world congress's 11th annual patents for financial services summit

JULY 23-24, 2014 AffiniA MAnhAttAn • new York, nY UNDERSTAND RECENT RULES AND REGULATIONS AFFECTING PATENT PORTFOLIOS SUMMIT ORGANIZED BY: PLATINUM SPONSOR: GOLD SPONSORS: SILVER SPONSORS: EDUCATIONAL UNDERWRITERS: To register, please visit: • Call: 800-767-9499 • Email: [email protected] Amster, Rothstein & Ebenstein LLP Canon U.S.A., Inc. Citigroup, Inc CME Group Corelogic Dentons US, LLP Fannie Mae Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP FIS Fish & Richardson Freddie Mac Goodwin Procter Hartford Financial Services Group MasterCard MDB Capital MetLife Morgan Stanley NYSE Euronext Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP Proskauer Regions Financial Corporation Ropes & Gray LLP SAP Global IP Sony Corporation of America Square, Inc. Trading Technologies The Clearing House Payments Company Unified Patents Inc. USAA Wells Fargo Legal Group Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP DISCUSS & ExCHANGE PATENT STRATEGIES WITH THE INDUSTRY’S LEADING COMPANIES, INCLUDING: THE 11TH ANNUAL If you can’t make it to NYC, participate in our live webcast. See back cover for further details Laurence Bromberg executive Director MORGAN STANLEY Colm J. Dobbyn Group executive and Associate General Counsel, Law Department MASTERCARD Vladimir Elgort Senior Director, intellectual Property Counsel SONY CORPORATION OF AMERICA Joe O. Long Managing Counsel WELLS FARGO LEGAL GROUP Hope D. Mehlman Senior Vice President, Assistant General Counsel REGIONS FINANCIAL CORPORATION Kevin J. Prey intellectual Property Counsel SAP GLOBAL IP Ankur Shah Associate General Counsel FREDDIE MAC Rouz Tabaddor Vice President, Chief intellectual Property Counsel CORELOGIC • Explore Section 101 and the outcome of CLS Bank when identifying patent eligibility • Determine the new rules on divided infringement in view of Limelight Networks and Epic Systems Corp. • Manage a patent portfolio on a limited budget and successfully work with outside counsel • Develop a comprehensive perspective into what a trial is like at the PTAB • Examine the Covered Business Method (CBM) review proceedings from the first year of the program • Optimize patent quality by providing clear notice to the pubic as defined by Section 112 under Nautilus This program was designed to satisfy approximately 10 1/2 hours of Continuing Legal Education credit requirements. Participants must apply to their individual state. State credit hours may vary. HEAR BEST PRACTICES FROM TOP INDUSTRY ExPERTS: NEW FOR 2014: SUPPORTING ORGANIZATION:

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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The protection of patents and IP is critical to the financial services industry due to the increasingly competitive marketplace and the growth of patent trolls. You must ensure protection of your own innovation to remain competitive and take great care to avoid infringing on the patents of others. World Congress's 11th Annual Patents for Financial Services Summit, which is being held on July 23-24, 2014 in NYC is intended for in-house legal executives to engage in networking opportunities, shared best practices, hear cutting-edge case studies, and discuss new rules and regulations impacting financial services patent policies. This two-day Summit will consist of informative educational sessions and interactive panel discussions led by senior-level patent counsel and experts on patent trends and strategies. Join our Patents for the Financial Services Summit and benefit from in-depth discussions on ways to grow patent strategies, practical case-studies and interactive panel discussions, featuring experienced and highly knowledgeable IP counsel, regulators, law firms and technology experts.


Page 1: World Congress's 11th Annual Patents for Financial Services Summit

July 23-24, 2014 AffiniA MAnhAttAn • new York, nY

Understand recent rUles and regUlations affecting Patent Portfolios Summit

Organized by:

platinum spOnsOr: gOld spOnsOrs: silver spOnsOrs:

educatiOnal underwriters:

To register, please visit: • Call: 800-767-9499 • Email: [email protected]

• Amster, Rothstein & Ebenstein LLP• Canon U.S.A., Inc. • Citigroup, Inc• CME Group• Corelogic• Dentons US, LLP• Fannie Mae• Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow,

