x^.jhhn c&assified ads ¦ for sale for sale help...

FOR SALE _- RgSCELLANEOyS __. TWO FUK roat«. clock, .imnll nerving __ta^lc ^ ag^ OttKland St. HA 7-134C USED lAntB&U piumSihg nnd door* v 1ttr sale. L,. & ft. House Wrecklwf Co.. U Church Street , Huntington Slat toil. HA 7-1121 *** POSTAGE! STAMPS, Philatelic sup- plies. Bill Couhraii , 16 Sncond Ave- nue, nunllngion . Station. HA 7-6<JJ HANDCltAKT HOUSE Invites you to look ov*r hundred's of new lamps, Just arrived at wonderful prices. Bargains hero the year round. Kouio SD-A, opposite Ulynn ' s Inn. J_jonoJtjA _ 7__y__ __AUTOMOBIl/K ln«urancft—S monthly PdvtnbnlN. Ulieu. Mutual Ina. Co., Utlca , N. Y. lias paid dividends 10 20%. A. B. Puatay Inmiranco Agen- cy. OS Nassau Koad. HAmlltou 7- m_ 5t !*! f?E\V AND used typewriters and Add- lus machines, (reconditioned); re- palm, remain. Curr' s llimtnosa Ma- chine, inc. . S Now St. HA 7-2108. COW MANLIKE, piclc up or delivered. Call HA 7-C2B 9.^ - "* SrOKlilCA WORK, kitchen cabinet 1 topa, bathroom vanity top and other Formica work made to order. Q & S Woodworking Co.. 320 _. Jcclcho Turnpike. HA 3-<110. ¦ . »«» " •TELEVISION, HOME and auto-radio , fihono ' n, refrlcvratlon , air condition- al, washers, ranges, dishwashers. Service in tho homo. HA 3-4S78. emergency HA 7-2501 V* PINK MIMUiifS, At Handcraft House. Unusual custom made , ex- clusive with us hutches, Harvest board tables, any illsso. Karly Amur- k-un furniture , made to order ltoulc 25-A. opposite Glynn ' s Inn. HA 7-0310 " __ TV - IU - F1, Installations _ service. Qabo Agardl. HA 7-4701 -»*• HANDCRAFT HOUSE features un- usual Christmas cards at 5*. Sensa- tional at f-1.60 p ot hundred . Imprint- ed. Order early, llouto 2GA . oppo- slto Glynn ' s Inn. HA 7-0310 **» HUG HKPAIH1NQ of all typos, done by Armenian expert. HA 3-6131. No answer, call evt-iilni;a. __ HORS_ -AIANUKB for sale. Can do- llvur. MY 2-71 87 *" DISCOUNT HOUSK prices tor ex- truded aluminum 3 channel com- bination windows and doors. . Win- dows $12,9!!. Doom complete S29.9S. l' aymenU plans arranged. Alray. Gone rut ¦ Hronzo Show room, Hunt- InRton. HAmlUon 3-1111 , open all day Saturday, Monday till S P.M ; COW MANUKIS , pick up or deliver- ed. Cal l HA 1-31198 4D8 SKIOD RYB for sale. Morclanda Hcrry Farm, South Commack. Koad , Com- mitck. New York. FO 8-8173 »*• PIANOS , HoUKlit . Sold . ICxcImnsod. Up. - Spinets , players, tunod , repair- ed. Most discrimination service. Ac- tive Piano Craft Co. , 507 Itli Avo. , Baal . Nortliporl. Tel. I' 'Q ti-mu «" HKASONEIJ COIIU wood, will sell less than a cord. Call .MY 2-0222 2 NRW AMKUIOAN slnlis. 2 new K«H stoves , radiator coiivnctors with cnlilnetn , 215 KI \1. oil tuiik. Lumber Yard , 11 Church St., lluntlnRton Station, •'* •SINGING WESSONS, Idiinl oolf cx- Drosslon ' for musical child. Classes run , , develop poise, personality. Hurmonlsliijr, dnncu-routhu-. Penny Lewis. HA ,1-1 Mil 1A KMiCTHIC TltAl.NS. See our lerrlfle villous In HO KUURC . Uliorul irinlii- In on your "Id cut. Our own one- year KUiirnntt'o on every m-w I rain sold by us. KxpL-rl Itcimlrs. Hunt- ington Train Center , 335 Wall St. (Nuxt to Valencia Tavorii). HA 7-82S8 1A klj:CTltlC THAINS repaired. Ameri- can l- 'lyer, Llonul . Marx , HO KAURP . Aiilhorlzod Alarkllii .Service. All work BuiirniUccil. llinitliiitloii Train Center, 33G Wall St. (Nuxt , lo Va- leiinlq Tuviirn). H A 7-X28S 1A MJitMANIO.NTS, THTA MPOOS , si'tw In your bonin or nt Salon, Call Chirn. IIA 3- 6150 1H HTAMPS. \VH have oviirytlihiK In this line. Just link. Uettler , 3H Oiiklunil _H li_L T '\J : ,3 i" *** l- 'UKNITUUt: ' STOHK tiiilnit nut of luminous, lleilrooin, I.lvliur room, KI U-I H- II fii'lM . Iii'low costs, Sucrlflcfl, I' ulmor Kuril It i|m t. ' o., 1115 Now York Avii., Hniitlnii l on Htallon ,JO CHltL'S WUIT1-! fluuro skali-s , slue 7, (loud couilllluii. Coul (12.50, mill (5. AN 1 -tillS FOIICRI) TO sell , U-avliiK HniitliiKloil. 2 SliumoiiH Hciuily lli-sl mMltiiisHes and box surliuis, twin nUc. 'I'wo Provincial 1 ilrnwnr clu-sls. Pro- vlnclitl I.nvo Scat , Ci' edeiiai. llil ttkln , HA 3-2H3 DSIOI) PitUIICS K- lli-alum blocks. 1. u c IT i- & small tiuimtltlun. J, Mi'Mulli-n , PuliiMkl lid. ^' Hlony Hull ltd., Nu i lhuorl. AN l-P-15'J 111 INCl . i .MK TAX. VVdcral and Hiiit ' n re- turiiH. Siniiilurd di-ihiclloi»i com- plcleil nl your home, l lolh for ?5.l)l). I1A 3-1221 1 . ^ Ol.t) IVUIIN U I HIICM all of It a patrons A vory Ihipiiy, llcalihy, ami Pros- . nvruus Now Yi-iir, 2, ' ,-A Kurt SiiloiiKii THANSKKItllRl) . .MUST sell a roll- vortllili! ciiiu-li, Hnwliiit iiinl-lilne , dresser , Tlinr wiinhliu: iimi-liliui nnd other Ileum, Priced lo jicll ijulekly. HA 3-H5f, l _ MAI'LK Sl'INI. 'T, full iKiylwmit , 2 yrs. old , Ilk" new with bench, orlKlnal prion (Ml), Siici'iriro ISOU. MY 2-20 2I (JIONKHA'mil , UlUtUlS uml Hlrulloii , 220 volts , IBIiu walls, |l7S,l)d, HA 3-7IH, r , . , UlCHTl-' .lt llAPV iiruild , n (I. S In., ex- rclteiit. coiiillllmi, Muvln;; , (tt Cti. HA 3-1111 . ¦ DAVID HAHniRON Kuriuerly of Hill' s Harder Shop, 0 Ifarver Street, now wiiikliu; at I' lirlle 's lluiiicr Sliup. 15M New York Avenue , llinn- Inilloil Stiilliiu 1U IMI.AN11 IIKN'I'H MOST ANYTHINO Mixers, air compressors, niivliii: break- urs , iieiinrutor , piuiiliM , miws , ninil - rrn, trailers, Many ' other Itinim (plun k'i'li c ral einilpiiiunt repulrii). ISLAND- POWKH TOOLS 152 Wes t Jorleho Turnplho HAmlltou tl.miJO (S IdooVs west of Now York Ave.) 0A.ND . &-OK . With Htons Host ~ tlinfl Itrlnk > iu,i«Uo uiuclis - Comont uiocfca ; WnslelKisier Vt-nner (Mono . . ¦:• . , i fli»to, * , Hiiifl*toiii»;riuwiiur ' ;• ; , !. ' ; , ' V ¦ ' "% A. ' . ' KB^MXR ' pd. ' Monuni«i\tfti »mJ Xiluoitono Work* il ' \:W »Pr'u* HoMl, Huntington \ ; P f ¦ ': ' ¦ ' HA . T-.W4 . , FOR SALE ¦ I^ALJESTATE IMMKD1A1 B OCCi;i'AXCy. Now S room Cape Cod. 2 bedrooms , living room, dtnlng ' room. Kitchen wtih wall oven. lull dormer. Ueduced for quick nale. Also ' now I! room Jtanch, 3 bedrooms , narauo, P.H.A. aprov ed. HA 7-6616 . > . ««< EAST ItiLlP. D-yr. Cape. y t ocre, trees: block from school , not a development. JO.'J'JO. Owner—J U 1- f.177. ; •? , LLOYD HAKItOK. Colonial on two .acrc» , deeded private beach rlghta. Four bedrooms, two baths , lar(r« recreation room. High mortKOKe available . $37 , 600. Phono HA 7-4903 for aupolntmenL No agems, pitas,. - . ' ••* iTUNTlNQTON, ACRK level lanil town mad . Mix Hills section. $2, 5uu. terms. l-Tcdertck Krueger, next Old Dutch Mill, Jericho Turnpike, HAmllcon 3-0950 •*• WILL TIIADK or sell new unoccupied 3 bedroom Ranch home, full base- ment and garaftc , tacdU-d in Kaal Pateliojrue. )S,0U0.. till year K.H.A. mortitajie, for atniill lioiiae In vicin- ity of Huntington Township. 11-\ 7-8100 ' J ^. HUNTINGTON . STATION. liuriKRlow. 5 rooms , convenient location. Zimi-cl " business. Perfect for home shop, good display site and pleasant resJ. denllttl. $13 .001). HA 3-t,8«C •" , TWO LOTH COxlOO HunlliigloJi Sin- - tlon r Lynch SL) $2 , 000.00 ench, Call HA 3-0187 - HA 1-5(1 98 ' »' COMMACK ($650 down) buys a f, room Seml-tiunifalow, cidlnr . na- rage, 100x120 Irreifular. price $13 , 000, .(30 year - 5% morlKtBe) very low cloalnir costs. William Scheftlcr. HA 3-1120. A NICE homo In Ea.it Nortliporl. 2 story, five rooma. AN 1-1211 HUNTINGTON. PERFECTLY suited lo heavily ' wooded hilly surround- ings la Hits front to liack split levftl. 9 fwnis, 2V-i balhii , $28, 300. Old Northport Koad, 14 mile east of 25-A at Glynn ' s Inn. J. H. Uernston. Builder. HA 3-S591 ••• HOUSE WITH 2 bedrooms, hot water heat ,. fireplace , outside patio with fireplace , refrigerator, automatic washer combination . aluminum doors nnd windows , near school and Il.lt. Station. Plot £0x200 . Heason- able, -Willi garage , HA 3-8908 PART OF office A 801) mj. ft. of stor- age apace on Main highway. For ^ appointment HA 3-UW 9 ,_ •«• B A S T NOHTHPOnT, (Catherine - Street. Just off lite- , 25-A). Uulltl- er' s Closeou t , reduced , new five room Capes with expansion attic, full cellar, good terms to all , full price $12 , 590. ' William Schefflur , ^K2CCbj»lve^KejU). _JlA _ 3J_ 120. FAHM FU!t sale. Apii. 4() " acres, po- tato land, complete Irrigation syn- em anil vcgcilable stum! In good lo- cation. Write Kenny Kru k , Main Hoad , Mattltuck , I.ikin; Island or telopnono MAttltuck: S-8-l. 'to HI LOVELT I'U-iCK of nrnperty. . Ram Northport , 113 front , 160 one side , 150 , uently sloped. $2 , 500. Suffolk Homled, ANdrew 1-1304. 3401 HOUSK ON Churc h property, must lie moved), Submit offer, phone evc - nlnRW only. NO 3-2S98 H! LOVELY SPLIT level , four hcilrooms , dead-end street, KIIHI . Nortliport. EI WOCMI section. 118.500 . Suffolk Hond*l. ANdrew 1-1SIH , 3-101 $2,001) CASH WILL Jiuy attractive 2 family house , good neighborhood , Huntington Village. Excellent condi- tion Own your home live on first floor yourself for only $40. 1)0 month for taxas, Interest and amorltlziillcin. HA 7-200 0 . UllAND NEW Cape Cod , very Veil built , near school 00x100 , $13 , 0110. If $2.5011 down , no closing fees. Suffolk Bonded ANdrow .1-13111 , 3-101 THHEI3 DEDHOOM Riinch In Hay Hills. C yrs. old , ciisluni bnlll. Mnny extrn.i. Anxious for uulek sale. Ask - Inn $21 , 901). HA J-iai-l POll HALE , near St. Anthony 's Church. East Nnrthiiurt. 12lixl(!il , $3 , 2011, Suffolk Iloudvd. AN 1-1311 1, 31(11 MOBTQAGM LENT1INQ IS OUR ,. - BUSINESS, trends available for, Industrial , Hiilld- Ins and Permanent Loans. Conven- tion and Apartment Houno Loons, Homo Loann up to $35, 000.00. FRANK M. QOETZ Phone Day or iQvenlmr HAMILTON T-4040 FOU SALE Ilcnlillfiil location, new 5 bedroom Capo Coil house . Modern O.K. lilt- ehei) , 2 full baths, largo living room ft playroom, 2 ear unrnge , plot lutlx- 150, Near iioullng A beach. Price $. * tl, <IIKI , V, 8ESTI A SONS, Inc. HA 7-3227 or HA 7-7301 4* LISTINGS WANTED Moines, Afireago , Ilunliiess and Indus- trial Proportion .. Mqrtgngo money available , slralRlit and .aniorttzhu:. mortgages. Call HA 7-1UU0 THEODORE 8. HALLi JR. Bll Now York Avnnuo lluntlnRton , N. Y. HUNTINGTON STATION Five lli-drooniH Oiiwn Piiyim-nl 2 1 laths $1 , 11110 75xlf>U, Capo ("ml , full rear dormer , living room, large Uliehcii , iipsinlrs purthUly finished, 2 years old , luise- inenl , si-reeiiM , sliioii windows, Vi'ob- Itim lilladH , THI.HPIION ' K: HAmlltoii 7-11781 WANTHIt ! 1 Old cllonl now on Sonlli Shore wnpls lo relonito In llimiluiuou Area. Musi lie large mihstnnlhil home Water- front and ntiMirlitir fucllltlmi, PrUnt to $511, 1100.1)1) HARVEY 19(1 Eiuil Ma III Stlcot Kast of Ulyiin 'ii HA 7-2!l20 llUII.IU-iUS t I "No i' l'cihlmn " lliu hi I IIK sites l-:«nl Nortliporl. Iinxttiil. I.lghlly wixiileil , with utllltlim and paved iiircui $|, rilii. Smliliiown Near "llypasii " >,(, Kern , IIIOXSIMI , Altrnnllvely wooded , Ml«o. .<¦ I'livod silent Willi Wlttiir III id' , II . Mlll. f-REOEnicK r.. neven 281 Main Street No :i-tf,r,7 it> Huntington Acre Zoning ' Iliuirll 3 bedrmxiiH, 2 halh« , plaster wallM , flrc-plaee , 2 car gariute. lop aim. panoramic: view. This will im •lUleldy. ilon 't delay, New Year ' s lie- sohlCloii. See It I I $33 , (1110, Iluiittnglim , Choice Area AttractIro t >'r, obl hrh-li nml stilnirl" hom« dolluhifully wooded V J nnrn. Thrvin \ hoilrooiiun 1! \ Imllui , |.iien' otieil IlirriiViei mnyrnoin with ili'o dticn, jka^o: , ^ v l ' " , PARKINSON ' * PARKINSON, INC, il/.A. nnd PHI k Avo, , lliinlliijilon, l,.l, ' HAlnllUin U.U172 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SLTTAliLE i' ult prbl' csslotial ' man. East Northport , corner plot. Four bedrooms. Ilv. rmfireplace , din- ette , I XLII I . Klnlslied room In cellar. Oarage, $21 , 000. Suffolk Hooded. ANdrew' l-I'lOI. .3101 ¦ ' ' GREEN'I,A\VN. SUPER ' lUncber. 6 rodiiis; 3 > liedrooms, 2 baths. 2 cor garase , fireplace , dliilnn room, cellar, plaster ^n lOOxlSO , oilly S19 ,S3o; ( A definite New Year Spe- cial). William Schemer, HA 3-112 0. IJKAUTIFLU.. HOJI K n. .Salonga. four bedrooms, owner out of town. Asking $29, 000. l-' ,i ooros. Suffolk Bonded. ' -ANdrew . 1-J.WI, Still \^Tn<TNTrTliST ' .\NCE "To ~ Clrahii)ea- ilow. For two honw.i , UWaHi Ask- ing $3, 7iio . Suffolk Bonded. AN- drew 1-1301 , '3-101. . ' ¦ . . . $10. 0IW! Sturdy 2-story for the growEii g family. Knclosod porch , Living Itoo-m, Ulning Itoom. Kltclicti. 