women of united: annual christmas tea advent supper … · 2018. 12. 3. · introducing the new...

December 2018 UNITED LUTHERAN CHURCH We are a Stephen Ministry Church Address: 100 Cooper Road · Bella Vista · AR 72715 Phone: 479-855-1325 Email: [email protected] Website: www.unitedlutheranbv.org LIKE US on Facebook: @ United Lutheran Church ULC ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DAY DINNER TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25TH 11:30AM ADVENT SUPPER SERVICES Begin @ 6:00pm _________________________ December 5th December 12th December 19th CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP SERVICES MONDAY, DECEMBER 24TH 2:30PM & 6:30PM WOMEN OF UNITED: ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TEA SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8TH 2:00 - 4:00PM

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Page 1: WOMEN OF UNITED: ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TEA ADVENT SUPPER … · 2018. 12. 3. · INTRODUCING THE NEW TESTAMENT by Mark Allan Powell Using a text book entitled, “ Introducing the New


December 2018

UNITED LUTHERAN CHURCH We are a Stephen Ministry Church

Address: 100 Cooper Road · Bella Vista · AR 72715

Phone: 479-855-1325

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.unitedlutheranbv.org

LIKE US on Facebook: @ United Lutheran Church





December 5th December 12th December 19th




2:00 - 4:00PM

Page 2: WOMEN OF UNITED: ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TEA ADVENT SUPPER … · 2018. 12. 3. · INTRODUCING THE NEW TESTAMENT by Mark Allan Powell Using a text book entitled, “ Introducing the New


FROM THE PASTOR’S OFFICE: St. Nicholas, patron saint of children,

Katharina von Bora Luther, renewer of the church I am continually fascinated by the saints, ordinary people who live by faith in Jesus Christ and in whose lives

the Holy Spirit is at work. And so I continue to look to the church calendar for inspiration:

Traditionally December 6th commemorates Nicholas, bishop of Myra, also

known as St. Nicolas. Though Nicholas is one of the church's most beloved

saints, little is known about his life. In the fourth century he was a bishop in

what is now Turkey.

Legends that surround Nicholas tell of his love for God and neighbor,

especially the poor. One famous story tells of Nicholas secretly giving bags of

gold to the three daughters of a father who was going to sell them into prosti-

tution because he could not provide dowries for them. Nicholas has become a

symbol of anonymous gift giving.

One of the ways Nicholas can be remembered is give gifts to those in need.

This holy season, United provides several options: bring hats and gloves to

decorate the Fellowship tree. Those items will be donated to those in need in

Decatur schools. Social Ministry has bags in the Narthex, fill them with the listed items and bring them back for

distribution throughout Benton County. There is also an ELCA Good Gifts Advent tree in the Narthex, providing

for goats, chickens, bees, school uniforms for those who need a helping hand. We celebrate the season by

presenting a gift to those in need.

Then, on December 20th, the commemoration moves to Katharina von Bora

Luther, or Katy. She was born in Lippendorf, Germany 29 January 1499, and

her family sent her, at the age of five, to the Benedictine cloister in Brehna for

an education. Later, at the age of nine, she moved to another monastery to be

near her aunt, who was already a member of the community.

After several years of religious life, she grew dissatisfied with her life in the

monastery, while at the same time interested in the growing reform movement.

She contacted Martin Luther and begged his assistance in leaving the monas-

tery, and Luther arranged an ‘escape,’ hiding the women in and among fish bar-

rels. Luther then worked to find homes, marriages and employment for the

women; all but Katharina. She had several suitors, however she later confessed

her willingness to marry Luther only. Luther debated the match, but later wrote

that “his marriage would please his father, rile the pope, cause the angels to

laugh, and the devil to weep.” They were married 13 June 1525; Katy was twen-

ty-six and Martin was forty-one.

The couple moved to the former dormitory for Augustinian friars in Wittenberg, a wedding gift from John,

Elector of Saxony. The story is told that at Luther’s marriage, the Archbishop Albrecht, who opposed Luther’s

reforms, sent a wedding gift of twenty guilders. Martin intended to refuse the money, but Katy, with a good head

for their finances, said that the money had come from the Lord, and they must keep it; they did.

Katharina thrived as she managed the monastery’s vast holding, which included cattle, chickens, a brewery, and

many boarders and visitors. They had six children, and welcomed four orphans. She is often considered one of

the most important participants of the Reformation because of her role in helping define the family life.

She died in Torgau, Germany four years after Luther. Her last recorded words, “I will cling to Christ like a burr

to a dress.”

May we too learn to share our stories, inspiring service and joy! Pastor Karen


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PARISH NURSES: The Christian Meaning to Ancient Traditions

The Holiday season is all about giving to others, family, church & yes good food. For

others it can be a stressful time. Christmas is more than opening a pile of well

wrapped presents under the tree. Christmas is packed with rich traditions & history.

When you think of Christmas, what do you remember the most? The memories that

seem to last the longest for most of us are those family traditions. Maybe it’s your

whole family gathered by the fireside with a decorated tree glittering in the

background or racing down the stairs on Christmas morning to see what Santa Claus

left you. But have you ever wondered where your favorite traditions came from?

