xix t tvy yi tyjlatesl -...

i Published Every Friday F = = T VOLUME XIX MT VERNON ROCKCASTLE COUNTY KY FRIDAY OCTOBER 13 1905 UBTKt ZV or t t w t r fi 1I 1 r A I lli Gni r r Pr24h 11a L 1 V ISN A 1iJ d T 6iviri rf Sdu T i i 11 E Uu Y 3 r V t SpLii kl FOR LESS hm To give a bargain you must first get it We realized this in buying o u r winter stocks and consequently can give you greater bar- gains than ever before Our OVERCOATS SUITSt Heavy Shoes Rubbers 9utings Flannels Woof Waistings Ladies Skirts Cloaks Jackets and Un ¬ file ready for your inspec ¬ tion Too busy to write an Ad9 now Come early and see tIle largest and best selected stock oi F n WINTERR Gods ever shown in Rocl < castle county We are in business to < w make money and ca best do so by helping you f save yours < i llY x lU r r l 1 7 t v Z Z b > j1 f 11 4 I r J 7 1 f 1 1 = t o Lf v 1 UIJ A IIu lf v IOt111 I Kentucky Flashes 1 THE BOLEN KILLING Sheriff Howard Has Wired the Govern- or For Troops I Frankfort Ky Oct l7As a sequel to the killing of Jack Bolen a Midilles boro barber and prominent lodge man for which crime Frank Ball has been indicted and for whose apprehension 1000 reward is outstanding Sheriff Howard of Bell county has wired the governor for troops stating the situa ¬ tion is beyond his power Gov Beck = ham replied to Sheriff Howard that his telegram gave no reason for send ¬ ing troops and directs him to confer with Circuit Judge Moss and have him Moss advise the governor for what purpose troops are needed Citizens of the Law and Order League describe the situation as such that officers fear to arrest Ball who is prominently I connected and surrounded by a clan of his friends who have threatened with death any arresting officer who attempts to take him It is further as serted that should Bat be apprehend- ed ¬ they would release him KENTUCKY COTT NI Grows Earlier Than That in the South r and Brings More Money I Hickman Ky Oct 17ffhe Dodds Bros cotton gin is in operation and 85 bales of a superior quality cotton have been turned out representing a value of 4250 Last year Sydney Dodds of Clarksdale Miss sent from Mississippi cotton seed which matur ¬ ed much earlier in this latitude than elsewhere and if generally planted I will hake a distinct type of cotton The bottoms along the Mississippiriv ¬ er here are ideal for this kind of agri ¬ culture and the cotton grown on Ken lucky soil is said to be superior to that brown in Mississippi and brings better prices in Memphis and southern cotton markets MOSE FELTNER ARRESTED He Goes To Jackson Without An Es- cort of Troops Winchester Ky Oct 17oscs Feltner was arrested here on a war ¬ rant from the Breathitt circuit court and taken to Jackson as a witness be- fore ¬ the grand jury in its Investigation- f tse ilarcum assassination Feltnar asked the governor for troops but the executive replied that he had no tushority to order them out withoiit a request from circuit or county judge He Declines the Position Owei sbon Ky Oct 17Maj W- V Bumpur has formally declined to econio commandant of the confeder- ate ¬ home at Pewee Valley Some tma iso the position was tendered to hrs ind he had it under consideration lIe says that he does not want to saver his business relations in Owensboro Kentucky Masons Gathering Louisville Ky Oct 17 Massos Font all over Kentucky gathered lure attend the 105th annual convccatlou if the Masonic grand lotlga of Kca tacky 1 he sessions which vil bt teal in the new Masonic tempe will ast three days and over 600 delegates are expected Stricken in the Pulpit Louisville Ky Oct l7nev Father awrence Bax for 43 years pastor of U Johns Hoiuin Catholic charch vas prostrated in his pulpit and hs oni1itiori is not favorabie Father iax celebrated the 50th annivereaiy if its priesthood two years ago Killed By a Bed Slat Hop dnsvllle Ky Oct l7Davf cowherd colored who was struck ver tile head with a bed slat by Gone Puffy another negro ten days ago s Jead The trouble between parties l as about a won n Duffy was ar ested and is in jail here Did He Wear a Mustache Louisville Ky Oct 17Whether Howard C Irwin charged in elgh counts with having raised and passed fills wore a mustache at the time of he alleged offense May 30 of this year vail determine the guilt of the accused 1Co D S Trumbo Stricken Owinssville Ky Oct l7Cril D S Trumbo of Carlisle exrepreseuta ¬ tive from this district exsheriff anti widely known politician suffered a stroke of paralysis and is in serious condition the entire left side being affected For the Pipe Line Mt Sterling Ky Oct 17 Robert Blackburn representative of the Cen ¬ tral Natural Gas Co is in the county cmt1ty IngtonI Died at the Age of 96 Years Mt Washington Ky Oct 171113 Robert McGraw died at her home in Shen was 9C years of age and had lived in that neighborhood all her life National Bank Reopened Louisvie Ky Oct 17The West era National bank of this city which was closed several weeks ago on or ¬ ders from the controllers office has