mount vernon signal.. (mt. vernon, ky.) 1900-11-02 [p...

r Mt 0 Vernon Signal I blt VERN Kv Nov 2 900 r Entered at the Mu Perm Ky Pustoffice as sec onticliss moll matte- s t Q LOUISVILLETA NASHVKLC R R Co J j TIME TABLE- t 24 north n 05 am 26 north 132 a m 23 south A r57 P ni 25 South 144 am I JAS LANDRUM Agent MASONIC Ashland Lodge No bMO meets Urd Mpii lilY lOA m CHURCHES Christian Holds services 1st w 3r 1 Sundaj it l a mand at 630 p tDI Eresbyterian Tlolds services on the 4th Sunday Baptist Church Services on the Second Saturday nightand Snnday Suuday School at 9 a m every Sunday Prayer meeting on Tuesday nights PERSONAl AND s OTHERWISEs W J Sparks was in Harrods burg Sunday Miss Ellen Butner of WilcLie is the guest of Mrs Cleo Brown W1JM G Mullins has about re ¬ covered from his attack of fever Col W J Sparks will address the people in the court house to ¬ night B J Bethurum and W A B Davis spoke at Livingston Wednes- day ¬ night Geo T Johnson the hustling merchant of Orlando was in Wednesday We are glad to know that Mrs Rome Adams ofLiyip1stoJj much improve An election has been ordered to elect a Fourtha Magisterial district Joseph Coffey was in Kockcastle and Jackson counties this week Interior Journal The telephone Co will arrange so as to furnith the election returns at the court house Tuesday night Fritz Krueger has begu n the foundation for his new brick resi ¬ dence oil the Repp rt lot on W- estrain W R McClure returned from Pineviile Sunday He will move his family to that place about the middle of the month Mrs W L Richards has arrived and she and Mr Richards have gone to house keeping in the prop ¬ erty of HH Baker Mr Arch Cushing of Glencoe brotherinlaw of W L Richards the bank cashier is Here to see about getting a place m the bank HIris White writes from his new headquarters in Indiana that Jie and his brother Jim both have good jobs and getting along nicely Mrs Charley Reynolds and herI 15yearold of Colorado came I s1dames The case against W M Chasteen I for shooting at random in front of j Chris Woods house was called and I J continued until today on account of absent witnesses I I fotlthe r i Company settled Wednesday with I feheirs of J J Williams de- ceased i for the insurance hey was i r < carrying whtcll amount vas 5ri 060The policy was equally di- vided j > between his wife a and six i ichildr i i1 t F ty f < 5 < r ft T lltrnedI j dauhter in Lexington > I I John McKenzie and7family of I Rowland spent Saturday and Sun ¬ i day here with his brother Jonas 1 R L Jones ylio shot and lulled I Thorns Mpdrel colored here Fri- day ¬ I was acquitted before the ex ¬ amining court Monday I MrsMahaley Jones will shortly niove back to her firm near Pine possession Dr John Mason Williams has I made sveral speeches throughout ithe county this week in behalf of his candidacy for congress TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each R L Joplin came over from Wilmore Saturday and sent a few willI make Somerset headquarters after the first of tile month C C Willians and W C Mul ¬ lins were in Crab Orchard Sunday They say the Crab Orchard Smooth Riders will all attend the Rally at Brodhead in a body tomorrow i strops THE COUGH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure no pay Price 25 cents When you come to town go to Turpin Bros restaurant where you can get any kind ot a lunch you want In basement of old brick hoteloct I9tf In the County Court Smith Ping and Charley Martin were each fined 20 aud cost for gaming R L Jones 25 and cost for carrying concealed weapons We are sorrow to learn thatfol1r friend C J McLear of London i s- in I trouble however from what we can hear he will have no trouble in veudicating himself Rev Williams of Orlando has purchased grist mill and will be ready for grinding by the first of the week The mill is situated at the Mrs McHargne place on RoundstoneLet one remember the big rally at Brodhead Saturday The very best speakers to be had will be there The Mt Vernon brass band will be present a1dan enjoy ¬ able day is promised everyone A H BastIn of Lancaster President of the Kentucky Tcle ¬ phone Association spent several days here this week while the line was being stretched between here and Vildie WF Ames who has been as ¬ sistjnglfr Richards