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Post on 31-May-2015




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The county of La Garrotxa is in the extreme east of the Pyrenees and covers an area of 735 km2, split into 21 municipalities.

It is the most easterly mountain county and the one with the lowest average altitude: most of its surface is less than 600m above sea level and the highest parts are not above 1,600m, differentiating it from the rest of the mountain counties. The relief is characterised by its transition from the mountain to the plain and by the existence of a volcanic zone, something that makes it especially distinct.

The river Fluvià divides the county into two parts: the Alta Garrotxa and the Olot plain. The former presents an abrupt relief and a landscape that has been relatively unaltered by human activity. The latter, situated to the south of the Fluvià, comprises a softer landscape, characterised by the presence of volcanoes in the La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park and by being the most populated zone.

The county is formed around four large valleys: La Vall d'en Bas to the southeast, La vall d'Hostoles to the south and La Vall de Bianya to the west. In the east La Vall del Fluvià opens out towards the Empordà. Besalú, with an important medieval quarter, is found here, as is Beuda, with its important Romanesque churches.


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There are many examples of artistic expression that can be visited in La Garrotxa and they relate to various moments in history. If you are lovers of art, you will be absorbed by the finest of these works: the Roman road of Capsacosta, the Medieval - Romanesque, the Jewish legacy, the Renaissance, the Modernism and "Noucentisme" the Olot School, the Contemporary Art...

Throughout La Garrotxa there is a long tradition of making nativity scenes. Several municipalities organise live nativity scenes in which the local residents take part and which are the most popular of all the Christmas festivals.

This whole tradition of religious imagery is laid out in Museu dels Sants, unique in its genre.

The visit to the three public museums (Museu Comarcal, Museu dels Volcans and Museu dels Sants) and to the two collections, one public - Casa-Museu Can Trincheria - and two private - Museu de la Fauna Salvatge del Pirineu Oriental and Museu de Miniatures i Microminiatures de Besalú- enables you to discover in great detail the natural and cultural heritage and history of La Garrotxa.


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In the Garrotxa there are restaurants for all palates, for the lovers of the good table and of the products local, autochthonous and traditional.

For all tastesSome of the restaurants spread the history of Besalú through its gastronomy (collective Besalú Gastronòmica); other make on the day with innovative ideas the most traditional cooking of the region (group Cuina Volcànica); other are rewarded with Michelin Stars. The possibility to enjoy a good meal is guaranteed.

Gastronomic archeologyWhile the La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park preserves tens of old varieties of fruit trees, the SIGMA Consortium sustains a bank of seeds of every type of plants in a historical way cultivated in the Garrotxa, and the collectives of restaurateurs retrieve traditional ingredients and prepare historical recipes, is being worked to join all these efforts to be able to favor, in a more generalized way, the crops of the autochthonous and traditional varieties and their posterior use in the restaurants.


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Volcanic cuisine, food from the land of volcanos, this rich, fertile soil that produces moorish wheat, kidney beans, potatoes, turnips, onions, truffles, endives and chestnuts to accompany our pork, escargot, and wild boar.

Local products from the orchard to the table, harvested and cooked. This turnip that has just arrived in the kitchen still has bits of moist soil on its wrinkled skin... precise seasoning and the wise combination of produce.

A cuisine that is strong and convincing, born and raised here, it will make you want to lick your fingers.

Restaurants: -Standard -Medium-high -Michelin Stars


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Nature tourism in La Garrotxa is able to offer a wide variety of different accommodation options, situated in an exceptional natural environment: country houses, hotels, campsites, apartments, hostels and summer camps.

Apart from accommodation situated in a rural setting, most villages also offer accommodation.

Accommodation: beds Hotels and pensions 978 Rural tourism 855 Apartments 544 Hostels and summer camps 1.672 Campsites 4.984


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La Garrotxa is one of the best places for bike touring in Catalonia. Olot is a key location, since it is necessary to pass through it to connect the Via Verda del Ferro with the Via Verda del Carrilet. In fact, it is the recommended starting point for the Via Verda del Carrilet, since a good section of the route to Girona is downhill.

Olot also has several bike touring routes - not signposted - around the city, and Besalú has the Anella Verda (Green Ring), a wide pathway on the banks of the river Fluvià that is suitable for cycling along.


Centre Logístic del Bicicarril (+34) 972 69 20 23 Bicycle renting, service of bicycles collection and transfer luggage.

