worldof tanks

World Of Tanks:Map Strategyes Map Strategy: Fisherman’s Bay Although Fisherman’s Bay has been out for quite some time now I see that most overlook the widely used defensive locations on the map in public matches. Keep in mind these are not the only viable locations but instead are the most widely used and useful from my perspective for public matches. You’ll see that there is a clear difference between the East and West sides of the map which favor side one(green) or side two(red).

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World Of Tanks:Map Strategyes

Map Strategy: Fishermans BayAlthough Fishermans Bay has been out for quite some time now I see that most overlook the widely used defensive locations on the map in public matches. Keep in mind these are not the only viable locations but instead are the most widely used and useful from my perspective for public matches. Youll see that there is a clear difference between the East and West sides of the map which favor side one(green) or side two(red).

A quick look shows that side one(green) lacks viable hard cover for the Western side of the map. The main cover there is found in J2/K2 near the windmill and venturing further you loose any hard cover and must rely upon slopes or trees/bushes for camo. Side two(red) on the other hand has a decent amount of cover up in the B1/B2 area, D1 rock, and the E3 building that is capable of firing on advancing tanks on the 1 line. Moving over to the Eastern side of the map side one(green) gains the more defensible side of the map with many more locations providing lines of fire than side two. The central part of the map is largely equal with both sides having equal footing.Key PointsD9andF0Both sides have viable locations on the opposite side of the town for fast tanks(mediums/lights) to rush across at the start of the map and set up before the opposing team does. Anything that travels 45 km/h+ heading towards D9/F0 makes it before the enemy team can react and/or spot them. Having a large force in these areas denies the opposing team defend in the E8/F8 area which is crucial to holding the town. If the opposing team already has a large force set up in E8/F8 then the option of pushing further to around the bend on the outside of the town is viable and will provide cover. Both areas allow your team to support from safe cover and hopefully push forward to support you once the opposing side if weakened.High risk, high reward.Central RoadWhile not highlighted on the map above the central road is critical to any team wishing to push to the enemy side of the map. Holding this allows a team to either support the Western of Eastern forcesinitiallyand later in the game deny the enemy from crossing the map to either reinforce the weak flank or to assault/defend the flag.G1andD1RocksBoth locations provide advance spotting for the defenders located behind them on each team. While not large enough to hide several tanks they can hide 1-2 tanks from incoming fire. They also serve as cover for advancing forces so loosing them will hurt your chances of defending against a push.A8/9andK8/9SPG supportBoth of these locations are very useful for SPGs to set up in to provide fire into the city. They allow SPGs to fire down the vertical roads and hit most of the corners that opposing forces will pop out behind to fire off shots at your team mates. It still allows the SPG to support the opposite side of the map along with the middle making it a great location to set up in. The only downside is if your team looses the town then you are leftdefenseless.

Map Strategy: Fjords Fjords is a very difficult map to decide where you should head to at the beginning of the match and where to move after that. Fjords is split into 3 main areas which require specific tanks to exploit. The Northern area of the map for both sides is great for medium tanks since they are able to get the quickly and move around since there is not always a lot of cover in these locations. The central area of the map is great for both medium tanks and heavy tanks since it provides some cover and the option to either head north or south. The southern area of the map is best for slower tanks or tank destroyers since it has limited options in terms of flanking and provides the most hard cover.The red routes are initial routes/locations used for side two on the map while the green routes/locations are for side one. Yellow refers to shared locations that are typically engagement areas which are fought over by both teams. Solid routes are initial routes taken from the spawn to the front lines.This map you see below was drawn up using MapTactic which is a very easy to use tool for making strategies for World of Tank maps. It works directly in your browser and has no cost to use it.

Side 1Side 1 has more cover in the northern(A7/A8) and middle(E7/E8) sections of the map compared to side 2. On the downside it has a bit less cover in the south(H5/J5) beneath the town since SPGs can hit the backside of the mountain from A5/6.Northern PassageMobile tanks(lights and mediums) are best for heading up to the A7/A8 area of the map since the route is uphill. From this location you can fire down into the 5 line defense areas without being spotted and then have the option of pushing in A6 as the battle progresses.Central Passage The E6/E7 area of the map is great for just about any tank since it provides a decent amount of SPG cover and gives a good defensive position against enemies advancing through the field. You can also set up in F6 and fire down the 6 line into F3 at the start of the match to hit side 2 tanks heading south. This location allows you to support both the north and the south.Southern Passage/TownThe town provides the most cover for side 1 but does not provide many firing lanes unless the enemy has already pushed into the town. The G6 area allows you to fire up into E5 but at the cost of some cover since you can be hit by both their forces and their SPGs in the north. In J5 forces will want to set up to defend against enemies looking to push around the bend which will potentially spot your artillery and threatens the E6 area. Keep in mind that any enemy SPGs in A5/6 can hit the backside of this location.If you advance around the bend into J4 stick along the water as it will limit enemy fire due to it being lower and allows theinitial1-2 tanks to draw attention while your allies behind you can get good shots on the enemy.SPGsMost SPGs set up in H0/J0 locations which give good shots on the J4/J5 locations along with some shots into the northern field. More mobile SPGs can set up in A8 if they are feeling a bit daring and will have shots into D5/E5 and G3/G4.Side 2Side 2 has less hard cover than side 1 in the northern/middle part of the map but gains better cover in the south. Side 2 rewards aggressive and smart play since it is required due to less cover.Northern FieldThe A6 of the map is great for mobile tanks capable of getting there to prevent enemies pushing through it at the start. You can take a few shots into E5 from here but will want tore-positionafterwards since SPGs can hit here easily. SPGS can also set up in A5/A6 and hit enemies in J5 who think they are safe easily.B5/C5 also provide rocks and small bushes to set up behind capable of hiding 1-2 tanks each.Central FieldD5 and E5 are the keys to winning from Side 2. Most heavy tanks that are not slugs(under 30 km/h) can make it to E5 rather easily. Mediums can make it here without being seen as well. Drive here at the start of the match following the routes and set up in E5 looking south. Any enemies driving down to J5 will be showing their rears to you and you will rack up easy damage. The main downside of this location is being hit from A8 if you are not careful.If you stay tucked towards the bottom of the red outline here along the rocks youll be safe from most SPG fire(not T92s) and A8 will have limited shots on you. If you are a large tank simply face your frontal armor to A8 and youll bounce most shots due to the 300m+ distance between you and them.Later on in the match you can choose to wrap around into E6 through the field or take a less known route. Driving through E4/F4 along the left side of the lake is simply and quick. This route can be used either going north or south but is exposed to enemy fire in F6. The right side of the lake in F5 can be made by non-heavy tanks and is safe from any enemy fire allows you to exit in semi-safety.Southern PassageG4 and H4 provides immunity from SPG fire and is great for slower tanks. You will only need to worry about tanks advancing through J4/J5 if your team has a presence in E5. When driving down here beware of crossing to close to F4 since you can be spotted at the start of the map and hit by both tanks and SPGs. It is safe to take the route closest to the water.Later on in the matchadvancingsouth of the mountain in J4/5 is the most dangerous since SPGs are usually zeroed in here and enemies are watching. It is sometimes best to go through the F line if your team is doing well in the field.

Map Strategy: Hidden VillageHidden Village is a recent addition to World of Tanks and although it is new it is very easy to pick up and play. This is due to it having three main lanes to go down since the map is divided into the village, central field area, and then the heavy passage(surrounded by rocks/ridges). Each lane provides different gameplay and is focused around a specific play style that heavily favors some tanks over another in specific areas. The heavy passage as the name might suggest favors tanks that might be a little slower but are more durable and with loads of firepower. The village area is better for tanks with either good camouflage or good mobility since the buildings are destructible and there is not a lot of cover. The village is also a little less important than other sections of the map since the entrances/exits of it are wide open and you have to pass through a wide river. This means that anyone sitting in the heavy passage overlooks and/or central field area can fire on you easily before you can get to cover. The central field area also doubles as a great light/medium tank place for spotting and for tanks with good frontal armor to advance without worrying about being fired upon from at least one flank(the ridge) and their rear(base).For SPGs your best bet is to start out near the base(as per usual) and then to move to the strongest flank you have whether it is the village or heavy passage. Generally your team will lose either the village or the heavy passage and once that happens the base will be easily spotted(thus you dying).