reopened for business under favorable auspicesSteamboat Deal Made Louisville Ky Oct 17V The deal for the steamer Falls City was made the Kentucky River Packet arid to Towboat Co for dz00u The corn I pany Is capitalized for 20000 Iromnl omANDTAB stoaa tie ceugCSt and bGa1 lGD r k < l 7 < A LOUISVILLE GIRL She Will Marry a Western Mine Own er Rated in the Millions Louisville Ky Oct 18Mrs Eliza- beth ¬ Wymond Young one of Louis- ville ¬ s most beautiful young women will become the bride of John Francis Judge the owner of several gold anti turquoise mines in Utah and regarded as several times a millionaire The ceremony will take place at the home of the bride and only immediate friends and relatives will be present The honeymoon will bo spent in New York for which pace the couple leave Wednesday night She is well known In that city arid in other social cen ters Mr Judge is a graduate of Yala and Van Rensselaer university Troy N Y The young people met in Cali- fornia ¬ two years ago and it was a case of love at first sight They will make their home In Salt Lake City ASKED FOR AN OPTION A Controlling Interest In the Louisville Tobacco Warehouse Wanted- i Louisville Ky Oct 18A local bro- kerage firm offered Kt for the common stock of the Louisville Tobacco Ware- house ¬ Co which is quoted on the mar ¬ let at from 5fi to 59 A meeting of the principal officers of the company was held and the offer was declined The earnings on the common stock for the past year are said to have been 10 per- cent Basil Doerhoefer one of this largest stockholders of the company said that he would not consider an offer nf lean than 150 for the stock The brokers who are seeking the op- tion declined to say who they are rep- resenting They want the option until January THE MOB HANGED HIM Jury Gave Virgil Bowers Convicted of Murder a Life Sentence London Ky Oct l8Viril Dow ers the negro who killed George Far ris n lumber dealer last August was taken from the jail and hung to an ap ¬ ple tree scarcely out of town by armed men and a masked mob of some 200 men supposed to have come from Knox county Bowers shot and killed Farrs without one word being spoken by either There was one white man with Farris and a negro with Bowers Both testified that the killing was without provocation The negros hotly was found at daylight swung to Tree two feet from the ground Bow- ers ¬ had beam given a life sentence by a jllQr Toll Rod Company Indicted Newport Ky Oct lSTha grand jury in session at Alexandria made a report finding an indictment against the Grants Lick ClaryvTlle and Butor Turnpike Co It is charged jn the in dictment that the cqaipany willfully and negligently permitted the turn pike to become unfit for travel when toll was being charged Indicted For Attempted Bribery Covington Ky Oct 18 Charles B Jarvis who wasconfined in jail at Cat lettsburg serving a sentence for re- tailing whisky without a license was indicted in the United States court for offering 25 it is aleged to the jailer to bribe him to let him escape front jail Kentucky Masons Meet Louisville Ky Oct lSWhen the 105th annual communication of the Masonic grand lodge of Kentucky one of the oldest bodies in the United States ws called to order over GOO delegates from all parts of Kentucky answered to their names A Kentucky Man Robbed Memphis Tenn Oct IS Robbed of al his private papers notes and cash with the exception of 30 cents F E Stanley of Louisville Ky stop- ped here ei route to Houston Tex to make complaint against the sleeping car company Fatal Fight Over a Woman Middlesboro Ky Oct l8In a fight over a woman in the outskirts of the town Mark Smith shot Tilman West three times killing him instantly Smith escaped to the mountains and officers have gone to arrest him Maddened ByTaunts Owingsville Ky OcL l8Because he was subject to fits and his play mates had taunted him Herbert Reed aged 18swallowed ammonia at his home on Millers creek He was saved by hard work by physicians Judge James A Burnam Dead Richmond Ky Oct l8ormer County Judge James A Burnam dies here at his home after a littering iJ ness He was 48 years of age and the taon of Judge Curtis F Burnam He is survived by his wife Newport Man Held Up Newport Ky Oct l8Henry Hess of this city reported to the police that he had been held up and sandbagged at the corner of Tenth street and Park avenue by two men who robbed hint of two new blankets Boggs Elected Moderator Louisville Ky Oct lSAt the open ing session of the annual meeting ol the Presbyterian Synod of Kentucky held here Rev S D BOggs of Cat lettsburg was elected Moderator rot the ensuing year Distiller Brown Dead Louisville Ky 6ct l8J T S Brown distiller and a leading spiri m Louisville commercial circles died as the result of hemorrhage of the brain There is nothing speculative ah list the fateof a banker who goes in fb speculation with other peoples money I lroLElMlonyAImTAII w ResQuality Established 1887 L tVY l A TY JIi t Yi J J I rur i n fj