in the bank since it started will return to his home in Glencoe in about two weeks We understand that his place will tendered that excellent young townsman of ours W F f McClary i I James Frazier after a long il ness died at his home in Pittsburg Saturday The remains were brought here and laid to rest at this place Sunday Fifty members of the K P A 7 of which he was a member of besides a host of friends were present to attend the Initial Bennett Joplin and John Rickels are making considerable iraprove = uients on fhc oldf brick hotels = by giving itarewco t of <paint arid v repairing therooins a T < ff When ypu feel that life is hard ly worth the candle take a dose of Chamberlains Stomach and5 Liver Tablets They will cleanse your stomach toneup your liver and regulate your bowels r making y ou byTheotVesl I J isk i arr ILocal freight No 28 will carry tomorrow morning to Brodhead on account of rally I In the Lexington Herald appear ed the aniiotincementoi the Mar riagc oi Mr George Spillman and Miss Minnie Roszell which will J x take plaze sometime this month Mr Spillman ia partner in l the large rolling mill in Danville and is well known to many Mt Vernon people his brother Charley hav ¬ ing married the talentedand beau tful Miss Lucile Joplin of this place Dr WJ Childress who has been located at Orlando since he graduated in June will go to Liv ¬ ingston i1a short tims and hang out his shingle at that place The doctor has had splendid success and favorb of the people and with the assist ¬ ance which that splendid physician and surgeon Dr Cooper has given assurance that he would render there is no doubt bit what th e yomig doctor will get a splendid practice in the thriving town of Livingston s 0 COLLEGE NOTES The pupils receiving the highest grade for Oct are the fo Mowing CbI4LEGIATE EEpAR RMENx Claude Cox 97 Margaret McClary 96 INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT Fannie SparksA v 97 Risse Williams 97 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT I Able Pennington 94 Logan Taylor 94 Special mention isjmade of Vinnie Adams who is only in the music Department having received a grade of 97 VyXhe Institutute istgrb wing both jin interest and numbers We are glad to welcome to our number this week Clyde Cass Mae Sowder and Walter Mullins J Helen Joplin who hasbeen with us since September left for her home in the West We were sorry to loose her from our number She endeared herself to both teachers and pupils and leaves many friends at the College I Prof Ewers is at East Bernstadt this week engaged in holding a meeting but expects to resume his regular work of teaching next Mon ¬ dayThe total amount received for J month of October was 12073 Total amount of expenses 119 20 Net proceeds 153 This looks ilk e a very small profit and soit is but compare this with the corresponding month of last year we find the present showing very encouraging indeed for pur schooLv 1 The piano recital last Friday night given by the music class was very highly appreciated by all vhq were present The program as folloys The Palms duett Miss vr Mc Clary ann Miss Mary Cox i Colored Inspiration Miss Fanny = 1 j < Sparks t Af iH My LadvLeevocal sdI6t Mrs Davis Danny Sprites Miss < Alza Thompson < Smoky Mokes Risse Williams An Au cumn i Fantasy M f CoI Qlaiy V- sj f Who toldsocial solo Mrs Davis I At a Circus Miss > Cox r d t AWaterfall MissCox i Vi t j rAt > the Ferry vocarisolb Mrs > J Davis rVv < I d V Airs from Martha MissCox 1 Itl1 JaTinFgs v Pi Miss i > 5 loi f < 0 t i a s < i 7 C y- ri XYfr t LflGSTOhn Wl J Jo- t more Bruit trees to 1no extensive orchard v 1 JE Singleton lciur clever trav ¬ t eking salesman was out oj tbwn to gee the country merchants jihe fist of the the week r Elder Price filled bis regular ap pointmentat the Christian church Sunday morning and evening Judge T L Shelton was here from Ro vviand Saturday lookingat- the Mullins Hotel property Mr and Mrs Rose were here from Pine Hill Sunday Mrs Rose was accompanied by her sister Miss Effie Meadows Mrs Petit and her daughterin law Mrs Miley Petit are visiting Sam McClures folks at Winchester Mrs Jerome Adams is much bet ter at this writing The new drugstore of Hocker Mchenneyis about completed- J Farmer is building a new storeon Main