i m t mt i 1houk kyi i houksb clayv - chronicling...

r M < 7 CT Mt Vernon Signal Mt V RaN Kv MAR 14 1902 = a JoutsviiLK A NASHVILLE R R Co i TIME TABLE fy north 1105 am 26 north 7 112 ami 23 saudh h 200 p n a 5 South w 148 a m JAS LANDItTTM Agent Iwterc1at ecJudc1ua KASOIIICI 1Ion1GJlO MT VERNON K A CHAPTEIL > O J4VMEETS every FOURTH MONDAY sl Y pZea CHURCHES Chniiian Holds services lit k 3r 1 Snndaj at 11 L m and nt CSO p in iVyttrianIIoldi aerrtoes OB the 2nd and 4th Sunday morning and evening Baptiat Ckureli SerricM OH the Second Setarday night and Sunday Gu day 3ekeolat 9 a ra every Sunday Prayer metim oa Tuesday wght- oPERSONALS J G Cummins 0 was reported very I ill Tuesday Judge McClure was able to be on the streets Tuesday Mr and Mrs J It Houk spent this week in the cityj Marshal Egbert Wallen was up from Brodhead Tuesday Millard Bethurum was able to be moved to his fathers Tuesday Mrs John W Brown is visiting Mrs J Thos Cherry at Brodhead Tom Stewart is at home from Central University for a few days Mr and Mrs JJ Lawrence are visiting Dr and Mrs G B Law ¬ renceJonas McKenzie went to the city Monday to buy his new spring stock W C Mullins ftnd Shannon Mc- Kinney ¬ were up from Livingston v afMawo Monday Mrs Elizabeth Whitehead was very sick Monday and Tuesday butI better today Mrs W L Richards went to j Cincinnati Sunday to take lessons in dress making Attorney C C Williams and Rev T D Mullins went to Frank- fort ¬ Wednesday Miss Jannie Sparks has been out of school for several days on ac ¬ count of sickness Mrs J R Cass of Brodhead spent Tuesday with her grand ¬ parents Mr and Mrs James Houk Mr W T Merimee and family of Livingston passed through to Stanford yesterday to visit rela ¬ tives and friends Misses Emma and Minnie Riddle of Cove arc visiting their aunt Miss Fannie Laugford of Crab Orchard this week Miss Clara Flood stenographer from Louisville was here Tuesday with a view of taking a position in Bethurum and Bethurums law officeMrs Price Sexton left Monday for Bartlersville 1 7where she will join her husband who left this county some time ago to hunt I a location in the west > Drs M Pennin ton P Benton and E J Brown left Monday for Baltimoie and Philadelphia to be gone about thirty days and to take a special course of lectures Mrs J B Fish and children left Sunday and the Judge Tuesday night for WilHamsburg to make their home They will take charge of the Belmont Hotel pt that place May success join them is the sincere wish of the Signal L W Bethurum has rented M C Williams residence next to R iy Thompsons land will move to it Monday W J Sparks will move to the house vacated by Mr Bethu ¬ rum and in a short time XI C z Williams will move to the Eouse where Mr Sparks lives and which lie recently purchased from his brother R G Williams = ro = < = Mr L T Honk arrive Here yesterday morning from Ashville N C where he took his son John some six weeks ago for his health and says he is improving slowly Mr Houk is now on his way back to IndianaMr H Ireland of Danville arrived Tuesday afternoon to take I Prof Ewers place in the College for the remainder of the teim Mr Ireland is one of the in ¬ structors in the Central University Preparatory arid a member of the graduating class this year The trustees of the Mt Vernon school are fortunate to be able to secure the services of sucha splendid teacher to take Prof Ewers place which on account of serious illness he has been unable to I fill for the past two months but we are glad to say is now slowly improving i LOCALS 0 E S Albright Notary Public SIGNAL offie JWrThe SIGNAL and Twicea Week Courier Journal one year for 1 50 Mrs Ella Baker is having the room used for her millinerynicely repapered DEPUTY CLERKFred Hahn has been appointed deputy county court clerk- CONTESTThere will be an old fiddlers contest at Brodhead Satur ¬ day night March 29th Mr A E Herrin isdoing some work ana cistern for Jonas Mc Kenzie and building a chimney for J Fish REFUSED Rural mail delivery was refused Madison count be ¬ cause the proposed route passes over a creek which has no bridge TELEPHONE LtNEThe East tfork Telephone Co will build a line from Mt Vernon down Scaggs Creek Work will commence right awayRItPAIRINGMr U G Baker is having repaired the dwelling re ¬ VIGentry near future NOTICE TJie jurors who served at the last term of the Circuit Court are hereby notified that the money is now in my hands to pay- off the claims W F McCLARY TT J F INSURANCE Mr Phil T Allen agent for the Massachusetts Life In ¬ surance Co went to Benge Clay Co Tuesday to pay off the policy of 1000 carried by the late R L PorterAR3tyBen Childress R David ¬ son Mat Hamm Hiram Ash and Charley Dawson are the Rockcastle boys