Christmas is so full of wonder, meaning & tradition. There are many variations & ex-

planations regarding some of our historical traditions. But, where did some of these

things that we now call “Christmas” come from?

• December 25th was the Saturnalia Festival of emancipation, gift giving & the triumph of light after the

longest night. Christ the Light of the world, His triumph over the night of sin. (Luke 1:78-79)

• Evergreen Trees were the symbol of eternal life. Martin Luther introduced them to the Reformation

Church as a picture of our endless life in Christ, by bringing in a tree to his family on Christmas Eve lit

with candles.

• Candles are a picture that Christ is the Light of the world. (John 8)

• Holly speaks of the thorns in His crown. (Matthew 27:29)

• Red is a color of Christmas that speaks of Christ’s blood & death.

• Gifts are a reminder of the gifts of the Magi to baby Jesus. Each of them speak to a component of His

incarnation: Majesty in Life, Bitterest Agony in Death & He as Gods Perfect gift to us. (Matthew 2)

• The Yule Log was a symbol by which all the men in the family would carry a log large enough to burn for

12 days in their home. They were identifying with Christ & His Cross. The fire was started with a

fragment from the previous years log (this refers to the eternal existence of Christ before His birth). It

speaks of warmth, unity, joy & security of endless life.

• Mistletoe was an ancient symbol from the Roman times. It was under Mistletoe that

old enmities & broken friendships were restored.

• Bells are associated with ringing out news. Christ is the good news, the best news

of all.

• Christmas Eve is a time when we remember that Christ came in the darkest night of Earth’s need to be the

Light of the World.

(continued on next page)

Congregational Care

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PARISH NURSES: The Christian Meaning to Ancient Traditions

• Shepherds who were watching lambs for use as sacrifices in the Temple, were the first to hear the great

news that the Lamb to end all sacrifices had appeared.

• In 1822 Clement Moore wrote a poem for children that has never been forgotten. It was entitled, “Twas

the Night Before Christmas”.

• Saint Nicholas was the supposed early Bishop of a church in Asia Minor aware of some desperate needs

in his congregation, & a family having to sell their children into slavery, so one night he came & left

money on their doorstep. It was gold in a stocking.

Christmas traditions vary greatly all over the world. Take the time this holiday season to share a story & en-

joy time with your family & friends. Be sure to take a moment to document your holiday traditions with a

photo, video, a journal entry—however feels most comfortable to you. The traditions you celebrate today

become priceless family memories & can influence generations to follow. Remember, the Spirit of Giving

isn’t about how much we spend but how much of ourselves we give to others.

May your Heart be filled with Happiness from the Joy this Holiday Season brings!

Your Parish Nurses: Tonja Seusy & Charlotte Spencer

Congregational Care


Thelma Nielsen recently moved. If you would like to send a card her way, her address is below.

Thelma Nielson

St. Luke’s Nursing Center

1220 E. Fairview Ave.

Carthage, MO 64836

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Congregational Care

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Using a text book entitled, “ Introducing the New Testament: A Historical, Literary,

and Theological Survey“ by Mark Allan Powell, former professor of New Testament

at Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Pastor Fred Nelson (and others) will serve as the

guide for the journey that will include the 27 books of the New Testament - from

Matthew through Revelation. Pastor Nelson spent some quality time with Dr.

Powell many years ago and was inspired by many of Dr. Powell’s insights.

Pastor Fred Nelson will continue to have sessions on Sundays

after worship service and also on Tuesdays at 6:30pm.

You can still join in if you’d like to learn more!

Additional note...one last encouragement to read:

Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again

Rachel Held Evans Although we met to discuss ‘Inspired’ last month, it is very much worth the read if you did not

have a chance to pick it up. The book dovetails nicely with the New Testament class being




It’s been called the most important book you’ve never heard of. The Didache means “The Teaching” – “The

Teaching” is nothing less than the teaching of the Twelve Apostles to the early-Church. The Didache was

considered by many in the early-Church as part of the New Testament. It fell out of the New Testament as

time passed, but continued to serve as a Christian manual. The Didache was lost for centuries until 1873,

when a Greek manuscript was rediscovered.


Please note, there will not be class on December 2nd due to the General Congregational Meeting

Everyone is welcome on Tuesday, December 4th at 6:30pm.

We are taking a break during the month of December.

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Suggested Read for December: Home for Christmas: Stories for Young and Old

Selected for their insightfulness, spiritual value, and literary quality they project the spirit of

the season in a fresh, compelling manner that will resonate with readers of all ages – from

children too young to read to themselves, to parents and grandparents who enjoy reading

stories aloud.