2nd fl. —3 fcecl*0Cuna and lite bath. Plasnec, oil hot water heat. Xlelached garage. liy appt. Blot. No. 2. " Kxcluslve with MARGARET YOUNGS ASSOCIATES HU1 New York Avenue - HA- 7-3132 Wir^iw^^Jhe " exclusive fcrokcrs In the Hunllhffloii area for .Associated Homeflnilers. Inc. and if' you are moving anywhere In the- United .State. i, (hla unfuue service- , can ¦ help you. Contact us for Information; ¦ ¦ . ESTELLE ELDREDQE ASSOCIATES Ileallors On M-A , (East Main Street) Opposite . Glynn' s Itiu HAinllton 7-G422 FAIHFIHLIJ HUNTINGTON . Attractive spaciou. i Dutch . Colonial on V4 A. located' In catub'd <onununily where ' owners grew up liut now seek- ing warmer climate- Kill, hall with powder ' ' raw 30' Ilv. rni,, fr. ul., full din. nn., I B. mod. kit: with bk. nook and laundry. 2*1 fl., - -2 'double and 2 single bedrms., tiled hath. High ceil- ings create gracious nlmonphere. In perfect condition and up-to-date. ¦' .Seeing Is U-ltevtng" imd price of $21 , 000 Is not out of line. SAMMIS ' iSMITH 3tfl New York Ave.. Huntington HA 1-591)0 or . 11Y 2-7-1S!) OPION HOUSii was fun , but did you feel cramped ? This house has a. terrific- game rni. with I-" . P. on tlie main floor so won- derful for entertaining. Large L. H. with multlpune bow window , •haniiiiel sized D. p., fully eipilpped Kitchen , 4 Uedrnis., 2 bths., 2 car gai-age. Ask- ing J25.75U. TUB MOUN1NG AFT 1311 you rend this may lie too Pile. Ar- range now to see ibis lovely 3 lledrm. Cape Cod norlh of 25-A on tt quiet dead-end .street so safe for children. There Is a cozy L. It., 1) . U.. slop-sav- ing Kitclum , Covered Terrace. Slove , washer , S/S inch at $14 , 201). A HAPPY NtiW YKAU Is certain In a bouse that emits charm ihi-uout. You 'll love the highly polish- ed wide pine floors, the huge living nil., log burning F. P. and wood box , the lovely nmltlpam: windows over- looking a pond, '['here are I large sun- tit biHlrins., 2Vj litbs., etiol. lerrnce , oversized garage. . . Ashing $19 , 500. Offe rs Invited. THOMPSON - HECKER , INC. LSI Main St., Huntington (2 IllDL 'liH 10. ul' ltl . 110) Kvi-nlngs IIA 1-21152 I1A 7-239S Ilimllngton Vic. "Nortliporl WATKuvtrnv New niitiuiil cellar nlilnitleil custom 3 liedruiiiii riincli. Sweeping views of water i* euiiutryslde, Mliiriuieu foyer , living nn., inviting flreuliici- , dining nn., well planni'd liilelivu, 2 halbs , is" fiunlly room, hasumnut , garage. Ilrlghl .t cheery cxiiosure. $l7, tliil), lliliitlngton Vic. ¦ Norlhport 'flllS UOMK j. 'KA'l'nUKll IN AAIKItlCA N JIOAl)-: Step Into the pages ot American llnim- llio iniiiiii 'iil you enler, 21' liv- ing nn. - opening onio Jn.lmi.sle pm-i-li- ti-i'i -nei- , flrepliiec , chiii'iillng piuielcil kilclit-n, 3 liedroimis with bull I -1 lis . (master 20x 1 .1), 2 large b/itli.s , numer- ous rnniny eloscis , IniHi-nii-iii , allrac- livel y filitshed 21' giuiii- nioin, dliln, Itanige . Well laiKlsenpeil gi-uunil.i , $2l,tilill. | , Until liigton Vie . Northport WATKUVIKW l-'lt()M I0VKKY UOO.M Allrni 'llvn IIMieili-i ' u, CiilKornln ltanoli. ShupllRlly III design. FloDr-lii-celHn i; wlmli ' iw. 'i In living nn,, exculleul. ex- pimnre llii-miglioiii. Pining renin , u woman 's "Drciim" Idtcrimi , l-' ntber 's hldi'iiivay ilea, ivanigc , full luisi-nienl , t-lveellcnt section , ileiiil-eiiil street, $10 ,5011 . cnrll n. burr, Jr., Inc. I ' tcallor - . Serving Yiiiir Nei-ils l'"i>r lll-IAl, lOSTATI-l " INNUIIANCI 'J CUSTiiM IIIIILDIN O 25-A « t.iiurel Ave, NdrUumrt 3-2615 ttEAL ES'I ATE WANTED ¦ UlMI' iH, LOTH, lienuiirii , waiVrfrout i*wiileivle\vs, wauled. Prompt no- tion, I.iiiiiliimi t ttculty, tin K, Jerl- _ olul Turnpike. IIAinlll en . 't-)i;iiil •<• LIST'lviTlT' l ' vy ITyoir really wiint lo sell. We hiivn K * I | OIIM buyers wulUng. Ivy, 7Sii M, .Jorleho Turn- pike , lluiithiKlon, llAiullton 7-53UO ••• \VAl^ , iM ' 'li)Tn]bMh:S\"niripTni' n ' d ~Tern. turn. 1,1st your pnipi-i'ty with our offlen for quick net Inn, Frederick K' llii'giir , next Did Duleli Mill , Jerl- _ eUi) Turiiplke. llAintlUUi 3- 110511 «' » WilltUV liiiTi ' iiisTTnin, iTiisTncsH or In " dusli'lal prnpi-rilcn. Alan liuyiini wall- -J- ' .l'L . w . ' , '"j" . "Li l . ,'ft11* !' . IJA _ a- Riiai» _ »*» WI'J HAv"I0 oiiT i ' i( Town . " liuyiir>i"r ' n. iiresi. 'iitliiK largo firms , immpaiiy lenihi lliem mutiny tu- pay nil eimh tor your home, Call V. X. Assnel- inns, IIAinlllim 7-1322 _ _ ••• POTATO " A Nil ' " ' (. a ' lillfiiwer "Tariim wanled. Immediately. A, Man;nt, 'J7II l'lalnvli'W Itniul, lllelisvllle. WMIIs I-I2I1II '»» FOR SALE—UVB STOCK iiiOAOLf!s , ~ 2o ~flb7ib imn ^ioijiir j.iir ' «iT fi-leettnn , W e^trfi nlee pnp« , it WiwliH lo 1 yi-ar, Hoilueed prices, Miirolmiilit , . <?oiimtncli Itoail , Cotn- llinnlf. l-'O H-SI 73 ••• |7MNcTi~i' nTi)u ' ':/fhV7i " p7unr^f . trnliual , lVillgrecd , wliltn , icaiioii- able, IfAilillliMi l.f.afjf , t^VofiLKS, MrtTVMK nilri lalllni pun- nleii, (lond pmllgren , inauimalilcj Private. Also lliu lia' -h Silver at Stud , ANil iow 1-3H7K ¦TT ~ HKU> WArWm *^ ,„, IN\T'!SfiilA'nii r^T»AJNl'M-l "' Tho Niulonal Finance oriciuihtAlton waiitn yoiiiii; man 31 . 3U yearu old who In IninroHlii d In th« future. 5 ilav wnok—.ninny licnuflu - - car nummary. Call (or iiiipiilntimini , \. ,i ,FAMILV V FINA^CB OOPip. | I. lONP Kow VirU Avo.' I I \\ lluiilltiuloiilHlatloii \ i ' : . \ " »»» \VA * rJ i FT:i) , Yoi7N * t ' » itl*i fTTr liiVninn. (ml position In iirowhilr banUliig In- ntllililrtn , iirofernbly cxpul'tonred In tyiilng ami willing to lm .trained for telling duties. Fur Interview cull HAmlltou 1-3431 ••• HELP WANTED ItL' wA L ESTATE saleslady with car. Congenial Huntington Office. Ex- perience unnecessary. Excellent op- pcrtunliy. Commission Basts. .HA ¦ i-i.iiun . ¦ *** ASSISTANT, DOCTOR'S office , state i-Jilierleiice , If . any. Write E, Box 29, Huntington - ' - . . ' Art .,. I'A7tT ~ Vl -ii E slenographcr , A-|i.0tt, (per hour In Hutitlngton. Call NOrthport 2-1950 Jan: 7th or Stb. - 12:30 to-i-|:15 P, M, ' ¦ ¦ " " .. . . ; - ' ' ->' ' «- ¦ . KI-rilALK. HOUsa3WOUKIilfcr.>morn- Inrrs. Btcatly. I" West Neck Hd. MA'ri/KB WOMAN for General Office Work . Typing and Steno. required. Cii.ll FOrest 8-7373 SALESMAN 38 year old Merchandise ' Chib Firm servinn fund raising needs ot churches & organizations , has opening in well developed Uong Island territory, excellent earning potential. Draw ttguUint commission. Car essential. ¦WRITE ' FULC-V, "N" BOX , ¦ JIiinlIngton _ ¦ _ J QSJ^ONg%ANTEi5~ CA.TABUB WOMAN wilt care for children or oUer person Ss-turdays and Sundays. Call ANdrew 1-0213. ' ' IB YOUNG HANDYMAN'.does, painlliig, yard work , caretaking, odd jobs. Re- ferences. HA 7-1043 . 0:00 - 3:30 P.M. OKNERA - CLERICA L work, excel- len t rofere nces. Call HA 3-9109 IP YOUNG .MAN , associated four years Heidi Furniture store, wishes posi- tion, good references. ANdrew _ 1 -327-1 _ _ . ' ¦ l___ CA.RPBNTEH, ALL round man.. Kc- qulrcs work wiih local , builder. 'Will accept full or port time or/ accept contract work. New work or repairs. _HA 7^208 ; I D YOUNG " IRISH girl wishes - work , iiiothnr 's helper or housework . Sat- . unlay , _ Sunday. Call HA 7-1732 WOJIAN WANTS " housework by day or wee k. HAinllton 7-27-10 IllONIKQ, IN my home or out. ISx- porlejiced , references. Also baby slt- Llng. HA I-52S3 _ WANTEDJTO^UY ~ STRINWAY OH other good piano wanted. Please state make, ' price , age . Write "U.K. " , Box 29, Hunt- ington * ID YOUNG OIU_ "rife ' ds sewing machine, reasonable. Write- M.. Box 29, Hunt- inglon _ FOR^A LE—A UTOS F( IHL> '52 i door sedan. ICordomfttlc , Jt/ l-i , fully euulppeU , excellent con- llon. Lloyd Harbor. HA 7-708O ••• 1055 MERC_itY ~ fbur door sedan Two tone , puncture proof tires , power steering and brakes. Window washer. Lesa than 7,0011 miles. Call ANdrew 1-1131 1A 105-t NASI I , Ambassador, radio, heat- er , wlilte wiill tires, Continental Hpare. One owner. $750. To be seen nt Johnson 'Oil Co., 100 New York Ave. , Huntington. HA 1-5C00 i»l7 INTERNATIONAL Utility Truck, new tires , battery. $150. HA 7-1121 ma " DESOTO V-8 , " fitild " drive , club coupe , black. W.W. tires . It St. H , very clean atid Insiiected. $325 or best offer. HAinllton 1-IC1C ' CUSTOM '18 FOltD , Til. 0,11.U. en- gine, radio, heater , white walls & overdrive. . Musi raise - cash. . Tele- plione HA 7-22' ,)3 after G P.M. PONT1AC '1054 Star Chief \ door se- dan. Flydrnmallc drive , radio , heat- er. Now rubber , perfect condition. Saorifice ?8!>r>. U(). HA 7- 2053, HA 3-a(;i;i KORH 0, 1951!. Tudor , black & white , radio , heater , overdrive. Excellent condition. Must sell. Sacrifice. $8115. 1111. IIA 30(524 lyr.l) l-MRD Tl 'JDOU. It H II . good (Ires. Absolutely i-len n In and out. Mechanically perfect. $285,011. ¦ HA :t- .scr.7 oLDSMOltll.H P. I52 , Super. S8 4 dr. l-' xcellenl condition, radio, heater , Iiydi-omallc , tinted glass. $500. _JlAinllton ' .1-211)8 evenings Iiril'iCK l oTl l (^ornnei " i' dr sedan. K & H, slip covei-H , nndercoating. Origin- til owner. IIA 7-771,2 >' ' - >v ~~ FOR SALE--gO ATS ~ 7' l 1V ' () " LVEHINK 14 ft. lioat and 15 II. P. lOvlnrtiile outboard motor. _ _ "ft sell. $3(10.111 ). MV 3-701)7 12' VEI'i IIOTTOM runabout , 68" ¦beam. Never been used, IIA 7-1492 dKlMMAK. OLD Town, Yellow ,TacH> ot. Capo Cod I'Tlicrglnn Sailboats & Dlnghys , Jotinnnn Motors Sales & Service. Interliix-Pettll Palnl , Boat Armour Plbtirgloa . Rope, Anchors, ' Oars , Moorings mado up. Trailer Service , Hlorngo , Repairs for Small Boats. Emerson Hont Sh»[ Inc ., Ht. 25 -A, NOrthp ort 3-2 CC 1 '** ~^jyANTEP^gr^BNT ~7 FltflM l TO C Aei-cK of " property for _ iiiir«ory. _ CjiJJ l-'O . S^. 'ITV ;•• FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS SPACIOUS STORE 15' x -IS' . Suitable for Bakery or Malr Stylist. HA 7- 3227. ••• ieXcWiUY ~~ sT'ATTE or (Kflco space. MY 2-11222 , evenings MV 2-7t)lil »'» OPl-'lOKH CONSISTINQ ot two large Pine Paniili-d - Rooms on ground ¦ flour. Krimting on main road. Furn- ished, limit , light , <i waler tncluil. _j-d._ (!all _ HAmnion 3-115011 r^ S'l' ( lUI'l " 2rixii)Ti^ ramir" buMdlng 26x111) with Infl nliove for shop Htoragc " or tinek garages, Open shell 18x60, Two story frunie. building 211x21, Will r<ml all or nny part, -7,7 Neiv York Avenue , I \i. blocks from Main Street. William H. Andersen , Iliinl- IliKl.ni. IIA 3-3173 »" miNTINt lTON S'l'A'noN , .lerleho Tiinptke * Ri. no , Int'Kii front i)trti-e ,-.J|enl , air eonilllloiieil , serv- ices , ImiiftnlH 'lv'-H , large claitot area parking, loi-iited In nltnriu-y ' ii office IIA 7 ^ Xtlll ) _ ¦ ¦ - ' _ ••• UAltAOE JilST Tiff Miiln ' Slrncii . $10, _ inonih. Apply 7 (Irccn HI real tsfi mii ~ Ft) \i r<"irt7" l8xiii)7' ,Siifi' alilii for ivfllces , 1-167 N«'W York Ave ., (opp, KI ! _ lliiKirH _ (" , huri>h). 11 A_ ? ! »» U! aNitAiri-r ri li l ' reiil "in VIl ' liiK" oil .Mvrlli- Avenue , (' all HAmlltou :II:I « _ _ / in Dh'KICES Pl llt rein " New " billliluig, 2nd floor, 1250 ' iipace, HAinllton it-NSlil on 211-1 Whitman 1U1Houlc l . ltl _ ! __ - WANTEDi J T 6" RENT ~ MISCELLANEO US tTp'KICi-l SJ'AIMI "iiiinslstlnir ~ of 2 rooms, 453 N' mv York Ave,, Itcason- _ iiblo _ reut, If A I -1771 . ^' NEW S'l'(iit " j0 '" 7r "" froiu np| " r, 700 Hff. ft. l- ' rim pnrkliiir , ready for-uprlii K oiietilnic snlinbli) for (Iruir - ' Morn, Hlnllimnrji , etc. 1 iiiliinle drlvo from Main Streol, Call IIA J-IIW HA 1-filltlS ••• FOR RENT . APT. rr r;IOl/>SES ___ . fl ifNTI^ifjfoN, aoYlll ¦ nwldentlai illHlilet, 3 room npartnisnt , private oiitranmi . Husliioiin coiiplo nrflfor- .I?rt_l'' A 1-B7B- ,. ' HPAUIlliiH rrpAHTMWN'l' , 1 2- belt - riKiiiis, 'IVfuhhigtoii Drlvii , fluntlrig- ton. HA 7-:i' . '27 .. nr IIA 7-7.UII ' '»*« TTVO liTlTiiHUlM Hparl7ilmil r ' '7i7 w " hi two fainlly laiiise , pilviiln untl'aiiee mid porch, between Village and . Htnllim. Ill Hoiiinn ltd,, HilminKioi), IIA 1-mn ovonlriKs. ••• VlLLAtll'l, " l " AUOir' fiirnlHTi7)i| iiluilio living tiiiiiii, bath , kitchen , illnolin , private untraiien, Turnioo, traraitc , _ ulllllles, IIA 7-3231 »•• Ml7i. »KU^ll "Xfc ~ «5iVMH7 " 'Vial it " rJuTriip orator. Coi u-enlenl bus ft stoves , $nti, Hccnrlly, tiiunedltilo oeiiupimoy, HA 3-22112 . 1 0 lii " i NTi N(i'mN ~ VILI T viM ~^iS ri<> rmim K[ii»r(»»'iil, HII II H II IW - for 3, iii_i 'i ,ii S_ ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ' "'. ' ¦ ' ¦ \ i n NORTH P0UT T VI |\| J\aw, VurntMlJo.l an MMIIIIH ' wiih liath niinrtnumi, Hiott a (tot water InolUileil. 'Pri- vate tiiitmiimt, N<;> n. -ibr,7 ill rtlllNIBTIlSO TWO ronlnri '' wwiilirSb 175. month. On« month nncurlly, (Hulliiblu bnnlmms couiilu). HA 7»U33H . »M TOR RENT APT. —HOUSES FTJRKISI-ED APAKTMENT , 2 rooms, private borne. All utilities , neaj vil- lage . Woman ,only. 21) Stirling Ot. HA 1-0C12 »»' HOUSE. C A L . V 14 R T O N, Tim- ber Park, opposite Urummun ' s. Oil heat , combination windows. $75. " month. Ralph Moreland, Comnvack. l- 'O S-8173 . __ *» * THREE -ROOM apartment , a ' ll utlll- . .ties, overlooking waterfront. $80. Adults preferred. HA 1- -CU0. »»» EINOs PARK. 2 apartments. ISach with 2 Bedrooms, Living Room, Kitchen, with Refrigerator , Rouge, liath. Garage. Including Heal &. Water. Central location. References, Secjjrily, Lease. $125.00 per month. Adults only. Available Jan. 1st. "P.3. "\ _ . _ox 29. Huntington 1A THREE ROOM furnished apartment " , all utilities included , -$30. month. Adults preferred. NO 3-2243 1A RTfltAL, . FURNISHED - studio apart- nieni. private bath, large fireplace. Suitable married couple only or 2 school teacheys. HA 3-8082 IB THB-biB ROOMS and bath, all utili- ties. HA 7-9177 ' THREnTROOMS & bath , Huntington - VllljiEC- $80. per month. Private entrance. ' HA 7- 5313 HUNTINGTON STATION. 