who have enlisted in the service of the Regular army They left Wednesday for Louisville Ky pasI Monday caused by a headend collision of two freight trains near Shepherdsville One engineer and fireman were hurt but not fatally DISMISSEDJudge Morrow dis- missed ¬ the contest cases in Wayne for the county offices We are glad to know that our old friend WR Cress who was elected county judge on the Democrat ticket will hold his office without further trouble BIG DEAL Though Mr John- S Vanwinkle of Danville as the representative of the Villiamsburg- and Jellico Coal Co 6200 acres of coal and timber land lying prin ¬ cipally in Whitley county was sold to a Philadelphia syndicate for 70 000Mr J W Brown has received a brief prepared by E B fr H M Chestnut two rising young attor ¬ neys of the City of Joplin Missouri in a suit of theirs pending on appeal in the Missouri Court of Appeals These young men are sons o Saml D and Celia Wilson Chest ¬ nut they were both in this county but while quite yotirig emigrated with their parents to the west We are glad to learn that they are meeting with the rich reward of success their energies and abiliti entitle them and that they are I ranking well up among the leading I attorneys in their section of tfie State = lL = T A supplement will be issued once every month i The Collegiate InstitfitPivill close six weeks from to day We understand that there is some talk of Mt Vernon having a whole- sale I groceiy house I j 1 M Cress bought a combined saddle horse for 6500 A J I Thompson sold 100 bbls of corn last week for 3 per barrelJ J Thompson bought a bunch of hogs at J cts Preachers ville cor Lan ¬ caster Rocdrd CHANGED The time for the meeting of the Masonic Lodge has been changed from the second Saturday until the Fourth Monday in each month at 10 oclodk am and the R A Chapter at 2 oclock p m same day The Knoxville division of the- N L has since January 1st beIfore only been able to handle about 75 per 6ent of he business offered MIUJNHY I have jut ret irn ed from the city with a full line of Spring and Summer hats styles and prices to suit every body Come and examine my stock before pur ¬ rha in elsewhere Come and look whether you want to buy or not MRS SAILIE WILLIAMS T ISM LrEnThe firm of Frith Dunn Brodhead Tidying dis- solved ¬ Fart fship M5r Frith sell ¬ ing his iuf mast to Mr R H l1nrequesls an parties ii- degted to the Brm < 6 please hllI at once and settle accounts as all business of the old firm must toe settled up at once WANTED Reliable man for Manager of a Branch Office we wish to open in this vicinity Here is a good open ¬ ling for the right man Kindly give reference when writing THE A T MORRIS WHOLESALE HOUSE Cincinnati Ohio Illustrated catalogue 4cts stamps Pupis who received the highest grades at the College for the month of February COLL DEPT Lee Chestnut 98 Ernest Ewers 97 INTERVIEW ATE Jennie Davis i r ° 94 Eva Fish t 94 Mae Magee 94 PRIMARY Lek May Lovell 96 Robert H M i lertg6 Anna May Mlller 97 it MATRIMONIAL = w PARsoN = ELf ER = tilts Annie Elder and Mr If EL Parsons of Crawfordsville Iud but formerly of this county were married yester- day ¬ afternoon PARSONSBROWNAt the resi ¬ dence of Rev Martin Owens who officiated Miss Mattie Brown daughter of Mr and Mrs J G Brown and Mr G W Parsons were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last Sunday afternoon Mr Parsons will leave in about two weeks for Indiana to hunt out a location e DEATHS ExGov ohnP Altgeld died almost suddenly at Joliet 111 Wednesday morning- A Cincinnati policeman whose wife has instituted divorce proceed- ings burned his house the title to which is in her name Henry Schraalandt an aged citizen of Covington committed suicide by taking poison When he informed his wife that he con ¬ templated suicide she coolly re- plied Go ahead and kill yourself thenSAtrrrITom Smith age about 50 was killed yesterday morning in the Dick Owens cut two miles west of Mere by No 28 a local freight train which passes here at 7 oclock in the iflornffirg This cut is very deep and though it is downf itb is impossible to see anything on lthe track very far ahead Smith was nearly deaf and could not hear he train although they whistled at him several times just before he eswas struck One rejojt sips Se was coming facing the rlinThe I body was picked up by the section I inn nnl brow t hete arid an in- quest ¬ was held < I LIVINGSTON 0 Dr Cooper is better Willie Preston is back home Dad Rice isimprovingslowly Egbert Fish is in town this Ne k R L McFerron was in town MondayJo was in Mt Vernon SaturdayW Fields returned home WednesdayThere a hop at S F Sams Tuesday night Joe Oliver sold his house and lot to G W Purkey- J W Davis is