written by annette keen prepared by Ömer can kaya

Written By Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

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Post on 06-Jan-2016




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Written By Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya. Jake arrives at Euston station in London. It is a holiday weekend and it is h is first time away from Manchester. Jake is eighteen years old and he lives with his family. Now he is in London. He is very happy. He stops - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

Written By Annette Keen

Prepared ByÖmer Can Kaya

Page 2: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

Jake arrives at Eustonstation in London. It is aholiday weekend and it is

hisfirst time away fromManchester. Jake is

eighteenyears old and he lives with

hisfamily. Now he is in London.He is very happy. He stopsand looks at his map.'I cango to the Notting Hill

Carnivaland I can see someinteresting places from thebus too,' he thinks.

Page 3: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

Jake is sitting on a redLondon bus behind a bigfamily.The children arestanding at the windows.They are looking forfamous places.'Look!There's Madame

Tussaud's! Can we go there?' 'Not today,' their motheranswers. 'We're going tothe carnival.' 'They'regoing to Notting Hill too,‘Jake thinks.

Page 4: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

It is a hot afternoonand Jake is sitting on abench in Notting Hill.Suddenly, he sees somepeople in costumes. Theyhave balloons and drams

intheir hands . 'Does thecarnival start here?' Jakeasks Mel, a girl in a green dress. 'Yes, near here. Look at the floats!' shesays. 'Listen to the music! The procession is starting.'

Page 5: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

Suddenly, a tall girl runs

to the first float. Hercostume is yellow and

redalso she has feathers inher hair. The young men

onthe float shout to her.'Quickly, Maria ! You'relate!' 'Sorry a littleproblem with my job,' shesays. 'But it's OK now.' The band moves slowlydown the street. .'

Page 6: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

Jake looks at the beautifultall girl in her carnival costume. Their eyes meet

andshe smiles at him. Suddenly,he knows. It's love ! Jake'snew friends are standing andwaiting for him. But he walksaway from them. He can onlysee Maria. Mel talks to Jakebut he doesn't hear her. Shelooks at Maria and sheunderstands.

Page 7: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

The carnival procession moves down the street. On the floats people aredancing to the music . Some people in the street aredancing too . There is a lot of music , noise and colour . Jake is running but there are crowds of people near him . He can't stay with Maria's float. How can he meet this beautiful girl? Who is she ?

Page 8: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

Maria looks down and sees Jake again . He has

a friendly face and she

likes him too . 'I'm Jake. What's your name? ' heshouts . 'Hi, Jake ! I'm Maria,' she answers . 'Can I telephone you? What's your number? " She gives a big smile .

But Jake doesn't hear her ! The band is playing and people are shouting .

Page 9: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

The procession goes near a

street cafe. People are drinking coffee at tables onthe street. A tourist is standing on a chair. He ismaking a film of the carnival. His wife is watching him. Jake sees a camera on thetable. He wants a

photographof Maria. He takes thecamera and runs quickly

afterthe float. 'Maria! Maria ! Iwant a photo ! Smile,


Page 10: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

The procession is movingslowly. There are crowds of people in the street and Jakecan't see Maria now. 'I canrun down a quiet street andfind her float,' he thinks. He tries the first street.Suddenly, he hears the music from the band. He is near theprocession now. He seesMaria's float and shouts,'Maria ! I'm here!' She seeshim and she waves.

Page 11: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

The tourist finds apoliceman. 'A young man

ina red T-shirt he has mycamera!' he says. 'Yes, Iunderstand. Can you seehim now?' 'It's verydifficult in this crowd. Butwait.. . yes, I can see him

!There he is!' Jake isstanding on a bench.

'Look!That's him and that's mycamera!'

Page 12: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

Jake puts his photograph

of Maria in his pocket. He ishappy now. The policeman

andthe tourist run to him.

'Comedown, young man,' thepoliceman says. 'Is that

yourcamera?' 'No, it's mycamera,' the man says.

Jake'sface is red. Now he has aproblem. 'Sorry, I only wantone photo. Here's yourcamera.'

Page 13: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

'I'm very sorry,' Jakesays. 'I never do this.' Jake thinks of his motherand he is very unhappy.

The tourists think of their sonand suddenly they are unhappy too. 'We have ourcamera now,' they say. 'Heisn't a bad boy. Please, canhe go?' 'No, I can't dothat,' the policeman says.

Page 14: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

Jake is standing in frontof a police sergeant. 'Now, in your pockets youhave... a map, a pen, 5dollars, a train ticket. Isthat all?' 'Let's see thisimportant photo,' the firstpoliceman says. Jake

takesthe photo from his backpocket and gives it to thesergeant. The sergeantlooks at the photograph

fora long time. He is


Page 15: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

'Where's PolicewomanDay?' the sergeant asks. 'She's at the doctor's,' apolicewoman says. 'No,she's here again now,' apoliceman says. 'Do you want her?' 'Yes. Send herin. We have a problem.' The policeman walks to

thedoor and says, 'Please

come in, Policewoman Day.'

Page 16: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

The policemen look atthe photo and they smile.Why? Jake doesn'tunderstand. The door

opensand Policewoman Day

comesin. She looks at Jake. Helooks at her. They are verysurprised. 'It's you!' theysay at the same time.

'Lookat this photo, Maria,' thesergeant says. 'Here youare at the doctor's – orperhaps the carnival?'

Page 17: Written By  Annette Keen Prepared By Ömer Can Kaya

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