Team One Base Area

Team one(green side) starts out in the southern portion of Hidden Village around the flag area. Starting out you have three main routes to go down(although the map is very wide open it is rather simple) which are the heavy passage(left from spawn), center hill(fields in the middle of the map), and the village(right from spawn across the river). Slower tanks fair better sticking either in the heavy passage or along the bottom of the ridge heading towards the center hill. More mobile tanks fair very well on the center hill and somewhat ok in the village. The village itself might seem like it provides a lot of cover but in reality the buildings are small, destructible, and there are a lot of gaps. Generally the village is best to largely ignore expect for a few tanks to spot/hold easy locations marked on this guide while the locations around the base/center hill can tear into any enemies pushing through the village.Closest to the base is a small patch of trees with one rock that provides good firing angles on enemies pushing through the village or crossing the center hill. Further up there are two small rocks before you reach the center hill which do not provide cover from artillery but provide enough from enemy tanks. Other areas around the base are the corner that leads up to the heavy passage which functions as a fallback base defense option if your team loses the village/river area and also the passage from the field in front of the base to the heavy passage. This passage is great in that you can support essentially any of the three routes on the map initially and then commit to one later on.Team Two Base Area

Team two(red side) like team one shares the same three route approach with the village being on your self when you spawn, the center hill/field area direct ahead, and the heavy passage on your right side. The same tactics hold the same as to which tank type each area favors and this leads to Hidden Village playing the same for most battles since generally most tanks end up in areas other than the village.Around the base area instead of a small patch of trees with a rock you instead have a large hill that provides more hard cover than team ones base. This hill can be a double edge sword since it also provides enemies more cover pushing across from the village/river compared to team ones base. The hill does provide very good firing angles into the village and also towards the center hill. Moving forward into the center area you have a rock with small bushes before the center hill that provides slightly more protection from artillery than team ones rock and is large enough for one tank to set up in. Moving back closer to the base is the passage that connects the center field/hill area to the heavy passage. This passage is a little less useful than team ones passage since it does not have the ability to help the heavy passage as well unless you move out of it. It still retains good coverage of enemies pushing across the center hill or through the village. Team two also has the corner near the base that makes a good location to fall back from the heavy passage to defend the base if the village/river area falls.Hidden Village Area

The hidden village area of Hidden Village takes up a large chunk of the map but does not play as vital of a role as you might think. The village itself is comprised of mainly destructible buildings and cover. Combine those two things with the shell changes that allows AP shells to destroy cover easier and to penetrate soft cover and possibly go through it means that you are exposed to the center of the map in the village more often than not. There are a few safe buildings to hide behind in the center courtyard area but they are largely useless since once you get behind them you are essentially trapped since leaving will expose you on all sides.Both sides play the same for the village aside from the different buildings/areas that provide the most cover. Both sides when entering the village follow the same similar path that leads you to the edge of the village furthest away from the center of the map. Here you have buildings capable of breaking sight from the center of the map and will soak up a few shots. If you progress past these buildings to the side of the courtyard you lose some protection since the walls do not provide great cover and you will be pushing into the enemy(with them getting support from their center hill/field area). This makes pushing through the village very difficult especially as you get up in the tiers since tanks get larger and cover works less.I find that having a small presence in the village to delay/spot enemies pushing through while the main chunk of your team covering the area sits protected near the center hill/base area. This causes the enemy to think they have an easy route to the base and instead they push out of the cover on their side of the village and get torn apart while exiting the village. If you decide to push through the village it can work if you do it quickly enough and it also helps that you are attacking from team one since the hill on team twos side provides better cover exiting the village.Central Hill/Field Area

Being in the center of the map the center hill/field area ends up being a very important factor in whether or not your team gets a victory. Not only does it provide a great spotting/scouting location but it also serves as a place to defend the base area(against the village/middle), supporting role with helping the village, support if the heavy passage falls, and/or a flanking option if you push forward to flank behind the enemy in the heavy passage. Both sides have the same general set up and locations with only minor differences when it comes to this area which makes it easy to apply the same tactics no matter where you spawn.Starting out you have two options if you plan on focusing in this area. You can either sit back near the base and support your tanks that head to the center hill or you can push forward to join them. It does not matter if you are a slow tank but it does matter if you are a slow tank with no frontal armor. If you do not have armor(and are not a light/medium tank) then pushing to the center will only get you killed. This is because you are not 100% safe from artillery and shots coming from the village so having strong armor on the front of your tank if you are slow is crucial. Team two has slightly better protection in the middle against enemy artillery compared to side one simply because of map design. Side one makes up for this by having a slightly better crossover passage that connects the middle to the heavy passage.The main role of the center hill is to get someone there quick and to spot the enemy first. This allows your team to quickly find out how many will be in the village and possibly deal some cheap damage at the start. After this happens you can support the town without crossing the middle hill, push ahead if the center is left unguarded, or help the heavy passage.Heavy Passage Area

Surprise! The heavy passage again plays out the same for both sides and doesnt really change depending on which team you are on. Like the rest of the map both sides are given the same layout to work with and to manipulate to their advantage. The heavy passage is generally called this since most heavy tanks/slow tanks head this way since it limits their time out in the open compared to the village/center area. This does not mean that mediums and lighter tanks do not play a vital role here since there is still enough wiggle room in this area to flank effectively.Looking at this area you will see a small hill(with a split rock) splitting the area closest to the edge of the map. Trees cover the area on the hill which then opens up into an open field with large rocks breaking up the fighting. This hill initially serves as a good place to spot the enemy and freeze them. Afterwards you do not want to be up here unless you have superb frontal armor/turret armor since the split rock on the hill provides little protection from tanks and artillery. The backside of the hill here is decent for tanks with less armor since they can support both the small hill and also the open area if enemies advance without being spotted initially.The open rocky area generally decides which team wins this part of the map. Each team is given an initial large rock with a small rock in between it and the center rock. Simply allowing the enemy to gain control of that center large rock will pin your team into a losing battle since the hill will fall thereafter and then the entire area. This means that having at least one tank behind that center rock is key since it stops the enemy from advancing any further easily. This is also the best area for brawling with tanks such as an E-100 or other heavily armored in your face tank since you can dish out damage and get into cover easily.Playing a slightly lesser role in the fight is the passage way that connects the center hill area to the heavy passage. This passage allows your team to move tanks in or out depending on the scenario at the start of the match. On the other hand it can be a crippling blow if you allow the enemy to break through the middle of the map and flank you from it. This passage is largely overlooked later on in the match but its importance only grows the longer the match plays out.

Map Strategy: MurovankaMurovanka looks like a very straight forward map but when you dive deeper you will see that many approach this map the wrong way. This map gives each starting team a strong side to push on and the opposite side of the map being easier to defend. Unlike other maps however both teams are capable of attacking the same side easily if played correctly while defending another very easily. For team one(green) you start off in the southern part of the map. Moving up the 1-3 lines grants you a great set up to push aggressively north to prevent the enemy from making it into the corner hill and defensive locations that are tough to get them out of. On the opposite side of the map near the lake/southern town you get great hard cover to set up behind and also a small hill by the lake to spot by. Team two receives the same 1-3 line advantage if they push aggressively to pin the southern team by their base since there is less hard cover for team one to hide behind. On the opposite side of the map team two receives much less hard cover than team one to defend with, however they do have great soft cover in the form of the forest. Knowing how to abuse camouflage and spotting mechanics here pays off a lot.The center of the map is covered by scattered houses which some are destructible whiles others are not. Overall the town plays more of a buffer at the start of the match and also as a decent route for light tanks to do a quick pass before turning around to spot. Later in the match it becomes more important since it gives hard cover to more across to either the forest or 1-2 lines where the remaining enemies are.The mini map was made usingMapTacticwhich is a great tool for coming up with strategies for World of Tanks and other games.

2 Line Hill/Watchtower/Corner Hill

For team one this part of the map is slightly more crucial than for team two. This is because the end of the enemies push winds up inside of base of team one. Due to this you also receive a better starting location that allows you to aggressively push up to the D2 area just below the watchtower. If you have more than a few tanks that come with you then do not stop and continue pushing to B2 to prevent the enemy from getting into the corner hill. The defensive spots near your spawn are somewhat effective at providing covering fire, but they simply do not work if you let the enemy push into E2 since you have no hard cover available. You can also move up the 3 line to flank enemies in E2 or if you spawn further east at the start of the match.

Team two starts further away from this area of the map than team one and it is also slightly less important since it is further away from their base. However, they do receive a slight advantage in defending if need be than team one due to some hard cover and more importantly the corner hill. Starting out if you are in a medium or a tank with good gun depression(8+) then getting into the corner hill in A1 is key since it allows you to fire down the 1-2 lines and also into D2/E2 safely. For other tanks the B3 area is great for defending if your team did not send many tanks over here. Like team one you have a very good opportunity to push down either route to E2 and thus pinning team one into bad defensive positions as your support chews them apart.Northern Town/Southern Town

Team one gets a decent spot in F5 capable of protecting 1 tank from most incoming fire. From here you can fire towards the watchtower and at enemies trying to push into E2. Be careful of moving another further north or east from here since the forest has good shots on you without you being able to actually see them. Further south are the G6/H5 locations that are not near the warehouses by the lake but rather provide a slightly easier location to defend this section of the map while being able to escape if need be. G6 provides decent shots into enemies into the forest while H5 is great for defending if you are short on tanks on this side of the map. If you are in a light tank you also have a good chance at darting up through the town and then turning back towards the 1/2 line for a quick spotting run at the start of the match.

