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“The secret things belong unto the Lord our God. But those things which are revealed belong unto us and our children for ever, that we may do the words of this law.” - Deut. 29:29 “27 Minutes to Midnight” 2011 Edition “The 3 Greatest Prayer Secrets for 2011” "Storm in the Sea of Galilee" Courtesy: © www.rembrandtonline.org This classic Rembrandt painting (value: $50 million), stolen from a museum in Boston in 1990, has never been found. What has the enemy stolen from your life lately - spouse, health, finances? Read on to find out how to recover them! Page 1 of 37 27 Minutes To Midnight - 2011 Edition | Elisha Goodman 8/9/2011 http://www.firesprings.com/blueprint11.htm

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“The secret things belong unto the Lord our God. But those things which are revealed belong unto us and our children for ever, that we may do the words of this law.” 

                                                                                   -  Deut. 29:29   

“27 Minutes to Midnight”   2011 Edition

           “The 3 Greatest Prayer Secrets for 2011”


"Storm in the Sea of Galilee" Courtesy: © www.rembrandtonline.org

This classic Rembrandt painting (value: $50 million), stolen from a museum in Boston in 1990, has never been found. What has the enemy stolen from your life lately -

spouse, health, finances? Read on to find out how to recover them!


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  Here’s the critical question every alert soldier of Christ needs to answer … and answer quickly … as 2010 winds down and we march towards the New Year:

Are you sleepwalking into the 11th year ...  

... One that is going to witness an extraordinary outpouring of God’s blessings ... and are you prepared enough to stand and defend yourself and your loved ones

from the angry, hate-filled, invisible army at the gate of 2011?

       Why is this important?

        Because there is an enemy at the gate. And the enemy smells blood. Like a pack of wolves his invisible agents are circling many unsuspecting believers, trying to sink their long teeth into their juicy blessings (read: dreams, marriage, health, finances) and bring them down to disgrace.

       Because of this threat, there are two types of prayers we’re now gearing up to pray at the gate of 2011 (more about this in a moment):

       Type #1: "Prayer of Disruption" … a type of prayer to disorganize the agenda satanic pirates, robbers and vampires hiding in the invisible realm to steal, kill and destroy your divine blessings.

        PLUS …

       Type #2: “The Midnight Decree” … an ancient biblical type of prayer to …

-         Saturate your life and your loved ones with divine power that            cannot be insulted or ignored. -          Arrest and reverse every dark plan concerning the affairs of your life. -          Put God in full force in your world throughout the New Year.


Here’s the missing key:


       Now think. If you’ve been living right but you noticed that you’ve struggled all year to see your dreams fulfilled … or to see the promises of God manifest in your life please know this:

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       Your lack of victory is not because you do not have enough faith (as some will have you believe)…

       OR because you’re not sowing enough seeds (read: giving offerings here and there)…

       OR because you’re not working hard enough (most of the believers who read my newsletters are hardworking folks).


       The success you crave is being held up because of something much more sinister… but much easier to solve once you understand 3 basic principles of the realm of the spirit.

       IF you’re willing to listen, then let’s go.


       From: Elisha Goodman                                             Thursday 2:15 AM           (Writing from the prayer trenches            in the City of Roses)  

       Calvary greetings …  

       I now stand before you to utter five words spoken (or at least thought) by thousands of believers who “stumble” across our websites daily…

       “My prayers are not answered!”

       I examined thousands of emails sent to my inbox (135,000 emails from 117 countries this year alone). Then I went into the scriptures to research what the LORD Himself has to say on this subject, including the experiences of the best prayer eagles who ever lived.

       Let me assure you that, as you use them diligently in prayer, they will transform your world, and draw blessings to you and your loved ones, as they did to many on our websites throughout the year 2010: 


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“2-Year-Old Pregnancy Delivered - Finally"

Dearly beloved brethren –In-Christ join me and my family to make a joyful noise unto God, then thank and praise our Lord God Almighty who by his infinite love, mercy and grace had made it possible for us to be partakers of a miraculous deliverance of a bouncing baby boy on Monday 25thOctober 2010 from two years pregnancy. After applying the 21 days prayer, Esther fast and with all the prayers points, the lord proved himself faithful indeed and safely delivered my wife from child birth after 2 years of pregnancy. in deed the devil is a warmonger and the only language he understands is violence. May the Lord be praised for this wonderful visitation to my situation because pen and paper will not be enough to explain what my wife went through these 2 years. May the Almighty God take the glory, blessings and prosperity and God continuous protection to Elisha Goodman for allowing himself to be a tool in the hand of God to teach me and many others how to fish and feed for a life time. Thank you. Matthias - Lagos Nigeria                    

“3 Days Later My Husband Got Saved”

Last year 2009 I was given a copy of the 27 minutes to midnight newsletter and prayer bullets from my friend Bro. Maurice. He also informed me that i could check out the website at the back of the booklet for more details and prayer points. I followed and prayed to the letter with faith but did not refer to the website at the time. Since i prayed the 27 minutes to midnight prayers, my life has not been the same. Blessings from the Lord have and are still flowing in my life.