January Book: Loving Jesus

Mark Allan Powell The essence of spirituality is loving God, says Powell. The Bible, the Talmud, and the Qu'ran

all direct their followers not merely to believe in God, to trust God, to obey God, and to serve

God - but to love God. Can we learn to love God? In this biblical spirituality for today,

Powell's earnest plea is for Christians to revisit their faith not by blazing in religious enthusi-

asm but by harboring a steadier flame and deeper commitment. Living at the poetic heart of

faith, he argues, entails seeing the coordinates of religious life in a new way. Powell espouses

the old-fashioned idea of piety. Drawing on his wide knowledge of the Bible and Christian

tradition, as well as insights from his own journey, he shows how simple religious practices

move us beyond the old certitudes of a naïve and youthful faith into the less certain but more

bracing terrain of a second naïveté, a closer walk with Jesus.

February Book: take this bread

Sara Miles Early one morning, for no earthly reason, Sara Miles, raised an atheist, wandered into

a church, received communion, and found herself transformed– embracing a faith

she’d once scorned. A left-wing journalist who’d covered revolutions around the

world, Miles didn’t discover a religion that was about angels or good behavior or

piety; her faith centered on real hunger, real food, and real bodies. Before long, she

turned the bread she ate at communion into tons of groceries, piled on the church’s

altar to be given away. Within a few years, she and the people she served had started

nearly a dozen food pantries in the poorest parts of their city. Take This Bread is rich

with real-life Dickensian characters–church ladies, millionaires, schizophrenics, bish-

ops, and thieves–all blown into Miles’s life by the relentless force of her newfound

calling. Here, in this achingly beautiful, passionate book, is the living communion of


Education Announcements BOOK STUDY WITH PASTOR KAREN

Book Club will take a break in December. However, here is a good suggested read for the month outside of the club.

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General Congregational Meeting Agenda December 2, 2018 - immediately following worship

Leadership Announcement

PLEASE NOTE: Voting members are confirmed members. Such confirmed members, during

the current or preceding year, shall have made a contribution of record to this

congregation. Members of this congregation who have satisfied these basic standards shall

have the privilege of voice and vote. One hundred (100) voting members shall constitute a

quorum. Thank you.

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WORSHIP together

BELONG to a loving community

GROW in faith

SERVE joyfully

SHARE the Good News!

On November 15th some members came to visit with the council to express their

concerns, support and suggestions. We realize that many people didn’t get a chance to come

and speak therefore we encourage members to come to the council meeting (December 13th at

6pm at the church) to listen and share suggestions. The council will also host another open

event in January (date to be determined) for further discussions with any member that wants a

set appointment and confidential meeting with council. This event will be advertised to the

congregation as soon as the date is set. Also, individual council members are always happy to

meet with you on Sunday before and after service if you have a pressing matter you wish to

discuss immediately. We look forward to working together to better this wonderful


God bless! —ULC Council

Leadership Announcement

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SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1ST 2:00-3:30PM Kids of all ages are welcome to join us for a fun afternoon or stories, songs, crafts and snacks!

Parish Fellowship UPCOMING EVENTS










2:00-4:00PM (IN LUTHER HALL)

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Parish Fellowship UPCOMING EVENTS



(more information on page 19-20)









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DECEMBER 5TH, 12TH, & 19TH (*Please sign up in the narthex so that we can have an accurate headcount for supper.*)



2:30PM & 6:30PM



Please join your ULC family for a Christmas Day meal. The church will provide both turkey and ham. Please sign up in the narthex to indicate you are coming and tell us what side dish or dessert you are bringing to share. Friends are always welcome, so feel free to extend the invitation.

(PLEASE NOTE: There is no Christmas Day worship service this year.)

Parish Fellowship UPCOMING EVENTS

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PIECEMAKERS COORDINATOR NEEDED ULC Piecemakers are in need of a coordinator. The coordinator assists in getting

coffee and any other supplies ready as well as helping as needed. If your are

interested, please reach out to Jane Nelson or call the church office. Thank you!

LED LIGHT BULB DONATIONS NEEDED ULC Piecemakers are in need of a coordinator. The coordinator assists in getting coffee and any

other supplies ready as well as helping as needed. If your are interested, please reach out to Jane

Nelson or call the church office. Thank you!

LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD PEOPLE! Like the U.S. Marine Corp, the United Lutheran Church’s property committee chair is looking for a few good men and women to be on the property committee. When need-ed, the committee will do minor or light maintenance in and around the church as well as meet as needed on property matters. If you are willing and able to help, please sign up in the narthex.

HELPER USHERS NEEDED We are in need of helper ushers! If you would like to be a helper usher for 2019, please sign up in

the narthex. We appreciate all those who are called to serve in this capacity. Thank you!

- Betty Wehner



(Presented by: Veterans Council of Northwest Arkansas and the Bella Vista POA)


Get you last minute shopping done! Jewelry, clothing, accessories, decorations, candies, and much more!

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Joyce Jebsen

Blessings to everyone! ULC once again shared their generosity with OAKS INDIAN

MISSION during November. We delivered two full large tubs and they were received with

great appreciation. In December the items needed for Oaks will be COTTON BALLS,

BAND-AIDS, Q-TIPS, & NIGHT LIGHTS. Tubs are on a table in the narthex marked OAKS


COATS FOR KIDS - The response to this opportunity to share was awesome!

