sole Agsnts for American and Euro- pean merchandise. ' 318 QRINBAUM & CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 121 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. Clans Spreckds, Win. O, Irwin. WG. Irwin & Company, Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 ObEOHORN & Co. AS. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono. lulu. 78 E. HUTCHISON. M. A. OO.NSALV.F.S. M. A. GONSALVES& CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 280 Beaver Block, Honolulu. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen t,, Honolulu. 1 S, N. Cattle. J, 13. Atuerton. is Cooke, Castle Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dcalorsin General Merchandise, No. 80 King it., Honolulu. 1 . WILLIAM MILLER Cabinetmaker And Upholsterer, No. GJJ Hotel street, Opposito International Hotel, Canes and Walking Sticks, f Mado of every kind of 4 NATIVE WOODS rackets, Cornices, CurUIn Poles, &c,' maddt tho lato.sf fteMgnn. iBHHMIi I11' ii i'i t i Professionals. PP. GRAY. M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Olllce, first door west of Library Build-In- g. Hours, from 0 to 11 n m., and 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a.m. Residence, cor. Kinau and Pcnsacola Btreots. 048 ly DR. A. MOWAYNE, Physician and Surgeon, Onlcc nud rcsldunco 84 Alukca street. Ofilco hours, 9 to 11 a.m, 0 to 8 p.m. UJy A ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Notary Public, Ofllce with the Attorney General, Allio lajilllale Honolulu. 342 ly RICHARD F. BIOKERTON, and Counsellor at Law; Money to lend on Mortgages of Free holds. Office. No. 44 Merchant st. 1 O. SMITH, Attorney at Law and Accnt to tako Acknowledgments. No. 0 Kanhu-man- u street. 102 0m BROWN, Attorncrand Counsellor at Law-Notar- Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowledgments of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-lul- u. 1 JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotia ted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazctto Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 190 M THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Solicitor in Chancery. Office Campbell's Block, Second Story, Rooms 8 and 0. Entrance on Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. I. 984 tf WILLIAM AULD, to tako Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for tho District of Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office of tho Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu anu street. 18i . JOHN A. HABSINQER, Agent to tako Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Dfllce, Honolulu. WO AKANA, and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 7 King street, near tho Bridge. Translations of cither of the abovt languages made with accuracy and die patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Steam engines, sugar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of cvory description mado to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exc cuted at short notice. 1 CHR. GERTZ, . No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.lE Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. Robert Luwora, O. Jl. C'ooko. L ewers & Cooke, (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ol Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 TSTlLDER Be CO.. TY Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen ate., Honolulu. l BROWN & PHILLIPS, Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Copper-smiths- , No. 71 King street, Honolulu. JSP House and Snip Job Woik promptly executed. 102 HOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor., C07 Fort nud Merchant streets, tf b Rhoads & Mackenzie, fis BUILDERS. Jobbing promptly attended to and all work guuiantecd. Plans and Bpccllica-tiou- s furnished at short notice. Queen Street, near Alaken. V. O. Box 369. Mutual Telephone 348. 144 ly Wolfe & Company, Grocery and feed Store, Corner King and Nuuanu streets. Fresh Grocorlosand Provisions received by every Steamer. P. 0. Box 130, Tclophone 349. BOlOm WM. IITcCAXDIjESS, No. 0 Queen stroot. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Itcer, Veal, Slutton, Vlsb, Ac, Ac. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Llvo stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of nil kinds Riinnllod t.n ordor. 340 1v FOR KOLOA & WAIMEA KAUAI. The Clipper Schooner WAIEHU, F. Kibbling, .... Master, Will run regularly to tho ports of ICOI.OA, HANAPEPE & WAIMEA, KAUAI. For frolght or passago upply to the'Captain on board, or to tho Pacific Navigation Co., 890 Om ' Cur, Nuuanu & Queen bib; AH are Inyitei ! THE NEW Millinery and WILL BE EEADY ON WEDNESDAY, AND BALANCE OF Popular Millinery House, lOi Fort Street, N. S. SACHS, UNION FEED 0 Hay, Grain and Corner of Queen and Edinburgh Streets Telephone IT'S. Island orders solicited, and goods delivered promptly. 7 0 1 2 l'. a a BENSOX, o O. W. . & PORT STREET, Depot for Sohreck's Toilet Tho Common Nursing Bottles, Co's The .Equitable Life Assni-onc- Society of the United States. LBTABI.IHHEP IX 1850. ISSUES Policies on most approved viz Llfe.Llfe.Ltmlt-c- d Payments, Tontine Savings Fund, Tontines, Semi.Tontinesj A. B. C. Life and Survivor- ship Annuities; Endowments, Joint Life Risks, Partnership Insuranco, etc., etc., etc. Policies bo tli Incontestable and Non forfeitable. Contested claims, none. Before insuring elsowherc, call nud get an estimate. is calculated that every reasonable wish of tho iusurcd is embodied in one or raoru of tile plans. Por full particulars and pamphlets, apply to AI.KX. J. CAltTU'KIGIIT, General'Agcnt for Hawaiian Islands, 001y J. M. OAT Jr. & Co. Dealers in all kinds of STATIONERY, Tho Latest Foreign Papers always on hand at tho Uazette IS lock, ilcrclianl Street lby $66 The Boat Lunoh in Town, Tea and Ooffee at All Hours Tho finest Brands of Cigars and Tobacco, always on fiand.J THE CASINO AT TUG FAUE IS OPEN EVEBY DAY. rafThe only Isoa-sid- o resort in the Kingdom. H. J. NOLTE, i Proprietor STOOK OF Fancy Goods FOR INSPECTION November llth, THE WEEK AT THE Honolulu. Proprietor. COMPANY. Ghiclcen Feed. JAMES BRODIE. Veterinary Surgeon. OFFICE and residence, corner street and McKibbin lane. Olllce hours trom to a. m., and to M. Orders left nt tho Panthcpn Sta- bles will bo attended to. P. O. Box bO. 843 tf LAINE & CO. Have Largo Stock of VERY BEST H A Y? Grain, Etc., Which is offered at Lowest Market Prices AND Delivered Freoto any part'of the City AGENTS FOR THE Pacific Mutual Life Inaarance Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for tho Hoover Telephone. CommissionerofDeedsfor California Telephone No. 147. 700 Hay and Feed. Messrs. S. T. Graham & Go. Take pleasure in aunouncing to tliolrj old friends and patrons that they havo JUST ItIDOEIVI3r fresh lot of Hay aid Grain Which they offer at Tlio Xiovot Alnvlcot ItatoH. tW Hay and Feed delivered to any part of the city. H. F. GRAUAX A Co., n.-- BMITIT, BENSON, SMITH & CO.. lailactirii k Difpsii Plncists, 113 116 HONOLULU, Boericke & Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Requisites, Sense And Allairo Woodward & Pharmaceutical Product. tho Endowments; Tontines; Children's It Beaver promptly tho Telephorio No. 187. no. oa jung street 605 ltn .A. MoKenzie Jr PRACTICAL PLUMBER and Gas Fitter. All orders for Houbo or Ship work promptly executed. next to Post Olllce, Bethel Btlcct. 184 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'y ESTABLISHED 1845, Capital 9,000,000 Rotchsmarks, undersigned, having, been ap pointed agent of tho abovo Company for tho Hawaiian Islaiids, Is prepared to' accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Fdrniturc, Merchandise, Producers u gar. Mills ctc.t on tho most Favorablo Terms Lossos Promptly Adjusted and Payablo In Honolulu. II RIEMENSCHNEIDER, 670 ly at Wilder & Co's Notice. TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERS and all whom it may concern. Tho undersigned having mado alterations, additions, ILJ ItttlBllllH and improvements in Ills SOAP FACTOBY, is now prepared to give The Highest Cash Value for any quantity of TALLOW, And will furnish containers for tho same free of cost to any ono who may desire. TIIOS. W. ItAWIiEVS, Honolulu Soap Works. Office in Brlok Building, King street, Lclco. 488 ly WENNER & CO. Ifanufncturlnc Jewellers, NO. 03 POBT STREET. Constantly on hand a largo assortment of every description of Jewelry, Wotchcs, Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 058 ly PIONEER- - STEAI CANDY FACTOBY AND BA-ICEIf- F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. T$tW Telephone 74. k DBAYMEW. orders for Cartage promptly at. tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. JUso, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office, cor. Kaahumanu & Queen sts, Hawaiian Boll Telcphono No. 8!). 083 ly Mutual Telcphono No. 10. rj.EORGE LUCAS, Contractor and Builder,' . Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- - nado, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window' Frames, Blinds, Saslics. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work llnlsh. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds ot Sawing and Tlan-ln- g. Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other Is- - ands solicited AliVIN U. KASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-HULE- and BLANK-BOO- K Manufacturer. Book Binding of all descrlpllon neatly and promptly executed. Gazetto Building . . Merchant street 7221V . Telephone 55. Enterprise I PLANING MILL, T L Alulten, near Qnecn St. m C. J. Hakdkb, Propricjor. Contracting & Building Mouldings and Finish always on hand. t2f" Orders promptly attended to. -- W( 5o?t mam: JInrd nud Soft Stove Wood, 034 Out and Split ly WILDEU'S S. S. CO. I.Imltcil. gtSteamor Kinau SmhBw King, Commander, Loaves Honolulu each Tuesday at 4 p.m., touching nt Lulialua, Maa- - laea Bay, Makena, Mahukona, Ku- - wnlbao, Lnupuhoelioq and Hllo. Retumluc. ivill touoh at all the alove ports, arriving at Honolulu each Baturilay uftqrnoou. Wl Mf '. WMBiMfr Fn JM. t 4MR ADVERTIS-E- j M -- T IN THE . W Daily Bulletin? M This Paper goc'g itito most of thc' ' ? ' " ' '' Engli8h-srieakiii- gl households of v f . - ' ' ,vk Honolulu. It is kuuque9tiohaby the n f Best ffleiiB'Of PDicii ;: t- iftlr r i i I J . .if; jW '.jft , ,,S ..vl h ". '.v. . JrtMR; for business men desirous of jibring;- - ' .1.1 y! &." if. ) ' - i ry i .. M u i. 3o vik ing their wares to' the notice' .ofthBru j : i y ' nls.wsr Mmk MUZM1 WM t ,l t! ' ijjftfc' community. - ' .'?i ui tie? ontlily Sottibmoutsat ' I iK Ml! Kt,- - "I EasyRates", Mies from Emue. 1 jy M ES8RS. GRINDEAYv &, COV.ta'ko " ths opportunity of tendering their. services to residents lahr6ad fortho SupV ply of all Articles of 'General Oonsunip:" tlon. obtainable. lnthis country. Bubr.' jolnedis a'LUt ot Articles (they are,pre. . , pared to' ship, of which all are manufac- tured by,' or prociircd from, tho first' . Agricultural Implements. .! . Machinery. Hardware ',and Ironmongery. , . . Carriages', pog Carts', etc. , ' Saddlery and Horso Clothing. ' Rifles, Guns, Pistols and Ammunition. Hnusebpld Furniture, f Oils, faints and VarniBh. , t . .; - Dinner,, Dessert and . TSrcakfast'Ser-- , " vices'. i Silver Tlatc. .; . P,latcd Wares of Birmingham and SheiBold manufacture. ' , Persona), Clothing, Hosier', GIovcb,' , Shirts, Boots.'Ctc. ' ' Table and Household Linen. - ' ' Perfumery, (Brushes and'Soaps. Ollman'sStores, Lamps. , - t)tUtf Cricketing' Goods and other articles,, ofSpdrf .' Wines, Spirits and Beer. ' 'k n Soda-wat- er Machinery. ; ' ' Watches. Clocks and Jewellery,-- , . . lVlit '. Books, Periodicals and Newspapers ..j,;. Prints and Picturo Frames'. , Cutlery. ' " Sewing Machines. '" j- - Billiard and Bagafello Tibles. ' )Mi i Musical Instruments. ,,. i , w f Optical, Mathematical andi Fliiloso.,- - f phical Instrumcnw. , I "V ' Orders'for Musical aha' Phiibsophica:'' Instruments, and all article's connected. i wiih the Arts and Sciences; require, ,. groat personal c,ar,e and judg.mcntan,'d. , should ho accompanied uyas detailed J' ' instructions as possible, or"by.P0tte"rh, ' and drawings and measurements, it ' possible. ' m. .' . . TiiBMs A Remittance or Order, fori Payment must accompany tho Order. rl GRIN.DLAXCd,,. . ' W East India and Colonial Agents.'1 v v-- 1 5C Parliament St., London',' S.W 1C3 tt ' iM SILK CULTURE My Book of Instruction, , , "SILK AND THE SILK W0 W?( l Gives all necessary Information. , Jjfc Price, Twenty.Vve Cent per opy. , rjr Bilk Worm Eggs, Tleols, Trees,' Cut,'tj; W-tings-, Seeds, &c, for sale nt tho TorYs ''", lowest market rates. 'm '& Thormomolor and Barometer Combined" ' f&'-'- For usp of Slllf Raisers,- - freo b,y mail,' u 'i onl 75 cents. " 'f T will hn nlnntrd in trivn IntnmntVrSM'' t ..... A..v. VH ,v q..w .M.W.M.M..W to corresponaenta who apply by. letter, . inclosing two-ce- stamp'for reply, Hpccltneu Itoxckof Cocooau A Keel ed Milk, 5 CeatM4 ' Nono but articles of tho first qualltsdhY Address all communications to i ! i Mill Nellie Lincoln RoWter, ' ! Practical Silk Culturlst',' ' J

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Is printed anil published nt the office,Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., everyafternoon (Sundnys oxceptcd).