lStyIescof 1 t f t i c = A- f Is Known by Four Important Characteristics MM t 1 Superior quality of its goods 2 An eagerness for late styles and novelties II i 3 Always the lowest prices 4 Perfect service to its patrons dY 0 I THIS is the foundation of our business awl for 15 years we have held strictly to they above principles Thats why our store has grown to be the biggest and most popular in j l this town and thats why we have made a success fY g HAVING just returned from the market centers we are prepared to say that we have 0 A bought the finest and largest stock of Fall and Winter goods ever shown in this county This A includes a selection of new and stylishi > Dress Goods and Trimmings Furnishing Goods A l Clothing Shoes c 1j Remember our Fall Opening September 10th at which and each day thereafter we I will be glad to show you through our extensive line and give you prices cheaper than the f s TipTop M w Trecot Flannel all colors and all wool 25cents per yard Outings 5cts to 10cts per yard 1 f Best Calicoes 5cts per yard M lESpDnnt fail to jive us a call we can save youmoneya t Lowest Prices I THOS CHERRYBR- ODIIEAD Headquarters Perfect Service v V l1Jdadatfada adadcJfdfdJTcilfdlTa170170udl I f Y i 1 Rockcastle County Institutions tg l CITIZeNS i SJ 4 tQ IOF BRODIIEAD KY f m a1- J Offers to the a safe and conservative BBanking SystemQQ f OF Q IIndividual Firms and Corporations 5ollriled m Give uSyour business toll we a pleas QtiQ Pa 3 per cent interest on all of 100 CQ mor when left in the bank and not cheek Q Mpe t of six months V J HUTCHESON Casher tQ- t 1x BB > Blr > > jl B > > J3 > iONllAI Mr G M Ballard School Sup ¬ i biggesti men was withus this weekand we are proud to say he did not findany gapsdown among usMr M L Kelton went anything in election W Mullin of Henry county j visited her brother D C Pullins this week Also Mrs Johu Pearl I of London sister to D C was with themMr Harvey Chenault who has been on the sick list fo past six weeks has returned home l Richmond looking well Our old friend J H Sigmonf who has been confined to fur past 8 weeks withstomach trouble is no better There is some talk of another store biibg opened up in our little village in the nepr future Let the good wor go oUrWe have bten out so long we are almost ashamed to come again but being tied down with business and conld not look up the news and we hope our clever edito- will let us ofFand allow us a little srace to make a few remarks again 1postmaster of the patrons of the office here Mr US Berry the sorgum king has made up to this time 600 gallons as good as a biscuit wa ever pulled through D N Wil hams of Mt Vernon was here on business this weeek Paul Kidwell of thjs placehas moved to Copper c ik i1 r 3 KENTUCKY for Bargains b i1 m people ACCOUNTS jnarulttY deposits W timesMrs- J creek to ergege in the mercantile business The election is warming up and a lot of Independent being talked of heretile L W Bethurura and S D Lews spoke here Monday night and told us about the = approaching election a111 t JUA1L I IMore weddings are expected in i these tarts youThere has been more wheat sown in this part than ever before This weiie glad to I see for when our farmers turn their auction more to their farms balerr couutyDt Carpenter of Stan ¬ 11Mr Johne yond He leaves a wife and one child to mourn their loss The reo mains were lid to Test in the afterk ¬ noon services Rev John Elder a FULL OF TRAGIC MEANING As these lines from J H Sim ¬ whatr might have resulted from his ted ble cough if he had not taken the medicine about which hewrites j I had a fearful cough that dis- turbed i my s rest I tried ren I lieve it I took Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption Cough and Colds which completely cured r pers mlne cures uu disease prevents grip and pneu monia at Mt Vernon Drug Co Guaranteed 50 eta and t Trial bollle free Jr + I Ii tyJLatesl H l y iVi I I I f l i 4 I roFinancial pp SQ more bsrseback1He from work until GOOCHLAND Rev James Baker filled his reg- ular ¬ appointment at Sycamore Sat- urday ¬ and SundayMisses Linda CoraI H Dooley is very sick at this writ ¬ lugblr and Mrs Mose Anglia of Berea visited parents on Big Hil Saturday > WB Harris and W J Swinford- of Morril were in Goocbland Fri- day ¬ on businessB C Martin of this plave has moved to Illinois to make his future homelIr Parkie Scott of Climax is very ill at this reIcoverMrs ¬ Gap visited friends at Double Lick SundayDr Jones and T L Jones of this place are visitin friends and relatives in Knox couaty this week PLANS TO GET RICH Are often fruslrted by sudden breaking down due to the dyspep ¬ sia or constipation Brace up and take Dr Kings New Life Pills They take out the materials which are clogging your energies and give you a new start Dure head MtVeruon ISheriff Howard of Bell county GmT Beckham for troops Jackk s i indicted fer the crime remains at large Gov Beckham wishes ad- vice from Judge Mess before acting fI t C r- T i v