Many children will be warm and dry this winter because of your love. John the

Baptist proclaimed, "Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has

none...." Luke 3. This you have done. THANK YOU!

December will present several opportunities for us to share with those much less fortunate. We

will have an ELCA Good Gifts Tree in the narthex. The tree will be "decorated" with card

ornaments. Each card will have the name of an item and the cost on it. If you wish to

participate just pick a card (ornament), write your check to United Lutheran for the amount

printed on the card, put the check in an envelope and return it to the church. The card

(ornament) is yours to keep. All of these donations in some form relate to World Hunger.

Also in December we will have 120 bags that will need the makings for Christmas

dinner. A shopping list of items needed will be in each bag. Hams will be added to

the bags to complete the meal. ALL BAGS WILL NEED TO BE RETURNED

BY DECEMBER 12TH. We will have 120 bags -- 100 to go to Helping Hands

and 20 to needy families in the Gravette School District.

This is a very busy time of the year with both Thanksgiving and Christmas within a month of

each other. We all have many plans and activities. However, the time we take to think about

and show love to those who have so little will come back to us in the way of many


- Blessed holidays to each and everyone of you in the season we celebrate our savior’s birth!!-

Social Ministry UPDATES & EVENTS

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THE LITTLE PANTRY The Little Pantry is continuing its success in helping many in need in the Bella Vista area, and it is running

low on all things. We are asking for donations to help us keep the pantry stocked. Thank you to all those that

continually give to the Little Pantry; your help goes a long way in our community!

Some needed items are:

canned tuna & chicken

spaghetti-o’s & ravioli

ramen noodles


canned fruit

bar soap _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

UPDATE ON COATS FOR KIDS Thanks to all who have donated to our coats, hat and mittens drive for Decatur Northside Elementary School,

the school where Kelsey Sojka works. We already have a great start with lots of wonderful donations and her

students will be so thankful! If you are interested in making a donation, one of the other things the school

needs is storage bins to store the donations in. 18 gallon bins are the best (Rubbermaid or Sterlite from

Walmart or Target are great). The school doesn’t have a storage closet, so bins are in EXTREMELY high de-

mand. You can bring those to the church and set them by the donation station from now until December 8th.

Thanks again!

- Katy Sojka __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

CARDS FOR ST. JUDE’S RANCH FOR CHILDREN St. Jude’s Ranch for Children again needs greeting cards (the front only). Please bring in any greeting card

fronts that you would like to donate to St. Jude’s Ranch. We were able to send in 2 boxes of cards to them

recently, so thank you to all those that have already given greeting cards for this cause.. Please remember, we

only need the front of the greeting card. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

BREAD FOR THE WORLD UPDATE This year, 61 United Lutheran congregants sent a total of 231 letters to Senators Boozman and Cotton,

Congressman Womack, and President Trump during the month of October. The letters urged the congression-

al delegation and President to invest and protect key programs in the 2019 budget that will reduce hunger and

poverty at home and abroad.

DON’T FORGET: The Bread for the World Committee’s next meeting will be January 9, 2019 at 9:15am.

All are welcome to join!

With warm thanks and appreciation - Bread for the World Committee

Social Ministry UPDATES & EVENTS

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Spotlight on our ULC Staff: JEFF PELEAUX

Following a request that Council share good news and milestones

of our staff with the congregation, the idea of a monthly article in

the Voice, called “Spotlight on Our ULC Staff” was born. We

decided to work chronologically, so our first interview is with Jeff

Peleaux, who has worked at ULC the longest of all staff members.

Jeff is our ULC Custodian, and has a very interesting background.

He worked his way up to Supervisor, Manager, and then COO of a

Minnesota Cleaning Company. The has started several businesses

from the ground up, and moved to Bella Vista in 1993, to be closer

to his parents. Jeff and his wife, Kari, have two sons, Marshall (24)

and Hunter (22).

Jeff’s work around the church varies from day to day, and includes removing and replacing

light fixtures with LED lights, setting up for events, cleaning carpets, and in general, keeping

ULC a welcoming and attractive place to worship. Jeff remembers the planning and work that

went into the two additions to the church property as well as the renovation of the sanctuary.

Jeff enjoys his job because “There’s something different

every day.” His favorite aspect of ULC is “how the

congregation rallies around those in need, which, in this

day and age, is amazing!” Jeff has been the recipient of

ULC’s generosity, when one of his business ventures

failed, and he was offered work at the church. ULC has

been there for Jeff, and he believes he’s been there for

them too.

Jeff has attained his Master’s degree in Education, but

plans to stay with ULC until he can retire. His one wish

for ULC is he hopes it will begin to thrive again. Jeff

relates that “Growth happens out in the neighborhoods of

our members, not here at church.” It’s up to us to bring

new people into the congregation.

It was a pleasure to get to know Jeff through this

interview and I look forward to working with him on

future projects.

