word of life student ministries - module preview

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  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview


  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview


  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview


  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview








  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview







  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview


  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview


    Module One - Roots

    This module focuses on the creation of man in Gods image. With that focus you will also take a closelook at the characteristics of a Godly man and woman.

    Stage Dcor/ Room Environment:

    Plan A: Ideas for large stageo Bring in farm equipment to use as props on the stage, such as a John Deere Tractor.o Bring in large plants and trees to create a Rainforest Caf feelo If possible obtain 2 mannequins to place on the stage. Dress one like a guy and the other

    like a girl. Place them in the midst of the trees and plants.

    Plan B: Ideas for limited space and budgeto Place small hanging plants around the room.o Use thin tree limbs or vines to create life like roots that you can attach to the walls for a

    backdrop.o Use farming tools for stage props such as hoes, shovels, and a seed fork.

    Promotional Idea for Serieso Mail a package of seeds to students telling them about the new series.o Have your small group leaders hand out a package of seeds to the students; only dont put

    seeds in the package. Put 5 invite cards in the package and challenge them to pass them

    out to their friends planting a seed for the gospel.o Have a farmer (or someone dressed up as a farmer) introduce Roots as the new series.o Have a Cave-man walk in at scheduled times throughout the night, after the lesson, have

    him introduce the next series.o Using a landscape sprayer or a round-up bottle, walk through and spray water on the

    students. When they ask whats going on, tell them that you are using Round-Upbecause it gets to the roots.

    o Introduce series with an ice-breaker using pans of dirt or Dirt Sundaes (chocolate cake,Oreo cookies, and gummy worms or spaghetti noodles for roots). With hands behindtheir back, make the students pull the roots out of the bottom of the pan, using only

    their faces and teeth.

  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview


    The Apple Doesnt Fall

    Far from the TreeLesson Objective

    The students will understand what it means to be created in the image of God and the

    responsibilities that come with that special position.

    Genesis 1:27In whose image was man created?

    You may have heard someone say, The apple doesnt fall far from the tree. That

    means that the young person is usually a lot like his father or mother. Either they look

    like one of the parents, or they act like one of the parents, or both. Maybe someone

    has said that about you and your father or mother. Sometimes mothers or fathers

    arent so great, and their children end up being a little rough around the edges. In thisinstance, the comment becomes negative.

    When we say it about believers and their relationship to God, it is a good thing!

    Gods desire and design for us is to act like Him. Instead of accidentally falling from

    the tree, God made us specifically in His image (Genesis 1:26-29). We cant see Him

    or touch Him, so what does it really mean that we are made in His image? Why did

    God do that?

    Image A tangible or visible representation.

    Attribute A distinguishing characteristic of God that sets Him apart and through

    which He reveals Himself to mankind.

    Fellowship The like-mindedness and mutual acceptance of people who hold

    something in common.


    1. A short 2x4 piece of wood, a few nails, a shovel, hammer, and sawhorses.

    2. PowerPoint presentation for this lesson available in theLifelines Media Pak(see

    LCM catalog).

  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview


    Toward the end of the sixth day of creation, God made man of the dust of the ground

    and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:7). When God made man,

    He had a special design in mind. He didnt just throw a bunch of dirt together and

    leave it however it turned out. God made man specially and intentionally in His own

    image (Genesis 1:27).


    To say that God made man is His image means that in some ways we are like God.

    God has many attributes, which set Him apart from anyone else and reveal Him to us.

    For example, God is omnipotentHe is all-powerful. Though that is one of Gods

    attributes, it is not one that was given to man. He has chosen to give us some of His

    other characteristics. There are two main areas that Gods image or characteristics

    can be seen in us so that we can say, The apple doesnt fall far from the tree.

    The first area is through our personality. This isnt talking about being out-going,

    funny like your youth leaders, or shy. This is talking about personality traits or

    characteristics that both God and people have.

    A. Man Has Personality Just Like GodGod gave us several of His personality traits by design. Both God and man share

    the characteristics of personal beings (Genesis 1:26). In this verse you can see that

    God reasons and talks. We are made like Him; we also reason and talk. We are

    both personal beings. There are many different qualities that make up a


    1. Both God and man have intellect (Isaiah 1:18)

    Colossians 3:10 talks about the knowledge we have because it is part of Gods

    image. This means that we are smart and have a degree of intelligence so thatwe can process information and can reach logical conclusions. For example, if

    you touch something hot, the nerves in your fingers send a message to yourbrain that you are touching something hot. Your brain processes that

    information. Finally, it reaches the conclusion to move your hand quickly!

    Isaiah 1:18 (read) identifies both Gods and mans ability to reason together.

    2. Both God and man have emotions (Exodus 14:4)

    Lets take anger for instance. Gods anger is mentioned in Exodus 4:14, while

    Exodus 11:8 talks about mans anger. How about a thing called jealousy? God

    said in Deuteronomy 5:9 that He is a jealous God; and Paul was jealous for thebelievers in the Corinthian church (2 Corinthians 11:2).