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I got married on March 6th 2010. My husband got a promotion at his workplace. My grandmother who is now 80 years old, my mother, 2 of my aunts and my brother had the privilege of boarding a plane and travelling to Europe from Kenya to attend my wedding. My brother passed his high school exams and is now in university, and to top it all up I am now 5 months pregnant. I have seen the Mighty hand of the Lord. This September I was at home and I remembered what Bro. Maurice had told me about the website at the back of the 27 minutes to midnight booklet. I opened the website and I tell you its like my eyes were always shut but now they are opened. After receiving and praying the 40 prayers points to attract car... or anything else for 21 days, 3 days later my husband got saved. All Glory to our Father! I got so motivated that i wanted to get hold of your e-books and join the Prayer Academy which I have... Thanks be to God. –  Anne N, United Kingdom

“Got Married June 6, 2010”

Hi Elisha, God has answered me! I got married June 06, 2010. I put my request before the Lord and took part in the prayer marathon in 2009. I am here to let all the people praying for God’s mercy and favor to continue with the midnight prayers, buy the ebooks and participate in the prayer marathon or prayer academy because surely it works. May God richly bless you and your family. Oh the God that answers by fire is a miracle working God. Amen. –  Sister Hannah B,

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“5 Job Offers in 5 Days”

Dear Elisha, I stumbled on your website, no, I believe the Holy Spirit led me to your website about 1 month ago and since then, its been a literal galore of testimonies that my husband would often exclaim, where were all these blessings before now? I got introduced to the idea of prayer points last year when through a minister on TV, we were instructed to pray a specific prayer, which I took seriously and within 2 days I received a text message that I should come for a job interview which I never applied for. Eventually, I got a job, a new position was created for me because the owner of the business insisted that he just would want to work with me. Prior to this time, I had been on the receiving end of severe attacks from the enemy almost resulting in my being totally paralysed through an accident in March 2009, for which I stayed in hospital for 48 days. Even in my ignorance, God was merciful and through aggressive prayers, I came out of every attack victorious. At the beginning of this year however, I had another accident, exactly in the same manner as the one I had in March last year and God began to lead me into the concept of warfare and deliverance prayer through precious people of God around me.

I remember during this second hospitalization in January, the Holy Spirit telling me: be Strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all, to stand.

I began asking, how do I do this?, Lord how do I wage the battle? Soon after, I had a heavy burden on my heart concerning my household… my dad, mum brothers, sister etc and couldn't really say what it was but it was a foreboding of something evil.

That was when I began googling for HOW TO PRAY FOR YOUR LOVED ONES and I stumbled on your website.

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Somehow, I knew in my spirit that this was the answer I was looking for, as many of the teachings are things that I am not unfamiliar with but had never been revealed in this kind of way…

I immediately caught fire and emailed my family members that enough is enough of rationalizing away the activity of Satan in our lives. I downloaded the free Passion Prayer of Jesus the Christ ebook and had a family meeting soon after. We began praying the midnight prayer with the “COVER” and the results have been tremendous…. I know that the spirit of death that was hovering around was bound and everyone received a new lease of life!

Apart from this, we have used other prayer points sent through the ebullets and we have such results as these:

In one work week of 5 days, I received 1 new job offer (permanent and freelance) each day of that week; YES, I AM NOT JOKING…this is true. An international organization based in the US gave me an offer which come to a 100% salary increase; I received approval for a 2 year sabbatical from my government job where they had rejected my resignation; We are expecting a baby after waiting for 3 years after my first baby had died in the womb at 7 months; I had spotted twice during this pregnancy but every scan I did afterward confirmed that the baby is fine….(sealed by the blood of the covenant that is speaking better things). My husband just received notification yesterday that he should send in his account details for payment of benefits by his former employer which had been due for 5 years. Above all, the Lord has cemented our marriage and made us a source of financial and spiritual blessing to others (redistribution points for THE BLESSING). Still counting…Elisha, still counting. - Sister Henrietta, Nigeria

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       All glory to the LORD.

       We received a flood of praise reports and testimonies like these all through the year. I sense that God is ready to do more for you in the weeks and months ahead, as you diligently follow the 3 principles I'm about to share with you today.

       Now I don't want you getting the impression that everyone received a breakthrough immediately. Though we saw thousands of praise reports like the ones above, we also received reports from many discouraged people who found that the more they prayed, the worse things became.

       Like this one:


“Jobless, Depressed And Suicidal”

Praise be to God. He is worthy to be praised. Elisha I was referred to this site by an angel I met on Facebook. I started with the end of year prayer. I used the prayer points u gave me and 3 months passed nothing. Every prayer you sent I used. It came to a point where I felt I was wasting my time. I saw no change in my life, my boyfriend dumped me, I had lost a close friend and cousin a month apart, I was jobless, depressed and suicidal. I got up every night at midnight and I prayed. I started thinking you might not know what you were talking about.

Then I got an email from you saying I shouldn’t give up, that in 3 months my life will change. You said to pray like a street fighter. It’s not 3 months I got a message from a friend telling me that his parents were looking for a facilitator and he thought I was perfect for the job and had recommended me. I sent in my cv, they called me and told me I didn’t have a drivers' licence and that was a problem.

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       Happy ending, wouldn't you say?

       Not quite. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to sustain the blessing. Four months later, the problem came back. Please notice her last paragraph:


I was giving up. I cried hard. A week later they called me again and said they were going to train me with pay. Of course, all I had to do was promise them that I’d get my licence. They said they trusted their son's judgement and as he strongly recommended me, they won’t give up on me.