2 large room apartment. 40 Beverly Koad off Jericho Tnke. 1A STOftli , NfiAB railroad $100. month- ly. Also one for $125. East North- port. House, furnished. $30. month- ly. Two beilroom.1. Suffolk Bonded. ANdrew 1-13 01. 3101 THRKB ROOM apartment. Business couple preferred. 14 West 21st Street , Huntington Station. HA 3-5J03 after ti or ¦ Saturday and Su nday -~ HUNTINGTON VII-LAOE. 3 room and I >a l li, furnished apartment. All utilities , nice location.. Couple pre- ferred. HA 1-6390 _ THRKB ROOM apartment on New York Ave., Huntington Station . $35 .01). Apply 102 Kast 23rd Street , Huntington Station FOUlf ROOMS and bath unfurnished. _ $75 . month. Cal l HA 3-0353 COTTAGE, FOUR rooms and bath , with refrigerator and electric range. HA 3-8485 ATTRACTIVE THRJ3 K room apart- ment near village. Large ' rooms , . heat and garage . $115.00. HA 7-2000 TWO AND a half room modern apart- ment , near park and shopping?. Suit- a ble couple. HA 1-1724 ¦ T1IRKE ROOM apartment , furnished. Walk to . bus. $85, month. HA 7-3101 MODKKN SIX room, 1V _ bath, Duplex apartment. Thermostat control , ga- rage. Close to harbor & shopping. NO 3-4087W NORTHPORT. Attractive 2 h«tlroom Cape Cod Home. Excellent location. Immediate occupancy. $115, per month. N O 3-313 2 bTVK ROOM apartment , newly de- corated , all utilities , garage . In vll- _ loRe. $135. per month. HA 3-6440 NORTirPORT. EURNISHED ' tvvo bed- room house , garage, near good schools. Modern kitchen , washer , freezer. NOrthport 3-1293 NEW THREE room unfu rnished apurtmunt. Heat , hot- water. Busi- ness couple preferred. $ausecurity. HA 3-0813 ' SUNNY " THREE room apartment " Ideal location , quiet nelKhborhood. Private entrance. Middle aged gen- tleman only. HA 3-57C0 THRIJE ROOMS. Apartment , gas , electric, heal $75.00. 138 Columbia Street , Huntington Station. Couple preferred. HA 7-403C I'UUNISHBD FOUR room semi-de- tached house. Private front & back entrance , back porch. Heat & hot water, $110. monthly. Melville. HA 3-6387 SMALL PINE paneled 3 room house , lovely grounds, nea r shoppljn;. Im- medlate occupancy. NO 3-2KII I' '1VE ROOMS,for rent. Available Jan. 3. Near village. Call HA 7-8123 NORTHPORT. LARG E 3 bedroom Splll-Lcvel Home. V£s acre, excellent location. $125. per month. Btirr. NO 3-25IS ' THitBE ROOM tipartment In Ranch home. Private entrance. Newly do- cornl ed.- HA 7-1.102 .V- ' LOVl-lLY COLONIAL Home. Largo Plot near village. 7 rms.. US baths. $150. per mo. Sammis & Smith , 381 New York AVo., lluntlngt«n. IIA 1-6000 or MY 2-7-180 FOR RENT—ROOM ~ ROOMS BY wecic or month, Hotel Service, Reasonable rates. Hunting- ton Houso Hotel, 311 New York Avenue , Huntington ^ LAKOES ROOMS , private home, park- ing space or garago available) $8 & $1(1. MY" 2-7(iB7 . (TRI'lKNLAWN. LARGI0 cheerful room, private hooit , vountry sur- rfliiiulliigs. Qeritleiii-n. 335 Grcon- lnwn Road. AN 1-18°0 _ ^L IIALHS1TE. LAKUE cheerful tumlsb- eil room, convenient to everything. Uc-ntloman only, HA 7-1B61 21 KURNISHEiT' ROOM. Private- bath & eiiirnnce. Single $15,110 , couple $20.1)0, lluntlnglon or Oenterport NO 3-22411 »•« BUSINESS - . OPPORTUNITIES feipT^_ iSVy^_lliliirph J ol i. jAhw c ° _ff ^jtQa^apjopNn ri) it ". n jmrr^ ii ' ir * r i rTXiTiiii i * ^f iB*_p riViTi.'' ii _r _""" 1 ' )jnwv\ liiuo ffiuaio aroylinuinl. Notify liolIflfl , 'liim»''H1lnll<b/" 0l J m\l ''HA 7>UtB _. llOwMll, ,' . ,i < ¦ ' ,; . " ¦• . ' . .' i. . y-.v^7^^- * ; . ? .,.: r? /Tr- ~ ^'^^=^^'iTn- . - _v.j^ t^^^-^^ _i4 wTO ^ : _- !' .,. ' , ' ' , ,q___ J,_„ rri 'i r i'ij) firv? :a—ii-_„Bi(__a 'roiuoic oiwiciiAT, tionimotw, -Hfn- . tillomi , i \nr, now .worlt , ' nrlvato or * < _ n Wl nnr, v |l, i no Job tup mvmll. IIA ¦ Tallin . , ' . ! *-( . ' ¦ ¦ ¦ i. " "' . ¦ \\, - , ' , •*• aicATias . flir/im'itiNWii »r^r>-- iQmuu lyi Mlllur- Cyfihi ' HlioiirHlll \Va|| . toiM "? 11 ."?- . * l r% HOOti IMMACULATE. Tivslofully fiiriilshed for comfort. Private -on- triiace. 2 blocks Main Street. HA 7. -5115 •" COMKORTA1ILI-: FlIRNIS|II3ll room in private homo; unlet street , near village. Business woman only, itrenkfnst optional. Tol. HA l-t(t!12, •49 Bterllng (tt ., Hunt. BAY SHORE, Lurito airy room, prlv- otfl eiilrnnce , bath. Refrigerator , ' light cooking. New homo, PEcr __J _rk _ 2-7937_; _JA ROOM " WITH view for lady or couple , Willi , nillliig room. Kitchen privilege , secluded Cape Coil. HAm- lltoii 7-5805 evenings, weekends. 1A l,AKl!K WARM furnished room, llea- KOIIII IIIII, near railroad station ftild tihoiipllig, tjlilet, IIA 7-11653 MoTiblHN ' l.AltClE room llJi illen) In private homo, near transportation. IIA 3-5H7H ' , ' . . ' ¦ LAIttll': IMJUN ISII III> room for light lioiwckenphig. .Suitable 2 business lienylii>Nl. Tlviit«i onlrance, IIA 3-lll!)l ROOM IN ^ Village , flonifortahlor furn- ished and warm, Hath ' nltnwcr. HiiHlni'ss pcrsnii, anriiuu available. _ UA fi _Tian ¦ in Fl/ItSliHIIKIJ ROOM, sliwlo or double, kllchiiil prlvll«-R (iH. HA 7.7 KII1 FlIUNISllliJI) HUOM for rent, couplii or gontlluiiali. Private homo , near mil road, Tel, I IA l-tltH!) rlMALL I-'IIWT floor rooiTC !umro 'I MII I I, liltclien privileges. Woman only. $8,1)0 wimlt. Phone HA 7-801)8 , near Avo. ft alums 111 LA11C1E " NI0E1.,Y ~ furuliilu-ir room, ' ronnactnd lii\tii, :<Juliit prlvntu homo, , Cnnveiilciit local loo, UoMtluiiian. HA 1-tHB OVOH ; . ic FrriTNTsTirffi HOOM for rout; $i " o,iio _j»ur wimk. 311 <\uilral Ht: IIA 7-1H33 IIITNTINCITON HTATION, Lovely luwn , moilnrh, furnished room , for rouplo or two ' nriilltH. ' Twin bedH, Men In npllima.), garaioi available. HA r -tU134 ¦ UAIiaii) KUUNlBlllCU room ndxt to bath, kllclion privileges, Quint lo- cution , private ontiancii, Caiitlaman preferred , Nflrlbpnrt 'H.1815 C\ HCIK ' ~ ANil at I ract tvo "" naiiVfortalTle room, Private homo, vlUiuio, HA 7 •0(18.1 ' > ' ¦;- •-- ¦ -- ¦ NOTICES - YOU OWE It to Your Budget. Stop and see new furniture for sale' at Knlpht JJrofl. Furniture Store, 29 Wall Street, Huntington. Phone '3LA 7 _ 18 _ I. . ' ¦ ¦ ' __ ¦ aUARANTKED Repairs on all maJoes . of electrical / appliances vacuums , mixers, toasters, 1 el«c, clocks; lamps , fans, razors ' , grllla. blankets; colleo makers; stoves _ all other' household devices; Al ' s Modern' Honus .'. -AppU- . ances, 227 Main St. , Huntington. RUG REPAIRING of all types, - dsoe by Armenian expert. HA 3-6191: No answer, call evenings/' - "^ WEDDINQ Announcements, mlmeo- graphlne, multlllthlng. offset print- ing, buaincsa- stationery, direct mail , addressing, - rubber stamps. Styler-O- Granh l«ttcr Shop. 21 Wall * St. O: Fleming- Yates. HA- 1-517- ¦ **» ' LAWNS, ' SEED or sod. Rose garden, flower beds. Tree & shrub, care & spraying, 'Established 35 years. Free . estimates: HA. 1-3S23 *•* TOVWHOM It may concern , this is to Inform you that I am ' noc - partnership with anyone and solicit work from home owners who --nut the very best. William S. And_jen . Fainting- Contractor. Phone I£- 3- 3173- ; - »•• CARPENTRY, ATTICS. DRsemeftta . ho Job .too small , ; Interior wood- working- ; Also Crawford over-bead §arage doors, electric operators, ra- to controlled. J. T. Wesnar. HAM- llton 7-0814 »'» TELEVISION, HOME and auto-raillo . phono' s, rcfrigeraiion, air condi- tioning, washers, ranges, dishwash- ers. Service in the home. HA 3-4878. Emergency HA 7-2504, ••• PAINTING - A.N1J paper hanging done reasonable. Ceiling tile Installed. Estimates cheerfully ' given. Joseph Catapano. Phone HA 7-4S7G ?** LAWNS Cut & general maintenance. Homes & - estates maintained. Cellars & yards cleaned up. Truck- ing, dry wells, fences. HA 1-3523 ••• PAINTING, ROOFING, carpentry. Geo. "W. Moell , 155 Cedrus Avenue. Bas t Northport. FO 8-0051 »•• VACUUM CLEANERS, , sales and service, all makes. Quality dispos- able bags. All now cleaners at dis- count prices. Joe Baylls , 394 New York Avenue , Huntington ••* DRIVEWAYS , ASPHALT, blue stpne. Top soil and bulldozing. Also land clearing. Free estimates. . Patsy Bruno. HA 3-61SS f" CEMENT WORK, porches, patios , driveways , flagstone , etc. Joseph Wyckoffi HA 3-3S4G •" UPHOLSTERY, ' SL.IP covers, draper- ies , bedspreads. Custom made by Feldmnn , work shop New York Avenue at 23rd Street. HA T-1979. Decorator service, no obligation «*• OLD FLOORS mado to look like now. Sanded and refinlshed floors also waxed and polished. Swedish floor worker. HA 3-C736 ••• COMPLETE LANDSCAPE mainte- nance & construction. Home grounds expert ly cared for. HA 3-6223 ZD8 ROOFING NEW and old. repairs made, leaks fixed. Frank R. Makoske , 203 Spring Road. HAmll- tou 1-2044 •••• CARPENTER. ALTERATIONS, H-ddl- tlona, porches, attics, basements. No job too small. Free estimates . Joseph Wyckoff. HA 3-384B; «»» PAINTING AND paperhanglng l>y ex- pert. Very reasonable. Rest mater- ials. Discount on wallpaper. NO 3-4170 ••• EXPERIENCED PAINTER will do small paint Jobs , reasonably. Call HAinllton 1-02CO ••• CONCRETE MASON , contractor. Block foundations, also poured con- crete foundations and patios. I' as- quale Cofone, Lewis Court , Hunt- ington Station, HA 7-2170 3C8 BLIP COVERS, draperies , expertly tailored. Fabrics If desired Call Janls Axness. HA 7-8D3L . ••• PAT1KY AUCTIONEERS & Ap ^ . ptlilsor. Best results realized, i Out- right purchase on consignment ba- sis, General " merchandise, farms , homes of furniture , antiques, works of art. Commission sales solicited. Estates our specialty. 47 Woodbine Avenue , Northport. NO 3-0280, HA 7-1087. ••• PAINTING, PAPBRHANGING. cc- ranUc Tlio Installation and Repairs , Electrical Work . General Home He- pal's. Esllmatus cheerfully irlven. Dominic Meschl , HAmllton 3-3010. CAHP^NTRY , ALTERATION , oxlon- slon , garages , dormers, porches , custom built houses. Free estimate. Rotund HJehnang, HA 7-0075 ••• IIOOKICEEPINQ SERVICES, Taxes. Audits, etc. Heasoniiblo rates. Ptislay & Associates , HA 7-09CG. ••« MEI-HTN^H ROOMS. facilities suitable fur meetlngH , banquets and wed- ding receptions. Huntington Bouse Holol , HUllt, 4-1054 ••• OAlUJhSNS AND lawns rolotllled. also » Trench digging. Hall fciico ' lnslallod. Tod Wesnofslte , 37 E. 8th St., Hunt- Ington Station, HA 3-5551 - '»' SPKNChUl CORHETIKRE , Mrn. Q. Croiiln. .Phono NOrthport. 3-1917 or HAmlltou 7-5181 after 5130 P.M. DM (II'INKIIAL CONTRACTOR. "Custom Homes. '' Alterations , additions , ga- rages, attics, basements, lniiirior woodworklnit, Conililuatlon wlnilowfl Kc doors. Over-head Giiraao Doors J, T. Wesniir. HAmllton 7-0814 "' LAWNS Cleaned up ami terllllsiod. ninliiiis , trees & shrubs trlmmnil- Hinnli repairs & paint John, Dry WU II H, lencuii Inalallfld, Qoncral nialutunauce, Prea estimates ami nilvlee. HAmllton 1-35 23. __| KLKCTRICIAN, DM YWIt.S, r«iijf«!« (n- stalled. llasumentH & allies wired. 11 A . 7-0827 ¦ REPAIRS AND ntlnratlons, Qirpnn- try -and painting, J. hlrlckson, HA 7' -!) IW . a __, 1A CUSTOM nilll.DKlt. otnriinntry ol ovury. description, Fhilslifal attics niul cullarn a specially. II, Hulnn, _ ANilrew 1-2H7K _^_ 111 OAlU'ENTitY, - L>.T us do I bono caf- Iiontry Jobs that you havo no thnu to do. IIA :i . :ir,i r, m PAOTORV AUTHOniZEB winiiLPooL and nCA-159TATlQ HANOIO 0BUVIOM Wn also ropalr.Norir * and¦ Tlior . , ' Washing Msblilnnti ' qitovor 5-i«7 ; LKvlUown 9-OSW l" *T T"""' ^ *~ " ' /n -"^-vy- - ¦ _--.|.---- l .-,^- - TT- l «- r --* ; : NOTICES-r.t_GiiLS ' ; i '' \^L .