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Page 1: XIX t tVY Yi tyJLatesl - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069561/1905-10-13/ed-1/seq-1.pdfi Published Every Friday F = = T VOLUME XIX MT VERNON ROCKCASTLE


Published EveryFriday

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T 6ivirirfSduT i i11 E



rV t SpLii kl


To give a bargain youmust first get it Werealized this in buyingo u r winter stocksand consequently cangive you greater bar-gains than ever before


Heavy Shoes Rubbers9utings Flannels WoofWaistings Ladies SkirtsCloaks Jackets and Un ¬fileready for your inspec ¬

tionToo busy to write an

Ad9 now Come earlyand see tIle largest andbest selected stock oi

F n WINTERRGods ever shown in

Rocl< castle countyWe are in business to

<wmake money and cabest do so by helping you

f save yours< i

llY x

lU r r l 1 7

tv Z Z b





I r J7

1f 1 1=t o Lf v

1 UIJA IIu lf



I Kentucky Flashes 1


Sheriff Howard Has Wired the Govern-or For Troops


Frankfort Ky Oct l7As a sequelto the killing of Jack Bolen a Midillesboro barber and prominent lodge manfor which crime Frank Ball has beenindicted and for whose apprehension

1000 reward is outstanding SheriffHoward of Bell county has wired thegovernor for troops stating the situa¬

tion is beyond his power Gov Beck =

ham replied to Sheriff Howard thathis telegram gave no reason for send ¬

ing troops and directs him to conferwith Circuit Judge Moss and have him

Moss advise the governor for whatpurpose troops are needed Citizensof the Law and Order League describethe situation as such that officers fearto arrest Ball who is prominently I

connected and surrounded by a clanof his friends who have threatenedwith death any arresting officer whoattempts to take him It is further asserted that should Bat be apprehend-ed


they would release him

KENTUCKY COTT NIGrows Earlier Than That in the South r

and Brings More MoneyI

Hickman Ky Oct 17ffhe DoddsBros cotton gin is in operation and85 bales of a superior quality cottonhave been turned out representing avalue of 4250 Last year SydneyDodds of Clarksdale Miss sent fromMississippi cotton seed which matur¬

ed much earlier in this latitude thanelsewhere and if generally planted I

will hake a distinct type of cottonThe bottoms along the Mississippiriv ¬

er here are ideal for this kind of agri ¬

culture and the cotton grown on Kenlucky soil is said to be superior tothat brown in Mississippi and bringsbetter prices in Memphis and southerncotton markets


