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iT j 1OJPLATFOI1M i Democratic National Convention Announces Its Principlesj ManX New Issues Brought Out Cap ital and Labor Freedom of the I Press Conscience and Speech f and Other Topics rj The following platform was adopted by the democratic national convention Iat St Louis The Denccratlc party of tile United assembleddeclare bringit We the delegates of the democratic party of 115 United States In national convention assembled declare our devo ¬ tion to the essential principles of the together1n Under them local selfgoverment and national unity and prosperity were alike established They underlaid our Indipend nce the structure of our free republic and every democratic extension from Louisiana to California and Texas to Oregon which preserves faithfully in all the states the tie between taxation und representation They yet Inspire th masses of our people guarding jealously their rights and liberties and cherishing their fraternity peace and orderly devel ¬ opment They remind us of our duties and responsibilities as citizens and impress upon us particularly at this time the necessity of reform and the rescue of the administration or govern ¬ ment from the headstrong arbltary and spasmodic methods which distract busi ¬ ness by uncertainty and pervade the public mind with dread distrust and per ¬ turbation LThe application of these fundamental principles to the living issues of the day constitutes the first stcp toward the as sured peace safety and progress of oJr nation Freedom of the press of con ¬ science anl of speech equality before the law of all citizens the right of trial by jury freedom of the person defended by the writ of habeas corpus liberty of per ¬ sonal contract untrammeled by sumptu ¬ ary laws the supremacy of the civil over the military authority a well disciplined militia the separation of church an state economy In expenditures low taxes that labor may be lightly bur ¬ dened the prompt and sacred fulfillment of public and private obligations fidelity to treaties peace and friendship with all nations entangling alliances with nona absolute acquiescence in the will of the majority the vital principle of republics these are doctrines which democracy has established approved by the nation and- they should be constantly invoked and enforced We favor the enactment and admlnls i tratlon of laws giving labor and capi ¬ tStal impartially their just rights Capital f and labor nigh not to be enemies Each Is necessary to the other Each has Its rights but the rights of labor are cer- tainly ¬ no less vested no less sacred and no less inalienable than the rights capitalt guarantees are violated i whenever any citizen is denied the right to labor acquire and enjoy property or reside whete interest of inclination may I determine Any denial thereof by Indi c viduals organizations or governments should be summarily rebuked and pun- fIF hrd We deny the right of any executive to disregard or suspend any cimstltntionUr S privilege or limitation Obedience to the laws and respect for their requirements are alike the supreme duty of the citizen and the official The military should be S used only to support and to maintain time- law We unqualifiedly condemn its em ployment for the summary banishment of citizens without trial or for the con ¬ electIonsI measure which passed i the United senate In 1SW but which a republican congress has ever Ssince refused to enact relating to eon tempts In Federal courts antI providing Jor trial by jury in cases of indirect eon tempt r We favor the liberal appropriations foe the care and improvement of the water- ways of the country When any water- way like the Mississippi river is of Hut detent Importance to demand social sit of tha government suck falo be extended with a definite ¬ I tinuous work until permanent improve ment is secured We oppose the republi ¬ t can policy of starving home development Jn order to feed the greed Tor conquest and the appelite for national prcetig- tdisp1ay i ari of strength Large reductions can easily be niiidp In the annual expenditures of lIme government without imparing the ef ficiency of any branch of the public serv ¬ ice and we shall insist upon the strictest economy and frugality compatible wltn vigorous and efficient civil military and a naval administration as a right of Hit people too clear to be denied or with held 2TJe enforcement of honesty In the public service and to that end a thorough legislative investigation of those execu ¬ tive departments of the government al ¬ ready known to teem with corruption aa- weUas nhrr departments suspected 01 harboring corruption and time punlshnien Jrf ascertained corruptluiiists without fear or favor or regard to persons The per¬ sistent aunt deliberate refusal of both the senate and house of representatives to I permit such investigation to be made 5emonstr te 1 that only by u change in- the exec We and In the legislative Ill partment can complete exposure pun laliment and correction be obtained We condemn the action of the republi can party In congress in refusing to pro hibit an executive department from en ¬ tering into contracts with convicted trusts or unlawful combinations In re ¬ straint of Interstale trade We believe that one of the best methods of procur- ing economy and honesty in the public service is to have public officials from the occupant of the white house down to the lowest of them return as early as sony be to JeffersonIan simplicity of liv ¬ log 3 We favor the nomination and elec- tion ¬ of a president imbuded with the principles of time constitution who will set his face sternly against executIve- usurpation of legislative and judicia functions whether that usurpation be veiled under the guise of executive con struction of existing Jaws or whether it take refuge in the tyrants plea of neces sity or superior wisdom We favor fhe preservation so fat as we can of an open door for the worlds commerce in the orient without unnecessary entanglement in oriental and European affairs and without arbitrary unlimited Irresponsible and absolute goy ¬ ernment anywhere within our jurisdic ¬ tion We oppose as fervently as did George Washington himself an Indelfnlte irresponsible discretionary and vague abi solution and a policy of colonial ex ploitation nomatter where or by whom invoked or exercised we believe witJi s Jefferson and John Adams that no gov ernment has a right to make one set ol laws for those at home and a different set of laws absolute ir- S their character for those in the colonies All men under the Ameri- can ¬ flag are entitled to the protection oi the institutions whose emblem the fi- aisIf they are inherently unfit for those institutions then they are inherently un ¬ lit to be members of ihe American bod jwlltlc Wherever there may exist a peo pIe incapable of being governed under American laws in consonance with the American constitution the territory of that people ought not to be part of the American domain- We Insist that we ought to do for the Filipinos what we have already done for the Cubans And It is our intent as soon as It can be done wisely and safely lot the Filipinos themselves and after ami cable arrangements with them concern ing naval stations coaling stations ad trade relations and upon suitable guar antees of protection to all national ane International interests to set the Fillplnr Mamma Margia you naughty girl stop pulling your little broth ¬ S ers hair Whal do > ou mean by mtreatiilg him in that manner 9 argie agedlts all his own fault mamma I vrantad to dlay we j were eng gedjut he would play JiJ ve were jnamd George V nnislY proper to + o saythak aboneymcpn is oyei appearsi I i Fari T + r J FADED iv 1r people on heir feet free and independent to work out their own destiny The endeavor ot the secretary of war by pledging the governments endorse ¬ ment for promo rn in the Philippine Islands to raake the Duited States a port ¬ lier la speculative exploItation of the archipelago which was only temporarily held up by the opposition of democratic > nators in the last session will If sue ressful lea rto a permanent entangle ¬ ment from what would be difficult to escapeWe congratulate our western citizens upon the passage of the measure known ra the Newlands Irrigation act for the Ir rlgation and reclammation of the art lands oftbewestt measure framed by a democrat passed in the senate by a nonpartisan vote and Frssedln the house against the opposition of almost all tthe republican leaders by a vote the majority of which was democratic We call at- tention ¬ to this great democratic measure broad ant comprehensive as It laf work ¬ leg Automatically throughout all time without further