year 13 social networking lesson 1


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Page 1: Year 13 Social Networking Lesson 1

The Impact of Social Networking

LO: To define the negative impact of social networking with reference to

theoretical viewpoints.

Page 2: Year 13 Social Networking Lesson 1

Do Now

List as many positive and negative effects of social media on youths today.

Positive Negative

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Initial Questions

1. What are the main arguments that social networking is having a negative impact on British youths? Refer to a reliable and recent report. Highlight specific figures and statistics.

2. What supporting evidence can you find to support your argument? Newspaper articles (online articles affiliated with respectable sources too)

3. Research and decide upon theory that relates to your argument.

4. Consider a counter argument: Have any positives of social networking been highlighted?

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With reference to the handout and your own knowledge write your introduction briefly detailing the main issues associated with the negative impact social networking is having on youths today.

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Main Argument: Facebook

Read through the following article and summarise the main points that suggest Facebook is having a negative impact on youths.

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Further Evidence

You must find supporting evidence that you can draw into your argument to to support it. This evidence may be:• Newspaper articles • Online articles from a reliable source• Relevant professional reports• News programmes / Documentaries

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TheoryIt is important to draw in theory/theoretical viewpoints into your discussion. As a starting point consider theories that deal with internet addiction…

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Counter Argument

Are there any positive points you can highlight in regards to youth’s use of social media?

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Summarise your writing for social networking and comment on your expectations of what role social networking (and the internet in general) will have on the lives of youth and society.