ÉÊ Ê/y,-rá$->-dÜ-&ë-dÜ7Ü-/u$-/-,ë9-/ß7Ü-nè$-/Ê the jewel garland of atonement

>-dÜ7Ü-/U$-/-,ë9-/ß7Ü-nè$-/Ê The Jewel Garland of Atonement 1 ÉÊ Ê/Y,-rá$->-dÜ-&ë<-`Ü-…ë:-07Ü-/U$-/-,ë9-/ß7Ü-nè$-/Ê þë/-ý-7'Ü#-Dè,-#<ß0-0#ë,-bÜ<-03+Ê Achi Chökyi Dolma’s Jewel Garland of Atonement Written by Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon

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>-dÜ7Ü-/U$-/-,ë9-/ß7Ü-nè$-/Ê     The Jewel Garland of Atonement








ÉÊ Ê/Y,-rá$->-dÜ-&ë<-`Ü-…ë:-07Ü-/U$-/-,ë9-/ß7Ü-nè$-/Ê 


Achi Chökyi Dolma’s Jewel Garland of Atonement

Written by

Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon  





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>-dÜ7Ü-/U$-/-,ë9-/ß7Ü-nè$-/Ê     The Jewel Garland of Atonement


















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>-dÜ7Ü-/U$-/-,ë9-/ß7Ü-nè$-/Ê     The Jewel Garland of Atonement




© 2010 by Tashi T. Jamyangling All rights reserved. No part of this translation may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the translator’s permission in writing.

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>-dÜ7Ü-/U$-/-,ë9-/ß7Ü-nè$-/Ê     The Jewel Garland of Atonement


Acknowledgements I am deeply thankful to Tara Foundation of Germany for financing the translation of a number of sacred texts from Achi Beubum including this. I thank His Holiness Drigung Chetsang Rinpoche for sending me a copy of Songtsen Library’s Achi Beubum. I equally thank Nagchu Konchok Tsultrim for his active part in it. I thank Adhak Tripa, Wangyal Rinpoche, for lending me his copy of Gelong Tenzin Nima Rinpoche’s Achi Beubum, and Lamkhyen Gyalpo Rinpoche for sending me a copy of his text, which he got from Khenpo Togdrol Rinpoche of Ladakh. These three copies were extremely useful in resolving slight variations in words, spellings and grammar. I thank Lamkhyen Gyalpo Rinpoche for helping me with clarifications on various names, terms and concepts: Last but not least, I thank my wife, Genyenla, for helping me with the proofreading.

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Important Translator’s Note Achi Chökyi Dolma’s Jewel Garland of Atonement, written by Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon, is from Achi Beubum. Beubum is a collection of quintessential instructions (upadesha) revealed only to qualified practitioners by highly realized beings. The purpose of this translation, into English, is to benefit a wider range of qualified practitioners. To reap the fruit of this secret and profound practice, the translator strongly urges all end users of this text to, first, seek for the permission of a qualified Drigung master to use this text, without which, I am told, that there could be serious consequences.







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ÉÊ ÊBè-/1°,-Eë-Bè-F:-7eë9-0-:-d#-72:-:ëÊ 

JETSUN DOJE NELJORMA LA CHHAG TSHAL LO/ I prostrate to Exalted Vajrayogini.

ÊF:-7eë9-ý-#$-5Ü#->-dÜ7Ü-#<ë:-"-eè+-ý9-7+ë+-ý<Ê #)ë9-0-+$-0&ë+-ý7Ü-8ë-e+Ê 

/¸¥+-IÜ-^,-9!-6<-.ß+-F0-ý-[-2ì#<-ý-/<#<-:-7+Ü-U+-+ëÊÊ  A practitioner desiring to make a petition-offering to Achi (need to) set up the torma, offering items, amrita, medicinal wine, blood, and premier portions1 of a variety of foods. Then proceed. œ×îîÊ >ë-{,-¸¥9-hë+-#5:-8<-,<Ê Ê+/ß<-dë#<-<$<-{<- 

HUNG OGYEN DURTRÖ ZHALYÉ NÉ/ Ü-CHHOG SANGYE Hung/ From the immeasurable charnel ground of Uddiyana2, the Buddha Dakini of the center with blazing glory; +ý:-7/9-0Ê Ê+0Ü#<-0è+-XÜ$-Bè7Ü-9$-/5Ü,-U¨Ê ÊU¨-0+ë#- 

PAL BAR MA/ MIGMÉ NYINGJÉ RANGZHIN KU/ KUDHOG she, who is the natural state of non-referential compassion; whose complexion is +!9-#<:-0+$<-+$-Q,Ê hë-5:-₫,-#<ß0-5Ü-hë7Ü-  

KARSAL DHANG DANG DEN/ TROZHAL CHEN SUM ZHITÖ clear white with radiance; a wrathful face; three peaceful and wrathful eyes; and $$-Ê ÊDë#-7'ë0-.#-5:-9Ü,-&è,-+$-Ê Ê9ß<-ý<-/{,- 

NGANG/ TOG JOM PHAG-ZHAL RINCHHEN DANG/ RÜPÉ GYAN a precious sow face to conquer conceptual thoughts; is bedecked with bone ornaments3 and holds a (curved) knife and a skull (full of blood). 5Ü$-iÜ-*ë+-73Ý,Ê Ê#9-Y/<-ý+-(Ü7Ü-#+,-:-/5è$<Ê Ê<$< 


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Standing on a lotus flower and sun cushion, in a dancing mode, she is {<-0"7-7ië-7"ë9-bÜ<-/Uë9Ê ÊEë-Bè-.#-0ë7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê 

GYE KHADRO KHOR GYÏ KOR/ DOJE PHAGMÖ THUGDAM KANG/ surrounded by a retinue of Buddha Dakinis. I replenish my depleted samaya4 with Vajravarahi. Ê<-&±-0è-xä$-F0-ý9-+# Ê0è-:ë$-0(0-(Ü+-<ë9-Dë#- 

SA CHHU ME LUNG NAMPAR DAG/ MELONG NYAMNYÏ SORTOG The completely pure earth, water, fire, and air coalesced into the body of the four Mirror-like, Equality, Discriminating +$-Ê Êe-iá/-8è-;è<-/5Ü-8ÜÜ-U¨Ê ÊEë-Bè-9Ü,-&è,-ýV- 

DANG/ JADRUB YESHÉ ZHI YI KU/ DOJE RINCHHEN PADMA and All-accomplishing wisdoms as Vajra, Ratna, Padma, and Karma respectively – the +$-Ê Ê:<-`Ü-0"7-7ië-7nÜ,-:<-#1ìÊ Ê9$-9$-9Ü#<-`Ü- 

DANG/ LÉ KYI KHADRO TRINLÉ TSO/ RANG RANG RIG KYI principal dakinis of enlightened activities – are surrounded by the retinue of one’s own class. 7"ë9-bÜ<-/Uë9Ê Ê0"7-7ië-Zè-/5Ü7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê ÊdÜ- 

KHOR GYÏ KOR/ KHADRO DE ZHÏ THUGDAM KANG/ CHHI I replenish my depleted samaya with the four classes of Dakinis. ,$-#<$-#<ß0-0&ë+-‡Ü,-+ý#-0è+-+$-Ê Ê+09-bÜ-#)ë9-0- 

NANG SANG SUM CHHÖTRIN PAGMÉ DANG/ MAR GYI TORMA With an infinite amount of outer, inner and secret offerings; red torma; /¸¥+-IÜ7Ü-2ì#<-0&ë+-+$-Ê Ê₫,-#6Ü#<-[-2ì#<-9Ü,-&è,- 

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DÜTSÏ TSHOG-CHHÖ DANG/ CHEN-DZIG NATSHOG RINCHHEN ganachakra feast offering of nectar; and a variety of displays piled with precious jewels; \ä$<-ý-8Ü<Ê Ê0"7-7ië-&è,-0ë-/5Ü-8Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê ÊEë- 

PUNG PA YÏ/ KHADRO CHHENMO ZHI YI THUGDAM KANG/ DO- I replenish my depleted samaya with the four great Dakinis. Bè-0"7-7ië-#<$-/7Ü-8$-‡å:-0Ê Ê>ë-{,-#,<-eë,->-dÜ- 

JE KHADRO SANGWÉ YANGTRUL MA/ OGYAN NÉ JON ACHI Achi Chhödon, the secret re-emanation of Vajradakini, comes from &ë<-`Ü-…ë,Ê ÊU¨-0+ë#-+!9-+09-5:-#%Ü#-d#-#(Ü<- 

CHHÖ KYI DRON/ KUDHOG KAR MAR ZHAL CHHIG CHHAG NYÏ Oddiyana. Her complexion is white with red hue. She has one face and two hands. 0Ê ÊrÜ+-ý-#<ß0-#<:-+$ß:-+!9-0è-:ë$-/[0<Ê Ê+#ë<-  

MA/ SÏPA SUM SAL NGUL-KAR MELONG NAM/ GÖ She holds a white silver mirror, (in her right hand) that reflects the three realms5 of existence, and 7+ë+-8Ü+-/5Ü,-,ë9-/ß-#8ë,-,-/[0<Ê Ê+9-&è,-[-M7Ü-,-/67- 

DÖ YÏZHIN NORBU YON NA NAM/ DAR CHHEN NA NGA NADZA a wish-fulfilling jewel in her left hand. She wears garments of five great pongee fabrics. U¨-:-#<ë:Ê Ê5Ü-/7Ü-73ß0-Q,-9Ü,-&è,-[-2ì#<-/{,Ê   

KU LA SOL/ ZHIWÉ DZUM DEN RINCHHEN NATSHOG GYAN/ With a peaceful and a smiling face, she is bedecked with a variety of precious jewels.

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DAR CHHEN CHÖPAN PHUR ZHING DÜ ZHÏ DEN LA ZHENG/ She stands on the cushion of four maras6 with her standard-flag and the silken ribbons of her headdress fluttering. Ê8è-;è<-0"7-7ië7Ü-2ì#<-+$-/%<Ê Ê>-dÜ-&è,-0ë7Ü-*ß#<- 

YESHÉ KHADRÖ TSHOG DANG CHÉ/ ACHHI CHHENMÖ THUG- I replenish my depleted samaya with the great Achhi, including the assembly of wisdom dakinis. +0-/U$-Ê Ê#<$-/7Ü-+eÜ$<-d³#-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê8ë,- 

DAM KANG/ SANG WÉ YINGCHHUG THUGDAM KANG/ YON- I replenish my depleted samaya with the Secret Queen of Space. &/-0è-)ë#-/¸¥#-\ë<-[-2ì#<-+$-Ê ÊdÜ-,$-#<$-/7Ü- 

CHHAB METOG DUGPÖ NATSHOG DANG/ CHHI NANG SANG WÉ With drinking water; flowers; a variety of incense; an immeasurable amount of outer, inner and secret offerings; 0&ë+-ý-+ý#-0è+-+$-Ê Ê#)ë9-0-7oá-/%°+-[-M<-/{,Ê Ê0+7- 

CHHÖPA PAGMÉ DANG/ TORMA DRUCHÜ NA NGÉ GYEN/ DA an offering torma garnished with five kinds of nutritious food grains;7 +9-Y#-9<-0è-:ë$-#<è9-#8ß<-/{,Ê Ê:è#<-ý9-/1°#<-,<- 

DAR TAGRÉ MELONG SER YÜ GYEN/ LEG PAR TSUG NÉ a ritual arrow bedecked with silken streamers, mirror, gold and turquoise #<è9-þè0<-/¸¥+-IÜ-o,Ê Ê7+ë+-8ë,-:ë$<-₫ë+-.ß,-2ì#<-Q,- 

SERKYEM DÜTSI BREN/ DÖYON LONGCHHÖ PHUNTSHOG DEN firmly driven it into (the offerings to stand it upright), and sprinkled (the arrow and the offerings) with amrita; and with perfect and all-abundant, wealth of desirable qualities and enjoyment;