Written By: Kathy Bassett

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December - Celebrate

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4


1. publicly acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable

activity: "they were celebrating their wedding anniversary at a restaurant"·

2. perform (a religious ceremony) publicly and duly, in particular officiate at (the Eucharist): "He

celebrated holy communion"

3. honor or praise publicly: "a film celebrating the actor's career"

We who live in the United States have much to be thankful for and to celebrate. Compared to many

parts of the world we are unimaginably wealthy. One way to celebrate these blessings is to share them


Have you ever thought about tithing - giving ten percent of your income to church? If you ever

thought about it, you may have concluded that you could never manage to do it. Here's an easy way to

test your ability to tithe. Try tithing for the four Sundays of Advent. You might surprise yourself to

find you can actually do it. Then pray about doing it regularly.

How might you celebrate your blessings this month – give gifts to the needy, visit shut-ins, give an

animal gift through the ELCA Gifts Program? Celebrate God's greatest gift to us - Jesus Christ!

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Women of United

Dec 9 Dec 1 9:00 a.m. Decorate Church

Dec 12 9:30 a.m. General Board

Dec 19 9:15 a.m. Visiting Phoebes

Dec 19 10:00 a.m. Bible Study Leaders

Altar Guild meets on Nov 28—No Dec meeting

Morning Circles

Dec 5 – 9:15 a.m.

Deborah ........... Katy Sojka

Dec 5- 9:30 a.m. Mary ................ Eunice Lovaas

Naomi ............. Dee Sadenwasser

Rachel ............. Bev Shelton

(At Church)

Sarah ................ Dorothy Klitzke

(At Church)

Afternoon Circles

Dec 4 –11:30 a.m.

Hannah ............ Meet at Concordia—Ellie Roberts and

Joan Dahl

Dec 11 – 1:00 p.m. Martha…….Marge Taylor (at church)

Evening Circle

Dec 3 – 6:30 p.m. Priscilla ............. Ellen Gifford (at church)

Piecemakers – The Piecemakers invite every one who has

helped with our projects at home and at church to join us for

lunch at 11:30 on December 20. We will quilt at 9 as usual

and then have lunch. We’ll take a few weeks off and quilt

again on January 3.

Thank you to Martha Circle for the dozens and dozens of neck pillows they

provided this year. Lots of United members are being

comforted by these special gifts. This is a project of

love, and you can be part of it—just join Martha Circle

at 1:00 pm on the second Tuesday of each month in

Luther Hall. Tying and stuffing the pillows is easy

work, especially when combined with good company,

coffee and dessert. Join them on December 11th!

The Women of United will serve Advent Soup Suppers again this year. Lindsey Lawson and Debra Mueller will cook the soup. Dec 5: Deborah and Naomi Dec. 12: Hannah and Sarah Dec. 19: Priscilla and Rachel

Thanks to a grant from Thrivent, the proceeds from the

suppers will go to Saving Grace.

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our

wonderful Thank Offering Service. And thank you

for your gifts. We are about half way to our goal. If

you would like to donate, please leave your gifts in

the church office or place them in the offering plate in

an envelope marked “Thank Offering.”

Thank you for your gifts for our Shopping With

Single Parents project that provides a special holiday

dinner for families in need. With your help we hope

to meet our goal of $1200 for this year.

Thank you for helping the Piecemakers with their

projects. Our workers created 132 quilts this year

which went to local agencies as well as to Lutheran

World Relief. With your help we shipped 107 Health

Kits to LWR and we will be providing hats and

mittens to the students at Decatur School.

Thank you for being such a loving and generous congregation.

Hannah Circle

Let’s Gather! Women of United Christmas Social Saturday, Dec. 8 2:00 p.m.

Join us for a lovely afternoon as we celebrate

the spirit of the season. We will have sandwiches

and cookies at 2:00 followed

by a “Musical Delight.”

We are decorating our tree in Fellowship Hall with

hats and mittens for Decatur School. Please hang

your gifts on the tree any time in December.

All women of the church are invited!

Hostesses: Sarah Circle

We’ll be celebrating

December and January Birthdays, too!

(Thank you, Thrivent, for supporting this project

with an Action Grant.)

Don’t forget to buy your Christmas Cards from the Women of United!

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Women of United - Take a minute to Sit & Chat with friends on

Monday, December 10th at 9:30am.

We will discuss the following article from this month’s Gather magazine entitled Wonder Woman by Molly Lindberg. (article can be found on the next page)

Sit Chat

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Dear Members and Friends of United Lutheran Church,

I would like to thank everyone for their support of all the musicians, both

instrumental and vocal, and me personally during all the years I served

as Assistant Organist, Choir Director, Orchestra Leader, and Music

Coordinator at ULC. It has been a joy to serve and work together using

the musical talents of all to praise the LORD and bring glory and honor to



Lois Carlson



For anyone that would like to make a joyful noise this holiday season, please join the United

Lutheran Holiday Choir on Wednesdays at 7:00pm for practice. All are welcome to help us

raise our voices in celebration of the birth of Jesus!

- Cathy Anderson


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The services are based on a Christmas tree.

Actually, for the first week December 5th, the tree isn’t there

yet—only the Christmas tree stand, symbolizing the anticipa-

tion of Advent, our need for Christ to come and fill the empty

place in our lives: “how eagerly we wait you.”