^pNnr^jpp ^ ;A ' ON T AQE V8K0 , 3 ¦ ¦ ' . ' PN ' . P ' A.0C ti , tiRci a; ' GAHOL1NIQ AND MOTOJl ^ LUUltlOANTB aaaollno, tank wagon deltverlei at wholesale price, Wo supply truckmen, contractors , ostaton , eta. Havo own pump and gas tank: miilntonimce Oalso QaaoTlno, UPM Lulirlcinti Horvlnif Nassau S uffolk Counties. PIPING ROOK PETROLEUM CO,, INC, HAmlUon 7-8110 HalOHlt *. Now York . ••t (Continued from Paoo One) ' _ In 1330 EaV Leighton Was elect- ed for his first term asa Huntlag- ton. yT«rwn- .Constable; and. was ' rer ¦ elected¦ ' 'jki -93_; ¦ ;in ' 1933 he was appointed¦ ; Acting: !Cli fef: ot the : H_ritih_ tbn : Police; an 'i ; thon, when tlie , foiToiai BbUce-depai'tment ' vris organized-ho wad appointed a ser- geant , serving with that rani uh- tli he became Jth« , Departi_ent' 8 first: fiUl-fle-ged " Chief , in 19-4; The chief a: of " police until that lime, had all been classified an " act- lug" . Leighton, during: his years of service , kept abreast of new tech- niques In police \ _ork through va- rious studies : He graduated from Delehanty Institute ; the Municipal Training, Institute of the State of New York; University " of the State of NeW York for JPolice Training; the Nassau Comity Police School , ' and several FBI ' training courses. He\ has '" been - active in promoting pistol shooting competitions , and qualified as pistol expert in the International Pistol Tournament Cffl_$ ^ ~~ LEGAL NOTICE Z Z WOTICE TO BIDDERS PUBLIC NOTICE In hereby given tbat separate sealed bids for the construction of a new Fire House on the sit* recently purchased by the Huntington Fire District located be- tween Wall Street and New York Avenue wilt be received by the Board df' FIre Commissioners of Huritlneton Fire District , 235 Mai n Street , Hunt- Imrton , New York, on Tuesday, Janu- ary 28, at 8 P.M. - <E.S.T.) nnd then at sold time " and place publicly open- ed and read aloud. . The work will comprise the follcnv- '"' uENEKAL CONSTRUCTION ' Contract No. 1 ' HEATING AND VENTILATING . Contract No. 2 PLUMBING & SANITARY . Contract No. 3 ELECTRICAL. WORK ¦ . Contract No. 4 The Information for Bidders. 1- drm of llld. Form of Contract, General Conditions , Supplementary General Conditions of the Contract , -Drawings and Specifications may be examined and obtained at the office of the Architect , Albert J. Grnesser, 91 Green Street , Huntington , New York , uoon deposi t ot |EO.O0 for each Gen- eral Construction set, and $25.00 for each Mechanical Trade set. Any per- son or corporation upon return of the first copy of Drawings and Specifica- tions In good condition and within thirty (30) days after the award of the contracts for the project or the rejection of the bids, will receive the deposit In full. On return of any addi- tional sets under the same conditions as enumerated , one-half of the de- posit will be returned. . ¦¦ ¦ . Each contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or the proposals will be rejected within sixty (GO) days of the date of opening pro- posals , subject however , to the dis- cretionary right reserved by the Board of Fire Commissioners to waive any Informalities In, or ' to reject any or nil proposals, and to advertise for new proposals If, in Its opinion , the lest interest of the District will thereby be promoted. ' , ¦„_ »_ , Each bidder must deposit with his bid security In an amount not less than five percentam (0%) of the base bid , In the Form and subject to the conditions provided In the Informa- tion for Bidders. ' ... ' ,, ' No bidder shall withdraw his bid within ((" '«) «'xty days after the form- al openlng thereof. BOA RD OF FIKE COMMISSIONERS 235 Main Street ' Huntington , New York ' by: JOSEPH E. QALLIENE Patod-t December, . 80^) 1357. -./ _ NOTICE No. 881 Jatnos J. and Florence R. Nugent , RFD #5 , 7 Idle Day Knoll , Center- port , Long Island , New York fee title owners 'of the.land the subdivision known as Idle Day Kotates , Amend- ment of Lota #2 , 3 and 4 located at Centerport in the Town of Htinllnif- ton, Suffolk County* N, ' Yhavlnir made application for the approval of a subdivision Plat prepared by Victor T. Zukowskl , L. S. for tho above mentioned subdivision , more particu- larly described ns bounded on the north by Private Ilonii , oast by Priv- ate Road , south by Idle Day Estates (Cavagnnro) , west by Idle Day I3n- latcs . Lot #1 (Profota) and contain- log approximately 1.40 acres;, tho Huntington Town , Planning Board will bold a puhllo hearlnB pursuant to Sec. 270 of the Town Law, at the Town Hall ,, Huntinglon , N. Y. on January 15 , 1068 Ut 8 P.M. at which any Interested person may appear and will ho heard , before tho approval of the Final Plat, Copy _ of tho Final f lat la on Tlio at tlio Planning Board office, , and may bo seen there during regular office hours. ^ , ' lluntlnRton Town Planning Board , ¦ ROBERT C. W. CARLSON , Secretary-Consultant . 1U NOTICE NO 884 Marlon Development Corp., Box 115 , East Northport, Long Island , New Yorlt foo title owners of the-land , the subdivision Imown as Montvalo Manor, Section 8 loomed nt Ens l Northport , In tho Town of IltinllnB' - ton, Suffolk County, N, Y., having made application for tho rod net ton of tho I' orformaiico Bond on Montvalo Manor , .Section 2 from J-ltl.Mn.UO to 120, 2112.011. Application for Bond Re- duction duo to curtain parts of site ImprovomonlH 'having linen comu-lntod. Tito Huntington Tow n Planning Hoard will hold a jiiihllo hearing, pursuant to Section 277. or tho Town I<wv , at tho Town Hal l , Huntington , Now Yorlt on January IB , 1958 at HtOO.P.M. nt which thno any inloroaloil person may appear niul wllly tie huaril. ' ftOUBUT - O. K. CAlllSON, Huorutary-ConHUltanl ill NOTICE TO BIDDERB flofilnt) hldn .will .)>» received nnd iiiihliiily oponoil by tho Director of PurcluiHo , HutfftllJ County, (it 83 Kaat Main Strnvt, Piitchogiio , Now York for tho following niuturlalii up to 3iU0 P.M. on tho' Wnowlnst Uatoiii Fi'ltlny. Jantmry . io— I' l-ftittntf of Tllrtictory of lltti rulillo Holiools of tho County of Suffolk Tliano npoolllcntlons mid sample may ho Houn nt tlio office of tliti 'Dliitilcl Snpurlntoiutoitt of Schools; John •!* , Miiaulnt , tint BnpwvlHory Dliiliict , Dour Vurk Avo,. JluntiiiKto n, N.Y. Mniulny, Jiuumrv 1 , J3- ^ ' County Olork' H ItnoonV Hhulorn SlnpJIIndtir -aoltots ' ¦¦ .tldlili la |i« Jlomitod Duftiiltlvn upocKlcntlonn ftoncvriilii B (ho lilmVo 'Itilmit nrmy tin ohtitinoil nl tho offlrfo of tin* JirpartmBtil of J'ur- nliimn, ' ". ' '" ' . JQIJN'J. WLLY wlrootor ¦ '•" ' , LEGAL NOTICE ' » IlflMm <W iniUK^'I' I ON , liNlON iriirsro SCHOOL DISTIIIOT NO. », lltlNTINtlTON, TOWN OF HUNT- !ii?j %m&vi, ro,,K ° ' ° ftN T y' HI II H for fiirnlnhlng Canned floods , HlimUw nml iri-oini) Foods for five tnoutti .ptirioil , Irnin jroliruriry A, J05H to Juno so, WH id ' oiir' varloim nojipolii , will lm rociilvqil hy till) llonrd nf liiliijaUQn. U«ilni | l?roe atifioo) lUft' Hot ¦ ¦ Noi , <¦», ¦¦ ¦ HinuittBioii, ¦ Huffoih Oqiinty , Now York , al mo llon rd of Wtliioatlnn Otfloo, 200 Main Htrnoi. ninil January, i?, it>r.« M U A.M.. niul Ihori Mo Mill t nin 'iiiup pliiod VIII no miblloty hiionotl and roml, ' ' ' WWW RM«« l?##fe hh i jljtlit to WH I VB ntiy , inrqrnnalltto'l h^ur lo rfljiiot-niiy or till hM«. . " ¦ v ifd fi W*u liumiiiKtoiv N, " iir. -c- ' .. > ¦;. . :¦?» ¦ . -ocy-i - , 1 . ¦w$imi>\-^-* x ^. jHHn sponsored by the New York Dally Mirror. '' . ' " . - '" " ' ¦ "' Clllel Leighton was an organizer aid tie first president of the „unt- tngton Police ' - ' Behevolent- Associa- tion; he 1B a past president of the :Su«olk Co_nty " Pollc6 AssoctaUon _nuV was itn financial secretary for If years. He is a life member ot -both the Huntington KB-A. and the Suffolk County Police Confer- ;ence , and is a member of the Na- tional' Police Officers Association ; th ' e ' International -Association ' of Chiefs of Police; the New York State Association of Police •Chiefs; is vice-president ot the St. George Society for Law Enforce- ment Officers of Suffolk County ; is a 32nd Degree Mason , belonging to Jephtha Lodge, Huntington, and Kismet Temple , Brooklyn;- , the Eagles Club, Northport; the Hunt- ington Elks Club; Huntington Post , No. 360 American Legion, and vari- ous Republican clu . bs in the area. During his career with the Hunt- ington Police, . Leighton has seen the department grow from a small constabulary force to a Depart- ment of 123 men, under his com- mand. Leighton gained nation- wide notice for his work in sever- al criminal cases , including the fa- mous Benjamin ColIIngs murder on the yacht "Penguin" in. local wa- ters in 1932, and tile gangland shooting of Huntington Patrolman George Proheck during a hold-up In the Huntington Theatre. Chief Leighton and Mrs. Leigh- ton; the former Barbara- Luckso ot Torrlrigton, Conn., live at 66 Eust Park Dr., Huntington Station. A spark from an electric train plug, set a blaze in cotton sur- rounding a Christmas tree whir.li quickly envel oped ' the tree Friday In the homo of Mr. and Mrs. NelJ Nelson Hi; 4th ' "'Ave,, Huntington Station. The quick action of n teen- age neighbor In putting out the blaze pi-evented a more serious situ-tlon. Mm. Nclson - told The Long-Is- lander that at about 3:30 p.m., .she wont . to plug the cord of an elec- tric train Into an outlet when sparks flow from the plug onto the cotton, she Imd around the tree which wont up In flamed. Grabbing iiet children , Nan , 2 , and Nols , ' f months old , n.ho ' .ran otttsldo ttnd acreninod for, help. Leonard Sposn- to, li; a neighbor from across tlio street, ran to Mrs, NelHon ' s homo nnd put out tho flro , his father Sam called the Huntington Manor Fire Department. Mrn. Nelnoii , who at this tlmo could not give any amount on tho damage caused, nnld alio Is grate- ful for hor neighbors nnd all who aided her. Sho said that tho homo "was , liveable " aftor the flro. Prompt Action By Young Neighbor Puts Out Christmas Tree Fire Long Island' s flrttt hi fidelity AM radio station - WI1AI) 1M0 tnlii' 8 to Hip airwaves Sunday nt 12 , noon. Located at Farmlngdalo Hd. (KtO) und KaHt Dr., tho nil now UCA equi pped, fiOO watt . iitntloii will bronrtcnji t tho world' s finest numjo —uninterrupted. According to Sol Hororiiitoln , president of tlio . stif Hon ' , WDAU will Introduce n coin' iilotoly (liferent and oxclting Bptiiid to LOIIK Island Hoteliers , , , "TliO Now Long Island Sound!" Sltirn of radio, thontro , t())ovlnlon nud recording funio luivo booh Invi- ted (o umko pornoim! appearand)!' fleorgle l' rleo, Hob KnoHluin (Ciiji' tnln kangaroo), Hofj ' or WIHIniiiii , n o»i | Aidon , Lou fjo ' nto , lliiy Houtli* C1H011 , Rlchnra Maltby and miuty , )thoni are expo . cloil , ItCA, poccii i Cnplttil , London , yox una other uift* Jor rononl l ii K coimiiinlOH will pin* . lpnl many of tljolr tnlnntod nrtlnH . ' 01' ' tlio 1 ' event, U,8, Bonutuv Jiioub ¦TuvHii , I'A Oongrenumun Stnyvoiiaht Wolii' w ' rlijlil , Stale Soii^ov IQllulm J. Dm- rottl" stiitb AHitflipWymnn Jnmo» Jroyi-r, Hahyii pfi aiVl i»lll» Tt>» .Junorvlnorfl Art^H" jCJiotfAiirty mi|l riidniftii H«rwo'bii;> Police Clilofn Ptirny IlemDHtoad ' and Ilornnrd (lol- inr, ' oC nnliyloii and Inllp, Major «IUii>i't irii ' nuo o( ! H^liyloti , Mayor aoorflo Koniioily of Arnityvlllo May- •Jr flpbllc ' rliorg of „lrirtoii!iiin»t "'I 11 Ilaliylon yillngo:; Cli . lof of ' Pollcp fJoljin are nnio^ JB iliriiio oxpootoil at lli ' o " _ ' a.)a ovoiit, ' , . l. MW olilnrn of llio yoU'iiteor Uro eamnrVniv B ¦ wihiin Wi« W" AltJi m% Ui_ AiiiVi'l-an LoBloiri ' ftnd 'Itn ¦ . »«*«¦ lirioiiAVI'TWf, Ml nil Horvlno " . miil jplvl Q r Wtin / l|%p J linotl Invito. JllRh Hnlibbl Mm VIH mipply »«««• l»(i ;,entortivlnwoiit run* "eU'Wuinn of all fftlthti wJU provide flttliiK H" yoorttionii (or. tl(0 ii ' mv lirnudw"' 1 oiitnrp ' i'ltio " . ' '' ' ! New Hi-Fi Rhtlio S tatio n WBAB Beg ins Broadcnsting Sunday (Continued from Page One) side of . 'New York Ave., at. that point, has been rescinded, - Mr. Maeder explained. The Board referred to the Plan- ning Board a petition from resi- dents of Klotz PI., Huntington , ask- ing to have the name changed to Welland Dr. ,- Wlndgreat Dr. , or Chatham Circle. A public hearing was set for Tuesday, ' January 21 at 8:30 to consider a rate revision in the Dix •Hills Water District. The district report showed that since it wan formed the district has added a 500,000 gallon tank , lias added a new well and new lines, has extend- ed the. district and brought the tax rate <lown. . The rate In 1957 was the lowest in the history of the dis- trict. A lower water rate, is antici- pated. TOWN RpHONS C&ASSIFIED ADS 'IrtMrtioti"'minimum ' - ; BOc for 15 > ;worctr sttJOTderfiand «3 " p«r won} ' for- e»oH* «<Jdwl f word. ' Additional fCWKMcutivo ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ tn»*rtiori» ¦ ' ., - ¦ without ch_o_« of . 'copy _ 'fic'i|Mir' word. Mini- mum 75c. OoitS faea ' or ewt «re ' used only In ctasslffod display, rata ft.00- " per, Inch. . _ ¦ . ;. . ¦ ' .- ¦ ' lint- adi, utlnfi -The;Lono-tst-nd- ¦ ef_ : Pi" , O; 0OX), - . 25C" extra. " ;" ntUht totlatilfy, edit or reltitrany adwortlnemiuit , in rew>rv«l 'by; The . r_ona->Inlander. - •- VV» will not be. : reepooBlblo for , ; error» ' untesi they, are drteoted '-before - Ut»'Meond-Insertion. ' Th« . |.ori8-lttander cannot be re* ! sponsible for errors In copy taken : over the .telephone ; ' Charges ncctptetf only from 111th : ecHoers , SSc billlno charoe. Ad» doss at 4 p.m. Wednesday— Phone HA 7-7000

