yepafrica’s questionnaire - questionnaires and results

Yepafrica’s Questionnaire for all stakeholders (in English and Dutch) Created by Ralitsa Voronevska (internship student) and Yepafrica’s Team Research Project “Yeppiness” September November 2013

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Page 1: Yepafrica’s Questionnaire - questionnaires and results

Yepafrica’s Questionnaire

for all stakeholders

(in English and Dutch)

Created by Ralitsa Voronevska (internship student)

and Yepafrica’s Team

Research Project “Yeppiness”

September – November 2013

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1. Yepafrica’s Questionnaire for all stakeholders in English ..................4-19page

1.1. A General Questionnaire to be answered by all stakeholders..........6-10page

1.1.1. General Part I - Demographic Questions...........................................6-7page

1.1.2. General Part II - Questions related to Yepafrica’s Identity...............7-8page

1.1.3. General Part III - Questions related to the communication with


1.1.4. General Part IV - Questions related to the Public Relations and Marketing of


1.2. A specific questionnaire for each different stakeholder...............11-19page

1.2.1. Specific Questionnaire for People who are working for Yepafrica - Board

Members, Trainers/Coaches, Coordinators...................................11-13page

1.2.2. Specific Questionnaire for the Customer......................................14-15page

1.2.3. Specific Questionnaire for Unemployed Youth (Yeppers)...........16-17page

1.2.4. Specific Questionnaire for Entrepreneurs.....................................18-19page

2. Enquête Yepafrika's voor alle belanghebbenden in het


2.1. Een algemene vragenlijst die door alle aandeelhouders moet worden


2.1.1. Algemeen deel I - Demografische vragen....................................23-25pagina

2.1.2. Algemeen deel II - Vragen met betrekking tot de identiteit van


2.1.3. Algemeen deel III - Vragen met betrekking tot de communicatie met


2.1.4. Algemeen deel IV - Vragen met betrekking tot de Public Relations en

marketing van Yepafrica...............................................................26-27pagina

2.2. A specific questionnaire for each different stakeholder...............27-35pagina

2.2.1. Specifieke vragenlijst voor personen die werken voor Yepafrica -

Bestuursleden, trainers/coaches, coördinatoren............................28-30pagina

2.2.2. Specifieke vragenlijst voor de klant..............................................31-33pagina

2.2.3. Specifieke vragenlijst voor werkloze jongeren (Yeppers)............34-35pagina

2.2.4. Specifieke vragenlijst voor ondernemers......................................36-37pagina

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3. Results and analysis............................................................................38-86page

3.1. General results from Yepаfrica’s Questionnaire for all of the groups of


3.2. A specific questionnaire for each different stakeholder................48-86page

3.2.1. General results from Yepafrica’s Questionnaire for the group of the Board

members, Trainers, Coaches, Coordinators...................................48-57page

3.2.2. General results from Yepafrica’s Questionnaire for the group of the


3.2.3. General results from Yepafrica’s Questionnaire for the group of the

Unemployed Youth (Yeppers)......................................................64-76page

3.2.4. General results from Yepafrica’s Questionnaire for the group of the


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Yepafrica’s Questionnaire

for all stakeholders

in English

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Yepafrica's Questionnaire:

Dear stakeholders,

We are considering your feedback as a gift this is why we thank you in advance for filling in the

questionnaire. You need to answer all of the questions to move from one page to another. The

Questionnaire is structured as follows:

A General Questionnaire to be answered by all stakeholders:

General Part I - Demographic Questions

General Part II - Questions related to Yepafrica's Identity

General Part III - Questions related to the communication with Yepafrica

General Part IV - Questions related to the Public Relations and Marketing of Yepafrica

A specific questionnaire for each different stakeholder:

Members of the board in The Netherlands

Customers (Employees Sociale diensten)


Unemployed youth who followed the Yep workshop (Yeppers)

Entrepreneurs who followed the “Entrepreneurs for Africa” workshop

There are no right or wrong answers.

Thank you for your time.

Personal code or name:

Please, use the following free space to fill up a random personal code of 5 numbers (so you can be

anonymous) or your name.

_ _ _ _ _ / _________________________________________________

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General Part I - Demographic Questions:

1. You are:

Please, choose one of the options.



2. To which of the following age groups do you belong?

Please, choose one of the options.

From 17 up to 28;

From 29 up to 40;

From 41 up to 50;

From 51 up to 55;

Over 56.

3. We need you to specify the living area with which you are related to Yepafrica.

Please, choose one of the options.

The Netherlands;

The Gambia, Africa;


3.1. We need you to specify the living area with which you are related to Yepafrica.

Please, choose one of the options.






Den Bosch;

Town in The Gambia;

Other: ……………………………..

4. For how many years are you related to Yepafrica?

Please, choose one of the options.

< 1;

1 - 2;

2 – 3;

3 – 4;

4 – 5;

> 5.

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5. You are related to Yepafrica as a:

Please, choose one of the options.

Member of the Board;



Unemployed youth (Yepper);


General Part II - Yepafrica's Identity:

The following questions are related to Yepafrica's Identity and how you experience us.