Garrett & Dunner, LLP• FIS• Fish & Richardson• Freddie Mac• Goodwin Procter• Hartford Financial Services Group• MasterCard• MDB Capital• MetLife• Morgan Stanley• NYSE Euronext• Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP• Proskauer• Regions Financial Corporation• Ropes & Gray LLP• SAP Global IP• Sony Corporation of America Square, Inc.• Trading Technologies• The Clearing House Payments Company• Unified Patents Inc.• USAA• Wells Fargo Legal Group• Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP


Patents for financial services

the 11th annual If you can’t

make it to NYC, participate in our

live webcast. See back cover

for further details

Laurence Bromberg executive Director MORGAN STANLEY

Colm J. Dobbyn Group executive and Associate General Counsel, Law Department MASTERCARD

Vladimir Elgort Senior Director, intellectual Property Counsel SONY CORPORATION OF AMERICA

Joe O. Long Managing Counsel WELLS FARGO LEGAL GROUP

Hope D. Mehlman Senior Vice President, Assistant General Counsel REGIONS FINANCIAL CORPORATION

Kevin J. Prey intellectual Property Counsel SAP GLOBAL IP

Ankur Shah Associate General Counsel FREDDIE MAC

Rouz Tabaddor Vice President, Chief intellectual Property Counsel CORELOGIC

• ExploreSection101andthe outcomeofCLS Bankwhen identifyingpatenteligibility

• DeterminethenewrulesondividedinfringementinviewofLimelight NetworksandEpic Systems Corp.

• Manageapatentportfolioona limitedbudgetandsuccessfully workwithoutsidecounsel

• Developacomprehensive perspectiveintowhatatrialis likeatthePTAB

• ExaminetheCoveredBusiness Method(CBM)reviewproceedings fromthefirstyearoftheprogram

• Optimizepatentqualitybyprovidingclearnoticetothepubicasdefined bySection112underNautilus

This program was designed to satisfy approximately 101/2 hours of Continuing Legal Education credit requirements. Participants must apply to their

individual state. State credit hours may vary.


NEW FOR 2014:

suppOrting OrganizatiOn:

Page 2: World Congress's 11th Annual Patents for Financial Services Summit

Dear Colleague,

I am pleased to invite you to the 11th Annual Patents for Financial Services Summit, the exclusive event designed for in-house counsel to manage, protect, and develop patent portfolios in the financial services industry.

Companies must ensure protection of their own innovations to remain competitive and take great care to avoid infringing on the patents of others. Current pending Supreme Court cases are determining how financial institutions will continue to innovate and help define what patentable subject matter is, providing patent applicants with potentially new guidelines and definitions.

world congress’s 11th Annual Patents for Financial Services Summit, being held on July 23-24, 2014 is designed for in-house legal executives to engage in networking opportunities, share best practices, hear cutting-edge case studies, and discuss new rules and regulations impacting financial services patent policies. This timely Summit provides an update around pending Supreme Court cases including Octane Fitness v. Icon Health and Fitness, Nautilus Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, and Limelight Networks, Inc. v. Akamai Technologies, Inc. The two-day program delivers informative educational sessions and interactive panel discussions on the latest issues surrounding patents in the financial services industry, including an update on CLS Bank v. Alice Corp. and Section 101, non-practicing entities, and inter party reviews and covered business method patents.

Join us at this one-of-a kind program to be part of the latest discussions surrounding financial services patent protection and interact with other IP professionals.

I look forward to greeting you in July.


Charles R. Macedo Partner AMSTER, RoThSTEIN & EbENSTEIN LLP

the 11th annual July 23-24, 2014 • AffiniA MAnhAttAn • new york, ny

Understand recent rUles and regUlations affecting Patent Portfolios

PAtents for finAnciAl servicesSummit

To register, please visit: • Call: 800-767-9499 • Email: [email protected]

If you can’t make it to NYC,

participate in our live webcast.