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FOR SALE_-RgSCELLANEOyS__.TWO FUK roat«. clock, .imnll nerving__ta lc ag^OttKland St. HA 7-134CUSED lAntB&U piumSihg nnd door*

v 1ttr sale. L,. & ft. House WrecklwfCo.. U Church Street, HuntingtonSlat toil. HA 7-1121 ***

POSTAGE! STAMPS, Philatelic sup-plies. Bill Couhraii , 16 Sncond Ave-nue, nunllngion . Station. HA 7-6<JJ

HANDCltAKT HOUSE Invites you tolook ov*r hundred's of new lamps,Just arrived at wonderful prices.Bargains hero the year round.Kouio SD-A, opposite Ulynn's Inn.J_jonoJtjA_7__y__ __•

AUTOMOBIl/K ln«urancft—S monthlyPdvtnbnlN. Ulieu. Mutual Ina. Co.,Utlca, N. Y. lias paid dividends 1020%. A. B. Puatay Inmiranco Agen-cy. OS Nassau Koad. HAmlltou 7-m_5t !*!

f?E\V AND used typewriters and Add-lus machines, (reconditioned); re-palm, remain. Curr's llimtnosa Ma-chine, inc.. S Now St. HA 7-2108.

COW MANLIKE, piclc up or delivered.Call HA 7-C2B 9.^ - "*

SrOKlilCA WORK, kitchen cabinet1 topa, bathroom vanity top and other

Formica work made to order. Q & SWoodworking Co.. 320 _. JcclchoTurnpike. HA 3-<110. ¦ • . »«»

"•TELEVISION, HOME and auto-radio,fihono'n, refrlcvratlon, air condition-al, washers, ranges, dishwashers.

Service in tho homo. HA 3-4S78.emergency HA 7-2501 V*

PINK MIMUiifS, At HandcraftHouse. Unusual custom made, ex-clusive with us — hutches, Harvestboard tables, any illsso. Karly Amur-k-un furniture , made to order ltoulc25-A. opposite Glynn's Inn. HA7-0310 " __

TV - IU-F1, Installations _ service.Qabo Agardl. HA 7-4701 -» *•

HANDCRAFT HOUSE features un-usual Christmas cards at 5*. Sensa-tional at f-1.60 p ot hundred. Imprint-ed. Order early, llouto 2GA . oppo-slto Glynn's Inn. HA 7-0310 **»

HUG HKPAIH 1NQ of all typos, doneby Armenian expert. HA 3-6131.No answer, call evt-iilni;a. __

HORS_ -AIANUKB for sale. Can do-llvur. MY 2-7187 *"

DISCOUNT HOUSK prices tor ex-truded aluminum 3 channel com-bination windows and doors. .Win-dows $12,9!!. Doom complete S29.9S.l'aymenU plans arranged. Alray.Gone rut ¦ Hronzo Showroom, • Hunt-InRton. HAmlUon 3-1111 , open allday Saturday, Monday till S P.M;

COW MANUKIS , pick up or deliver-ed. Call HA 1-31198 4D8

SKIOD RYB for sale. Morclanda HcrryFarm, South Commack. Koad, Com-mitck. New York. FO 8-8173 »*•

PIANOS , HoUKlit . Sold. ICxcImnsod.Up.- Spinets , players, tunod , repair-ed. Most discrimination service. Ac-tive Piano Craft Co., 507 Itli Avo. ,Baal . Nortliporl. Tel. I''Q ti-mu «"

HKASONEIJ COIIU wood, will sellless than a cord. Call .MY 2-0222

2 NRW AMKUIOAN slnlis. 2 newK«H stoves, radiator coiivnctors withcnlilnetn , 215 KI\1. oil tuiik. LumberYard, 11 Church St., lluntlnRtonStation, •'*

•SINGING WESSONS, Idiinl oolf cx-Drosslon ' for musical child. Classesrun, , develop poise, personality.Hurmonlsliijr, dnncu-routhu-. PennyLewis. HA ,1-1 Mil 1A

KMiCTHIC TltAl.NS. See our lerrlflevillous In HO KUURC . Uliorul irinlii-In on your "Id cut. Our own one-year KUiirnntt'o on every m-w I rainsold by us. KxpL-rl Itcimlrs. Hunt-ington Train Center, 335 Wall St.(Nuxt to Valencia Tavorii). HA7-82S8 1A

klj :CTltlC THAINS repaired. Ameri-can l-'lyer, Llonul . Marx , HO KAURP.Aiilhorlzod Alarkllii .Service. Allwork BuiirniUccil. llinitlii itloii TrainCenter, 33G Wall St. (Nuxt , lo Va-leiinlq Tuviirn). H A 7-X28S 1A

MJitMANIO.NTS, THTA MPOOS , si'tw Inyour bonin or nt Salon, Call Chirn.IIA 3- 6150 1H

HTAMPS. \VH have oviirytlihi K In thisline. Just link. Uettler , 3H Oiiklunil

_Hli_LT'\J :,3i" ***l-'UKNITUUt: ' STOHK tiiilnit nut of

luminous, lleilrooin, I.lvliur room,KI U-I H- II fii 'lM . Iii 'low costs, Sucrlflcfl,I'ulmor Kuril It i|m t.'o., 1115 NowYork Avii., Hniitlnii lon Htallon ,JO

CHltL'S WUIT1-! fluuro skali-s , slue 7,(loud couilllluii. Coul (12.50, mill (5.AN 1 -tillS

FOIICRI) TO sell , U-avlii K Hn iitli iKloil .2 SliumoiiH Hciuily lli-sl mMltiiisHesand box surliuis, twin nUc. 'I'woProvincial 1 ilrnwnr clu-sls. Pro-vlnclitl I.nvo Scat , Ci'edeiiai. llil ttkln ,HA 3-2H3

DSIOI ) PitUIICS K- lli-alum blocks.1. u c IT i- & small tiuimtltlun. J,Mi'Mulli-n , PuliiMkl lid. ' HlonyHull ltd., Nui lhuorl. AN l-P-15'J 111

INCl .i .MK TAX. VVdcral and Hiiit 'n re-turiiH. Siniiilurd di-ihiclloi»i com-plcleil nl your home, l lolh for ?5.l)l).I1A 3-1221 1 .

^Ol.t) I V U I I N U I H IICM all of It a patrons

A vory Ihipiiy, llcalihy, ami Pros-. nvruus Now Yi-iir, 2,',-A Kurt SiiloiiKii

THANSKKItllRl ) . .MUST sell a roll-vortllili! ciiiu-li, Hnwliiit iiinl-lilne ,dresser, Tlinr wiinhliu: iimi-liliui nndother Ileum, Priced lo jicll ijulekly.HA 3-H5f ,l _

MAI'LK Sl 'INI.'T, full iKiylwmit , 2yrs. old , Ilk" new with bench,orlKlnal prion (Ml), Siici'iriro ISOU.MY 2-20 2I

(JIONKHA'mil , UlUtUlS uml Hlrulloii ,220 volts, IBIiu walls , |l7S,l)d, HA3-7IH ,r, . ,

UlCHTl-'.lt l l A P V iiruild , n (I. S In., ex-rclteiit. coiiillllmi, Muvln;; , (tt Cti. HA3 - 1 1 1 1 .


DAVID HAHniRONKuriuerly of Hill' s Harder Shop, 0

Ifarver Street, now wiiikli u ; atI' lirlle 's lluiiicr Sliup. 15MNew York Avenue , l l inn-

Inilloil Stiilliiu



Mixers, air compressors, niivliii: break-urs, iieiinrutor, piuiiliM , miws, ninil -

rrn, trailers, Many ' other Itinim (plunk'i'licral einilpiiiunt repulrii).

ISLAND- POWKH TOOLS152 West Jorleho Turnplho

HAmlltou tl .miJO

(S IdooVs west of Now York Ave.)

0A.ND . &-OK .WithHtons Host ~ tlinfl Itrlnk

> iu,i«Uo uiuclis —- Comont uiocfca; WnslelKisier Vt-nner (Mono. .¦ :• . , i fli»to, *, Hiiifl*toiii»;riuwiiur

' ;• ; , !. ' ;, ' V ¦ ' "% A.'.' KB^MXR ' pd. 'Monuni«i\tfti »mJ Xiluoitono Work*

il '\:W »Pr'u* HoMl, Huntington\;Pf - ¦ ¦ ': ' ¦ ' HA. T-.W4 . ,


room Cape Cod. 2 bedrooms, livingroom, dtnlng ' room. Kitchen wtihwall oven. lull dormer. Ueduced for

• quick nale. Also 'now I! room Jtanch,3 bedrooms, narauo, P.H.A. aproved. HA 7-6616 . >.««<

EAST ItiLlP. D-yr. Cape. yt ocre,trees: block from school, not adevelopment. JO.'J'JO. Owner—J U 1-f.177. ; •? ,

LLOYD HAKItOK. Colonial on two.acrc», deeded private beach rlghta.Four bedrooms, two baths, lar(r«recreation room. High mortKOKeavailable. $37,600. Phono HA 7-4903for aupolntmenL No agems, pitas,.-. ' ••*

iTUNTlNQTON, ACRK level laniltown mad. Mix Hills section. $2,5uu.terms. l-Tcdertck Krueger, next OldDutch Mill, Jericho Turnpike,HAmllcon 3-0950 •*•

WILL TIIADK or sell new unoccupied3 bedroom Ranch home, full base-ment and garaftc , tacdU-d in KaalPateliojrue. )S,0U0.. till year K.H.A.mortitajie, for atniill lioiiae In vicin-ity of Huntington Township. 11-\7-8100 'J .

HUNTINGTON . STATION. liuriKRlow.5 rooms, convenient location. Zimi-cl

" business. Perfect for home shop,good display site and pleasant resJ.denllttl. $13 .001). HA 3-t,8«C •",

TWO LOTH COxlOO HunlliigloJi Sin--tlon r Lynch SL) $2 ,000.00 ench,Call HA 3-0187 - HA 1-5( 198 '»'

COMMACK ($650 down) buys a f,room Seml-tiunifalow, cidlnr. na-rage, 100x120 Irreifular. price $13 ,000,.(30 year - 5% morlKtBe) very lowcloalnir costs. William Scheftlcr.HA 3-1120.

A NICE homo In Ea.it Nortliporl. 2story, five rooma. AN 1-1211

HUNTINGTON. PERFECTLY suitedlo heavily ' wooded hilly surround-ings la Hits front to liack split levftl.9 fwnis, 2V-i balhii , $28, 300. OldNorthport Koad, 14 mile east of25-A at Glynn's Inn. J. H. Uernston.Builder. HA 3-S591 •••

HOUSE WITH 2 bedrooms, hot waterheat , . fireplace, outside patio withfireplace, refrigerator, automaticwasher combination. aluminumdoors nnd windows, near school andIl.lt. Station. Plot £0x200. Heason-able, -Willi garage, HA 3-8908

PART OF office A 801) mj. ft. of stor-age apace on Main highway. For

^appointment HA 3-UW 9 ,_•«•

B A S T NOHTHPOnT, (Catherine- Street. Just off lite-, 25-A). Uulltl-

er's Closeout , reduced , new fiveroom Capes with expansion attic,full cellar, good terms to all , fullprice $12 ,590. ' William Schefflur ,

^K2CCbj»lve^KejU)._JlA_ 3J_ 120. FAHM FU!t sale. Apii. 4()" acres, po-

tato land, complete Irrigation syn-em anil vcgcilable stum! In good lo-cation. Write Kenny Kruk, MainHoad, Mattltuck , I.ikin; Island ortelopnono MAttltuck: S-8-l.'to HI

LOVELT I'U-iCK of nrnperty. . RamNorthport , 113 front , 160 one side,150 , uently sloped. $2 ,500. SuffolkHomled, ANdrew 1-1304. 3401

HOUSK ON Churc h property, must liemoved), Submit offer, phone evc-nlnRW only. NO 3-2S98 H!

LOVELY SPLIT level , four hcilrooms,dead-end street, KIIHI . Nortliport.EIWOCMI section. 118.500 . SuffolkHond*l. ANdrew 1-1SIH , 3-101

$2,001) CASH WILL Jiuy attractive 2family house , good neighborhood ,Huntington Village. Excellent condi-tion Own your home live on firstfloor yourself for only $40. 1)0 monthfor taxas, Interest and amorltlziillcin.HA 7-200 0 .

UllAND NEW Cape Cod, very Veilbuilt , near school 00x100 , $13 ,0110.If $2.5011 down , no closing fees.Suffolk Bonded ANdrow .1-13111 , 3-101

THHEI3 DEDHOOM Riinch In HayHills. C yrs. old , ciisluni bnlll. Mnnyextrn.i. Anxious for uulek sale. Ask -Inn $21 ,901). HA J-iai-l

POll HALE , near St. Anthony 'sChurch. East Nnrthiiurt. 12lixl (!il ,$3 ,2011, Suffolk Iloudvd. AN 1-1311 1,31(11

MOBTQAGM LENT1INQ IS OUR• ,. - BUSINESS,trends available for, Industrial , Hiilld-Ins and Permanent Loans. Conven-tion and Apartment Houno Loons,Homo Loann up to $35,000.00.

FRANK M. QOETZPhone Day or iQvenlmr


FOU SALEIlcnlillfiil location, new 5 bedroom

Capo Coil house. Modern O.K. lilt-ehei) , 2 full baths, largo living roomft playroom , 2 ear unrnge, plot lutlx-150, Near iioullng A beach.

Price $.*tl , <IIKI ,

V, 8ESTI A SONS, Inc.HA 7-3227 or HA 7-7301

• 4*

LISTINGS WANTEDMoines, Afireago, Ilunliiess and Indus-

trial Proportion ..Mqrtgngo money available , slralRlit

and .aniorttzhu:. mortgages.Call HA 7-1UU0

THEODORE 8. HALLi JR.Bll Now York Avnnuo

lluntlnRton , N. Y.


Five lli-drooniH Oiiwn Piiyim-nl

2 1 laths $1 ,11110

75xlf>U, Capo ("ml , full rear dormer,living room, large Uliehci i , i ipsinlrspurthUly finished, 2 years old , luise-inenl , si-reeiiM , sliioii windows, Vi'ob-Itim lilladH ,


HAmlltoi i 7-11781

WANTHIt ! 1Old cllonl now on Sonlli Shore wnplslo relonito In l l imiluiuou Area. Musilie large mihstnnlhil home — Water-front and ntiMirlitir fucllltlmi , PrUnt to

$511, 1100.1)1)

H A R V E Y19(1 Eiuil Ma III Stlcot

Kast of Ulyiin 'ii

HA 7-2!l20

l lUII.IU-iUS t I

"No i' l'cihlmn" lliu hi I IIK sites — l-:«nlNortliporl. Iinxttiil. I.lghlly wixiileil ,with utllltlim and paved iiircui $|,rilii.Smliliiown — Near "llypasii" >,(, Kern ,IIIO XS IMI , Altrnnllvely wooded , Ml«o. .<¦I'livod silent — Willi Wlttiir III id' ,II .Mlll.

f -REOEnicK r.. neven281 Main Street

No :i-tf,r,7it>

Huntington Acre Zoning '

Iliuirll — 3 bedrmxiiH, 2 halh« , plasterwallM , flrc-plaee , 2 car gariute. lopaim. panoramic: view. This will im•lUleldy. ilon 't delay, New Year's lie-sohlCloii. See It I I $33 ,(1110,

Iluiittnglim , Choice Area

AttractIro t >'r, obl hrh-li nml stilnirl"hom« — dolluhifully wooded VJ nnrn.Thrvin \ hoilrooiiun 1!\ Imllui, |.iien'otieilIlirriiViei mnyrnoin with ili'o dticn,jka o:, v l • ' ",


i l/ .A . nnd PHI k Avo, , lliinlliijilon, l,.l,'

HAlnllUin U.U172


SLTTAliLE i'ult prbl'csslotial ' man.East Northport , corner plot. Fourbedrooms. Ilv. rm„ fireplace , din-ette, I XLII I . Klnlslied room In cellar.Oarage, $21 ,000. Suffolk Hooded.ANdrew' l-I'lOI. .3101 ¦ ' '

GREEN'I,A\VN. SUPER ' lUncber. 6rodiiis; 3 > liedrooms, 2 baths. 2 corgarase, fireplace, dliilnn room,cellar, plaster n lOOxlSO , oillyS19 ,S3o; ( A definite New Year Spe-cial). William Schemer, HA 3-112 0.