1. What was your first impression about Yepafrica?

Please, fill in your answer in the free space.










2. What does Yepafrica mean for you in your personal life?

Use the scale from 1 to 10.

Not Important at all - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - Extremely Important

3. What were your expectations when you started the relationship with Yepafrica?

Please, fill in your answer in the free space.












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4. Did your expectations about Yepafrica match reality?

Use the scale from 1 to 10.

Not at all - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - Absolutely

5. Which of the following qualities you think are truly describing Yepafrica's identity?

You may choose more than one of the following options.




Life changing









Other: …………………………………………………….

Please answer the following statements on a scale from 1 to 10:

The following statements are related to Yepafrica's Identity and how you experience us.

6. Yepafrica empowered me to be the change.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

7. Yepafrica is doing good in Africa and the Netherlands.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

8. Yepafrica is a value-driven organization.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree


9. I experience Yepafrica as a:

Please, choose one of the options.

Social Enterprise

Welfare organization


Other: ……………………………………………

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General Part III - The communication with Yepafrica:

What is your overall impression about the communication with Yepafrica?

Please, rate the following statements on a scale from 1 to 10:

1. Yepafrica communicates to me in a professional manner.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

2. Yepafrica acts in my best interest.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

3. Yepafrica responds on a timely manner when I contact them.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

4. I feel that Yepafrica takes all my questions seriously.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

5. Yepafrica is well experienced and acts professional.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree


6. Overall, what are the aspects in the communication with Yepafrica that can be improved?

Please answer in the free space.









General Part IV - Public relations and Marketing of Yepafrica:

The following questions are about your needs with respect to communication. There are no

right or wrong answers.

1. How did you get in contact with Yepafrica?

You may choose more than one answer from the following options.



Social networks


Other: ……………………………..

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2. How would you prefer to be informed about Yepafrica's activities?

You may choose more than one answer from the following options.

Personal phone calls

Yepafrica Newsletters

E-mail correspondence

Blog on a social network

Articles on different topics


Face to Face

Other: ………………………………..

3. How often would you like to hear from us?

Please, choose one of the options.

Once a week

Once a month

When there is an event or other activities

Only when there are big events and activities

Other: ………………………………..

4. What role do you want to play in the future in the Public relations and Marketing of

Yepafrica? Please answer in the free space.












5. I would like to continue this Questionnaire as a:

Please, choose one of the options.

Member of the Board;


Customer Sociale Dienst;

Unemployed youth (Yepper);


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Specific Questionnaire for People who are working for Yepafrica - Board Members,

Trainers/Coaches, Coordinators.

The following contains statements that are related to how you experience working for

Yepafrica. There are no right or wrong answers.

Please, rate the following statements:

1. I enjoy working for Yepafrica.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

2. My work for Yepafrica adds value to my life.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

3. My tasks are well communicated.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

4. In my role for Yepafrica I feel that I am an important factor for the success of Yepafrica.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - -I Strongly Agree

5. I enjoy showing in public that I am part of Yepafrica.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

6. Yepafrica gives me much more than I expected.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

7. I use my personal relationships to promote Yepafrica.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

8. Yepafrica is using all the experience that I have.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

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9. I would like to contribute more to the success of Yepafrica.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

The following statements are about how Yepafrica values your work.

Please, rate the following statements:

1. I am receiving feedback about my work on a regular basis.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

2. I know exactly what Yepafrica expects from me.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

3. Yepafrica is open for my suggestions.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

4. I feel appreciated by Yepafrica for the work I do.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

5. Yepafrica inspires me to improve my work.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

6. Yepafrica is an important part of my life.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

7. The leaders of Yepafrica are inspiring and supportive.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

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8. What would you like to change in the Yepafrica organization?

Please, fill in your answer in the free space.



















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Specific Questionnaire for the Customer:

The following questionnaire contains a list of questions and statements for the employees of

the Social Dienst we are working with. There is no right or wrong answer.

1. Overall, how do you score your experience with Yepafrica?

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

Extremely Unsatisfied - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - Extremely Satisfied

2. How do you value the overall results of the Yepafrica Workshop?

Please, choose one of the options.




3. Which of the following statements made you choose for Yepafrica?

You may choose more than one from the following options.

Professional people.

It’s inspirational.

Empowerment is important.

The price.

It empowers unemployed youth.

Unique product.

Best quality.

Just what I need.

Organization with a heart.

Nice people.

I’m not sure.

Other: ………………………………

Please, rate the following questions and statements:

4. Are you satisfied with the quality of the Coaches?

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

Extremely Unsatisfied- - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - Extremely Satisfied

5. Are you satisfied with how Youth Empowerment works for the motivation of youth?

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

Extremely Unsatisfied- - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - Extremely Satisfied

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6. Are you satisfied with your involvement in The Yepafrica program? Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

Extremely Unsatisfied- - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - Extremely Satisfied

7. Are you satisfied with the way Yepafrica communicates about the progress of the


Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

Extremely Unsatisfied- - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - Extremely Satisfied

8. Are you satisfied with The Yepafrica management?

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

Extremely Unsatisfied- - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - Extremely Satisfied

9. Would you recommend Yepafrica's Workshop to others?

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

Never again- - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - Absolutely

10. Are there other products that you expect from Yepafrica? Can you give us an example?

Please, fill in your answer in the free space.