Subscription, - BO conU por Month.

Addrc33 till Communications DailyBulletin.

Advortl3oment8, to en3uro insertion,should bo handed In beforo one o'clockr. Mi

Daniel Logan.. Managing EditorNorman Loga- n- Associate Editor and Ac- -

countant.W. A. S. Boals Collector and Shipping


Bulletin. Steam Printing- - Ofllcs.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing ofall kinds done on the most favorableterms.

JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager.Bell Telcphono .'No. 250Mutual Telephone No. 250

Commission Merchants.


QENKiiAii Mercantile andCommission Agents.

list of officers:P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. 0. Carter .Trcasmcr & Secretary

directors:Hon. C. K. Bishop. Hon. H. A. P. Carter

338 lyGeo. W. Macfarlano. H. R. Macfarlanc.




Sugar Factors,Fire-Pro- Building, - - C3 Queen street,

Hbnolulu. H. I.agents tor

The Watkapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,Tho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The Heeia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,I. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlecs, Watson & Co's Sugar Machin

ery, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets


O. Berqer, .G24 Merchant Street.

Genoral Agent for

Tho N. Y. Life Insuranco Company,

The City of London Firo In. Co(limit'd

South Urltish. and National Firo &Ma-rin- e

Insuranco Co.

Macncale & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated SpringQeld Gas Machinu

Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co

The Hartford Firo Insuranco Co.

The Commercial Fire & Marine Insur-ance Co.


J. LYONS, L. L. COHEN.Si OOHEN,LYONSAuctioneer and General

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queea St., - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estateand General Merchandise promptly at-

tended to.Sole Agsnts for American and Euro-

pean merchandise. ' 318

QRINBAUM & CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

121 California street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

Clans Spreckds, Win. O, Irwin.

WG. Irwin & Company,Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

ObEOHORN & Co.AS. Importers and CommissionMerchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono.lulu. 78



Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

280 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen t,, Honolulu. 1

S, N. Cattle. J, 13. Atuerton.is Cooke,Castle Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and DcalorsinGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King it.,Honolulu. 1



And Upholsterer,No. GJJ Hotel street,

Opposito International Hotel,

Canes and Walking Sticks,f Mado of every kind of4

NATIVE WOODSrackets, Cornices, CurUIn Poles, &c,'

maddt tho lato.sf fteMgnn.

iBHHMIi I11'

ii i'i t i



Olllce, first door west of Library Build-In- g.

Hours, from 0 to 11 n m., and 2 to 4and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a.m.

Residence, cor. Kinau and PcnsacolaBtreots. 048 ly

DR. A. MOWAYNE,Physician and Surgeon,

Onlcc nud rcsldunco 84 Alukca street.Ofilco hours, 9 to 11 a.m, 0 to 8 p.m.



And Notary Public,Ofllce with the Attorney General, Alliolajilllale Honolulu. 342 ly

RICHARD F. BIOKERTON,and Counsellor at Law;

Money to lend on Mortgages of Freeholds. Office. No. 44 Merchant st. 1

O. SMITH,Attorney at Law and Accnt to

tako Acknowledgments. No. 0 Kanhu-man- u

street. 102 0m

BROWN,Attorncrand Counsellor at Law-Notar-

Public, and Agent for taking Acknowledgments of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-lul- u.



and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotiated, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazctto Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 190


and Solicitor in Chancery. OfficeCampbell's Block, Second Story, Rooms8 and 0. Entrance on Merchant Street,Honolulu, H. I. 984 tf

WILLIAM AULD,to tako Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for tho Districtof Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office oftho Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuuanu street. 18i .

JOHN A. HABSINQER,Agent to tako Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Dfllce,Honolulu.

WO AKANA,and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 7 King street, near tho Bridge.

Translations of cither of the abovtlanguages made with accuracy and diepatch, and on reasonable terms. 209

HONOLULU IRON WORKS,Steam engines, sugar mills, boil

ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of cvory descriptionmado to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exccuted at short notice. 1

CHR. GERTZ, .No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.lE

Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.

Robert Luwora, O. Jl. C'ooko.

Lewers & Cooke,(successors to Lowers & Dickson.)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ol Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

TSTlLDER Be CO..TY Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen ate.,Honolulu. l

BROWN & PHILLIPS,Plumbers, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smiths- , No. 71 King street,Honolulu. JSP House and Snip JobWoik promptly executed. 102


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor.,C07 Fort nud Merchant streets, tf b

Rhoads & Mackenzie,fis BUILDERS.

Jobbing promptly attended to and allwork guuiantecd. Plans and Bpccllica-tiou- s

furnished at short notice. QueenStreet, near Alaken. V. O. Box 369.Mutual Telephone 348. 144 ly

Wolfe & Company,Grocery and feed Store,

Corner King and Nuuanu streets.Fresh Grocorlosand Provisions received

by every Steamer.P. 0. Box 130, Tclophone 349.


WM. IITcCAXDIjESS,No. 0 Queen stroot. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestItcer, Veal, Slutton, Vlsb, Ac, Ac.

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Llvo stock furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof nil kinds Riinnllod t.n ordor. 340 1v


The Clipper SchoonerWAIEHU,

F. Kibbling, .... Master,Will run regularly to tho ports ofICOI.OA, HANAPEPE & WAIMEA,KAUAI. For frolght or passago upplyto the'Captain on board, or to tho

Pacific Navigation Co.,890 Om ' Cur, Nuuanu & Queen bib;

AH are Inyitei !


Millinery and




Popular Millinery House,

lOi Fort Street,



Hay, Grain and

Corner of Queen and Edinburgh StreetsTelephone IT'S.

Island orders solicited, and goods delivered promptly.

7 0 1 2l'.



BENSOX, o O. W. .


Depot for Sohreck's

Toilet Tho Common Nursing Bottles,


The .Equitable Life Assni-onc-

Society of the UnitedStates.


ISSUES Policies on most approvedviz Llfe.Llfe.Ltmlt-c- d

Payments, TontineSavings Fund, Tontines, Semi.TontinesjA. B. C. Life and Survivor-ship Annuities; Endowments,Joint Life Risks, Partnership Insuranco,etc., etc., etc.

Policies bo tli Incontestable and Nonforfeitable.

Contested claims, none.Before insuring elsowherc, call nud

get an estimate.is calculated that every reasonable

wish of tho iusurcd is embodied in oneor raoru of tile plans.

Por full particulars and pamphlets,apply to

AI.KX. J. CAltTU'KIGIIT,General'Agcnt for Hawaiian Islands,


J. M. OAT Jr. & Co.Dealers in all kinds of

STATIONERY,Tho Latest Foreign Papers always onhand at tho Uazette ISlock, ilcrclianlStreet lby

$66The Boat Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Ooffee at All HoursTho finest Brands of Cigars and

Tobacco, always on fiand.J


IS OPEN EVEBY DAY.rafThe only Isoa-sid-o resort in the

Kingdom. H. J. NOLTE,i Proprietor


Fancy Goods


November llth,





Ghiclcen Feed.

JAMES BRODIE.Veterinary Surgeon.OFFICE and residence, corner

street and McKibbin lane.Olllce hours trom to a. m., and to

M. Orders left nt tho Panthcpn Sta-bles will bo attended to.

P. O. Box bO. 843 tf

LAINE & CO.Have Largo Stock of

VERY BEST HAY?Grain, Etc.,

Which is offered at Lowest Market PricesAND

Delivered Freoto any part'of the City

AGENTS FOR THEPacific Mutual Life Inaarance Co.


Agents for tho Hoover Telephone.

CommissionerofDeedsfor CaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 700

Hay and Feed.

Messrs. S. T. Graham & Go.

Take pleasure in aunouncing to tliolrjold friends and patrons that

they havo

JUST ItIDOEIVI3rfresh lot of

Hay aid GrainWhich they offer at

Tlio Xiovot Alnvlcot ItatoH.tW Hay and Feed delivered to any

part of the city.H. F. GRAUAX A Co.,

n.-- BMITIT,

BENSON, SMITH & CO..lailactirii k Difpsii Plncists,

113 116 HONOLULU,

Boericke &

Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's PerfumesAnd Requisites, Sense

And Allairo Woodward & Pharmaceutical Product.








Telephorio No. 187.no. oa jung street

605 ltn

.A. MoKenzieJr PRACTICAL PLUMBERand Gas Fitter.

All orders for Houbo or Ship workpromptly executed.

next to Post Olllce, BethelBtlcct. 184 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y


Capital 9,000,000 Rotchsmarks,

undersigned, having, been appointed agent of tho abovo Company

for tho Hawaiian Islaiids, Is prepared to'accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Fdrniturc, Merchandise, Producers u gar.Mills ctc.t on tho most Favorablo Terms

Lossos Promptly Adjusted and Payablo In


670 ly at Wilder & Co's


and all whom it may concern.Tho undersigned having

mado alterations, additions,ILJ ItttlBllllH and improvements in Ills

SOAP FACTOBY,is now prepared to give

The Highest Cash Valuefor any quantity of

TALLOW,And will furnish containers for tho samefree of cost to any ono who may desire.

TIIOS. W. ItAWIiEVS,Honolulu Soap Works.

Office in Brlok Building,King street, Lclco. 488 ly

WENNER & CO.Ifanufncturlnc Jewellers,

NO. 03 POBT STREET.Constantly on hand a largo assortment

of every description of Jewelry, Wotchcs,Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

058 ly




F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. T$tW Telephone 74.


DBAYMEW.orders for Cartage promptly at.

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

JUso, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, cor. Kaahumanu & Queen sts,

Hawaiian Boll Telcphono No. 8!).083 ly Mutual Telcphono No. 10.

rj.EORGE LUCAS,Contractor

and Builder,'. Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- -

nado, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window' Frames, Blinds,Saslics. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work llnlsh. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds ot Sawing and Tlan-ln- g.

Morticing and Tenanting.Orders promptly attended to and work

guaranteed. Orders from tho other Is- -

ands solicited


Book-Bind- er


Manufacturer.Book Binding of all descrlpllon neatly

and promptly executed.Gazetto Building . . Merchant street

7221V .

Telephone 55.