action of congress until the reclammatlon of all the lands in the arid west capable of reclammation is ac ¬ complished reserving the lands reclaimed for liomeseekers in small tracts and rig- Idly ¬ guarding against land monopolies as an evidence of the policy or domes ¬ tic development contemplated by the democratic party should it be placed in power The democracy wher entrusted with power will construct the Panama canal speedily honestly and economically thereby g to our people what demo- crats hqve always contended fora great interocean canal furnishing shorter and cheaper lines of transportation and broader and less trammeled trade rela ¬ tions with the other peoples of the world The democratic party has been and will continue to be the consistent oppo- nent of that class of tariff legislation by which certain interests have been per¬ mitted through congressional favor to draw a heavy tribute from the American people This monstrous perversion these equal opportunities which our po litical institutions were established to se- cure ¬ has caused what may once have been Infant industries to become the greatest combinations of capital that the world has ever known These especial fa ¬ vorites of the government have through rust methods been converted Into mo ncpolics hums bringing to an end domes ¬ tic competition which was the only al IcKed check upon the uxtravagant profits made possible by the protective system These industrial combinations by the financial assistance they can give now control the policy of the republican party We denounce protection as a robbery of the many to enrich the few and we favor a tariff limited to the needs of the soveriiment economically administered and 10 levied as not to against any industry class discriminateI he end that the burdens < hall lie distributed as equally as pos MMcW favor a revision and a gradual re ¬ duction of the tariff by the friends of the masses and for the com monweal and not by the friends of Its abuses Its extortions and its discrimi- nations ¬ keeping In view the ultimate end of equality of burdens and equality of opportunities and the constitutional purpose of raising a revenue by taxa tion to wit the support of the Federal sovernment In all its Integrity and virili iy bur in simplicity We recognize that the gigantic trust and combinations designed to enable capi tal to secure more than its just share of the joint product of capital and labor and which have been fostered and promoteJ under republican rule are a menace to beneficial competition and an obstacle to permanent business prosperity A private monopoly is indefensible and intolerable Individual equality of op portunity and free competition are es sential to a healthy and permanent com ¬ mercial prosperity and any trust com- bination or monopoly tending to destroy these by controlling production restrIct- Ing competition or hung prices should be prohibited and punished by law Vfv especially denounce rebates and discrim ination by transportation companies AVe pledge ourselves to Insist upon the just and lawful protection of our citizen at home and abroad and to use all prop er measures to secure for them whether native born or naturalized and without distinction of race or creed the equal pro¬ tection of laws and the enjoyment of all rights and privileges open to them under the covenants of our treaties of friend ¬ ship and commerce and if under exlatinc tivattes time right of travel and sojourn Is denied to American citizens or recog nition Is withheld from American pass crta by any countries on the ground of race or creed we favor the beginning of iicKuUaliohs with time governments of such countries to secure by treaties the removal of these unjust dlscrimina Uims AVe demand that all over the world a duly authenticated passport Issued by the government of the United States IV- an American citizen shall be proof of rime tart that he Is an American citizen mmmd shall online him to the treatment lu him as such We favor the election of United State senators by direct vote of the people We favor the admission of the terri tories of Oklahoma and the Indian tJ tory We also favor the mission of Arizona and New Mexico at separate states anti a territorial govern- ment j for Alaska and Porto Rico We hold that the officials administer the government appolntcdtI tory us well as with the Alaska should be bond fide tIme time of their appointment rouWs ter ritory or district In which e an to be performed AVe demand the extermination o thlPnltecl fwirs We denounce the ship subsidy bill re cently passed by the United States Sen- ate as an iniquitous appropriation 0 public funds for private purposes and t wasteful illogical and useless attempt tt overcome by subsidy to the obstruction raised by republican legislation to tim growth and development of America commerce on the s a- We favor the upbuilding of a merchan marine without new or additional bur miens upon the PeOple and without boun lies from time public treasury We favor liberal trade arrangement with Canada and with peoples of other countries where they can be entered Into with benefit to American agriculture manufactures mining and commerce We favor the maintenance of the Mon roe doctrine in its rail Integrity VVe favor the reduction of the army and of anny expenditure to the point his torically demonstrated to be safe anQ unlHcient The democracy would secure to the surviving soldiers and sailors and theit dependents generous pensions hot by ai arbitrary executive order but by legisla lion which a grateful people stand ready lo enact Our soldiers and sailors who defend with heir lives the constitution and thf laws have a sacred interest In their Jus administration They must therefore share with us the humiliation with whlcl we have witnessed the exaltation of cour favorites without distinguished service over the scarred heroes of many battles or aggrandized by executive appropria tions out of the treasuries of a proatraU people In violation of the actof con- gress which it fixes the compensation and allowances of the military officers The democratic party stands committee to the principles civil service reform and we demand their honest just and im partial enforcement We denounce the republican pirty fo Its continuous and sinister encroachment upon the spirit and operation of civli service rules whereby it has arbitrarily dispensed with examinations for office In the interests of favorites and employed all manner of devices to overreach and set asida the principles upon which the civil service was established The race question has brought count less woes to this country The calm wisdom of the American t people should see to it that it brings no more > To revive the dead and hateful race and sectional animosities In any part of out common country means confusion dis- traction of business and the reopening of wounds now happily healed North south east and west have but recent stood together in line of battle Iron the walls of Pekin to the hills of San- tiago and as sharers of a common sSorj Are you goiug to marry that naval Qaptairi1 asked fiveyearok Margie of her grownup sister Yes dtajj was the replyv And if be should dieJ con tin ued MargiemlwjIlyoIi wear sea ¬ weeds and h a mermaid widow Ikey Good deeds Speak foa demselyes dond deyJader Einstein Vest hey sure ting if deWasion imbrpyed real estade 211L QX aa caramon destiny we should allare fraternally the common burdens We therefore deprecate and condemn the Bourbonllle selfish and narrow spirit of the recent republican c nven tisa at Chicago which sought to Kindle SLSPW tha embers of racial and sectional tU ad ws appeal from it to the sober couinon sense and patriotic spirit of the American iKSople Tim existing republican administration has heed spasmodic sensational spectacular and arbitrary It has made Itself a satire upon the congress the cpurts and upon the settled practices and images of national and international law It summoned the congress Into hasty and futile extra session and virtually ad ¬ journed it leaving behind Its flight from Washington uncalled calendars and unac ¬ complished tasks It nude war which the oe newer of congress without Itt authority there- by ¬ usurping one of its fundamental pre- rogatives ¬ It violated a plain statute of the United States as well as plain treaty obligations international usages and con ¬ stitutional law and has done so under pretense of executing a great public policy which could have been more easily effected lawfully constitutionally and with honor It forced strained and unnatural con ¬ structions upon statutes usurping Ju dlcial interpretation and substituting congressional enactment decree It withdrew from congress their