11. Do you have suggestions about how we can improve the program?

Please, fill in your answer in the free space.







12. Will you buy Yepafrica’s Workshop again?

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

Never again - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - Absolutely

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Specific Questionnaire for Unemployed Youth (Yeppers):

The following questionnaire contains a list of questions related to the Workshop that you

have followed at Yepafrica - "Empowerment and the Art of Entrepreneurship Workshop".

There is no right or wrong answer.

1. Are you currently employed?

You may choose one of the following options.



2. Are you in school at the moment?

You may choose one of the following options.



3. Are you still receiving a social contribution from the Sociale Dienst?

You may choose one of the following options.



4. What influenced you the most in The Yepafrica Workshop?

Please, fill in your answer in the free space.







Please, rate the following statements:

5. The Yepafrica Workshop made me stronger and because of that I have more faith in the


Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

6. The Yepafrica Coaches pushed me in the right direction.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

Never - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - Absolutely


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7. Are you now more self-confident because of the Workshop?

You may choose one of the following options.



I Don’t know

8. Overall, how do you value the Yepafrica Workshop that you have followed?

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

Extremely Unsatisfied - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - Extremely Satisfied

9. Would you recommend Yepafrica's Workshop to others?

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

Never - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - Absolutely

10. What can we improve in the workshop?

Please, fill in your answer in the free space.










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Specific Questionnaire for Entrepreneurs:

The following questions and statements are about the "Entrepreneurs for Africa

Workshop" you attended in The Gambia. There is no right or wrong answer.

1. How did you hear about this Workshop?

You may choose more than one from the following options.



Social networks


Please, rate the following statements:

2. The workshop match all my expectations.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

3. The workshop motivated me to do more for Yepafrica.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

4. The program was inspiring and professional.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

5. The Workshop empowered me to do things differently.

Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

6. I was well informed about the Workshop by Yepafrica before we left to The


Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

I Strongly Disagree - - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - I Strongly Agree

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7. How would you score the hotel accommodation and the food during the

Workshop? Please, when answering use the scale from 1 to 10.

Extremely Unsatisfying- - - 1- - 2- - 3- - 4- - 5- - 6- - 7- - 8- - 9- - 10 - - - Extremely


8. Would you recommend this Workshop to others?

Please, choose one of the options.



I Don’t know

9. What are your suggestions to improve the program? Please, fill in your answer in the free space.














10. Please, let us know, what role you would like to play for Yepafrica?

Please, fill in your answer in the free space.













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Yepafrica’s Questionnaire

for all stakeholders

in Dutch

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Enquête over Yepafrica

Geachte relatie,

We waarderen uw feedback. Daarom willen we u bij voorbaat bedanken voor uw deelname aan

deze enquête. Om naar de volgende pagina te kunnen gaan, dient u alle vragen in te vullen. De

enquête is als volgt opgezet:

Een algemene vragenlijst die door alle aandeelhouders moet worden ingevuld:

Algemeen deel I - Demografische vragen

Algemeen deel II - Vragen met betrekking tot de identiteit van Yepafrica

Algemeen deel III - Vragen met betrekking tot de communicatie met Yepafrica

Algemeen deel IV - Vragen met betrekking tot de Public Relations en marketing van Yepafrica

Een specifieke vragenlijst voor elke relatie:

Bestuursleden in Nederland

Klanten (medewerkers van de Sociale dienst)


Werkloze jongeren die de workshop van Yep volgden (Yeppers)

Ondernemers die deelnamen aan de workshop "Ondernemers voor Afrika"

Er zijn geen goede of foute antwoorden.

Dank u wel voor uw tijd.

Persoonlijke code en naam

Vul in het onderstaande veld een willekeurige persoonlijke code in, bestaande uit 5 cijfers,

zodat u de vragenlijst anoniem kunt invullen. U kunt er ook voor kiezen om uw naam in te


_ _ _ _ _ / ____________________________________________________________

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Algemeen deel I - Demografische vragen:

1. U bent een:

Kies één van de opties in de vervolgkeuzelijst.



2. Tot welk van de volgende leeftijdsgroepen behoort u?

Kies één van de opties in de vervolgkeuzelijst.

17 tot 28 jaar

29 tot 40 jaar

41 tot 50 jaar

51 tot 55 jaar

Ouder dan 56 jaar

3. In welke regio woont u en hebt u een relatie met Yepafrica?

Kies één van de opties in de vervolgkeuzelijst.


Gambia, Afrika


3.1. In welke stad woont u en hebt u een relatie met Yepafrica?

Kies één van de opties in de vervolgkeuzelijst.






Den Bosch

Stad in Gambia

Anders: ……………………………..

4. Hoeveel jaar hebt u al contact met Yepafrica?

Kies één van de opties in de vervolgkeuzelijst.