street Peter Bry ¬ ant is the builder Mr Geo Voss has returned from a visit to her mother at Quail Joe gee is decorating the new drugstole k Wm M Fields has returned from Lincoln county S The youngest child of Mr Fish back is quite ill Mrs Mudd is visiting Louisville and other cities G W Griffin is in Laurel coun ¬ ty at hissaw mill Dr Childress of Orlando will soon move here to practice inedi cine v x Prof G M Mallard is able to 1 takelTlinige of his school x Durng the illness of Prof G NL Ballard Miss Bertina Mullins ono of the ourh school assisted Mrs Ballard Miss Ellen Butner of Wildie visited her sister Miss Lillie this week E A Herrin in in Quail this week t Mrs Moore and sister Miss Pearl Pollock have returned from a several weeks visit in Ohio v J S Calloway is visiting at A1 timont Our enterprising merchant Frank Jones spent several days 611 his farm near Conwayy z o I I J Vii Inv ir r sa > genniaoLaxative r o tho rcmsdy that ctrca a cod = a ono lay Chaiiiberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets cure biliousness coir stipation and headache The are pasy to take and pleasant in effect For sale by Theo Wesley Diuggist A GREAT MEDICINE I live used Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great remedy says Mr E S Phipps ot Poteau Ark It cured me of bloody flux I cannot speak too highly of it This remedy always wins t11e opin ¬ elit sma1elit by Theo We slcy druggist f BEE LICK x 1 C t f The farmers of this section Wire V fl busy gathering corn r 3 J 0 r Victoria the twelve veer = old < daughteLof Nicholas HcKenzie jY- died Sunday at 230 p m She y staken sickFridaYb at r > 5o clock Funeral services were conducted bv Rev O 1 f Wallifi atGood Hope church Mon4ay ar 2 J J i Plll The ° body was then in ¬ tenet at the oldJsbbru eetrietery Win Barrbrivis still growing weaken 1 > i 1 jRe v p M Wa ft n preached a very initerestingv iat the Baptiti c lurch Jliberty Sunday i1igi1LI N- ElderJ v LC Biuis closed his meetingat the Church of Christ etheiq ur4ygight with yI two additions The largest num- ber ever enrolled during one series j ofmeetings in the history of the church Twentyone of the numi ber were baptized at the Wheeldon I ford of Buck creek Sunday morn- ing The baptizing was witnessed by about 600 persons James Thompson and Miss Flora Herrin were married at the resi ¬ dence of Rev Martin Owens Fri- day ¬ morning at 10 oclock Hon R L Brown made a speech I in behalf of the Democratic party I at the Owens school house Mona I day night M G Do well one of Rock cas ties best school teachors wash re Sunday i 1 = l iN i SaIlietit I i t lie reside nee 0f t Reefer tin Owens c lj j 101 r VJ i UU SErJEf We live by our blood and oa i4We thrive or starve as c ur blood is rich or poor There is nothing dgeTo live yi strength is fulland spirit high we are being re fi csld bone muscle and brain htb9Jyand mirkl with con ¬ tinualflow of rich bloods < 1 This is health When weak in low spirits no cheer no spring when rest is nqt rest and sleep is not sleepveare Starved our blood is pQorr there is little nutri ¬ ment in it Back of the blood is food to keep the blood rich When it Jails take Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil It sets the whfoie body aoingagainfnan woman and child sampleits SCCTTCMJOWNE Chen n V 409415 Pearl trc tew York soc and Jico ell druggists f aocl GREEN FRONT DflUG STORE3 v is the place to buy Drugs Patent Medicines Jewery Sta tionersr Cigars and Tobaccos Paints and Oils Prescriptions Caref runeCall v C C DAVIS 8 COMf Vernon KJ Phone No 3 CF < fji Reward Offered for p iN G E 0ta Ii HiNJ P r J s + VRED HOT 1 r 9c 8 i tine off General Merchandise f L This County has noTeaual anduiy special pice ri Yiti s + lowJ liJbJttll lir J ii ii UH winters 4 i > r p IO Es3Shoes Hats and Ca pS- > Are 26 per cent cheaper than any shown They wilt te i comfort tickle and make You glad ° tlia you are a living to < > r y J enjoy an opportunity sure laud progressive < B ° eeprin a ji- r + stock U > > I t t I Y i a C5 ou Irons Spokes and Feileys t f Stoves and cooking utensils Ladies Cloaks v and J ask ets pricestoolow but I setl them J + r tiAb Make 1e rivA t1 Me a triall and You will Comet am- P i i t V itf 9 ij t H frlreof JOhflSiic 9 G S i h + I Jr i tORLANDOKY > 0 r I > i