visiting his daught er Mrs Purkey Miss Liu Maddux is visiting rs Andes at Pitt bur- glB J Bethurum was here Wednes ¬ on legal business Billy Baker made a trip to Jack- son ¬ county this week John Meadows moved to Pine Rill Wednesday Lewis and Harry Dillion made aI TuesdayI his daughter Mfs George Griffin- J F Cooper got overheat at the dance the other iirghVaCiid is very sickWm Meetdotvs ft birilcHng zfn addition to his house opposite the depotRev Combs is conducting a pro ¬ tracted meeting at the Christian churchD McKinney W C Mullins and J C Hocker were in Pitts burg Sunday oflE here this week Charley Redd of Crab Orchard was visiting his sister Mr Dr Cooper Monday Mrs L C Smith and Mrs Rus Dillon were visiting in Pittsburg the first of the week Ral Pike has moved to Louisville- F L Thompson was down from Mt Vernon Wednesday Miss pollie Jarrett and Luther Jarre tt of Brodhead were at the River Mansion Thursday night Miss Mattie McFerrou is visiting her sister Mrs Dr Childress while her sister Miss Georgia is with homefolks Capt Ramp is working in Capt Matlocks place for a month while the latter gentlenfkn will visit friends in Florida Mesdames Roller and Davis are in the city buying hats for their millinery store Miss Lida Cook is running the postoffice in the ab- sence ¬ of Mrs Roller Jim Hilton of Rowland died Monday Mr Hilton was a member of the K O T M and at one time t resident of Livingston The following Sir Knights of the Tent of this place attended the burial D S McKinney Lige Elcnore John Magee George Cook Jake Sambrook Red Farley W O Burnes and wife James Barnes and wife Hugh Hagan Grant Hil ¬ ton and wife and Dr Childress r = PINE HILL 0 MrG VV Doan was in Mt Ver- non ¬ Tuesday Miss Georgia McFerron 1sat home for a few days Mr J J Ping paid our little vil ¬ lage a flying call Tuesday Miss Judith Symson spent Satur ¬ day and Sunday with homefolks Miss Rosa McFerron was home from Berea a few days this week Mr R L Collier of Brodhead is again at our place loading poles Mr and Mrs Albert Wolf have come home from an extended so j urn with the formers brother in Laurel county Miss Evalyn Hall and brother Walter have returned froth a pleasant visit to relatives and friends at PittsburgA Pine Hill weathered the blast of Wedneaday evenings storm and came off unharmed except for the wear and tear of a real bad scare C ASTORIA Igor Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the- Signature of 4 l I 3- r f i > Q w HOUK ADAMS I 1 ix VteRNON KY I u ta 1 I HOUKSb ADAMS Ewe clayv general merchants any human body cain be attiedin prices and quality m H iO UIK A ID fA M HEADQUARTERS Fobt1RGAIn3 HAE s osiery Notions Ties ats gents furnishings uting cloth Oil cloth illy too cheap no erwear not to be nderestimated ncbhy and stylish inds of hoods we cant be under- sold ¬ 11 goods guaranteedand 11 prices reasonable o not miss these ally opportunities II people should vail themselves of ens suits to suit an or boy o come and elect and get bargains w 5 1HOUK IIWNGSTON Kyi i LAM PS in hiihetrt Icy andwill be sold at almost cost GROCERIES Hard- ware and Queensware Saddles Bridles Harness collars and humes We are constantly lrecciiv ing new arrivals of goods And will supply you Very promptly call and tarn fflc COAl CORTM dnU Hay Agcuts for Beit Brand Fertilizers ttlso all kinds farm tools + Goods del vcr Cllin diiy P art of town poifeltty What Do You Want to Bcry 1LIrtldnr > yxu should need in our line are well wdrth your notice and shouldarrest your attention if you arelobking for Bar ¬ gains Bring us your country produce and get the higheit market price v Phone 753 rings HOUK Big brie1 CHAS C e1 SUCCESSOR TO THRO WESW The Place to Obtain FreshALSO Patent Medicines 1 fall Kinds Perfumery Stationery Toiilll Articles CARS AND TOBATO Paints and Oils v QP ESCR I PTIONS carefully Compounded aft hours day or night THE BAl K OF MT 0 VERNflN JVlTIVeRNON KtV OPENED i9oo l >= CAPITAL STOCK l J1SOO C C WILLIAMS PRtS J AS T ADAMSl VICKPRES W L RICHARDS CASHIER AB FURNISH ASST CASH DIRECTORSJonas McKeuzie Geo Lv say A TFisb Fiitz Krueger Rod Perry Vincent 5Boreiir jrE Houk We solicit accounts ofprinsdtidHSSiTiaiiiais Careful attda i tion is given collections ntrust to us M Our MeiiSs and patrofis are invited to caHrwhen in town DAJNNIE OWENS UNDERTAKER Caskets Coffins Robes t c Kept in Stock Orders by Mail Telegraph or Telephone Promptly filled BRODHEAD KENTUCKY WiLLIS GRIFFiN Practical Undertlcer and DIRECTOR Mt V I Suck Complete 1 FINE HEARSE Attached Can furnish Metalic Gaskets and have Embalming done on short notice Come and see me anything I have not got can get for you bfl first train that leave the cit- yORDERS by zucPromptly Filled < l i