For the second service, December 12th, the undecorated tree is

in the stand. “It takes time to grow a Christmas tree” - and

God took time, decades and centuries, preparing the world for

the coming of his Son: “how fragrant green your branches.”

For the third service a STAR tops the tree. Like an arrow the

Christmas tree points up - to Christ, “the bright and morning

Star” - as so many of the patriarchs had been directed to look:

“you lift our eyes to heaven.”



If you have any small table top Christmas trees you’d like to donate for the holiday season to the church, we would

greatly appreciate it. Trees will be displayed on tables in Fellowship Hall. Once the season is over, you can pick up

your tree. Please leave donated trees in the church office. Thank you!


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Blessing of the Advent Wreath Before you light your candle each week, for the time, you may pray:

Blessed are you, God of our salvation; you promised to raise up a righteous branch, One who would bring

justice and righteousness to the land, so that we might live in safety. As we light this candle, kindle in us the

fire of your justice and righteousness, and make us blameless before you at the coming of our Lord Jesus

Christ with all the saints; let your face shine on us and bless us that we may be saved. Amen.

Light the first candle.

Blessed are you, God of our salvation; you promised to send your messenger to prepare the way by building a

highway straight and level and by preaching a baptism of repentance. As we light these candles, kindle among

us the refiner's fire, purify us of sin, and bring the good work begun in us to completion by the day of Jesus

Christ; let your face shine on us and bless us that we may be saved. Amen.

Light the second candle.

Blessed are you, God of our salvation; you promised to take away judgment, to cast out fear, and to turn the

shame of the outcast into praise. As we light these candles, kindle in us the fire of your Holy Spirit to make

known your deeds among the nations and to sing for joy when you are in our midst; let your face shine on us

and bless us that we may be saved. Amen.

Light the third candle.

Blessed are you, God of our salvation; you promised that the One of peace would come from Bethlehem to

feed your flock and make us live securely. As we light these candles, kindle in us the fire of your love, infuse

in us the fruit of your Word, and empower us to lift up the lowly and to fill the hungry with good things; let

your face shine on us and bless us that we may be saved. Amen.

Light the fourth candle.

Blessing of the Nativity Scene O Lord our God, with Mary and Joseph, angels and shepherds, and the animals in the stable, we gather around

your Son, born for us. Bless us with your holy presence, and inspire us to help those who have no place to

dwell. Be with us that we might share Christ's love with all the world, for he is our light and salvation. Glory

in heaven and peace on earth, now and forever. Amen

Reprinted from Sundays and Seasons, copyright 2018 Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission.

Worship & Music

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Pull Out Your Candles ...

Advent brings us light. In medieval times the light of a single burning candle represented the presence of God.

Today we often use candles in our imagery; candles on the altar, or on an Advent wreath. Now, go find some


Seriously, find four candles, any color, any size. The ELCA web-site and reports that there is no prescribed

color for the candles. Four natural colored candles are always appropriate and symbolize the light for which

we wait. Four deep purple candles, a sign of the penitential nature sometimes attributed to the season, may be

appropriate. Congregations that use blue (symbolizing hope) as the liturgical color during Advent would be

consistent to use blue candles.

December 2nd is the First Sunday in Advent. The tradition of the church

marks this time as the beginning of a new year. Four weeks before

Christmas, each Sunday we light a candle on the Advent wreath symboliz-

ing the coming of Jesus, the living light of the world. Jesus is the light that

broke forth on the world that first Christmas when he was born as the

Prince of Peace. He is the light that gradually penetrated into all the world.

The tradition of lighting one more candle each week -- or each day -- tells

of the increasingly brighter light of his coming, and leads gradually to the

blaze of the dawning of Christmas.

Pull out your advent wreath or find five candles, four for the weeks of

Advent and the fifth for the Christ Candle. The first has been called the

Prophecy Candle, announcing the period of waiting. It encourages us to

listen. God is speaking to us through the prophets and still today, “The

Word became flesh” -- Jesus, the one whose birth we await.

The second is the Bethlehem Candle, symbolic of the preparations being made to receive and to cradle the

Christ child. The Lord is coming, “Prepare!” Each and every day the Lord comes and comes again, “Prepare!”

The third is the Shepherd's Candle, which typifies the act of sharing Christ. “See, Behold,

Share!” The eyes of the shepherds were opened and they could not help but share all they had experienced.

Don’t miss all that God is doing still today. Look around. Share the good news.

And, the fourth is the Angel's Candle of love and final coming. “Unto YOU, this day ...” Jesus comes as gift

and blessing. “Rejoice” for God continues to love, care, forgive, lead, and save YOU.

The Christ candle is lit on Christmas Day to represent his presence with us. All this is far removed from the

traditions of the world. At Christmas time our world seems to turn to what has happened in the past more than

the hope of what is come in our Lord. Our hope is not in what we have to give through our labors, but rather it

is in the gift of God's love freely given through Christ our Lord and Savior.