Much like team ones location to fire into the watchtower area on team two you get two building suitable to do the same task. The one closest to your base is better protected but has less firing lanes while the one further south exposes you to return fire but grants a wide open firing lane. Defensive wise you shouldnt need to set up anywhere in the central town area unless if it is later on in the match and your team loses the watchtower/corner hill area. Also, like team one a light tank is able to quickly spots south in the town and then wrap back into the watchtower area with a high success rate.Forest/Lake

For team one this side can be very difficult for most players to properly play this side since they want to push-push-push when they should sit there and spot/defend until you know what is in the forest. You start out with two great warehouses to set up behind in H7/G7 to fire on anything coming out of the town as well as the G6/H5 locations for additional support. The H7 location is better protected and allows your allies to help you if you are flanked easier. G7 on the other hand provides slightly better shots if the enemy makes it out of the forest but has windows that you can be shot through if you are not careful.Closer to the lake is a small hill with some bushes/trees to provide soft cover. Do not go here if you are not mobile, have good gun depression, are gigantic, or have great frontal armor. This location is great for spotting the forest if anything emerges but is very hard to defend since you cannot crest the hill without being annihilated by tanks in the forest/spgs. If you see yourself here then simply spot and if enemies are approaching then move back south the J8 so that your allies can help you. If the enemy does not make a move then that changes things since your team can send a spotter to the edge of the forest in G8/G9 to slowly prod and light up enemies for others to kill. This location has a very small incline that hides most tanks hulls but does not provide 100% cover.

Team two gets a slightly easier time on this side of the map since they spawn closer and have a large amount of soft cover to work with. However, this can also prove to be a huge negative if your team simply moves into the forest and plops the entire force in one location by your base. You will not be able to see any advancing enemies at all and will find yourself at a disadvantage. While you do not have hard cover like team one you do benefit from having a layered approach on this side. Having tanks in each of the marked locations in the 8 line(part of forest closest to the town) allows you to spot advancing enemies without having your entire team spotted. Additionally sending a couple tanks to the lake to spot and catch the enemy off guard is recommended. Sending to many tanks to quick however can lead to your team being stuck in a bad spot by the lake with no where to go!An alternative spot to go to is at G7 on the northern side of the warehouse team one uses to defend. You can be hit by the 2 line hill near the enemies base and also through the windows if you are not careful. On the plus side you will freeze any enemies heading to the lake most times and also it gives you the opportunity to move south between the warehouses to break the enemies defense. Only go here if you have good frontal armor and are mobile at the start of the match(tanks like a T110E5, T-54, etc). If you are in a tank like an E-100/Maus you can still push to here from the 8 line if the enemy does not have a huge force unseen on the hill by the lake. The number one rule for this spot is to keep your strongest armor facing towards the 2 line hill since you will be shot from there.ArtilleryArtillery on this map is limited at first since the best location is usually the corner in which you spawn near. However, after your first 1-2 shots you should start to move behind your main force since this map is prone to your weak flank failing very quickly(resulting in your base falling). Just stick to the edges of the map behind your main force of tanks and youll benefit greatly.Map Strategy: Pearl River Ill start off by saying that Pearl River is the most interesting map in World of Tanks currently. It has a ton of different elements, elevations, and areas all smashed into one map that provides quite the challenge to any player. At first glance the map is overwhelming and rightfully so since it has dozens of individual paths to take. This map strategy guide will outline some general routes to take and areas to focus on for both side 1 and side 2. The images you see here were drawn up onMapTacticwhich is an excellent website to use to draw up strategies for clan wars and tournaments as well as other online games.Overview

Ive broken Pearl River down into several key areas to make the map somewhat easier to understand. The Northern Passage is the shortest and most protected from artillery route to get to the enemy base. However, taking this route will put you in direct contact with enemies since there is only one route in and out. Both bases have defensive positions at the entrances of the Northern Passage and also located further back behind each base allowing a team to focus less on the highly contested north. This might seem slightly risky but if your team is capable of setting up a layered defense and catch the enemy in the wide open base area they will be easily taken care of.The Central Town area might seem wide open but the various buildings and small nooks provide great cover from both tanks and artillery. The main counter to the town is if your team has absolutely no presence in the Southern Passage allowing enemy tanks/artillery to flank. The River area is very risky and shouldnt be used at the start of the match as its main role is to be a buffer between the town and the south. The final two areas are the most difficult due to the terrain and elevations. The Southern Passage has few defensible positions and many flanking routes. The Skirmish Area located in the middle of both teams path provides small mounds/rocks to hide behind but should be pushed through quickly or else artillery will rain hell down upon your team.Below are some close up shots for each side of specific areas/routes to take. Side 1 is in yellow since green is harder to see on this map and side 2 is red.Side 1

For side 1 the Northern Passage has a few good defensible positions underneath the bridge and also at the entrance of the passage. If you sit further back near the bridge you can be supported better from your teammates in the overlook spots and artillery. If you choose to push ahead you will want to get C8 rather quickly since you want to pin enemy tanks down before they pass through C9. Side 1 has an easier time taking the north than side 2 does if played aggressive.

There are many locations around the base area for tanks to set up in and be useful. The two base overlook locations provide cover either by foliage or buildings and have great coverage of the flag/town areas. E1/F1 have two elevated hills for mobile tanks to spot ahead but provide limited defensible locations. If you plan on pushing south and/or defending this area it is best to keep moving further south to at least H2 or else the enemy has the advantage. For those looking to move through the town hug the buildings and slowly advance alongside your teammates further south of you.

H2 and J3 provide a choke point with some cover to defend against advancing enemies. The enemy will either have to push directly through you or relocate and take the routes located closer to the river/center of the map leaving them exposed. More mobile tanks can either dart through into the skirmish area if they have support or take the G3 route slightly delayed to flank the enemy tanks in the south. Keep in mind that if you decide to push into the skirmish area that it is open to outside artillery fire and you should play aggressive to get to the other side. Advancing through the south/middle is best if your team can focus on at least two of the routes on this side of the map(Southern Passage, River Area, Central Town) or else you run the risk of being flanked/stuck.

If your team has made it this far you most likely are in a good position to win the match. Keep in mind that the enemy also has a narrow choke point in K7/K8 that is easily defended and sometimes it is best to have tanks go through the central town area/exposed passage to make it through.Side 2

Like side 1 this side has locations at the entrance of the Northern Passage to defend but unlike side 1 they are more exposed to artillery. If your team commits to the north you must play it fast since you can be easily stuck in D0 with nowhere to go. Making it to the C9 nook and then into C8/B8 to the rocks before the enemy sets up will give you the upper hand. Alternatively your team can set up in F7(central town area) or further south in G0/H8 and catch the enemy in the wide open field around the base. Side 2 has a more difficult time taking the northern passage especially if it is not played aggressively and even then side 1 has a slight advantage.

Side 2 has an easier time defending the southern/central portions of the map due to the added central overlook spot with the small town in J6. Like side 1 this side has a base overlook spot with a lot of foliage in H8 capable of providing long range support. The central town area is slightly better protected than side 1 as well and is easier to advance through up to the western side of F5 since the central overlook in J6 can provide great covering fire.

If your team decides to advance through the southern passage it is important to not get stuck in K5 since you will be bottled in. Side 2 is best when your team can quickly take the skirmish area and most of the central town since it pins the enemy in at J3, G2, and further back. Once this happens side 1 has limited hardcover from artillery aside from the J3 area and will be on their heels. It is best if side 2 plays the south very aggressively and to take as much of the map as possible until the enemy provides resistance. Keep in mind that since the Northern Passage is difficult for side 2 that you have a highpossibilityof being capped quickly and having a path to return to base is very important.

Map Strategy: PortPort is a very unique map when compared to the other maps in World of Tanks. It is very confusing to know where to go the first few times playing this map as it doesnt have many clearly defined choke points. The southern base starts out in the Port area that has many large buildings and good cover while also being spaced apart enough to not to be cramped. The northern base starts out in the Shipping/Railway area that also has a lot of cover in the form of buildings and also is surrounded in a wall of scattered train cars. Below Ill touch on some key areas of the map.