You gave me 3 months Elisha and my 3 months is not up yet. Thank u Elisha for teaching me the secret and power of prayer…

–  Name Withheld to Protect Identity

“The Problem Came Back!”

"I owe the whole world, I'm drowning in debts I acquired while I was a student, living is one privilege I can't afford. I'm turning 28 soon and I haven't achieved anything in life, I'm a loser, God has rejected me. I lost my close cousin & close friend last year. The man I loved left me. After getting that job I had something to look forward to, to live for but now I have nothing left. I know I complain a lot and its all earthly things but the truth is we all need to work and a means to survive. I want a reason to live. My baking business has failed too. I'm struggling with finding a job, mourning a relationship that ended suddenly without me

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For this group of people I had a very simple message...


       "As a matter of urgency, you need to seek ministrations in a Bible-believing ministry anointed for deliverance. That could take you anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months, depending on your level of holiness, your grounding in the Word of God and, last but not the least, your readiness to ...

       ... hang in there and pray through, no matter what. Don't you ever quit!


I told them my own story ...


       ... how the enemy fought me to a standstill many years ago. I lost everything. All my friends deserted me. I didn't even have a place to sleep. I felt like giving up. But the LORD strengthened

expecting it. I don't know what to do. One minute I'm happy praising God then something happens that has me in so much pain and despair. Where am I going wrong, what did I do for me to have an unhappy life. I'd do anything to be happy, do I need help?   Last week I found out that my great great parents made a mistake that would affect generations to come. My family is now divided over whether we should slaughter a goat and do a cleansing ceremony or pray.   Please help me."

–  Name Withheld to Protect Identity

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me and helped me to go on. It was during those dark days in the furnace of affliction that He so graciously revealed to me the prayer secrets that I teach openly on this website today.

       And do these principles work? You be the judge.

       Now speaking about teaching,  it’s been a while since I’ve responded to questions from our subscribers, so today I’ve decided to FIRST share with you my answers to several burning questions I was asked by members of Blog24, our round-the-clock intercessory prayer blog.

       Truthfully, I receive an extraordinary amount of feedback from readers, usually after I send out our weekly prayer bullets. I try to read each of these emails, but I find it nearly impossible to respond to all.

       So I’ll start off today by answering a representative sampling of questions subscribers have asked about our end of year programs and how to pray into the New Year.

       But before we go any step further, we need to pause for prayers. Please close your eyes and take these 3 prayers with fire in your spirit:

     "Every agent of the anti-Christ in my life, I terminate your assignment today in the name of Jesus"

     "Let the serpent of the LORD swallow every witchcraft serpent working against my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ"

     "Holy Spirit, stir up your new anointing within me in Jesus' name"


       Praise the LORD.


What 2011 holds for you?


       Now we’re ready to begin…

       Here are 3 urgent questions I was asked by our blog members about the prophetic significance of the year 2011and how to confront it.

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       Question #1:  Your end of year prayer program is unique, powerful and rewarding. Last year’s testimonies posted only 7 days into the prayers prove that God can still answer prayers without delay. As we come to the end of yet another year, do you have any prophetic insights and prayers to share with your readers?

       Answer:  There are 3 things to note about the year 2011. The first is that it is the 11th year in the prophetic calendar. Many interesting things happen in the 11th year.

       If you do a short Bible study you will find that the year is mostly marked by what I call the Big Bad D’s – -          Disorder -          Disintegration -          Disorganization

(You can find this in Jeremiah 39:2, Ezekiel 26:1, 2 Kings 23:36, etc.)

       Good enough, the scripture also gives us a timely blueprint or guideline on what to do to “disrupt” the disorder, assert dominion authority and achieve all-round spiritual victory throughout the year.

       Let's jump right into scripture to get a clear picture of what to look out for.

      The 11th chapter of 1 Samuel is what we’ve been given for the 11th year. Let’s read it together: 

       Then Nahash the Ammonite came up, and encamped against Jabeshgilead: and all the men of Jabesh said to Nahash, Make a covenant with us, and we will serve you. And Nahash the Ammonite answered them, On this condition will I make a covenant with you, that I may thrust out all your right eyes, and lay it for a reproach on all Israel.         And the elders of Jabesh said to him, Give us seven days' respite, that we may send messengers to all the coasts of Israel: and then, if there be no man to save us, we will come out to you. Then came the messengers to Gibeah of Saul, and told the tidings in the ears of the people: and all the people lifted up their voices, and wept.         And, behold, Saul came after the herd out of the field; and Saul said, 

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What ails the people that they weep? And they told him the tidings of the men of Jabesh. And the Spirit of God came on Saul when he heard those tidings, and his anger was kindled greatly. And he took a yoke of oxen, and hewed them in pieces, and sent them throughout all the coasts of Israel by the hands of messengers, saying, Whoever comes not forth after Saul and after Samuel, so shall it be done to his oxen.        And the fear of the LORD fell on the people, and they came out with one consent. And when he numbered them in Bezek, the children of Israel were three hundred thousand, and the men of Judah thirty thousand. And they said to the messengers that came, Thus shall you say to the men of Jabeshgilead, To morrow, by that time the sun be hot, you shall have help. And the messengers came and showed it to the men of Jabesh; and they were glad.        Therefore the men of Jabesh said, To morrow we will come out to you, and you shall do with us all that seems good to you. And it was so on the morrow, that Saul put the people in three companies; and they came into the middle of the host in the morning watch, and slew the Ammonites until the heat of the day: and it came to pass, that they which remained were scattered, so that two of them were not left together.                                                                        - 1 Sam. 11:1-11  


Now, the meaning of the name Nahash is serpent. This particular enemy has played a very deadly role throughout the course of human history, and is still working tirelessly today under many guises.

