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YABT:Exchange of Best Practices and Partnership Development in the Creation and Promotion of Economic Opportunities for Young People. 26 de Octubre del 2009

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Page 1: YABT:Exchange of Best Practices and Partnership Development in the Creation and Promotion of Economic Opportunities for Young People. 26 de Octubre del

YABT:Exchange of Best Practices and Partnership Development in the Creation and Promotion of Economic

Opportunities for Young People.

26 de Octubre del 2009

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Who We Are:

Thel Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) is a non profit organization part of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) and works in cooperation with the General Secretariat of the Organizacion of American States (OAS), thanks to a general cooperation agreement.

YABT is created under the concept that a pubic private partnership can develop and implement our programs in a more efficient, direct and sustainable way..

Promotes the objectives of the OAS and the Summit of the Americas that look fro the creation of employment opportunities to confront poverty through the implmentation of programs that supports the development of leadership and entrepreneurial skills among youth.

YABT is an organization for young people and of young people.

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“In Latin America and the Caribbean, one of four young people doesnt study or work, because of that , we have the

challenge to work for the justice and equal access to opportunities.

The OAS has an obligation in this field, we need to promote


H.E. José Miguel InsulzaSecretary General

Organization of American States

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Our Focus Areas:

YABT focus its work in four focus areas:





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Leadership: Promotes the interaction between young people and the

representatives of the public and private sector, as well as civil society and international cooperation agencies.

Breaks the barrier that most of the time young people in our countries have, just for the fact of been youth.

Consolidate a network of cooperation that promotes the creation of alliaces, exchange of best practices and avoid the duplication of efforts.

Promotes the efficient use of the limited resources and scale up the impact at the national and regional level.

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Youth Forum of the Americas: Summit of the Americas

Thorught he Youth Forum of the Americas, YABT creates a channel for the participation of young people in the decision making process and priorities definitions through the inclusion as a social actor in the Summit of the Americas Process and the OAS General Assembly. 2005 and 2009: IV and V Summit of the Americas: Mar del

Plata and Puerto España – At a Presidential Level 2007 – 2009: OAS General Assembly, Panama, Medellin and

San Pedro Sula, at Ministers of Foreing Affairs Level 2007 – 2008: OAS Permanent Council, Washington, DC: At

Ambassador Permanent Representatives Level.

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Video of the presentation of the young people a the OAS General Assembly:

Youth Participation at the Summit of the Americas:

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Corporate Social Responsibility:

Following the Summit of the Americas mandates, the OAS promotes the use of CSR among SMEs in the hemisphere. YABT support the work developed by the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) in implementing this mandate.

Our Young Entrepreneurs need to be concious of the role and responsability they have with their society, the environment and their impact in the economy, because of that, we need to make sure that our young people incorporates corporate social responsibility in the core of their business strategy since the begining.

We have on line and on site courses, exchange of best practices forums and training workshops.

It is a coordinated work with the Executive Secretary for Integral Development (SEDI), with the support of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and United Nations Economic Commision for Latin America and the Caribbean ( UN ECLAC)

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Training: Through the Business Labs program provides young people a

leaning by doing and real life experience on how to develop a business. They learn how to do it, by doing the business.

Through a Training of Trainers component, we build local capacity that later will follow up replicating the process and adapting the content and the methodogloy to the local needs.

Through the creation of a follow up system, we provide the necessary resources to the entrepreneur to consolidate their businesses.

This is a program that was funded by the OAS FEMCIDI, that used a methology provided by the Mount Carmel International Training Center (MCTC) from Israel thanks to a cooperation provided by the goverment of Israel through its internationa cooperation section (MASHAV).

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Training: Promote the creation of a network of young entrepreneurs that not only need an

economic benefit but also that their businesses have a positive social impact.

We have trained in the past 7 years more thatn 17,000 entrepreneurs in the 34 OAS Member States, working in partnership with universities, schools, (both public and private) NGOs, Youth Organizations as well as private sector organizations.


Leadership and Personal Skills.

Business Management.

Corporate Social Responsibility.

Financial and Economic Education.

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Training: We work with young people at all levels

Sensitation and Capacity Building – Business Labs Follow up and Implementation – Nex Links Acces to Resources and Finance – Money Links and Development

Marketplace Access to Markets – TIC Americas Scale Up and Take Off – Latinnovators (with the support of Octantis


We have develop Labs in priority areas like: : Agribusiness– Caribbean Tourism and Small Hotel Development – Caribbean Culture – Caribbean Indigenous Comunities – Latin America Youth Migrants – Latin America Innovaction – South America Business Support Centers - Hemispheric Business Management – Hemispheric

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Through the development of Global Dialogues (Video Conferences), we promote the exchange of best practices, the creation of alliances, transfer of content and knowledge as well as the creation of business opportunities for our entrepreneurs.

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The Talent and Innovation Competition (TIC Americas) is an international business plan competition and incentive programs for young entrepreneurs.

Its focus is based in the strategic planning and acceleration of the businesses, it includes the development of technologies and prototypes, mentoring, follow up and access to investment and training opportunities.

It is based in the public private partnerships that the OAS provides access through its OAS General Assembly, giving youth an space for their participation.

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We have developed 3 editions, involving almost 9,000 youth, 64 countries and developing more than 2,500 business ideas.

Panama City, Panama - 2007 Medellin, Colombia - 2008 San Pedro Sula, Honduras - 2009 Lima, Peru – 2010

The winners have the option of participate in the Global TIC Competition in Asia.

We promote the following areas: Environment Tourism Agribusiness Technologia

Regirstration is open since October 1, 2009


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Aliances and National Chapters:

YABT focus its work in the countries in through:National ChaptersNational OfficesLocal Partners

Our focus is not create new organizations but to reinforce the existing ones and build cooperation and local partnerships, reinforcing the exisitng work.

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In 2010, YABT is one of the leading organizations in the Development Marketplace for Latin America and the Caribbean, it is a program developed by the World Bank and will provide financial resources for young people to implemente their initiatives.

It is a join effort of a group of international organzation and donors focused in youth development in the region.

It has a component that alloes the incorporation of local organizations through and intermediate system.

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The opportunities go up to US$ 15,000 for the concept development and up to US$ 35,000 for its implementation.

The priority areas are: Biodiveristy Social Entrepreneurship Programs that support youth at risk

The finals of the DM LAC 2010 will be in Colombia in 2010.

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For more information

Roy L. Thomasson

[email protected]


Luis A. Viguria

[email protected]


www.ybiz.net - www.oas.org 1889 F Street NW, Washington, DC 20006 USA