writing assignment _ daniela benitez_42

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Ingles Cero Writing


Zero English Act.6 Writing Assignment

Presented by: Daniela Bentez Osorio Code: 1063.174.461

Teacher: Jorge Edwin Garzn

Group: Forty two

UNAD (National Open University and Distance) CCAV Corozal Sucre

May 2015

OBJECTIVES General Develop paragraphs with good grammar, (verb to be) coherence and vocabulary through the exercise of an invitation to my best friend playing sports and the measures to be taken for the implementation of this.

Specific Improve writing ideas to form paragraphs with a full sense of the activity that we are working.

Use the tools that presents the University through zero English course. To improve our vocabulary when writing.

Perform this activity, under the recommendations and steps according the activity guide and assessment rubric for good results.

Words list and supporting ideas.1. Sport 2. Bicycle3. Mountain 4. Ground5. Category 6. Jump 7. Path8. Level9. Skills10. Go11. Time12. Improve13. Start 14. Resistance 15. Force16. Handle 17. Follow18. Improve 19. Performance 20. Security 21. Clothes 22. Hydration23. Protection 24. Similitude 25. Incorporate

FIRST PARAGRAPH: Self Introduction (personal information)

Hello, my name is Daniela Bentez, Im from Lorica Cordoba. Im an environmental engineering student at Corozal CEAD, no working. My group number is 90030_42 Im single, Im eighteen years old. Im a young girl.My expectations over this activity are to improve my writing in English skill, use what Im learning in these course activities, write in a correct way, use vocabulary and common expressions.


SECOND PARAGRAPHIntroduce your ideas

I am inviting my best friend to play a sport, which will give you many many physical and mental benefits.My friend and I are going to practice mountain biking, I know you will love this sport, we can do in difficult terrain, mountains or roads the stage is right and we will experience new methods and can have fun freely, we will make this sport for five days, my friend has the option to choose the level and category of your choice, I suggest the easiest level.Will teach you how to improve your skills, your eating habits so will a healthy person with a proper heart rite.

THIRD PARAGRAPHDevelopment of the ideas

To practice the sport of cycling in the mountains will get many benefits and improve the cardiovascular system, limbs and thighs, legs, arms and chest plus a healthy diversion where you will enchant the outdoors will tone, the song of the birds and nature feel a little close. I will teach my friend and have a good balance on the bike through practice, my friend can use a motorcycle like a bicycle if you prefer, these have the country ability to be more durable and maintain excellent performance in difficult terrain. During the five days of practical use things up as helmets, gloves, goggles, clothing, hydration systems, protective equipment for the knees and elbows.


This sport is great because that is always in contact with nature and the environment. Allows you to get fit and have a good aerobic system. You can visit or travel elsewhere bike while some exercise. As improving the skills of your bike gets better you can play other styles of mountain biking. Mountain biking can be performed almost anywhere, so let . Practice

BibliographyBibliography Distancia), U. (. (02 de Febrero de 2015). Informacion Inicial . Obtenido de Informacin Inicial: http://campus15.unad.edu.co/invil01/course/view.php?id=4

Practico, I. (04 de Abril de 2015). Ingles Practico . Obtenido de Ingles Practico : http://www.ingles-practico.com/vocabulario/saludos-ingles.html

Andreas Schroeter, T. S. (01 de mayo de 2015). bab.la. Obtenido de bab.la: http://es.bab.la/diccionario/espanol-ingles/ciclismoPractico, I. (04 de Abril de 2015). Ingles Practico . Obtenido de Ingles Practico : http://www.ingles-practico.com/vocabulario/saludos-ingles.html