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r M < 7 CT

Mt Vernon Signal

Mt V RaN Kv MAR 14 1902

= a


TIME TABLEfy north 1105 a m26 north 7 112 ami23 saudh h 200 p na 5 South w 148 a m


Iwterc1at ecJudc1uaKASOIIICI



CHURCHESChniiian Holds services lit k 3r 1 Snndajat 11 L m and nt CSO p in

iVyttrianIIoldi aerrtoes OB the 2ndand 4th Sunday morning and eveningBaptiat Ckureli SerricM OH the SecondSetarday night and Sunday Gu day3ekeolat 9 a ra every Sunday Prayermetim oa Tuesday wght-


J G Cummins0was reported very I

ill Tuesday

Judge McClure was able to be on

the streets Tuesday

Mr and Mrs J It Houk spentthis week in the cityj

Marshal Egbert Wallen was upfrom Brodhead Tuesday

Millard Bethurum was able to bemoved to his fathers Tuesday

Mrs John W Brown is visitingMrs J Thos Cherry at Brodhead

Tom Stewart is at home fromCentral University for a few days

Mr and Mrs J J Lawrence arevisiting Dr and Mrs G B Law¬

renceJonasMcKenzie went to the city

Monday to buy his new springstock

W C Mullins ftnd Shannon Mc-


were up from Livingstonv afMawo

MondayMrs Elizabeth Whitehead was

very sick Monday and Tuesday butIbetter today

Mrs W L Richards went to j

Cincinnati Sunday to take lessonsin dress making

Attorney C C Williams andRev T D Mullins went to Frank-fort


WednesdayMiss Jannie Sparks has been out

of school for several days on ac ¬

count of sicknessMrs J R Cass of Brodhead

spent Tuesday with her grand ¬

parents Mr and Mrs James HoukMr W T Merimee and family

of Livingston passed through toStanford yesterday to visit rela¬

tives and friendsMisses Emma and Minnie Riddle

of Cove arc visiting their auntMiss Fannie Laugford of CrabOrchard this week

Miss Clara Flood stenographerfrom Louisville was here Tuesdaywith a view of taking a position inBethurum and Bethurums law