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ý-8Ü<Ê Ê&ë<-`Ü-…ë,-07Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê ÊD-Wë,-V-r/- 

PA YÏ/ CHHÖ KYI DRONMÉ THUGDAM KANG/ TANGON GA SAB I replenish my depeted samaya with Chhökyi Donma. With a blue steed, adorned with saddle and bridle, /{,-ý-8Ü<Ê Ê>-dÜ-&è,-0ë7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê+!ë9-/+#- 

GYENPA YÏ/ ACHHI CHHENMÖ THUGDAM KANG/ KORDAG I replenish my depleted samaya with the great Achhi. &è,-0ë-/º¥#<-ý7Ü-dÜ9Ê Ê+!ë9-03ì+-,ë9-bÜ<-*ß#<-+0-  

CHHENMO ZHUGPÉ CHHIR/ KORDZÖ NOR GYÏ THUGDAM In order that the Great Custodian of (monastic) artifacts may stay (here), I replenish my depleted samaya with the offerings of wealth and possessions of the (monastry) treasury. /U$-Ê ÊDè,-#)ë9-&è,-0ë<-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê ÊF:-7eë9-{æ-‚ë9- 

KANG/ TENTOR CHHENMÖ THUGDAM KANG/ NELJOR GYUJOR I replenish my depleted samaya with the great Shrine Torma. This practitioner, the sponsor(s), and the retinue’s 7"ë9-/%<-`ÜÊ Ê+0-2Ý#-(0<-&#-<ë9-Uë$<-;Ü#  

KHORCHÉ KYI/ DAMTSHIG NYAMCHHAG SOR KONG SHIG/ depleted and broken samaya may, individually and separately, be replenished. Êzè,-$,-/9-&+-<è:-/-+$-Ê Ê0&ë#-+$-*ß,-  

KYEN-NGEN BARCHHÉ SEL WA DANG/ CHHOG DANG THUN- Please remove all unfavorable causes and obstacles, and grant both common and supreme siddhis. 0ë$-+$ë<-iá/-_ë:Ê œ×îî +ý:-Q,-T-0ë-#1°#-,-  

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>-dÜ7Ü-/U$-/-,ë9-/ß7Ü-nè$-/Ê     The Jewel Garland of Atonement


MONG NGÖDRUB TSOL/ HUNG/ PALDEN LHAMO TSUG NA Hung/ The glorious goddess, Tsugna Norbu, (the Wish-fulfilling Jewel on ,ë9-/ß-,ÜÊ Ê5:-#%Ü#-d#-#(Ü<-U¨-0+ë#-+!9-<è9-%,Ê  

NORBU NI/ ZHAL CHIG CHHAG NYÏ KUDHOG KAR-SER CHEN/ the crown of the head), has one face, two hands, and a light yellow complexion. Ê+9-bÜ-,-/67->Ü,-l-¹ÓÜ-:7Ü-0+ë# ÊU¨-:-#<ë:-5Ü$-+bè<-ý7Ü- 

DAR GYI NADZA INDRANILÉ DHOG/ KU LA SOL ZHING GYÉPÉ Wearing a pongee garment of sapphire color, and looking pleased, $$-2±:-%,Ê Ê9Ü,-&è,-+/ß-{,-+9-bÜ-%ë+-ý,- 

NGANGTSHUL CHEN/ RINCHHEN UGYEN DAR GYI CHÖPEN the streamers of her precious head ornament flutter in the wind. 7.ß9Ê Ê5/<-#(Ü<-0(0-/5#-ýV7Ü-#+,-:-/5è$<Ê Êd#- 

PHUR/ ZHAB NYÏ NYAMZHAG PADMÉ DEN LA ZHENG/ CHHAG Standing on a lotus flower cushion, with both her feet in matching position, #8<-#<è9-bÜ-¬¢-9ß-X,-ý-7hë:Ê Ê#8ë,-ý-*ß#<-!9-*ë+-ý- 

YÉ SER GYI DARU NYEN PA TROL/ YONPA THUGKAR THÖPA her right hand plays a gold damaru that makes sweet sound. Her left hand holds, at her heart center, 9Ü,-&è,-/[0<Ê Ê#1ì-:-7¸¥,-dÜ9-+$ë<-iá/-´¥,-_ë:-0Ê  

RINCHHEN NAM/ TSO LA DUN CHHIR NGÖDRUB KUN TSOL MA/ a precious skull. She is the giver of all siddhis as a mark of respect to the principal Dakini. Ê9$-e³$-F0-+#-8è-;è<-0"7-7ië-07Üʠʇå:-ý7Ü-+0-2Ý#- 

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RANGJUNG NAMDAD YESHÉ KHADROMÉ/ TRULPÉ DAMTSHIG The emanation of the self-originated and completely pure Wisdom Dakini, whose samaya is observed, and the siddhis are embodied, +$ë<-iá/-rá$-73Ý,-0Ê Ê8è-;è<-…ë:-07Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê  

NGÖDRUB SUNG DZÉ MA/ YESHÉ DROLMÉ THUGDAM KANG/ I replenish my depleted samaya with the Jana Tara8. Ê8è-;è<-0"7-7ië-2ì#<-+$-/%<Ê Ê#1°#-,-9Ü,-&è,-*ß#<- 

YESHÉ KHADRO TSHOG DANG CHÉ/ TSUG NA RINCHHEN THUG- I replenish my depleted samaya with the glorious goddess, Tsugna Norbu, (the Wish-fulfilling Jewel on the crown of the head), and the assembly of Wisdom Dakinis. +0-/U$-Ê D-0&ë#-ië-+!9-V-r/-/{,-ý-+$-Ê Ê+09- 

DAM KANG/ TACHHOG DRO-KAR GA SAB GYENPA DANG/ MAR With the offerings of a light gray supreme steed, bedecked with saddle and bÜ-#)ë9-0-/¸¥+-IÜ->-pÞ-)Ê Ê0&ë+-8ë,-F0-M-2ì#<-`Ü-  

GYI TORMA DÜTSI AMRITA/ CHHÖYON NAM NGA TSHOG KYI reign; a red torma and amrita; a five-fold offerings9 of food, etc.; 5:-6<-Q,Ê Ê+9-6/-9Ü,-&è,-Dè,-J<-.ß,-2ì#<-`Ü<Ê  

ZHALDZÉ DEN/ DARZAB RINCHHEN TENDZÉ PHUNTSHOG KYÏ/ and a perfect and an all-abundant Deity-base ritual substances including plush and precious jewels; Ê8è-;è<-…ë:-07Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê+/$-#Ü-02,-¸¥-#<ë:-/-  

YESHÉ DROLMÉ THUGDAM KANG/ WANG GI TSHAN DU SOLWA I replenish my depleted samaya with Jana Tara. Named and empowered as 8ÜÊ Ê#1°#-,-9Ü,-&è,-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê*ß#<-+0-+eÜ$<-<ß- 

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YI/ TSUG NA RINCHHEN THUGDAM KANG/ THUGDAM YING SU Tsugna Norbu (the Wish-fulfilling Jewel on the crown of the head), I replenish my depleted samaya. By replenishing my depleted samaya in the pure space, Uë$-b²9-,<Ê Ê/+#-%#-{æ-‚ë9-7"ë9-/%<-`ÜÊ Ê/<0-ý7Ü- 

KONG GYUR NÉ/ DAGCHAG GYUJOR KHORCHÉ KYI/ SAMPÉ may we, including sponsor(s) and the retinue, accomplish all +ë,-iá/-/9-&+-5Ü-/-+$-Ê Ê/Y,-ý-+9-5Ü$-+$ë<-  

DON DRUB BARCHHÉ ZHI WA DANG/ TENPA DAR ZHING NGÖ- our hearts’ desires; remove obstacles; and flourish the teachings of the Buddha; and may we be granted siddhis10. iá/-_:-¸¥-#<ë:Ê œ×îîÊ +ý:-Q,-T-0ë-ýV-9¡-#7Ü-  

DRUB TSAL DU SOL/ HUNG/ PALDEN LHAMO PADMARAGÉ Hung/ The glorious goddess, has ruby red complexion. 0+ë# Ê5:-#%Ü#-d#-#(Ü<-₫,-#<ß0-#%è9-/ß9-ië:Ê  

DHOG/ ZHAL CHIG CHHAG NYÏ CHEN SUM CHERBUR DROL/ She has one face, two hands, and she is stark naked. Ê*ë+-ý-M<-/{,-ýV7Ü-#+,-:-/5è$<Ê Êd#-#8<-iÜ-μ ¥#- 

THÖPA NGÉ GYEN PADMÉ DEN LA ZHENG/ CHHAGYÉ DRIGUG Bedecked with a five-skull tiara, she stands on a lotus flower cushion. In her right hand she holds a curved knife. #8ë,-ý-N#<-`²-/[0<Ê Ê+/$-#Ü-$$-2±:-ýV-0"7-  

YONPA CHAGKYU NAM/ WANG GI NGANGTSHUL PADMA KHA In her left hand, she holds a hook. As a sign of subjugation , she is surrounded by Padma Dakinis.

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7ië<-/Uë9Ê Êl#-0ë7Ü-U¨9-Yë,-0&è-#1Ý#<-A0<-ý7Ü-5:Ê  

DRÖ KOR/ DRAGMÖ KUR TON CHHE-TSIG NGAM PÉ ZHAL/ Appearing as wrathful, she bares her fangs and her face is full of rage. Ê+eÜ$<-d³#-T-0ë-7"ë9-/%<-`ÜÊ Ê*ß#<-+0-#(,-ýë-/U$-  

YINGCHHUG LHAMO KHORCHÉ KYI/ THUGDAM NYENPO KANG To replenish my depleted strict-samaya with the Queen of Space and her retinue, /-,ÜÊ Ê+09-bÜ-#)ë9-0-9%<-o,-ý-+$-Ê Ê2ì#<-`Ü- 

WA NI/ MAR GYI TORMA RAKTÉ DREN PA DANG/ TSHOG KYI I make the offering of a red torma that I sprinckle with blood; ganachakra11 offerings of 0&ë+-ý-/¸¥+-IÜ-^,-9!-+$-Ê Ê7o<-/ß-[-M-.ß,-<ß0-  

CHHÖPA DÜTSI MEN-RAK DANG/ DRÉBU NA NGA PHUNSUM amrita, medicinal wine, and blood; perfect and all-abundant five food grains; 2ì#<-ý-+$-Ê Ê0+7-+9-Dè,-J<-9:-iÜ-7/9-/-8Ü<Ê Ê*ß#<- 

TSHOG PA DANG/ DHADAR TENDZÉ RALDRI BAR WA YÏ/ THUG- a ritual arrow with silken streamers; substances of the deity-base; and a blazing sword. +0-#(,-ýë-Uë$-b²9-%Ü# ÊD-+09-º¥9-8#-V-r/-  

DAM NYENPO KONG GYUR CHIG/ TA MAR ZHURYAG GA SAB May the strict-samaya be replenished. With a great straight-going red steed, adorned with saddle and bridle; and /{,-ý-+$-Ê Ê]-N#-2Ý#<-#<ß0-:è-/@,-+9-&è,-  

GYEN PA DANG/ BACHAG TSHIG SUM LEGEN DARCHHEN a bamboo whip, with three joints, decorated with red silken streamers;

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/{,Ê Ê0"7-7ië-&è,-0ë7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê<$<-{<-/Y,- 

GYEN/ KHADRO CHHENMÖ THUG-DAM KANG/ SANGYE TEN- I replenish my depleted samaya with the great Dakini. May the Buddha Dharma be protected. ý-/rá$-/-+$-Ê Ê/+#-%#-{æ-‚ë9-7"ë9-/%<-`ÜÊ  