EnterpriseI PLANING MILL, TL Alulten, near Qnecn St. m

C. J. Hakdkb, Propricjor.

Contracting & BuildingMouldings and Finish always on hand.

t2f" Orders promptly attended to. -- W(

5o?t mam:JInrd nud Soft Stove Wood,

034 Out and Split ly

WILDEU'S S. S. CO.I.Imltcil.

gtSteamor KinauSmhBw King, Commander,

Loaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching nt Lulialua, Maa- -laea Bay, Makena, Mahukona, Ku- -wnlbao, Lnupuhoelioq and Hllo.

Retumluc. ivill touoh at all thealove ports, arriving at Honolulueach Baturilay uftqrnoou.

Wl Mf '. WMBiMfrFn

JM.t 4MR



Daily Bulletin? M

This Paper goc'g itito most of thc' '?

' " ' ''Engli8h-srieakiii- gl households of v f

. - ' ' ,vk

Honolulu. It is kuuque9tiohaby the n f

Best ffleiiB'Of PDicii ;:

t- iftlrr i i IJ . .if; jW '.jft

, ,,S..vl

h ". '.v. . JrtMR;

for business men desirous of jibring;- -

' .1.1 y! &."if. ) ' - i ry i.. M u i. 3o vik

ing their wares to' the notice'.ofthBruj : i y '



t ,l t! ' ijjftfc'community.

- ' .'?i ui tie?

ontlily Sottibmoutsat' I iK Ml! Kt,- - "I


Mies from Emue.1 jy

MES8RS. GRINDEAYv &, COV.ta'ko "

ths opportunity of tendering their.services to residents lahr6ad fortho SupVply of all Articles of 'General Oonsunip:"tlon.obtainable. lnthis country. Bubr.'jolnedis a'LUt ot Articles (they are,pre. . ,pared to' ship, of which all are manufac-tured by,' or prociircd from, tho first'


Agricultural Implements. .! .

Machinery.Hardware ',and Ironmongery. , . .Carriages', pog Carts', etc. ,


Saddlery and Horso Clothing. '

Rifles, Guns, Pistols and Ammunition.Hnusebpld Furniture, fOils, faints and VarniBh. , t . .; -

Dinner,, Dessert and.



vices'. i

Silver Tlatc. .; .

P,latcd Wares of Birmingham andSheiBold manufacture. ' ,

Persona), Clothing, Hosier', GIovcb,' ,

Shirts, Boots.'Ctc. ' 'Table and Household Linen. - ' 'Perfumery, (Brushes and'Soaps.Ollman'sStores, Lamps. , - t)tUtfCricketing' Goods and other articles,,

ofSpdrf .'Wines, Spirits and Beer. ' 'k nSoda-wat- er Machinery. ; ' '

Watches. Clocks and Jewellery,-- ,. . lVlit '.

Books, Periodicals and Newspapers ..j,;.Prints and Picturo Frames'. ,

Cutlery. ' "Sewing Machines. '" j- -

Billiard and Bagafello Tibles. ' )Mii Musical Instruments. ,,. i , w fOptical, Mathematical andi Fliiloso.,- - fphical Instrumcnw. , I "V '

Orders'for Musical aha' Phiibsophica:''Instruments, and all article's connected. i

wiih the Arts and Sciences; require, ,.groat personal c,ar,e and judg.mcntan,'d. ,

should ho accompanied uyas detailed J' 'instructions as possible, or"by.P0tte"rh, 'and drawings and measurements, it '

possible. 'm. .' . .

TiiBMs A Remittance or Order, foriPayment must accompany tho Order. rl

GRIN.DLAXCd,,. . ' WEast India and Colonial Agents.'1 v

v-- 1

5C Parliament St., London',' S.W 1C3 tt ' iM

SILK CULTUREMy Book of Instruction, ,



Gives all necessary Information. , Jjfc

Price, Twenty.Vve Cent per opy. , rjr

Bilk Worm Eggs, Tleols, Trees,' Cut,'tj; W-tings-,

Seeds, &c, for sale nt tho TorYs ''",lowest market rates. 'm '&

Thormomolor and Barometer Combined" 'f&'-'-

For usp of Slllf Raisers,- - freo b,y mail,' u 'ionl 75 cents. " 'fT will hn nlnntrd in trivn IntnmntVrSM'' t..... A..v. VH ,v q..w .M.W.M.M..W

to corresponaenta who apply by. letter, .

inclosing two-ce- stamp'for reply,Hpccltneu Itoxckof Cocooau A Keeled Milk, 5 CeatM4 '

Nono but articles of tho first qualltsdhYAddress all communications to i ! i

Mill Nellie Lincoln RoWter, ' !

Practical Silk Culturlst',' '



"05T5'W "W","mw

BISHOP & Co., BANKlSJfiSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

Draw Exchango on tho

Bank of Caliibrnia, S. JET.

And thoir ngonts inNEW YORK. BOSTON, HONQ KONC.

Mossrs. N. M. Rothschild &Bon, London.Tho Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

LondonThe Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

. Sydney.The Bank of New Zealand: Auckland,

ChrUtchurch, nnd Wellington.Tho" Bank o( Brlllih Columbia, Vic-

toria, B. C. and Portland, Or.and

Transact a General Banking Business" , v G6Ilv

Win gij gHd,fledged to neither Beot nor Party.Bat eitabllahed for the boneit of alb

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18, 1885.


Tosemite Skating Etnk 1.Central Park Skating Rink, 7.Oahu Lodge, No. 1 K. of P. 7 s 30.


On the afternoon of tho 1st of

October, 1885, passed away thatmost eminent (social reformer of the

present century, Anthony Ashley

Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury, aged

84 years and Ave months. He died

at Folkestone, England, hi the pres-

ence of several members of his

family, and his last moments arc

reported to have been of the most

peaceful character.As the late Lord Shaftesbury had

acquired a world-wid- e fame as a

philanthropist, it is our duty as

journalists to make more than a

passing notice of the deceased. To

quote from the London Times:"He is the most conspicuous re-

cent instance of a man who, born togreat station and ample fortune,has deliberately devoted a long lifeneither to pleasure, nor to personaladvancement, nor to political power,but to furthering the material, mo-

ral, and religious well-bein- g of hiscountrymen. The tenacity, indeed,with which he held to his rathernarrow theological opinions, and thoexcessive asperity with which hesometimes spoke of those who dif-

fer cd from him, tended to limit thenumber of those who were in com-

plete sympathy with him. But inthe main this narrowness was easilyforgiven, when men regarded hislife as a whole, and considered howgreat and how real had been hispractical services. Though he wasperhaps not quite so prominent afigure of late as he had been twentyor thirty years ago, Lord Shaftes-bury worked almost to the end, andmay be said to have died in harness.His health had long been feeble,but he continued to do what hecould and it was not a little tofurther the philanthropic and re-

ligious objects to which his life had-bee- n

devoted. It is no more thaneighteen months since he deliveredin the House of Lords the remark-able speech which contributed somuch to the issuing of the RoyalCommission on the Housing of thePoor. He was active till quitelately in the work of the LunacyCommissioners, of whom he was thechief. Through last season be stillattended, though, of course, not soregularly as of old, the meetings ofthe innumerable societies of whichhe was president or vice-preside-

Moreover, the number of moreprivate demands upon bis time forbenevolent purposes was endless;and some of these were of the mostexhausting kind. Till the very endhe would not give up the chance ofdoing what he believed to be usefulwork. At last, at the age of 84, hehas succumbed to the complicationof maladies from which he was longa sufferer. He will be deeply andwidely mourned. It is fitting that,to a man who did so much for hisfellow-me- n as Lord Shaftesbury did,and who filled so large a place inthe life of his time, the highestfuneral honors should be paid, andwe are glad to learn that these havebeen already offered by the Dean ofWestminster. Among the hundredsof illustrious dead who lie in thoAbbey none has a better claim thanLord Shaftesbury to lie in thathallowed resting-place.- "

The life of this man might heemulated b' many on these IslandBwith 'beneficial results both to thenative and foreign populations. Hewas a practical philanthropist and areligious man. His main effortswere to raise the condition, es-

pecially the moral condition of thepoorest of the poor, at the sametime he succeeded in effecting animmense sanitary reform. Ho pos-

sessed a boundless energy and thelist of his good works is innumer-able. His death is looked upon asa national loss, and, in respect tothe religious and philanthropic, so- -

i cieties of London, truly irreparable.


On the morning --of the King'sbirthday the Advertiser devotedover two columns of spaco to analleged exposure of the "misrepre-Bentation- B

of the Bulletin," re-

specting the Honolulu Rowing andYachting Assoolatlou. The forceof the "exposure" uiay be judgedfrom the fact that the Bcllgxik ismade responsible for the utterancesof members of different clubs andof the Association itself, faithfullyreported in this paper. We cannotTcply to that style of attack. How-

ever, the main chargo against thispaper is that its criticisms of theAssociation were euggested by oneparticular member of the MyrtloBoat Club, also a member of theAssociation, when a certain memberof another club nnd of the Associa-tion had volunteered to post us inall matters relative to the transac-tions of thnt organization. As tothis complaint, it is enough to saythat we claim the right to chooseour sources of information. Yet wemay add that our contemporary isaltogether astray as 4o where ourfacts were obtained. The gentle-man who has become the cynosureof its displeasure only had his viewspresented once or twice in the con-troversy, and then in the course ofinterviews had by a reporter withboating men of several organiza-tions. It is very irregular to sub-ject a paper to attack for giving, asmatter of news, the sentiments ofpersons not connected with it.'Even worse than that is for tho Ad-

vertiser to blame this paper fortaking one man as a guide in a dis-

cussion, and then itself take anotherman as its own supreme authority inthe case. Its article of Mondaybears internal evidence of inspira-tion by a gentleman who has hadmore or less part in the doingsof the Association to which wehave taken exception. The editorlends himself to an uncnlled-fo- r

attack upon a gentleman of whomhe has no personal knowledge, with-

out deigning to discuss that gentle-man's views upon matters in disputeupon their merits. We have nothingto withdraw respecting the acts donein the name of the Association, aswe have as much confidence in ourown sources of information as anythat have been prescribed to us.Some membeis of the Association,we believe, have taken offense at ourcriticisms, who are themselves un-

aware of certain unworthy transac-

tions purporting to have been author-ized by that organization. Forinstance, members of the HonoluluClub were approached with proposalsto organize a "dummy" crew torow against the Iolani six-oar-

crew, after the Myrtle and KapiolaniClubs had withdrawn from the Asso-

ciation. This attempt to fool the pub-lic with a bogus race, in the leadingevent of the regatta, surely couldnot havo been part of the "affairsof the Association . . conductedsquarely and above-board- ," as theAdvertiser boasts. Our contem-

porary, in its misguided zeal, haslaid itself open to a charge of mis-

representation. When it says acertain delegate from tho MyrtleClub to tho Association was in favorof rowing for money, it commits theoffense that it vainly tries to bringhome to this paper. The gentlemanreferred to, according to a statementhe has made to us, simply contendedthat money prizes should not boabsolutely forbidden, because cir-

cumstances would probably arisewhere it would be difficult to secureraces for trophies. Another con-

tention of the same delegate, againstseparate stake boats, has proved bythe events of the regatta to- - havebeen not so unreasonable as badbeen so hastily assumed by hiscolleagues of less boating experiencein our channel. However, Mr.Wnndenberg is doubtless able totake care of himself, if he onlythinks worth while leplying to theunseemly attack made upon him.

By request wo publish in this issuethe correspondence between theUnited States Secretary of tho Treas-ury and Prof. Agassi?.,, containingan offer to the latter nnd his declina-

tion of the position of superintendent of the coast and geodetic survey.

Those who listened with pleasure tothe professor's lecture on coral reefs,fn Honolulu last year, will be pleasedto notice the distinguished recogni-

tion of his scientific standing by the

'1 IJ.II Mil JCHBWBBBggBBUnited Slates Government, nnd can-

not but ndmlrc the eminent modestyand' unselfishness of his letter de-

clining tho very important office

proffered him.