cus¬ tomary duties of investigation which have heretofore made the representatives of the people and tile states the terror of evil doers It conducted a secretive investigation of its own and boasted of a few sample convicts while it threw a broad cover ¬ let over the bureaus which had been their I cho en field of operative abuses and kept in power the superior officers under whose administration the crimes had been committed I It ordered assault upon some monopo- lies ¬ but paralyzed by its first victory I it flung out the flag of truce and cried out that It would not run amuck leav ¬ ing Its future purposes beclouded by ts i vaccinations I Conducting the campaign upon this dec laratlon of our principles and purposes I we Invoke for our candidates the not only of our great and organization but also the active UpportI ance of till of our dlsresrardiilg past differences tions no longer In Issue tuiffg1t petuation of our govern ¬ I ment as framed and established by tha fathers of the republic Wonderful Escape An extraordinary incident is record ¬ ed at Sunderland A man in a boat left it to pick up some firewood under ceath a 2000ton steamer about to be launched Finding the ship beginning to move he tried to rushback but was too late Some one shoutedtmLie down which he promptly did and was lost to sight until the vessel had glided over him into theriver To the relief of the onlookers he then emerged unscathed London TitiBts i Silki To Restore White A good way to restore white slllt articles that have become yellow in washing is to dip them in tepid soft water containing to each quart a ta blespoonful of ammonia water and a few drops of bluing Wring them out and it still yellow add a little more bluing to the water until they are fully restored Hang in the shade and dry partially and press with a hot iron between folds of cotton while damp Household I Mourning in Korea Koreans wear full mourning for their fathers The dress is of hempen cloth fastened with a girdle A face shield is used to show that the we r- et ¬ must not speak to anyone unless addressed The costume is retained for three years the shield for three months This is worn for a father only Eeconflary mourning is worn for a mother and no mourning at all for a wire I Washington Wheat Crops The wheat farmers of eastern Wash ¬ ington expect to barvest a crop of 30000000 bushels this season They planted a larger area than ever be fore and have a favorable season Much of the harvesting is performed by modern machines which head the grain and thresh it at the same time Five men and SO horses harvest 2f > acres a day j Home of Allspice j Practically all of the allspice orJ pimento that enters lath the merce of the world is grown on the Islandof Jamaica The exports of this product from Jamaica in 1902 amount ed to 807296 pounds against 11261 264 pounds in 1901 lad 13884864 pounds in 1900 i Still at It Childhoods hours are the happiest times of ones life sighed the disap- pointed man Oh I dont know chirped his com- panion ¬ I dont Bee hut that I canwatch i ball game just about as well as I tnuld 40 years agoDetroit Free Press Bacteria in Tfeai The gamey flavor of meat is gained by deIve10p he flavor is appreciable to the senses the bacteria that produces them are ibundant JapanI Pensions in The family of a dead Japanese soldier gets as a pension about onethird of the pay of his rank This would give the widow of a private 5s a month of a first lieutenant 25c of a captain SOc and to the widow of a colonel 25 a month Romance and Reality SheDo you notice darling what beautiful azure tints the sun lends to the bosom of the ocean He That my dear is the dye out of some of those cheap bathing dress esStray Stories Largest Cinnabar Deposit What is considered the largest body of cinnabar ore in the world has just been uncovered near Apex Gunnisoh county Cot It Is about 200 feet wide carries gold and is about 30 per cent quicksilver Naturalists now make birds take helr own photographs by means of rap cameras CASTORIA Hot Infants md Children ihe Kiid You avAIaysBaIlU Bears the- Signature > of The man who is Top pppr to lend his friends money will never have any eJDlesr jt f i 5 j d J I 1 I TyPRrFfl RAJN FTI GIferidby the lJciia aoii Iconic between Louisville und St LonK Cmrnencing Sunday June 26th Kentuckys popular line the lieu dcrspn Route will jnauguiate a sale and Fast Day service between Louisville and St Louis ineach di r ct 01 and will improve the time ald equipment generally ofall t trains betw een these points Three daily trains will be operated in each d rection on Ie foliovHng safe scheules betemeli Louisville and StjLouis L fe L iimsv lie 830 mrgroo pm a ii co nm Airjve St Louis 616 pm 720 H m and 6ti6 p m Tie equipment i= andfW just from Ih silcpcfmIi = t modern vestibu Ittrn 0 out of Kentucky Tde 830 a in train through without change o cars will b cm jMiSid of Pullman OlFeivatioii Par ir Cs e Reclining Chair CUTS Dhing Cats and high I ae seat pas > tngcis coaches The 900 pr m train through I thout change of cars illcon ¬ sist of Pnllm Sleeping Cars Free Reclining Chair Cars and high back seats passengei coaches The 700 a m train vil have Parlor Cars Dining Cars and high rack tent passenger coaches Tee Dining Cars on day trains I will serve meals a lu carte ryou I pay only for what you get All trairs will leave trom and ar UnIonI Departing from the mnjnificvni i ew Union Station St LoUIs I tl1l5t the ageiit for tickets via Lonicville ind the Henderson Route HP will have them in stock and wi11heI glad to ticket yon that way You will be satisfied in ever re- spect with the accommodation and safe train ervice that ia offered by this line which has been termed the Official Route for Kentuckians STATE OF OHIO City of Toledo SS Lucas County J FRANK IIINEYmnaitea oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F J CuE NEY CO doing business in the City of Toledo County tutu Slate aforesaid sail that suid firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for each and ever ease of Catarrh that onnnot be cured hy the use of Malls Catarrh Cure FRANK J Ctl KNKV- Swo iito before me arid lIubcrihedln my presence this Gum day of December AD I85V A WGLESON SEALJ Notary immlmi- imllimJs Catarrh Cure is taken internally tlltJs directly on he blood ninl mucon murfiees of lute system Send for testinio mmils free1 Addrefs F J CHFNFY J CO Toledo O- Soldhy oil Drusist 75 cU- Halli fauiily Pills lire the best RUES UPON TOPOF PItS Piles upon top of piles of people lave Piles and DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cures them There ire many different kinds of Piles but if you get the genuine and ori ¬ ginal Witch Hazel Salve made by E DeWittCo qf Chicago a iire is certain H A Tisdale ol Sumnierton S C says I bad piles 20 years and DeWitts salve ured me after everything else fail- ed ¬ Sold by Chas C Davis the ilruggist LOW RoTES TO COLORADO AND UTAH RESORTS Btyst reached via the Missouri Pacific Railway From St Louis to Pueblo Colorado Springs and Denver 25 00 Glel wood Spring 3700 Salt Lake City 38 oo round trip orresiOndiIlglylow rates from all points Tickets on sale daily until Sept 30 return limit Oct 31 1804 Liberal stop > vers with diverse routes Three fast trains drily from St Loui elegant equipment For descrij live literature particulars etc consult Ticket Agents r address R T G Matthews T P A Room 301 Norton Bldg Louisville Ky TO GOLDEN CALIFORNIA Best way is via Missouri Pacific Railway through scenic Colorado anti Utah turningvia Iron Moun- tain ¬ Route or vice versa Cheap ronrTd trip rate from SF Louis to San Francisco or Los Angeles 4750 account Knights Templar Gontlave and Sovereign Grand Lodge I O 0 F September next Liberal stop overs in scenic Colo ¬ rado Tickets on sale Augustis to September 10 limited October 23 1904 Two fast trains daily Pullman sleepers cars and dining caTS Special Train Per sonally Conducted to San Francisco Knights Templar Conclave Stops en route to sight see Colorado etc For itinerary of trip descrip- tive ¬ literature map folders etc consult Ticket Agents or address RT G Matthews T P A Room toi Norton Bldgl touisville KVf L I t jjiJfj ± 5 DALLY TOURIST E BRST V Iron Mountain Koine upvraiea Pullman Tourist Sleepers St LCUIS to California leaving 830 tom daily via Little Rock Tex irkana Dallas Foil Worth and El Paso The Ideal Route to Califor mum Fast Schedule cheap Colo ¬ must rates in ettet daily during mont of March and April 1904 to California and the Northwest Pullman tourist sleepers via Mis souri Pacific Railway leave St Louis every TiKi D from Kansas Y s If > Thursdays and Fnd < > s 630 p in going via Pueblo D RG s > s lem through Glenwood Spniigs Salt Lake City to Ogden etc- iimiilmeker