IJKAUTIFLU.. HOJI K n. .Salonga.four bedrooms, owner out of town.Asking $29, 000. l-',i ooros. SuffolkBonded.' -ANdrew . 1-J.WI, Still

\^Tn<TNTrTliST'.\NCE"To~Clrahii)ea-ilow. For two honw.i, UWaHi Ask-ing $3,7iio. Suffolk Bonded. AN-drew 1-1301 , '3-101. . ' ¦ . . .

$10.0IW!Sturdy 2-story for the growEii g family.Knclosod porch, Living Itoo-m, UlningItoom. Kltclicti. 2nd fl.—3 fcecl*0Cunaand lite bath. Plasnec, oil hot waterheat. Xlelached garage. liy appt. Blot.No. 2." Kxcluslve withMARGARET YOUNGS ASSOCIATES

HU1 New York Avenue -HA- 7-3132

Wir iw^ Jhe "exclusive fcrokcrs Inthe Hunllhffloii area for .AssociatedHomeflnilers. Inc. and if' you aremoving anywhere In the- United.State.i, (hla unfuue service- , can ¦ helpyou. Contact us for Information; ¦¦ .



On M-A , (East Main Street)Opposite . Glynn's Itiu

HAinllton 7-G422

FAIHFIHLIJ — HUNTINGTON .Attractive spaciou.i Dutch . Colonial onV4 A. located' In catub'd <onununilywhere' owners grew up liut now seek-ing warmer climate- Kill, hall withpowder '' raw 30' Ilv. rni,, fr. ul., fulldin. nn., I B. mod. kit: with bk. nookand laundry. 2*1 fl., - -2 'double and 2single bedrms., tiled hath. High ceil-ings create gracious nlmonphere. Inperfect condition and up-to-date.¦'.Seeing Is U-ltevtng" imd price of$21 ,000 Is not out of line.

SAMMIS ' i SMITH3tfl New York Ave.. Huntington

HA 1-591)0 or .11Y 2-7-1S!)


was fun , but did you feel cramped ?This house has a. terrific - game rni.with I-". P. on tlie main floor so won-derful for entertaining. Large L. H.with multlpune bow window ,•haniiiielsized D. p., fully eipilpped Kitchen ,4 Uedrnis., 2 bths., 2 car gai-age. Ask-ing J25.75U.

TUB MOUN1NG AFT1311you rend this may lie too Pile. Ar-range now to see ibis lovely 3 lledrm.Cape Cod norlh of 25-A on tt quietdead-end .street so safe for children.There Is a cozy L. It., 1) . U.. slop-sav-ing Kitclum , Covered Terrace. Slove,washer , S/S inch at $14 ,201).

A HAPPY NtiW YKAUIs certain In a bouse that emits charmihi-uout. You 'll love the highly polish-ed wide pine floors, the huge livingnil., log burning F. P. and wood box,the lovely nmltlpam: windows over-looking a pond, '['here are I large sun-tit biHlrins., 2Vj l itbs. , etiol. lerrnce ,oversized garage. . . Ashing $19 ,500.Offe rs Invited.

THOMPSON - HECKER, INC.LSI Main St., Huntington

(2 IllDL 'l iH 10. ul' ltl . 110)Kvi-nlngs I I A 1-21152 I1A 7-239S

Ilimllngton Vic. •"Nortliporl

WATKuvtrnvNew niitiuiil cellar nlilnitleil custom3 liedruiiiii riincli. Sweeping views ofwater i* euiiutryslde, Mliiriuieu foyer ,living nn., inv i t ing flreuliici- , diningnn., well planni'd liilelivu, 2 halbs ,is" fiunlly room, hasumnut, garage.Ilrlghl .t cheery cxiiosure. $ l7 , tliil),

l l i l i itlngton Vic. ¦ Norlhport'f l l lS UOMK j.'KA'l'nUKll IN

AAIKItlCA N JIOAl ) -:Step Into the pages ot Americanllnim- llio ini i i i i i ' i i l you enler, 21' l iv-ing nn. - opening onio Jn.lmi.sle pm-i- li-ti-i'i -nei- , flrepliiec , chiii'iillng piuielcilki lcl i t-n, 3 liedroimis wi th bull I -1 lis .(master 20x 1 .1), 2 large b/it l i .s, numer-ous rnniny eloscis , IniHi-nii-iii , allrac-l ivel y filitshed 21' giuiii- nioin, dliln,Itanige . Well laiKlsenpeil gi-uunil.i,$2l ,tilill. |

, Unti l liigton Vie . • NorthportW A T K U V I K W l-' l t ( ) M I0VKKY UOO.MAllrni ' l lvn IIMieili-i 'u, CiilKornln ltanoli.ShupllRlly III design. FloDr-lii-celHn i;wlmli'iw.'i In l iving nn,, exculleul. ex-pimnre llii-miglioiii . Pining renin , uwoman's "Drciim" Idtcrimi , l-'ntber'shldi'iiivay i lea, ivanigc , ful l luisi-nienl ,t-lveellcnt section , ileiiil-eiiil street,$10 ,5011 .

cnrll n. burr , Jr., Inc.I'tcallor - .

Serving Yiiiir Nei-ils l'"i>rl l l - IAl , lOSTATI-l " — INNUIIANCI 'J

• CUSTiiM I I I I I L D I N O25-A « t.iiurel Ave, NdrUumrt 3-2615


¦ UlMI' iH, LOTH, lienuiirii , waiVrfrouti*wiileivle\vs, wauled. Prompt no-tion, I.iiiiiliimi t ttculty, tin K, Jerl-

_olul Turnpike. I IAin l l l en .'t-)i;iiil •<•LIST'lviTlT' l'vy ITyoir really wiint

lo sell. We hiivn K*I |OIIM buyerswulUng. Ivy, 7Sii M, .Jorleho Turn-pike , l luiithiKlon , l lAiullton 7-53UO•••

\VAl ,iM''li)Tn]bMh:S\"niripTni'n'd~Tern.turn. 1,1st your pnipi-i'ty with ourofflen for quick net Inn, FrederickK'llii'giir , next Did Duleli Mill , Jerl-

_eUi) Turiiplke. llAintlUUi 3- 110511 «'»W i l l t U V liiiTi'iiisTTnin, iTiisTncsH or In "

dusli'lal prnpi-rilcn. Alan liuyiini wall--J-'.l'L . w.', '"j"."Lil.,'ft11*!'. IJA _ a- Riiai» _»*»WI'J HAv"I0 oiiT i'i( Town." liuyiir>i "r'n.

iiresi.'iitliiK largo firms, immpaiiylenihi lliem mutiny tu- pay nil eimhtor your home, Call V. X. Assnel-inns, I IAin l l l im 7-1322 _ _•••

POTATO " A Ni l ' " '(.•a'lillfiiwer "Tariimwanled. Immediately. A, Man;nt,'J7II l'lalnv li 'W Itniul , lllelisvllle.WMIIs I-I2I1II '»»

FOR SALE—UVB STOCKiiiOAOLf!s ,~2o~flb7ib imn ioijiir j.iir'«iT

fi-leettnn , W e^trfi nlee pnp« , itWiwliH lo 1 yi-ar, Hoilueed prices,Miirolmiilit , . <?oiimtncli Itoail , Cotn-llinnlf. l-'O H-SI 73 •••

|7MNcTi~i'nTi)u'':/fhV7i"p7unr^f.trnliual , lVillgrecd , wliltn , icaiioii-able, I fAi l i l l l iMi l.f.afjf ,

t^VofiLKS, MrtTVMK nilri lalllni pun-nleii, (lond pmllgren, inauimalilcjPrivate. Also lliu lia'-h Silver atStud , ANil iow 1-3H7K

¦TT~HKU> WArWm*,„, IN\T'!SfiilA'niir^T»AJNl'M-l"'Tho Niulonal Finance oriciuihtAltonwaiitn yoiiiii; man 31 . 3U yearu oldwho In IninroHlii d In th« future. 5 ilavwnok—.ninny licnuflu - - car nummary.Call (or iiiipiil ntimini , \. , i

,FAMILV V FINA^CB OOPip. |I. lONP Kow VirU Avo.' I I\ \ lluiilltiuloiilHlatloii \

i ' : . \" »»»

\VA*rJiFT:i), Yoi7N*t'» itl*i fTTr liiVninn.(ml position In iirowhilr banUliig In-ntllililrtn , iirofernbly cxpul'tonred Intyiilng ami willing to lm .trained fortelling duties. Fur Interview cullHAmlltou 1-3431 •••

HELP WANTEDItL'wA L ESTATE saleslady with car.

Congenial Huntington Office. Ex-perience unnecessary. Excellent op-pcrtunliy. Commission Basts. .HA¦i-i.iiun . ¦ ***

ASSISTANT, DOCTOR'S office , statei-Jilierleiice, If . any. Write E, Box 29,Huntington - '- .. 'Art .,.

I'A7tT ~Vl -iiE slenographcr, A-|i.0tt,(perhour In Hutitlngton. Call NOrthport2-1950 Jan: 7th or Stb.- 12:30 to-i-|:15P,M, ' ¦¦"" . . . . ; - ' ' ->' ' «-¦ .

KI-rilALK. HOUsa3WOUKIilfcr.>morn-Inrrs. Btcatly. I" West Neck Hd.

MA'ri/KB WOMAN for General OfficeWork . Typing and Steno. required.Cii.ll FOrest 8-7373

SALESMAN38 year old Merchandise ' Chib Firmservinn fund raising needs ot churches& organizations, has opening inwell developed Uong Island territory,excellent earning potential. DrawttguUint commission. Car essential.

¦WRITE ' FULC-V, "N" BOX 2»,¦ JIiinlIngton_ ¦_

JQSJ^ONg%ANTEi5~CA.TABUB WOMAN wilt care for

children or oUer person Ss-turdaysand Sundays. Call ANdrew 1-0213.

' ' IBYOUNG HANDYMAN'.does, painlliig,

yard work , caretaking, odd jobs. Re-ferences. HA 7-1043. 0:00 - 3:30 P.M.

OKNERA - CLERICA L work, excel-lent roferences. Call HA 3-9109 IP

YOUNG .MAN, associated four yearsHeidi Furniture store, wishes posi-tion, good references. ANdrew

_1 -327-1 _ _ . ' ¦ l___CA.RPBNTEH, ALL round man.. Kc-

qulrcs work wiih local , builder. 'Willaccept full or port time or/ acceptcontract work. New work or repairs.

_HA 7^208 ; IDYOUNG "IRISH girl wishes - work ,

iiiothnr's helper or housework . Sat-. unlay ,_Sunday. Call HA 7-1732WOJIAN WANTS"housework by day

or week. HAinllton 7-27-10IllONIK Q, IN my home or out. ISx-

porlejiced , references. Also baby slt-Llng. HA I-52S3


STRINWAY OH other good pianowanted. Please state make, ' price,age. Write "U.K.", Box 29, Hunt-ington * ID

YOUNG OIU_ "rife'ds sewing machine,reasonable. Write- M.. Box 29, Hunt-inglon

_ FOR^ALE—AUTOSF( IHL> '52 i door sedan. ICordomfttlc ,

Jt/ l-i , fully euulppeU , excellent con-llon. Lloyd Harbor. HA 7-708O •••

1055 MERC_itY~fbur door sedanTwo tone , puncture proof tires,power steering and brakes. Windowwasher. Lesa than 7,0011 miles.Call ANdrew 1-1131 1A

105-t NASI I , Ambassador, radio, heat-er, wlilte wiill tires, ContinentalHpare. One owner. $750. To be seennt Johnson 'Oil Co., 100 New YorkAve. , Huntington. HA 1-5C00

i»l7 INTERNATIONAL Utility Truck,new tires , battery. $150. HA 7-1121

ma" DESOTO V-8 , "fitild " drive , clubcoupe, black. W.W. tires . It St. H,very clean atid Insiiected. $325 orbest offer. HAinllton 1-IC1C '

CUSTOM '18 FOltD , Til. 0,11.U. en-gine, radio, heater, white walls &overdrive. . Musi raise - cash. . Tele-plione HA 7-22',)3 after G P.M.

PONT1AC '1054 Star Chief \ door se-dan. Flydrnmallc drive , radio , heat-er. Now rubber, perfect condition.Saorifice ?8!>r>.U(). HA 7- 2053, HA3-a(;i;i

KORH 0, 1951!. Tudor, black & white ,radio, heater , overdrive. Excellentcondition. Must sell. Sacrifice.$8115. 1111. IIA 30(524

lyr.l) l-MRD Tl'JDOU. It H II . good(Ires. Absolutely i-len n In and out.Mechanically perfect. $285,011. ¦ HA:t- .scr.7

oLDSMOltll .H P.I52 , Super. S8 4 dr.l-'xcellenl condition, radio, heater,Iiydi-omallc , t inted glass. $500.

_JlAinllton '.1-211)8 eveningsIiril 'iCK l oTll (^ornnei "i'dr sedan. K &

H, slip covei-H , nndercoating. Origin-til owner. IIA 7-771,2 >' '•- >v~~ FOR SALE--gO ATS ~7'

l 1V'()"L V E H I N K 14 ft. lioat and 15II . P. lOvlnrtiile outboard motor._ _ "ft sell. $3(10.111 ). MV 3-701)7

12' VEI'i IIOTTOM runabout , 68"¦beam. Never been used, I IA 7-1492

dKlMMAK. OLD Town, Yellow ,TacH>ot. Capo Cod I'Tlicrglnn Sailboats &Dlnghys , Jotinnnn Motors Sales &Service. Interliix-Pettll Palnl, BoatArmour Plbtirgloa. Rope, Anchors,

' Oars, Moorings mado up. TrailerService, Hlorngo, Repairs for SmallBoats. Emerson Hont Sh»[ Inc.,Ht. 25 -A, NOrthport 3-2 CC 1 '**

~ jyANTEP^gr^BNT ~7FltflM l TO C Aei-cK of " property for_iiiir«ory._ CjiJJ l-'O . S .'ITV ;••


SPACIOUS STORE 15' x -IS' . Suitablefor Bakery or Malr Stylist. HA 7-3227. •••

ieXcWiUY~~sT'ATTE or (Kflco space.MY 2-11222 , evenings MV 2-7t)lil » '»

OPl-'lOKH CONSISTINQ ot two largePine Paniili-d - Rooms on ground¦ flour. Krimting on main road. Furn-ished, limit , light ,<i waler tncluil.

_j-d._(!all_HAmnion 3-115011 r^S'l'( lUI'l "2rixii)Ti ramir"buMdlng 26x111)

with Infl nliove for shop Htoragc"or t inek garages, Open shell 18x60,Two story frunie. building 211x21,Wil l r<ml all or nny part, -7,7 NeivYork Avenue , I \i. blocks from MainStreet. Will iam H. Andersen , I l i i n l -I l iKl .n i . IIA 3-3173 »"

miNTINt lTON S'l'A'noN , .lerlehoTiinptke * Ri. no, Int'Kii fronti) trti-e ,-.J|enl , air eonilllloiieil , serv-ices, ImiiftnlH 'lv'-H , large claitot areaparking, loi-iited In nltnriu-y 'ii officeI I A 7 Xtlll ) _

¦¦ - ' _ •••UAltAOE JilST Tiff Miiln ' Slrncii . $10,_ inonih. Apply 7 (Irccn HI real tsfi mii ~Ft) \i r<"irt7"l8xiii)7 ',Siifi'alilii for

ivf l lces , 1-167 N« 'W York Ave ., (opp,KI !_ l l i iKirH _(",huri>h). 11 A _ ?!»» U!

aNitAiri-r ri li l 'reiil "in VIl 'liiK" oil.Mvrlli- Avenue , ('all HAmlltou:I-« I:I« _ _ / inDh'KICES Pl llt rein" New "billliluig,

2nd floor, 1250 ' iipace, HAinlltonit-NSli l on 211-1 Whitman 1U1„ Houlcl.ltl _!__ - WANTEDi


MISCELLANEOUS tTp'KICi-l S J ' A I M I "iiiinslstlnir ~ of 2

rooms, 453 N'mv York Ave, , Itcason-_iiblo_ reut, If A I -1771 . 'NEW S'l'(iit"j0'"7r ""froiu np|"r, 700 Hff .ft. l-'rim pnrkliiir , ready for-uprlii K

oiietilnic snlinbli) for (Iruir -' Morn,Hlnllimnrji , etc. 1 iiiliinle drlvo fromMain Streol , Call I IA J-IIW • HA1-filltlS •••


fl ifNTI^ifjfoN, aoYlll ¦ nwldentlaii l lHli let , 3 room npartnisnt , privateoiitranmi. Husliioiin coiiplo nrflfor-

.I?rt_l'' A 1-B7B - ,. ' HPAUIlli iH rrpAHTMWN'l', 1 2 - belt -

riKiiiis, 'IVfuhhigtoii Drlvii , fluntlrig-ton. HA 7-:i'.'27. .nr IIA 7-7.UII ' '»*«

TTVO liTlTiiHUlM Hparl7ilmil r''7i7w" hitwo fainlly laiiise, pilviiln untl'aiieemid porch, between Village and

. Htnllim. Ill Hoiiinn ltd,, HilminKioi),IIA 1-mn ovonlriKs. •••

VlLLAtll'l, "l"AUOir'fiirnlHTi7)i| iiluilioliving tiiiiiii, bath , kitchen , illnolin ,private untraiien, Turnioo, traraitc,

_ ulllllles, I IA 7-3231 »••Ml7i.»KU^ll"Xfc ~«5iVMH7 " 'Vial it" rJuTriip

orator. Coiu-enlenl bus ft stoves, $nti,Hccnrlly, tiiunedltilo oeiiupimoy, HA3-22112 . 1 0

li i "i NTi N(i'mN~ V ILI T viM~ iSri<>rmim K[ii» r(»» 'iil, H II II H II IW - for 3,

iii_i'i,iiS_ ¦ ; ¦¦ '"'. '¦' ¦ • \ inNORTH P0UTTVI |\|J\aw, VurntMlJo.l

an MMIIIIH ' wiih liath niinrtnumi,Hiott a (tot water InolUileil. 'Pri-vate tiiitmiimt, N<;> n. -ibr,7 ill

rtlllNIBTIlSO TWO ronlnri ''wwiilirSb175. month. On« month nncurlly,(Hulli iblu bnnlmms couiilu). HA

7»U33H . »M


FTJRKISI-ED APAKTMENT, 2 rooms,private borne. All utilities, neaj vil-lage. Woman ,only. 21) Stirling Ot.HA 1-0C12 »»'

HOUSE. C A L.V 14 R T O N, Tim-ber Park, opposite Urummun's. Oilheat, combination windows. $75.