So pull out those Candles, and spend some time each day in preparation. On that note, Advent devotions are

available in the Narthex. Take time each day to light a candle, read a passage of scripture and devotional

Worship & Music

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What are the ULC Youth up to? - Sarah Stephenson

December Kid’s Activities

If you are looking for something fun to do this fall season, check our what the youth of ULC are up to!

Come join their cheering sections if you have the time!

Addyson Lawson - Vocal Recitals December 10th- 6:30pm

GMS Christmas Concert at Gravette High School Performing Arts Center

December 17th- 6:30pm

Bentonville Community Church, 220 NW A Street, Bentonville

Tanner Hoang – Christmas Program December 10th- 10am

Bentonville Preparatory School Carol of the Owls

Grace Point Church, 1201 NE McCollum Dr. Bentonville, AR 72712

Cate & CeCe Coffman – Christmas Program December 19

th- 9am

Bentonville Church of Christ.

904 North Walston BLVD, Bentonville

Jax Lawson – Christmas Program December 20th- 6:30pm

GUE Christmas Concert at Gravette High School Performing Arts Center

United Lutheran’s Christmas Pageant

December 16th

- 9:30am


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UNITED IN PRAYER - Mondays @ 2:45PM Gracious Lord Jesus. You came into the world as one of us and you suffered as we do. Be with all on our

prayer list and their loved ones in these days of special needs. Help them to see that YOU are with them in

all things. Strengthen, heal, bless, and fortify their faith against fear and doubt in Your loving purpose for

them. We give You thanks on their behalf and ask that You and ask that You would also keep them in our

hearts and all of us in Your power, until we are freed from all that afflicts us. In Your name we pray. Amen.

Lucile Aasmundstad

Marilyn Brown

Bonnie Buechler

Marg Christianson

Roger & Anne Costa

Marilyn Denniston

Bob Doran

Virg & Dar Dykema

Helen Eidem

Dean & Karen Fevold

Ruth Gabriel

Loruss Grasmick

Jerry & Lorraine Herman

Glenda Heist

Red & Bonnie Larson

Sally Leffler

Members in Need of Prayer

Arlene Nordeen

Inez Polaski & Daughters

Orlin “Dutch” Remier’s Family & Friends

Mike Spencer

Charli Anne Stephenson

Cliff Stolpe

Joyce Strunk

Kristi Tostenrud

Ben Walford

Fred Wiegel

Family & Friends

in Need of Prayer

Donna Anderson

Margot Anderson

Dierdre Costa

Tony Costa

Hannah Dykema

Becky Hommeland

Marilyn Garner

Nancy Garrett

Mary Goforth

Stephanie Gress

Kendall Johnson

Lorraine Johnson

Betty Kline

Cindy Lund

Mike Lynch

Roger Mathey

Phillip Phillips

Rachel Sparks

Colleen Sullivan

ULC Staff

Raith Wehner

Members in Care Centers

Highlands – Joe & Bea Ranieri, Cleo Sundal

Concordia – Dot Fritz

Local Churches & Area ELCA Churches

Peace in Joplin Christ the King

Neighborhood Peace in Rogers

Good Shepherd St. Luke’s

Faith Emmanuel

Living Word Bishop & Staff

Bella Vista Christian Fellowship

Pray for: the world & our country, our

church, Pastor Karen & Jeremy, church

council, staff, music, children’s ministry,

members, the Phoebes and shut-ins,

Stephen Ministers & care receivers,

friends & family members.

Prayer Corner

If you are aware of someone who should be added to or removed from the Prayer List,

please call the church office at 479-855-1325.

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Thank You’s

My sincere thanks to my church family for allowing my family and friends to celebrate and share my birthday

“party for Ardy” here at United Lutheran. I continue to give thanks for all of my blessings.

Sincerely, Ardythe Schultz

Special thanks to Maxine McClain for donating Christmas holiday decoration for the columbarium.

We appreciate you!

- Columbarium Committee

Thank you for all your cards , phone calls, and special treats following my recent surgery. A special thanks to our

nurses Charlotte & Tonja for their visits, and checking in by phone. A very special thanks and appreciation to

Pastor Karen who stood by my bedside at 6:00am ; something I will always remember. ULC is such a caring

church. God bless you all!

- Bonnie Buechler

The Hardenbergh family would like to say thank you to the United Lutheran Church members and friends for all

their help and expressions of sympathy during the memorial service for Bruce Richardson. Special thanks to

Pastor Karen for her invaluable guidance, Bev Rick for her coordination of the meal, the choir for their lovely

music, and to Roz and Jeff for their help in organizing. All made a fitting celebration of Bruce’s life and eased

us through a difficult time.

Sincerely, Carol Hardenbergh

Thanks to Cathy Anderson & Jeanne Downey for stepping up to help lead the choir as we work to fill

the position of Music Director. We greatly appreciate them giving their time and talent to helping the

United Lutheran Holiday Choir this season.