and Colonist rates to r s ill the West 5d ti rv fir > oil ii Tues flai h IF nt F v foldt l 5li V ttc consult neare j Tc I of address R T G MAt tri Room 301 N mar i8tf Louisville is MADE YOUNG AtAIN One of Dr Kings New ife Pills eachnight for two weeks has put me in my teens again writes D H Turner of Dempseytown Pm Theyre tIle best in the world fir Liver Stomach and Bowels Purely vegetable Never tripe Only 25C at ali dinggists In recognition of his humane conduct at Santiago Adriubgr nnI hmItn frf 1 t1i I ken 8mtt < r COMMISSIONERS SALE ROCK ASTIE CIRCUIT COURT Ky W H Rid ell Pltff 1 Against Equity James Riddell Deft J By virtue of a judgment and order of sale Roclccnstle circuit court ren- dered ¬ at the May term thereof 1904 in the above case for the division styledI es on ¬ day the 25th dfcyof July 1904 between I the hours of 9 oclock am and 4 oclock p mooing county court dayupon a credit of six months the following described prop rty towit A certain tract of land situated in Rockcastle county Ky on the waters of Roundstone crsek and bounded as follows By the ojiway lauds the lands formerly owned byJoseph Isle Chary John Reynolds and Robert Kid dell and is this same land deeded to Julia A Reynold rate Jl1lfa A Lair by Literal Martin and carrol Martin and their wives which deed is of record in the Rockcastle Qpunty court clerks ofiice in deed book K page 404 and is the same land on which the said Julia A Xair lived at the time of her death and contains 106 acres more or less but from this bqundrry there is ex- cepted about 15 acres on the South sidevhich was sold b > the said Julia A Laic W H Riddell leaving to be sold 91 acres more or less Or suffi- cient ¬ thereof to produce the sums of money orderedto be made For the purchase price the purchas erwith approved surety or securities must execute bond bearing legal in ¬ terest from the day of sale until pain and having the force and effect of a jujigment Bidder will be prepared to comply promptly with these terms M PENNINQTOK MC R c c COMMISSIONER SALE ROCKCASTLE CIRCUIT COURT KY John Gadd etc by John Penning ton GuardiaP111 l Against > Equity Ex Parte Proceedings Def j By virtue of a Judgment and order of sale of ockcastle ircuit ourt rendered at the May term thereof loot I shall proceed to offer for sale at the court house door in Mt Vernon to thehigheatbiddeiv at public KyI on Monday the 25th day of July between the hours of 9 oclock and 4 oclock p n bting county courtdayuP9D a credit of six propJerty A tract of laud located in ockcas ¬ tie county beginning at a stake in Clear cr elcin line of A W StewJ arts 206 acres andcorher of lot No2I thence with line of same NC9iat4ij poles across county road in all 441 poles tJl a beech on high bank of road E23 poles to as mal hickory with I pointers S80 JE110 poles to a stone I pile between two branches corner of I Lot No 2 in line of 50 aero tract ofj Jobn Gadd thence with same N27 E4 poles and 3J feet to stone pile in patch between two whitebaks and buckeye N10 W30 poles to a poplar stump just below a spring corner also to J J Berry thence with his line K86 wlS2 poles crossing county road to a stake StewIarts rthence S17 E43 poles up 3i feet to I the beginning containing 28 acres Dr sufficient thereof to produce the stunS of money so ordered to be made J For the purchase price the purchaa er with aproved surety or securities inItefest and haying the for and effect of a rutlgment Bidder will be prepared lo comply promptlywith these s- 1M PENNINGTONrMr o noQ 4- k 4 i T L rMgctablePreparIioafcrAs i ji- shinilabing hug tllaStanaf j4 tysts ii S- PfOIc isrbttI ness and flIitlCl Opiuinih u l u- SNOTNi s q tLrS1M Ifmvis icei- iAixJii tlw sLr 1iJee W 1 s- Caie L bl Ron Worms ness end Loss Fac Simile Signature NET YORI EXACT COPY OF WRAPPSR ts y ti OF MT OPENED 1900J STOCK WILLIAMS PRES JAS T ADAMS VICEPRES W RICHARDS CASHIER A B FURNISH ASST CASH Williams Geo Livesay A T Fish S H Martin Rod Perry E Houk We solicit accounts of firms and individuals CareJul atten tion is given collections entrusted to Our friends and patrons are inv ed to callwbenin town Phone No 55 Sale IDe itts Little Early Risers ihe pill that will will fill the bill ROCKCASTLK CIRCUIT COURT KY Without gripe Thomas Barnett To cleanse the lver without a By next Friend tcPlff Against Equity quiver Johnn Take oneat night By virtue of a Judgment and order sale of ockcastle 4rcuit burtj rendered at the May term thereof ItKH in the above case I shall proceed to offer for sale at the court house doOt in Mt Vernon Ky to the highest bidder at public auction on Monday the 25th day of July 1104 between the hours of 9 oclock a m and 4 oclock p rnbeing county court day upon a credit of six months the following described property towit On the North by the lauds WW offey and John Dotson oa the East by the lands of W A offey on the south by the land Joseph Mc Gee and Jim Brown anIon the West Icontains ¬ ¬ cient thereof to produce the sums of money so ordered to be made For the purchase price the pur ¬ chaser with approved surety or secu ¬ rities must execute bond bearing legal interest from the day of sale un- til paid and havingthe force and ef ¬ fect of a judgment Bidder will be prepared to comply promptly with these terms M PENNINGTON M IL c JOHN D CARROLL UA ilJ I Hon John Carroll of New- Castle one of the best known law ¬ yers in tho State has announced as l a candidate for Appellate Judge iui t this District subject to the action of the Democratic party Mr Car ¬ I rolls friends especially in the for a long time desired to see him on time bench of I the highest court in the State He has held several offices of trust and I honor and in all of them acquitted quiteI in the Legislature was a member of the Constitutional Convention and one of the throe commissioners reviseI ¬ form to the changes made by the constitution and was for three years chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee He is the editor of Carrolls Kentucky Codes of Practice and Carrolls Kentucky Statutes law books that are in general use and that may be found in the office of every lawyer in the State A man of high in- tegrity ¬ great industry with an cx tensive and accurate knowledge of the lawrandin the prime of life his large circle <friends believe he would make a splendid judge Trimble Democrat i i iti cLIS I omit For Infants and Children I The Kind You Have I Always Bought IBr rs tho 1 a laturt Jf s > JI i ise- i i i r i ar- sw I k 1081A ANY N VORIl CITY o THE BJINK jT VERMiN VRNONJIY CAPITAL 515000 C C L DIRECTORSC C J us i Commissioners a S I s CoffeyDeft of of of of c c D i lega- lprofesionhave DeWitts Little Early Risers are smalleasy to take easy and gen ¬ tie n effect yet they are so certain in esults that iio one who uses them is disappointed For quick reli f from billiousness sick head ¬ ache torpid liver jaundice dizzi nes and all troubles arising from an uactive sluggish liver Early Kit rs are unequaled Sold by Ch C Davis the druggist 0 NOTICE All parties owing me for the year 1903 are earnestly re- quested to call and settle same These accounts should have been settled January i 1904 at least and I think I have been very pa ¬ tient in waiting all this time Please come at onceJ WOOD junv 2m Orlando Ky COMMISSIONERS SALE ROCKCASTLE CIRCUIT COURT KY W H Jones others PUT Against Eq George Barkly tucDel J By virtue of a judgment and or ¬ der oj sale of Ruikcastle circuit court rendered at the May term Ihereof I9 4inthe above rase for the sum otto W H Jones 4251 M R Jones 4517 C C and K G Williams 2391 total 11259 with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 6th day of July 1904 until paid and 75iOO costs herein shall proceed to offer sale at the court house in Mt Ver non Ky at the highest bidder at public auction on Monday the 25th say of July between the hours of 9 oclock am and 4 oclock p- mbeing county court daynpon- a credit or six months the follow ¬ ing property towit A certain tract of land located in Roikcastle county Ky and bound ed as follows Located near the headwaters of Roundstone creek in Rockcastle county Ky and bounded as fol ¬ lows On the North and South by the lands of Harris and Chenault on the East bylhe lands of Henry Hamlin and on the West by the lands of Wilson Williams andcon ¬ taming 60 aciei more or less Or sufficient theteof toeor duce the sums of money so prod tj be made For the purchase price the pur chasar with approved surety or se- curities ¬ must execute bond bear ins legal inter est from the day of sale until paid and having the force and tfitct of a judgment Bidder will be prepared to comply promptly with these terms Iff PENNINGTQJTi KC R c C Call at the SIGNAL office for In- surance < i tt 3 j c