PA SUNG WA DANG/ DAGCHAG GYU-JOR KHORCHÉ KYI/ May the unfavorable causes and obstacles of all of us including the Êzè,-$,-/9-&+-5Ü-/-+$-Ê Ê+0-2Ý#-<ë9-Uë$-  

KYEN-NGEN BARCHHÉ ZHI WA DANG/ DAMTSHIG SOR KONG sponsor(s) and the retinue be removed. May our depleted samaya be individually and separately replenished. +$ë<-iá/-/_:-¸¥-#<ë:Ê œ×îîÊ +ý:-Q,-T-0ë-8Ü+-/5Ü,-,ë9- 

NGÖDRUB TSAL DU SOL/ HUNG/ PALDEN LHAMO YÏZHIN NOR- Please grant us siddhis. Hung/ The glorious goddess, the Wish-fulfilling Jewel’s /ß-,ÜÊ ÊU¨-0+ë#-+09-þ-5:-#%Ü#-d#-#(Ü<-0Ê Ê:è-/@,- 

BU NI/ KUDHOG MAR-KYA ZHAL CHIG CHHAG NYÏ MA/ LEGAN complexion is light red. She has one face and two hands. +9-&è,-,-/67-U¨-:-#<ë:Ê Êd#-#8<-,è7ß-:è-#8ë,-ý-  

DAR CHHEN NADZA KU LA SOL/ CHHAG YÉ NEULE YONPA She wears a red silk shawl and holds, in her right hand, a mongoose (bag). ,ë9-/ß-73Ý,Ê Ê9Ü,-ýë-&è<-/{,-₫Ü-#1°#-,ë9-/ß-+$-Ê  

NORBU DZIN/ RINPOCHHÉ GYAN CHITSUG NORBU DANG/ In her left hand she holds a wish-fulfilling jewel. She is bedecked with precious jewels including a jewel on the crown of her head,

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Ê>Üi-,Ü-:-/ê¬Ù9-[-2ì#<-02,Ê Ê+$ë<-iá/-&9-7/è/<- 

INDANILA BHEDHUR NATSHOG TSHEN/ NGÖDRUB CHHAR BEB and a variety of sapphires and lapis lazuli. The one who rains down +0-2Ý#-0"7-7ië-0Ê Ê#1ì-:-7¸¥,--dÜ9-#,ë+-‚Ü,-0"7-7ië<- 

DAMTSHIG KHADROMA/ TSO LA DUN CHHIR NÖJIN KHADRÖ siddhis, Samaya Dakini, who, in order to show her respects to the principal dakinis, is surrounded by Yaksha Dakinis. /Uë9Ê Ê+0-2Ý#-…ë:-07Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê8Ü+-/5Ü,-,ë9-/ß7Ü- 

KOR/ DAMTSHIG DROLMÉ THUGDAM KANG/ YÏZHIN NORBÜ I replenish my depleted samaya with Samaya Tara, and I replenish my depleted samaya with the Wish-Fulfilling Jewel. *ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê7+ë+-8ë,-0&ë+-‡Ü,-[-2ì#<-+$-Ê Ê02,- 

THUGDAM KANG/ DÖYON CHHÖTRIN NATSHOG DANG/ TSHAN With a variety of desirable offerings, like the cloud formation; Q,-*ë+-ý-/¸¥+-IÜ<-/U$-Ê Ê#)ë9-0-+!9-+09-/{,-ý-8Ü<Ê   

DEN THÖPA DÜTSÏ KANG/ TORMA KAR MAR GYEN PA YÏ/ an amrita-filled skull that is endowed with special qualities; and Tormas, decorated with white and red garnishes Ê+0-2Ý#-…ë:-07Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê7oë$-&è,-7bÜ$- 

DAMTSHIG DROLMÉ THUGDAM KANG/ DRONG CHHEN GYING I replenish my depleted samaya with Samaya Tara. With an offering of a great wild yak, bedecked with ornaments, standing in an intimidating pose; /-/{,-ý-8Ü<Ê Ê#,ë+-‚Ü,-0"7-7ië7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê  


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I replenish my depleted samaya with the Yaksha Dakini. Ê+$ë<-iá/-7e³$-#,<-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê2ì#<-0&ë+-+!9-#<ß0- 

NGÖDRUB JUNG-NÉ THUGDAM KANG/ TSHOG-CHHÖ KAR SUM I replenish my depleted samaya with the source of siddhis. With the offerings of the three whites12 and three sweets13; 0$9-#<ß0-+$-Ê Ê7oá-[-9Ü,-&è,-+9-6/-F0<Ê Ê:è#<-ý9- 

NGAR SUM DANG/ DRU-NA RINCHHEN DARZAB NAM/ LEG PAR different varieties of food grains; jewels; and fine silken pongee; /{,-ý<-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê/+#-%#-{æ-‚ë9-7"ë9-+$- 

GYAN PÉ THUGDAM KANG/ DAGCHAG GYU-JOR KHOR DANG I replenish my depleted samaya with all these that are beautifully decorated. Please reverse our – myself, the sponsor(s) and associates’ – /%<-ý-8ÜÊ Êzè,-$,-/wë#-%Ü$-/9-&+-5Ü-/-+$-Ê  

CHÉPA YÏ/ KYEN-NGEN DHOG CHING BARCHHÉ ZHI WA DANG/ misfortunes, and remove our obstacles. Ê"0<-#<ß0-<è0<-%,-0-:ß<-*0<-%+-:Ê Ê0Ü-73+-,ë9-bÜ- 

KHAM-SUM SEMCHEN MALÜ THAMCHÉ LA/ MIDZÉ NOR GYI Please grant the siddhi of an inexhaustible amount of wealth and possession +$ë<-iá/-_:-¸¥-#<ë:Ê Ê9Ü,-&è,-7oá-8Ü-&9-ý-+//-·â- 

NGÖDRUB TSAL DU SOL/ RINCHHEN DRU YI CHHARPA WAB TU to all sentient beings of the three realms without exception. Please bring down a rainfall of precious food grains (to them). #<ë:Ê Ê0&ë#-+$-*ß,-0ë$-+$ë<-iá/-_:-¸¥-#<ë:Ê  

SOL/ CHHOG DANG THUNMONG NGÖDRUB TSAL DU SOL/ Please bestow upon us the common and the supreme siddhis.

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œ×îîÊ ;-6-:<-`Ü-0"7-7ië-&è,-0ë-,ÜÊ ÊU¨-0+ë#-Wë- 

HUNG/ SHADZA LÉ KYI KHADRO CHHENMO NI/ KUDHOG NGO- Hung/ The great flesh-eating Karma Dakini’s complexion is light blue. þ-5:-#%Ü#-d#-#(Ü<-0Ê Êd#-#8<-9:-iÜ-#8ë,-ý- 

KYA ZHAL CHIG CHHAG NYÏ MA/ CHHAG YÉ RALDRI YONPA She has one face and two hands. In her right hand, she holds a sword and *ë+-h#-/[0<Ê Ê5Ü$-R#<-#<ë:-5Ü$-¸¥9-hë+-&<-`Ü<-  

THÖ-TRAG NAM/ ZHING-PAG SOL ZHING DURTRÖ CHHÉ KYÏ in her left a skull filled with blood. She wears a flayed human skin (with the ten malicious attributes14), and she is bedecked with the charnel ground ornaments15. /{,Ê Ê₫,-#<ß0-hë-2±:-5:-#+$<-0&è-/-#1Ý#<Ê  

GYAN/ CHEN SUM TRO-TSHUL ZHAL DANG CHHEWA TSIG/ Posing in the wrathful form with three eyes, open mouth, and bared fangs, Ê#¸¥#-ý7Ü-;-h#-5:-¸¥-Yë/-eè+-%Ü$-Ê Ê;-6-0"7-7ië7Ü- 

DUGPÉ SHA TRAG ZHAL DU TOB JÉ CHING/ SHADZA KHADRÖ she, who puts the flesh and blood of the noxious beings in her mouth, is completely surrounded by an assembly of the retinue of flesh-eating Karma 2ì#<-`Ü<-8ë$<-<ß-/Uë9Ê ÊnÜ,-:<-0"7-7ië7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê  

TSHOG KYÏ YONG SU KOR/ TRINLÉ KHADRÖ THUGDAM KANG/ Dakini. I replenish my depleted samaya with Karma Dakini. Ê+0-J<-;-h#-#)ë9-0-+$-Ê Ê+i-/#è#<-:Ü$-#<-/{,-ý-  

DAMDZÉ SHA TRAG TORMA DANG/ DRA GEG LINGÉ GYAN PA With the offering of samaya substances including flesh, blood, and Torma, and an effigy representing the enemies and obstructers,

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8Ü<Ê Ê;-6-0"7-7ië7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê^,-9!-2ì#<- 

YÏ/ SHADZA KHADRÖ THUGDAM KANG/ MEN-RAK TSHOG I replenish my depleted samaya with the flesh-eating Dakini. With the offerings of medicinal wine, blood, and amrita, +$-/¸¥+-IÜ-8Ü<Ê Ê:<-`Ü-0"7-7ië7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê{-/ë$- 

DÜTSI YÏ/ LÉ KYI KHADRÖ THUGDAM KANG/ GYA-BONG I replenish my depleted samaya with the Karma Dakini. V-r/-/{,-ý-8Ü<Ê Ê0"7-7ië-6-eè+-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê<$<- 

GA SAB GYAN PA YÏ/ KHADRO DZAJÉ THUGDAM KANG/ SANG- With the offering of a donkey16, adorned with saddle and reign, I replenish my depleted samaya with the Devouring Dakini. {<-/Y,-ý-/rá$-/-+$-Ê Ê/+#-%#-{æ-‚ë9-7"ë9-/%<-  

GYÉ TENPA SUNG WA DANG/ DAGCHAG GYU-JOR KHORCHÉ I beseech you to protect the Buddha Dharma; reverse misfortune and `ÜÊ Êzè,-$,-/9-&+-/wë#-ý-+$-Ê Ê0&ë#-+$- 

KYI/ KYEN-NGAN BARCHHÉ DHOG PA DANG/ CHHOG DANG obstacles of us, the sponsor(s) and associates; and grant us both *ß,-0ë$-+$ë<-iá/-/_:-¸¥-#<ë:Ê œ×îîÊ &ë<-`Ü-…ë:- 

THUNMONG NGÖDRUB TSAL DU SOL/ HUNG/ CHHÖ KYI DOL- supereme and common siddhis. Hung/ In order to replenish my depleted 0-7"ë9-/%<-`ÜÊ Ê*ß#<-+0-+eÜ$<-,<-Uë$-/7Ü-dÜ9Ê Ê+!ë9- 

MA KHORCHÉ KYI/ THUGDAM YING NÉ KONG WÉ CHHIR/ KOR- samaya with Chhökyi Dolma and her retinue in the pure space,

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03ì+-&è,-ýë<-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê7/ë+-ý7Ü-+0-J<-8Ü,-ý7Ü-  

DZÖ CHHENPÖ THUGDAM KANG/ BHÖ PÉ DAMDZÉ YIN PÉ I replenish my depleted samaya with an offering of a great treasury. dÜ9Ê Ê0+7-+9-Wë,-ýë<-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê ÊDè,-#)ë9-&è,-ýë<- 

CHHIR/ DADAR NGONPÖ THUGDAM KANG/ TENTOR CHHEN PÖ With the offering of a blue ritual arrow, which is the samaya substance for the invitation, I replenish my depleted samaya. I replenish my depleted samaya with the great Shrine Torma17. *ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê6Ü:-0ë-7oÜ-+$-;è:-Vë$-:ß# ÊbÜ-:Ü$- 

THUGDAM KANG/ ZILMO DRI DANG SHEL-GONG LUG/ GYILING With the offerings of a resplendent dri;18 a crystal-ball-like sheep; a blue supreme steed; Wë,-ýë-7oë$-&è,-{-/ë$-+$-Ê Ê+!ë9-,ë9-dÜ-8Ü- 

NGONPO DRONG CHHEN GYA-BONG DANG/ KOR-NOR CHHI YI a huge wild yak; a and donkey; Dè,-bÜ<-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Êhá$-há$-{:-02,-+9-[<-  

TEN GYÏ THUGDAM KANG/ TRUNGTRUNG GYALTSHAN DAR N (with these monastery possessions) as Outer Deity-base, I replenish my depleted samaya. With the offerings of a crane-head victory banner19, decorated with a variety of pongee streamers, as Inner Deity-base, /{,Ê Ê,$-#Ü-Dè,-bÜ<-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê#<è9-#8ß-7oá-[- 

GYAN/ NAN G GI REN GYÏ THUGDAM KANG/ SER YU DRU-NA I replenish my depleted samaya. With the offerings of gold, turquoise, a variety of food grains, :è-/@,-+9Ê Ê#<$-/7Ü-Dè,-bÜ<-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê ÊU¨-#6ß#<- 

LEGAN DAR/ SANGWÉ TEN GYÏ THUGDAM KANG/ KUDZUG and red pongee as Secret Deity-base, I replenish my depleted samaya.