    Teachers Note: Ask the students how they react when someone does something to

    deliberately make them mad? Now ask them what God might think when we

    deliberately do something that we know displeases Him. Note the similarities.

  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview


    for God or for himself (Matthew 16:24-25). We are not robots. We have the

    ability to make choices. Thats called exercising our free will.

    4. Both God and man are social beings (Luke 2:52)

    We dont know too much about Jesus social life, but apparently He had onefor we read in Luke 2:52 that Jesus grew in favor with God and man. Man has

    a social side as well. Genesis 2:18 teaches that it was not good for man to be

    alone. Man was made to be a social creature. Sometimes we like to be left

    alone, but usually we want to be with other people. Think about the last time

    you were left alone or not included in what everyone else was doing. It hurts to

    be purposely left out or left alone. Thats the way God made us, to socially

    enjoy one anothers company.

    5. Both God and man have the capacity to love (1 John 4:7-8)

    God is love (1 John 4:7-8), and because of that He loves everyone (John 3:16).

    God has given us both the ability and the responsibility to love as well (1 John

    4:11). We are told to love our enemies (Luke 6:27), and only with Gods helpcan we do this. Think about an older couple in your church who have been

    married for a long time. They have learned how to love like God loves. God

    loves in good times and bad. He loves unconditionally. He loves forever.

    People who have been married for a long time have learned to love like that.

    People who have been married for a long time even start to look like eachother. Both God and man have many of the same personality traits. In that

    sense we are a lot like God. The apple hasnt fallen far from the tree.

    In the original creation, these characteristics showed through Adam and Eve very

    clearly. However, sin marred our ability to show godly characteristics.

    Sometimes our intellect is flawed and we come to wrong conclusions. Sometimes we think about evil things and let our emotions get out of hand andrule us instead of us ruling them (Proverbs 25:28). We fail when it comes to

    living by biblical principles.

    Sometimes we allow the sinful passions of our will to make wrong choices. Sometimes we dont relate properly on a social level with people around us (1

    Corinthians 3:3).

    Sometimes we dont love the way God wants us to love.The effects of sin do not permit us to display Gods characteristics and qualities aswell as God originally intended for us.

    B. Man Has Spirituality Just Like GodNot only can we see Gods image in us through personality but His image is alsoseen in us through spirituality. Unlike all the other creatures God createdbirds,

    fish, and animalsman is more than just a body. Man is a spiritual being as well,

  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview


    The immaterial side of man is the spiritual part. When the body dies, the spirit

    continues to live and will eventually be given an immortal body, a body that will

    never again die. This reunited body and spirit will spend eternity in either one of

    two places: Heaven or Hell. These are real places. Reaching Heaven is only

    accessible through a personal faith in Jesus Christ. He is the only way (John 14:6).

    Teachers Note: Take time here to make a clear Gospel presentation and make an

    urgent appeal for your unsaved students to trust Christ.

    The apple doesnt fall far from the tree. God made man in His own image. In

    many ways we are like God. Thats special, but there are special privileges that

    come with major responsibilities. The way we are made should affect the way we


    C. Man Has Been Given Responsibilities by GodThere are three major responsibilities that come with the privilege of being made

    in Gods image.

    1. Dominion over Gods Creation (Genesis 1:28)

    The first responsibility that came with the privilege of being created in the

    image of God was given to man in the Garden of Eden. He is to have dominion

    over all aspects of creation (Genesis 1:28). If man were made equal to the restof the plants and animals, he would have had a hard time subduing creation,

    but God prepared him for the work. God has all authority over everything, but

    He gave authority to man to have dominion over creation. This doesnt mean

    that man can abuse creation, but it is there for his use and benefit.

    2. Fellowship with God (Genesis 3:8)

    Mans second responsibility is to enjoy regular fellowship with God. Before

    Adam and Eve committed the sin of disobedience to God they fellowshipedwith Him in the cool of the day in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:8). In order

    for two things or two people to cooperate, they need to have something incommon. In math, fractions with different denominators cannot be added or

    subtracted. The fractions and cannot be added together. They need to have

    a common denominator. Once they have the number 6 as a common

    denominator (3/6 and 2/6), they can be added together. Man needed to be made

    in Gods image. Otherwise, fellowship with Him would have been impossible.

    Today, all believers have the responsibility to fellowship with God (1 John1:6-7). That fellowship happens by talking to God and letting Him speak to us.

    We talk to Him through prayer, and He talks to us through His Word. God

    designed us for fellowship with Him, and when we dont spend time with Him

    we are missing out on one of the greatest privileges we have. We are alsoliving against Gods design for us. It is vitally important for us to fellowship

  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview


    We are given this expectation in 1 Peter 1:15 where God tells us to be holy as

    He is holy.


    What are some practical ways we can represent God to the world? (Liveobedient lives, witness, pass out tracts, show love and concern for others, etc.)