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Page 1: Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1900-11-02 [p ] · Fritz Krueger has begu n the foundation for his new brick resi¬ dence

rMt 0 Vernon Signal

I blt VERN Kv Nov 2 900rEntered at the Mu Perm Ky Pustoffice as sec

onticliss moll matte-




j TIME TABLE-t 24 north n 05 a m

26 north 132 a m

23 south A r57 P ni

25 South 144 a mI



Ashland Lodge No bMO meets Urd Mpii

lilY lOA m


Christian Holds services 1st w 3r 1 Sundajit l a mand at 630 p tDIEresbyterian Tlolds services on the 4thSunday

Baptist Church Services on the SecondSaturday nightand Snnday SuudaySchool at 9 a m every Sunday Prayermeeting on Tuesday nights


OTHERWISEsW J Sparks was in Harrods

burg Sunday

Miss Ellen Butner of WilcLie is

the guest of Mrs Cleo Brown

W1JMG Mullins has about re¬

covered from his attack of fever

Col W J Sparks will address

the people in the court house to¬


B J Bethurum and W A B

Davis spoke at Livingston Wednes-




Geo T Johnson the hustling

merchant of Orlando was inWednesday

We are glad to know that Mrs

Rome Adams ofLiyip1stoJjmuch improve

An election has been ordered toelect a FourthaMagisterial district

Joseph Coffey was in Kockcastleand Jackson counties this week

Interior Journal

The telephone Co will arrangeso as to furnith the election returnsat the court house Tuesday night

Fritz Krueger has begu n thefoundation for his new brick resi¬

dence oil the Repp rt lot on W-estrain

W R McClure returned fromPineviile Sunday He will move

his family to that place about themiddle of the month

Mrs W L Richards has arrivedand she and Mr Richards havegone to house keeping in the prop ¬

erty of HH Baker

Mr Arch Cushing of Glencoebrotherinlaw of W L Richardsthe bank cashier is Here to seeabout getting a place m the bank

HIris White writes from hisnew headquarters in Indiana thatJie and his brother Jim both havegood jobs and getting along nicely

Mrs Charley Reynolds and herI15yearold of Colorado came I

s1damesThe case against W M Chasteen I

for shooting at random in front of j

Chris Woods house was called andI

J continued until today on accountof absent witnesses



fotlther iCompany settled Wednesday with


feheirs of J J Williams de-


for the insurance hey was i

r<carrying whtcll amount vas 5ri060The policy was equally di-

videdj> between his wife a and sixi


i1 t F tyf <

5 < r ftT

lltrnedIj dauhter in Lexington >


I John McKenzie and7family ofI Rowland spent Saturday and Sun ¬

i day here with his brother Jonas1 R L Jones ylio shot and lulledI Thorns Mpdrel colored here Fri-


I was acquitted before the ex¬

amining court MondayI MrsMahaley Jones will shortlyniove back to her firm near Pine

possessionDr John Mason Williams has

Imade sveral speeches throughout

ithe county this week in behalf ofhis candidacy for congress


Take Laxative Bromo QuinineTablets All druggists refund themoney if it fails to cure E WGroves signature is on each

R L Joplin came over from

Wilmore Saturday and sent a fewwillImake Somerset headquarters afterthe first of tile month

C C Willians and W C Mul¬

lins were in Crab Orchard SundayThey say the Crab Orchard SmoothRiders will all attend the Rally atBrodhead in a body tomorrow




Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabletscure a cold in one day No cureno pay Price 25 cents

When you come to town go toTurpin Bros restaurant whereyou can get any kind ot a lunchyou want In basement of old

brick hoteloct I9tfIn the County Court Smith Ping

and Charley Martin were eachfined 20 aud cost for gaming RL Jones 25 and cost for carryingconcealed weapons

We are sorrow to learn thatfol1rfriend C J McLear of London i s-


trouble however from what wecan hear he will have no troublein veudicating himself

Rev Williams of Orlando haspurchased grist mill and will beready for grinding by the first of

the week The mill is situated atthe Mrs McHargne place on

RoundstoneLetone remember the big

rally at Brodhead Saturday Thevery best speakers to be had will bethere The Mt Vernon brassband will be present a1dan enjoy¬

able day is promised everyoneA H BastIn of Lancaster

President of the Kentucky Tcle ¬

phone Association spent severaldays here this week while the linewas being stretched between hereand Vildie