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]-N#-U¨-8Ü-Dè,Ê Ê73/-+$-/Yë+-+e$<-#<ß$-#Ü-Dè,Ê  

BACHAG KU YI TEN/ DZAB DANG TÖ-YANG SUNG GI TEN/ With the offering of a bamboo whip as the Body of the Deity-base; recitations and songs of praise as the Speech of the Deity-base; and Ê+$ß:-+!9-0è-:ë$-*ß#<-`Ü-Dè,Ê ÊU¨-#<ß$-*ß#<-`Ü-*ß#<- 

NGUL-KAR MELONG THUG KYI TEN/ KU SUNG THUG KYI THUG a white silver mirror as Mind of the Deity-base; I replenish my depleted samaya with the Body, the Speech, and the Mind of the Deity. +0-/U$-Ê Ê/6$-lá#-^,-[-8ë,-),-Dè,Ê Ê8ë,-),- 

DAM KANG/ DZANG-DRUG MEN-NA YONTEN TEN/ YONTEN The six excellent medicinal substances20 are for the Quality of the Dè,-bÜ<-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê9ë:-0ë-+e$<-X,-nÜ,-:<-Dè,Ê  

TEN GYÏ THUGDAM KANG/ ROLMO YANG NYAN TRINLÉ TEN/ Deity-base. I replenish my depleted samaya with the offering of Quality-base. The sweet sound of cymbals is for the Enlightened Activities of the Daity-base. ÊnÜ,-:<-Dè,-bÜ<-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê+ý:-Q,-&ë<-…ë,-7"ë9- 

TRINLÉ TEN GYÏ THUGDAM KANG/ PALDEN CHHÖDRON KHOR- I replenish my depleted samaya with the offering of the Enlightened Activities-base. In order to request the glorious Chhödon (Achi) and her retinue /%<-:Ê ÊnÜ,-:<-{æ,-¸¥-/%ë:-/7Ü-dÜ9Ê Ê{æ,-#)ë9-,9-0<- 

CHÉ LA/ TRINLÉ GYUN DU CHOLWÉ CHHIR/ GYUNTOR NARMÉ to carry out the enlightened activities at all times for us, I replenish my depleted samaya by making a regular offering of the Daily Torma.

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*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê0Ü-7o:-{æ,-¸¥-7ië#<-ý7Ü-dÜ9Ê ÊDè,- 

THUGDAM KANG/ MI DRAL GYUN DU DROG PÉ CHHIR/ TEN- In order that I may be inseparably in your company, #)ë9-&è,-ýë<-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê/U$-$ë-0&ë+-+ë-*ß#<-  

TOR CHHENPÖ THUGDAM KANG/ KANG NGO CHHÖ DO THUG- I replenish my depleted samaya by making an offering of the great Deity-base Torma. Indeed, I replenish my depleted samaya, make offerings, and restore my commitment. +0-/U$-Ê Ê0&ë+-#)ë9-Dè,-J<-+ý#-0è+-`Ü<Ê ÊEë-Bè-.#-0ë7Ü- 

DAM KANG/ CHHÖTOR TEN-DZÉ PAGMÉ KYÏ/ DOJE PHAGMÖ With an offering of an incalculable offering-torma, and Deity-base substances, I replenish my depleted samaya with Vajravarahi. *ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê0"7-7ië-Zè-/5Ü7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê&ë<- 

THUGDAM KANG/ KHADRO DE ZHÏ THUGDAM KANG/ CHHÖ- I replenish my depleted samaya with the four classes of Dakinis. `Ü-…ë:-07Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê8è-;è<-…ë:-07Ü-*ß#<-+0-  

KYI DROLMÉ THUGDAM KANG/ YESHÉ DROLMÉ THUGDAM I replenish my depleted samaya with Dharma Tara (Achi). I replenish my depleted samaya with Jana Tara. /U$-Ê Ê+0-2Ý#-…ë:-07Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê ÊýV-¬¢-!Ü7Ü-   

KANG/ DAMTSHIG DROLMÉ THUGDAM KANG/ PADMA DAKÏ I replenish my depleted samaya with Samaya Tara. I replenish my depleted samaya with *ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê;-6-0"7-7ië7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê/!7- 


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Padma Dakini. I replenish my depleted samaya with the Flesh-eating Dakini. rá$-7"ë9-/%<-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê#5,-8$-0&ë+-ý-7/ß:-  

SUNG KHORCHÉ THUGDAM KANG/ ZHAN YANG CHHÖ PA BU I replenish my depleted samaya with all the Dharmapalas and their retinue. /-,ÜÊ ÊO#<-:-2Ý0-eè+-9ë-0&ë#-/{+-Q,-/;ë<Ê Ê₫,-:- 

WA NI/ JAG LA TSHIMJÉ ROCHHOG GYÉ DEN SHÖ/ CHEN LA Other offerings include food with 8 supreme flavors to please the tongue; 2Ý0-eè+-#6ß#<-0&ë#-8Ü+-7ë$-+$-Ê ÊX,-:-2Ý0-eè+-…-X,- 

TSHIMJÉ DZUGCHHOG YÏWONG DANG/ NYAN LA TSHIMJÉ DRA- supremely beautiful and attractive forms to please the eyes; sweet sound of 9ë:-0ë-+$-Ê Ê;$<-:-2Ý0-eè+-/¸¥#-\ë<-$+-Q,-+$-Ê  

ROLMO DANG/ SHANG LA TSHIMJÉ DUGPÖ NGÉ DEN DANG/ cymbals to please the ears; aromatic smell of incense to please the nose; ÊU¨-:-9è#-7'0-/+è-/<-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê*ß#<-0&ë#-Uë$- 

KU LA REG JUM DÉWÉ THUGDAM KANG/ THUG-CHHOG KONG and with the offering of soft, silky (pongee), to bring comfort and bliss to the body; I replenish my depleted samaya. In order to replenish the samaya of the supreme mind, dÜ9-&ë<-(Ü+-/+è-/-8Ü<Ê Ê/U$-$ë-0&ë+-+ë-*ß#<-+0- 

CHHIR CHHÖNYÏ DEWA YÏ/ KANG NGO CHHÖ DO THUGDAMr with the offering of the bliss of dharmata21, I replenish my depleted samaya, and make offerings to restore my commitment. /U$-Ê ÊEë-Bè-9Ü,-&è,-ýV-+$-Ê Ê:<-`Ü-0"7-7ië-7nÜ,-  

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KANG/ DOJE RINCHHEN PADMA DANG/ LÉ KYI KHADRO TRIN- Vajra Dakini; Ratna Dakini; Padma Dakini; and Karma Dakini, the chief of enlightened activities, :<-#1ìÊ Ê9$-9$-9Ü#<-`Ü-7"ë9-bÜ<-/Uë9Ê Ê0"7-7ië-Zè-/5Ü7Ü- 

LÉ TSO/ RANG RANG RIG KYI KHOR GYÏ KOR/ KHADRO DE ZHÏ are surrounded by the retinue of one’s own class: I replenish my depleted samaya with the four classes of Dakinis. *ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê0&ë+-+ë-0-rÜ$-0"7-7ië-F0<Ê Ê+i- 

THUGDAM KANG/ CHHÖ DO MA-SING KHADRO NAM/ DRA I make offerings to the Mother and the Sister Dakinis. /#è#<-/…:-dÜ9-0-¼Ô-9%-+$-Ê Ê,$-#Ü-:ë$<-₫ë+- 

GEG DRAL CHHIR MAHA RAKTA DANG/ NANG GI LONGCHÖ I make offering of blood in order to destroy enemies and obstructers. For the purpose of increasing inner wealth, \è:-/7Ü-dÜ9Ê Ê<ß-9-&$-+$-/-:-;-:-<ë#<Ê Ê;- 

PEL WÉ CHHIR/ SURA CHHANG DANG BALA SHA LA SOG/ SHA- I make offerings of chang;22 meat23; &è,-2ì#<-+$-2Ý:-&è,-#<ß9-¸¥+-+$-Ê ÊP#-‡ë+- 

CHHEN TSHOG DANG TSHIL CHHEN SUR-DÜ DANG/ TAGTRÖ a heap of human flesh; a heap of human fat; the smoke of burnt offerings24; A-+$-?$-&è,-¸¥$-:-<ë#<Ê Ê+eÜ$<-d³#-T-0ë7Ü-  

NG A DANG KANG-CHHEN DUNG LA SOG/ YINGCHHUG LHAMÖ a dual-skull-drum25; and human thighbone trumpet, etc. to the Space Goddess, and replenish my depleted samaya. *ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê ÊXÜ$-ýë-73/-`Ü-7në-7¸¥-8Ü<Ê Ê0"7-7ië-Zè-  

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THUGDAM KANG/ NYINGPO DZAB KYI TRO-DU YÏ/ KHADRO DE With the radiation and retraction of the light rays from the essence recitation26, I replenish my depleted samaya with the five classes of Dakinis. M7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê>-dÜ-0&è+-M7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê  

NGÉ THUGDAM KANG/ ACHHI CHHÉ NGÉ THUGDAM KANG/ I replenish my depleted samaya with the five Achi Sisters27. ÊT-0Ü,-0"7-7ië7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê*ß#<-+0-#(,-ýë- 

LHAMIN KHADRÖ THUGDAM KANG/ THUGDAM NYENPO I replenish my depleted samaya with the Demi-god Dakini. &è9-Uë$-:Ê ÊUë$-b²9-+/$-+$-+$ë<-iá/-_ë:Ê  

CHHER KONG LA/ KONG GYUR WANG DANG NGÖDRUB TSOL/ Let the strict samaya be greatly replenished, and by doing so, bestow upon us the empowerments and siddhis. Ê/+#-%#-{æ-‚ë9-7"ë9-/%<-:Ê Ê0&ë#-+$-*ß,-0ë$-  

DAGCHAG GYU-JOR KHORCHÉ LA/ CHHOG DANG THUNMONG We, the sponsor(s) and the retinue, request you to grant us supreme and +$ë<-iá/-_ë:Ê 

NGÖDRUB TSOL/ common siddhis.   