Junkyard G9-K9The south eastern corner of the map stands out if compared to the other parts of the map. While it looks rather unimportant it is a key point for either side if they want to advance. This area has a lot of dips and hills and is great for medium/light tanks. Tanks advancing from the north need it to flank defenders sitting along the 7 line in the southern city while the southern team advancing north needs it to push past the F line without being flanked.7-Line BridgeThis raised bridge provides a route(albeit very exposed) across the railroad tracks and into either sides more protected city. It is not advised for northern forces to push across here(especiallyheavy tanks) as they can be fired upon from the west and also have no cover at the end of the bridge once they get across. For tanks advancing from the south it does provide a good tactical point if there are many tanks defending the railroad around E9 granted your team controls the land west of the bridge or else you will be torn apart.Railroad and Train AreaThis area spans across the entire map with the thickest part being on the east and slowlytaperingoff as it heads west. Spotting can be difficult while weaving through this area and while the trains do provide some cover they can be shot under by most tanks besides Maus etc. so they are not very good cover. Very good for attacking and pushing through but very poor for a dug in defense.Central HillWell I call it a hill anyway But while the green open area spanning horizontally across the center of the map is lacking cover it is much lower on the southern side than the north and thus can hide advancing tanks. Especially true for the F8-0 area tanks pushing north can advance up to the railroad relatively safe if the enemy is playing more defensive since they are hidden behind the terrain difference.B1/B2 FunnelThe western part of thenortherncity is much more closed off than the southern city. The main route for northern forces advancing south if they do not exit the city from B3 or more further east is through a small gap on the B1/B2 line. While this is a good defensive point for them it also makes it very difficult to push through if the South isaggressiveand pins them into the corner of the map.North West BridgeAnother bridge that provides a flanking route for either side. It is very exposed and should not be used by heavy or slow tanks. It is key however if the northern side is pinned in the top corner as it skirts around them. I find that using it to head south isnt as useful though since once you are up there you are stuck and usually there are people sitting back along the edge of the southern city.Below are some replays of Port

Map Strategy: ProkhorovkaProkhorovka has gone several changes unlike other maps. The first version was very flat with very little cover, the second version became much more hilly/bumpy with adequate cover, and the present iteration has been smoothed out closer to theoriginalversion. This leads to a map that many think is dominated by arty, which in a way it is, but more importantly it rewards teamwork. Scouts and mobile tanks are very important on this map since it allows heavy tanks/tank destroyers/artillery to sit back in safety to dish damage out. If a team has 2 good spotters on Prokhorovka it will greatly shift the match in their favor.The red routes are initial routes/locations used for side two on the map while the green routes/locations are for side one. Yellow refers to shared locations that are typically engagement areas which are fought over by both teams. Solid routes are initial routes taken from the spawn to the front lines.This map you see below was drawn up using MapTactic which is a very easy to use tool for making strategies for World of Tank maps. It works directly in your browser and has no cost to use it.

Side 1(Green)West Road(1/2/3 Lines)This section of the map lacks a lot of hardcover aside from the depressed area in the C2/3 and D2/3 areas that prevent enemies from shooting you but not artillery. Side 1 does get many trees and bushes which are both helpful and harmful. If the bulk of your team sits from C2 up you will not be able to spot enemy tanks advancing north until they are right on top of you.The counter this a light tank/medium should be out ahead in the E2/E3 or central ridge area to light up enemy tanks further south. The other tanks should advance south 1-2 grids behind the scout and provide fire on anything that is spotted. Above all, never drive directly in the road or you will be seen very easily.Center Ridge(E3->E6)The center ridge if for fast tanks as well as tanks with good gun depression. Always keep moving and dont let to much of your tank get exposed to the enemies to the south. The best place to spot is generally in the E3/E4 area since it has a decent amount of cover due to the steeper slope.Even tanks like the T32, T34, etc. with good gun depression can set up here if there are only 1-2 arty. Just pop out, take a shot, and back away. Works very well to provide a threat in the center of the map and can deter the enemy from pushing.Railroad Tracks(B6->E6)The western side of the tracks(center of map) isnt the most useful spot for 2+ tanks to go down since you get to a point where you can shoot east or west without being torn to shreds. It is best if a team has 1 person here to stop any scouts from slipping through.The Town(E6/F6->E9)The town can be what you make of it It can be a death trap with no cover from artillery and outside fire(all buildingsdestructible) or a very well covered area of the map you can move around in while attacking. The trick to the town is to first see if the enemy pushes stupidly through it to your side, sitting in E6/E7 at the edge of town is good for this.After that shift over to the 7 line(never go into the 6 line since it can be hit easily) and sometimes the 8 line. Pick your buildings to protect against artillery fire and move after they are destroyed. By applying pressure you will be able to kill enemies in the town, spot tanks on the hill for your team, and also negate most artillery fire.Northeast Island(B9 Area)The reworked versions of this map added accessibility to the small island up in the northwest corner. Its uses are somewhat limited since once you are up there you are somewhat useless. Sure you have shots on the hill and if the enemy breaks through into C6/north. At the same time you allow your teammates to die easier on this side of the map by hiding up here.The only times I would head here is if you are the only tank on the east side of the railroad tracks or if you are artillery.The Hill(E0/F0)Pushing the hill can be very difficult depending on how you do it. The enemy team almost always beats you to the top if they have tanks with similar speeds and you can also be shot from the side if you are not careful. Stick to the edge of the map and do not stray to far west. It is better to be aggressive and push to the top at the start than to wait for their slower tanks to get up there as well. At worse you run into more tanks than you can handle and youll loose a bit of HP as you back down.ScoutsScouts have many options for this map and alsoplay styles. Doing quick spotting runs in the center of the map will spot a lot of their team if you have 440m+ view range while moving(optics people!) and gives your team good intelligence. Alternatively you can passive spot in E1/E2 behind one of the many bushes as well as over in the eastern side of the map.Typically as a scout you want to spot somewhere first but safely on this map, then move to where you see a flank not taking advantage of the spotting locations. If your team is huddled up in B2 then scouting the 1/2 line is good or if your team is to afraid to going near the hill then doing a quick run there helps out a lot.ArtillerySetting up as arty on this map you will want to put as much distance between you and the enemy base meaning that you want to be near the edge of the map. A1/A2/A3 provides good cover and the longest route typically. A6/A7 is good if you do not have many in the 1/2 line, and A9/A0 is if you want to shake it up.Side 2(Red)West Road(1/2/3 Lines)Side 2 unlike side 1 has a bit less cover on this side of the map. Venturing past J1/J2/J3 will most likely get you spotted and obliterated. Spotters with goodcamouflagecan set up in J1 behind the bush line while the main force is in K2/K3. K1 has a small depression behind a hill which can be a good defensive spot if you do not have many people on this side of the map.Center Ridge(F3->F6)Like side 1 the center ridge is good for spotting as well as tanks with good gun depression. F3/F4 along with F5 provide the best spots to dip in and out of cover to get shots off.Railroad Tracks(J7/J8->F6/F7)The western side of the tracks(center area) is good for 1 tank to be in to poke into the middle and also to stop scouts. Other than that you will find if there are many tanks here that you cannot push north due to incoming firing from all sides.The eastern side of the tracks provide good cover via bushes to reach the town. It is also a decent spot to get shots off on people climbing the hill once you get to G7.The Town(E6/F6->E9)The town plays the same way as side 1 in most cases in that you should avoid the 6 line and also wait initially for anyone rushing through. After that pick your spots and slowly advance through. This side has the added option of heading further east into the 8/9 lines since you can pinch the people sitting in E0/F0 trying to go up the hill.The Hill(F0/G0)The hill is very important for side 2 and 2-3 tanks should head up here to prevent the enemy from securing it. Heavy tanks should almost never go up here since it is better to simply bypass it and attack through the town. Once up here pin the enemy on the hill climb and stay alive. Wait for your team to create the situation for pushing over into them to be viable.ScoutsScouting the center area at first like side 1 will provide your team with valuable intelligence as to where the enemy team is going. Unlike side 1 the passive spotting positions are a bit limited in the 1/2 lines but you can still set up on the left side of the road. For the eastern side of the map the hill provides a very good vantage point to spot from.ArtilleryK1 is a good spot if you have a very large force in the 1/2 lines. K7/K8 are decent if your team chooses to focus on the east side of the map.

Map Strategy: RedshireSince Redshire has been reworked it has become a very difficult map to playaggressivelyon since many places have been made more bumpy and hard to move through quickly. The river especially has been designed to provide a bit more cover, however it is now extremely difficult to pass through in many locations quickly. The changes have made this map even more defensive/campy compared to before but there are still areas to gamble on to make that push for your team.The red routes are initial routes/locations used for side two on the map while the green routes/locations are for side one. Yellow refers to shared locations that are typically engagement areas which are fought over by both teams. Solid routes are initial routes taken from the spawn to the front lines.This map you see below was drawn up using MapTactic which is a very easy to use tool for making strategies for World of Tank maps. It works directly in your browser and has no cost to use it.