" month. Ralph Moreland, Comnvack.l-'O S-8173 .__ *»*

THREE -ROOM apartment, a'll utlll-. .ties, overlooking waterfront. $80.

Adults preferred. HA 1--CU0. »»»EINOs PARK. 2 apartments. ISach

with 2 Bedrooms, Living Room,Kitchen, with Refrigerator, Rouge,liath. Garage. Including Heal &.Water. Central location. References,Secjjrily, Lease. $125.00 per month.Adults only. Available Jan. 1st."P.3."\ _ ._ox 29. Huntington 1A

THREE ROOM furnished apartment",all utilities included , -$30. month.Adults preferred. NO 3-2243 1A

RTfltAL,. FURNISHED - studio apart-nieni. private bath, large fireplace.Suitable married couple only or 2school teacheys. HA 3-8082 IB

THB-biB ROOMS and bath, all utili-ties. HA 7-9177 'THREnTROOMS & bath, Huntington

- VllljiEC- $80. per month. Privateentrance.' HA 7- 5313

HUNTINGTON STATION. 2 largeroom apartment. 40 Beverly Koadoff Jericho Tnke. 1A

STOftli , NfiAB railroad $100. month-ly. Also one for $125. East North-port. House, furnished. $30. month-ly. Two beilroom.1. Suffolk Bonded.ANdrew 1-13 01. 3101

THRKB ROOM apartment. Businesscouple preferred. 14 West 21stStreet , Huntington Station. HA3-5J03 after ti or ¦ Saturday andSunday -~

HUNTINGTON VII-LAOE. 3 room andI >a l li, furnished apartment. Allutilities , nice location.. Couple pre-ferred. HA 1-6390 •_

THRKB ROOM apartment on NewYork Ave., Huntington Station.$35 .01). Apply 102 Kast 23rd Street ,Huntington Station

FOUlf ROOMS and bath unfurnished._$75. month. Call HA 3-0353 COTTAGE, FOUR rooms and bath ,

with refrigerator and electric range.HA 3-8485

ATTRACTIVE THRJ3 K room apart-ment near village. Large' rooms,

. heat and garage. $115.00. HA 7-2000TWO AND a half room modern apart-

ment , near park and shopping?. Suit-able couple. HA 1-1724 ¦T1IRKE ROOM apartment, furnished.

Walk to .bus. $85, month. HA 7-3101MODKKN SIX room, 1V _ bath, Duplex

apartment. Thermostat control , ga-rage. Close to harbor & shopping.NO 3-4087W

NORTHPORT. Attractive 2 h«tlroomCape Cod Home. Excellent location.Immediate occupancy. $115, permonth. NO 3-313 2

bTVK ROOM apartment, newly de-corated , all utilities , garage. In vll-

_ loRe. $135. per month. HA 3-6440 NORTirPORT. EURNISHED'tvvo bed-

room house, garage, near goodschools. Modern kitchen , washer,freezer. NOrthport 3-1293

NEW THREE room unfu rnishedapurtmunt. Heat , hot- water. Busi-ness couple preferred. $au„ security.HA 3-0813 '

SUNNY " THREE room apartment"Ideal location, quiet nelKhborhood.Private entrance. Middle aged gen-tleman only. HA 3-57C0

THRIJE ROOMS. Apartment, gas,electric, heal $75.00. 138 ColumbiaStreet , Huntington Station. Couplepreferred. HA 7-403C

I'UUNISHBD FOUR room semi-de-tached house. Private front & backentrance, back porch. Heat & hotwater, $110. monthly. Melville. HA3-6387

SMALL PINE paneled 3 room house,lovely grounds, near shoppljn;. Im-medlate occupancy. NO 3-2KII

I''1VE ROOMS,for rent. Available Jan.3. Near village. Call HA 7-8123

NORTHPORT. LARG E 3 bedroomSplll-Lcvel Home. V£s acre, excellentlocation. $125. per month. Btirr. NO3-25IS '

THitBE ROOM tipartment In Ranchhome. Private entrance. Newly do-cornled.- HA 7-1.102 .V - '

LOVl-lLY COLONIAL Home. LargoPlot near village. 7 rms.. US baths.$150. per mo. Sammis & Smith, 381New York AVo., lluntlngt«n. IIA1-6000 or MY 2-7-180

FOR RENT—ROOM ~ROOMS BY wecic or month, Hotel

Service, Reasonable rates. Hunting-ton Houso Hotel, 311 New YorkAvenue, Huntington

^LAKOES ROOMS , private home, park-ing space or garago available) $8& $1(1. MY " 2-7(iB7 ™.

(TRI'lKNLAWN. LARGI0 cheerfulroom, private hooit , vountry sur-rfliiiulliigs. Qeritleiii-n. 335 Grcon-lnwn Road. AN 1-18°0 _ ^L

IIALHS1TE. LAKUE cheerful tumlsb-eil room, convenient to everything.Uc-ntloman only, HA 7-1B61 21

KURNISHEiT'ROOM. Private- bath &eiiirnnce. Single $15,110 , couple $20.1)0,l luntlnglon or Oenterport NO 3-22411»•«


feipT^_iSVy^_lliliirphJoli.j A h w c°_ffj tQa^apjopNnri) it ".n jmrr^ ii ' ir * r i rTXiTiiii i * ^f iB*_p riV iTi.''ii _r _"""1'

)j nwv\ liiuo ffiuaio aroylinuinl. NotifyliolIflfl , 'liim»' 'H1lnll< b/"0lJ m\l ''HA7>UtB _ . llOwMll, ,'. ,i < ¦ ' ,; ."„ ¦• . ' . .' i . .y-.v 7^ -*;.?.,.:r?/Tr-~ ' =^ 'iTn-.-_v.j t ^ -^_i4wTO :_—-!'., . ', ' ', ,q___J,_„rri 'iri'ij) firv? :a—ii-_„Bi(__a'roiuoic oiwiciiAT, tionimotw, -Hfn-.tillomi, i \nr, now .worlt , ' nrlvato or* < _ nWlnnr,v|l,i no Job tup mvmll. IIA¦ Tallin . , ' . ! *-( . ' ¦¦ ¦ i . " "' . ¦ \\, - , ' , •*•aicATias. flir/im'itiNWii »r^r>--iQmuu

lyi Mlllur - Cyfihi ' HlioiirHlll \Va||. toiM "?11 ."?-. *lr%

HOOti — IMMACULATE. Tivslofullyfiiriilshed for comfort. Private -on-triiace. 2 blocks Main Street. HA7.-5115 •"

COMKORTA1ILI-: FlIRNIS|II3ll roomin private homo; unlet street , nearvillage. Business woman only,itrenkfnst optional. Tol. HA l-t(t!12,•49 Bterllng (tt ., Hunt. »

BAY SHORE, Lurito airy room, prlv-otfl eiilrnnce , bath. Refrigerator,

' light cooking. New homo, PEcr__J _rk_ 2-7937_; _JAROOM " WITH view for lady or

couple , Willi , ni l l l i ig room. Kitchenprivilege , secluded Cape Coil. HAm-lltoii 7-5805 evenings, weekends.

1Al,AKl!K WARM furnished room, llea-

KOIIII I I III, near railroad station ftildtihoiipllig, tjlilet, I I A 7-11653

MoTiblHN' l.AltClE room llJi illen) Inprivate homo, near transportation.IIA 3-5H7H ' ,' . . ' ¦

LAIttll ' : I M J U N I S I I I I I > room for lightlioiwckenphig. .Suitable 2 businesslienylii>Nl.Tlviit«i onlrance, IIA 3-lll!)l

ROOM IN Village , flonifortahlor furn-ished and warm, Hath ' nltnwcr.HiiHlni'ss pcrsnii, anriiuu available.

_ UA fi _Tian ¦ inFl/ItSliHIIKIJ ROOM, sliwlo or double,

kllchiiil prlvll«-R (iH. HA 7.7KII1FlIUNISll l iJI ) HUOM for rent, couplii

or gontlluiiali. Private homo, nearmil road, Tel, I IA l-tltH! )

rlMALL I-'IIWT floor rooiTC !umro'IMII I I, liltclien privileges. Womanonly. $8,1)0 wimlt. Phone HA 7-801)8 ,near Avo. ft alums 111

LA11C1E " NI0E1.,Y ~ furuliilu-ir room,' ronnactnd lii\tii, :<Jul iit prlvntu homo,, Cnnveiilciit local loo, UoMtluiiian. HA1-tHB OVOH ; . ic

FrriTNTsTirffi HOOM for rout; $i"o,iio_j»ur wimk. 311 <\uilral Ht: IIA 7-1H33IIITNTINCITON HTATION, Lovely

luwn, moilnrh, furnished room , forrouplo or two ' nriilltH. ' Twin bedH,Men In npllima.), garaioi available. HAr -tU134 ¦

UAIiaii) KUUNlBlllCU room ndxt tobath, kllclion privileges, Quint lo-cution , private ontiancii, Caiitlamanpreferred , Nflrlbpnrt 'H.1815

C\ HCIK ' ~ANil at I ract tvo ""naiiVfortalTleroom, Private homo, vlUiuio, HA7 •0(18.1 ' > '

¦;- •--¦--¦ NOTICES -YOU OWE It to Your Budget. Stop

and see new furniture for sale' atKnlpht JJrofl. Furniture Store, 29Wall Street, Huntington. Phone '3LA7_18_I. . ' ¦ ¦ '__


aUARANTKED Repairs on all maJoes. of electrical / appliances — vacuums,

mixers, toasters,1 el«c, clocks; lamps,fans, razors', grllla. blankets; colleomakers; stoves _ all other'householddevices; Al's Modern' Honus.'.-AppU- .ances, 227 Main St., Huntington.

RUG REPAIRING of all types,- dsoeby Armenian expert. HA 3-6191: Noanswer, call evenings/' - "

WEDDINQ Announcements, mlmeo-graphlne, multlllthlng. offset print-ing, buaincsa- stationery, direct mail,addressing,- rubber stamps. Styler-O-Granh l«ttcr Shop. 21 Wall * St.O: Fleming- Yates. HA- 1-517- ¦ **»'

LAWNS,' SEED or sod. Rose garden,flower beds. Tree & shrub, care &spraying, 'Established 35 years. Free

. estimates: HA. 1-3S23 *•*TOVWHOM It may concern, this is

to Inform you that I am' noc -partnership with anyone and solicitwork from home owners who --nutthe very best. William S. And_jen.Fainting- Contractor. Phone I£- 3-3173- ; - »••

CARPENTRY, ATTICS. DRsemeftta.ho Job .too small,; Interior wood-working-; Also Crawford over-bead§arage doors, electric operators, ra-

to controlled. J. T. Wesnar. HAM-llton 7-0814 »'»

TELEVISION, HOME and auto-raillo.phono's, rcfrigeraiion, air condi-tioning, washers, ranges, dishwash-ers. Service in the home. HA 3-4878.Emergency HA 7-2504, •••

PAINTING-A.N1J paper hanging donereasonable. Ceiling tile Installed.Estimates cheerfully ' given. JosephCatapano. Phone HA 7-4S7G ?**

LAWNS Cut & general maintenance.Homes & - estates maintained.Cellars & yards cleaned up. Truck-ing, dry wells, fences. HA 1-3523 •••

PAINTING, ROOFING, carpentry.Geo. "W. Moell , 155 Cedrus Avenue.Bast Northport. FO 8-0051 • »••

VACUUM CLEANERS, , sales andservice, all makes. Quality dispos-able bags. All now cleaners at dis-count prices. Joe Baylls , 394 NewYork Avenue, Huntington ••*

DRIVEWAYS , ASPHALT, blue stpne.Top soil and bulldozing. Also landclearing. Free estimates. . PatsyBruno. HA 3-61SS f"

CEMENT WORK, porches, patios,driveways, flagstone, etc. JosephWyckoffi HA 3-3S4G •"

UPHOLSTERY,' SL.IP covers, draper-ies, bedspreads. Custom made byFeldmnn, work shop New YorkAvenue at 23rd Street. HA T-1979.Decorator service, no obligation«*•

OLD FLOORS mado to look like now.Sanded and refinlshed floors alsowaxed and polished. Swedish floorworker. HA 3-C736 •••

COMPLETE LANDSCAPE mainte-nance & construction. Home groundsexpert ly cared for. HA 3-6223 ZD8

ROOFING — NEW and old. repairsmade, leaks fixed. Frank R.Makoske, 203 Spring Road. HAmll-tou 1-2044 ••••

CARPENTER. ALTERATIONS, H-ddl-tlona, porches, attics, basements.No job too small. Free estimates.Joseph Wyckoff. HA 3-384B ; «»»

PAINTING AND paperhanglng l>y ex-pert. Very reasonable. Rest mater-ials. Discount on wallpaper. NO3-4170 •••

EXPERIENCED PAINTER will dosmall paint Jobs, reasonably. CallHAinllton 1-02CO •••

CONCRETE M A S O N , contractor.Block foundations, also poured con-crete foundations and patios. I'as-quale Cofone, Lewis Court, Hunt-ington Station, HA 7-2170 3C8

BLIP COVERS, draperies, expertlytailored. Fabrics If desired — CallJanls Axness. HA 7-8D3L . •••

PAT1KY AUCTIONEERS & Ap. ptlilsor. Best results realized, i Out-

right purchase on consignment ba-sis, General " merchandise, farms,homes of furniture, antiques, worksof art. Commission sales solicited.Estates our specialty. 47 WoodbineAvenue, Northport. NO 3-0280, HA7-1087. •••

PAINTING, PAPBRHANGING. cc-ranUc Tlio Installation and Repairs,Electrical Work . General Home He-pal's. Esllmatus cheerfully irlven.Dominic Meschl , HAmllton 3-3010.

CAHP^NTRY , ALTERATION , oxlon-slon, garages, dormers, porches,custom built houses. Free estimate.Rotund HJehnang, HA 7-0075 •••

IIOOKICEEPINQ SERVICES, Taxes.Audits, etc. Heasoniiblo rates.Ptislay & Associates, HA 7-09CG.••«

MEI-HTN^HROOMS. facilities suitablefur meetlngH , banquets and wed-ding receptions. Huntington BouseHolol , HUllt, 4-1054 •••

OAlUJhSNS AND lawns rolotllled. also» Trench digging. Hall fciico 'lnslallod.

Tod Wesnofslte, 37 E. 8th St., Hunt-Ington Station, HA 3-5551 - '»'

SPKNChUl CORHETIKRE , Mrn. Q.Croiiln. .Phono NOrthport. 3-1917 orHAmlltou 7-5181 after 5130 P.M.