Up to this is Achi Atonement

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Tashi Tseringma  

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Ì Ê+è-,<-2é-9Ü$-07Ü-/U$-#<ë:-8Ü,Ê 

Atonement and Offering to Tseringma œ×îî #5,-8$-*ß#<-+0-/U$-/-,ÜÊ ÊEë-Bè-#+,-bÜ- 

HUNG/ ZHAN YANG THUGDAM KANG WA NI/ DOJEDEN GYI Hung/ Replenishing depleted samaya also with the one at the northern direction of Bodh Gaya, e$-dë#<-,<Ê Ê/:-/ë+-#(Ü<-`Ü-<-020<-<ßÊ Ê#$<-+!9- 

JANG-CHHOG NÉ/ BAL-BÖ NYÏ KYI SATSHAM SU/ GANG-KAR at the border of Nepal and Tibet; where lies the white snow (mountain) ;è:-bÜ-%ë+-ý,-%,Ê Ê.ß-&±-X,-ý7Ü-{æ,-…- 

SHEL GYI CHÖPAN CHAN/ PHU-CHHU NYANPÉ GYUN DRA with the crystal cap; the place where there is perpetual sweet sound of cascading water from the upper reaches; %,Ê Ê,#<-7+/-0è-)ë#-;0-/ß-/gÊ Ê#87-#$<-#<è9-#8ß7Ü- 

CHAN/ NAG-DAB METOG SHAMBU TRA/ YHA GAN SER YÜ where the flowers skirting the forest are bright; the rocky snow mountain wearing a hair band of gold, and turquoise; „-&Ü$<-%,Ê #,<-0&ë#-+è-7l7Ü-#8ë,-7μ ¥:-,Ê Ê^,-/g- 

TRA-CHHING CHAN/ NÉ-CHHOG DE DRÉ YON GUL NA/ MEN TA- at the left peak of such a supreme sacred place stands menmo28 Tashi ;Ü<-2é-8Ü-+/$-d³#-0Ê Ê8/-,Ü-.ë-T-7*è,-ýë-8Ü,Ê   

SHÏ TSHE YI YINGCHHUG MA/ YAB NI PHOLHA THENPO YIN/ Tseringma, the mighty longevity lady. Her father is Pholha Thenpo29.

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Ê8ß0-,Ü-7o$-8ß:-^,-%Ü#-8Ü,Ê Ê0Ü$-ýë-/¸¥,-:-rÜ$-0ë- 

YUM NI DRANG YUL MEN CHIG YIN/ MINGPO DUN LA SINGMO Her mother is Drangyul Menchig. She has seven brothers and five sisters. MÊ ÊM-2Ý#<-+/ß<-`Ü-#1ì-0ë-,ÜÊ ÊU¨-0+ë#-+!9-:-73ß0- 

NGA/ NGA TSHIG Ü-KYI TSOMO NI/ KUDHOG KAR LA DZUM Of the five Sisters, she is the principal at the center. Her complexion is white, and she has a glowing smiling face. 0+$<-{<Ê Ê5:-#%Ü#-d#-#(Ü<-#8ë,-ý-,Ê Ê2é-/ß0- 

DHANG GYÉ/ ZHAL CHIG CHHAG NYÏ YONPA NA/ TSHEBUM She has one face and two hands. In her left hand, she holds a longevity /¸¥+-IÜ<-/!$-/-/6ß$-Ê Ê#8<-ý-Eë-Bè-Iè-+μ ¥-#+è$<Ê Ê2é-8Ü- 

DÜTSÏ KANG WA DZUNG/ YÉPA DOJE TSE GU DENG/ TSHE YI vase full of amrita30. She raises a nine-pronged vajra with her right hand, /9-&+-rá$-/9-eè+Ê Ê+9-[-M-8Ü-,-/67-#<ë:Ê Ê#<è9-#8ß- 

BARCHHÉ SUNG WAR JÉ/ DAR NA NGA YI NADZA SOL/ SER YU and she protects (beings) from life’s obstacles. She wears garments of five-colored pongee and .ë-#%°-Qè0-.ë+-%,Ê ÊF-{,-0μ ¥:-{,-9Ü,-&è,-¸¥- 

PHO-GYUÜ DEMPHÖ CHAN/ NAGYAN GULGYAN RINCHHEN DU- gold and turquoise studded ornaments with heaving silken frills. She is bedecked with earrings, necklace, and many precious jewels. 0<-/{,Ê Ê&Ü/<-<ß-<è$-#è-+!9-0ë-&Ü/<Ê Ê<Ü:-X,-9ë:-0ë7Ü- 

MÉ GYAN/ CHHIB SU SENGE KARMO CHHIB/ SILNYAN ROLMÖ She rides a white snow lion. With the sound of cymbals,31

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…-+$-/%<Ê Ê,0-0"7Ü-0*ë$-,<-₫,-7lè,-,ëÊ Ê2é-8Ü- 

DRA DANG CHÉ/ NAMKHÉ THONG NÉ CHANDREN NO/ TSHE YI I invite (Tseringma) from the zenith of the sky. Yes, I do so invite +eÜ$<-d³#-₫,-7lè,-,ëÊ Ê2é-8Ü-+/$-d³#-*ß#<-+0-  

YINGCHHUG CHANDREN NO/ TSHE YI YINGCHHUG THUGDAM the mighty longevity Lady of Space, and replenish my depleted samaya with her. /U$-Ê Ê8ë,-&/-0è-)ë#-/¸¥#-\ë<-+$-Ê Ê[$-#<:-lÜ- 

KANG/ YONCHHAB METOG DUGPÖ DANG/ NANGSAL DRI- With the offerings of drinking water; flowers; incense; lamp; perfume; 0&ë#-5:-6<-+$-Ê Ê9ë:-0ë-0&ë+-‡Ü,-+ý#-0è+-+$-Ê  

CHHOG ZHALDZÉ DANG/ ROLMO CHHÖTRIN PAGMÉ DANG/ food; music; incalculable offerings equaling the cloud formations; Ê6<-[-#)ë9-0-{-&è,-+$-Ê Ê0+7-+9-Y#-9<-#<è9-#8ß<-  

DZÉ-NA TORMA GYACHHEN DANG/ DHA LA TAG RÉ SER YÜ a great variety of food and torma; and a ritual arrow bedecked with chintz-like streamers, gold, and turquoise; /{,Ê Ê/g-;Ü<-&è,-0ë7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê2ì#<-`Ü- 

GYAN/ TASHÏ CHHENMÖ THUGDAM KANG/ TSHOG KYI I replenish my depleted samaya with the great Tashi.32 :ë$<-₫ë+-{-&è,-bÜ<Ê Ê2é-8Ü-+/$-d³#-*ß#<-+0-  

LONCHÖ GYACHHEN GYÏ/ TSHE YI YINGCHHUG THUGDAM With this vast wealth of sensual pleasures as ganacakra33 offering, I replenish my depleted samaya with the mighty Lady of longevity.

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/U$-Ê Ê/+#-%#-{æ-‚ë9-7"ë9-/%<-:Ê Ê2é-+$-9ÜÜÜÜ#<-{æ+- 

KANG/ DAGCHAG GYU-JOR KHARCHÉ LA/ TSHE DANG RIGGYÜ Please grant us, the sponsor(s) and the retinue, the siddhi for longevity and 7.è:-/7Ü-+$ë<-iá/-_:-¸¥-#<ë:Ê Ê<$<-{<-0"7-7ië7Ü-‡å:-ý- 

PHEL WÉ NGÖDRUB TSAL DU SOL/ SANGYE KHADRÖ TRULPA progeny. I ask you, the emanation of Buddha Dakini, aè+Ê Ê0&ë+-#)ë9-/5è<-:-nÜ,-:<-03ì+Ê Ê0¸¥,-,<-0*Ü$-#Ü- 

KHYÉ/ CHHÖTOR ZHÉ LA TRINLÉ DZÖ/ DUN NÉ THING GI to partake of this offering torma and carry out your enlightened activities. Thing gi Zhal Dzangma,34 in the front, is blue in color. 5:-/6$-0Ê ÊU¨-0+ë#-0*Ü$-,#-73ß0-/#-%,Ê  

ZHAL DZANG MA/ KUDHOG THING-NAG DZUM-BAG CHAN/ Her face is graceful and smiling. Ê5:-#%Ü#-d#-#(Ü<-#8<-ý-,Ê ÊrÜ+-ý-#<ß0-#<:-0è-:ë$-  

ZHAL CHIG CHHAG NYÏ YÉPA NA/ SÏPA SUM SAL MELONG She has one face and two hands. In her right hand she holds a mirror that reflects the three realms of existence. 73Ý,Ê Ê#8ë,-ý<-T-8Ü-/-+,-#8ë/Ê Ê+9-&è,-[-M7Ü-,- 

DZIN/ YONPÉ LHA YI BADAN YHOB/ DAR CHHEN NA NGÉ NA- Her left hand waves with a banner of gods. She wears garments of five great pongee fabrics. /67-#<ë:Ê Ê>ܼ-¹ÓÜ-:7Ü-*ë9-2±#<-%,Ê Ê9Ü,-&è,-#<è9-#8ß- 

DZA SOL/ INDANILÉ THORTSHUG CHAN/ RINCHHEN SER YHU The one with a sapphire head ornament (around her) topknot, is bedecked with incalculable precious items like gold and turquoise.

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+ý#-0è+-/{,Ê Ê5:-6<-2ì#<-0&ë+-+ý#-0è+-`Ü<Ê Ê0*Ü$- 

PAGMÉ GYAN/ ZHALDZÉ TSHOG-CHHÖ PADMÉ KYÏ/ THING With incalculable food and other ganachakra offerings, #Ü-5:-/6$-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Eë-Bè-0"7-7ië7Ü-‡å:-ý-YèÊ  

GI ZHAL-DZAN THUGDAM KANG/ DOJE KHADRÖ TRULPA TE/ I replenish my depleted samaya with Thing Gi Zhal Dzang. You are an emanation of Vajra Dakini. Ê^,-#%Ü#-0-8Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê&Ü/<-<ß-z$-/ß-"-  

MEN-CHIG-MA YI THUGDAM KANG/ CHHIB SU KYANGBU KHA I replenish my depleted samaya with the only Lady Demoness, who rides +!9-/%Ü/<Ê Ê[$-#<:-m-8Ü-+$ë<-iá/-_:-¸¥-#<ë:Ê Ê#8<- 

KAR CHIB/ NANGSAL TRA YI NGÖDRUB TSAL DU SOL/ YÉ an onager with a snip on the muzzle. Please grant me the siddhi of illuminating mirror devination. ,-0Ü-#8ë-vë-/6$-0Ê ÊU¨-0+ë#-<è9-0ë-73ß0-/#-%,Ê  

NA MIYO LOZANG MA/ KUDHOG SERMO DZUM-BAG CHAN/ On the right (of Tashi Tseringma) is Miyo Lozangma35. Her complexion is yellow. Smiling and graceful, she is Ê9Ü,-&è,-0"7-7ië7Ü-‡å:-ý-YèÊ Ê#<è9-bÜ-*ë9-2±#<-.ß+-  

RINCHHEN KHADRÖ TRULPA TE/ SER GYI THORTSHUG PHÜ- the emanation of Ratna Dakini. The one with gold head ornament (around Qè0-%,Ê Ê+9-&è,-[-M7Ü-,-/67-#<ë:Ê Ê9Ü,-&è,-[- 

DEM CHAN/ DAR CHHEN NA NGÉ NADZA SOL/ RINCHHEN NA- her) topknot, wears garments of five great pongee fabrics and a variety of precious jewels.

