writing effective student learning outcomes. what is a learning outcome?

Writing Effective Student Learning Outcomes

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Writing Effective Student Learning Outcomes

What is a learning


How do you use learning outcomes?

Value of developing learning outcomes

Guides teaching by identifying what the students will be able to do at the end of the lesson or unit.

Guides assessment by articulating the evidence by which that learning will be demonstrated.

Definitions and underlying concepts

• An outcome is the desired result of the learning experience.

Definitions and underlying concepts

Outcomes are the achieved results of what was learned. They are the evidence that learning has taken place. Outcomes are the abilities or products students have shown after instruction. Outcomes are what teachers will assess.

Definitions and underlying concepts

A student learning outcome is “a specific statement that describes the knowledge, skills/abilities, or attitudes that students are expected to learn upon successful completion of a course of study, such as a course, seminar, or certification program.” (Wood, 2008)

Contexts in which learning outcomes are used

CEFR “Can do” statements.“Can scan texts for relevant information

and grasp main topic of text, reading almost as quickly as a native speaker.”

What does a good student learning outcome look like?

Not too broad

What does a good student learning outcome look like?

Not too narrow

What does a good student learning outcome look like?

Uses parallel language

What does a good student learning outcome look like?

Doesn’t mix verb tenses: choose either future or present and stick with it:

Students can . . . or Students will be able to . . .

What does a good student learning outcome look like?

Makes it clear: by when? End of course or program vs. beginning placement

Uses strong, clear, concrete verbs such

as those found in Bloom’s Taxonomy.

What does a good student learning outcome look like?

• define• describe• identify• explain• demonstrate• produce• use• compare

• give examples• infer• predict • summarize• paraphrase• support• organize• show


• define• describe• identify• list• outline• explain

• generalize• give examples• infer• predict • summarize• paraphrase

Comprehension and application

• demonstrate• prepare• produce• rate• show• solve• use


• categorize• compare• conclude• design• explain• organize• plan• revise• support

6 Steps for analyzing Student Learning Outcomes

1. Does it have an action word?

2. Does it have a learning object?

3. Does it have clear criteria?

4. Is it measurable?

5. Is it observable?

6. Is it calibrated to the grade level?



Can write essays using a variety of sentence structures, developing an argument, giving reasons or points of view, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of various options while synthesizing information and arguments from a number of sources.

Analysis1. Action word?2. What?3. Criteria?

4. Measurable?

5. Observable?

6. Calibrated?


Can write essays using a variety of sentence structures, developing an argument, giving reasons or points of view, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of various options while synthesizing information and arguments from a number of sources.


1. Action word?2. What?3. Criteria?

4. Measurable?

5. Observable?

6. Calibrated?


Can write essays using a variety of sentence structures, developing an argument, giving reasons or points of view, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of various options while synthesizing information and arguments from a number of sources.


1. Action word?2. What?3. Criteria?

4. Measurable?

5. Observable?

6. Calibrated?



Can write essays using a variety of sentence structures, developing an argument, giving reasons or points of view, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of various options while synthesizing information and arguments from a number of sources.


1. Action word?2. What?3. Criteria?

4. Measurable?

5. Observable?

6. Calibrated?

Sample action words and learning objects for writing

Write:essays, paragraphs, stories,

sentences summaries … Complete:

forms, charts, applicationsCompose:

outlines, descriptions, lists

What does a good student learning

outcome look like?

Make sure that the outcome is measurable.

What does a good student learning outcome look like?

Avoids this language:

Be familiar with . . .

Gain an understanding of . . .

Learn about . . .

Demonstrate knowledge of . . .

(Wood 2008)

Learner Outcomes Action word: identifies the

performance to be demonstrated

Learning statement: learning demonstrated in the performance

Criterion: standard of acceptable performance

The process of developing learning outcomes Main stages of the process (Sweeney 2008)

Identify the desired results (Outcomes) Determine acceptable evidence

(Assessment process) Plan learning experiences and instruction


Photo CreditsSome photos from flickr used under a Creative Commons Attribution license

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