< 1

1 - 2

2 - 3

3 - 4

4 - 5

> 5

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5. In wat voor betrekking staat u met Yepafrica?

Kies één van de opties in de vervolgkeuzelijst.




Werkloze jongere (Yepper)


Algemeen deel II - De identiteit van Yepafrica

De volgende vragen hebben betrekking op de identiteit van Yepafrica en op uw ervaring

met ons.

1. Wat was uw eerste indruk van Yepafrica?

Vul hieronder uw antwoord in.










2. Wat betekent Yepafrica voor uw persoonlijke leven?

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Helemaal niet belangrijk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zeer belangrijk

3. Welke verwachtingen had u toen u een relatie met Yepafrica aanging?

Vul hieronder uw antwoord in.









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4. Werd aan uw verwachtingen over Yepafrica voldaan?

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Helemaal niet- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Absoluut

5. Welk(e) van de volgende opties beschrijven volgens u echt de identiteit van Yepafrica?

U kunt meer dan één optie selecteren.




Levens veranderend









Anders: …………………………………………………….

Beantwoord de volgende stellingen op een schaal van 1 t/m 10:

De volgende stellingen hebben betrekking op de identiteit van Yepafrica en op uw ervaring met


6. Yepafrica heeft mij empowered om zelf de verandering te zijn.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

7. Yepafrica doet goed in Afrika én in Nederland.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

8. Yepafrica wordt gedreven door waarden.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens


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9. Ik ervaar Yepafrica als een...

Kies één van de opties in de vervolgkeuzelijst.

Maatschappelijke onderneming



Anders: ……………………………………………

Algemeen deel III - De communicatie met Yepafrica

Wat is uw totaalindruk van de communicatie met Yepafrica?

Beantwoord de volgende stellingen op een schaal van 1 t/m 10:

1. Yepafrica communiceert op een professionele wijze met me.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

2. Yepafrica handelt in mijn beste belang.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

3. Yepafrica reageert tijdig wanneer ik contact opneem.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

4. Ik ervaar dat Yepafrica mijn vragen serieus neemt.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

5. Yepafrica heeft veel ervaring en handelt professioneel.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens


6. Welke aspecten in de communicatie van Yepafrica kunnen volgens u verbeterd


Vul hieronder uw antwoord in.










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Algemeen deel IV - Public Relations en marketing van Yepafrica:

De volgende vragen gaan over uw behoeften ten aanzien van de communicatie. Er zijn

geen goede of foute antwoorden.

1. Hoe bent u in contact gekomen met Yepafrica?

U kunt meer dan één optie selecteren.

Uit de krant

Via internet

Via sociale netwerken

Via vrienden

Anders: ……………………………..

2. Hoe wilt u op de hoogte gebracht worden over de activiteiten van Yepafrica?

U kunt meer dan één optie selecteren.

Via persoonlijke telefoongesprekken

Via de nieuwsbrieven van Yepafrica

Per e-mail

Via een blogbericht op een sociaal netwerk

Via artikelen over verschillende onderwerpen

Via de website

In een persoonlijk gesprek

Anders: ………………………………..

3. Hoe vaak wilt u van ons horen?

Kies één van de opties in de vervolgkeuzelijst.

Eens per week

Eens per maand

Tijdens een evenement of tijdens andere activiteiten

Alleen tijdens grote evenementen en activiteiten

Anders: ………………………………..

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4. Welke rol wilt u in de toekomst spelen op het gebied van de PR en marketing van


Vul hieronder uw antwoord in.










5. Ik wil deze enquête verder invullen als:

Kies één van de opties in de vervolgkeuzelijst.



Klant (Sociale dienst)

Werkloze jongere (Yepper)


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Specifieke vragenlijst voor personen die werken voor Yepafrica - Bestuursleden,

trainers/coaches, coördinatoren.

Hieronder staan een aantal stellingen die betrekking hebben op hoe u het werken voor

Yepafrica ervaart. Er zijn geen goede of foute antwoorden.

Beantwoord a.u.b. de volgende stellingen:

1. Ik vind het fijn om voor Yepafrica te werken.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

2. Mijn werk voor Yepafrica heeft meerwaarde in mijn leven.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

3. Mijn taken worden duidelijk gecommuniceerd.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

4. Ik ervaar in mijn werk voor Yepafrica dat ik een belangrijke bijdrage lever aan het succes

van Yepafrica.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

5. Ik geniet ervan om anderen te laten zien dat ik deel uitmaak van Yepafrica.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

6. Yepafrica biedt me veel meer dan ik verwachtte.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

7. Ik gebruik mijn persoonlijke relaties om Yepafrica te promoten.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

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8. Yepafrica benut al mijn ervaring.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

9. Ik wil een grotere bijdrage leveren aan het succes van Yepafrica.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

De volgende stellingen gaan over hoe Yepafrica uw werk waardeert.