WF Ames who has been as¬

sistjnglfr Richards in the banksince it started will return to hishome in Glencoe in about twoweeks We understand that hisplace will tendered that excellentyoung townsman of ours W F

fMcClary i


James Frazier after a long ilness died at his home in PittsburgSaturday The remains werebrought here and laid to rest at thisplace Sunday Fifty members ofthe K P A 7 ofwhich he was amember of besides a host of friendswere present to attend the Initial

Bennett Joplin and John Rickelsare making considerable iraprove =

uients on fhc oldf brick hotels =bygiving itarewco t of <paint arid


repairing therooinsa

T <

ffWhen ypu feel that life is hardly worth the candle take a dose ofChamberlains Stomach and5 LiverTablets They will cleanse yourstomach toneup your liver andregulate your bowels rmaking y ou



isk i arrILocal freight No 28 will carry

tomorrow morning toBrodhead on account of rally

I In the Lexington Herald appeared the aniiotincementoi the Marriagc oi Mr George Spillman andMiss Minnie Roszell which will

J xtake plaze sometime this monthMr Spillman ia partner in l thelarge rolling mill in Danville andis well known to many Mt Vernon

people his brother Charley hav ¬

ing married the talentedand beau

tful Miss Lucile Joplin of thisplace

Dr WJ Childress who hasbeen located at Orlando since he

graduated in June will go to Liv ¬

ingston i1a short tims and hangout his shingle at that place Thedoctor has had splendid successand favorbof the people and with the assist ¬

ance which that splendid physicianand surgeon Dr Cooper has givenassurance that he would renderthere is no doubt bit what th e

yomig doctor will get a splendidpractice in the thriving town ofLivingston



The pupils receiving the highest

grade for Oct are the fo Mowing


Claude Cox 97Margaret McClary 96


Fannie SparksA v 97

Risse Williams 97


Able Pennington 94Logan Taylor 94

Special mention isjmade ofVinnie Adams who is only in themusic Department having receiveda grade of 97VyXhe Institutute istgrb wing both

jin interest and numbersWe are glad to welcome to our

number this week Clyde CassMae Sowder and Walter Mullins J

Helen Joplin who hasbeen withus since September left for herhome in the West We were sorryto loose her from our number Sheendeared herself to both teachersand pupils and leaves many friendsat the College


Prof Ewers is at East Bernstadtthis week engaged in holding a

meeting but expects to resume hisregular work of teaching next Mon ¬

dayThetotal amount received for


month of October was 12073Total amount of expenses 119 20

Net proceeds 153This looks ilk e a very small

profit and soit is but comparethis with the corresponding monthof last year we find the presentshowing very encouraging indeedfor pur schooLv 1

The piano recital last Fridaynight given by the music classwas very highly appreciated by allvhq were present The programas folloys