    People will notice when we really are living in a way that reflects His

    characteristics and qualities. This goes as far as the way we treat our own

    body. Activities such as cutting, overeating, under eating, smoking, drinking,

    using drugs, being involved in premarital sex, or any other abuse of our body

    is not a good representation of God to the world. It is, in fact, a waste of the

    characteristics and qualities that God has given us.

    You have been made in Gods image. You have many of His characteristics

    and qualities. The world should learn about God from you. When they do, they

    will be able to say, The apple doesnt fall far from the tree and God will be

    greatly glorified!


    Object Lesson

    Teachers Note: Ask for two volunteers. Give each student a nail or two to pound

    into a 2x4. Give one student a hammer and the other a garden shovel to use to drive

    in their nails. Be sure there is plenty of room between the students so no one gets

    hurt. Have the two students compete to see who gets the job done first and who does

    a better job. You will easily see that the tool that is used in the way it was designed

    does a much better job than the tool that does a job it wasnt designed to do.

    Notice how driving the nail with the hammer worked much better than with theshovel. It didnt look too good; neither did the wood. Why? Because the shovel was

    not being used for what it was designed. However, the nail that was pounded in with

    the hammer is in much better shape so is the wood. Why? Because the hammerwas doing what it was designed to do.

    Being made in Gods image is a special thing. Its nothing to take lightly. God

    expects us to fulfill His purposes for that and do what we were designed to do. He

    wants us to take care of and subdue His creation, have fellowship with Him everyday, and be a visible, tangible representation of Him to a world that desperately needs

    Jesus Christ! When we do, the finished product will be much more attractive to all

    those who see it.

  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview


  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview


    God made man specially and intentionally in His own image (Genesis 1:27).

    Both God and man share the characteristics of personal beings (Genesis 1:26). God works in believers lives according to His will and His good pleasure

    (Philippians 2:13).

    We are told to love our enemies (Luke 6:27), and only with Gods help can wedo this.

    God wants us to be visible, tangible representations of Him to the world(Matthew 5:16).

    Work hard to develop the characteristics that you have in common with God.

    Determine this week that you will use your intellect to communicate with God,control your emotions, focus your will on making godly choices, be socially at peace

    with those around you, and love others the way God loves you. He gave these

    characteristics to you for a specific purpose. He wants to enjoy personal fellowship

    with you. Then He wants you to show the world what He is like by being a

    representation of Him.

    Lesson Options

    Junior High AdaptationInstead of the object lesson (hammer vs. shovel), inform the students that you will be

    passing out a free coin to each studentits only a penny, so not to get too excited.

    But before you hand it out, check to see how much they know and remember about

    the penny.

    Whose image is on the face of the penny? (Abraham Lincoln) Which direction is he facing? (Right) What one word is over his shoulder? (Liberty) Name what else is on the face of the penny? (In God We Trust, a date, and

    possibly the letter S or D)

    Then hand out the coins and ask what it represents.

    Currency worth a penny is not much by itself, but with many others, it hasmore purchasing power.

    Our government stands behind it and guarantees its value.

    Image of a past president, which represents the United States as a whole.

    Relate that fact to the way we uniquely represent God to the world.

    Senior High Adaptation

    In place of theMan Has Personality Just Like Godsection list the various similarities

    t li f H fi t d t d l d d d ib it t

  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview


    Small Group Adaptation

    In place of theMan Has Personality Just Like Godsection have five volunteers readthe following statements and see if the students can guess which of the five

    personality traits (Intellect, Emotion, Will, Social, Love) is being described by the


    1. Before the fall of man, God and man walked together in the cool of the day.Man may occasionally enjoy being alone, but usually wants companionship.


    2. God says to man, Come now and let us reason together.

    Man has learned by experience not to put his finger into an electrical socket.


    3. God demonstrated His concern for sinful man by being willing to die for us.Man shows his concern for family and friends by the way he speaks and how

    he treats them. (Love)

    4. God has a plan for the entire universe and its for His honor and glory.Man often knows what is right and what is wrong, but doesnt always choose

    right. (Will)

    5. God is a jealous God and will not share His glory with anyone.

    Man sometimes reacts negatively with anger toward those who take advantage

    of him. (Emotion)

    Supplement the students answers with the Scripture support for each personality


    Large Group Adaptation

    Instead of the brainstorm and object lesson (hammer vs. shovel), have a construction

    worker come and tell about the dangers of using tools for jobs they werent designed

    to do. Relate that to the dangers of not living how God has designed you to live and

    doing what God designed you to do. Limit it to five to seven minutes.

    Reference MaterialsCharles C. Ryrie,Basic Theology (Chicago: Moody Press, 1999), 217-220.

    Discipleship Groups

    Discussion Starters1. What do you enjoy best about fellowshiping with God?

    2. What characteristics seem to be the most common and why?

    3. How can you use these characteristics to show God to the world?

    Try This Week

  • 8/9/2019 Word of Life Student Ministries - Module Preview