Beantwoord a.u.b. de volgende stellingen:

1. Ik ontvang regelmatig feedback over mijn werk.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

2. Ik weet precies wat Yepafrica van mij verwacht.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

3. Yepafrica staat open voor mijn suggesties.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

4. Ik voel me door Yepafrica gewaardeerd voor wat ik doe.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

5. Yepafrica inspireert me om mijn werk te verbeteren.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

6. Yepafrica is een belangrijk onderdeel van mijn leven.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

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7. De leidinggevenden van Yepafrica zijn inspirerend en ondersteunend.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

8. Wat zou u willen veranderen bij Yepafrica?

Vul hieronder uw antwoord in.




















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Specifieke vragenlijst voor de klant:

De volgende vragenlijst bevat een lijst met vragen en stellingen voor de medewerkers van

de Sociale diensten met wie we samenwerken. Er zijn geen goede of foute antwoorden.

1. Hoe waardeert u uw ervaring met Yepafrica?

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Ik ben helemaal niet tevreden - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ik ben enorm tevreden

2. Hoe waardeert u de totale resultaten van de workshop van Yepafrica?

Kies één van de opties in de vervolgkeuzelijst.




3. Waarom koos u voor Yepafrica?

U kunt meer dan één optie selecteren.

De medewerkers zijn professioneel.

De organisatie inspireert me.

Empowerment is belangrijk.

De prijs.

De organisatie helpt werklozen aan het werk.

De organisatie heeft een uniek product.

De kwaliteit is hoog.

Dit was precies wat ik nodig heb.

De organisatie heeft een hart.

Er werken leuke mensen.

Ik weet het niet.

Anders: ………………………………

Beantwoord de volgende vragen en stellingen:

4. Bent u tevreden over de kwaliteit van de coaches?

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Ik ben helemaal niet tevreden - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ik ben enorm tevreden

5. Bent u tevreden over hoe de empowerment bij jongeren werkt voor de motivatie van


Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Ik ben helemaal niet tevreden - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ik ben enorm tevreden

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6. Bent u tevreden over uw betrokkenheid bij het programma van Yepafrica?

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Ik ben helemaal niet tevreden - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ik ben enorm tevreden

7. Bent u tevreden over de manier waarop Yepafrica de ontwikkeling van de deelnemers


Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Ik ben helemaal niet tevreden - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ik ben enorm tevreden

8. Bent u tevreden over het management van Yepafrica?

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Ik ben helemaal niet tevreden - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ik ben enorm tevreden


9. Zou u de workshop van Yepafrica aan anderen aanbevelen?

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Nooit meer- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Absoluut

10. Verwacht u nog andere producten van Yepafrica? Kunt u een voorbeeld noemen?

Vul hieronder uw antwoord in.











11. Hebt u suggesties over hoe we het programma kunnen verbeteren?

Vul hieronder uw antwoord in.










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12. Zou u nogmaals betalen voor een workshop van Yepafrica?

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Nooit meer- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Absoluut

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Specifieke vragenlijst voor werkloze jongeren (Yeppers):

De volgende vragenlijst bevat een lijst met vragen over de workshop "Empowerment en de

kunst van het ondernemen" die je hebt gevolgd bij Yepafrica. Er zijn geen goede of foute


1. Heb je op dit moment een baan?

Kies één van de volgende opties in de vervolgkeuzelijst:



2. Ga je op dit moment naar school?

Kies één van de volgende opties in de vervolgkeuzelijst:



3. Ontvang je nog steeds een bijdrage van de Sociale dienst?

Kies één van de volgende opties in de vervolgkeuzelijst:



4. Wat beïnvloedde je het meest tijdens de workshop van Yepafrica?

Vul hieronder je antwoord in.












Beantwoord de volgende stellingen:

5. Ik ben door de workshop van Yepafrica sterker geworden. Daardoor heb ik meer

vertrouwen in de toekomst.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

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6. De coaches van Yepafrica hebben me een duwtje in de juiste richting gegeven.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Nooit- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Absoluut

7. Heb je meer zelfvertrouwen gekregen dankzij de workshop? Kies één van de volgende opties in de vervolgkeuzelijst:



Weet ik niet

8. Hoe waardeer je de workshop van Yepafrica die je hebt gevolgd?

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Ik ben helemaal niet tevreden - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ik ben enorm tevreden

9. Zou je de workshop van Yepafrica aan anderen aanbevelen?

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Nooit- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Absoluut

10. Hoe kunnen we de workshop verbeteren?

Vul hieronder je antwoord in.


















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Specifieke vragenlijst voor ondernemers:

De volgende vragen en stellingen gaan over de workshop "Ondernemers voor

Afrika" waaraan u in Gambia deelnam. Er zijn geen goede of foute antwoorden.

1. Hoe hoorde u over deze workshop?

U kunt meer dan één optie selecteren.

Uit de krant

Via internet

Via sociale netwerken

Via vrienden

Beantwoord de volgende stellingen:

2. Deze workshop voldeed aan al mijn verwachtingen.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

3. Deze workshop motiveerde me om meer te doen voor Yepafrica.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

4. Dit programma was inspirerend en professioneel.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

5. Deze workshop stimuleerde me om dingen anders te doen.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens

6. Ik werd door Yepafrica goed over de workshop geïnformeerd voor we naar

Gambia vertrokken.