officeMrsPrice Sexton left Monday

for Bartlersville 1 7where shewill join her husband who leftthis county some time ago to hunt I

a location in the west>

Drs M Pennin ton P Bentonand E J Brown left Monday forBaltimoie and Philadelphia to begone about thirty days and to takea special course of lectures

Mrs J B Fish and children leftSunday and the Judge Tuesdaynight for WilHamsburg to maketheir home They will take chargeof the Belmont Hotel pt that placeMay success join them is the sincerewish of the Signal

L W Bethurum has rented MC Williams residence next to Riy Thompsons land will move to itMonday W J Sparks will moveto the house vacated by Mr Bethu ¬

rum and in a short time XI Cz

Williams will move to the Eousewhere Mr Sparks lives and whichlie recently purchased from hisbrother R G Williams

= ro = <=

Mr L T Honk arrive Here

yesterday morning from AshvilleN C where he took his son Johnsome six weeks ago for his healthand says he is improving slowlyMr Houk is now on his way backto

IndianaMrH Ireland of Danville

arrived Tuesday afternoon to takeI Prof Ewers place in the Collegefor the remainder of the teimMr Ireland is one of the in ¬

structors in the Central UniversityPreparatory arid a member of thegraduating class this year Thetrustees of the Mt Vernon schoolare fortunate to be able to securethe services of sucha splendidteacher to take Prof Ewers placewhich on account of serious illnesshe has been unable to I fill for thepast two months but we are glad tosay is now slowly improving



E S Albright Notary PublicSIGNAL offie

JWrThe SIGNAL and TwiceaWeek Courier Journal one year for

1 50Mrs Ella Baker is having the

room used for her millinerynicelyrepapered

DEPUTY CLERKFred Hahnhas been appointed deputy countycourt clerk-

CONTESTThere will be an oldfiddlers contest at Brodhead Satur¬

day night March 29th

Mr A E Herrin isdoing somework ana cistern for Jonas McKenzie and building a chimney forJ Fish

REFUSED Rural mail deliverywas refused Madison count be¬

cause the proposed route passesover a creek which has no bridge

TELEPHONE LtNEThe Easttfork Telephone Co will build aline from Mt Vernon down ScaggsCreek Work will commence right


is having repaired the dwelling re ¬

VIGentrynear future

NOTICE TJie jurors who servedat the last term of the CircuitCourt are hereby notified that themoney is now in my hands to pay-off the claims


INSURANCE Mr Phil T Allenagent for the Massachusetts Life In ¬

surance Co went to Benge ClayCo Tuesday to pay off the policyof 1000 carried by the late R L

PorterAR3tyBenChildress R David¬

son Mat Hamm Hiram Ash andCharley Dawson are the Rockcastleboys who have enlisted in theservice of the Regular army Theyleft Wednesday for Louisville KypasIMonday caused by a headendcollision of two freight trains nearShepherdsville One engineer andfireman were hurt but not fatally

DISMISSEDJudge Morrow dis-


the contest cases in Waynefor the county offices We are gladto know that our old friend W RCress who was elected county judgeon the Democrat ticket will holdhis office without further trouble

BIG DEAL Though Mr John-S Vanwinkle of Danville as therepresentative of the Villiamsburg-and Jellico Coal Co 6200 acres ofcoal and timber land lying prin ¬

cipally in Whitley county was soldto a Philadelphia syndicate for 70

000MrJ W Brown has received a

brief prepared by E B fr H M

Chestnut two rising young attor¬

neys of the City of Joplin Missouriin a suit of theirs pending on appealin the Missouri Court of AppealsThese young men are sons o

Saml D and Celia Wilson Chest¬

nut they were both in this countybut while quite yotirig emigratedwith their parents to the westWe are glad to learn that they aremeeting with the rich reward ofsuccess their energies and abilitientitle them and that they are