Editor ButtETm: While theHon. S. G. Wilder was Minister ofthe Interior, he had occasion tonotify the Postmaster General "thatthe Postal Department of this King-dom was intended to accommodatethe people." I wonder, were henow in office, what ho would say.It is true the changes inndc in thoPost Office in this city since thenhave boon many, but arc the peopleaccommodated ns is their right 1

When complaint, long and loud,was mado that the building put upby Mr. W. R. Castle was detri-mental to the public, tho spaco beingrequisite for Post Office accommo-dations, the owners were induced toremove it, and then a window wasset apart for ladies, a stand wasmade at the window, which wasused a few days and then pau.

Now one window suffices for thesale of stamps, registry of letters,general delivery of Portuguese andother foreign letters, weighing andstamping letters and papers, re-ceiving applications for postal or-

ders, and paying the same, and allgeneral business, and why is this?Ono side of the building is clearthe Watkiki side ; the Ewa side hasa window for newspapers to hedropped in when it is open. Onewindow is used for the delivery ofnative letters, and the wholo frontis taken up with private boxes forwhich a certain sum per mouth ischarged. Could a light shed notbe built on the side of the PostOffice for tho accommodation of thepeople, and one window be used forladies, one for the sale of stamps?Could the native and Portuguesedelivery not be at the same window?Could the "newspaper drop" notbe brought a little nearer town?Could not news dealers be suppliedwith stamps at a discount, which isthe rule elsewhere, as then theycould enable people who cannot pro-

cure stamps at the Post Office, forvarious reasons, to stamp their let-

ters and mail them. Why should ittake from tvo to three days toassort the mail, which it does, fre-quently? There are a number ofyoung, honest men who could behired, to assist in assorting thomails, and they would be benefited,and the business of the office ex-

pedited at a very small cost.The benefits f)0 percent of the

people of these Islands derive frombeing in the "Postal Union" arcgreat, (?) particularly that withAfrica ! I, no doubt, will incur thodispleasure of some, in the fore-going, but have I not stated facts?And is the cause of complaint notjustifiable? And, last but not least,will any change be made? I donot think so. I shall probably re-

cur to this again.Pro Bono Publico.

"ValuableREAL ESTATE &

Town Property for Sale.

The undersigned, duly authorizedTrustees for Maria A. Boyd, will offerat Public Auction, at the salesroom ofE. P. Adams & Co.,

ON TUESDAY, Dec. Stli,at 13 o'clock noon, nil those.

Desirable Parcels of Laisituated at Olomana, Pauoa, in the rearof and adjoining the well-know- n BoydItoaidcncc, viz:

The Parcel known as the KAAUKUULOT, adjoining the Boyd Premises onthe mauka side nnd containing ?. of anacre, more or less, and more fully des.crlbed In JR.P. No. G03. L. C. A. No.0,509. Also,

4 Taro Patchesadjoining said Boyd Premises on themakal or town side, containing 47-10-0 ofan acre, more or less, and more fullydescribed la R. P. No. 1,918, L. O. A.No. 5,049 B. Also,

2 Taro Patchesadjoining tho above, containing 40-10- 0

of an acre, moro or less, Bnd more fullydescribed in B. P. No. 3,349 The fore-goin- g

parcels am under leaso at $2M)per annum, expiring September 1. Ic89.

Also, that Parcel situated on Punch-lin-

Itoad and cxtendinrr to nnd acrossthe Pauoa Stream, and there adjoiningtho ueforcmenlioned parcels (tco plan),containing 3 and 18.100 of an acre, moreor less, nnd morn fully dcsciibed in R.P No. 3 51(1. Tills Is a good, healthylocation for a homcctead, the lot has asmall house on it nnd is well roveredwith a lino grovo of algoroba trees.

Also, that Valuable

Piece of Property on Hotel St,,epposlto tho roddence of Dr. MtUiew,extending from thn Siratoga House to apoint near tho ofllco of tho FashionMables, on which oro a cottage at pre-Hi- nt

biinging In a rental of $25 pirmonth, and a 2.storied house which Isleased to thu Fashion Stable, togetherwith a small poitlon of ground coveredby tho bringing an annualrental of $3,0 This lease expires onApril 1, 1890. Seo plans ai E. P. Adams& Cn.'a salesrooms. Titles gooi. Deedsat ixpenoe of purchasers.,

Gtco. II. Robertson,O. Boltk, j trustees.

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,170 17t Auctioneers,

Corporation StocksFOR SALE.


Haw'n Carriage Manfg Co., CO 100E. O. Hall & Son, 75 100Inter.Iftland 6. N. Co., i00 10OBell Te'ephono, 50 10Haw'n Aprloulturnl Co., 08 100Wlldcr'e Stcannhlp Co., I00 100C. Brewer & Co., 1(0 IPOHalawa, W 100Woodlawn Dairy, 90 100Walluku Sugar Co , 90 100Walmanalo, ,100 100Star Mill. (gt.5 600

ron SALE."Wnlmanalo, 175Bell Telephone, ' 03

L. A. THURSTON, Stock Brokei.33 Merchant Street. 15,1 ly

HOTJSE TO RENT.THE very comfortable dwelling fiitu.

at N 254 Borotania Sirett,containing 8 rooms. Runt, only $30 permonth. For particulars apply to

LEWIS J. LEVEY, Auctioneer.40 Queen Street. 178 2v

NOTICE.Captain of the British barK

Victoria Cross will not be rcipon.si bio for any debts contracted by any ofhis crow without IiIb written order.

T1IEO. II. DAVIES & Co., Agent".Honolulu, Nov. 17, 11:85. 178 Ot


tiTAT.cn. Honolulu. Nov. 17, 1SSU J

A1 persons having claims ngaiusttlin 'PcfnlA nf .T W- - PmM n iln.

nnnnnil A tnnlnnn ntllffln ttill nrocnrllthe same properly verified nt my ofllcuwithin 80 day. .1. H. PUTNAM,178 1 w Con-u- l Gcnernl.

NOTICE.the Creditors of tliuE'tntc of INaO PING, alias SUN WO CO., n

bankrupt, take notice: That tho under-signed, asslgmo of tho Estate of InPing, nlins Sun Wo Co., a bankrupt,has, preparatory to his final account anddividend, submitted his accounts assur-- nssigmc and tiled the Fame I e foreHon. L. MfiCully, Justice of the Sup.rcme Court, at his chnmbcis, to whomhe will apply at 10 o'clock n m. on Sat-

urday, 21 .t day of November, instantfor n settlement of said accounts nndfor u dUchaige from all liability ns Michassigm c, and for an orderlomakealln.ildividend. And that any person inter-ested may then an 1 thero appear andcontest the snnie. C. BOLTE,

Assignee.Honolulu, Nov. 17, 1885. 17




CASTLE & COOKE haveMESSRS.received a lonsiiiimemt ofthis line quality of Flouri and will sellin quantities to suit pui chasers. 177 lm



J. T. ffateriises



Choice kjrtiole,FOR SALE BY

17a E. 1?. Adams &. Co. lm

CHAS, HUSTACEHas just received

Fresh Eastern Cranberries,Mince Meat in tuba and tins,Tublo Raisin, Sultana Raiftins,Currants, Citron, Lemon & Orange

Peel; Almond?, Walnuts,Prunes, Oiled Peaches, Fresh Apples;Tins Lady Fingers, Oswego Cakes,

Arrow-ro- ot Cakes,Honey Cakes, Ginger Snaps,Wine Ciackcru, d Cracker,Chocolate, Cocoa; Bacon,Oupce Eagle Brand llama; Cheese,Laid, Vj.bbls. Beef and Pork,Kits bulmon, '1 ins Sotn-c- Mackerel,Lobsters, Little Neck Clams,Quulmugs, Boneleds Cooked Hums;Plum Puddiug, Crosse & Blackwell'a

Pickles and Pio Fruit;

Japan and Comet fen,Wheat, Onto, Bran. Corn, Bnrley,Onions; Holtled Soap, Star of tho

KJtchen Soap; Korohono Oil,Boston Dairy Salt, 101b. bags;Buckwheat Flour; Now Orleans Mo.

liii-sc- . Cal.Srup. Mnple Syrup;Family Flour, Germcn;Old Virginia Swett & Sour Pickles;Olives, and n general assortment of

Staple and Fancy Groceries.

jy Goods delivered to all parts of thoCity, Island orders will rccoivo cartfulattention. TelcphonollO.

1741m OHA8. HUSTAOE, King St.

BBHSO .'.iillffllP "'"' ii:




-- AND

80""" --mi - IfMt. .., .,

(Formerly with


" l .l.iMBC- - flEAlL, i4i



Just Opened at



Comer Fort and Hotel .Streets.




Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block, - Fort Street.

tSP Store formcily occupied by S. NOT-T- , opposite Sprcckels S, Co.'a Bank. a1C0

Pacific Hardware Company,joiiniToar.

Successors to Dillingham & Co. and Samuel Nott.FOJIT STREET, :::::: HONOLULU

Signal Oil, Something New for Carriage. Lamps.

Best Quality Blue Mottled Soap. Elra Grocer Soap,a Superior Article.

J6ST Fire Proof Safes, Closing Out at Low Prices, -- a

Full Linc3 of Goods upon Mo-- Favorable Tcims.

Telephone 210 in both



Samuel Nott).

Uetilei in

--tax c P. O. Box 297

Painting; &


LEWIS & CO., GROCERS,7 anil CO Hotel tdtreot.

NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED ON ICE:Eastern Shad, Flounder1', Sock Cod. Smelts, Ci aba, Enstorn Oystrr, Cala Fresh

Roll Butter, Cauliflower. Red Cabbages, Bunker Club House Sausages,Mallard Ducks, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Grapes, &c &c.

Horse Radish, Roots and Celery, Swi'S Cheese, Cream Cliecso, Edam Cheese,Get man Smoked Sausages, Germ in Pickles in Keg, Ilollmd Herring inKegs, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kit Mackerel,

jVimI a Complete Line oi" Fancy &; Staple GroceriesAlways on Hand.Goods dcliered to Wnikiki, Tuesdays and Fridays. Goods delivered to all parts

of tho Town.

Carriage ancl


JBliielfHmitliing-- ,

Wagon IMCakex


az. cyIn iirst-cluN-H ninnucr and prices to suit tlio timet.

70 King St., adjoining Geo. W. Lincoln, Contrncloi & Builder. Cm

JOHN NOTT, 1. 8 Kaataiii si.



Granite, Iron and Tin Ware IChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House Keeping Goods,


' .


fc U.fi.,'... '.,... . . . ... '' w.--. ,. ..... i.lJiJS ', ' ' ' " ..",'ii, ..wSK.tt. '. Jfe"iA &.,&.-

.- - . i ', . m ... . -- sMJb ,

" f

mmm. Mimhmdh:isMMM -- y rrnm-iftnr nr ; ''TOTiYrriMm "TMBfflMffiiMwiin. ; b-. - , , .






"WEDNESDAY. fr0V. 18, 1886.

ARRIVALS.November 18 ' ,

Stmr OR Bishop from Kauai via Wal- -alua

Schr Haleakala from Pepookeo


Stmr.l'lauter for Ka.ualStmr Iwalant for HainakuaStrnr Jas Makco for Kapna


Uktno Morning Star for S S Islands

VESSELS IN PORT.Missionary bktno Morning Star, 1 BrayBktno Discovery, MeyersBktno Ella, HoweBgtno V Q Irwlu, TurnerBk Victoria Cross, Robertson


Krom Kauai, via Wulnliia, nur stnirCK Bishop, Nov IS 11 A Wideniannand 22 deck.

For Walluku, per stmr Llkellku, Xov17 W (i Woodyear, It Taylor, R Love,II Harris and wife, C King, M Culvert,F Chapman, D D Hawkins, wife andnon, W Llddcll, T Tolbert. W Dunbar,J Lucas, II Long, .1 Francis, II .lames,.1 Bungaroo and son, J Corrcan, IIMerer, and about 80 deck.