Side 1(Green)Field(J1/K1->J5/K5)Many tanks enter but few survive in the southern field area. This area is usually highly contested but is very difficult for both sides to actually push through without anoverwhelmingnumber advantage. Heavy tanks should avoid this area since you are open to side shots the entire way through the field, hilly terrain makes engagements difficult, and there is no hard cover from artillery. Light and medium tanks should dart through here and attempt to get into a position to spot and then run if you are outnumbered. For side 1 this area is great for arty to support as well as the overlooks that can fire into here with relative ease.West RiverThe rework of the map made the rivers provide a bit more cover with higher banks on many areas but also made them more difficult to pass through. It is however possible to drive on the edge of the water but below the bank for most tanks to pass through into the 1 line as long as the enemy team does not have 3+ arty. The river also makes a good plan b for people being torn to shreds in the field to escape through.Field Overlook(K7)A favorite spot for many since the buildings here provide cover from most incoming fire. From here you can also shoot northwest to hit enemies on the ridge of fire west into the field. A great defensive position if you team isnt pushing west into the field but a horrible campy position if you dont support your team as they push forward.Central Overlook(G5)This spot is great for tanks with good gun depression and provides good cover from fire coming from the 1-4 lines. However it is extremely vulnerable to fire from the 5 line east and many know to counter this area now. This is a good spot to dart out to, get some spotting/quick shots off and then re-position elsewhere if the enemy starts to notice you.Central Town Passage(G7->D5)One of the more riskier routes to take but a very effective one. Starting at G7 you can play defensive and support both sides of the map or you can make the commitment to push north and screw with the enemy. Pass just right of the bridge(going over it will see you dead) and stick to the right side of the buildings. Here you will only receive firein betweenbuildings and from tanks located in the 6/7/8 lines.As you push you will draw the enemies attention and will force the people in the 3/4/5 line to focus on you and not on your allies. You also will be spotting them for your team/arty. The main counter to this is not knowing when to move to the next building since the further north you go the more vulnerable you become. High risk, high reward.North Ridge(F9)Many venture to this spot and sit up here to support but in the end they either die without contributing much or hide until the rest of their team is dead. This base on Redshire does not have a good hill near its base to support from since you are easily spotted which forces you back into cover.The only time people are needed here is if pushing up to the B9 is not an option and you need some sort of defense on this side of the map.East RiverDriving through the river is rather sluggish since the terrain is horrible for all tanks so it is critical to drive along the edge. Keep your tracks out of the water but keep your tank below the raised banks to provide protection. The river provides decent protection against SPG fire and allows slower tanks a safe passage up north.Northern Nook(B9)Mediums and light tanks(or other tanks with 40 km/h+ speed) can make it up to this location before the enemy does. Sometimes enemy scouts will dart through before you reach here and if so you will want to duck into the river at C8 and get into cover.However, if you can make it to B9 you put yourself in a good defensible position since you can sit on the corner looking at B8, fire, and then back into safety. This spot provides a good staging area for the eventual push into B8.ScoutsScouting from the south is slightly more limited than the side 2 on Redshire. Initially heading out to the small hill north of the East River(E6->D7->C8) provides some good quick spots for your artillery and hill campers to fire upon. I find that scouting the north is more helpful than the south since you can let your team know if there is a large northern push which can catch your team off guard.If this spot isnt for you then going to G5 or doing a run down the K line also helps catch tanks out ahead of the main pack of the enemy team heading to the field.Later on in the match you will want to refocus on the 4/5/6 lines since by mid-game they are usually less defended than other places. A scout can easily slip through, distract the enemy, and possibly kill enemy SPGs.ArtyMost SPG players set up in the back of the base in K9/J0 which is often watched by enemy SPGs. Alternatively K7 allows you to shoot into B7/A8 with relative ease. H8/H9 allows you to fire and then run forward into a house to prevent yourself being countered, and F0 provides the least amount of shots on the map but is the safest if your team is stuck close to the base in the north and south.Side 2(Red)Ridge(D4)Much like side 1 this side also has a ridge close to the base however it has both large boulders and trees unlike the other side. This allows tanks to stay hidden if positioned correctly and have shots from the 5 line to the 0 line. Only 2-3 tanks at most should be up here and usually ones with good accuracy.South Ridge(E2/E3)For slower tanks or players who want to hang back a bit without sitting in D4 there is asecondaryridge located further south. Here in E2/E3 tanks can allow their teammates to spot enemies in the field further south and can fire on targets from K1 over to K7.Farm House(G2)Heavy tanks can still make a run out to the farm house in G2 which has cover for 1-2 tanks. This position is for tanks with accuracy not suited for E2/E3 and allows them to fire on any enemy tanks looking to push through the field north.1 LineThe 1 line can either be defended or pushed through. There is limited covered scattered from E1 down to H1 and can be defended somewhat easily since you have plenty of support from both friendly SPGs and also from the ridges. You can also choose to push down into K1 if you are bold enough.West River/FieldPushing through the field is a balance between spotting and evading enemy SPG/sniper fire. Usually I focus more on spotting/surviving and less on destroying the tanks near me unless they push into my position. Use the many hills as cover and simply peak over, retreat, and repeat.The river provides some cover and also breaks enemy sight on your tank in most cases. Just keep in mind to not drive in the water and to stick on the side of the bank to retain some speed.Central Passage(5/6 lines)Like side 1 the center of the map can be a very effective route to take if you are aggressively cautious(if that makes sense). Enemies will be in G5 which need to be taken out before you pass E5. After that advancing on the west side of the central road down into G6 will grab the enemys attention. From here you want to spot and try to stay alive by moving between the river and town. Your teammates will have shots so stay patient and slowly move south when support catches up to you.Northern Nook/Defensive Positions(A8/B7/C6)The northern part of the map plays almost identical to side 1 from this side. There are great positions to defend from tanks pushing through B8 in C6, B7, and A8. Eventually you will want to push through B8 and get over to C0. If you are fast and have back up then doing it at the start does work if you can make it into B0/C0 and into some cover. Once you reach the 0 line you are relatively safe from SPG fire and also from enemies on their base ridge.You can also take the river since it provides SPG cover and forces enemies on the ridge to move out of cover to hit you.ScoutingScouting this side of the map is a bit easier since you do not have to cross the river until later in the match. Doing a quick scout in E6->D7->C8) will allow your tanks on the ridge and SPGs to rain hell down on tanks heading up to B9. Generally I will scout here until the enemy starts to focus on me.Alternatively you can scout in the F4 area and also in the F2/G2 area without stopping. I do not like going into the field in scouts since you will be receiving a lot of incoming fire and also cannot escape quickly since you must re-cross the river on the way backArtyMost arty players will tuck into A1 or A3 which provide good shots but are focused on by enemy SPGs. I find that staying in C3/C4 in the wide open allows you great shots and then after you fire you simply move forward on the backside of the hill to prevent yourself from being countered.D1 is a good spot to move to after your first few shots if the eastern flank is falling and it will allow you to move down the 1 line. A8 is a great spot if your team taking the C0 position and allows you to hit the backside of a lot of locations in K7, G5, and the southern town.

Map Strategy: RuinbergRuinberg is one of the more urban based maps in World of Tanks currently. More than half of the map is covered with buildings but at the same time leaves enough openings to not feel as closed off as a map like Himmelsdorf. This map is split into 3 main areas which will bereferredto as the city, the city edge, and the field. Each is vital to a teamsucceedingand requires its own tactics to be played without dying very quickly.The red routes are initial routes/locations used for side two on the map while the green routes/locations are for side one. Yellow refers to shared locations that are typically engagement areas which are fought over by both teams. Solid routes are initial routes taken from the spawn to the front lines.This map you see below was drawn up using MapTactic which is a very easy to use tool for making strategies for World of Tank maps. It works directly in your browser and has no cost to use