(II 'INKIIAL CONTRACTOR. "CustomHomes.'' Alterations, additions, ga-rages, attics, basements, lniiiriorwoodworklnit, Conililuatlon wlnilowflKc doors. Over-head Giiraao DoorsJ, T. Wesniir. HAmllton 7-0814 "'

LAWNS Cleaned up ami terllllsiod.ninliiiis, trees & shrubs trlmmnil-Hinnli repairs & paint John, DryWU II H, lencuii Inalallfld, Qoncralnialutunauce, Prea estimates aminilvlee. HAmllton 1-35 23. __|

KLKCTRICIAN, DM YWIt.S, r«iijf«!« (n-stalled. llasumentH & allies wired.11 A . 7-0827 ¦

REPAIRS AND ntlnratlons, Qirpnn-try -and painting, J. hlrlckson, HA7'-!)IW.a __, 1A

CUSTOM nilll.DKlt. otnriinntry olovury. description, Fhilslifal atticsniul cullarn a specially. II, Hulnn,

_ ANilrew 1-2H7K _^_ 111OAlU'ENTitY,- L>.T us do I bono caf-

Iiontry Jobs that you havo no thnuto do. IIA :i.:ir,i r, m




Wn also ropalr.Norir* and¦ Tlior., ' Washing Msblilnnti

' qitovor 5-i«7 ;• LKvlUown 9-OSW

l"*T T"""' *~

" '/n -" -vy-— - ¦ _--.|.----l.-, --TT-l «-r--*; :NOTICES-r.t_GiiLS'; i ''

\ L . pNnr jpp^


'ON TAQE V8K0, 3¦ ¦' . ' PN ' . P'A.0C ti, tiRci a; '


aaaollno, tank wagon deltverlei atwholesale price, Wo supply truckmen,contractors , ostaton , eta. Havo ownpump and gas tank: miilntonimce —Oalso QaaoTlno, UPM Lulirlcinti —Horvlnif Nassau Suffolk Counties.


HAmlUon 7-8110HalOHlt *. Now York .


(Continued from Paoo One) '_In 1330 EaV Leighton Was elect-

ed for his first term asa Huntlag-ton.yT«rwn- .Constable; and. was ' rer¦ elected¦ ''jki -93_; ¦ ;in ' 1933 he wasappointed¦ ; Acting: !Cli fef: ot the:H_ritih_tbn: Police; an'i;thon, whentlie , foiToiai BbUce-depai'tment 'vrisorganized-ho wad appointed a ser-geant, serving with that rani uh-tli he became Jth« , Departi_ent'8first: fiUl-fle-ged " Chief, in 19-4;The chief a: of "police until that lime,had all been classified an "act-lug".

Leighton, during: his years ofservice, kept abreast of new tech-niques In police \ _ork through va-rious studies : He graduated fromDelehanty Institute; the MunicipalTraining, Institute of the State ofNew York; University" of the Stateof NeW York for JPolice Training;the Nassau Comity Police School ,'and several FBI' training courses.He\ has '"been - active in promotingpistol shooting competitions, andqualified as pistol expert in theInternational Pistol Tournament



PUBLIC NOTICE In hereby giventbat separate sealed bids for theconstruction of a new Fire House onthe sit* recently purchased by theHuntington Fire District located be-tween Wall Street and New YorkAvenue wilt be received by the Boarddf' FIre Commissioners of HuritlnetonFire District, 235 Mai n Street , Hunt-Imrton, New York, on Tuesday, Janu-ary 28, at 8 P.M. - <E.S.T.) nnd thenat sold time "and place publicly open-ed and read aloud. .

The work will comprise the follcnv-'"'uENEKAL CONSTRUCTION '


. Contract No. 2PLUMBING & SANITARY• . Contract No. 3ELECTRICAL. WORK ¦ .

Contract No. 4The Information for Bidders. 1-drm

of llld. Form of Contract, GeneralConditions, Supplementary GeneralConditions of the Contract , -Drawingsand Specifications may be examinedand obtained at the office of theArchitect , Albert J. Grnesser, 91Green Street , Huntington , New York ,uoon deposi t ot |EO.O0 for each Gen-eral Construction set, and $25.00 foreach Mechanical Trade set. Any per-son or corporation upon return of thefirst copy of Drawings and Specifica-tions In good condition and withinthirty (30) days after the award ofthe contracts for the project or therejection of the bids, will receive thedeposit In full. On return of any addi-tional sets under the same conditionsas enumerated, one-half of the de-posit will be returned. . ¦¦ ¦

„ .Each contract will be awarded to

the lowest responsible bidder or theproposals will be rejected within sixty(GO) days of the date of opening pro-posals, subject however, to the dis-cretionary right reserved by the Boardof Fire Commissioners to waive anyInformalities In, or ' to reject any ornil proposals, and to advertise for newproposals If, in Its opinion, the lestinterest of the District will thereby bepromoted. ' , • ¦„_ »_ ,

Each bidder must deposit with hisbid security In an amount not lessthan five percentam (0%) of the basebid , In the Form and subject to theconditions provided In the Informa-tion for Bidders. • ' . . . ',,'

No bidder shall withdraw his bidwithin (("'«) «'xty days after the form-al openlng thereof.BOA RD OF FIKE COMMISSIONERS

235 Main Street 'Huntington, New York

' by: JOSEPH E. QALLIENEPatod-t December,. 80 ) 1357. -./ _

NOTICE No. 881Jatnos J. and Florence R. Nugent,

RFD #5, 7 Idle Day Knoll , Center-port, Long Island, New York fee titleowners 'of the.land the subdivisionknown as Idle Day Kotates, Amend-ment of Lota #2 , 3 and 4 located atCenterport in the Town of Htinllnif-ton, Suffolk County* N, ' Y„ havlnirmade application for the approval ofa subdivision Plat prepared by VictorT. Zukowskl, L. S. for tho abovementioned subdivision, more particu-larly described ns bounded on thenorth by Private Ilonii , oast by Priv-ate Road, south by Idle Day Estates(Cavagnnro) , west by Idle Day I3n-latcs. Lot #1 (Profota) and contain-log approximately 1.40 acres;,tho Huntington Town , Planning Boardwill bold a puhllo hearlnB pursuant toSec. 270 of the Town Law, at theTown Hall ,, Huntinglon, N. Y. onJanuary 15, 1068 Ut 8 P.M. at whichany Interested person may appear andwill ho heard , before tho approval ofthe Final Plat, Copy_ of tho Finalf la t la on Tlio at tlio Planning Boardoffice,, and may bo seen there duringregular office hours. , • '

lluntlnRton Town Planning Board, ¦ ROBERT C. W. CARLSON ,

Secretary-Consultant. 1U

NOTICE NO 884Marlon Development Corp., Box 115 ,

East Northport, Long Island , NewYorlt foo title owners of the-land, thesubdivision Imown as MontvaloManor, Section 8 loomed nt EnslNorthport , In tho Town of IltinllnB'-ton, Suffolk County, N, Y., havingmade application for tho rod net ton oftho I'orformaiico Bond on MontvaloManor , .Section 2 from J-ltl.Mn.UO to120,2112.011. Application for Bond Re-duction duo to curtain parts of siteImprovomonlH 'having linen comu-lntod.Tito Huntington Town Planning Hoardwill hold a jiiihllo hearing, pursuantto Section 277. or tho Town I<wv, attho Town Hal l , Huntington , NowYorlt on January IB , 1958 at HtOO.P.M.nt which thno any inloroaloil personmay appear niul wlll y tie huaril. 'ftOUBUT - O. K. CAlllSON,

Huorutary-ConHUltanl• ill

NOTICE TO BIDDERBflofilnt) hldn .will .)>» received nnd

iiiihliiily oponoil by tho Director ofPurcluiHo , HutfftllJ County, (it 83 KaatMain Strnvt, Piitchogiio, Now Yorkfor tho following niuturlalii up to 3iU0P.M. on tho' Wnowlnst UatoiiiFi'ltlny. Jantmry. io—

I'l-ftittntf of Tllrtictory of lltti rulilloHoliools of tho County of Suffolk

Tliano npoolllcntlons mid sample mayho Houn nt tlio office of tliti 'DliitilclSnpurlntoiutoitt of Schools; John •!*,Miiaulnt , tint BnpwvlHory Dliiliict ,Dour Vurk Avo,. JluntiiiKto n, N.Y.Mniulny, Jiuumrv1, J3- '

County Olork'H ItnoonV HhulornSlnpJIIndtir -aoltots ' ¦¦.tldlili la |i« Jlomitod

Duftiiltlvn upocKlcntlonn ftoncvriilii B(ho lilmVo 'Itilmit nrmy tin ohtitinoil nltho offlrfo of tin* JirpartmBtil of J'ur-nliimn, '• ". ' '" ' .

JQI JN'J . WLLY• wlrootor¦ ' • " ', LEGAL NOTICE ' » •IlflMm <W iniUK^'I'I ON, liNlONiriirsro SCHOOL DISTIIIOT NO. »,lltlNTINtlTON, TOWN OF HUNT-!ii?j%m&vi,ro,,K °' ° ftN Ty '

HI II H for fiirnlnhlng Canned floods ,HlimUw nml iri-oini) Foods for fivetnoutti .ptirioil , Irnin jroliruriry A, J05Hto Juno so, WH id 'oiir' varloimnojipolii , will lm rociilvqil hy till) llonrdnf liiliijaUQn. U«ilni | l?roe atifioo) lUft'Hot ¦¦ Noi, < ¦», ¦ ¦¦ HinuittBioii, ¦ HuffoihOqiinty , Now York , al mo llonrd ofWtliioatlnn Otfloo, 200 Main Htrnoi.ninil January, i?, it>r.« M U A.M.. niulIhori Mo Mill t nin 'iiiup pliiod VIII nomiblloty hiionotl and roml,' ' 'WWWRM««l?##fehh ijljtlit to WH I VB ntiy, inrqrnnalltto'lh^ur lo rfljiiot-niiy or till hM«. .i¦" ¦ v ifd fiW*u

liumiiiKtoiv N, "iir.-c-' .. > ¦ ;. . :¦?»

¦.-ocy-i - , 1. ¦w$imi>\- - *x .j H H nsponsored by the New York DallyMirror. ' ' .' ". - '" " '¦"'

Clllel Leighton was an organizeraid tie first president of the „unt-tngton Police' -'Behevolent- Associa-tion; he 1B a past president of the:Su«olk Co_nty"Pollc6 AssoctaUon_nuV was itn financial secretary forIf years. He is a life member ot-both the Huntington KB-A. andthe Suffolk County Police Confer-;ence, and is a member of the Na-tional' Police Officers Association ;th'e ' International -Association' ofChiefs of Police; the New YorkState Association of P o l i c e•Chiefs; is vice-president ot the St.George Society for Law Enforce-ment Officers of Suffolk County ;is a 32nd Degree Mason, belongingto Jephtha Lodge, Huntington,and Kismet Temple, Brooklyn;- , theEagles Club, Northport; the Hunt-ington Elks Club; Huntington Post ,No. 360 American Legion, and vari-ous Republican clu.bs in the area.

During his career with the Hunt-ington Police, . Leighton has seenthe department grow from a smallconstabulary force to a Depart-ment of 123 men, under his com-mand. Leighton gained nation-wide notice for his work in sever-al criminal cases, including the fa-mous Benjamin ColIIngs murder onthe yacht "Penguin" in. local wa-ters in 1932, and tile ganglandshooting of Huntington PatrolmanGeorge Proheck during a hold-upIn the Huntington Theatre.

Chief Leighton and Mrs. Leigh-ton; the former Barbara- Luckso otTorrlrigton, Conn., live at 66 EustPark Dr., Huntington Station.

A spark from an electric trainplug, set a blaze in cotton sur-

rounding a Christmas tree whir.liquickly enveloped ' the tree FridayIn the homo of Mr. and Mrs. NelJNelson Hi; 4th '"'Ave,, HuntingtonStation. The quick action of n teen-age neighbor In putting out theblaze pi-evented a more serioussitu-tlon.

Mm. Nclson- told The Long-Is-lander that at about 3:30 p.m., .shewont . to plug the cord of an elec-tric train Into an outlet when sparksflow from the plug onto the cotton,she Imd around the tree whichwont up In flamed. Grabbing iietchildren, Nan , 2 , and Nols, ' fmonths old, n.ho '.ran otttsldo ttndacreninod for, help. Leonard Sposn-to, li; a neighbor from across tliostreet, ran to Mrs, NelHon 's homonnd put out tho flro , his fatherSam called the Huntington ManorFire Department.

Mrn. Nelnoii , who at this tlmocould not give any amount on thodamage caused, nnld alio Is grate-ful for hor neighbors nnd all whoaided her. Sho said that tho homo"was , liveable" aftor the flro.

Prompt Action ByYoung Neighbor PutsOut Christmas Tree Fire

Long Island's flrttt hi fidelity AMradio station - WI1AI) • 1M0 tnlii'8to Hip airwaves Sunday nt 12 , noon.Located at Farmlngdalo Hd. (KtO)und KaHt Dr., tho nil now UCAequipped, fiOO watt . iitntloii willbronrtcnjit tho world' s finest numjo—uninterrupted. According to SolHororiiitoln, president of tlio . stifHon', WDAU will Introduce n coin'iilotoly (liferent and oxclting Bptiiidto LOIIK Island Hoteliers , , , "TliONow Long Island Sound!"

Sltirn of radio, thontro, t())ovlnlonnud recording funio luivo booh Invi -ted (o umko pornoim! appearand)!'fleorgle l'rleo, Hob KnoHluin (Ciiji'tnln kangaroo), Hofj'or WIHIniii ii,no»i| Aidon , Lou fjo'nto, lliiy Houtli*C1H011 , Rlchnra Maltby and miuty,)thoni are expo.cloil , ItCA, poccii iCnplttil , London, yox una other uift*Jor rononl l iiK coimiiinlOH will pin*.lpnl many of tljolr tnlnntod nrtlnH.'01' 'tlio1 ' event,

U,8, Bonutuv Jiioub ¦TuvHii , I'AOongrenumun Stnyvoiiaht Wolii'w'rlijlil , Stale Soii^ov IQllulm J. Dm-rottl" stiitb AHitflipWymnn Jnmo»Jroyi-r, Hahyiipfi aiVl i»lll» Tt>»'«.Junorvlnorfl Art^H" jCJiotfAiirty mi|lriidniftii H«rwo'bii;> Police Clilo fnPtirny IlemDHtoad 'and Ilornnrd (lol-inr,' oC nnliyloii and Inllp, Major«IUii>i't irii'nuo o(! H^liyloti , Mayoraoorflo Koniioily of Arnityvlllo May-•Jr flpbllc'rliorg of „lrirtoii!iiin»t "'I11Ilaliylon yillngo:; Cli.lof of 'PollcpfJoljin are nnio JB iliriiio oxpootoil atlli'o"_'a.)a ovoiit, ' , .l. M W olilnrn of llio yoU'iiteor UroeamnrVnivB ¦ wihiin Wi« W"AltJ i m%Ui_ AiiiVi'l-an LoBloiri 'ftnd 'Itn ¦ . »«*«¦lirioiiAVI'TWf, M l nil • Horvlno". miiljplvl Q rWtin / l|%p J linotl Invito.JllRh Hnlibbl Mm VIH mipply »«««•l»(i ;,entortivlnwoiit run* "eU'Wuinnof all fftlthti wJU provide flttliiK H"yoorttionii (or. tl(0 ii'mv lirnudw"'1oiitnrp'i'ltio". ' ' ' ' !

New Hi-Fi RhtlioStation WBAB BeginsBroadcnsting Sunday

(Continued from Page One)side of . 'New York Ave., at. thatpoint, has been rescinded,- Mr.Maeder explained.

The Board referred to the Plan-ning Board a petition from resi-dents of Klotz PI., Huntington , ask-ing to have the name changed toWelland Dr.,- Wlndgreat Dr., orChatham Circle.

A public hearing was set forTuesday, ' January 21 at 8:30 toconsider a rate revision in the Dix•Hills Water District. The districtreport showed that since it wanformed the district has added a500,000 gallon tank, lias added anew well and new lines, has extend-ed the. district and brought the taxrate <lown. . The rate In 1957 wasthe lowest in the history of the dis-trict. A lower water rate, is antici-pated.


C&ASSIFIED ADS'IrtMrtioti"'minimum'-; BOc • for 15>;worctr sttJOTderfiand «3" p«r won}' for- e»oH*«<Jdwl f word.' AdditionalfCWKMcutivo ' '¦¦• ¦ tn»*rtiori» •¦' ., -¦ withoutch_o_« of . 'copy _ 'fic'i|Mir' word. Mini-mum 75c. OoitS faea ' or ewt «re

' used only In ctasslffod display, rataft.00-"per, Inch. . _¦ . ;. . ¦'.-¦ '

lint- adi, utlnfi -The;Lono-tst-nd-¦ ef_ : Pi", O; :¦ 0OX),-. 25C" extra." ;"ntUht totlatilfy, edit or reltitranyadwortlnemiuit, in rew>rv«l 'by; The.r_ona->Inlander. - • -VV» will not be. : reepooBlblo for

,;error»' untesi they, are drteoted'-before - Ut»'Meond-Inser tion. 'Th« .|.ori8-lttander cannot be re*

! sponsible for errors In copy taken: over the .telephone;' Charges • ncctptetf only from 111th: ecHoers, SSc billlno charoe.Ad» doss at 4 p.m. Wednesday—

Phone HA 7-7000