He Goes To Jackson Without An Es-cort of Troops

Winchester Ky Oct 17oscsFeltner was arrested here on a war¬

rant from the Breathitt circuit courtand taken to Jackson as a witness be-


the grand jury in its Investigation-f tse ilarcum assassination Feltnar

asked the governor for troops butthe executive replied that he had notushority to order them out withoiit arequest from circuit or county judge

He Declines the PositionOwei sbon Ky Oct 17Maj W-

V Bumpur has formally declined toeconio commandant of the confeder-


home at Pewee Valley Some tmaiso the position was tendered to hrsind he had it under consideration lIesays that he does not want to saverhis business relations in Owensboro

Kentucky Masons GatheringLouisville Ky Oct 17 Massos

Font all over Kentucky gathered lureattend the 105th annual convccatlou

if the Masonic grand lotlga of Kcatacky 1 he sessions which vil btteal in the new Masonic tempe willast three days and over 600 delegates

are expected

Stricken in the PulpitLouisville Ky Oct l7nev Father

awrence Bax for 43 years pastor of

U Johns Hoiuin Catholic charchvas prostrated in his pulpit and hsoni1itiori is not favorabie Fatheriax celebrated the 50th annivereaiy

ifits priesthood two years ago

Killed By a Bed SlatHop dnsvllle Ky Oct l7Davf

cowherd colored who was struckver tile head with a bed slat by Gone

Puffy another negro ten days ago s

Jead The trouble between partieslas about a won n Duffy was arested and is in jail here

Did He Wear a MustacheLouisville Ky Oct 17Whether

Howard C Irwin charged in elghcounts with having raised and passedfills wore a mustache at the time ofhe alleged offense May 30 of this

year vail determine the guilt of theaccused

1Co D S Trumbo StrickenOwinssville Ky Oct l7Cril D

S Trumbo of Carlisle exrepreseuta ¬

tive from this district exsheriff antiwidely known politician suffered astroke of paralysis and is in seriouscondition the entire left side beingaffected

For the Pipe LineMt Sterling Ky Oct 17 Robert

Blackburn representative of the Cen ¬

tral Natural Gas Co is in the county

cmt1tyIngtonIDied at the Age of 96 Years

Mt Washington Ky Oct 171113Robert McGraw died at her home inShenwas 9C years of age and had lived inthat neighborhood all her life

National Bank ReopenedLouisvie Ky Oct 17The West

era National bank of this city whichwas closed several weeks ago on or ¬

ders from the controllers office hasreopened for business under favorable

auspicesSteamboatDeal Made

Louisville Ky Oct 17V The dealfor the steamer Falls City was made

the Kentucky River Packet aridtoTowboat Co for dz00u The corn

Ipany Is capitalized for 20000

IromnlomANDTABstoaa tie ceugCSt and bGa1 lGD



< l7 <


She Will Marry a Western Mine Owner Rated in the Millions

Louisville Ky Oct 18Mrs Eliza-beth


Wymond Young one of Louis-ville


s most beautiful young womenwill become the bride of John FrancisJudge the owner of several gold antiturquoise mines in Utah and regardedas several times a millionaire Theceremony will take place at the homeof the bride and only immediatefriends and relatives will be presentThe honeymoon will bo spent in NewYork for which pace the couple leaveWednesday night She is well knownIn that city arid in other social centers Mr Judge is a graduate of Yalaand Van Rensselaer university TroyN Y The young people met in Cali-fornia


two years ago and it was acase of love at first sight They willmake their home In Salt Lake City


