year 10 science examination - semester 2 2016 question...

YEAR 10 SCIENCE EXAMINATION - SEMESTER 2 2016 QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOKLET (1) Student Name: Teacher: Date: Time allowed for this exam: (Book 1 and Book 2 Combined) Reading time before commencing work: 10 minutes Working time for this paper: 1hr 50 minutes MATERIAL REQUIRED / RECOMMENDED FOR THIS PAPER: To be provided by the supervisor: This question and answer booklets To be provided by the candidate: Pens, pencils, ruler, eraser IMPORTANT NOTE TO CANDIDATES No other items may be taken into the examination room. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not have any unauthorised notes or other items of a non-personal nature in to the examination room. If you have any unauthorised material with you, hand it to the supervisor BEFORE reading any further. All iPads and mobile phones must be turned off and in your bag along with any other devices and notes. Bags are to be closed and placed under the desk. Materials required: Pens, pencils, eraser, ruler and calculator

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Time allowed for this exam: (Book 1 and Book 2 Combined) Reading time before commencing work: 10 minutes Working time for this paper: 1hr 50 minutes

MATERIAL REQUIRED / RECOMMENDED FOR THIS PAPER: To be provided by the supervisor: This question and answer booklets To be provided by the candidate: Pens, pencils, ruler, eraser

IMPORTANT NOTE TO CANDIDATES No other items may be taken into the examination room. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not have any unauthorised notes or other items of a non-personal nature in to the examination room. If you have any unauthorised material with you, hand it to the supervisor BEFORE reading any further. All iPads and mobile phones must be turned off and in your bag along with any other devices and notes. Bags are to be closed and placed under the desk.

Materials required: Pens, pencils, eraser, ruler and calculator


Read through the paper to familiarise yourself with all of the questions.

Use a blue or black ballpoint / ink pen for the written answers. Use pencil for drawing the graphs.

Write your answers in this booklet.

Should you require more space than you have been given please use the spare sheet (at the back of this booklet) and ensure that you include your name and the question / statement to which you are responding.

AT THE END OF THE EXAMINATION: Any planning sheets or other pieces of paper MUST be handed in with this booklet. At the end of the examination make sure that your name is on your booklet and any other pieces of paper used. Instructions to candidates: 1. Sitting this examination implies that you agree to abide by the examination rules set down by Kinross College. 2. Answer the questions in the space provided. 3. You must be careful to confine your responses to the specific questions asked and to follow any instructions that are specific to a particular question. 4. A spare page is included at the end of this booklet. It can be used for planning your responses and/or as additional space if required to continue an answer. (a) Planning: If you use the spare page for planning, indicate this clearly at the top of the page. If you choose to use lined paper for planning, ensure your name and the title is clearly printed. (b) Continuing an answer: If you need to use the space to continue an answer, give the page number. Fill in the number of the question(s) that you are continuing to answer, at the top of the page. 5. This examination contributes towards your report. If you have any questions, please ask them during the ten-minute reading time. Manage your time wisely. Always provide substantiation (evidence). Make sure that what you have written makes sense.

Topic Section Marks

Earth Science Multiple choice /10

Short answer /20

Extended answer /15

Genetics and Evolution Multiple choice /10

Short answer /20

Extended answer /15

Investigating /30

Total /120

Note: Do not turn the page until you are asked to do so.


SEMESTER 2, 2016




Circle the letter indicating the best answer.

1 A B C D

2 A B C D

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1. Natural selection acts on _________________ which in turn may result in the evolution

of________________ over time.

A. Populations, individuals

B. Individuals, populations

C. Species, species

D. Individuals, families

2. The struggle for survival refers to:

A. The hardships newborn offspring face due to predation

B. The struggle for animals who cannot breathe

C. Members of each species compete regularly to obtain food and living space

D. The hardships between parents of raising offspring

3. Farmer Joe only breeds the largest hogs, the fastest horses, or the cows that give the

most milk. This is an example of:

A. Natural selection

B. Fitness

C. Artificial selection

D. Survival of the fittest

4. The streamlined shape of sharks and whales, similar but not due to a common ancestor is

an example of:

A. Analogous traits

B. Homologous traits

C. Artificial selection

D. Fitness

5. Which of the following is NOT a component of the Theory of Evolution by Natural


A. Competition for food and space

B. Variation among species

C. Inheritance of acquired characteristics

D. Survival and reproduction

6. The dog breeds we have today were developed through:

a. Natural selection

b. Artificial selection

c. Sexual selection

d. Acquired selection

7. The finches on the Galapagos Islands were similar in form except for variations of

their beaks. Darwin observed that these variations were useful for:

a. Attracting a mate

b. Defending territory

c. Building nests

d. Gathering food

8. The peppered moth study in England gives us a clear example of:

a. Evolution

b. Variation

c. Natural selection

d. Inheritance of acquired characteristics

9. A group of organisms which interbreed under natural conditions to produce fertile

offspring are called a:

a. Population

b. Species

c. Kingdom

d. Family

10. The following shows actual data comparing a mitochondrial DNA sequence from

humans and several other species:





Orang-utan CCACCACA


From this data, what can we conclude?