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2ì#<-U¨-:-‡<Ê Êd#-#8<-9ë-0&ë#-/{<-/!$-/7ÜÊ  

TSHOG KU LA TRÉ/ CHHAG YÉ RO-CHHOG GYÉ KANG WÉ/ In her right hand, she holds (food and drink) that have a hundred-fold supreme tastes and flavors, Ê02,-Q,-*ë+-ý-/[0<-ý-:<Ê Ê#8ë,-ý7Ü-0*è/-rÜ,-bÜ<-v$<-  

TSHAN-DEN THÖPA NAM PA LA/ YONPÉ THEB-SIN GYÏ LANG in a skull that is endowed with special qualities. With her thumb and the ring finger of her left hand, she )èÊ Ê/+#-:-6<-`Ü-9ë-0&ë#-Xë+Ê ÊH-#8$-6<-`Ü-+$ë<- 

TE/ DAG LA DZÉ KYI RO-CHHOG NYÖ/ MAYANG DZÉ KYI NGÖ- ‘spoon-feeds’36 me with the supreme tastes and flavors. She grants the siddhi of (copious) food. iá/-Yè9Ê Ê&Ü/<-<ß-Y#-0ë-iá<-0-/%Ü/<Ê Ê2ì#<-+$- 

DRUB TER/ CHHIB SU TAGMO DRÜMA CHIB/ TSHOG DANG She rides a young tigress. 0&ë+-ý-{-&è,-bÜ<Ê Ê0Ü-#8ë-vë-/6$-0-8Ü-*ß#<-+0-  

CHHÖPA GYACHHEN GYÏ/ MIYHO LOZANG MA YI THUGDAM With immense ganachakra and offerings, I replenish my depleted samaya with Miyo Lozangma. /U$-Ê Ê{/-,<-%ë+-ý,-0iÜ,-/6$-0Ê ÊU¨-0+ë#-+09-0ë- 

KANG/ GYAB NÉ CHÖPAN DRINDZANG MA/ KUDHOG MAR At the back of (Tashi Tseringma) is Chöpan Drinzangma37. She is red 73ß0-/#-Q,Ê ÊýV-0"7-7ië7Ü-‡å:-ý-YèÊ ÊeÜ-9ß7Ü-*ë9- 


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in color. She is smiling and looks graceful. She is the emanation of Padma Dakini, who wears a coral stone head ornament (around her) topknot. 2±#<-.ß+-Qè0-%,Ê Ê+9-&è,-[-M7Ü-,-/67-#<ë:Ê Ê9Ü,- 

TSHUG PHÜ DEM CHAN/ DAR CHHEN NA NGÉ NADZA SOL/ RIN- Wearing garments of five great pongee fabrics, she is bedecked with &è,-#<è9-#8ß-+ý#-0è+-/{,Ê Êd#-#8ë,-,ë9-bÜ-/$-  

CHHEN SER YU PAGMÉ GYAN/ CHHAG YON NOR GYI BANG an incalculable amount of precious things like gold and turquoise. In her left hand, she holds a chest of treasures, 03ì+-`ÜÊ Ê9Ü,-&è,-…ë0-/[0<-#8<-ý-,Ê Ê8Ü+-/5Ü,-,ë9-/ß- 

DZÖ KYI/ RINCHHEN DROM NAM YÉPA NA/ YÏZHIN NORBU and in her right hand, a precious wish-fulfilling jewel. 9Ü,-&è,-/[0<Ê Ê9Ü,-&è,-&9-7/è/<-+$ë<-iá/-Yè9Ê Ê&Ü/<-

CHHEN NAM/ RINCHHEN CHHAR BEB NGÖDRUB TER/ CHHIB She bestows the siddhi of precious jewels like rain falling down. She rides <ß-–-/-8ß-0ë-/%Ü/<Ê Ê,ë9-bÜ-+$ë<-iá/-Yè9-03+-0Ê 

SU SHAWA YUMO CHIB/ NOR GYI NGÖDRUB TER DZE MA/ a doe. You, who grants siddhi of wealth and prosperity, Ê2ì#<-+$-0&ë+-#)ë9-+ý#-0è+-`Ü<Ê Ê%ë+-ý,-0iÜ,-/6$-0- 

TSHOG DAN CHHÖTOR PADMÉ KYÏ/ CHÖPAN DRINDZANG MA with an incalculable amount of ganachakra and offering torma, I replenish 8Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê73+-0è+-,ë9-bÜ-+$ë<-iá/-_:-¸¥-#<ë:Ê  

YI THUGDAM KANG/ DZÉ MÉ NOR GYI NGÖDRUB TSAL DU SOL/ my depleted samaya with Chöpan Drinzangma. Kindly grant me the siddhi of inexhaustible wealth and prosperity.

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Ê#8ë,-,<-#)+-+!9-7ië-/6$-0Ê ÊU¨-0+ë#-Wë-O$-73ß0-  

YON NÉ TÉKAR DRODZANG MA/ KUDHOG NGO-JANG DZUM- In the left of (Tashi Tseringma) is Tékar Drozangma38. Her complexion is bluish-green with a graceful smiling face. /#-%,Ê Ê:<-`Ü-0"7-7ië7Ü-‡å:-ý-YèÊ Ê#8ß-8Ü-*ë9-2±#<- 

BAG CHAN/ LÉ KYI KHADRÖ TRULPA TE/ YU YI THÖTSHUG Being the emanation of Karma Dakini, she wears a turquoise head ornament with heaving silken frills (around her) topknot. .ß+-Qè0-%,Ê Ê+9-&è,-[-M7Ü-,-/67-#<ë:Ê Ê9Ü,-&è,- 

PHÜDEM CHAN/ DAR CHHEN NA NGÉ NADZA SOL/ RINCHHEN Wearing garments of the five great pongee fabrics, and #<è9-#8ß-+ý#-0è+-{,Ê Êd#-#8ë,-ˆå:-bÜ-5#<-ý-/[0<Ê  

SER YÜ PAG MÉ GYAN/ CHHAG YON DRUL GYI ZHAGPA NAM/ bedecked with an incalculable amount of precious gold and turquoise, she holds a snake lasso in her left hand. Ê#8<-ý-¸¥9-/7Ü-&±,-ýë-73Ý,Ê Ê?$-/5Ü-,ë9-bÜ-+$ë<-iá/-  

YÉPA DURWÉ CHHUNPO DZIN/ KANGZHI NOR GYI NGÖDRUB In her right hand, she holds a bunch of durva39 grass. She grants the siddhi of the quadruped domestic animals. Yè9Ê Ê&Ü/<-<ß-#8ß-7oá#-Wë,-0ë-/%Ü/<Ê Ê#)+-+!9-7ië-/6$- 

TER/ CHHIB SU YUDRUG NGONMO CHIB/ TÉKAR DRODZANG She rides a turquoise-colored dragon. I replenish my depleted samaya 0-8Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê?$-/5Ü-,ë9-bÜ-+$ë<-iá/-_ë:Ê 

MA YI THUGDAM KANG/ KANGZHI NOR GYI NGÖDRUB TSOL/ with Tékar Drodzangma. Please grant me the siddhi of the quadruped domestic animals.

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Ê6<-[-^,-[-7oá-[-+$-Ê Ê9Ü,-&è,-,ë9-/ß-/<0-7.è:- 

DZÉNA MENNA DRUNA DANG/ RINCHHEN NORBU SAMPHEL With offerings of a variety of foods, medicines, and food grains; the precious wish-fulfilling jewel; +$-Ê Ê*ë+-ý-02,-Q,-/¸¥+-IÜ<-/!$-Ê Ê!-9-ˆ$-IÜ7Ü-hë:- 

DANG/ THÖPA TSHANDEN DÜTSÏ KANG/ KARA DRANTSI TROL skull, with the marks of auspicious attributes, filled with amrita; sprinkled with crystal sugar and honey; /)/-+$-Ê Ê#)ë9-0-;-09-/ß-90-/{,Ê Ê0+7-:-+9-[- 

TAB DANG/ TORMA SHA MAR BU RAM GYAN/ DA LA DAR-NA torma, garnished with meat, butter, and brown sugar; ritual arrow with Y#-9<-+$-Ê Ê#<è9-#8ß-+$ß:-+!9-0è-:ë$-+$-Ê ÊEë-Bè- 

TAG RAS DANG/ SER YU NGUL-KAR MELONG DANG/ DOJE chintz streamers; gold; turquoise; white silver mirror; bejeweled vajra; ,ë9-/ß<-‡<-ý-+$-Ê Ê6-7ë#-μ ¥9-aÜ0-+9-[<-/{,Ê ÊdÜ- 

NORBÜ TRÉPA DANG/ DZAWOG GURKHYIM DAR-NÉ GYAN/ CHHI brocade tent-house, decorated with various pongee sashes; and ,$-+!ë9-,ë9-+ý#-0è+-F0<Ê Ê.ß,-<ß0-2ì#<-ý9-…å/-ý- 

NANG KORNOR PADMÉ NAM/ PHUNSUM TSHOGPAR DRUB PA all the incalculable outer and inner (monastery) wealth and possessions;40 with all these gathered in perfect abundance as offerings, ,ÜÊ Ê2é-8Ü-+eÜ$<-d³#-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê+ý:-Q,-T-0ë7Ü- 

NI/ TSHE YI YINGCHHUG THUGDAM KANG/ PALDEN LHAMÖ I replenish my depleted samaya with the mighty longevity Lady of Space. I replenish my depleted samaya with Palden Lhamo, the glorious goddess.

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*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê0*Ü$-#Ü-5:-/6$-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê  

THUGDAM KANG/ THING GI ZHALDZANG THUGDAM KANG/ I replenish my depleted samaya with Thinggi Zhaldzang. Ê0Ü-#8ë-vë-/6$-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê%ë+-ý,-0iÜ,-/6$-*ß#<- 

MIYO LOZANG THUGDAM KANG/ CHÖPAN DRINDZANG THUG- I replenish my depleted samaya with Miyo Lozang. I replenish my depleted samaya with Chöpan Drindzang. +0-/U$-Ê Ê#)+-+!9-7ië-/6$-0-8Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê  

DAM KANG/ TÉKAR DRODZANG MA YI THUGDAM KANG/ I replenish my depleted samaya with Tékar Drodzangma. Êaè+-F0<-*ß#<-+0-Uë$-b²9-,<Ê Ê/+#-%#-{æ-‚ë9-  

KHYÉ NAM THUGDAM KONG GYUR NÉ/ DAGCHAG GYU-JOR By replenishing samaya with all of you, I request you to grant us, 7"ë9-/%<-:Ê Ê9Ü#-73Ý,-2é-+$-H-#8$-6<Ê Ê0Ü-73+- 

KHORCHÉ LA/ RIGDZIN TSHE DANG MAYANG DZÉ/ MI-DZÉ including the sponsor(s) and the retinue, rainbow life of immortality; the good fortune of having abundant food; an inexhaustible amount of ,ë9-+$-?$-/5Ü-mÊ Ê+$ë<-iá/-F0-M-_:-¸¥-#<ë:Ê  

NOR DANG KANGZHI TRA/ NGÖDRUB NAM NGA TSAL DU SOL/ Possessions; lifestock; and the gift of the ability to perform mirror divination. Kindly grant us these five siddhis. Ê>-dÜ-&ë<-…ë,-7"ë9-/%<-+$-Ê Ê/g-;Ü<-2é-9Ü$-7"ë9-   

ACHHI CHHÖDON KHORCHÉ DANG/ TASHÏ TSHERING KHOR I, the supreme practitioner, will follow Achi Chhödon and retinue, and Tashi Tshering and retinue

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DANG CHÉ/ DRUB-CHHOG NELJOR DAGCHAG GÏ/ MA TAR TEN like (my) mothers. Let your heart, therefore, not be distant from me. ,ë-*ß#<-0-9Ü$-Ê ÊrÜ$-P9-/Yè,-,ë-*ß#<-0-rÊ Êië#<-P9- 

NO THUG MA RING/ SING TAR TEN NO THUG MA SA/ DROG TAR I will follow you as my sisters and I, therefore, ask you not to be insensitive towards me. /Yè,-,ë-#º¥$-0-*ß$-Ê Ê:è-:ë-dë+-+è-0-03+-%Ü#  

TEN NO ZHUNG MA THUNG/ LELO CHHÖDE MADZÉ CHIG/ I will follow you as my friends and, therefore, do not be fickle minded. Please do not be indolent. Ê{$-$è-Qè0-0è-0-03+-%Ü# Ê0-/ß7Ü-+0-2Ý#-(è9-  

GYANG-NGE DEM-ME MADZÉ CHIG/ MA BÜ DAMTSHIG NYER Do not be distant and swaying. Please closely think of the mother-son samaya. +#ë$<-:Ê Ê037-/7Ü-<è0<-#%Ü#-0<-`$-/6ß$-Ê Ê0*ß,-ý7Ü- 