For Hllo and way ports, per steamerKinau, Nov 17 MissPitman, Mrs How-lan- d,

Misses-Howland (it), U Along,Miss Landford, Brother Bertram, F vGlade, Hon A S Olcghorn, Ills Ex GovJ O Domlnls, A II smith, XV II Corn-we- ll,

C U Webb, G P Wilder, G AVeight,C Gunning, nnd'Ol deck.


Stmr C R Bishop arrived this morningwith 500 bags' of paddy. She sails onSaturday at 8 a in.

Tho sailing of the steamers KllaucaHon and Mokolil was postponed until


The Bktno Discovery Is In tho streamoff tho fish market.

Tho missionary vessel ..Morning Starsails at 10 olclockfor tho SSIslands. '

Capt C Dudoit has been appointedmaster of the steamer .las I Dowsettvice Capt 'Reed resigned. 5

ThCjbark i; O WhitmorCi nnd, steamer,Ivy Holihes'arrlved atllllo- - dn ' Sundaythe loth Inst.

J LOGAL fi'CEHERAL NEWS.' 'Hrayy fraih last night.' V1 t. .

Prayer meeting night.

Note( Oats' advertisement.,. .

To-nig- ht the King's Own, will beon guard duty at'the Palace.

. .

A protracted series of huladances wilt begin at the Palace to:night.

Last eyening,thc street doors ofMessrs. G. W. Macfarlano & Co.'sofllces were left wide open after thepremises were vacated.


L. J. Levey will hold his regularcash sale on Fndaj . In addition tothe usual assortment of groceries,"dry goods, etc., will be sold a choicelot of corn fed turkeys.

m ii - "

Alfred Carter, junior stroke oarof the Myrtle Club, had the misfor-tune before the regatta to have hisarnv dislocated, in wrestling, withanother member of the club.

The Myrtle Boat Club has chal-

lenged tho lolani Boat Club to rowa six-oar- race, and the latter hav-

ing accepted nothing remains but tofix the time and make arrangements.

Messrs. G. W. Macfarlano & Co.announce a repetition of their usualChristmas sales this year. Theirmagnificent display last year wasabout' the finest sicrht of the season.

,.'A very pleasant entertainment

was provided by the Bethel SocialUnion last evening. Half an hourwas devoted to piano music andreadings, after which refreshmentswere served. All went away gladthat the by-la- announce only onomouth to pass before the next merrymeeting.

A grand luau is to be given in thebasement ofjthe Ivaumakapili churchon Independence Day, the k28th inst.There will bo an elaborate repre-sentation of Hawaiian costumesandcustoms, and separate tables', for.exclusively Hawaiian food .and Uiq.productions of the cuisine of modernrefinement. ..,,-,- :

Captain Crane, of tho pchoonerHaleakala, which nrriv(?(lJ'lthJ8:n)orn-in- g

from Hilo, reports that tho. new.steamer Ivy Holmes had arrivedthero previous to his departure.She is intended as a coasting vesst'lto bo employed in Mr.' W. II.Holmes' business at Hilo, and forconvoying freight from that to otherports of Hawaii.

The meeting for drill of tho Ho-

nolulu Rifles last night was moder-ately large. The company shoulderedarms for a '' fifteen minutes' sweat"under Lieut. McLcocJ. Some newmovements wcro tried by doubletime, and the boys wore pretty well

heated when the drill ended. TheRifles havo been offered white pantsfor fatiguo uniform, Their captainis not yet known.

An apology is 'duo to tho firmsnamed below, for tho omission oftheir advertisements . from yeBter- -

f mv-j- rr- rsfi;'! "trvfWf," " t '"'. c--- ; v' w"ijTr"-- f,

mnr?,r f,.-."if?-ir- pwwsarrr:

f.. ' t (r "f-

day's Issiio. ' It ' was caused bynecessities of epaco discovered attile, .hist moment before going topress with the inside pnges: Chas.J. Flshil, Dry Goods j Goo. Engcl-hard- t,

Stoves, Lamps, etc. ; PacificHard ware Co. ; Lewis & Co.,Grocers ; E. G. Schuman, CarriageMaker; John Nott, Stoves, Lamps,and Plumbing, etc.


SJew Christinas Curds for the mil-

lion at King Bros Art Store. 177 3t'of

Fresh Mince Pies daily from andafter date at Moller & Hnlbc's Con-

fectionery. 177

Fittest! Cream Cakes and Eiialrsdaily from and after date at Metier& lialbo's Confectionery. 177

''Mn. N. H. Babcock, beiug uo

longer in our employ, is not author-ized to receive money or take ordorsor to receipt bills for us.

178 at West, Dow & Co.


There wa9 a meeting of the PrivyCouncil of State at the lolani Palaceon Saturday last. Tho Hawaiian,Hotel Company was granted iicharter. Pardons wore granted tothe following prisoners: ltusscllGermaine, S. Ericksou, Friday anative, and two Chinamen. Ger-maine was spared two months of atwo years' sentence for robbery, andhe left on the steamer Mariposa thatday. Friday had served ten yearsfor manslaughter, and one of thoChinamen was paralyzed. The PrivyCouncil passed resolutions of con-dolence to His Majesty and thewidow and relatives of the late Hon.P. Kunoa.


An American citizen named JohnW. Iiamey, who had served hiscountry in an Ohio regiment duringthe rebellion, died of consumption,1at his residence on Richards street,on Monday the 9th inst., and wasburied, the following day., He hadliyed in 'Honolulu for, some timej, andlias, lefta .sb'if and ; daughter rih theHnited States. Although he wasnot a member' of tho Grand Army ofthe. Republic, and hence not. entitledto burial by that organization, yetthe Geo. W. D.eLong, Post, of this,uity, out of respect and sympathyfor a fellow-soldi- er dying in a strangeland, took charge, of tho funeral andescorted the remains to 'the Nuuanucemetery. An advertisement of theAmerican Consul-Gcncrq- l, respect-ing the pecuniary affairs of the de-

ceased, appears in this paper.


Capt. McGregor, Of the steamer1Mbkolii, has kindly furnished thefollowing report of that, steamer'strip in search of Brooks: On themorning of Nov,. 17th the steamerMpkolii was ordered to go in searchof a missing boat belonging to herand a man by. the name of Brooks,who was steward of the steamerLikelikc, of the same steamshipcompany. At 10 a. m. the engineerreported all in readiness in his de-

partment .nd nothing else was leftto do but cast off and get underway. After leaving the Spar Buoythe course was W. by S. for onehour, then W. S. W. for 50 minutes,when the captain discovered theboat right dead ahead with a man init.- At; 12 o'clock the man Brooksand the boat were safely on board,and the schooner Caterina and othersinterested in the search were noti-fied by the signals. Tho Mbkoliiarrived at Iter berth at 1 1. m.


The plantation bell sent forth analarm Inst evening about 7 o'clock,which induced everybody to turnout. From an illumination in tiicskies it was self-evide- nt there was afire, which proved to be in Mr.Macfio's dwelling house. Tho familyhad just partaken of dinner whenthey were surprised by a China boyrushing in crying out, uFirc." Mrs.Macllc'lnokcd to her children, whileMr.'Macfie immediately repaired tothe scene of tho (Iro, when ho foundtho .roof in full blaze. I,n a fowirfombhts afterwards nearly everyliuia and man on the plantation wereifierc hnri each and everyone setabout the work before tlicm, in abusinesslike manner. In less than anhour the Haines were subdued, the

.fire having been confined to thekitchen and adj6ining room. It hap-

pened .the fire broke out on .the leeside of ' tho house, otherwise thewhole building would havo beenswept away, ns a smart breeze pre-vailed- at the time. Too much praisecan not bo accoj-dcj- l to everybodywho took part in the work to bedone, and which 'they accomplishedsuccessfully. The premises, I

arc insured and the damageis covered by insurance in the SunFire Insurance Co., G. W. Macfar-lano & Co., Agents.

Kilaucn, lunmi, Nov.


The lato of Kauai,Paul Kanoa, K. C. K,, K. C. II. andMember of the Privy Council, wasburied with military honors on Suri-da- y

afternoon. Besides tho mili-

tary companies, there was a largeattendance, consisting) for the most

port, of natives. The military werecommanded by Major R. H. Baker,and lined the street albng the route,from the church to tho cemeterygate. A funeral scrvico was conducted within the Kawaiobao Churchby . Rev. II. II. Parker. Tho pro-cession from deceased's residence totho church and thenco to tho ceme-tery was accompanied by the RoyalHawaiian Band playing Handol'sDead March in Saul and popularhymn tunes. Following 19 the order

tho procession : .

Undertaker. .;

Platoon of Police.Mr. J. H. Soner, Marshal of tho

Kingdom.Ivaumakapili Y. M. C. A.

Major R. Iloapili Baker and-Aids- .

Royal Hawaiian Band.Honolulu Rifles Drum .Corps, i

Queen's Own. -Honolulu Rifles.

Mamalahoa.King's Own.

Princo's Own.Rev. H. II. Parker.

Ahahui Poola.Ahahui Opiopio.

Hearse.Pallbearers lions., Samuel Parker,

W. C. Parke, H. M. Whitney,John A. Cummins, D. Ka-lia-

and W. P. Wood.Governor P. P. Kanoa and Mrs.


Carriage of His Majesty.Colonel Curtis P. Iaukea, of His

Majesty's Staff. '.'

His Excellency tho Governor ofOahu.

Majors Rosa and Holt, of the Gov-ernor's, Staff.

Colonel Chas. H. Judd, Chamber-lain.

Friends of Deceased.General Public.

The remains, enclosed in an ele-

gant coffin of koa, were deposited inthe family .vault in, the Kawaiahaocemetery.


Wednesday, Nov. 17th.L. J. Scott was, yesterday, order- -

icd to file a bond in the sum of 825that he shall not commit the offenceof disorderly conduct during the,night, for one year.

Frank Thinley npd. HKaluahincwcro fined $5 and costs each, fordrunkenness.

'Kapule was fined, including costs,$10 for assault and battery.

Mike Martin was remanded forsentence, having pleaded guilty to acharge of assault and battery..

Ah York pleaded guilty to havingopium in possession, and being anold offender, had to face a fine of$100 and two months' imprisonment;at hard labor.

Pokini,.Komale and Nabora, foraffray, were fiucd 5 and costs81. 10veach.

CRANT.11Y e. l. keyes, late lieutekant.


I think it were better to do It all .overIu 'the way that would, suit our old

chieftain the best : '

A bunk overspread with West Point'spurpling clover,

With his old mater Hudson to soothe,(hl8 last resit. , ,

A plain, simple slab of Galena's greygranite,

Then' the name which all ages forevermust know;

Three stars cut above forming "Valor'sproud planet,

And a little old bell-butt- on cut justbelow.

WANTED,ASITUATION by a sober young man.

Good references given. AddressJ. Til.. V., .Barj.ETiN Ofllcc. 179 lw

NOTICE.tlio CrcditnH of tho Estate ofTO LING SING KEB & CO., a bank,

rupt, take notice: That tho undersigned,assignr-- of the Estate of Ling Sing Kco& Co., a bankrupt, has, preparatory tohis final account and dividend, submit-ted his accounts as such npslpnco andfiled ,tho sumo before Hon. L. McCiilly,Justice of tho Supreme Court, nt hischambers, to whom he' will apply at 10o'clock ,n,in. on Saturday, the 21st dayof November, instant, for a settlementof said accounts and for a dlchargofrom all liability as such. assignee, andfor an order to make a final dividend.And lhat nny person interested may.then and there appi'jii- - ,and contest thetame. w.tU. KAI.KJS, Assignee.

Honolulu, Nov. 18, 1885, 17'J 3i

KEAL ESTATE FOR SALERAHEchanco for securing a desir.

ahle.huiucstead. Three Lots only.on thQ'castcrlyJflldojof Makikl Btreet,adjofriliia;1he mauka sldb of Mr. WalterSeal's place. A very pleasant neigh,borhood; n never falling supply of purewater in dm street from llio 'MukiklItcECrrolr. Terms, 9110 third rash, "thoremainder in 1 and 2'vears with iutorestat 8 per cent. net. Maps and plans canbo seen at the ofllco of ,A

jto if v. n;:qASTLE.