It is set to step up its vengeful attacks on believers in a dramatic new way in the New Year. Many people already see one manifestation of this stubborn spirit as pursuing serpents in the dream.

Let’s look carefully at the demand he made of the inhabitants of that ancient community:

“Your right eye or else!” 

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Why the right eye? You might wonder.



Because warriors, then and now, use the right eye for accurate sighting of the enemy. That way they could aim and shoot without missing. Being able to do this gave them an unusual military advantage. They could shoot even at a distance with great accuracy. They could take the battle to the enemy without allowing them to get too close to the city.

So it is no surprise that this vicious enemy wanted them to surrender the right eye. If they had agreed, it would have spelt disaster for generations to come. They would have ended up in perpetual slavery and would have been totally ineffective against external aggression. 

A dreadful recipe for defeat and servitude.


How is this relevant to a modern-day believer like you?  

In our world today, the enemy has all but plucked out the "right eye" of most believers in the spirit. As a result, they cannot discern when a wicked attack has been launched against them from the pit of hell. It used to be that the believers were the first to receive advance

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spiritual knowledge in dreams or visions well ahead of time so they could prepare to strike aggressively against the hordes of darkness.

Alas, no more. For many believers, their visions are so blurry and fuzzy as to be meaningless, or downright confusing.

Others claim they don’t even dream anymore (not true … what the enemy has done is use a spiritual eraser to wipe off all their dreams so they wake up blank). Some who still have divine dreams, don’t remember them when they wake up, or they find the dreams so mixed up, it is impossible to make head or tail out of them.


There are serious, severe consequences here…   

 We are talking about a spiritual epidemic of great proportions in our generation. It is a grievous situation when most believers cannot “see” the enemy diverting their blessings into his evil warehouse, while they are left scratching their heads and wondering why so many of God’s promises have not been fulfilled in their lives.

In fact, any believer who cannot receive direct revelations, divine dreams and visions from the LORD at this hour needs to declare a spiritual state of emergency. The Bible says:

“Where there is no vision, the people perish:”  Proverbs 29:18a

I don’t know whether you’ve allowed people to (mis)interpret that scripture for you. The serpent has blinded so many believers to what is really going on in the spirit realm … that his agents are already bragging and boasting in the spirit because they think their armies are well positioned to capture the blessings of God’s people at the hour of transition, as this year gives way to 2011, the eleventh year.

I don’t know about you, but I have decided, along with a small band of prayer warriors, to side with the Almighty to disrupt, disappoint, and dismantle their carefully laid out plans.

After all, the scripture confirms that the LORD Himself ...

… disappoints the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise.                                                                                                                             - Job 5:12

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You may be reading this and thinking:  

He is talking about arcane, ancient subjects in the Old Testament… 

You’d be wrong. Because if you are expecting a primitive horde of attackers, armed with swords and sticks, coming out to attack, you’d be sorely mistaken.

The new face of invisible aggressors warming up for the New Year are armed to the teeth with the latest tools, tricks and technology … and they are about to turn the very things that are supposed to enrich our lives into a weapon of war.


How they want to use Facebook to destroy a 31-year-old marriage... 


Here’s just a taste of what I’m speaking about here:

 "I stumbled upon your website. I was searching for prayer suggestions on my broken marriage. I have been married 31 years. This past June (5mos) ago, my husband was going back to another city to paint his mom's house. The day before he left his high school girlfriend friended him on facebook. When he arrived in that city, he met up with her. He called me on June 13th to tell me he met with her and decided to stay there and spend the rest of his life with her..." - Name Withheld to Protect Identity  

 Now do you see how the enemy is cleverly trying to use Facebook to destroy a 31-year-old marriage?

In the coming year, this wicked spirit will desperately try to turn the most unlikely things (or people) against you… and that includes your loved ones, your workmates, even your spiritual leaders.

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At the same time, the enemy will try to engineer disorder, chaos, breakup in every conceivable way… but armed with this kind of advanced information you are reading now, you will be well prepared to turn the tables against him and his agents, no matter how well disguised. 

That is the first thing to note.

Question #2: Thank you. What is the second big lesson?

Answer: The second big lesson to learn is that the LORD has given His prayer eagles a rare blueprint for victory against every enemy, in every situation imaginable.

I am beginning to get excited here … this is the Good News!

What I’d like you to notice here is my choice of words:

“The LORD has given His prayer eagles…” 


Look closely - there's  a key in here. . . 


Because there is a subtle distinction between an average believer and a true prayer eagle, or prayer warrior.

For one thing, the average believer feeds on only the milk of God’s Word, while the prayer eagle goes way beyond the milk and honey messages, to embrace the strong meat.