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Sterk mee oneens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Sterk mee eens


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7. Hoe beoordeelt u het hotel en het eten tijdens de workshop?

Geef een antwoord op de schaal van 1 t/m 10.

Ik ben helemaal niet tevreden - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ik ben enorm tevreden

8. Zou u deze workshop aan anderen aanbevelen? Kies één van de opties in de vervolgkeuzelijst.



Weet ik niet

9. Hebt u suggesties om het programma te verbeteren?

Vul hieronder uw antwoord in.













10. Welke rol zou u willen spelen voor Yepafrica?

Vul hieronder uw antwoord in.
















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Yepafrica’s Questionnaire

Results and Analysis

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General results from Yepаfrica’s Questionnaire for all of the groups of stakeholders:

General Part 1:

3.1. We need you to specify the living area with which you are related to Yepаfrica.

4. For how many years are you related to Yepаfrica?

Male - 30

54%Female - 26


1. You are:




From 17 up to 28 - 22 people

From 29 up to 40 - 12 people

From 41 up to 50 - 10 people

From 51 up to 55 - 4 people

Over 56 - 8 people

2. To which of the following age groups do you belong?:


7%The Netherlands, Europe - 33 people

The Gambia, Africa - 19 people

Both - 4 people

3. We need you to specify the living area with which you are related to Yepаfrica.





5% Dordrecht - 7 people

Helmond - 6 people

Schiedam - 3 people

Den Bosch - 4 people

Town in the Gambia - 19 people

Other - 14 people

More than one living area - 2





<1 - 14 people

From 1 to 2 - 13 people

From 2 to 3 - 6 people

From 3 to 4 - 6 people

From 4 to 5 - 11 people

>5 - 6 people

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5. You are related to Yepаfrica as a:

General Part 2:

1. What was your first impression about Yepаfrica?

1. Inspiring, inspired, concerned;

2. Ideological / gooders;

3. Positive club, idealistic;

4. Nice initiative;

5. Professional organization empowering young people to be self-entrepreneurial and to

build and take responsibility for their own future where eventually the whole community

benefits and what inspires others to also take responsibility for the welfare of themselves

and others.

6. Involvement, practical, useful, meaningful, impressive results.

7. Warm, strong, never giving up on your dreams.

8. An organization with passionate board members with a passion for the youth in The


9. Enthusiastic, sincere, innovative.

10. Positive. Very interesting to take note of the situation of young people with potential, but

knowledge without experience / financial capability to start as an entrepreneur in "The

Gambia" / Africa and addressing YEP.

11. Organization with a passion for young people and passion for purity.

12. Passionate group of people. With heart and soul to the work they do they make the world

a little better.

13. I was immediately hit by motto: "Creating Something out of nothing".

14. Going out to pick anything and make something out of it. It teaches me in life nothing is

impossible, the only way is to do it. If you do it or take action you will never know how

you can do it or make it in life!

15. They helped me to better change and reliance my potentials: to act in my direction rather

than at the direction of others.

16. The way they move the youth of The Gambia from the level they are to another level in


17. International organization communicated social and economic development.

Empowerment and youth. Cooperation between The Netherlands and The Gambia and

between Europe and Africa. Fair model for development and existence.

18. Has the ability to transform the lives of young people. Provide education to those in need

to a professional level. Provide entrepreneurship values to youth.





Board members - 3

Trainers/Coaches/Coordinators -

10Customers - 4

Entrepreneurs - 13

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19. My first impression about Yepаfrica is the way they are doing things and thinking, it's

different from other groups in The Gambia. They stand for the youth empowerment.

20. Empowering the youth to serve the world and make a change for the new generation.

3. What were your expectations when you started the relationship with Yepаfrica?

1. Hoping to work as a trainer for YEP, for Africa.

2. Fun, open minded.

3. Change, a real contribution, support for those who need it.

4. Getting to know the workshop and to be able to apply in Helmond training so I can assist

in projects in The Gambia.

5. Great. Thought to be dealing with an organization with potential and a very strong

program and objectives.

6. I had the expectation that at least half of our participating customers would have found a

paid job / training within a period of six months and by this assistance they would be


7. Collaborate, learn, work hard, have fun, experience new culture.

8. Expectations are: Most respected organization for Youth Empowerment in Africa and

The Netherlands.

9. Organization with daring, innovative, inspiring and different. Above all things is the

human contact.

10. This / our approach was not very successful, on one hand by the economic slump and

therewith fewer companies wishing to sponsor, as well because it was not entirely on the

line of which Paul Engelsman envisioned.

11. Coaching programs in The Gambia contribute to spread Yepаfrica's concept in Africa.

They are actively involved in what is occurring inside Yepаfrica: new initiatives, think

along on the content of programs with it.

12. To be involved in a strong and powerful movement / organization that really makes a

difference in the world of empowerment, youth and countering poverty.

13. Helping in the sustainable development of both the target group and Yep as myself.

14. That I am going to be successful in the future.

15. Was to have a good life and to an entrepreneur to help my family and my country.

16. To be a well and fully empowered young gambian youth.

17. To help me reach my dreams.

18. Participate in the development of Gambia. Coach and Empower young people.

International cooperation. Local and international network. Have a useful and enjoyable


2. What does Yepafrica mean for your

personal life?