Notice to Ilorso Owners.CLIPPING donblin tloneoWHOUSE shcrlest'order and at

louea rates, with tho nw AraeticanLightning Hnrsc-Cllppin- Machine,which glides over them like lightning,leaving thorn looking as smooth us aplaned board. No more humano act canho done to a horse than to havo U longcoat removed in this warm climate, t:

0.1). MILES, Proprietor.Cor, Punchbowl & Queen Bts. 175 lro

The "Daily Bulletin"Is for tale immediately after publica-tion, at tho following placet: ..-

Messrs. OAT & CO.'S, Merchant St.;Mr. THRUM'S, Fort Street;Messrs. WOLFE & EDWARDS', corner

King and Nuuanu Sis.:THE CRYSTAL 80DA WORKS, Hotel St. '


(Mill &' 1W W X


Messrs. O. W. Macfarlano & Co."

beg to announce that Uiey will holdtheir usual

Christmas Salesvaof Fancy Goods this year.

$W For particulars' lis tid dates,' etc.,eco futuro advertisements. 170 If


expect per S.S., Alameda .B A

,it 1 t'.r.y

rI.I5,IEJS 1886!'

Full Assoi'tmant, jj


1Christmas and

New Year's Cards.1.

Etc., Etc., Etc. ' '

Lclta Diaries to arrivo ex Clly178 of Sydnoy. . lw


PHYSICIAN & SURGEON:.Has removed hi?, Residence and.Oulccto" 190 Fort Street '(lately' occupied byuapi. Jtiayu-y;- .

(8 to'JO A.M.,Office Houks- - lito.ap.M.,

( 7 to S Evenlnc.Telcphone"(Bcll and MutualNo. 149.

i 177 tf


I BEG to notify the Public in generalthat I bavo opened an;-otnc- e: on

MERCHANT tTREET,' iriconjuiictibowltliMr.- - .fortho purposeof attending 'to Uno wants o'fxtlic resl.dents. of tho Hawaiian Islands who mayneed an Agent.

I do not confine myself alone to theBusiness Houses, but nUo to tho domes,tic class who would wish mo to attendtoany matter of business, especially tomaking purchases cither in Honolulu orHanrancisco' in any line, oft General,Merchandise.

To tho Business Houses I will give'my careful attention in all matters per-taining to General. Business, viz: Ad-justing and Collecting 'Accounts, Distrlbution of Bills and Circulars, CustomHouse Entries, Buying, . Selling andRenting Real Estate and Personal Pro-nert-

. atsTT AIL Legal, DocumcntS'-wll- l' be

carefully and neatly drnwn up1 by Mr.j. a. juagoon.

By attending to all matters entrustedin my care in. a careful, courteous andneat manner, and with quick 'dispatch,I liopo to bo favored with a part of thepublic pitronago.

Agent for Klfnkncr& Co. Red RubberStamp?. O.K. MILLER,-1- -

iGencral Business Ag'onUTelephone ; P. O". Box 113.42 Merchant Street. 172 ly


THE undersigned beg leavo to Informpublic that they have opened

nn oilico at ' I

Itooqt 13, Caiuiibcll'H Jtlock,(Up Stairs), MERCHANT BT.,

Honolulu, r.s

General Business Agents,We make a Specialty of Book-keep-

ing, Collecting; CuBtomJIoiiBO "Broker,ace and Shipping and ReceivingFreights.

We nro also preparedof Bankrupt Stock unywher? in

tho Kingdom and gjiarantea accuratereturns.; Waj afo" also, prepay er Uqrjf ur-ni-

Touristi witli.fihlded and'givo rollablu information iu regard to route oftravel and places of' interest on nny ofthe Islands of the group.

With strict attentlon-t- business ,nndprompt .foturnB.lQ th'p3q.,wU'o nJV lu'--itrust their liusiucss to us, we solicit ashare of patronage.

tS?" All Legal Documents drawn up byan experienced Lawyer. '

105 0m NOBLK, HARE & CO.

Salmon! Salmon!". .

Jiift arrived, and for Sale hi Lots" $ : Hult'


'.; 'lfSO BarrolN

Fraser, RivfiL. Salmon;s'm...':-- ' G1&H

.(.'. iW.

VaJ.i'l&if. irtVW, .

,'A" 'xerms '?ngonn uie.!''.17 O; Bre'wen SciCo 3w

1 "ii

'From Loss by Flro, Shipwreck or l5calh, by Insuring Homo, Furniture


ami j'.wcme, iarcocs 01 mi gar, nice,chandlso, Stocks of Goods



Save Yourself

mk mv 'WMMm MAMEXn.rt.lbrd, Conn,, Clmrtoretl; 1 81.


UNION --fIRE&ABIM 1NS.; MSttn JTrtmclseo,

iii .11

Yaiilte31 or






Well-know- Houndahd Tho California Companythat Its Chicago Losses Promptly and Full. '

1 t

Tlie.ejkVd lEnlanct '''';"'


,.,,..,,,Life-insuranc- e

II.--.Co;;- -

The Old Sellable. Thol'ioiieor of Llfo Insurance Agcncyih thoHawaiian Kingdom. ,

Our Now Policies."All Policies Non-Eorfeitk- ble by

170 Agents

,lvH. E. MclNTYRE & BRO.,


EAST CORNER FOllT AND KING STREETS.' 'C '- - , J' ','; :"lli

New iGootJa received by every Packet from U10 (StatosuudFroJh Produco bv overv Hlcnmnr. 'All orders fntllifullv allp.nrlcd.to....and Oood delivered toanynnrtof thecited: SatUfuotion guaranteed. Post OfflceiB6.vl45.' TelCpliohe No. 03.

' ' . 'J 'u .nniTC 3



78 King: Street, Honolulu.

175 P. O. Box 010.


1C8 No. CO Street. iy

R. M. J. i.tiih.-J--Jrtii- .

Physician, and . -

Leprosy, SvphilU mid Skin Disease aSpecially. Office, .mauka of tho resl.denco of Hon. James Kcau, King Street jKapalama, Honolulu.

Office Ho cms 1 to p.m. ,Sundays 8 a.m. to 12 m.

NiB, Parlies on tho other Islands canconsult 155'ly

FEATHERS DYED,Cleaned and C.urledT",




I BEG to inform my friends andthat I removed my

plac'd of business front .No.,88 Hotelitrcct, to? . .

"Lincoln's 'Shop, King Streetwhere I will be on hand to attend

toal.orilcr jHouse and Ship Fainting, 'Paper

Hanging, etcrg.at prices to suit tho times. W

C. B. PATTERSON,,.JC0 lin Lincolnfl'Shop,wKlng Street.

House and Lot' ForNext to tho residence of J.Colburn. Klnnu 8lreet:'Honse

i' contains c rooms, cook houseand pantry. Tljcro arc alsi Bath Ilous,Siablcs and n largo Ciilcken Yard. Ap--

m:tt " iloncJltilu Iron Works.'

k ' 4

N. F. BUEGESS, .84 Klii street, ':' Honorulii.

'Carnrriter nnd Hutliler. Haeenee andi)rnying and steamer iPrclght carefully

bundled.Carriage rainHl'tg ilfinu by H;flrsUclass

at 78 King street.'"Jobbing in nlmvo linestlcnilpd to withpromptness; and charges' according' to

the amount nnd quality of work.ORlco Telephone, 2( 2. Residence, 162.

Two Suburban Cottages toLet.

FIRST That elegant Cottage hither,occupied by the owner, John

Robcllo, wlti, flne flower and fruitgarden, ptables, etc. Terms favorable.' SECpND The'two-stor- CoJIage two'

doors makal of the above, lately decq.pied 'by tho late A, T Baker, having

(.table, etc' Terms favorable. '

Both premises nro connected with1 thecity water service Apply to


, , " .HYMANBROS.Queen Stiect. ,' 104 tf


Iflffifn, 'HmHOB



and .;

3 J.C

ucnerai rroaucp,. .nnuand Life, In the

V'n '.

yv, Ml?o

0 rn'd."'.f5jl

. . .1 U' j JStli' ". 7-- D'.i ;q"53f lit



'; ti 'hi. 5."3

t .:otji;JllHl

ii i(,

i'7' .111! :

Reliable. Only.Paid In


.. T '.V,'j

Full Trm EndowmentLaw. !





Eastern .c,California










for the Hawaiian Islands.re,''




Feed. ',.


cityJfrcb of choree. Island ofderB"poH-- , .

7 Notice.,, ,.'.;; '.'":fjYiPfUcc, jvlll bo,,closcd frpm- - Nov. ,!(vi

1st until DecV 8,th, 168C, durlne . ,.my absence at tho Coat.,' , MfGROk.SMAN,'DcntlBt. uAf.

98 Hotel Street. . ;. .105. tf, rJas. W. Robertson, '

X "- - ii-- i'-"

ACCOUNTANT AND COPYIST., r.i:. ' in.'. .. 'i' (.'

Books'and Accounts neatly and correct.. rv.ly kept, a)so all Kinas, o copying, at-,to- .(

tended to., ",Ofllcc .with Hustaco'.A i

bcrtsbn:;' ' . ' ; " ' 8tf,trJ ? '; j i r Jjl

ElectIou;oC Officers. ..,., ,l!nJ.tho Annual Meotlng.of.thapno-'jj- .AT med Sugar, Co. liold ;at" the 'office. .,

of ,C. Brower'aj Co. this day, tho follow.Ing officers' were duly electedcbmlng:j'fiar: .1 1

J. p.1- Oartek. '...' i..... Presldetitu -

W. B'.SAi.i.EN... .....w yiCetPresident ci''1iP.'CJoNBa ,. 8;cretary;(n fQ.J. Ross. .. ,......,. .Tf e'asiircr . ,J. O. CARTEnri......1!." ....Auditor '

Tn"o"aboIvi .q'fflce'rs'arevaso 'tue.blrecV'"'1torsof5 tlio1 Company. ' " '. '

. '"' V.'O. JONES,'. ..

, Sqo'y, Onomca Sugar Co.Honolulu, Oct. 27,7885. 4 lUllm . .


Election" of Offlcersi - 1: J

A1 the Annual Jlce'tihg-o- f tho Sft'ck- -''' '

holders of tho- Wnlhce Sucar"- '-Company", held at tho ofllco of W.G. ;

Irwin &, Co., on the 0th day of "Noyem-,,,- ij

uer,iBO, tuo louowmg omcers wcro ,'.J..lelected for tho current, year:.1Col. Z. 8. Spalding President

Mr.'F: PfIIastinos ViceTf esldent'"Mii.vJosepii O. Carter.. ..J, ..SccrctaVy l

Hox. Ceci.Biiown Trcasurer;iHon., Jas.- - I. Dowsi'.tt Audi tof ,

' ' J. O, CARTER,' ,'j' , Secretary Wqihab Sujiar Co. AHonolulu, Nov; 10, 1885. Vt'S lmx ' ,l

; r-- : r--, psi U.--

l.lilUl,1" PIONEER liiillX t

( i !l?lbt8

St'miGanayFoidry!SanV Bkeryv ,lhJilwvA

Estblislidl,8i83j;tl,i:DJ IU

;. 1. in 1 i.-t- . ad Jm-u- i

i.'j.jJ, .u ',tli'-..J'Jj:'- Mm J f'.sfl.iA

F. HOEN, iii." L:il.,I.l,:.iK1'fl,!u tiifFit.izf'l

Vi6'.l"Tl HOSTEL ST.;',bttwleeh''''"Y' ""

. ""NuuanU'rihd'Fort Blt.'ii','mji''!iif' I L.j'


i.-.t- f H

1 JwiTiu '.;","'tt

i ivmttHa9,alyay8oq,luind'tho largest Stock, ftL,

of Candies, both Plain and Fancy,guar,!u ,


- '4





. .1 i... , ii ri': . .'' '..AVllOlCHlljp 1UJUtl,IltJt4lIl,lj.j-.,J- (

Rioh. Wedding Oake'MOf'a Twenty Years' Repu'totibrl, all"Slzeaialways on hand, ornamehted' :' -.