A. Humans are more closely related to chimps than to bonobos

B. There seems to be no relationship between these species

C. The least closely related to humans seem to be gorillas and orangutans

D. Bonobos, gorillas, and gibbons form the most closely related grouping


11. Which of the following lists of objects in space are written in increasing order of size?

A. Planet, comet, moon, star, galaxy, universe B. Comet, moon, star, planet, galaxy, universe C. Planet, moon, star, comet, galaxy, universe D. Comet, moon, planet, star, galaxy, universe

12. If a star is located three light years from Earth, how long does light from that star take to reach Earth?

A. Three years B. 3.45 × 105 seconds C. 3.45 × 1019 seconds D. It depends on the red shift of the star

13. The Earth’s main spheres are

A. Lithosphere, Atmosphere, Around sphere and Hemisphere B. Biosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, and Atmosphere C. Biosphere, Microsphere, Photosphere and Atmosphere D. Thermosphere, Atmosphere, Biosphere and Chemosphere

14. A star with low numerical apparent magnitude and high numerical absolute magnitude is:

A. Dim and close to Earth B. Dim and far from Earth C. Bright and close to Earth D. Bright and far from Earth

15. Which of these will our sun become when it runs out of hydrogen and reaches the end of its life cycle?

A. Neutron star B. Black hole C. White dwarf D. A moon

16. Which of the following facts about Global warming is not true?

A. Greenhouse gases absorb heat B. Carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour are the main greenhouse gases C. All the gases in the atmosphere contribute to global warming D. Methane from cattle and deforestation are contributors to global warming

17. Which group of water pollutants only come from sewage pollution?

A. Soap, detergent, cleaning agents from washing machines and dish washers, baths and showers

B. Fertilisers, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds used on farms C. Soil erosion from farming and soil particles that have been washed into rivers D. Inorganic chemicals from factories and industries

18. Which of these statements is not true?

A. Denitrifying bacteria in soil converts nitrates into atmospheric nitrogen B. Atmospheric nitrogen is converted by bacteria in root nodules into proteins used by

plants C. The atmosphere is made up of 80% oxygen D. Animals gain carbon by eating plants and other animals

19. Which group of stars has the highest surface temperature and highest absolute magnitude?

A. Main Sequence B. White dwarfs C. Giants D. Super giants

20. In which area on the diagram is our sun located?

A. Main Sequence B. White dwarfs C. Giants D. Super giants



1. Organisms have adaptations that make them better suited to their environment. These adaptations can be classified into three different types. Complete the table below on adaptation types:

Adaptation type Description Example


An adaptation that affects the internal workings of the organism

Desert animals are more active at night

(6 marks)

2. Malaria is a deadly disease caused by a parasite that invades your red blood cells. It is passed to humans when they are bitten by infected mosquitos. The species of mosquito that carries the disease is only found in countries near the equator.

Sickle Cell Disease is an inherited disease that changes the shape of your red blood cells, making it difficult to transport oxygen around your body. It occurs as a natural variation in humans. People with sickle cell disease have a variety of serious health issues. People with sickle cell disease cannot contract malaria. a. In terms of natural selection, why do you think sickle cell disease is very rare in

ethnic groups from northern Europe?

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

(3 marks) b. Do you think sickle cell disease would be more or less common in ethnic groups

from equatorial areas? Explain your answer.

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

(4 marks)


a. What is selective breeding?

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

(2 marks)

b. Would selective breeding bring about changes in populations faster or slower than natural selection? Explain your answer.

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

(3 marks) c. Suggest two characteristics in any agricultural species that humans might want to

selectively breed for

____________________________________________________________________ (2 mark)

4. Peppered moths are a type of insect that has two, naturally occurring, colourations.

They are either light in colour or dark in colour. The light colouration gives excellent camouflage against clean tree trunks, while the dark colouration gives excellent camouflage against a black background. During the industrial revolution of the late 1800s, when factories produced a lot of pollution in the form of black dust, or soot, dramatic changes were observed in the population of peppered moths in England. The table below gives the results of a study of moth numbers from this time:

Year Number of light moths

Number of dark moths

Year Number of light moths

Number of dark moths

1882 536 113 1888 147 493

1883 483 195 1889 85 545

1884 399 217 1890 55 600

1885 236 275 1891 60 577

1886 225 337 1892 79 560

1887 194 412 1893 122 497

a. On the grid (next page), plot a line graph showing the change in moth

populations over time. You should have two lines on your graph, one for light moths and one for dark moths.

(8 marks)

b. Describe what happens to the numbers of light moths between 1882-1893 ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

(2 marks) c. Describe what happens to the numbers of dark moths between 1882-1893

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

(2 marks)

d. A law was passed during this period forcing factories to reduce the pollution they produced. What year do you think this happened? Explain your answer.