Side 1(Green A)Side 1 on Ruinberg starts off in the northern section of the map. This starting spot has a shorter route to reach thecenter lineroad which runs from F2->E6->E0. This allows tanks pushing into the field(D0) or along the edge of town(E6) to get there faster than side 2 can. The only downside is that this side has less cover in the field section meaning that those going these routes need to commit fully. The city section for this side is largely the same as the other side and provides no clear advantage.West City(1-3 lines)For those tanks who do not take the routes on the eastern side of the map you will most likely find yourself in the 1-3 lines. These areas are decent defense location against aggressive enemies but at the same time can be easily flanked since each road is isolated.Setting up in the marked areas in E1/E2/E3 are the best locations to push for at the start of the match if you are in a slower tank(sub 35 km/h). Those in slightly faster heavies, mediums, etc. should push into F2/F3 in the highlighted yellow area and secure this location. This road will prevent the enemy from advancing and also allows forces here to support the center city road. Once here killing any enemy advance is easy with support and then slowly working the enemy down should be a breeze.Center City(E4/F4->E6)This area in the city can be entered either through F6 or E3. Pushing into here should be done as soon as possible as it is very easy to defend once a team has tanks set up inside of it. From here you will want to push to the opposite wall and either focus east or west depending on where the main force of the enemy is. This road will provide good SPG protection and allow you to support whichever flank needs the help.City Edge(B5->C5->F6)The edge of the city can be a decent spot to set up for heavy tanks or tank destroyers. SPGs set up in the southeast corner can hit you here so be careful but if your team has a large force in the 9/0 lines you will be able to push up along with them in relative safety.Field(7-0 lines)The field area on Ruinberg is an excellent spot for light and medium tanks. Heavies can make it out here but are very large targets for opposing tanks set up in the edge of the city and also for SPGs. Having a decent force of mediums/lights that can spot for friendly SPGs while slowly taking out enemies who pop out of cover works wonders.Keep in mind once you push below F0 you will be very exposed to any enemy tanks set up either west or south. Moving slowly and smartly here is the best option.SPGsBeing a city map position is crucial to getting good shots down the roads. A1 will provide shots down the 1 line. A3/A4 are the safest locations but limit shots into the city. A5/A6/A7 is more open to scouts darting across the middle but allows you to hit the F3/G3 area. Setting up in A0/B0 behind a strong field group will allow you to stay hidden(bushes) and get shots into the city that the enemies are not prepared for.Side 2(Red B)Side 2 on Ruinberg starts off in the southern section of the map and shares many of the same tactics seen by side 1.West City(1-3 lines)Like side 1 those tanks who do not find themselves in the eastern part of the map usually end up in the 1-3 lines. Setting up in the 1 line on this side has a bit more cover/options and is easier to fire out of than the northern side. The G2 locations are useful for holding off both E1/E2. And setting up in F3/G3 will see you focused on enemies heading south through E3.Like previously stated before having tanks push into F2/F3(yellow box) quickly will give your team the upper hand by giving you a great position to defend and push from. This side has an easier time reaching this area by heading from G2 into F2. From here pick enemies off in the E2 road and you will split their forces in half. Side 2 rewards aggression more than side 2 in the city.Center City(F3/F4->E6)Entering this area in the city is more difficult for this side since the route along the edge of the city is longer than the other side. Instead head into this area(unless if you are in a very fast tank) through F3 since it is much safer if you get there quickly. After that it plays the same way as previously stated and supporting either flank is available.City Edge(H6/G6/G7)Unlike the northern part of the map the city edge on the southern side has more cover from outside fire. Setting up here is smart if your team does not send many tanks into the 9/0 field area since this area will prevent yourself from being flanked. These areas in G6/H6 should only be used in situations like this since theirusefulnessdepends on the enemy advancing across the F line south.Field(7-0 lines)The southern side of the field town provides the same amount of cover as the northern side and the same routes. Beware of being shot from E6 since it can hit some areas in F9. Spot and let arty work down enemies advancing and push smartly. Advancing north of the E line will open up enemy SPGs and defenders to fire upon you from the west or north.SPGsSetting up in K1 will provide shots into the 1 line, C3, and the field. K5/K6 allow SPGs to fire into D3/D3 and also the field. The rest of the K line/0 line will provide shots into the town as well that people do not defend against and also allow you to hit the edge of the city/entire field area.

Map Strategy: Sacred ValleySacred Valley is a very complex map at first glance since it has many obstacles, terrain differences, and lack of cover for advancing tanks. However, after you break the map down into key areas and routes it becomes easier to manage and understand how the map unfolds in most fights. Although very different from Redshire I like the compare Sacred Valley to it since in a sense it is an open map however it is extremely difficult for either team to push across the map without being spotted/torn to shreds.I usedMapTacticto create this map strategy. It is a valuable resource for World of Tanks and other games to create strategies and discuss tactics with clan mates and others.Tendresse also did most of the grunt work and tactics for this map strategy since I have been gone from the game for quite some time!Sacred Valley

Ridge(North-C3/B6)Most of the brawling occurs in the yellow area in B4/B5 if the red team does not advance into B4 to hold the corner. The elevated ridge offers cover from the rest of the map, so the only external factor to consider is SPG fire. Whichever team wins this contested area gains a decisive advantage : vantage points offer excellent shots on the bowls key areas for both teams (E5/E6), the D4 town, the E7/E8 town and down lines 2/3. Be careful of returning fire, since tanks from all these areas can easily shoot back due to the lack of brushes on said vantage points. Winning this area also provides the opportunity to push either base, which can in turn easily break the common stalemates of the south flank.Green TeamMost heavies from the green team should be heading up to contest the north ridge, moving up through the town on the 2 line. Slower tanks using this path should be mindful of scouting from the bowl once up in the D2 area, the slope is pretty rough and tanks will be exposing their sides and back for a short time to anyone sniping from the D4 town area.Red TeamThe north ridge path is a lot safer for the red team since its entirely protected by a high ridge. The only tanks that are at risk are those peeking out for shots on the bowl they can easily be spotted and shot down by camouflaged light tanks below.Temple Ridge/Temple(H4/G9-Southeast)This flank is asymmetrical seeing as only the green team can push initially, using elevation as cover in the J7 area. The rest of the action generally occurs at long range between the green team holed up in the J3/H4 bushes and the red team controlling the monastery plateau. This flank is a lot more static than the rest of the map due to the large open area and the certainty that TDs will be looking for shots on either side of the bowl. Vision is key, so one good scout can easily turn the tide in one teams favor. Keep in mind the monasterys buildings are mostly destructible.Green TeamPushing to J7 puts you at risk of getting shot off your sides from the valley at G7, but allows you to get good spots on tanks holding the monastery, potentially ending the inevitable stalemate before it even begins. Only fast tanks should consider pushing up because it wont take long before the red team is in position to take shots at anyone crossing the bridge or venturing into the climbing road its J7 or nothing. From J7, you can either spill into the monastery if you believe the other team isnt there yet, or you can simply act as a spotter for your TDs and whoever else is camping J3/H4. This is also a great area to hull down with tanks like the T-54/Type 59, allowing you to contest the monastery even if the red team is already in position.Red TeamThis area is a lot less intuitive for the red team, since pushing the J line is not an option and thus your scouting options are severely limited. Its possible for a tank with good camouflage and vision to choose a bush to passive scout from, either from the top of the monastery or down in the bushes in the H7/H8 ridge area. Aggressive scouting to the G7 ravine can also lead to early vision on green tanks pushing the J line snipers aware of this can easily rack up a couple of hits early on. Stalemates can be broken with a scout quickly going from cover to cover down in the bowl, hopefully lighting up the TDs for the supporting snipers.The G8/H8 locations on the temple ridge also provide excellent firing lanes north which can reach up the C line easily for most tanks with decent accuracy. If the northern ridge is lost it is best to stay here instead of rushing back to help since by the time you get there you will be no use. Simply stay put and allow your teammates hold up near the base spot enemies and you can pick them off from safety.The Bowl(E6/F5)This area is completely off limits to most TDs and Heavy tanks due to the high speed and mobility required in order to survive. Most buildings are cover down here is easily destructible, the entire area is vulnerable to artillery fire, and visual cover is scarce at best. However, its surprisingly easy to venture into the bowl and survive, as long as you know which spots are safe and which arent. Some are especially deceptive, but others offer some efficient cover while even allowing shots to tanks on the periphery. Most spots, good or bad, depend on your team holding certain areas of the map in order to be safe, so map awareness is a highly important trait to have if youre going to venture here.Green TeamTheres a small ridge, recognizable by a destructible wall running along its length, down in F6. It creates a small depression in the ground below which provides cover from both the 8 line and the vantage points on the B line. This is a terrific spot for light tanks with a gun decent enough to snipe, and 6th sense even allows you to be aggressive and take shots on tanks running up the main routes. From there, you have two main weaknesses : the C4 area and light/medium red tanks swarming you. The latter should not be happening since your entire north flank can easily support you, as for the former its conditional on your team losing the north flank so thats something you should always keep an eye on.Red TeamScouts from the red team can use the destructible buildings and bushes in E7 to light up tanks moving up the 2 line. From there you can safely and easily flex to the ravine at G7 and help your southern flank, then scoot back to E7, rinse and repeat. You are extremely vulnerable to shots from the 2 line, so make sure youre behind cover at all times, even when 6th sense is not triggered.The TownLocated at D4/D5, the town is a tricky area which provides cover in the form of mostly destructible buildings, walls and elevation. It has some excellent shots on both the 2 and the 8 line, but is wide open to tanks peeking from the cliff above. Its also vulnerable to shots from the main flanks routes, which can easily leave you stranded or dead if you dont use cover wisely. Pushing through town is a high-risk high-reward maneuver that can potentially cut off a teams flank, which is generally a back-breaker for any pub game.Valley/Low PositionThe valley is protected very well from outside fire(especially from artillery) but can be tricky to push through if the enemy is set up on either temple ridge. For both teams having a small amount of tanks(1-2 usually works) stationed here is beneficial and is excellent for slower/large tanks. Both low positions provide firing lanes north into the town/ridge areas and on the southern side provide shots into the valley/temple ridge.