 Such eagles literally run away from every appearance of sin because they understand the awful consequences that sin has in stunting spiritual growth, not to mention opening the door to defeat and disgrace in the theatre of combat in the spiritual realm.

In the scheme of things, these eagles are to be found in either level 3 or 4. How do I explain this? Let’s see now… please go with me to the book of Ezekiel chapter 47.


    Afterward he brought me again to the door of the house; and, behold, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward: for the forefront of the house stood toward the east, and the waters came down from under from the right

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side of the house, at the south side of the altar. Then brought he me out of the way of the gate northward, and led me about the way without to the utter gate by the way that looks eastward; and, behold, there ran out waters on the right side.

And when the man that had the line in his hand went forth eastward, he measured a thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the waters were to the ankles. Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through the waters; the waters were to the knees. Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through; the waters were to the loins.

Afterward he measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not pass over: for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over. And he said to me, Son of man, have you seen this? Then he brought me, and caused me to return to the brink of the river.

Now when I had returned, behold, at the bank of the river were very many trees on the one side and on the other. Then said he to me, These waters issue out toward the east country, and go down into the desert, and go into the sea: which being brought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed.

And it shall come to pass, that every thing that lives, which moves, wherever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come thither: for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live where the river comes.

- Ezekiel 47:1-9 


Please pay special attention to what you're about to see now  


There is an endless flowing river in the spirit right now. It is the river of the Holy Spirit.

Complete and total immersion in this river is the key of power and authority that every believer has been offered (sadly only very few are taking advantage of this great offer) if you are to turn the tide against every marauding enemy, and recover all that the enemy has already stolen from you, be it in the area of your health, your marriage or even your finances. 

There are 4 levels of immersion:

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Level #1: Ankle level

Everyone starts their Christian journey from the dry land of sin and sorrow. Then the Lord invites us into the river of power (of the Holy Spirit), washes away our sins and baptizes us into His Spirit. This is our first level of relationship with the Holy Spirit. We are supposed to make progress and grow from here. But many believers are content to settle at this level, without aspiring to a closer walk with the Spirit. Consequently their spiritual growth becomes stunted, leaving their lives bracketed with confusion and crisis after crisis.

Level #2: Knee level

This is the second level of relationship with the Holy Spirit. At this level, the believer has made a few strides and to her surprise and joy, she finds herself beginning to flow in one or more gifts of the Spirit. She may be able to prophesy at this level, and even discern a few things in the spirit. However her commitment is rather haphazard – hot today, cold tomorrow - because she is only partially submitted to the Spirit at the best of times.

Level #3: Waist level

Once a believer progresses to the waist level, a real, intimate relationship begins to form. The Holy Spirit becomes her constant companion and guide. He begins to share deep secrets with her. Like the children of Issachar, she could well begin to discern the times. At this point the enemy begins to show her a bit of respect. She is on her way to becoming a powerhouse in the spirit. But because the river has not yet reached up to her heart and head region, she sometimes finds herself trying to use her brain to figure out the things of the Spirit. She finds herself not always sensitive to the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit and may still see herself grieving the Spirit from time to time.

Level #4: Overflow

This is the realm of the spiritual eagles. It is the level that we should all aspire to be. Once the river of power overflows and you’re submerged then this scripture will really come alive in your life:

He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spoke he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)                                                                                           -  John 7:38-39

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It is here that you become a real terror to the camp of the enemy. They cannot steal from you and get away without being punished severely. Your word is their command. Your life becomes a flaming fire in the spirit. Your relationship with the Spirit is that of confidante, friend to friend, and He speaks with you “mouth to mouth.” At this level He will show you the secret behind most of the problems confronting you and others in your generation… and how to deal with them. He will give you words of power and dominion to speak and destroy age-old problems, sicknesses and infirmities. He will fill you afresh everyday and sharpen your eyes to see divine opportunities like an eagle.

Herein lies the blueprint of outstanding breakthroughs and victory over every circumstance and situation in the New Year. As you aspire to this glorious level of companionship with the Holy Ghost, the common problems plaguing most people such as confusion, lack of divine direction, fear, dream attacks and fuzzy spiritual vision will become a thing of the past.

Yes, this is the blueprint that will turn you from spiritual underdog to spiritual champion. And people around you will notice it, without you having to say a single word.

Question #3:   And your third major lesson? 

Answer:     Finally, as we advance towards the New Year, I’d like to remind my readers that every blessing God pours out usually has four parts. I call this the 4P’s. We deal with this idea extensively in the Prayer Academy, and the LORD has graciously put His seal of approval … by answering our prayers and giving us some peculiar testimonies that, quite frankly, we cannot share on this public site.


Here’s a brief peek...  

... at this principle. The very first thing about any type of divine blessing is that it comes based on the promise of our God in scripture.

This is the First P – the Promise

The second thing is that God Himself makes every provision, in fulfillment of His promise. 

This is the Second P – the Provision

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These first and second P’s are God’s responsibility, not ours. He never makes a promise without the provision, and He never makes a provision without the promise.

After that, the ball is in our court. And here’s where things can get a bit tricky.


Because every promise has an enemy. And every provision has an enemy.

Their sole purpose is to make sure that believers NEVER receive the promises, and if they do, then their job is to make sure they never have them for long.