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

(3 marks)

5. The diagram below shows an ambulance, with its siren sounding, speeding off to an emergency:

Although the siren continually produces the same sound, the pitch of that sound appears to change depending on whether the ambulance is moving towards you or away from you. a. The ambulance is moving away from Zoe and towards Tom. For each of Tom and

Zoe, state whether the pitch sounds higher or lower.

_______For Zoe the pitch sounds - ______________________________________ _______For Tom the pitch sounds - _____________________________________

(2 marks) b. Explain your answer to part a. You should use the words wavelength, frequency,

higher, lower, pitch, stretched and compressed in your answer. You may also draw a diagram to help explain your answer.





(8 marks)

c. What is the name given to this apparent change in pitch?

___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

6 a

The nitrogen cycle

The above diagram shows the nitrogen cycle. Use your knowledge and the information presented in the diagram to complete the following. A Explain why nitrogen is an essential element for both plants and animals. (1) B Identify the form that nitrogen is in, when dead plants and animals or their waste begins to decay and nitrogen is returned into the environment. (1) C Describe the role of nitrifying bacteria. (1) D The air around us contains 78% nitrogen gas. Explain where plants get their nitrogen from. (2) 6 b Human activities have added extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, putting the carbon cycle out of balance. Predict some likely effects from our continued increase in the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide. (5)

7. When the Space Shuttle returns to Earth after a mission it becomes very hot due to air resistance as it re-enters Earth’s atmosphere. For this reason, it has a heat resistant material throughout its structure. Scientists wanted to test a new material to use for this purpose. To do this they built a scale model of the space shuttle and tested it in a special wind tunnel where they could alter the air pressure acting on the model to mimic conditions in different areas of the atmosphere. Temperature sensors inside the model allowed them to compare the effectiveness of the new materials they were testing.

The graph below shows their results for two materials:

a. When they tested material 1 what were the: Independent variable -______________________________________________ Dependent variable -_______________________________________________

(2 marks) b. Name 1 thing, when comparing the 2 materials, which would need to have been

kept the same to ensure it was a fair test. _________________________________________________________________

(1 mark) c. Use the graph to predict the temperature for:

Material 1 at a pressure of 300mb-_____________________________________ Material 1 at a pressure of 1300mb-____________________________________ Material 2 at a pressure of 500mb-_____________________________________

Material 2 at a pressure of 1100mb-____________________________________ (4 marks)

d. Use the graph to predict the pressure when:

Material 1 was at a temperature of 110C-________________________________ Material 1 was at a temperature of 165C-________________________________ Material 2 was at a temperature of 33C-________________________________ Material 2 was at a temperature of 25C-________________________________

(4 marks) e. Which was the better material at lower air pressures?

_________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

f. Which was the better material at higher air pressures? _________________________________________________________________

(1 mark) g. Which material would you choose to line the Space Shuttle? Explain your answer.

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

(2 marks)

8. Answer either Question A or Question B below. DO NOT ATTEMPT BOTH QUESTIONS.

A. Most organisms rot and decay when they die, but some are preserved and form

some type of fossil. The places where dead matter does not decay are called preserving environments. In the space below: - Name the 4 things that must be present for dead matter to decay (4 marks) - Name and describe 4 different preserving environments and say why dead

matter doesn’t rot in each. (11 marks) OR

B. In humans, brown eyes (B) are dominant to blue eyes (b). - Draw punnet squares to calculate the phenotype ratios for all 3 possible

genotype combinations of a brown-eyed couple. (9 marks) - With reference to your punnet squares, explain what their actual genotypes

must be if their first born child has blue eyes. (2 marks) - If they have another 3 children, will they all be brown eyed? Explain your answer

(4 marks) __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 a A question about water pollution. Major clothing company “Cotton Jeans” are planning on opening a new manufacturing plant on the banks of the River Swan. To be able to build this manufacturing plant, the company plans to carry out the following: 1. Removing trees and bushes growing on the river banks to plant large fields of cotton plants. 2. Using large quantities of fertilizers on the plants to increase the yield of cotton. 3. Building both chemical waste and sewage waste disposal outlets on the river banks to be able to release these into the river. Using your knowledge of the causes of water pollution eg, a. Sewage. b. Agricultural run-off. c. Sediment. d. Inorganic chemicals. Pick one example and describe how it causes water pollution, your answer must include: • Definition of the pollution and example. (3) • Problems caused by this type of pollution. (3) • What can be done to prevent or minimise this pollution. (3) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________









OR A Question on the green house. Write an essay about the greenhouse effect

- Describe what the greenhouse effect is (3 marks) - Describe what the enhanced greenhouse effect is, naming 2 greenhouse gases

and where they come from (6 marks) - Use examples of other planets in our solar system to describe the effect extreme

atmospheric differences can have on the planets climate (6 marks)


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