A Controlling Interest In the LouisvilleTobacco Warehouse Wanted-


Louisville Ky Oct 18A local bro-kerage firm offered Kt for the commonstock of the Louisville Tobacco Ware-house


Co which is quoted on the mar ¬

let at from 5fi to 59 A meeting of theprincipal officers of the company washeld and the offer was declined Theearnings on the common stock for thepast year are said to have been 10 per-cent Basil Doerhoefer one of thislargest stockholders of the companysaid that he would not consider anoffer nf lean than 150 for the stockThe brokers who are seeking the op-

tion declined to say who they are rep-resenting They want the option untilJanuary


Jury Gave Virgil Bowers Convicted ofMurder a Life Sentence

London Ky Oct l8Viril Dowers the negro who killed George Farris n lumber dealer last August wastaken from the jail and hung to an ap ¬

ple tree scarcely out of town by armedmen and a masked mob of some 200men supposed to have come fromKnox county Bowers shot and killedFarrs without one word being spokenby either There was one white manwith Farris and a negro with BowersBoth testified that the killing waswithout provocation The negroshotly was found at daylight swung toTree two feet from the ground Bow-ers


had beam given a life sentence bya jllQr

Toll Rod Company IndictedNewport Ky Oct lSTha grand

jury in session at Alexandria madea report finding an indictment againstthe Grants Lick ClaryvTlle and ButorTurnpike Co It is charged jn the indictment that the cqaipany willfullyand negligently permitted the turnpike to become unfit for travel whentoll was being charged

Indicted For Attempted BriberyCovington Ky Oct 18 Charles B

Jarvis who wasconfined in jail at Catlettsburg serving a sentence for re-

tailing whisky without a license wasindicted in the United States court foroffering 25 it is aleged to the jailerto bribe him to let him escape frontjail

Kentucky Masons MeetLouisville Ky Oct lSWhen the

105th annual communication of theMasonic grand lodge of Kentucky oneof the oldest bodies in the UnitedStates ws called to order over GOO

delegates from all parts of Kentuckyanswered to their names

A Kentucky Man RobbedMemphis Tenn Oct IS Robbed

of al his private papers notes andcash with the exception of 30 centsF E Stanley of Louisville Ky stop-ped here ei route to Houston Tex tomake complaint against the sleepingcar company

Fatal Fight Over a WomanMiddlesboro Ky Oct l8In a fight

over a woman in the outskirts of thetown Mark Smith shot Tilman Westthree times killing him instantlySmith escaped to the mountains andofficers have gone to arrest him

Maddened ByTauntsOwingsville Ky OcL l8Because

he was subject to fits and his playmates had taunted him Herbert Reedaged 18swallowed ammonia at hishome on Millers creek He was savedby hard work by physicians

Judge James A Burnam DeadRichmond Ky Oct l8ormer

County Judge James A Burnam dieshere at his home after a littering iJness He was 48 years of age and thetaon of Judge Curtis F Burnam He issurvived by his wife

Newport Man Held UpNewport Ky Oct l8Henry Hess

of this city reported to the police thathe had been held up and sandbaggedat the corner of Tenth street and Parkavenue by two men who robbed hintof two new blankets

Boggs Elected ModeratorLouisville Ky Oct lSAt the open

ing session of the annual meeting ol

the Presbyterian Synod of Kentuckyheld here Rev S D BOggs of Catlettsburg was elected Moderator rotthe ensuing year

Distiller Brown DeadLouisville Ky 6ct l8J T S

Brown distiller and a leading spirim Louisville commercial circles died

as the result of hemorrhage of thebrain

There is nothing speculative ah listthe fateof a banker who goes in fb

speculation with other peoples moneyI






tVY l A TY JIit Yi J J


rur i




t ftic =A-

f Is Known by Four Important Characteristics MMt 1 Superior quality of its goods 2 An eagerness for late styles and noveltiesII


3 Always the lowest prices 4 Perfect service to its patrons dY

0I THIS is the foundation of our business awl for 15 years we have held strictly to theyabove principles Thats why our store has grown to be the biggest and most popular in j lthis town and thats why we have made a success fY

g HAVING just returned from the market centers we are prepared to say that we have0A

bought the finest and largest stock of Fall and Winter goods ever shown in this county This Aincludes a selection of new andstylishi >