So there is a Third P – your Pursuit

Holy pursuit is required before you can really “taste” the deeper blessings from the LORD, or sustain them after being blessed.

I mean pursuing (i.e. going after them with single-minded focus) what the LORD has laid on your heart through persistence … persistence in prayers, persistence in studying the Word and in meditating upon it, persistence in living a holy and blameless life, even under intense pressure and provocation, persistence in taking inspired ACTION, targeted at the intersection where His promises meet your desires.

You see a powerful example of this in the Bible. There was a time that the man David lost everything to the enemy, even though he’d already been anointed king.

Here’s what he did:

And David inquired at the LORD, saying: shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I overtake them? And HE answered him, pursue: for thou shall surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.

                                                                               -     1 Samuel 30:8

              So David went off in hot pursuit of the enemies who had attacked his city and carried off          everything, in his absence. After a spectacular victory, he had this testimony to share:

I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them; neither did I turn again till they were consumed.

                                                                                 -          Psalm 18:37

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               Did you see this principle at work here? 

Sadly, here’s where most people fall down. My inbox is crammed to bursting with desperate emails from believers who somehow believed that their blessings will just fall like manna from heaven, without them having to lift a finger.

They somehow think that all of God’s promises and provisions should be delivered to them on a platter of gold. What’s more … they expect God to stand guard over their blessings day and night while they do nothing.


 No work. No stress. No fight.  

       They read the testimonies on our websites from those who are earnestly contending for their blessings at the midnight hour, and they convince themselves that God is not fair to them at all. They should be sharing those testimonies too.

       Well, if you are reading this, and you happen to belong to that school of thought, I’m sorry to disappoint you. It takes MORE than prayer to pull your blessings through the unseen curtain that separates the visible from the invisible, into open manifestation in the physical world.

       What does it take?

       A combination of aggressive prayer and divinely-inspired action.

       Please read your Bible well. David first prayed then took action. And the LORD backed him up. It can sometimes take a sustained battle to enter into the deeper blessings of God.

       And that brings us to the Fourth P – long-term Possession

       Look, it’s no use getting married today only to end up in the divorce court 10 months from now. The LORD may not want to release His blessings to you until He has ascertained that you’ll be able to maintain / sustain them over the long haul.

       The case of Adam is instructive here.

       It is a telling example of what can occur when someone has (almost) everything delivered to him / her on a platter of gold, so to speak.

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       And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the middle of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

                                                                                                                             -  Gen. 2:8-9


What’s the danger ...  

        ... to a person who did not have to labour much before being blessed abundantly like this?

And the serpent said to the woman, you shall not surely die: For God does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also to her husband with her; and he did eat.

  And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they

sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. And the LORD God called to Adam, and said to him, where are you? And he said, I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.

And He said, who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded you that you should not eat? And the man said, the woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. And the LORD God said to the woman, what is this that you have done? And the woman said, the serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.

                                                                                                               -  Gen 3:4-13


        Here the LORD did almost everything for the man Adam. The only thing left was for him to “tend” or “guard” or “protect” his blessings. Maybe because he really didn’t have to work or fight too hard to enter into this wonderful blessing, he was a little bit negligent in keeping watch over it.

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       This is a powerful principle. 

       Did you notice that he was not warned of the presence of a very subtle enemy, just waiting to pounce and dispossess him of his inheritance? That was his job to find out, as part of guarding the garden.

       After that disastrous incident, the LORD may have decided not to leave us in any doubt at all. There is an enemy. A very formidable one at that. You find that Jesus mentioned the enemy satan more than anyone else in scripture. He knew the enemy.

       You see, not knowing that your real enemy is a spirit -- or that he has spirit beings using human vessels and even the elements in your environment to attack you -- can lead you to fight the wrong target, leaving the real culprit free to roam around and do much damage.

       To detect and deal with the real enemy in any situation you face, will require that you learn to flex your spiritual muscles in violent, aggressive midnight prayers.


There is no shortcut to this one...  

       It takes discipline. You’ll have to forgo your sleep some nights. Because any believer who refuses to learn how to flex their spiritual muscles at the midnight hour, even after reading this special report, should not be surprised to see their divine blessings and provisions leaking away in the year ahead.

       For one, it grieves me to hear how believers are losing their marriages, sometimes ever so casually. And I’m not going by statistics in the public domain. I can easily show you 20,000 emails in my inbox as evidence that the enemy has been successfully ripping apart many Christian marriages, often without any resistance at all.

       You hear of a well-meaning spouse, who has been a believer for decades, suddenly running off with a younger woman. You even hear of some pastor somewhere divorcing his wife, and getting married to some younger, more “elegant” woman in his congregation… not realizing that he has just exchanged his ministerial calling for a pot of porridge, like Esau of old.

       Of course there are a couple of (misinterpreted) scripture to justify this type of activity but that doesn’t make it biblical. Or right.


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Please take this as a spiritual call to arms...  

       Make no mistake about it. I’ll be really saddened if, after reading this special report, you still allow the devil in whatever guise, to steal your marriage partner or your relationship. Or your finances. Or your peace. Or your job. Or your salvation!

       This is advanced spiritual warning that most people might be unwilling to share with you, because they do not want to burst your cocoon of false security or cause you alarm.

