workshop suecia avina 2009


Upload: recreando-america-latina

Post on 14-Jul-2015




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The Youth as Key Acto rs in the SocialTransfo rmat ion

Of Lat in America

..The de ve lopment o f any nat ion

.. depends on the qualit y o f it s humancapit al

106 W ith a populat ion o f m illion pe ople 15 twe en the age s o f and

the future o f Lat in Ame rica has ne ve r depended so much on the

po lit ical and st rat e gic de cisions made ..t oday re garding this populat ion group

… in o rde r to ove rcome

The High Rat e s o f Youth Unemployment

, and the Grave Social Educat ional and .Cultural Ine qualit y that the re gion face s

If t he e ffo rt s o f gove rnment agencie s and int e rnat ional o rganizat ions t o addre ss

many o f the se challe nge s are t o be ar..fruit

.. t he part icipat ion o f the youth in the de sign and implementat ion o f innovat ive

so lut ions must be st imulat e d e d

Many young pe ople are alre ady promo t ing cial t ransfo rmat ion pro ce sse s

That bring us clo se r t o a vision o f a more, pro spe rous int e grat e d and democrat ic

. Lat in Ame rica

, For inst ance the youth are act ive ly invo lve d in program s that se e k to

st re ngthen democracy in count rie s like



The cre at ion o f a N at ional Youth Po licy inBrazil

o f a N at ional Youth Agenda in Ecuador

and the “Penguin movement” fo r the improvement o f the qualit y o f e ducat ion Chile

.. t he se are but a few e xample s o f t he cont ribut ion this ge ne rat ion is alre ady

. making to the progre ss o f the re gion

, In light o f the challe nge s facing the re gion and the po t e nt ial t hat lie s in the young

,gene rat ion

.. t his init iat ive se e ks t o po sit ion the youth as a ke y act o r fo r the sust ainable

,de ve lopment o f Lat in America

In o rde r t o guarant e e the impact o f the , proce sse s o f so cial t ransfo rmat ion w ith a

mult iplying e ffe ct and sust ainabilit y in.t im e

, To re ach this goal it has de vise d thre e :int e rconne ct e d st rat e gie s

(1) , To st re ngthe n youth le ade rship promo t ing the cre at ion and conso lidat ion

o f youth ne tworks and alliance s o f cont ine ntal scope

(2) To syst emat ize and publicize youth , init iat ive s fo r so cial change making the se e ffo rt s visible and the ir innovat ive

me thodo logie s acce ssible t o a w ide rpopulat ion

(3) , To promo t e advo cacy act ions support ing and monit o ring

- int e rgene rat ional and int e r se ct o rial art iculat ion aimed at influe ncing nat ional

and cont ine ntal po licie s that affe ct the , , youth in such are as as e ducat ion culture

, e nvironment employment and cit ize n.part icipat ion

This init iat ive alre ady invo lve s the 95 so cial and cultural dive rsit y o f

12 young le ade rs in Lat in Ame rican, count rie s who part icipat e d in the , Re cre ando America Lat ina program

various ne tworks o f youth, organizat ions lo cal and int e rnat ional

, age ncie s and e xpe rt s and re se arche rs dedicat e d

. t o this populat ion

Re cre at e Lat in Ame rica Re cre at e Lat in Ame rica

..Is the calle nge o f our ge ne rat ion ..Is the calle nge o f our ge ne rat ion