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i Democratic National ConventionAnnounces Its Principlesj

ManX New Issues Brought Out Capital and Labor Freedom of the

I Press Conscience and Speechf and Other Topics

rj The following platform was adoptedby the democratic national convention

Iat St LouisThe Denccratlc party of tile United

assembleddeclarebringitWe the delegates of the democraticparty of 115 United States In nationalconvention assembled declare our devo ¬tion to the essential principles of thetogether1nUnder them local selfgoverment andnational unity and prosperity were alikeestablished They underlaid our Indipend

nce the structure of our free republicand every democratic extension fromLouisiana to California and Texas toOregon which preserves faithfully in allthe states the tie between taxation undrepresentation They yet Inspire thmasses of our people guarding jealouslytheir rights and liberties and cherishingtheir fraternity peace and orderly devel ¬opment They remind us of our dutiesand responsibilities as citizens andimpress upon us particularly at thistime the necessity of reform and therescue of the administration or govern ¬

ment from the headstrong arbltary andspasmodic methods which distract busi¬

ness by uncertainty and pervade thepublic mind with dread distrust and per¬

turbationLThe application of these fundamental

principles to the living issues of the dayconstitutes the first stcp toward the assured peace safety and progress of oJrnation Freedom of the press of con ¬

science anl of speech equality before thelaw of all citizens the right of trial byjury freedom of the person defended bythe writ of habeas corpus liberty of per ¬

sonal contract untrammeled by sumptu ¬

ary laws the supremacy of the civil overthe military authority a well disciplinedmilitia the separation of church anstate economy In expenditures lowtaxes that labor may be lightly bur ¬

dened the prompt and sacred fulfillmentof public and private obligations fidelityto treaties peace and friendship with allnations entangling alliances with nonaabsolute acquiescence in the will of themajority the vital principle of republicsthese are doctrines which democracy hasestablished approved by the nation and-they should be constantly invoked andenforced

We favor the enactment and admlnlsi tratlon of laws giving labor and capi¬tStal impartially their just rights Capital

f and labor nigh not to be enemies EachIs necessary to the other Each has Itsrights but the rights of labor are cer-tainly


no less vested no less sacredand no less inalienable than the rights

capitalt guarantees are violatedi whenever any citizen is denied the right

to labor acquire and enjoy property orreside whete interest of inclination may

I determine Any denial thereof by Indic viduals organizations or governments

should be summarily rebuked and pun-

fIF hrdWe deny the right of any executive to

disregard or suspend any cimstltntionUrS privilege or limitation Obedience to the

laws and respect for their requirementsare alike the supreme duty of the citizenand the official The military should be

S used only to support and to maintain time-

law We unqualifiedly condemn its employment for the summary banishmentof citizens without trial or for the con ¬

electIonsI measure which passed

i the United senate In 1SW butwhich a republican congress has ever

Ssince refused to enact relating to eontempts In Federal courts antI providingJor trial by jury in cases of indirect eontempt

r We favor the liberal appropriations foethe care and improvement of the water-ways of the country When any water-way like the Mississippi river is of Hutdetent Importance to demand social sitof tha government suck falobeextended with a definite ¬

I tinuous work until permanent improvement is secured We oppose the republi ¬

t can policy of starving home developmentJn order to feed the greed Tor conquestand the appelite for national prcetig-

tdisp1ayi ari of strengthLarge reductions can easily be niiidp

In the annual expenditures of lIme

government without imparing the efficiency of any branch of the public serv ¬

ice and we shall insist upon the strictesteconomy and frugality compatible wltnvigorous and efficient civil military and

a naval administration as a right of Hitpeople too clear to be denied or withheld2TJe enforcement of honesty In the

public service and to that end a thoroughlegislative investigation of those execu ¬

tive departments of the government al ¬

ready known to teem with corruption aa-

weUas nhrr departments suspected 01harboring corruption and time punlshnien

Jrf ascertained corruptluiiists without fearor favor or regard to persons The per¬

sistent aunt deliberate refusal of both thesenate and house of representatives to

I permit such investigation to be made5emonstr te 1 that only by u change in-

the exec We and In the legislative Illpartment can complete exposure punlaliment and correction be obtained

We condemn the action of the republican party In congress in refusing to prohibit an executive department from en¬

tering into contracts with convictedtrusts or unlawful combinations In re ¬

straint of Interstale trade We believethat one of the best methods of procur-ing economy and honesty in the publicservice is to have public officials fromthe occupant of the white house down tothe lowest of them return as early assony be to JeffersonIan simplicity of liv ¬

log3 We favor the nomination and elec-


of a president imbuded with theprinciples of time constitution who willset his face sternly against executIve-usurpation of legislative and judiciafunctions whether that usurpation beveiled under the guise of executive construction of existing Jaws or whether ittake refuge in the tyrants plea of necessity or superior wisdom

We favor fhe preservation so fatas we can of an open door for theworlds commerce in the orient withoutunnecessary entanglement in oriental andEuropean affairs and without arbitraryunlimited Irresponsible and absolute goy ¬

ernment anywhere within our jurisdic ¬

tion We oppose as fervently as didGeorge Washington himself an Indelfnlteirresponsible discretionary and vague abisolution and a policy of colonial exploitation nomatter where or by whominvoked or exercised we believe witJi

s Jefferson and John Adams that no government has a right to make one set ollaws for those at home and adifferent set of laws absolute ir-

S their character for those in thecolonies All men under the Ameri-can


flag are entitled to the protection oithe institutions whose emblem the fi-aisIf they are inherently unfit for thoseinstitutions then they are inherently un ¬

lit to be members of ihe American bodjwlltlc Wherever there may exist a peopIe incapable of being governed underAmerican laws in consonance with theAmerican constitution the territory ofthat people ought not to be part of theAmerican domain-

We Insist that we ought to do for theFilipinos what we have already done forthe Cubans And It is our intent as soonas It can be done wisely and safely lotthe Filipinos themselves and after amicable arrangements with them concerning naval stations coaling stations adtrade relations and upon suitable guarantees of protection to all national aneInternational interests to set the Fillplnr

Mamma Margia you naughtygirl stop pulling your little broth¬

S ers hair Whal do > ou mean by

mtreatiilg him in that manner9 argie agedlts all his own

fault mamma I vrantad to dlay we

j were eng gedjut he would play

JiJ ve were jnamdGeorge V nnislY proper to

+ o saythakaboneymcpn is oyeiappearsiI

i Fari T+ rJ FADED


people on heir feet free and independentto work out their own destiny

The endeavor ot the secretary of warby pledging the governments endorse ¬

ment for promo rn in the PhilippineIslands to raake the Duited States a port ¬

lier la speculative exploItation of thearchipelago which was only temporarilyheld up by the opposition of democratic> nators in the last session will If sueressful lea rto a permanent entangle ¬

ment from what would be difficult toescapeWe congratulate our western citizensupon the passage of the measure knownra the Newlands Irrigation act for the Irrlgation and reclammation of the artlands oftbewestt measure framed bya democrat passed in the senate by anonpartisan vote and Frssedln the houseagainst the opposition of almost all ttherepublican leaders by a vote the majorityof which was democratic We call at-tention


to this great democratic measurebroad ant comprehensive as It laf work¬

leg Automatically throughout all timewithout further action of congress untilthe reclammatlon of all the lands in thearid west capable of reclammation is ac ¬

complished reserving the lands reclaimedfor liomeseekers in small tracts and rig-Idly


guarding against land monopoliesas an evidence of the policy or domes¬

tic development contemplated by thedemocratic party should it be placed inpower

The democracy wher entrusted withpower will construct the Panama canalspeedily honestly and economicallythereby g to our people what demo-crats hqve always contended fora greatinterocean canal furnishing shorter andcheaper lines of transportation andbroader and less trammeled trade rela ¬

tions with the other peoples of the worldThe democratic party has been and

will continue to be the consistent oppo-nent of that class of tariff legislation bywhich certain interests have been per¬

mitted through congressional favor todraw a heavy tribute from the Americanpeople This monstrous perversionthese equal opportunities which our political institutions were established to se-


has caused what may once havebeen Infant industries to become thegreatest combinations of capital that theworld has ever known These especial fa ¬

vorites of the government have throughrust methods been converted Into mo

ncpolics hums bringing to an end domes ¬

tic competition which was the only alIcKed check upon the uxtravagant profitsmade possible by the protective systemThese industrial combinations by thefinancial assistance they can give nowcontrol the policy of the republican party