See back cover for further


Further BuSineSS Development GoalS throuGh SponSorShip:Executive Tracks • Keynote Sessions • Networking Cocktail Reception • Breakfast • Luncheon • Networking Breaks

If you are interested in sponsorship and executive networking opportunities, please contact: David Capobianco at (781) 939-2635 or [email protected]

WHO SHOULD ATTEND:Financial Services, Commercial Banks, Investment Banks, Brokerage Firms, Insurance and Reinsurance Companies, Mutual Funds, Financial Technology Firms, E-Commerce, and Technology Companies with the following responsibilities or titles:

• IPCounsel• ChiefPatentCounsel• PatentCounsel• GeneralCounsel• ChiefInformationOfficer• ChiefTechnologyOfficer• ChiefPrivacyOfficer• ChiefRiskOfficer• IntellectualAssetManagement• BusinessDevelopment• ProductDevelopment• TechnologyPlanning• Research&Development

This conference is also of interest to:

• LawFirms• IPConsultants• PatentAgents• VentureCapitalist• Investors/Inventors• ServiceProviders

Special thankS to our aDviSory BoarD memBerS: Joseph Capraro

Partner, Patent Law and Intellectual Property Groups, PRoSkAuER

Charles R. Macedo Partner AMSTER, RoThSTEIN & EbENSTEIN LLP

James R. Myers Partner RoPES & GRAY LLP

Eric L. Sophir Partner DENToNS uS, LLP

Page 3: World Congress's 11th Annual Patents for Financial Services Summit

DAy one — weDnesDAy, July 23, 20147:30 am – 8:30 am Summit Registration and Morning Coffee

8:30 am – 8:45 am Chairperson’s Welcome and Opening Remarks

Charles R. Macedo Partner AMSTER, RoThSTEIN & EbENSTEIN LLP

8:45 am – 9:15 am KEYNOTE PREsENTaTiON: U.s. PTO UPDaTE

GainanupdatefromthePatentTrialandAppealBoardinregardstoitseffortssurroundingInterPartesReviewsandthe Covered Business Method Patent program.

Thought Leader TBA

9:15 am – 10:05 am PaNEL DisCUssiON: Update on Divided and inducing infringement in View of Limelight v. Akamai

• UnderstandthenewrulesoninducementinviewofAkamai Technologies, Inc. et al v. Limelight Networks, Inc. as well as McKesson Technologies, Inc. v. Epic Systems Corp.

• Determinehowtoproperlydraftclaimsinvolvingmethodclaimsandapparatus/systemclaims• DiscusstheSupremeCourt’sdecisionofLimelight v. Akamai regarding divided infringement and the affects this has on patent protection


Joseph Capraro Partner, Patent Law and Intellectual Property Groups PRoSkAuER


David Cunningham Vice President, Assistant General Counsel hARTFoRD FINANCIAL SERvICES GRouP

Ankur Shah Associate General Counsel FREDDIE MAC

Robert Stewart Chief Counsel IP NYSE EuRoNExT

10:05 am – 10:35 am Networking and Refreshment Break

10:35 am – 11:25 am PaNEL DisCUssiON: strategic Use of Covered Business Method and Inter Partes Review

Panelists that have been down this road share their experiences in:• SelectingIPR/CBMcounsel * what considerations are most important?• SyncinguplitigationandCBM/IPRstrategies * timing * estoppels * decisions on motions for stay

• MakingthebestcaseforCBM-eligiblesubjectmatter * PTABdecisions * arguing 101 issues post-Alice • ThoughtsonPGRaseligiblepatentsbegintoissue


Jeffrey A. berkowitz Partner, FINNEGAN, hENDERSoN, FARAbow, GARRETT & DuNNER, LLP

Joseph E. Palys Partner, FINNEGAN, hENDERSoN, FARAbow, GARRETT & DuNNER, LLP


Matthew J. kelly Managing Director, Chief Intellectual Property Counsel CME GRouP

kirupa Pushparaj IP Counsel SquARE, INC.