Activities – bike tours

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The horse world takes all its forms in La Garrotxa. Besides traditional routes on horseback it is possible to enjoy many more horse-related activities: educational activities on horseback for school groups, equi-therapy, walks, parties with ponies for small children guided by parents... and, for those new to the art of horseback riding, routes on horseback for beginners.


Servei d’Equitació Garrotxa (+34) 679 31 82 05

Rucs i someres (+34) 609 30 49 94

Activities – horse riding

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A flight in a hot air balloon over La Garrotxa is a unique experience suitable for all ages.

Balloon flights take off early in the morning. The flight lasts between 1 h and 1 h 30 min, and includes cava and coca (typical sponge cake) served during the flight, and a farmers' breakfast after landing. The whole experience lasts from 8 in the morning until 1 in the afternoon approximately.

The departure point is right in the middle of La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park, between Croscat volcano, Santa Margarida volcano and La Fageda d'en Jordà (beech forest).


Vol de Coloms (+34) 972 68 02 55

Activities - hot air balloon flights

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The moderate slopes of La Garrotxa and their diversity and natural beauty make it an ideal place for lovers of hiking.

Scores of historic paths make up the network of walking paths known as Itinerànnia, through which even those unaccustomed to walking can discover the farthest corners of La Garrotxa. Through Itinerànnia you will also be able to join up with paths in Ripollès and the Alt Empordà. This network of paths at times links up with some specific routes, both in the La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park and the Alta Garrotxa, and allows you to discover some of the region's most interesting corners.

The Roman road of Capsacosta, Camí Ral from Vic to Olot and several Senders de Gran Recorregut (long distance routes) are other possibilities in La Garrotxa for visiting on foot.

All through the year there is the possibility of doing routes accompanied by a guide, either through Itinerànnia or outside of this network of walking paths. This can be arranged in several ways: hiring the guide directly or taking part in a tour as part of the "Descobreix la Garrotxa!" programme.


A Peu: (+34) 972 68 05 23

Verd Volcànic: (+34) 972 90 38 22

Activities - hiking

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Footpath network

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2500 Kms of ancient paths have been restored.

Itinerànnia takes us from the mountains to the sea

Create a network of paths and trails joining the major resources, tourist services and municipalities, using historic roads in the county to create tourist packages to spread tourism throughout the territory along the whole year

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Itinerànnia is the result of a combined effort of three counties that have designed an innovative resource in our country. With this network of walking routes their possibilities for widening the appeal of these three zones have multiplied which are the key of Girona’s tourism industry:

-The sun and beaches of the Costra Brava during the summer.

-The winter activities in the snow of the Pyrenees

- The nature and heritage attractions offered by the medieval villages of the Pre-Pyrenees

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Ancient paths+tourist resources +tourist services + application of selection criteria=

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TOURIST RESOURCES IN RIPOLLÈSTwo great valleys form the northern part of Ripollès: Ribes valley (river Freser) and Camprodon valley (headwaters of the Ter). The two meet at Ripoll to form a single valley running north-south. The three valleys, in turn, have a series of side valleys branching off (Núria, Toses, Pardines, Les Llosses, Vallfogona).

The area was resettled under the auspices of Guifré el Pelós (Wilfred the Hairy), founder of the monasteries of Ripoll (879) and Sant Joan de les Abadesses (885), of decisive importance in the history of Catalonia.

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The Garrotxa county includes the Volcanic area Natural Park, which includes Olot, the capital. It is one of the most interesting examples of volcanic area in Europe, with well preserved ancient craters, blowholes and spectacular basalt lava (Castellfollit de la Roca), clay pits, etc. Other splendid landscapes are Bassegoda mountain, the Mare de Déu del Mont range (with the sanctuary), the Corb and Finestres ranges, Puigsacalm mountain, the Hostoles, En Bas, Bac and Bianya valleys, the surroundings of Santa Pau (with the Jordà beech wood), or the Moixina spring near Olot. Medieval villages like Santa Pau or Besalú (characterized by its jewish heritage like the Mikwah)

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TOURIST RESOURCES IN ALT EMPORDÀAlt Empordà is the most northern coastal county in Catalunya. Three Natural Parks: Cap de Creus, it forms a great alluvial plain furrowed by the Muga and the Fluvià rivers, which flow into the wide gulf of Roses. In the mountainous part, on the French border, is the Albera, an area of special natural interest. In the marshy coastal area of the gulf of Roses, dominated by Castelló d'Empúries, are the wetlands of Aiguamolls de l'Empordà, an important ecological reserve (particularly for water birds). On the craggy northern coast are the towns of Portbou, Colera, Llançà, El Port de la Selva, Cadaqués and Roses. South of the gulf are the Greco-Roman ruins of Empúries and the village of L’Escala. The capital is Figueres famous because of Dali’s Museum.