GONG LA/ DZA WÉ SEM CHIG MÉ KYANG DZUNG/ THUN PÉ I ask the Mother, too, to have a loving heart. As sisters, let me hear #)0-#%Ü#-rÜ$-#Ü<-‰ë<Ê Ê/+#-#Ü-0&ë+-#)ë9-aè+-:-7/ß:Ê  

TAM CHIG SING GÏ MÖ/ DAG GI CHHÖTOR KHYÉ LA BUL/ you say something favorable. I make this torma offering and praise to you. Ê0&ë#-+$-*ß,-0ë$-+$ë<-iá/-_ë:Ê Êaè+-+$-F:- 

CHHOG DANG THUNMONG NGÖDRUB TSOL/ KHYÉ DANG NEL- Please grant me supreme and common siddhis. Let you and I,

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JOR DAGCHAG NYÏ/ KALPA ZHIG KYAN MI DRAL TSHL/ TSE the practitioner, not be separated even if this aeon ends. Please give me /7Ü-#¸¥$-<è0<-&è9-03ì+-:Ê Ê0*ß-Yë/<-%Ü-10-8ë+-ý-P9Ê  

WÉ DUNG SEM CHHER DZÖ LA/ THUTOB CHI TSAM YÖ PA TAR/ lots of love. Since you have a lot of power and might, please Ê:è-:ë-Xë0<-:<-0-03+-%Ü# ÊJà,-+$-#8ë-€ç-0-03+-  

LELO NYOMLÉ MADZÉ CHIG/ DZUN DANG YOGYU MADZÉ do not be lazy and indolent. Please do not tell lies and do not be deceptive. %Ü# Ê/+#-#Ü-+ý:-+$-0#ë,-03ì+-%Ü# ÊZ$-/7Ü-+i-+$- 

CHIG/ DAG GI PAL DANG GÖN DZÖ CHIG/ DANGWÉ DRA DANG Please be my glory and my refuge. The hateful enemies and #,ë+-ý7Ü-/#è#<Ê Êl#-ýë7Ü-:<-`Ü<-f³9-¸¥-…ë:Ê Ê/+#-#Ü<- 

NÖ PÉ GEG/ DRAGPÖ LÉ KYÏ NYUR DU DROL/ DAG GÏ harmful obstructers: Please destroy them at once through wrathful action. aè+-F0<-0&ë+-ý-8Ü<Ê Ê0"7-7ië7Ü-:ë$<-₫ë+-/+#-:-_ë:Ê  

KHYÉ RNM CHHÖ PA YÏ/ KHADRÖ LONGCHÖ DAG LA TSOL/ In return for my offerings to you, please grant me the wealth and enjoyment of the dakinis. ÊD-+$-u$-ýë-7oá-/$-03ì+Ê Ê#<è9-+$ß:-,ë9-/ß-9Ü,-  

TA DANG LANGPO DRU BANGDZÖ/ SER NGUL NORBU RIN- Horses, elephants, grain silos, gold, silver, jewels, &è,-+eÜ# Ê730-uÜ$-6<-,ë9-+$ë<-iá/-_ë:Ê ÊX,-i#<- 

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CHHEN YIG/ DZAMLING DZÉ NOR NGÖDRUB TSOL/ NYANDRAG precious unearthed treasures: Grant me the siddhis of these including food, wealth and possessions of this world. Let (me) be famous and &è-5Ü$-&ë<-`Ü<-d³# Ê9Ü#<-{æ+-7.è:-5Ü$-2é- 

CHHE ZHING CHHÖ KYÏ CHHUG/ RIG-GYÜ PHEL ZHING TSHE rich with the holy dharma. Let my family lineage increase and let us live 9Ü$-+$-Ê Ê&è-/1,-+/$-#Ü-+$ë<-iá/-_ë:Ê Ê#5,- 

RING DANG/ CHHETSAN WANG GI NGÖDRUB TSOL/ ZHAN long. Grant me the siddhi of high position and authority. 8$-0"7-7ië7Ü-2ì#<-F0<-,ÜÊ Ê03é<-ý7Ü-#6ß#<-0&ë#-73ß0- 

YANG KHADRÖ TSHOG NAM KYI/ DZÉ PÉ DZUG CHHOG DZUM Incidently, the assembly of the dakinis have supremely beautiful bodies and graceful smiling (faces). /#-Q,Ê Ê+9-6/-9Ü,-&è,-[-2ì#<-/{,Ê Ê9ß<-{,- 

BAG DAN/ DARDZAB RINCHHEN NATSHOG GYAN/ RÜGYAN You are adorned with a variety of fine pongee garments and a variety of precious jewels. <Ü:-X,-…-+$-/%<Ê Ê0"7-7ië7Ü-uä-+e$<-hë-:ë-:ëÊ  

SILNYAN DRA DANG CHÉ/ KHADRÖ LHUYANG TRO LO LO/ Wit the clacking sound of born ornaments and (the tinkling sound of) cymbals, the dakinis sing their melodious song. Ê#9-eè+-0$-ýë-a²#<-<è-a²# Ê\ë<-`Ü-$+-ý-&Ü-:Ü-:ÜÊ  

GARJÉ MANGPO KHYUG SE KHYUG/ PÖ KYI NGÉPA CHHI LI LI/ A great many dancers make fast (dance) movements, while the aromatic smell of burning incense permeate.

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Ê2Ý:-&è,-09-0è-)-:-:Ê Ê?$-&è,-¸¥$-7/ß+-*ë+- 

TSHIL-CHHEN MARME TA LA LA/ KANG-CHHEN DUNG BÜ THÖ- With brightly lit lamps of human fat; the sound of thighbone trumpets and the playing of skull damaru; A-7hë:Ê Ê^,-9!-lÜ-8Ü-8ë,-&/-+$-Ê Ê2ì#<-0&ë+- 

NGA TROL/ MEN-RAK DRI YI YONCHHAB DANG/ TSHOG-CHHÖ medicinal wine; blood; oblation of urine for drinking; and this vast ganachakra #)ë9-0-{-&è,-7+Ü<Ê Ê&ë<-`Ü-…ë:-07Ü-2ì#<-:-7/ß:Ê  

TORMA GYACHHEN DÏ/ CHHÖ KYI DROL MÉ TSHOG LA BUL/ offering and torma, I make offering to the assembly of Chhökyi Dolma. Ê+eÜ$<-d³#-T-0ë7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê0"7-7ië-7"ë9-+$- 

YINGCHHUG LHAMÖ THUGDAM KANG/ KHADO KHOR DANG I replenish my depleted samaya with the goddess, the Queen of Space. /%<-F0<-`ÜÊ Ê/!7-8Ü-7"ë9-¸¥-#)ë#<-ý-8ÜÊ Ê,0-0"7-#8ß- 

CHÉ NAM KYI/ KA YI KHOR DU TOG PA YI/ NAMKHA YU As attendant, under the command of the Dakinis and her retinue, and in the 8Ü-QÜ$-"$-,<Ê Ê#$<-`Ü-8ß0-&è,-#8ß-/ß,-0Ê Ê0- 

YI DING KHANG NÉ/ GANG KYI YUM CHHEN YUBUN MA/ MA Turquoise rainbow dome in the sky, is Gangkyi Yumchhen Yubunma41, the Great Glacier Lady of Invincible Turquoise Mist. rÜ$-{:-0ë7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê ÊTë-8Ü-þÜ-0*Ü$-#87-0-  

SING GYALMÖ THUGDAM KANG/ LHO YI KYITHING YAMA I replenish my depleted samaya with Masing Gyalmo. The azure-colored Tsen-spirit Yamakyong42 of the South,

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KYONG/ TSAN GYI GYALMÖ THUGDAM KANG/ KHARAG CHI I replenish my depleted samaya with the Queen of tsan spirits. 7¸¥:-+ý:-bÜ-8ß0Ê Ê/¸¥+-`Ü-{:-0ë7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê  

DUL PAL GYI YUM/ DÜ KYI GYALMÖ THUGDAM KANG/ The glorious Mother, Kharak Chidul,43 I replenish my depleted samaya with the Queen of the demonesses. Êe$-#Ü-#<è9-*$-#8ß-/ß,-0Ê Ê#;Ü,-Bè-{:-0ë7Ü-*ß#<-+0-  

JANG GI SER THANG YUBUN MA/ SHINJE GYALMÖ THUGDAM The Yubunma44 of the golden plains of the North, I replenish my depleted samaya with the Queen of the Lord of Death. /U$-Ê Ê#$<-+!9-+è-,Ü-;-0è+-0Ê Ê^,-bÜ-{:-0ë7Ü- 

KANG/ GANG-KAR DE NI SHA-MÉ MA/ MEN GYI GYALMÖ Gangkar Shaméma,45 the Queen of the Menmos, I replenish my depleted samaya with the Queen of the Memos. *ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê)Ü$-)Ü$-)Ü$-#Ü-:ë-9ë-^,Ê Ê7oë#-rÜ,- 

THUGDAM KANG/ TING TING TING GI LORO MEN/ DROG-SIN The Laro Dorje Menchigma,46 {:-0ë7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê!ë$-/1°,-+è-0ë<-/ë+-"0<-  

GYALMÖ THUGDAM KANG/ KONGTSUN DEMÖ BÖ-KHAM I replenish my depleted samaya with the Queen of the nomadic rakshasis. Kongtsun Demo47 protects and nurtures U-tsang and Kham. þë$<Ê Ê+0-2Ý#-/rá$-/7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê^,-/1°,- 

KYONG/ DAMTSHIG SUNG WÉ THUGDAM KANG/ MENTSUN I replenish my depleted samaya with (you) with my pledge to henceforth abide by the samaya.

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KHUGCHHÖ YARMO SIL/ LU YI GYALMÖ THUGDAM KANG/ Khugchhö Yarmo Sil,48 I replenish my depleted samaya with you, the Queen of Nagas. Ê+ý:-&è,-#<$-/7Ü-N0-l:-0Ê Ê9Ü-8Ü-{:-0ë7Ü-*ß#<-  

PALCHHEN SANGWÉ CHAMDRAL MA/ RI YI GYALMÖ THUG- The mighty secret consort, Sangwé Chamdrel49, I replenish my depleted samaya with the Queen of Mountains. +0-/U$-Ê ÊþÜ-0*Ü$-#$<-`Ü-:ë-9ë-^,Ê Ê;è:-6-0"7- 

DAM KANG/ KYI-THING GANG KYI LORO MEN/ SHELDZA KHA- The azure-skined Gang Kyi Loromen50 , I replenish my depleted samaya 7ië7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê/E-:-/1,-0ë-8è-;è<-…ë,Ê Ê0-<$<- 

DRÖ THUGDAM KANG/ DHALA TSENMO YESHÉ DON/ MASANG with the Sheldza Khado. Yeshédon51, by name, I replenish my depleted {:-0ë7Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê0-hÜ-"0<-`Ü-{:-0ë-YèÊ  

GYALMÖ THUGDAM KANG/ MATRI KHAM KYI GYALMO TE/ samaya with the Queen of masang clan. Matri52, the Queen of Kham, Ê+!9-0ë-₫,-#%Ü#-0-8Ü-*ß#<-+0-/U$-Ê Ê;-h#-+09- 

KARMO CHAN-CHIG MA YI THUGDAM KANG/ SHA TRAG MAR I replenish my depleted samaya with the One-eyed White One. With flesh; blood; red torma; bÜ-#)ë9-0-+$-Ê Ê2ì#<-+$-0&ë+-8ë,-F0-M-8Ü<Ê  

GYI TORMA DANG/ TSHOG DANG CHHÖYON NAM NGA YÏ/ ganachaka offerings; and five-fold offerings including drinking water;