Debbie Segers Senior Vice President and Chief Intellectual Property Counsel FIS

Rouz Tabaddor Vice President, Chief Intellectual Property Counsel CoRELoGIC

To register, please visit: • Call: 800-767-9499 • Email: [email protected]

financial Services, Commercial Banks, investment Banks, Brokerage firms, insurance and reinsurance Companies, Mutual funds, financial technology firms, e-Commerce, and technology Companies with the following responsibilities or titles:

iP Counsel • Chief Patent Counsel • Patent Counsel • General Counsel • Chief information officer • Chief technology officer • Chief Privacy officer Chief risk officer • intellectual Asset Management • Business Development • Product Development • technology Planning • research & Development

this conference is also of interest to: Law firms • iP Consultants • Patent Agents • Venture Capitalist • investors/inventors • Service Providers

w h O s h O u l d a t t e n d

Special thankS to our aDviSory BoarD memBerS: Joseph Capraro

Partner, Patent Law and Intellectual Property Groups, PRoSkAuER

Charles R. Macedo Partner AMSTER, RoThSTEIN & EbENSTEIN LLP

James R. Myers Partner RoPES & GRAY LLP

Eric L. Sophir Partner DENToNS uS, LLP

If you can’t make it to NYC,

participate in our live webcast. See back

cover for further details.

Page 4: World Congress's 11th Annual Patents for Financial Services Summit

To register, please visit: • Call: 800-767-9499 • Email: [email protected]

11:25 am – 12:15 pm Understand the Logistics Behind Trying Cases Before the Patent Trial and appeal Board (PTaB)

• GainacomprehensiveperspectiveandpracticalinsightintowhatisreallygoingonatthePTAB * understand what is at risk and how to explain what is at stake to your client *discusswhatatrialislikeatthePTAB* hearadviceonhowtobestpracticebeforetheBoard• Learnwheninquiryintoattorney-expertcommunicationsmayarise * determine how a patentee can best present the story of invention * identify how a challenger can best prove the state of the art and obviousness• UnderstandhowthepatentlitigationlandscapehasforeverchangedsincePTABwasbornandwhataffectthishasonallcurrentandfuturepatentchallengers * hearaboutthereactiontoPTABandpredictionsregardingwhatthefutureholds

Steve baughman Partner RoPES & GRAY LLP

James R. Myers Partner RoPES & GRAY LLP

12:15 pm – 12:30 pm Financial Patents – History Perspectives, Today’s Landscape, and Forecasts

• Hearabriefhistoryandhighlightsofmorethan40yearsofpatentsforfinancialservices• Exploremodelstoevaluatesupplychain,competitor,andoutsideforces *identifylessonsfromthe“modern”ATMpatents• Shareinsightsintotomorrow’spotentialbattlegrounds

Alexander butler Vice President, Consulting quESTEL

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Luncheon

1:30 pm – 2:20 pm PaNEL DisCUssiON: strategies for Claiming Patent Eligibility in an Evolving section 101 Environment

• Hearanupdateanddiscussionoftheoutcomeofthecase, CLS Bank v. Alice Corp, and understand how this changes the way patent law is practiced • DeterminewaystoidentifypatenteligibilityoffinancialserviceinventionsinthewakeofBilski and CLS Bank• Understandtheconnectionbetweenpatentsandcomputer-relatedinventionstopromotecreativityandpatentapplicationcomplianceModerator:

Charles R. Macedo Partner AMSTER, RoThSTEIN & EbENSTEIN LLP


Laurence bromberg Executive Director MoRGAN STANLEY

Jay knobloch Director, IP Licensing and Litigation TRADING TEChNoLoGIES

2:20 pm – 3:10 pm PaNEL DisCUssiON: Explore section 112 indefiniteness Under Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments

Patentclaimsmustbesufficientlydefinitetoinformthepublicoftheboundsoftheprotectedinvention.UndertheFederalCircuit’scurrentstandard,claim language is indefinite, and the claim is therefore invalid, only when it is not amendable to construction or is insolubly ambiguous.

• Hearanexplanationofthe112indefinitenessissuespresentedinNautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments• Discusshowchangestothestandardfordefinitenesswillimpactlitigationandprosecutionstrategies• IdentifythepotentialriskandopportunitiesthepatentindustryfacesinlightoftheNautilus caseModerator:

Joseph A. Calvaruso Partner, Intellectual Property oRRICk, hERRINGToN & SuTCLIFFE, LLP


Colm J. Dobbyn Group Executive and Associate General Counsel, Law Department MASTERCARD

Richard F. Martinelli Partner, Intellectual Property oRRICk, hERRINGToN & SuTCLIFFE, LLP

Rodger A. Sadler Senior Patent Litigation Counsel CANoN u.S.A., INC.