We denounce protection as a robberyof the many to enrich the few and wefavor a tariff limited to the needs of thesoveriiment economically administeredand 10 levied as not toagainst any industry class discriminateIhe end that the burdens

< hall lie distributed as equally as pos

MMcWfavor a revision and a gradual re¬

duction of the tariff by the friendsof the masses and for the commonweal and not by the friends ofIts abuses Its extortions and its discrimi-nations


keeping In view the ultimate endof equality of burdens and equality ofopportunities and the constitutionalpurpose of raising a revenue by taxation to wit the support of the Federalsovernment In all its Integrity and viriliiy bur in simplicity

We recognize that the gigantic trustand combinations designed to enable capital to secure more than its just share ofthe joint product of capital and labor andwhich have been fostered and promoteJunder republican rule are a menace tobeneficial competition and an obstacle topermanent business prosperity

A private monopoly is indefensible andintolerable Individual equality of opportunity and free competition are essential to a healthy and permanent com ¬

mercial prosperity and any trust com-bination or monopoly tending to destroythese by controlling production restrIct-Ing competition or hung prices shouldbe prohibited and punished by law Vfvespecially denounce rebates and discrimination by transportation companies

AVe pledge ourselves to Insist upon thejust and lawful protection of our citizenat home and abroad and to use all proper measures to secure for them whethernative born or naturalized and withoutdistinction of race or creed the equal pro¬

tection of laws and the enjoyment of allrights and privileges open to them underthe covenants of our treaties of friend ¬

ship and commerce and if under exlatinctivattes time right of travel and sojournIs denied to American citizens or recognition Is withheld from American passcrta by any countries on the ground of

race or creed we favor the beginning ofiicKuUaliohs with time governments ofsuch countries to secure by treatiesthe removal of these unjust dlscriminaUims

AVe demand that all over the world aduly authenticated passport Issued bythe government of the United States IV-

an American citizen shall be proof ofrime tart that he Is an American citizenmmmd shall online him to the treatmentlu him as such

We favor the election of United Statesenators by direct vote of the people

We favor the admission of the territories of Oklahoma and the IndiantJtory We also favor themission of Arizona and New Mexico atseparate states anti a territorial govern-ment


for Alaska and Porto RicoWe hold that the officials

administer the government appolntcdtItory us well as with theAlaska should be bond fidetIme time of their appointment rouWs territory or district In which e anto be performed

AVe demand the extermination o

thlPnlteclfwirsWe denounce the ship subsidy bill re

cently passed by the United States Sen-ate as an iniquitous appropriation 0public funds for private purposes and twasteful illogical and useless attempt ttovercome by subsidy to the obstructionraised by republican legislation to tim

growth and development of Americacommerce on the s a-

We favor the upbuilding of a merchanmarine without new or additional burmiens upon the PeOple and without bounlies from time public treasury

We favor liberal trade arrangementwith Canada and with peoples of othercountries where they can be entered Intowith benefit to American agriculturemanufactures mining and commerce

We favor the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine in its rail Integrity

VVe favor the reduction of the armyand of anny expenditure to the point historically demonstrated to be safe anQunlHcient

The democracy would secure to thesurviving soldiers and sailors and theitdependents generous pensions hot by aiarbitrary executive order but by legislalion which a grateful people stand readylo enact

Our soldiers and sailors who defendwith heir lives the constitution and thflaws have a sacred interest In their Jusadministration They must thereforeshare with us the humiliation with whlclwe have witnessed the exaltation of courfavorites without distinguished serviceover the scarred heroes of many battlesor aggrandized by executive appropriations out of the treasuries of a proatraUpeople In violation of the actof con-gress which it fixes the compensationand allowances of the military officers

The democratic party stands committeeto the principles civil service reformand we demand their honest just and impartial enforcement

We denounce the republican pirty foIts continuous and sinister encroachmentupon the spirit and operation of civliservice rules whereby it has arbitrarilydispensed with examinations for office Inthe interests of favorites and employedall manner of devices to overreach andset asida the principles upon which thecivil service was established

The race question has brought countless woes to this country The calmwisdom of the American t people shouldsee to it that it brings no more >

To revive the dead and hateful race andsectional animosities In any part of outcommon country means confusion dis-traction of business and the reopeningof wounds now happily healed Northsouth east and west have but recentstood together in line of battle Ironthe walls of Pekin to the hills of San-tiago and as sharers of a common sSorj

Are you goiug to marry thatnaval Qaptairi1 asked fiveyearokMargie of her grownup sister

Yes dtajj was the replyvAnd if be should dieJ con tin

ued MargiemlwjIlyoIi wear sea ¬

weeds and h a mermaid widow

Ikey Good deeds Speak foa

demselyes dond deyJaderEinstein Vest hey sure ting

if deWasion imbrpyed real estade


QX aa caramon destiny we should allarefraternally the common burdens

We therefore deprecate and condemnthe Bourbonllle selfish and narrowspirit of the recent republican c nventisa at Chicago which sought to KindleSLSPW tha embers of racial and sectionaltU ad ws appeal from it to the sober

couinon sense and patriotic spirit of theAmerican iKSople

Tim existing republican administrationhas heed spasmodic sensationalspectacular and arbitrary It has madeItself a satire upon the congress thecpurts and upon the settled practices andimages of national and international law

It summoned the congress Into hastyand futile extra session and virtually ad¬

journed it leaving behind Its flight fromWashington uncalled calendars and unac ¬

complished tasksIt nude war which the oe newer

of congress without Itt authority there-by


usurping one of its fundamental pre-rogatives


It violated a plain statute ofthe United States as well as plain treatyobligations international usages and con ¬

stitutional law and has done so underpretense of executing a great publicpolicy which could have been more easilyeffected lawfully constitutionally andwith honor

It forced strained and unnatural con ¬

structions upon statutes usurping Judlcial interpretation and substitutingcongressional enactment decree

It withdrew from congress their cus¬

tomary duties of investigation whichhave heretofore made the representativesof the people and tile states the terror ofevil doersIt conducted a secretive investigation

of its own and boasted of a few sampleconvicts while it threw a broad cover ¬

let over the bureaus which had been their I

cho en field of operative abuses and keptin power the superior officers underwhose administration the crimes had beencommitted I

It ordered assault upon some monopo-lies


but paralyzed by its first victory I

it flung out the flag of truce and criedout that It would not run amuck leav¬

ing Its future purposes beclouded by ts i

vaccinations I

Conducting the campaign upon this declaratlon of our principles and purposes I

we Invoke for our candidates thenot only of our great andorganization but also the active UpportIance of till of ourdlsresrardiilg past differencestions no longer In Issue tuiffg1tpetuation of our govern ¬ I

ment as framed and established by thafathers of the republic

Wonderful EscapeAn extraordinary incident is record ¬

ed at Sunderland A man in a boatleft it to pick up some firewood underceath a 2000ton steamer about to belaunched Finding the ship beginningto move he tried to rushback but wastoo late Some one shoutedtmLiedown which he promptly did andwas lost to sight until the vessel hadglided over him into theriver To therelief of the onlookers he then emergedunscathed London TitiBts i