Map Strategy: Serene CoastWith the new update came with it a new map called Serene Coast which at first glance looks like a map with little to no cover for the majority of the map. But once you start to play the map some more youll find that there are a lot of places to avoid SPG and long range fire.

Serene Coast has a few key areas that depending on your tank you will want to keep in mind.E9 IslandThis island is a popular spot for long-range tanks and also SPGs who start at the northern base. It provides decent cover for those over there and also a good angle on a lot of the spots along the water for any tanks running up from the southern base on the 5/6 line.B4/B5 Ridge/HillFor the northern spawn(or advancing southern players) this hill/ridge area provides an elevated position and also some cover that can fire on the northern base and also cover the majority of the map since it is much higher than the south/east area around it.E1 RidgeThis is a great spot for the southern base to work towards as it gives a great vantage point of the B4/5 ridge area and is higher than the surrounding land. Only downside is no hard SPG cover besides hiding behind the lip to become un-spotted.D2/3 ValleyThis road is protected from SPG fire from the northern base and from the B4/5 Ridge making it great for the slower heavy tanks moving up from the south to use it as cover. Northernforces beware entering if the opposing team has tanks on the E1 Ridge since they can fire down upon you and also the southern SPGs have a clear shot at you.Mid Railroad TracksThese railroad tracks run the entire length of the map and break the map up by having it slightly elevated. The western part of the map is more elevated and can spot/shoot over the tracks to anyone on the east side of the map while all land east of the railroad is much less elevated and at a disadvantage.Mid Rock FieldI dont have a better name for this area of the map.. But from the D4/5 area down to F4/5 around the railroad tracks are largeboulders/rocks that provide cover for advancing tanks. Tanks that start in the South have a shorter route to this area and can use the boulders as cover to advance to the town rather safely via E5. Bouldersmainly provide cover from fire north/side but leave both flanks wide open to any fire either from the E1/B4 area or the E9 island.Town (D6)The town I find actually does not provide any great spots to warrant a huge force in it. Northern forces will pile into it and be cut off from the much more important western part of the map while having no clear shot at tanks advancing through the rock/boulder field. Southern forces can enter the town however are flanked easily from the E9 island and also the B4/5 area while being unable to advance any further. While this is an important part of the map it is not as safe as other towns on other maps.Below is a video made by QuickyBaby from the EU server highlighting Serene Coasts features

Map Strategy: Siegfried LineSiegfried Line is map many players look at the same way in terms of what to do. Mediums and fast tanks in the field to play aggressive, TDs/snipers support the field, and everyone else sit on the outside of town waiting for the enemy to make a move. This mindset might seem correct but is quite the opposite for putting yourself in a position to do a ton of damage and have your team easily win. playing the town aggressive while defending the field will allow your team to take control of the main cover from SPGs on the map while taking a large chunk of the enemy out. Both sides of the map are almost identical tactic wise the main differences are the bases with side 1 being flat with specific routes and side 2 being more hilly with no obstacles.The red routes are initial routes/locations used for side two on the map while the green routes/locations are for side one. Yellow refers to shared locations that are typically engagement areas which are fought over by both teams. Solid routes are initial routes taken from the spawn to the front lines.This map you see below was drawn up using MapTactic which is a very easy to use tool for making strategies for World of Tank maps. It works directly in your browser and has no cost to use

Side 1(A)FieldThe field has limited cover to move to as you reach the center of the map. The outlined green circles mark good places to set up against oncoming enemies foolish enough to push across the field. J3/J4 are great for mobile tanks to set up inrelativecover and spot incoming enemies for those in the 6 line. Depending on how the match goes you can either move up after a few minutes pass or fall back to base and head through town.The F5/G6 positions are good for TDs and heavies who have accurate guns to set up and fire on any enemies pushing south. Both provide cover from SPG fire and allow you to take out players who rush. Later on you can either push up the 5 line if the field is semi-cleared or head through town.West TownThis area of the town spans the 6-7 lines of the map. For side 1 you have the option of setting up in what looks to be the safer spots in F6/F7 which allow you to peak out and shoot enemies pushing towards you. However F6 can be hit by SPG fire and forces you to leave cover to hit enemy tanks set up on their side of town. Taking the fight to them by pushing into the horizontal road in E6/F6 marked in yellow traps the enemy outside of the town in the north. Pushing to E7 on the backside of the building is also an option if your team has people heading to the E6/F6 horizontal road. From here your team can defend against a push and also slowly pick off the enemy. Entering the horizontal road is easiest through the eastern entrance.East TownThis area of the town spawns from the 8 line to the 0 line and is a bit more open than the west field. Pushing into the E8 yellow outline is better than setting up outside of the town in south since it allows you to support the E6 position and also firing into F0. F9/F0 is a bit more difficult to push north from and should play conservative at first and then push if the enemy has a smaller force on this side of the town. While pushing through town it is best to push to E8/E9 so that both sides of your teams town forces and support each other.SPGsPlaying as a SPG on this map provides you with limited areas to set up. Setting up from the 7 line to the 0 line will give you the most protection unless a scout zips down the 0 line. From here you can hit some spots in town and the entire field. Setting up in the 3 line to the 6 line allows you to hit different town locations and also defensive locations in C6/D5.Side 2(B)FieldMuch like side 1 the field provides limited cover for advancing tanks heading south but provides adequate defensive locations to squash enemy tanks heading north. Mobile tanks can set up in C2/B4 in decent cover and spot incoming tanks while the locations in C6/D5 can be used by heavy/TD snipers to pick off enemies. Later on the 5/6 line can push south through the 5 line if the field is relatively safe and the mobile tanks can head south through the field.West TownMuch like side 1 you can chose the safer option of setting up in E6/D7 which will lead to you being pinned in a bad location and flanked. Or you can push into the E6/F6 horizontal road and/or into the F7 yellow area to prevent the enemy from making it into the town. This side it is viable to enter both from the west and east entrances of the horizontal road. Pushing on side 2 is more critical to victory since you will prevent the enemy from using the F8 position against you.East TownPlaying aggressive from this side is easier since you can straddle the 9/0 line(do not drive down the road on the edge of the map) and make it to the backside of the F9/F0 building. This location allows tanks here to support the other side of the town if enemies advance and pins F9/F0 enemy forces in a bad position since rounding the corners for them will spell certain doom.SPGsSetting up as a SPG on this side of the map provides many more locations than the southern side. Setting up in A5/A6 will give better shots into the field and 5/6 line along with hitting F9. Moving over to A9/A0 will open up shots into F6 and the backsides of the enemys defensive locations in the field.The option to set up further south in the B/C lines is also viable since you can easily back down the slopes if spotted and enemy SPGs will have a difficult time hitting you. This is mainly to counter any scouts that zip north through the 0 line into base allowing you to run away to friendlies in the D line.

Map Strategy: SteppesSteppes 2.0(since it has been reworked) plays very similar to the old Steppes players are used to but brings with it some major changes. The map now has a bit more artillery cover in some of the more open sections of the map and also some rock formations have been altered to boost/takeaway some cover depending on which side you spawn at.The red routes are initial routes/locations used for side two on the map while the green routes/locations are for side one. Yellow refers to shared locations that are typically engagement areas which are fought over by both teams. Solid routes are initial routes taken from the spawn to the front lines.This map you see below was drawn up using MapTactic which is a very easy to use tool for making strategies for World of Tank maps. It works directly in your browser and has no cost to use it.