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-Hotels and pensions (all categories): 325

-Rural accommodation:299


- Youth hostels:8


LOCAL GUIDES: Specialized in culture, flora and fauna, dragonflies, butterflies and moths, birdwatching, nordic walking, trekking

ACTIVITIES like balloon flights, bycicles, horse riding, kayaking


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Carry straight on

Path to the left or right

Wrong path

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At junctions, the signs will tell us the walks we can take and the time it will take to complete them


UTM coordinates



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Scale of 1:50000

Available in travel and mountain specialized shops all around Europe.


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-New web site with tourist information, “routing” for planning the routes and virtual fly through the network (from October 2010)

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Hotels and pensions

Hotel Perla d'Olot

Hotel, aparthotel y restaurante

Ctra. de la Deu, 9 – Olot

(+34) 972 26 23 26

Hostal Sant Bernat

Ctra. Les Feixes, s/n - Olot

(+34) 972 26 19 19

Fonda Barris

C/ de Torelló, s/n

Joanetes - la Vall d'en Bas

(+34) 972 69 00 64

Rural tourism

Turisme rural Can Piqué

Ctra. Joanetes a Coll Bracons, s/n

Joanetes - Val d'en Bas

(+34) 972 26 50 12

Turisme rural Mas Masnou

Sant Martí del Corb - Olot

(+34) 972 69 30 10

Turisme rural Can Ventura

C/ Puig, 15 - Sant Feliu de Pallerols

(+34) 972 44 48 45

Turisme rural Mas Cantallops

Mas Cantallops - Santa Pau

(+34) 972 68 02 57


Can Morera - Apartaments i restaurant

Ctra de Santa Coloma, 10 - La Vall d'en Bas

(+34) 972 69 34 08

Apartaments turístics Can Camó

C/ Olot, 9 - Tortellà

(+34) 629 78 21 79


Càmping la Fageda

Carretera Olot - Santa Pau, km 4 - Olot

(+34) 972 27 12 39

Youth hostels

Alberg de Joventut Bellavista

Ctra. de Sant Martí, 10 - Santa Pau

(+34) 972 68 05 12

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Activities, guided visits, environment education...

Cooperativa la Fageda

Servei de visites guiades a la granja i fàbricade iogurts

Mas els Casals, s/n - Santa Pau

(+34) 902 118 150

Guaita - Activitats ambientals lúdicopedagògiques

C/ Puig de Colltort, 6 - Sant Feliu de Pallerols

(+34) 650 97 09 60

Tosca, Serveis Ambientals d’Educació i Turisme

Avda. Sta. Coloma s/n - Olot

(+34) 972 27 00 86


Can Morera

Apartamentos y restaurante

Ctra. de Santa Coloma, 10 - La Vall d'en Bas

(+34) 972 69 34 08

Hotel Perla d'Olot

Hotel, aparthotel i restaurant

Ctra. de la Deu, 9 - Olot

(+34) 972 26 23 26

Restaurant Hostal dels Ossos

Ctra. Santa Pau, km 2,7 - Olot

(+34) 972 26 61 34

Restaurant la Deu

Mas La Deu, s/n - Olot

(+34) 972 26 10 04

educ'Art, Serveis educatius i culturals

C/ Antoni Llopis 6, 5è 1a - Olot

(+34) 972 90 38 22

Escola de Natura la Garrotxa

C/ Antoni Llopis, 6, 5è 1a - Olot (+34) 972 26 46 15

Guiatges Walking Catalonia

La Devesa, 3 1r - Besalú

(+34) 661 95 69 39

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Montse Padrosa

[email protected]. 00 34 972 27 16 00

Av. Onze de Setembre 22, 2a planta17800 Olot

More information

Montse Padrosa

[email protected]. 00 34 972 27 16 00

Av. Onze de Setembre 22, 2a planta17800 Olot