Dress Goods and Trimmings Furnishing Goods Al Clothing Shoes c 1j

Remember our Fall Opening September 10th at which and each day thereafter weI will be glad to show you through our extensive line and give you prices cheaper than the f sTipTop M


Trecot Flannel all colors and all wool 25cents per yard Outings 5cts to 10cts per yard 1 fBest Calicoes 5cts per yard M

lESpDnnt fail to jive us a call we can save youmoneya

t Lowest PricesI



Perfect Service

v V

l1Jdadatfada adadcJfdfdJTcilfdlTa170170udl I fY

i 1Rockcastle CountyInstitutions tg




JOffers to the a safe and conservative

BBanking SystemQQ fOF Q

IIndividual Firms and Corporations 5ollriled mGive uSyour business toll we a pleasQtiQPa 3 per cent interest on all of 100 CQmor when left in the bank and not cheek QMpe t of six months



BB > Blr > > jl B > > J3 >iONllAI

Mr G M Ballard School Sup ¬ ibiggestimen waswithus this weekand we are proudto say he did not findany gapsdownamong usMr M L Kelton went

anything in electionW Mullin of Henry county j

visited her brother D C Pullinsthis week Also Mrs Johu Pearl I

of London sister to D C waswith themMr Harvey Chenaultwho has been on the sick list fo

past six weeks has returned homel Richmond looking well

Our old friend J H Sigmonfwho has been confined tofur past 8 weeks withstomachtrouble is no better There issome talk of another store biibgopened up in our little village in

the nepr future Let the good worgo oUrWe have bten out so longwe are almost ashamed to comeagain but being tied down withbusiness and conld not look up thenews and we hope our clever edito-will let us ofFand allow us a littlesrace to make a few remarks again

1postmasterof the patrons of the office here

Mr US Berry the sorgumking has made up to this time600 gallons as good as a biscuit waever pulled through D N Wilhams of Mt Vernon was here onbusiness this weeek Paul Kidwellof thjs placehas moved to Copper

c ik i1 r

3KENTUCKYfor Bargains

b i1








creek to ergege in the mercantilebusiness The election is warmingup and a lot of Independentbeing talked of heretile L WBethurura and S D Lews spokehere Monday night and told usabout the=approaching election



IMore weddings are expected in i

these tarts youThere has beenmore wheat sown in this part thanever before This weiie glad to


see for when our farmers turntheir auction more to their farmsbalerrcouutyDt Carpenter of Stan ¬

11MrJohneyond He leaves a wife and onechild to mourn their loss The reomains were lid to Test in theafterk ¬

noon servicesRev John Elder



As these lines from J H Sim ¬whatrmight have resulted from his tedble cough if he had not taken themedicine about which hewrites j

I had a fearful cough that dis-


my s rest I triedren I

lieve it I took Dr Kings NewDiscovery for Consumption Coughand Colds which completely cured rpersmlne cures uudisease prevents grip and pneumonia at Mt Vernon Drug CoGuaranteed 50 eta and t Trialbollle free

Jr +I Ii

tyJLatesl Hl y




f li4 I


p p








Rev James Baker filled his reg-


appointment at Sycamore Sat-


and SundayMisses Linda

CoraIH Dooley is very sick at this writ ¬

lugblr and Mrs Mose Angliaof Berea visited parents on Big HilSaturday >

WB Harris and W J Swinford-of Morril were in Goocbland Fri-


on businessB C Martin ofthis plave has moved to Illinois tomake his future homelIr ParkieScott of Climax is very ill at this

reIcoverMrs ¬

Gap visited friends at Double LickSundayDr Jones and T LJones of this place are visitin friendsand relatives in Knox couaty thisweek

PLANS TO GET RICHAre often fruslrted by sudden

breaking down due to the dyspep ¬

sia or constipation Brace up andtake Dr Kings New Life PillsThey take out the materials whichare clogging your energies andgive you a new start Dure head

MtVeruonISheriff Howard of Bell county

GmT Beckham for troopsJackk s

iindicted fer the crime remains atlarge Gov Beckham wishes ad-

vice from Judge Mess before actingfI

t C


Ti v