I ranking well up among the leadingI attorneys in their section of tfieState

=lL = T

A supplement will be issued onceevery month

i The Collegiate InstitfitPivill closesix weeks from to day

We understand that there is sometalk of Mt Vernon having a whole-sale


groceiy houseI

j 1 M Cress bought a combinedsaddle horse for 6500 A J


Thompson sold 100 bbls of cornlast week for 3 per barrelJ JThompson bought a bunch of hogsat J cts Preachers ville cor Lan ¬

caster Rocdrd

CHANGED The time for themeeting of the Masonic Lodge hasbeen changed from the secondSaturday until the Fourth Mondayin each month at 10 oclodk a mand the R A Chapter at 2 oclockp m same day

The Knoxville division of the-NL has since January 1st

beIforeonly been able to handle about 75per 6ent of he business offered

MIUJNHY I have jut ret irned from the city with a full line ofSpring and Summer hats styles andprices to suit every body Comeand examine my stock before pur¬

rha in elsewhere Come and lookwhether you want to buy or not


T ISM LrEnThe firm of FrithDunn Brodhead Tidying dis-


Fart fship M5r Frith sell ¬

ing his iuf mast to Mr R Hl1nrequesls an parties ii-

degted to the Brm < 6 please hllIat once and settle accounts as allbusiness of the old firm must toe

settled up at once

WANTEDReliable man for Manager of a

Branch Office we wish to open inthis vicinity Here is a good open¬

ling for the right man Kindly givereference when writingTHE A T MORRIS


Cincinnati OhioIllustrated catalogue 4cts stamps

Pupis who received the highestgrades at the College for the monthof February

COLL DEPTLee Chestnut 98Ernest Ewers 97

INTERVIEW ATEJennie Davis i r ° 94Eva Fish t 94Mae Magee 94


Lek May Lovell 96Robert H M i lertg6Anna May Mlller 97


PARsoN=ELfER = tilts AnnieElder and Mr If EL Parsons ofCrawfordsville Iud but formerlyof this county were married yester-day


afternoonPARSONSBROWNAt the resi ¬

dence of Rev Martin Owens whoofficiated Miss Mattie Browndaughter of Mr and Mrs J GBrown and Mr G W Parsonswere united in the holy bonds ofmatrimony last Sunday afternoonMr Parsons will leave in about twoweeks for Indiana to hunt out alocation


ExGov ohnP Altgeld diedalmost suddenly at Joliet 111

Wednesday morning-

A Cincinnati policeman whosewife has instituted divorce proceed-ings burned his house the title towhich is in her name

Henry Schraalandt an agedcitizen of Covington committedsuicide by taking poison Whenhe informed his wife that he con¬

templated suicide she coolly re-plied Go ahead and kill yourself

thenSAtrrrITomSmith age about

50 was killed yesterday morningin the Dick Owens cut two miles

west of Mere by No 28 a local

freight train which passes here at7 oclock in the iflornffirg Thiscut is very deep and though it isdownfitbis impossible to see anything on

lthe track very far ahead Smithwas nearly deaf and could not hearhe train although they whistled at

him several times just before heeswas struck One rejojt sips Se

was coming facing the rlinThe I

body was picked up by the sectionI

inn nnl brow t hete arid an in-


was held <



Dr Cooper is betterWillie Preston is back home

Dad Rice isimprovingslowlyEgbert Fish is in town this Ne k

R L McFerron was in town

MondayJowas in Mt Vernon

SaturdayWFields returned home

WednesdayTherea hop at S F Sams

Tuesday night

Joe Oliver sold his house and lotto G W Purkey-

J W Davis is visiting his daughter Mrs Purkey

Miss Liu Maddux is visiting rsAndes at Pitt bur-

glB J Bethurum was here Wednes ¬

on legal businessBilly Baker made a trip to Jack-



county this week

John Meadows moved to PineRill Wednesday

Lewis and Harry Dillion made aI

TuesdayIhis daughter Mfs George Griffin-

J F Cooper got overheat at thedance the other iirghVaCiid is very

sickWmMeetdotvs ft birilcHng zfn

addition to his house opposite the

depotRevCombs is conducting a pro ¬

tracted meeting at the Christian

churchDMcKinney W C Mullins

and J C Hocker were in Pittsburg SundayoflEhere this week

Charley Redd of Crab Orchardwas visiting his sister Mr DrCooper Monday

Mrs L C Smith and Mrs RusDillon were visiting in Pittsburgthe first of the week

Ral Pike has moved to Louisville-F L Thompson was down from

Mt Vernon WednesdayMiss pollie Jarrett and Luther

Jarre tt of Brodhead were at theRiver Mansion Thursday night

Miss Mattie McFerrou is visitingher sister Mrs Dr Childress whileher sister Miss Georgia is withhomefolks