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 1.00 2 3.6%

2.00 1 1.8%

3.00 3 5.4%

5.00 2 3.6%

6.00 7 12.5%

7.00 20 35.7%

8.00 13 23.2%

9.00 4 7.1%

10.00 4 7.1%

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19. The youth recruit for Yepаfrica be transform into a social asset.

20. Changing my life more than I was and custom and cultural exchange within my fellow


5. Which of the following qualities you think are truly describing Yepаfrica's identity?

General results for all of the groups of stakeholders– top 5:

1. Empowering - 48

2. Entrepreneurial - 38

3. Life changing - 35

4. Social - 23

5. Improving – 20

Frequency Percentage

Valid 1.00 2 3.6%

2.00 1 1.8%

3.00 3 5.4%

4.00 3 5.4%

5.00 8 14.3%

6.00 7 12.5%

7.00 8 14.3%

8.00 12 21.4%

9.00 6 10.7%

10.00 6 10.7%

4. Did your expectations about Yepаfrica

match reality?

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 8.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 1.00 1 1.8%

2.00 2 3.6%

3.00 2 3.6%

4.00 2 3.6%

5.00 8 14.3%

6.00 7 12.5%

7.00 12 21.4%

8.00 10 17.9%

9.00 5 8.9%

10.00 7 12.5%

6. Yepаfrica empowered me to be the


Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 2.00 1 1.8%

3.00 1 1.8%

4.00 3 5.4%

5.00 6 10.7%

6.00 3 5.4%

7.00 8 14.3%

8.00 17 30.4%

9.00 10 17.9%

10.00 7 12.5%

7. Yepаfrica is doing good in Africa and

the Netherlands.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

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General Part 3:

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Charity organization /Foundation for Empowerment

Enterprise/Foundation for Empowerment

Social Enterprise/NGO

Enterprise for Empowerment

Enterprise/Foundation for Empowerment

Welfare organization


Charity organization


Social Enterprise

Foundation for Empowerment

9. I experience Yepаfrica as a:

Frequency Percentage

Valid 2.00 1 1.8%

3.00 2 3.6%

4.00 1 1.8%

5.00 4 7.1%

6.00 5 8.9%

7.00 14 25.0%

8.00 12 21.4%

9.00 10 17.9%

10.00 7 12.5%

8. Yepаfrica is a value-driven organization.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 2.00 4 7.1%

3.00 1 1.8%

4.00 5 8.9%

5.00 8 14.3%

6.00 7 12.5%

7.00 16 28.6%

8.00 9 16.1%

9.00 4 7.1%

10.00 2 3.6%

1. Yepаfrica communicates to me in a

professional manner.

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

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6. Overall, what are the aspects in the communication with Yepafrica that can be


1. Inform everyone more and simultaneously. Now seems that kind of an arbitrariness is

settled. Newsletter might be an idea.

2. Keeping entrepreneurs and coaches aware (doesn’t mean the trainers), there is still a lot to

improve, depending on their own initiative, you stay involved, but for a foundation /

Frequency Percentage

Valid 1.00 1 1.8%

2.00 3 5.4%

3.00 2 3.6%

4.00 4 7.1%

5.00 7 12.5%

6.00 11 19.6%

7.00 12 21.4%

8.00 11 19.6%

9.00 3 5.4%

10.00 2 3.6%

2. Yepafrica acts in my best interest.

Average rate 6.50

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 2.00 1 1.8%

3.00 2 3.6%

4.00 1 1.8%

5.00 4 7.1%

6.00 11 19.6%

7.00 14 25.0%

8.00 12 21.4%

9.00 5 8.9%

10.00 6 10.7%

3. Yepafrica responds on a timely

manner when I contact them.

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

4. I feel that Yepafrica takes all my

questions seriously.

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 2.00 3 5.4%

4.00 3 5.4%

5.00 7 12.5%

6.00 10 17.9%

7.00 14 25.0%

8.00 10 17.9%

9.00 5 8.9%

10.00 4 7.1%

Frequency Percentage

Valid 2.00 4 7.1%

4.00 3 5.4%

5.00 7 12.5%

6.00 7 12.5%

7.00 14 25.0%

8.00 11 19.6%

9.00 7 12.5%

10.00 3 5.4%

5. Yepafrica is well experienced and acts


Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

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enterprise as Yepafrica is it is also important for a long time to tie people to the

organization and that happened in my idea insufficiently.

3. More information on the programs in the Netherlands and the results.

4. I find them when the people want to learn things and set a good example and it is not given

always because of the negative behavior and late arrival and there is nothing to do with

people tolerating the received huge opportunities that are given to them.

5. The communication proceeded as good. Yep coaches are easily accessible and if they can’t

answer a call immediately you will be called back within a short period or mailed. Also the

updates through dropbox and the classroom activities after the refresher days were fine. I

would like to see the Yep coach and participation coach more conjoint in a plan that would

pull youth. This came rather late in motion (also had to deal with all of young people in one

contact towards Yep, I suspect). At the same time I think the expectations outlined in the

presentation of the route was to be too roseate.