SilkiTo Restore WhiteA good way to restore white slllt

articles that have become yellow inwashing is to dip them in tepid softwater containing to each quart a tablespoonful of ammonia water and afew drops of bluing Wring them outand it still yellow add a little morebluing to the water until they arefully restored Hang in the shadeand dry partially and press with ahot iron between folds of cotton whiledamp Household


Mourning in KoreaKoreans wear full mourning for

their fathers The dress is of hempencloth fastened with a girdle A faceshield is used to show that the wer-et


must not speak to anyone unlessaddressed The costume is retainedfor three years the shield for threemonths This is worn for a fatheronly Eeconflary mourning is wornfor a mother and no mourning at allfor a wire

IWashington Wheat Crops

The wheat farmers of eastern Wash ¬

ington expect to barvest a crop of30000000 bushels this season Theyplanted a larger area than ever before and have a favorable seasonMuch of the harvesting is performedby modern machines which head thegrain and thresh it at the same timeFive men and SO horses harvest 2f >

acres a day j

Home of Allspice j

Practically all of the allspice orJpimento that enters lath themerce of the world is grown on theIslandof Jamaica The exports of thisproduct from Jamaica in 1902 amounted to 807296 pounds against 11261264 pounds in 1901 lad 13884864pounds in 1900

iStill at It

Childhoods hours are the happiesttimes of ones life sighed the disap-pointed man

Oh I dont know chirped his com-panion


I dont Bee hut that I canwatchi ball game just about as well as Itnuld 40 years agoDetroit FreePress

Bacteria in TfeaiThe gamey flavor of meat is gained by

deIve10phe flavor is appreciable to the senses

the bacteria that produces them areibundant

JapanIPensions inThe family of a dead Japanese soldier

gets as a pension about onethird of thepay of his rank This would give thewidow of a private 5s a month of a firstlieutenant 25c of a captain SOc andto the widow of a colonel 25 a month

Romance and RealitySheDo you notice darling what

beautiful azure tints the sun lends tothe bosom of the ocean

He That my dear is the dye outof some of those cheap bathing dressesStray Stories

Largest Cinnabar DepositWhat is considered the largest body

of cinnabar ore in the world has justbeen uncovered near Apex Gunnisohcounty Cot It Is about 200 feet widecarries gold and is about 30 per centquicksilver

Naturalists now make birds takehelr own photographs by means ofrap cameras

CASTORIAHot Infants md Children

ihe Kiid You avAIaysBaIlUBears the-



The man who is Top pppr to lendhis friends money will never have

any eJDlesr jt f

i 5 j d

JI 1



GIferidby the lJciia aoii Iconicbetween Louisville und St LonK

Cmrnencing Sunday June 26thKentuckys popular line the lieudcrspn Route will jnauguiate a

sale and Fast Day service betweenLouisville and St Louis ineach dir ct 01 and will improve the timeald equipment generally ofallt trains betw een these pointsThree daily trains will be operatedin each d rection on Ie foliovHng

safe scheules betemeli Louisvilleand StjLouis L fe L iimsv lie

830 mrgroo pm a ii co nmAirjve St Louis 616 pm 720H m and 6ti6 p m

Tie equipment i = andfWjust from Ih silcpcfmIi = t

modern vestibu Ittrn 0

out of KentuckyTde 830 a in train through

without change o cars will b c mjMiSid of Pullman OlFeivatioii Par

ir Cs e Reclining Chair CUTS

Dhing Cats and high I a e seatpas > tngcis coaches

The 900 pr m train throughI thout change of cars illcon ¬

sist of Pnllm Sleeping Cars FreeReclining Chair Cars and highback seats passengei coaches

The 700 a m train vil haveParlor Cars Dining Cars and highrack tent passenger coaches

Tee Dining Cars on day trains I

will serve meals a lu carte ryou I

pay only for what you getAll trairs will leave trom and ar

UnIonIDeparting from the mnjnificvnii ew Union Station St LoUIs Itl1l5tthe ageiit for tickets via Lonicvilleind the Henderson Route HP willhave them in stock and wi11heIglad to ticket yon that way

You will be satisfied in ever re-

spect with the accommodation andsafe train ervice that ia offered bythis line which has been termedthe Official Route for Kentuckians

STATE OF OHIOCity of Toledo SS

Lucas County J

FRANK IIINEYmnaitea oath that heis senior partner of the firm of F J CuENEY CO doing business in the City ofToledo County tutu Slate aforesaid sail thatsuid firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ever ease ofCatarrh that onnnot be cured hy the use ofMalls Catarrh Cure FRANK J Ctl KNKV-

Swo iito before me arid lIubcrihedln mypresence this Gum day of December ADI85V A WGLESON

SEALJ Notary immlmi-

imllimJs Catarrh Cure is taken internally

tlltJs directly on he blood ninl muconmurfiees of lute system Send for testiniommils free1Addrefs F J CHFNFY J CO Toledo O-

Soldhy oil Drusist 75 cU-

Halli fauiily Pills lire the best

RUES UPON TOPOF PItSPiles upon top of piles of people

lave Piles and DeWitts WitchHazel Salve cures them Thereire many different kinds of Pilesbut if you get the genuine and ori ¬

ginal Witch Hazel Salve made byE DeWittCo qf Chicago a

iire is certain H A Tisdale ol

Sumnierton S C says I badpiles 20 years and DeWitts salveured me after everything else fail-



Sold by Chas C Davis theilruggist


Btyst reached via the MissouriPacific Railway From St Louisto Pueblo Colorado Springs andDenver 25 00 Glel wood Spring

3700 Salt Lake City 38 ooround trip orresiOndiIlglylowrates from all points Tickets onsale daily until Sept 30 returnlimit Oct 31 1804 Liberal stop

>vers with diverse routes Threefast trains drily from St Louielegant equipment For descrijlive literature particulars etcconsult Ticket Agents r addressR T G Matthews T P A

Room 301 Norton Bldg LouisvilleKy

TO GOLDEN CALIFORNIABest way is via Missouri Pacific

Railway through scenic Coloradoanti Utah turningvia Iron Moun-


Route or vice versa CheapronrTd trip rate from SF Louis toSan Francisco or Los Angeles

4750 account Knights TemplarGontlave and Sovereign Grand

Lodge I O 0 F September nextLiberal stop overs in scenic Colo¬

rado Tickets on sale Augustisto September 10 limited October

23 1904 Two fast trains daily

Pullman sleepers cars and

dining caTS Special Train Personally Conducted to San Francisco

Knights Templar Conclave Stops

en route to sight see Colorado

etc For itinerary of trip descrip-



literature map folders etcconsult Ticket Agents or address

RT G Matthews T P ARoom toi Norton Bldgl touisville


I tjjiJfj





Iron Mountain Koine upvraieaPullman Tourist Sleepers St

LCUIS to California leaving 830tom daily via Little Rock Texirkana Dallas Foil Worth and ElPaso The Ideal Route to Califormum Fast Schedule cheap Colo¬

must rates in ettet daily duringmont of March and April 1904to California and the NorthwestPullman tourist sleepers via Mis

souri Pacific Railway leave St

Louis every TiKi D

from Kansas Y s If >

Thursdays and Fnd < > s 630 p in

going via Pueblo D R G s> s

lem through Glenwood SpniigsSalt Lake City to Ogden etc-

iimiilmeker and Colonist rates tor s ill the West 5d

ti rv fir > oil iiTues flai h IF nt F vfoldt l 5li V

ttc consult neare j Tc Iof addressR T G MAt tri

Room 301 Nmar i8tf Louisville is

MADE YOUNG AtAINOne of Dr Kings New ife

Pills eachnight for two weeks hasput me in my teens again writesD H Turner of DempseytownPm Theyre tIle best in the worldfir Liver Stomach and Bowels