3:10 pm – 3:40 pm Networking and Refreshment Break

3:40 pm – 4:30 pm Recover Litigation Expenses in Patent infringement actions

• Discussprecedentandproposalsforshiftingdiscoverycoststopatentplaintiffs• AnalyzetheimpactoftheSupremeCourt’sdecisionsinOctane Fitness v. Icon Health and Fitness and Highmark v. Allmark Health Management

Systems on attorney fee shifting• Identifystrategiesforenforcementofindemnificationprovisionsagainstthirdpartysuppliersofaccusedtechnologiesincomplexpatentinfringementactions

Gregory h. Lantier Partner wILMER CuTLER PICkERING hALE AND DoRR, LLP

Page 5: World Congress's 11th Annual Patents for Financial Services Summit

To register, please visit: • Call: 800-767-9499 • Email: [email protected]

4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

ROUNDTaBLE DisCUssiONsChoose one table and be part of an intimate discussion on the latest developments around patents in the financial industry. Each table is led by a moderator facilitating different topic discussions and shared best practices.

1. strategies for Dealing with NPE Lawsuits Anthony LoCicero


4. Update on the White House’s Post-aia Patent Reforms — One Year in


2. The impact of Foreign Banking secrecy and Foreign Privacy Laws on U.s. e-Discovery Nolan M. Goldberg

Senior Counsel, IP and Technology PRoSkAuER

5. Best Practices for Patent Portfolio Development of Financial services innovations

Michael Chernoff Chief IP Officer MDb CAPITAL

Eric L. Sophir Partner DENToNS uS, LLP

3. Determine intellectual Ventures and its impact on Patent Protection

Leslie M. Spencer Partner RoPES & GRAY LLP

James R. Myers Partner RoPES & GRAY LLP

*Please note that roundtable discussion topics are subject to change. To view the most updated agenda please visit:

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Close of Day One, Cocktail and Networking Reception

DAy two — thursDAy, July 24, 20147:30 am – 8:30 am Registration and Morning Coffee

8:30 am – 8:45 am

Chairman’s Welcome and Review of Day One Charles R. Macedo


8:45 am – 9:30 am


Special Announcement Coming Soon

9:30 am – 10:20 am PaNEL DisCUssiON: Best Practices for Defending against Patent Trolls

• Identifythedifferenttypesofnon-practicingentities(NPEs),alsoknownaspatenttrolls• Discusstheevolutionofpatenttrollsandhowtheydifferfromeachother• Establishthebestwaystominimizetheimpactofpatenttrollsonyourbusiness• Gainanupdateonthestateoflegislativeeffortsrelatedtopatentreform


Charles R. Macedo Partner AMSTER, RoThSTEIN & EbENSTEIN LLP


Moshe Malina Chief IP Counsel CITIGRouP, INC.

hope D. Mehlman Senior Vice President, Assistant General Counsel REGIoNS FINANCIAL CoRPoRATIoN

Colin Raufer IP Counsel ThE boEING CoMPANY

Sean Reilly Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel ThE CLEARING houSE PAYMENTS CoMPANY

10:20 am – 10:50 am Networking and Refreshment Break

platinum spOnsOr:

gOld spOnsOrs: silver spOnsOrs: educatiOnal underwriters:

if you are interested in sponsorship and executive networking opportunities, please contact: david capobianco at (781) 939-2635 or [email protected]

Page 6: World Congress's 11th Annual Patents for Financial Services Summit

10:50 am – 11:40 am Understand “Cybor’s” Rule That Claim Construction is subject to “De Novo” appellate Review

UnderstandpatentclaimconstructionandtheissuesraisedbytheCAFC’sveryrecentdecisiononrehearingenbancinLighting Ballast Control LLC v. Philips Electronics North America Corporation, et al.,inwhichtheFederalCircuitconfirmedtheCyborstandardofdenovoreviewofthedistrictcourts’claim construction rulings, whereby the scope of the patent grant is reviewed as a matter of law with no deference given to the findings or rulings of the trial court. This discussion focuses on:

• BestpracticeswithrespecttopreparingforandconductingMarkmanclaimconstructionhearingsundertheCyborstandardofnodeference * hear recommendations for focused attorney argument — how to use the intrinsic record, dictionary definitions, and helpful extrinsic evidence * discuss strategies for limiting the number of claim terms in dispute and for determining whether a “plain meaning” construction of certain claim

terms will provide a strategic advantage• StrategyconsiderationsforconductingMarkmanclaimconstructionhearingsintheeventthattheCyborstandardisyetmodifiedoroverturnedbythe

SupremeCourtortheCAFC * hear recommendations for obtaining and offering extrinsic evidence or expert declarations and seeking an evidentiary hearing to determine claim construction * discuss strategies for preserving objections to “plain meaning” constructions of certain claim terms

kevin J. Culligan Partner GooDwIN PRoCTER

John P. hanish Partner GooDwIN PRoCTER

11:40 am – 12:30 pm PaNEL DisCUssiON: Determine Best in Class strategies for avoiding and Managing Patent Litigation

• Managethecostoflitigationasthenumberandcomplexityofpatentcasesfiledincreases• Evaluateandimproveoutsidecounselrelations,assesstheworthinessofyourlawfirmcontracts,andreviewkeymetricstore-negotiatewhennecessary• Ensurethatyouareallocatingresourcestotherightrisksoropportunities


Mark Nelson Partner DENToNS uS, LLP


Gary bender Managing Director oCEAN ToMo

Joe o. Long Managing Counsel wELLS FARGo LEGAL GRouP

Moshe Malina Chief IP Counsel CITIGRouP, INC


12:30 pm – 1:45 pm Luncheon

1:45 pm – 2:35 pm PaNEL DisCUssiON: Understand iP Valuation and Management and Their impact on Enterprise Value

• DiscusscurrentIPvaluationapproachesandpitfalls• LearntheSupremeCourt’srecentandupcomingdecisionsthatimpactIPvaluation• SharebestpracticesinIPmanagement,andhowrecenttrendsareofferingnewsourcesofrevenueandassetvalue


Michael F. Autuoro Principal FISh & RIChARDSoN

Michael T. Zoppo Principal FISh & RIChARDSoN


vladimir Elgort Senior Director, Intellectual Property Counsel SoNY CoRPoRATIoN oF AMERICA

Ann LaFeir Patent Counsel uSAA

Jordan Newmark Assistant Vice President, Chief Intellectual Property Counsel uSAA

kevin J. Prey Intellectual Property Counsel SAP GLobAL IP

2:35 pm – 3:25 pm PaNEL DisCUssiON: Manage a Patent Portfolio on a Limited Budget

• Understandthecostofdraftingapatentandidentifywaystomitigatecost• Successfullyworkwithoutsidecounselonasetbudget,andknowwhenyourbreakevenpointis(understandwhenit’stimetohiresomeonein-house

insteadofoutsidecounsel)• Communicatetheriskandrewardstouppermanagementaboutfilingornotfilingapatentclaim,andexplainthecostofthistodetermineifitfitswithinyourbudget• Determineifyoutrustoutsidecounselenoughthatyoudon’thaveaspecificpersonin-housetoknowthecaseifyouendupinlitigation


Jonathan berschadsky Chair, Telecommunications and Networks Practice FITZPATRICk, CELLA, hARPER & SCINTo


James G. Coplit Senior Counsel, Intellectual Property, Information Technology METLIFE

Tanguy de Carbonnieres Associate General Counsel FANNIE MAE

Greg Skony Director and Assistant General Counsel CME GRouP

3:25 pm Closing Remarks; Conference Concludes

To register, please visit: • Call: 800-767-9499 • Email: [email protected]

Page 7: World Congress's 11th Annual Patents for Financial Services Summit

Easy Ways to Register

Registration Fee: Venue and Accommodations:Affinia Manhattan371 Seventh AvenueNew York, NY 1000131st and 7th

Tel: 212-563-1800

ROOM RATE: $249CuTE OFF DATE: July 1, 2014

Save up to $300 when you register by 6/13/14! Fee for the conference includes welcome coffee, lunch, reception, refreshments, and web-based conference documentation available pre and post event through a password protected web-site. Pleasemakechecks(,Inc.(Nopersonalchecksaccepted)*VerificationmayberequiredforIn-HouseCounselrate.Please contact us should you have any special needs.