Side 1(Green)Base Ridge(H7/G8)For slower tanks and/or tank destroyers setting up at the start of the map on the base ridge will provide some quick shots on scouts trying to come through the 6 and 7 lines. After that it is better to start moving to the flank you are needed or to plug a hole in the line instead of being useless in the base.East Flank(8/9/0 Lines)The east flank provides limited cover from artillery but plays a pivotal role in the match since it promotes aggressive play. A team can easily overwhelm and grab this flank and have an open route to the opposing teams base. Typically you only want to go down here if you are in a fast tank(40 km/h+) if there is 3 or more arty. Heavy tanks do have some cover in D9 and D0 along the rocks/ridge but you are never truly safe.E7 RocksFor scouts or highcamouflagetankdartingout to E7 can provide some good spots for your team. The downside is you can be easily pinned down or killed if your team doesnt support you in time.West Ridge(H4/H5)In H4/H5 there are many rocks available for cover and also firing lanes to shoot into enemy positions/into H1. This area is a good spot for those slower tanks migrating from the base ridge who also want to make sure nobody scoots across the middle of the map uncontested.Southwest Defensive Corner(J3)J3 is both a useful defensible location and also a place that can sink your team. Setting up in J3 allows you to hit tanks that secure H1 and also in F2 however at the cost of being pinned down in a corner. If your team is fighting for H1 it is better to get into the fight than to hide and let them be overrun. On the other hand if this flank is ignored by your team J3 allows you to defend with lesser numbers against a greater force.Southwest Outcrop(H1)This small section of the map typically is the most fought over since tanks from both sides funnel into G1/H1. The green area in H1 provides cover but will result in being surrounded. Moving into the yellow area you will be a bit more vulnerable to artillery and enemies but closer to securing the west flank.This area promotes heavy tank/CQB play since it is a very small section of the map. Having the heavy tanks advance into H1 and then bringing a second force from a different direction is encouraged.West Forward Position(F2/F3)This area does very well in the encounter set up for this map but also works for standard mode. A fast tank can zip over to here and fire back in G1. Keep in mind that enemies are just on the other side of the ridge/rocks and you will need to move around to keep them from firing at you. Your team is able to support you very easily and the main downside is if the opposing team has tanks in G5 which can easily kill you.Central Passage(G6->D4)Taking this route at the start of the match rarely works and will most likely see you die very quickly without accomplishing much. If you wait 3-5 minutes and then advance you will find it much easier to advance and catch the enemy offguard.There is plenty of artillery cover and also LOS cover since the road is lower than the surrounding fields. Be wary of potential tanks dropping in via the fields on both sides if one of your teams flanks falls.ScoutsScouting on the map is typically the non-passive type since there is very limited bush spots but a ton of wide open hilly terrain. Doing a quick loop through the 6/7/8/ line field will thwart enemy scouting runs. After that you can stick to scouting the middle of the map for your team until your artillery is somewhat safe.Once that is accomplished pulling back and going full speed ahead through the hole in enemy defenses will see you break into their base area. Going for arty is smart if there is 3 or more but otherwise staying alive will draw their attention to you. Donthesitateto turn back into the E3/C6 areas into somewhat safety if they pull tanks back into the base since you are helping your team gain map control by taking tanks off of the front lines.ArtyBeing a very open map the best initial spots for artillery is the furthest location from the enemy. Starting off you have the K5, K7, and K0 areas which should be chosen depending on where the bulk of your team heads. After your team has control of a flank(starting to advance past E/F) start to head down the edge of the map behind them. This saves you from the other weaker flank falling while keeping you near support if you should need it.Side 2(Red)Base Ridge(C5)Like side 1 there is a defensible base ridge you can set up on initially to take out anyone trying to scout/advance through the fields.East Flank(7/8/9/0 Lines)For side 2 the east flank has a bit more cover and plays closer to the base than side 1. C8 and B8/B9 areas provide a decent amount of cover against artillery and tank fire. You will get over here first so setting up, taking a few quick shots, and then accessing if you should push or not is much easier from this side.Defend if you run into a larger/similar size force or push if you have the numbers in your favor.E7 RocksThe E7 rocks provide a good scouting spot for any small light tanks but like side 1 it is difficult to escape once you are seen here.West Ridge(D4/D3/E2/F1)Side 2 has a much larger ridge on the eastern flank that provides a lot more defensive spots to set up in. Your team only needs a few people in the E2/D3/D4 spots and more in F2 facing south.E1 RockThe large rock in E1 is a great place for a tank destroyer to set up in to fire into H1 or for any other tank to defend if your team doesnt make it over to G1 in time.Southwest Outcrop(G1)Like side 1 the red location in G1 is semi safe(a bit less safe than side 1 from arty though) and provides a good staging point to head south. It is harder to advance into the yellow area from this side if you wait so being more aggressive pays off.West Forward Position(H4/H5)Pushing over to the forward position will tie up the enemy teams defenders and also provide some shots into H1. Your team can support you and also draws some attention off of H1.Central Passage(D4->G6)Like side 1 it is best to wait a few minutes before heading down the central passage.ScoutsDoing a quick run starting in D6 over to D8 then to C8 will spot any enemy tanks advancing up the 9/0 lines. Inform your arty to pre aim over here to nab some easy experience/credits. After that you will want to spot the middle of the map and then pick a hole in the enemy defensive to push through into their base.ArtyThe section behind the railroad is a well known area but is large enough to move around in. This is a great spot since it provides LOS cover from tanks that get into your base. Alternatively you can set up in D1. Like side 1 it is recommended to follow behind your strong flank to prevent yourself from being left behind.

Map Strategy: AbbeyAbbey is a smaller map that is decided very quickly which team will have the upper hand. This map has 3 key locations located in the center of the map that are crucial to obtaining map control but at the same time require one another to prevent being flanked. The map below was created usingMapTactic.comwhich is a very useful tool to draw up strategies and show others useful information relating to the maps in World of Tanks.The red routes are initial routes/locations used for side two on the map while the green routes/locations are for side one. Yellow refers to shared locations that are typically engagement areas which are fought over by both teams. Solid routes are initial routes taken from the spawn to the front lines, while dashed lines show firing alleys from the marked locations inside the boxes.

The Abbey(E5,E6,F5,F6)One of the morepopularbut deadly places on this map is the Abbey located in the center of the map. To get there you will need to go through E4/F5 and then turn into it where there is some cover from outside fire. There is also a small opening outlined in E6 which can be used to enter or escape by light tanks/mediums by driving from D5->D6->E6 along the outside edge of the Abbey. From inside the Abbey you can hit either base, the 2 line ridge, or the 7/8 line central area outlined in yellow. The downside is that if your team does not control the E2/F2 area you will be trapped inside the Abbey with no safe route to escape.1/2 LineThe western part of Abbey provides the most artillery protection due to the numerous ridges on this side of the map. To advance past the F line from either side your team needs to prevent a flankingmaneuverfrom either the 1 or 2 line. Pushing one without having eyes on the other usually ends indisaster. Taking control of the 2 line and pushing forward to the opposite side will provide cover from artillery and also allow you to support the Abbey/central area of the map. Both sides have great defensible locations located in H2/3 and D2/3 which can be difficult to press if the enemy is dug in.7/8 lineBefore Abbey was reworked entering this road located on the east mean you were cut off from the entire battle. That is no more since there are two ramps located in D7/F7 that allows tanks to drive up into the 7 line to either continue advancing or to cross over into the 6 line. Battles here usually boil down to whichever side has the greater numbers and keep in mind that staying in E7/F7 to long will attract SPG fire and Abbey fire. If you find your team not heading down this road do not panic as there are great positions to defend it without actually going down and dying alone. The southern side has 3 locations in G7 and H7/H8 which allow defenders to cover the exit of the road and also assist the central are of the map. The northern forces have C7/C8 to cover their exit and also help the central area of the map.OverviewAbbey is determined primarily off of the three key locations listed above. The 7/8 line relies on the Abbey since they Abbey can fire down into that location and the Abbey relies on the 2 line to prevent enemies from trapping tanks inside the Abbey. This leads to the 1/2 usually being the key to the map since the map works west to east in terms of flanks protecting each other. At the same time focusing to much on the west will spell doom for the rest of the team. Finding a good balance to defend the center of the map alone with the 7/8 line will pushing the 1/2 line will lead to an easier match for your team.

Map Strategy: AirfieldAirfield is arelativelynew map but due to the vast amount of maps many people might not have learned all of the ins and outs of the map. Ill touch on the key area of the map below.

Overall the map is somewhatsymmetricallybetween east/west with the key differences being in the north part of the map.BasesBoth bases are well protected by both cliffs and buildings. More defensive players can snipe from the G3/H3 and G9/H9 area to hit much of the raised portion in H5/6 and also the central area of the map. It is not recommended to stay here to long since SPG fire and many flanking routes will lead to your demise. At the southern ends of both bases(near water) are spots where there is a clear line of view to shoot at any tanks scooting around J5/6.J5/6 Water CrossingA popular route by many due to it being close to the base and rather straight forward to the enemy base but a very dangerous one. SPG and base defenders