Purely vegetable Never tripeOnly 25C at ali dinggists

In recognition of his humaneconduct at Santiago AdriubgrnnI hmItn frf 1 t1i I

ken 8mtt < r



W H Rid ell Pltff 1

Against EquityJames Riddell Deft J

By virtue of a judgment and orderof sale Roclccnstle circuit court ren-


at the May term thereof 1904

in the above case for the division

styledIes on ¬

day the 25th dfcyof July 1904 betweenIthe hours of 9 oclock am and 4

oclock p mooing county courtdayupon a credit of six months thefollowing described prop rty towit

A certain tract of land situated inRockcastle county Ky on the watersof Roundstone crsek and bounded asfollows By the ojiway lauds thelands formerly owned byJoseph Isle

Chary John Reynolds and Robert Kid

dell and is this same land deeded toJulia A Reynold rate Jl1lfa A Lair byLiteral Martin and carrol Martin andtheir wives which deed is of record inthe Rockcastle Qpunty court clerksofiice in deed book K page 404 and isthe same land on which the said JuliaA Xair lived at the time of her deathand contains 106 acres more or lessbut from this bqundrry there is ex-

cepted about 15 acres on the Southsidevhich was sold b> the said JuliaA Laic W H Riddell leaving to besold 91 acres more or less Or suffi-


thereof to produce the sums ofmoney orderedto be made

For the purchase price the purchaserwith approved surety or securitiesmust execute bond bearing legal in ¬

terest from the day of sale until painand having the force and effect of ajujigment Bidder will be preparedto comply promptly with these terms




John Gadd etc by John Pennington GuardiaP111 l

Against > EquityEx Parte Proceedings Def j

By virtue of a Judgment and orderof sale of ockcastle ircuit ourtrendered at the May term thereof lootI shall proceed to offer for sale at thecourt house door in Mt Vernonto thehigheatbiddeiv at public KyIon Monday the 25th day of Julybetween the hours of 9 oclockand 4 oclock p n bting countycourtdayuP9D a credit of sixpropJerty

A tract of laud located in ockcas ¬

tie county beginning at a stakein Clear cr elcin line of A W StewJ

arts 206 acres andcorher of lot No2Ithence with line of same NC9iat4ijpoles across county road in all 441

poles tJl a beech on high bank of roadE23 poles to asmal hickory with I

pointers S80 JE110 poles to a stone I

pile between two branches corner of I

Lot No 2 in line of 50 aero tract ofjJobn Gadd thence with same N27 E4poles and 3J feet to stone pile in patchbetween two whitebaks and buckeyeN10 W30 poles to a poplar stump justbelow a spring corner also to J JBerry thence with his line K86 wlS2poles crossing county road to a stake

StewIartsrthence S17 E43 poles up 3i feet to I

the beginning containing 28 acresDr sufficient thereof to produce the

stunS of money so ordered to be made J

For the purchase price the purchaaer with aproved surety or securities

inItefestand haying the for and effect of arutlgment Bidder will be prepared

lo comply promptlywith these s-1M PENNINGTONrMr o noQ


k 4






shinilabinghug tllaStanaf j4 tysts ii


PfOIc isrbttIness and flIitlClOpiuinih u l u-


q tLrS1MIfmvis icei-iAixJiitlw sLr


1 s-


blRonWormsness end Loss

Fac Simile Signature










Williams Geo Livesay A T FishS H Martin Rod Perry E Houk

We solicit accounts of firms and individuals CareJul attention is given collections entrusted to

Our friends and patrons are inv ed to callwbenin townPhone No 55

Sale IDe itts Little Early Risersihe pill that will will fill the bill

ROCKCASTLK CIRCUIT COURT KY Without gripeThomas Barnett To cleanse the lver without aBy next Friend tcPlffAgainst Equity quiverJohnn Take oneat night

By virtue of a Judgment and ordersale of ockcastle 4rcuit burtj

rendered at the May term thereof ItKHin the above case I shall proceed tooffer for sale at the court house doOtin Mt Vernon Ky to the highestbidder at public auction on Mondaythe 25th day of July 1104 between thehours of 9 oclock a m and 4 oclockp rnbeing county court day upona credit of six months the followingdescribed property towit

On the North by the lauds WWoffey and John Dotson oa the East

by the lands of W A offey onthe south by the land Joseph McGee and Jim Brown anIon the West

Icontains ¬


cient thereof to produce the sums ofmoney so ordered to be made

For the purchase price the pur ¬

chaser with approved surety or secu ¬

rities must execute bond bearinglegal interest from the day of sale un-

til paid and havingthe force and ef ¬

fect of a judgment Bidder will beprepared to comply promptly withthese terms




Hon John Carroll of New-

Castle one of the best known law ¬

yers in tho State has announced asl

a candidate for Appellate Judge iui

tthis District subject to the actionof the Democratic party Mr Car ¬


rolls friends especially in thefor a long time

desired to see him on time bench of I

the highest court in the State Hehas held several offices of trust and I

honor and in all of them acquittedquiteIin the Legislature was a memberof the Constitutional Conventionand one of the throe commissionersreviseI¬

form to the changes made by theconstitution and was for threeyears chairman of the DemocraticState Central Committee He isthe editor of Carrolls KentuckyCodes of Practice and CarrollsKentucky Statutes law books thatare in general use and that may befound in the office of every lawyerin the State A man of high in-


great industry with an cxtensive and accurate knowledge ofthe lawrandin the prime of lifehis large circle <friends believe hewould make a splendid judgeTrimble Democrat i

i iti

cLIS I omitFor Infants and Children

I The Kind You HaveI Always Bought

IBr rs tho1 a

laturtJf s




i i i r

i ar-








us i


SI s




c c

D i


DeWitts Little Early Risers aresmalleasy to take easy and gen ¬

tie n effect yet they are so certainin esults that iio one who usesthem is disappointed For quickreli f from billiousness sick head ¬

ache torpid liver jaundice dizzines and all troubles arising froman uactive sluggish liver EarlyKit rs are unequaled Sold byCh C Davis the druggist 0

NOTICE All parties owing mefor the year 1903 are earnestly re-quested to call and settle sameThese accounts should have beensettled January i 1904 at leastand I think I have been very pa ¬

tient in waiting all this timePlease come at

onceJ WOODjunv 2m Orlando Ky



W H Jones others PUT

Against EqGeorge Barkly tucDel J

By virtue of a judgment and or¬

der oj sale of Ruikcastle circuitcourt rendered at the May termIhereof I9 4inthe above rase forthe sum otto W H Jones 4251M R Jones 4517 C C and KG Williams 2391 total 11259with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the 6th dayof July 1904 until paid and 75iOOcosts herein shall proceed to offersale at the court house in Mt Vernon Ky at the highest bidder atpublic auction on Monday the25th say of July between the hoursof 9 oclock am and 4 oclock p-

mbeing county court daynpon-a credit or six months the follow ¬

ing property towitA certain tract of land located in

Roikcastle county Ky and bounded as follows

Located near the headwaters ofRoundstone creek in Rockcastlecounty Ky and bounded as fol¬

lows On the North and South bythe lands of Harris and Chenault onthe East bylhe lands of HenryHamlin and on the West by thelands of Wilson Williams andcon ¬

taming 60 aciei more or less Orsufficient theteof toeor duce thesums of money so prod tj bemade

For the purchase price the purchasar with approved surety or se-


must execute bond bearins legal inter est from the day ofsale until paid and having theforce and tfitct of a judgmentBidder will be prepared to complypromptly with these termsIff PENNINGTQJTi KC R c C

Call at the SIGNAL office for In-


itt 3 j