Capt Ramp is working in CaptMatlocks place for a month whilethe latter gentlenfkn will visitfriends in Florida

Mesdames Roller and Davis arein the city buying hats for theirmillinery store Miss Lida Cookis running the postoffice in the ab-


of Mrs Roller

Jim Hilton of Rowland diedMonday Mr Hilton was a memberof the K O T M and at onetime t resident of Livingston Thefollowing Sir Knights of the Tentof this place attended the burialD S McKinney Lige ElcnoreJohn Magee George Cook JakeSambrook Red Farley W OBurnes and wife James Barnesand wife Hugh Hagan Grant Hil¬

ton and wife and Dr Childressr =


MrG VV Doan was in Mt Ver-non


TuesdayMiss Georgia McFerron 1sat

home for a few daysMr J J Ping paid our little vil¬

lage a flying call TuesdayMiss Judith Symson spent Satur ¬

day and Sunday with homefolksMiss Rosa McFerron was home

from Berea a few days this weekMr R L Collier of Brodhead

is again at our place loading polesMr and Mrs Albert Wolf have

come home from an extended soj urn with the formers brother inLaurel county

Miss Evalyn Hall and brotherWalter have returned froth apleasant visit to relatives andfriends at PittsburgA

Pine Hill weathered the blast ofWedneaday evenings storm and

came off unharmed except for thewear and tear of a real bad scare

CASTORIAIgor Infants and Children

The Kind You Have Always Bought

Bears the-Signature of 4




f i > Qw




ta 1

I HOUKSb ADAMSEweclayvgeneral merchants any human body cain be attiedin

prices and quality







osiery Notions Tiesats gents furnishingsuting cloth Oil clothilly too cheapno erwear not to benderestimatedncbhy and stylishinds of hoods

we cant be under-sold


11 goods guaranteedand11 prices reasonableo not miss theseally opportunities

II people shouldvail themselves of

ens suits to suitan or boy

o come andelect and get bargains




LAM PS in hiihetrt Icy

andwill be sold at almostcost

GROCERIES Hard-ware and Queensware

Saddles Bridles Harnesscollars and humes

We are constantly lrecciiv

ing new arrivals of goods

And will supply you Verypromptly call and tarn

fflcCOAl CORTM dnU

Hay Agcuts for BeitBrand Fertilizers ttlsoall kinds farm tools


Goods del vcr Cllin diiy Partof town poifeltty

What Do You Want to Bcry1LIrtldnr>yxu should need in our line are well wdrth your noticeand shouldarrest your attention if you arelobking for Bar¬

gains Bring us your country produce and get the higheitmarket price v

Phone 753 rings HOUKBig brie1



The Place to Obtain


Patent Medicines 1 fall KindsPerfumery Stationery

Toiilll ArticlesCARS AND TOBATO

Paints and Oils v

QP ESCR I PTIONS carefully Compounded afthours day or night





DIRECTORSJonas McKeuzie Geo Lv say A TFisbFiitz Krueger Rod Perry Vincent 5Boreiir jrE Houk

We solicit accounts ofprinsdtidHSSiTiaiiiais Careful attda ition is given collections ntrust to us M

Our MeiiSs and patrofis are invited to caHrwhen in town


Caskets Coffins Robes tcKept in Stock Orders by Mail Telegraph or Telephone

Promptly filled


WiLLIS GRIFFiNPractical Undertlcer


I Suck Complete


FINE HEARSE Attached Canfurnish Metalic Gaskets and have

Embalming done on short noticeCome and see me anything I have not got can get for you bfl first

train that leave the cit-yORDERS by zucPromptly Filled

< l