In nny Style. ' ' W .uni! ' ;' .rli. ;

Fottriea of All Description lMadi to n- -

Order at Short Kotico.n'i' .": . luii i iu

Pui-- o nnd' " .,rtV, " '"J

Wholesome Bread,'!Fresh jo very Day . ?mii 1

. ..'!...' Ju .!' f '" '

Bell and MntuabTclcphone, No. 74.P. O.BoxNo.'.' nVf.i, mlOSl

'" ' '




,v.(.vj,.. ,. njr

. "Yr




' t






NVEDNESDAY, NOV. 18, 1886".

AC ASSIZ'SMCLI NATION.,WleittNotdN; Oct. lTho 1--

lowing correspondence between theBocrctary of' the trcastiryand 5Prof.Agnsslz explains itself J ,,

Washington, Sept. 22, 188$.Professor ,J1

irtfjtt Af&IJ.MJff am autb&iMby (hj &ciW6MRoMer to&b&Motllce (now vacant) of sup'erinten-den- t

of the United States coa9t htfdgeodetic survey, and to , uyir,essrtoyoi his most enrntst wish that youwill accept the offer and give to thegovernmentthebenefltofypursToientU,tic cxpfef fence" itndlbU8lp&l'n$y.'I beg ''leavo lo add" forJwysclf 'anequally urgent request that you willaccept the place. The bureau needs,at this moment more than ever, thecare and guidance, not only ofsuperior scientific faculties, but ofthe very best cxecutivo ability. We.,are convinced that you oan "satisfy'both of these urgent needs, and bea Iworthyv'8ucces3or of even .the mqsjdistinguished among the very com-- ,peteht and illustrious men who havebeen at the head of its forces. Use-

ful and important as the work of thebureau has been, much and evenmore useful and important workremains to bo done. Your accept-ance of the oflieo now tendered toyou, without solicitation on yourpart, will be an assurance to thecountry, we hope, that while pro-

secuting its great purposes jrithJudicious economy, a scientific in-

telligence of theTbroadest and IiighesTorder will surely mark the progressof the bureau. May we not hope,if yqit' shall hesitate about postpon-ing for a little your present work at

'Cambridge and the pursuit of thespecialty xwhich so much k interestsyou, that you will, beforomakihg-- a

final decision, como to Washington,and by a persoual conference uiththe president and myself, be con-

vinced how urgent and exceptionalit is at this moment, both for thogovernment and the real interests ofAmerican science, that faculties Andreputation such as you happilypossess may be at the head of thecoast survey. Very respectfully'yours, Daniel Manning.Museum of Comparative Zoologt, )

Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 29, 1885. )

To the.Hotiorablc'Datlicl Jlati-ninf- f,

Secretary of the 'Treasury:Sir I cannot feel but highly flat-

tered at tho offer-o-f the position ofsuperintendent of the United Statescoast survey, made 'to me on behalfof the president, in your letter ofthe 22d. In declining this offer,tendered in such' a cordial manner, Ihave given all possible weight to thoreasons purged in fayor of my accept-ance.' It' would be a,pleasure to meto express to the president .andyourself my thanks in person forthe honor conferred upon me, whichI must, however, respectfully declinefor , various reasons. As I amneither a professional mathematiciannor physicist, I do not think myappointment would be acceptable tomy scientific colleagues as head ofthe coast survey. There arc, if Iam not mistaken, two.gentleraen; atleast, in 'the service of the govern-ment, and two civilians who areeminent specialists well fitted forthe post. Except in one case I amunable to speak ftorn any knowledge oftheir executive ability. Under thesecircumstances I do not feel it myduty to take your proposition intoconsideration, even were other rea-

sons which kept me at Cambridge atpresent such as could be ignored.But I may add that I havo cliargo,oi important interests on Tvmcn myscientific future depends, and whichI could not honestly jeopardize. Myhealth is such also that I am com-pelled every winter toabsent myselffor at least) threekmonths'r'so that thelittle time I have at' my commandfor scientific work would be com-pletely sacrificed were I' to move toWashington and begin anew in afield which is not my own. While Iam 'forced to the decision, whichmust be considered final, I cannotrefrain from expressing my gratifica-tion at the interest shown by theadministration in the appointment ofa worthy successor to tho formersuperintendent of the coast survey.That I should be named in this con-nection is a proof of confidencewhich I value highly. Unquestion-ably, it is essential at this moncnt,both to the government and the in-

terests of science throughout thecountry, that the head of bo im-

portant a scientific bureau should bopossessed of the highest scientificcapacity, honesty and executiveability.

I am pxtreraely obliged for yourcoraiai inviiauon to visit wasumg-ton- .

Were I to accept it, however,sensible as I am of the force of theargqments.so kjndly urged upon ntchy the presicnj and yourself, Icould only apply them in order topress the claims of others, andassist, if possible, in making an ap-

pointment satisfactory to the?md to'ttieliest interest

of science.I remain, very respectfully,

Your obedient servant,A; Aoassiz.

&r r-- Worcester Spy, Oct.&th

$ 'v

' JH.J'- - --U'r "STv Sn-wfvr(- ? ''yijwy

. '""? vwnnir F ;

--HORSES BOARDEDTiY tho Day, Week or Month.. Horsc3

"JLJ broken to Harness. Horses clip.pcd. Ilorscs bought, sold or 'driven.Apply to A. ARTHUR.-1U7

..!. lm- .

Next Bulletin Office.

$12,000TO Loan on Real Estato Security, in

Sums of tot less than $1,000 ench.to J. M. MONSARRAT,

o. 27 Merchant Sircot. 1C4 tf

r. To Lot Eurnished.ii XiT (Klittuca. Kauai, n comfortable

legL Hguse and Cottage eminently s.ulto-- U

uie ior a iamiiy winning 10 ppenu uthort tliuo in tho country. Apply to

MANAUER,180.1 f.U.v KUauea Sugar Co,

FOll KENT..Tho premises at No. 43

street, near the, cornet ofEKFort street, centrally .located

in tlio business pnrt of the city. Suita-ble for a LAW OFPU E, or any otherkind of buslncs. Rent low-- Enquireof DR. STANGENWALD.

107 8m

TO JUET.Rcsldenco of. the late JudgeT'HE 2W Nuuttnu Avenue. Fine

S storv house with larjre irrounds. TwoCottages, Lnrge Canal, Servants' roorns,.carriage jioujo, miuic ami umcueuHouses. Everything in perfect order.Terms reasonable to a eood tenant.Enquire of JONATHAN AUSTIN,160 tf Over Bishop & Co.'s Bank.

for sale:eumplete Outfit n follows: 1ONE and gentle Family Carritige

Horse, 1 Top Buggy, nearly new, 1 neatset of Harness, ulso, 1 identic Horie,either saddle or harness, also, 100 CordsOf'Flrewood, 4ft lengths. Apply to' C. K. MILLER, Gen'l Business Agent.

24 Merchant Street. 172 2w

--Dwelling House for Rent.$45 per Month and

Water Rates.largo'dwclllng house and lot

occupied by D. D. Baldwin front-In- e

on Dole street, at Punahou, and run.nine through to Beckwith street. .The

ll'bathroom,'4 large closets; kitchch nd.joining. There is a large uarn wituservant's room on tho grounds, also anofQco separate frqm tho main building.Tho lot is nearly 2 acres in extent andaffords considerable pasture and fire-

wood. Everything in good repair. Gov.ernment w ater laid on. Enqulro of182 tf 8. 1$. DOLE.


Recta) Treatment. A new treat-me-

for Hemorrhoid', Fistula and otherdiseabes of tho rectum, by a processsure, safe and painless.

DR. McWAYNE, 34 Alakea st.102 8m

THE FISHER CIDER COMPANYFactory, 18 Liiiha street.now prepared to furnish 'this

celebrated Champagno Cider atshort notice, and in quantities to suit.All orders will meet prompt attentionby addressing The Fisher Cider Co.

M. r. uuin jviiiijij, uanager.Mutual Telephone S3U. 130 ly

BAGGAGE EXPRESS.Thn imHnlvlcrnni! ImvtnfrVtukCnchurce ot BaggageExpress No. 84 'for the '

Surpbse of carrying on the Express andnope3 by paving strict

attention to business to reeeive a shareof public patronage.

ISJf Moving pianos and furniture 'aspecialty. B. BURGERSON.

Residence, corner Punchbowl andStreets. Mutual Telephone 920.

West, Dow & Co., Telephone 17H.30 ly



Special notice to Island orders forMerchandise of every description, at thevery lowei.1 rates of commission. Sendfor pamplcs of Dry Good, etc., etc.Catalogues and pi ice list free by mailevery stentnci. Address

300 CALIFORNIA STREET,101 tf Room 10, Ban Francisco.

YosemltB Statins KM.


Will bu open every ufternoon uml even,ing as follows:

Monday .Tuesday tWedneadayrii urnday aad Saturday EventncH.

To the public In general.

PBIDAY 33V33NirsTGS,For ladies nnd gentlemen.

Tuesday Afternoons,For ladies, gontlcmen and children.

Friday uml Saturday Ecnlnga; also, atthe Tuesday Matinee.


November 8th, 1885,

Pi-oi- : al. p. rH3Bxisris,Being thu Ohampion Roller Skater ofEngland, France and Canada, he offersa Standing Challenge of $1,000 to anyprofcssloaal who will equal him InTrick and fancy Roller Skating.

Prof. Demew" exhibitions consists ofout 200 mcncmefits of the most diffi-cult, original, novel and astoundingfeats ever attempted, such as hiawoti.derful spin from one to ttvo minute?,rauKtng, ironi two to three hundred re-volutions, and other tricks tuo nuiner.oils to mention.

t3f Remember Wonders never cease;lila wonderful acts mubt be been to bebelieved.

THOS. E. WALL, Manager.1147

FOR MALE.ANNING'S IbLAND GUANO inif quantities to suit Apply 'to the

rAUifiiJMAriuAi'iua uu.103 lyr

Alfred MAcjoon, hJ ATIORNEYATLAW.178 43 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly

Honolulu Garrlago Manufact'y228 and 2S0 Fort Street,

Honolulu .... Hawaiian Is.W H. PAGE, Proprietor

THEProvincial FlYo' Insurance Co.,

LONDON.Subflcrllxd Capital : : ci,O0O,OOO

. J. T. WATERHOU8E, Jit., Agent.187 fltn

F. WUNDENBERa,Tl Queen etroot,


Steamer "J. I. Dowsett,"AND SCHOONERS

Rob Roy, Mile Morrii, and Josephine.

SALT FOR SAJLE,'Fine" and coarse Puuloa Salt ; Auo

Kdkaako Salt, in quantities to suitAlso, large and small Iron Water

TankB. Paints, Oils, Etc., Etc. G3 ly


Mer's Stnislnp Co.

Commencing on Monday, October12th, and" thence on tho first, Mondayfolowing the arrival of the Alameda'and Mariposa on the 8th and 22nd ofeach month.

The steamer Kiuan will make theVolcano Trip, reaching Kcauhou onWednesday morning, giving Touriststwo days nnd two nights at tho VolcanoHouse.

When the Sth and 22nd of the monthfall on Monday, the Kinau uill leavethat day.

SST Tickets (or tho Round Trip. $50, whichpays all Chargej.-- a

Tho Kin an will arrive in HonoluluSunday mornings on Volcano Trips. OnHtlo Trips, will leavo Honolulu onTuesdays, and return) Saturday morn,lags'. - WILDER'S BTMSHlP CO.