Substitution & Cancellation: Yourregistrationmaybetransferredtoamemberofyourorganizationupto24hoursinadvanceof the conference. Cancellations received in writing on or before 30 days prior to the start of the eventwillberefunded,lessa$395administrativecharge.Norefundswillbemadeafterthisdate;however,theregistrationfeelessthe$395administrativechargecanbecreditedtoanotherWorldCongress conference if you register within 6 months from the date of this conference. In case of conferencecancellation,WorldCongress’liabilityislimitedtorefundoftheconferenceregistrationfeeonly.WorldCongressreservestherighttoalterthisprogramwithoutpriornotice.

Team Discount: Your organization may send one executive free for every three delegates registered. All registrations must be made at the same time to qualify. to register your team, contact us at 800-767-9499.

Satisfaction Guaranteed: world Congress stands behind the quality of its conferences. if you are not satisfied with the quality of the conference, a credit will be awarded towards a comparable world Congress conference of your choice.

Live Streaming Video Webcast: Get all of the mission-critical information and insight from top thought leaders from the comfort of your office. the live webcast will stream in real-time from the event directly to your computer. it includes the live video and audio along with any synchronized slide presentations if applicable. Live webcast viewers will also be able to participate in any Q&A sessions. Top reasons to attend via webcast! • Save time and added workloads from not having to leave the office to travel and to attend in person • Gain access to teachings from patent industry leaders from the comfort of your own office • Be able to participate at the conference through the Q&A sessions like you are there in person • implement the strategies and the best practices presented as they are presented without having to

wait to return to the office • Avoid the travel and hotel costs, but still benefit from the event as if you were actually there • one year of archived internet access, available 24/7

Interested in Group Rates? Please see the website.

Best Value

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register by 05/16/2014

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register by 07/23/2014

In-house CounselIN-PERSoN ATTENDANCE $ 395.00 $ 695.00 $ 995.00In-Person Attendance Plus webcast Archive on Flash Drive

$ 494.00 $ 794.00 $ 1094.00

wEbCAST $ 695.00Plus webcast Archive on Flash Drive $ 794.00webcast Archive on Flash Drive $ 695.00Law Firms / Consultants / Standard PricingIN-PERSoN ATTENDANCE $ 2495.00 $ 2795.00 $ 3095.00In-Person Attendance Plus webcast Archive on Flash Drive

$ 2594.00 $ 2894.00 $ 3194.00

wEbCAST $ 2195.00Plus webcast Archive on Flash Drive $ 2294.00webcast Archive on Flash Drive $ 2195.00

w w w . w o r l D c o n G r e S S . c o m / p a t e n t S


To register, please visit: • Call: 800-767-9499 • Email: [email protected]

• Determine strategies for claiming patent eligibility in an evolving Section 101 environment

• Uncover techniques to properly draft claims under the new rules of inducement in view of Limelight

• Successfully work with outside counsel on a set budget and understand when it’s time to hire someone in-house

• Understand how the patent litigation landscape has forever changed since PTAB was born and what affect this has on all current and future patent challengers

• Identify the potential risk and opportunities the patent industry faces in light of the Nautilus and CLS Bank cases

R E G I S T E R B Y J U N E 1 3 , 2 0 1 4 A N D S A V E $ 3 0 0 O N Y O U R R E G I S T R A T I O N F E E !

July 23-24, 2014 AffiniA MAnhAttAn • new York, nY

Understand recent rUles and regUlations affecting Patent Portfolios Summit

Patents for financial services

Organized by:

the 11th annual The only

Industry Event for IP Counsel,

Regulators, Law Firms, and

Technology Experts

Amster, Rothstein & Ebenstein LLP is one of the nation’s leading IP law firms. For more than half a century, the firm has focused on a full service IP practice, specializing in all facets of such practice, including enforcing and defending patents, trademarks and copyrights in litigation, patent and trademark prosecution in the U.S. and throughout the world, and infringement, validity and right-to-use studies. The firm is also experienced in evaluating IP assets and performing the due diligence associated with the purchase of such assets, and has represented domestic and international Fortune 500 clients across a wide range of industries. To learn more, please visit

P l a t i n u m s P o n s o r :