       But in the year ahead, it is important for you, the believer in Christ Jesus, to learn to defend yourself and your loved ones against your spiritual enem(ies) whose sole intent is to kill, to steal and to destroy your blessings in the spirit realm, sometimes before they even get into your hands.

       Our Lord Jesus Christ said it best: 

       The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might    have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 

                                                                                                                    -  John 10:10

       Here’s an important question for you:

       Do you really want to experience this abundant life that Jesus talked about?

       I believe that the three most rewarding lessons you should take into 2011 are the three foundation lessons I’ve just shared.

       To sum up, they are:

(1)   Your knowledge of God’s blueprint for victory against the enemy

(2)   Your willingness to go deeper into the river of God’s anointing

(3)   You desire to do your part to possess your possessions

       You do not have to fly blind, without knowing your left from your right.

       You need to thirst and hunger to know the mind of God in every situation that confronts you. If you are willing to drink thirstily from God’s inexhaustible founts of knowledge (three of which I’ve briefly touched upon here) you can rest assured that the LORD is poised to manifest Himself in full force in your world throughout the New Year 2011.

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Here's Your 14-Day Prayer Plan At The Gate of 2011


       This year we will begin our close-out prayers at the midnight hour of December 29.

       We will enter into the New Year, firing on all cylinders, praying fervently and aggressively through December 31 to January 1, 2011.

       We will continue our prayers every midnight till January 11, 2011.

        A total of 14 days.  

To All Our Prayer Eagles...


       From December 29, 2010 fasting is compulsory (unless you have a medical condition that precludes fasting – please check with your doctor).

       All prayer eagles on this site are to embark on a fasting-prayer program as follows:

December 29, 2010 -           Partial fast (from morning until 2:00 or 3:00 PM                                                 as the LORD gives you the grace).

December 30, 2010 -           Partial fast (from morning until 2:00 or 3:00 PM                                                 as the LORD gives you the grace).

December 31, 2010 -           Start of Esther Fast – DAY 1

January 1, 2011 -           Esther Fast Cont’d – DAY 2

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January 2, 2011 -           End of Esther Fast (12:00 Noon) – DAY 3

January 3, 2011 -           Partial Fast (Morning till 2:00 PM)

January 4, 2011 -           Partial Fast (Morning till 2:00 PM)

January 5, 2011 -           Partial Fast (Morning till 2:00 PM)

January 6, 2011 -           Partial Fast (Morning till 2:00 PM)

January 7, 2011 -           Partial Fast (Morning till 2:00 PM)

January 8, 2011 -           Partial Fast (Morning till 2:00 PM)

January 9, 2011 -           Partial Fast (Morning till 2:00 PM)

January 10, 2011 -           Partial Fast (Morning till 2:00 PM)

January 11, 2011 -           Partial Fast (Morning till 2:00 PM)

       All the prayers should be prayed AT THE MIDNIGHT HOUR. If, because of work schedule, you are not able to pray at the midnight hour, then you should pray VERY early in the morning before 6:00 AM.

       No excuses.

       If you do this diligently, you will surely experience the visitation of the LORD, who commanded this march ...

       Finally it is time to review our yearly message to prepare us for the gate of the new year...


 --> Start of Review

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A Quick Review…From Previous Years  


There are 3 basic fundamentals that you need to arm yourself with, as we prepare to crossover into the New Year.

Here’s the VERY first one. And you need to apply it diligently at the “gate” i.e. midnight December 31, 2010. (The rest I will continue to teach step by step in the ongoing Prayer Academy and 24-hour blog).  

If you're ready, let's go...

We'll open this section with a short prayer. Please just close your eyes where you are now and take this singular prayer point with fire in your spirit:  

 "O LORD, open my spiritual understanding today in the name of Jesus. Amen."


We’ll take off by looking at the popular story of the ten virgins. In Matthew 25:1-10 we read:

 "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.

And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at

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midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut."

This is a familiar story.

Two phrases are of particular interest to us here:

      (i)                  At midnight there was a cry made...       (ii)                The door was shut...

Here is Key #1...

 Midnight is the time when "doors" are shut against people in the spirit.    Key #2…

It is also a time when satanic cries are made against people by the evil powers operating along the bloodlines of many families. Please hold these thoughts while we back up to Psalm 24:7-10:

 "Lift up your head, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

 Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.

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 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

 Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory."  

 Again we see the word “doors” but this time, at the appearance of a Superior, Sovereign Power...  

 Instead of being shut, the door (and gates) are being commanded to “open.”


Putting what we’ve read so far together, we arrive at the inescapable conclusion that doors can be opened and shut in the spiritual realm.

In many places in the Bible, we see many references to doors and gates. For instance we find them at the at the entry point to cities (1 Kings 17), temples (Acts 3), prisons (Acts 12), and palaces (Esther 5). At the gates of the city, important decisions and verdicts were handed down. Controversies were settled there. Honour was bestowed at the gate. Blessings were pronounced at the gate… and curses were also issued as punishment for offences at the gate.

In fact the gate played such a pivotal role in the life of any community that in times of war…  

 The enemy’s first order of business was to seize control of the gate!


 What’s this got to do with the New Year?

You can liken the new year to a well-fortified city with a strong gate. The gate is the entry point into the city.