Honolulu, Sept. 14, 183S. 124 tf


Ice Cream ' Parlor

AND- -


Lincoln's Block, Kii'slA Vine Assortment or

Candies & Cakes

on Hand

Parties Supplied1003 ly

Bill Headn


Ball Programs

Bills of Lading

Business Cards

Book Work


Circulars s

Concert Progr'ms

Draft Books

Delivery Books


Hand Bills


Queen Strut,

'.ff Tl" Jilt. u.v-f- rwtLnnixHunnMWK

NOTICE.MR D. L. A11PUART herqby Intl.,

mates that he has this day with-draw- n

from tho Ann of Siiyong & Ah.nhart. and that ha will carrv on t.hn lml.ness of an Employment Agency, Anglo.Chin oso Interpreting, Collecting Accounts ana omur Agency uumucss atSdn Kim Lung Co.'s, 48 Hotel strecti

112 tf


Sohoonor EHUKAIwill rdn tcgularly

TO WAIALUA EVERT MONDAY,' Returning on Thursday, weather

permittingFor freight or passage apply to the

Captain on board, or toPacific NavioAtion Co.,

181 , Agents


Practical Gun Lock Smith,

Bethel St., np.t to Post-Offlc- e.

Sowing Machines ofall kinds'repaired.

All kinds of Light machinery repairedon Short Notice.

NB, Good Woikmanship and Charges121 Strictly Moderate. ly


Ice Cream Parlors !

rs'o. tfi Hotel Mtvcct.

Delicious flavoitd Ioe Cicam madefrom pnro Dairy Cream, Fruit lees,Sherbets Ice Cream Drinks and manyother refreshments can bo found alwaysat this really flrst-cla- s resort. ChoiceConfectionery and Cukes in greatvariety.

Families, Parties, Balls and WeddingsSupplied.

For the convenience of tho public wepack orders for Ice Cream in PatentRefrigerator Cans, which hold from 1 to40 Quarts, warranted to keep its delight-fu- l

flavor nnd ptrfect formjfor mauyhours.

Mutual Telephone : : 3!SBolt Telephone : : : 182

8" The Elite Ice Cream Parlors areopen daily until 11 r.ir. 38 ly


G or. BBTetania & Fnncliuowl

This elegant Rink has been paintedand overhauled generally, The prnpri- -

clor, finding, atier long usage, wo dunserviceable for Roller Skating, liasafter great expense, laid n

Patent Couosilion Floor,

And only asks a trial to convince any-one of its great advantages over wood,for case in skating, cleanliness, etc.

I" Open ocry evening in tho weekfrom 7 to 9. and Wednesday and 8a.turday afternoons for Indies and chil.dren. D. P. SMITO.

120 ly

Letter Headings


Law Reports

Noto Headings

Plantation Books




Show Cards

Shipping Rccc'ts



Visiting Cards

Way-Blll- s


Every Description of Joli FrintingExecuted with neatness and dispatch,


Daily Bulletin Steam Printing Office,

asaasMlla9aaaVHvjaaBB L




THE UNDERSIGNED is preparedfurnish household servants,

collect bills, and do Anglo-Chlocs- e in.terprctlng and a general agency busi-ness. Charges moderate.

SOYONG, 48J4 Nuuanu St.Mutual Telephone 270. 08 dm


Fnironlzo Home Hlnnnfnctnrc

The Hawaiian Stono Comp'y

Are now prepared to furnish fresh Limein quantities to lult purcha-ci- s, andsatisfaction warranted hi to both thekind and tho price.

ALLEN & E0BINS0N,03 ly Agcntp.

J. A. DOWER,Ship Carpenter and Boat Builder.

HAS on hand and for silo varioussized surf boats, constructed on

an lmprovea principle oi my own Inmention, ench frame being of one pieceacross the keel. Tho frames arc closertogether, and tho boats arc thereforelighter and less liable to bilge in, thanboats of any other build. Each sideplank and gunwale is in one piccu fromstem to stern, and is consequently notliable to strain, thero being no midshipbutts. The material nnd vtoikmanshlparc warranted to bo of tho best quality.

Mr. Robert Lowers, of Lewcrs &Cooke, will attend to the hale of theseboats, and dispose of them at Ban Fran-cisco piiccs. CG ly

E. R. RYAN,ITIont Ttullrtcv.

Boats Built and Repaired to Order.

All Kinds of Boat Mntcrlnl,Timbers, Knees, Stems, Keels. Also, 1

Decked Surf Boat, 1 Large Twelve-To- n

Scow, 1 Four-Oare-d Race Boat, 2 SmallSkiffs, 1 Twelvc-To- n Sloop in perfectorder, with sails, anchors and chainscomplete. For sale cheap ior cashKilauca street, Honolulu. 1005 ly

roplM Marke t,KING STREET,

G. tT. t, Proprietor.

Choioest Meats from Finest Herds.

Families and Shipping


and at theJjO-veH- t market Prices.

All meats delivered from this Marketare thoroughly chilled immediately afteikilling by means of u Bell Coleman Pa-tent Dry Air Refrigerator. Meat sotreated retains all Its juicy propertiesand is QcxnANTEED to Keep Longeiiafter Delivlry than Fuesiily-kili,-e- d

Meat. 74 ly


''pHE undersigned, a Committee of Di-- X

rectors of ihe Equitable Life M.surance Society of tho United States,appointed to formulaic the views of theBoard on the advantages offered by tinSociety to the public, report:

1st The Society issues all the approvcd forms ol a&buiunce, including OrdlnaiyLlfe. E do v ment and Tontine policies. It is immaterial to the Directorywhich form of policy is taken by

assurers.2d The Life and Endowment forms

of policy provide for annual cash dividend- - and a surrendet value; aiolndisputablc after three years and paj ableimmediately after proof of death

8d The premiums on a Tontlno po-licy aro tho same ns on the OrdinarjLite, but, while tho latter is only payable in the event of death, the bolder oltho Tontine policy has the right to diawtho wholoof thcrcscnc and tho accu-mulated profits in rash at tho end of astated period ; thus, during his own life-time, after his producing years aie past,he can, without any larger premiumthan on an ordinary policy, securo thesegreater advantages.

4th Expcricnno shows that tho returnin cash on maturing Tontino s

approximates to or exceeds theamount of premiums paid by policy-holders, so that tho average cost of theassurance will be only about the intereston tho premiums.

Cth Tontino policies, like others, aropaid in full in the event of death at anytime during the term of the policy, anaarc incontestable after three years, andpayable immediately after due proof ofdeath.

0th Experience shows that tho mor.tallty is lower among Tontino policy,holders, as tho better lives soek thiskind of assurances, which is a consider,able source of profit.

7in xoniino policies will no raaaole under tho laws of the

State, if so desired at Ihe time tho as-surance, is cflcctcd.

Sth Tho Tontino system is fair andjust; Its accounts are accurately kept,separate from all other business; thefunds judiciously Invested and improv-ed, and the accumulated profits faith-full- y

guarded and properly apportioned.SHh Tho Society has since its organ!,

zation transacted a larger amount ofnow business than any other company,while its now business for tho first halfof tlio present year is $1,700,000 largerthan that of the fiist half of 1884. It,has Assets of $00,000,000; over $14 000,-00-0

of Surplus, and its ratio of Surplusto Liability is greater than that of anyother company,

ClIAUKCEY M. DKPE.W,John A, Stewart,Eugene Kelly,William A. "WiieelockCharles O, Landon,John Sloane,Henry B, Hyde,

Committee of tho Board of Dlicctors qftho Equitable Lifo Assurance Societyof tho United States.

ALKX. J, OARTWRIOHT,General Agent for iiuwalian Islands,

Equitable Lifo Assurance Society.127 ly

mWmsm& ' - mmttmamm.

O Lugo llawallano.ALL persons who want to comrauni.

with tho Pottupuese, citherfor business, or for procuring workmen ,servants or any other helps, will fled ittho mpst prolilablo way to advertise Intho Luso ItaxuaiiitHo, tho now organ oftho Portuuuojo colony, which is pup.lished on Merchant street, Gaictlc Build,ing, (Posl-Olllc- Letter Bu E.), nndonly charges loahruablo raits for advir-tlsimcn- t.



THIS INbTITU'UON Is located oncorner of Hotel and Alakea

streets, directly opposite tho building oftho Y. M. C. A., and is open every dayand ecnlng, Sundays included.

Tho Reading Room is supplied withall tho local journals, as oil as nearlyfifty of tho leading foreign papers andmagazines.

The Oltculatlng Library counts ofover 3,000 olumcs, and is constantlyinci casing.

Tho Reference Library contains avaluable Hue of cyclopedia', diction,arics, and works of a similar chaiacter.

A haiidsomc parlor is piovldcd forconvcisalion and games.

Tho Circulating Department is closedon Sunda s.

Terms of membership : Signing theroll and pa Ing tho regular dues, Ultycents a month, quarterly in advance.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from other islands are welcometo tho rooms at all limes, but as thoAssociation has no other regular meansof support except tho dues of members,it is expected that residents of Honoluluwho desiro to avail themselves of itsprivileges, and all who feel an interestin maintaining nn institution of thiskind in our community, will join theAssociation and paj' tho regular duc.

DOLE. PresidentM.M. SGOIT Vice-Preside-

ILA. PARMELEE SecretaryA.L.SMI'JH TreasurerC. T. ROUGERS, M. D.. Chairman Hall

and Library Committee. 77 tf

"Tkt&F.Mut ?

The Only Paper in Californiathat Advocates Hawaiian


A Splendid Advertising Medium

For Hawaiian Business Men desirous offorming trade connections

on tho Coast.

All Hawaiian papers kept on file andfull information given concerning

the Islands.


Entrusted to the Proprietor will bepromptly and carefully executed,

and no commission charged.

TERMS Three Dollars per annum;$1.75 for six mouths.

Charles K. Bucklimd,Editor nnd Proprietor.

OrFICE-3- 23 Front Strut. Poft-Oltic- o

Box, 2J00, ban Francisco, California.

ieLPltlCE XilHT OF"

MiuUberry Trees.WHITE.

per 10 100 1000.18 to 24 inches. . 00c $4 00 $20 002 to 3 feet Uuc 11.00 HO003to4fcct $1.20 8.60 GSOO

JtUHHIAX.TER 10 100 1000

4 1(5 0 inches... $ 2.C0 $10 CO

0 to 12 inches.. 50c 2.C0 15.0012 to 18 " .. COc 3.50 10.0018 to 21 " .. 7Gc 5.00 EO.OO2 to 8 feet $1.00 7.00 40.003lo4 " 1.25 0.004 to 5 " 1.75 12.005 tot " 2.50 10.00

Cuttings, per 100, $1.00; per 1,000, $0.00.White Mulberry Seed, por ounce, 80

cents; per pound, $3.00.Busslan Mulberry Stcd, per ounce, CO

cents; per pound, $7.00.

Miss Nellie Lincoln RossiterIs Agent for tho following papers:

South and West, semi-monthl- COc ayear;

Farmeri Call, weekly, 50c per year;Parmer's Home, monthly, 50c per year;Home and School Visitor, monthly,

75c per year.As an inducement to parties to order

their Silk Worm Eggs during tho sum.mer, to be forwarded in tho tall, I oilerpremiums, from April 1st, as follows:For$l, 2.000 cgii and a book of in-

struction,For $2, 5,000 eggs, book of instruction

and any one paper.For $3, Joz, eggs, and any tw o papers.For $5, 1 oz. eggs, two papers and book.For $0.50, 2 oi. egg, and three papers.For $14, 3 oz. oggu, 3 papers and book.For $17, 4 oz. eggs, and four papcn,For $H1, 5 oz. eggs, 4 papers and book

Thq above charges "aro tho regularlist prices for oggs," and tho papers willbe sent as here stated for one car.Those Bending ordcis through thu sum.mer, accompanied by the cash amount,(PoRt-QIUc- e orders payable to me, ohPost Oflieo, Penibcttou. New Jersey, U.S. A.) will receive tlio premiums towhich their order rnlitlis them, com.nunclng at once, and iho eggs will besent about November 1st.

itrxuE iiiNcoiisr uohpiteu,Practical bilU CulturU,

New Lisbon, Burlington I "077 NEW JERBEVr "