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KASUNG TENMÉ THUGDAM KANG/ SANGYE TENPA SUNG WA I replenish the depleted samaya with the protector goddesses of the earth. Please protect the Buddha Dharma; +$-Ê ÊF:-7eë9-9Ü#<-{æ+-\è:-/-+$-Ê Ê…å/-ýë7Ü-/9-&+- 

DANG/ NELJOR RIG-GYÜ PEL WA DANG/ DRUBPÖ BARCHHÉ increase the bloodline of the (tantric) practitioner; remove the obstacles of the <è:-/-+$-Ê Ê+$ë<-iá/-F0-#(Ü<-Yè9-/-+$-Ê ÊdÜ-8Ü- 

SEL WA DANG/ NGÖDRUB NAM NYÏ TER WA DANG/ CHHI YI practitioner ; bestow the two siddhis; subdue all outer phenomena; [$-/-+/$-¸¥-bÜ<Ê ÊnÜ,-:<-Yë/<-`Ü<-/Y,-ý-\è:Ê Ê2é- 

NANGWA WANG DU GYÏ/ TRINLÉ TOB KYÏ TENPA PEL/ TSE- spread the holy Dharma with (your) power of enlightened activities; and 9Ü$-+ý:-/þè+-7"ë9-F0<-/rá$-Ê Ê/Y,-:-Z$-/7Ü-+i-/ë-F0<Ê  

RING PAL KYÉ KHOR NAM SUNG/ TEN LA DANG WÉ DRAWO NUM/ increase life span and glory; and protect the followers. The enemies, who are averse to the holy Dharma, Ê#)ë9-0-7+Ü-+$-0(0-¸¥-/5è<Ê Ê/%ë:-/7Ü-:<-`Ü-7o<-/ß-+èÊ  

TORMA DI DANG NYAM DU ZHÉ/ CHOL WÉ LÉ KYI DRÉBU DE/ please partake of him/her together with this torma. I beseech the mighty powerful one to let the fruit of my request for action Ê0&Ü<-ý9-03ì+-%Ü#-0*ß-I:-%,Ê  


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This Jewel Garland of Atonement, of Achi Chhökyi Dolma including her retinue, was written by the glorious Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon.  














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Endnotes 1 Tib. Phud (phü): the best part or portion of food and drink offered to divine beings and protectors before human consumtion. 2 Tib. ao rGyan: The country to the north-west of India where Guru Rinpoche was born on a lotus flower. 3 Tib. rus pa’i rGyan: There are six bone ornament worn by esoteric tantric practitioners. These symbolize the six paramitas:

1) head ornament {dbu rgyan} 2) ear rings {snyan rgyan} 3) necklace {mgul rgyan} 4) Brahma-string {mChod phyir thogs} 5) bracelets {lag gDub}, and 6) anklets {rKang gdub}.

4 Tib. dam tshig, Skt.samaya: a promise or a pledge that is made, which cannot be broken without severe consequence. 5 Tib. srid pa gSum: Synonymous with khams gSum meaning three existences.

1. the existence of gods above 2. existence of humans on earth, and 3. existence of nagas down below. Also 1. existence between death and rebirth 2. dying as a phase of conditioned existence, and 3. existence between birth and death. Also 1. existence of Desire 2. existence of Form, and 3. existence of Formless. In the Sutra Pitaka, 1. past existence 2. future existence, and 3. unknown existence. Also 1. existence 2. no existence, and 3. all existence.

6 Tib. bDud bZhi: four maras are

1) demon of the aggregates {phung po bDud} 2) the demon of the afflictive emotions,{nyon mongs pa'i bDud} 3) the demon of the Lord of Death {'chi bDag gi bDud} and 4) demon of the godly son {lha'i bu'i bDud}

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7 Tib. ‘Bru sNa lNga: five types of food grains include

1. barley 2. rice 3. peas 4. buckwheat, and 5. unhusked barley or rice.

8 Tib. Ye Shes sGrol Ma, ye shé dol ma; Skt. Jana Tara: In Achi Sadhana by Kyobpa Rinpoche, this dakini, referred to as Yeshé Kyi Khadro Tsugna Norbu, holds a hand drum in her right hand. She is one of Achi’s four ‘sisters’. 9 Tib. mChod pa sNa lNga: the five-fold offerings include

1. flower to the head 2. incense to the nose 3. lamp to the eyes 4. perfume to the body and 5. food with 100-fold taste to the mouth.

10 Tib. dNgos grub, Skt. siddhi: supreme siddhi/attainment {mChog gi dNgos grub}, and common siddhi/attainment {thun mong gi dNos grub} 11 Tib. Tshogs (tshog), Skt. ganachakra: feast offering 12 Tib. dKar gSum: three whites are milk, curd and butter. 13 Tib. mNgar gSum: three sweets are

1. sugar 2. honey, and 3. solidified bround sugar.

14 Tib. zhing lPags: the skin of a human being, who deserves to be destroyed for ten reasons:

1) destroying the Buddha’s teachings 2) slandering the three jewels 3) robbing the sangha of their possessions 4) slandering Mahayana teachings 5) bringing physical harm to the lama 6) disparaging vajra brothers and sisters 7. bringing obstacles in the path of other’s dharma practice 8. not having loving kindness and compassion at all 9) breaking vows and samaya, and 10) disbelieving the law of cause and effect.

15 Tib. dur khrod kyi chas brGyad: the 8 charnel ground ornaments

1) head ornament {mi mgo'i dbu rgyan} 2) garland of human heads {mi mgo'i do shal} 3) elephant skin upper garment {glang chen gyi pags pa'i stod gYogs

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4) human skin shawl {zhing lpags kyi gYang gzhi} 5) tiger skin skirt {stag lpags kyi sham thabs} 6) smeared with human fat {zhag gi zo ris} 7) blood bindu {khrag gi thig le} 8) cemetery ash anklets and bracelets {thal chen gyi tsom bu}.

16 Tib. rGya Bong (gya bong): comparatively big donkey bearing the designation “gya” meaning either India (gya kar) or China (gya nag). 17 Tib. rTen gTor: shrine torma, torma representing the deity, kept for as long as it lasts. 18 Tib. ‘Bri: female yak 19 Tib. Khrung Krung rGyal mTshan, (trung trung gyal tshen): a victory banner with a crane head.

20 Tib. bZang drug:

1. bamboo juice (chu gang) for lungs 2. nutmeg (dza ti) for heart 3. marigold,(gur gum) for liver 4. cardamom (ka ko la) for spleen 5. elettaria cardamon (sug smel) for kidneys and 6. cloves (li shi) for central nerve

21 Tib. Chos Nyid: synonymous with emptiness, true nature of reality 22 Tib. chang: home brewed alchaholic bevegae traditionally made by fermenting barley. 23 Tib. ba la sha: any of the five

1. elephant meat 2. human flesh

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3. horse meat 4. dog meat 5. beaf or peacock meat

24 Tib. gSur: Tibetan custom of offerings made to those in the bardo state smoke of tsampa mixed with three whites and three reds. There are several different smoke offerings:

1. burnt white offering 2. burnt red offering 3. burnt tea offering 4. burnt butter offering, etc.

25 Tib. lTag sProd rNga: literally “ facing back to back drum,” in context refers to hand drum made with two small human skulls glued back to back.

26 Tib. ‘Dzab, Skt. dza pa 27 Tib. a phyi mChed lNga:

1. Achi Chhökyi Dolma 2. Tashi Tsheringma 3. Thingi Zhalzanma 4. Miyo Lozangma, and 5. Tékar Drinzangma.

28 Tib. menmo (sMan Mo): a name that generally means “demoness,” in this context refers to someone who is very powerful. The great tertön, Jomo Menmo (1248-1283) is one such being. 29 The name of a mountain as the deity-base of Pholha Thenpo. 30 Tib. bDud rTsi, Skt. amrita: nectar of immortality. In the context of medicine, bDud (dü) means medical condition that brings harm to a person’s life, and rTsi (tsi) means medicine to conquer pain and suffering arising there from. 31 Tib. sil-nyen and rolmo: There are two typs of cymbals in Tibetan Buddhism: One is sil-nyen (picture A) and the other is called rolmo (picture B)


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32 Tib. bKra shis tshe ring ma or Tashi Tsering Ma: One of five sisters of longevity goddesses of Tibet whose abode is Mt. Everest. 33 Skt. ganachakra, Tib. tshog chhö: religious feast offering 34 Tib. mThing gi zhal bdzan ma: situated on the south side of Dingri County of today’s Tibet Autonomous Region, one of five longevity goddesses sisters of Tibet.

35 One of Tsringma sisters: 36 Tib. sNyod (nyö): generally means mouth-to-mouth feeding as done by Tibetan mothers to their infants. 37 One of Tseringma sisters 38 One of Tseringma sisters. 39 Skt. durva: a type of grass. It is one of eight auspicious substances. 40 Tib. dKor nor: dKor or Kor is anything given to a monk, nun, lama, temple, or monastery by an individual or organization for religious reasons. Such gifts are said to be difficult to ‘digest’ by lay people. 41 Tib. Gangs Kyi Yum Chen rDo rJe gYu Bun Ma (gang kyi yum chhen do je yu bun ma): One of 12 terma protectors of Tibet. Another name is Gang Zu Le, which being a lofty snow mountain between Lachi and Nyanam. This mountain is the deity-base of Gang Kyi Yum Chhen Yu Bun Ma. Unfortunately, the environmentalist report that the global warming has melted the snow in 2010. There is another contention that the name Gang Kyi Yum Chhen Yu Mun Ma is another name for Dorje Yudonma (again one of the 12 tenmas).

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42 Tib. Lho Yi sKyi mTing gYa’ Ma sKyong (lhoyi kyithing yama kyong): also known as Dorje Yamakong, she is one of 12 terma protectors of Tibet. 43 Tib. Kha Rag sPyi ‘Dul dPal Gyi Yum (kharag chidul palgyi yum): one of 12 terma protectors of Tibet, whose deity-base is Jomo Kharag Gang (snow mountain), situated at the U-tsang boarder in Tsang in Tsang, Tibet where Nyo lotsawa, the translator, was born. 44 One of 12 terma protectors of Tibet. 45 Tib. Gangkar Shaméma (gang kar sha mé ma): More popularly known as Dorje Chenchigma, she is one of 12 Terma Goddesses, whose deity-base is Shangkyi Lhabu Gang (snow mountain) in Tibet. 46 Tib. La Ro rDorje sMan gCig Ma, (la ro do je men chig ma): one of 12 tenma protectors of Tibet. 47 Tib. Kong bTsun De Mo, (kong tsun de mo): More popularly known as Dorje Bökham Kyong,she is one of 12 terma protectors of Tibet. 48 Tib. rDo rJe gYar Mo bSil (do je yar mo sil): one of 12 terma protectors of Tibet. 49 Tib. rDor rJe gSang We’i lCam Dral (do je sang wé cham drel): More popularly known as Droje Kundag, she is one of the 12 terma protectors of Tibet. 50 More popularly known as Dorje Kunzang, she is one of the 12 terma protectors of Tibet. 51 One of the 12 terma protectors of Tibet. Known as the Queen of masang, a class of spirits or proto-historical humanoids. Acording to Bon literature and ghost stories, the masang clan are the offshoots of the union of humans and gods/demons. The mainstream Buddhist literature also mentions about nine masang bloodline. 52 Tib. Ma Khri (ma tri): one of 12 terma protectors of Tibet. The more popularly known 12 terma protectors of Tibet are as follows. However, there are others versions that have different names. This is like a person having a dharma name, a pet name, a nickname, and among other names, a trade related name. Indeed, the subtleties are beyond the comprehension of ordinary humans.

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1. Dorje Kundag 2. Dorje Yamakyong 3. Dorje Kuntuzang

4. Dorje Gegkyitso 5. Dorje Chenchigma 6. Dorje Pelgyiyum

7. Dorje Lumo 8. Dorje Dragmogyal 9. Dorje Bokhamkyong

10. Dorje Menchigma 11. Dorje Yarmosil 12. Dorje Zuglegma

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