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BIRTHDAYS 12/1 – Iris Benson

12/3 – Betty Kroening

12/6 – Fred Gifford

12/6 – Gerald Janssen

12/6 – Donald Whittlesey

12/7 – Susan Parker

12/10 – Maxine McClain

12/11 – Edwin Graf

12/13 – Chuck Lawson

12/13 – Frank Miller

12/15 – Joyce Strunk

12/17 – Lindsey Lawson

12/18 – Steve Stolp

12/19 – Inez Polaski

12/19 – Sarah Stephenson

12/21 – Sarah Frerichs

12/22 – Robin Nelson

12/23 – Fred Wiegel

12/26 – Verana Steckel

12/26 – Cate Coffman

12/30 – Bonnie Larson

12/30 – Ken Lawson

12/31 – Mary Hay


If we’ve missed your birthday or anniversary, please let the church office know. Thank you!

ANNIVERSARIES 12/6 – Roger & Alice Rahlfs

12/17 – Gary & Bev Rick

12/18 – Phil & Amy Matsler

12/18 – Orvil & Louise Wobig

12/21 – Al & Maxine McClain

12/25 – Joe & Helen Eidem

Birthdays & Anniversaries

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December 2018 December 1 - Saturday 9:00AM - Christmas Decorating with the Altar Guild

2:00PM - St. Nicholas Day Party

December 2 - Sunday 1ST SUNDAY OF ADVENT


9:30AM - Worship & Communion

10:45AM - General Congregational Meeting

10:45AM - Youth Sunday School

December 3 - Monday 1:00PM - Staff Meeting

2:45PM - United in Prayer

6:30PM - Priscilla Circle

December 4 - Tuesday 9:00AM - Worship & Music Committee Meeting

1:00PM - Hannah Circle

6:30PM - Introducing the New Testament (with Pastor Fred Nelson)

December 5 - Wednesday 9:15AM - Deborah Circle

9:30AM - Mary, Naomi, Rachel, Sarah Circle

12:30PM - Diamond Jubilee at the Plaza

6:00PM - Advent Supper Service

7:00PM - Holiday Choir Rehearsal

December 6 - Thursday 9:00AM - Piecemakers

3:15PM - Chancel Bells Rehearsal

December 8 - Saturday 11:00AM - ULC Singles Christmas Luncheon (in Luther Hall)

2:00PM - Women of United: Annual Christmas Tea (in Fellowship Hall)

December 9 - Sunday 2ND SUNDAY OF ADVENT

9:30AM - Worship & Communion

10:45AM - Introducing the New Testament (with Pastor Fred Nelson)

10:45AM - Youth Sunday School

December 10 - Monday 8:00AM - Breakfast Club: Annual Aebleskiver Breakfast

9:30AM - W-ELCA Sit & Chat

1:00PM - Staff Meeting

2:45PM - United in Prayer

6:00PM - Stephen Ministry Christmas Gathering

December 11 - Tuesday 1:00PM - Martha Circle

6:30PM - Introducing the New Testament (with Pastor Fred Nelson)

December 12 - Wednesday 9:30AM - W-ELCA Board Meeting

6:00PM - Advent Supper Service

7:00PM - Holiday Choir Rehearsal

December 13 - Thursday 9:00AM - Piecemakers

6:00PM - Council Meeting

December 15 - Saturday 11:00AM - Joppa Shepherd Group Christmas Gathering (in Fellowship Hall)

11:30AM - Shiloh Shepherd Group Christmas Gathering (in Luther Hall)

December 16 - Sunday 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT

9:30AM - Worship & Communion

10:45AM - Introducing the New Testament (with Pastor Fred Nelson)

10:45AM - Youth Sunday School

3:00PM - Concordia Worship Service

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December 17 - Monday 1:00PM - Staff Meeting

2:45PM - United in Prayer

December 18 - Tuesday 4:30PM - Courtyard Committee Meeting

6:30PM - Introducing the New Testament (with Pastor Fred Nelson)

December 19 - Wednesday 9:15AM - Visiting Phoebes

10:00AM - W-ELCA Bible Study Leaders

6:00PM - Advent Supper Service

7:00PM - Holiday Choir Rehearsal

December 20 - Thursday 9:00AM - Piecemakers

December 23 - Sunday 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT

9:30AM - Worship & Communion

10:45AM - Introducing the New Testament (with Pastor Fred Nelson)

10:45AM - Youth Sunday School

December 24 - Monday Christmas Eve

2:30PM - Christmas Eve Service

6:30PM - Christmas Eve Service

December 25 - Tuesday Christmas Day (Staff Out of Office)

11:30AM - ULC Annual Christmas Day Dinner

December 27 - Thursday 9:00AM - Piecemakers

December 30 - Sunday 1ST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS

9:30AM - Worship & Communion

10:45AM - Introducing the New Testament (with Pastor Fred Nelson)

10:45AM - Youth Sunday School

December 31 - Monday New Years Eve

January 1 - Tuesday New Years Day (Staff Out of Office)


If you’ve recently had a change of address, email address, phone number, or church

please let the church office know. We will have new phone directories (not picture...only

phone) available in January 2019 and would like them to reflect the most current information

for all our members. Thank you!