The Palms duett Miss vr Mc

Clary ann Miss Mary Cox iColored Inspiration Miss Fanny

=1 j <Sparkst Af iH

My LadvLeevocal sdI6t MrsDavis

Danny Sprites Miss <Alza


Smoky Mokes Risse Williams

An Au cumn i Fantasy M fCoI

Qlaiy V- sj f

Who toldsocial solo Mrs Davis I

At a Circus Miss > Cox r

d tAWaterfall MissCox

i Vi t j

rAt > the Ferry vocarisolb Mrs> J

Davis rVv <I


VAirs from Martha MissCox1 Itl1 JaTinFgs v Pi Miss

i > 5loi f <0

t i

a s

< i7 C







Bruit trees to 1no extensive

orchard v


JE Singletonlciur clever trav¬


eking salesman was out oj tbwn to

gee the country merchants jihe fistof the the week


Elder Price filled bis regular ap

pointmentat the Christian church

Sunday morning and evening

Judge T L Shelton was herefrom Ro vviand Saturday lookingat-

the Mullins Hotel property

Mr and Mrs Rose were here

from Pine Hill Sunday Mrs

Rose was accompanied by her sister

Miss Effie Meadows

Mrs Petit and her daughterinlaw Mrs Miley Petit are visiting

Sam McClures folks at Winchester

Mrs Jerome Adams is much better at this writing

The new drugstore of HockerMchenneyis about completed-

J Farmer is building a newstoreon Main street Peter Bry ¬

ant is the builder

Mr Geo Voss has returned

from a visit to her mother at Quail

Joe gee is decorating the new


Wm M Fields has returned from

Lincoln countyS

The youngest child of Mr Fish

back is quite ill

Mrs Mudd is visiting Louisville

and other cities

G W Griffin is in Laurel coun¬

ty at hissaw mill

Dr Childress of Orlando willsoon move here to practice inedi

cine v x

Prof G M Mallard is able to1

takelTlinige of his school x

Durng the illness of Prof G

NL Ballard Miss Bertina Mullins

ono of the ourhschool assisted Mrs Ballard

Miss Ellen Butner of Wildie

visited her sister Miss Lillie this


E A Herrin in in Quail this


Mrs Moore and sister Miss

Pearl Pollock have returned from

a several weeks visit in Ohio v

J S Calloway is visiting at A1


Our enterprising merchant

Frank Jones spent several days 611

his farm near Conwayyz

o II

J Vii

Inv ir r sa >

genniaoLaxative ro

tho rcmsdy that ctrca a cod = a ono lay

Chaiiiberlains Stomach and

Liver Tablets cure biliousness coirstipation and headache The arepasy to take and pleasant in effectFor sale by Theo Wesley Diuggist


I live used Chamberlains ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Remedyand find it to be a great remedysays Mr E S Phipps ot PoteauArk It cured me of bloody fluxI cannot speak too highly of itThis remedy always wins t11e opin ¬elitsma1elitby Theo We slcy druggist f


t fThe farmers of this section Wire

V fl

busy gathering corn r 3J 0 r

Victoria the twelve veer=old<

daughteLof Nicholas HcKenzie jY-

died Sunday at 230 p m Shey staken sickFridaYb atr >

5o clock Funeral services were

conducted bv Rev O 1 f Wallifi

atGood Hope church Mon4ay ar

2 JJ

i Plll The ° body was then in¬

tenet at the oldJsbbru eetrietery

Win Barrbrivis still growingweaken 1 >

i 1

jRev p M Wa ft n preached avery initerestingv iat theBaptiti c lurch Jliberty Sunday

i1igi1LI N-



LC Biuis closed his

meetingat the Church of Christetheiq ur4ygight with yI

two additions The largest num-

ber ever enrolled during one series j

ofmeetings in the history of thechurch Twentyone of the numiber were baptized at the Wheeldon I

ford of Buck creek Sunday morn-

ing The baptizing was witnessedby about 600 persons

James Thompson and Miss FloraHerrin were married at the resi ¬

dence of Rev Martin Owens Fri-



morning at 10 oclock

Hon R L Brown made a speech I

in behalf of the Democratic party I

at the Owens school house MonaI

day night

M G Do well one of Rock cas

ties best school teachors wash re

Sunday i

1 =l iN

i SaIlietitIi

t lie reside nee 0ft Reefer tin Owensc

lj j101 r VJ i


We live by our blood and oai4We thrive or starve asc ur blood is rich or poor

There is nothing dgeTo liveyi strength is fullandspirit high we are being refi csld bone muscle and brainhtb9Jyand mirkl with con ¬

tinualflow of rich bloods<

1 This is healthWhen weak in low spirits

no cheer no spring when restis nqt rest and sleep is notsleepveare Starved our bloodis pQorr there is little nutri ¬

ment in itBack of the blood is food

to keep the blood rich Whenit Jails take Scotts Emulsionof Cod Liver Oil It sets thewhfoie body aoingagainfnanwoman and childsampleits


409415 Pearl trc tew Yorksoc and Jico ell druggists

f aocl


v is the place to buy

Drugs Patent Medicines Jewery Stationersr Cigars and Tobaccos

Paints and OilsPrescriptions Caref runeCall v

C C DAVIS 8 COMf Vernon KJPhone No 3 CF



Reward Offered forp


G E0taIi HiNJ P r J s+

VRED HOT 1 r9c



tine off General Merchandisef


This County has noTeaual anduiy special pice ri Yiti s +


ii ii UH winters 4i


IOEs3Shoes Hats and CapS-

> Are 26 per cent cheaper than any shown They wilt

te icomfort tickle and make You glad ° tlia you are a living to <

> r yJ enjoy an opportunity sure laud progressive < B ° eeprina ji-


stock U > >


tt I

Y iaC5

ou Irons Spokes and Feileyst f

Stoves and cooking utensils Ladies Cloaksv and Jask

ets pricestoolow but I setl themJ

+ rtiAbMake 1erivA t1

Me a triall and You will Comet am-P

iit V

itf 9

ij t

H frlreof JOhflSiic9


S ih



I > i