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 For the purpose of this discussion...    The door or gate of the New Year is currently shut. It is supposed to swing open IN THE SPIRIT at 12 midnight on December 31st.


Notice that I used the words, “supposed”… that is what should happen in an ideal situation...

The reality, however, is that for most people, the gate of the New Year never opens to them spiritually… it remains tightly shut against them year after year, often without their knowledge!

 Why is this so?

The Bible reveals that there are invisible “horsemen setting themselves in array at the gate” (Isaiah 22:7).  

And here's the SECRET:

 The entrance or gate to the New Year is the midnight hour of December 31.


The truth remains that this gate is the point of the hottest spiritual battle you can think of.

 Whoever takes control of the gate in the crucial first few seconds of the New Year determines what happens throughout the entire year!

 What I’m sharing with you is well-understood by the children of darkness. No wonder our Lord Jesus once said (in Luke 16:8b):  

… for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.

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At the critical midnight hour of December 31st, the children of this world (darkness) that Jesus is referring to here will be busy making evil prophetic pronouncements to capture the entire year (and shut the gates of the next 12 months against ignorant people).  

At this exact same time, most modern day believers will be dancing and partying the night away!


Unknown to most people, at this critical hour of midnight when the new year is being “delivered” (think of a woman in labor), whatever decrees are being made (good or bad) have the capacity to alter the destiny of an individual, family or nation.

You remember how many prophecies of greatness that Christians usually receive at the beginning of every year?  

How many of them ever come to pass?


You know why?

At the most critical first few seconds of the New Year, the enemy gets busy "shutting the gate" by issuing ungodly decrees against people, using words anointed with satanic power!

No wonder:

Doors of opportunity remained shut throughout the year.

The heavens refuse to open and pour out the expected blessings in abundance.

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Divine benefits refused to manifest...

Divine helpers were nowhere to be found…

Most prayers went unanswered... leaving many believers scratching their heads.

If you keep records of all the wonderful prophecies received every year (like I do) you’ll realize that most of them never come to pass.

It doesn't matter how many great men or women of God prophesied.


Because most Christians allow the enemy (either out of ignorance or laziness) to take control of the GATES when it mattered most…   

... at the critical moment of transition… when most people are in slumber.

You see, in the spiritual realm, just one second’s delay can cost a person an entire year.

Like the prayer points you will see shortly, if you were to pray them at any other time of the year, you won’t achieve the same results.

Thankfully, the Lord has not left us ignorant. He has given us a battle plan.

If we execute on this plan diligently...  

These 90 minutes AT THE GATE can save us 9 months of frustration, disappointment and sorrow.


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  -->   End of Review



To Be Successful With This Year's Prayers...

         Before we begin to pray at the gate of 2011, you will have to spend time preparing yourself so you will have the power to operate at the midnight gate. That is the reason we are starting the prayers on December 29.

        Before that day rolls around, there are 2 simple, but VERY crucial, steps you must take, if you really want the LORD to manifest His power speedily in your behalf:


Simple Step #1:  Make Doubly Sure

Jesus Is The Captain of Your Boat


"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, ..."                                                                                                         - Titus 3:5

       No matter how far you may have strayed from the LORD this year, He wants you back now. He is able and willing to forgive you, cleanse you and give you a fresh new start in 2011... if


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only you'd go on your knees and cry out for His mercy NOW.

       YES, it is up to you to open the door of your heart for Him to come in and do a work of transformation in your life right now.

       Please take a moment to do this, if you need to. 

       Before you even think of proceeding to Simple Step 2.


Simple Step #2:  All Secret Sins Must Go (And I do Mean ALL)

         Realize that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins. And mine. And that of the whole world.

       Of course this might sound like foolishness to the people of the world (I meet people all the time who say so). You know the Bible says:

       --- foolishness to those that are perishing --

       About our Lord Jesus Christ, we are assured this:

"Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, ..."                                                                               -- 1 Peter 2:24

 "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,"                                                                                              -- Rev. 1:5

       I must warn you that if you follow these 2 simple steps above with all sincerity … before firing the opening shots, you may not be able to handle the flood of peace and joy that will

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invade your heart ... not to mention the testimonies to follow.

       Last year by this time I challenged those who went through these simple steps diligently to get ready for an overflow of breakthroughs in their lives.

       By DAY 7 of the program, our testimony inbox was filling up so fast I had trouble keeping up.

       Praise the LORD who delights in answering the prayers of His people.     


We Are About To Change The Realm Of Our Prayers…


       2011 is the year of the prophetic entrepreneur/risk-taker, with the ability to call forth those things that be not as though they were. When you are ready to move on to this exciting realm, please join us in our 24-hour intercessory prayer blog.

      NOTE: You must first complete the 7 Lessons of the Prayer Academy before you can gain access to the 24-hour blog. For MORE information, click here:  

      "Yes, I Want MORE Details On Prayer Academy 2011 Edition Right Now>>"

        Thank you for your time.       Be An Overcomer 

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    The Midnight Prayer Coach

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             Don't forget - if you have a friend or colleague who you think would like to hear              from me, please forward them the link as well.                PPS:  To join the NEXT coaching session for Prayer Eagles, click on the link below:                 http://www.firesprings.com/miracles.htm


            For MORE information about the NEXT Prayer Academy, please Click Here:  

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