6. Communications for me must be brighter, clearly pointed in a few words what something is

about - mail and written communication. I also think that the power of a message is often in

the repetition - for example, every afternoon giving back one or more email reminders to

the youth works very well."

7. Promises.

8. The marketing and PR and we need to respond in 24 hours on each question and email.

9. Would like to see a historical overview of Yepafrica and both the approach in The Gambia

and in NL. The yearly data basis, persons ("learners" and bodies such as the Begeleidings

Cie in The Gambia and the institutes / municipalities in NL. Furthermore, to get an idea of

the short-term plans.

10. For the coaches / trainers: regular information new initiatives on progress of those

initiatives, Yeppers, the evolution of the activities, new directions Yep strikes: in a

newsletter. For the entrepreneurs: frequent information about state of affairs, new twists,

evolution. Through frequent communication: involvement maintain.

11. Communication need to align better in the reference of the framework of the reader / client.

12. Timely communication in regards to the arriving appointments / new coach weeks and

gatherings. More focus on the individual.

13. Suggestion: regular newsletters, which a record of (and about) the new Yeppers and

furthermore the entrepreneurs 'short' report about the themes in the workshops.

14. Website.

15. Communicating directly through the email and not changing decisions; for the most

sensitive issues we may need the telephone call.

16. Indeed Yepafrica is doing good in communication but still needs to improve in a more

professional manner on a timely manner when addressing issue regarding yeppers and other


17. A system in communication such someone to be responsible for all necessary important


18. Communication with partners.

19. Allowing us to choose the Coaches and programs together with Entrepreneurs we want

them to bring for us. And also take decisions and allow our opinions in decision making.

20. Strong communication line between the Yep Board in Holland and the Board in The

Gambia. There is a need to have someone also involved more just like Paul.

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General Part 4:

More than one source Frequency Percentage

Email correspondence 22 21.15%

Yepafrica Newsletters 20 19.23%

Personal phone calls 20 19.23%

Face to Face 15 14.42%

Website 11 10.58%

Blog on a social network 8 7.7%

Articles on different topics 7 6.73%

Youth group (Other) 1 0.96%

3. How often would you like to hear from us?

Frequency Percentage

Valid Once a week 13 23.2%

Once a month 23 41.1%

When there is an event or other activities 6 10.7%

Only when there are big events and activities 6 10.7%

Other 4 7.1%

More than one choice 4 7.1%

4. What role do you want to play in the future in the Public relations and Marketing of


1. As a trainer.

2. I have been a board member with the portfolio for PR and marketing.

3. Taking care of clear briefings.

4. Perform well in the workshops itself. As a coach or coordinator.

5. Help with new ideas.

1. How did you get in contact with Yepafrica?

Frequency Percentage

Valid Social networks 8 14.3%

Friends 25 44.6%

Other 21 37.5%

More than one source 2 3.6%

2. How would you prefer to be informed about Yepafrica's activities?

Frequency Percentage

Valid Personal phone calls 3 5.4%

Yepafrica Newsletters 7 12.5%

E-mail correspondence 9 16.1%

Blog on a social network 2 3.6%

Website 1 1.8%

Face to Face 1 1.8%

More than one source 33 58.9%

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6. Involvement in PR and marketing, setting up the learning center.

7. Brainstorming, defined tasks within my capabilities.

8. I would like to fulfill a role as a networker and conceptual input in a long term.

9. Leadership role on how to improve and manage the people.

10. Spreading the concept of Yepafrica in youth empowerment forums, also meeting people

who stand for youth matter. Relating their minds to put attention on youth empowerment.

11. I would like to be a sales agent in selling the name of Yepafrica to the world at large.

12. To meet youth groups, unemployed and individual entrepreneurs to inform and influence

them about Yepafrica, it purpose and activities they render.

13. Training and coaching young people and become a professional accountant.

14. I will do my best to give clear information to the people who are nearly interested in Yep.

15. My music shows, Radio interviews and social medias.

16. Local and international communication, and image and concept - development.

17. Whenever necessary, I can support but may not take PR and Marketing roles.

18. I want to be an active member in all aspects that my speciality hits in. I also want an equal

share responsibility that I can relate into working as a volunteer or employed member of the


19. An employed yepper and serve YEP in the best interest of the community of Yepafrica at


20. To serve as an entrepreneur.

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General results from Yepafrica’s Questionnaire for the group of the Board members,

Trainers, Coaches, Coordinators:

General Part 1:

Male - 5 people

38%Famale - 8



1. You are:




2. To which of the following age groups do you belong?:From 29 to 40 - 4 people

From 41 to 50 - 3 people

From 51 to 55 - 4 people

Over 56 - 2 people


8%The Netherlands, Europe - 12 people

Both - The Netherlands, Europe and

The Gambia, Africa - 1 person

3. We need you to specify the living area with which you are related to Yepafrica.




Dordrecht - 3 people

Schiedam - 1 person

Den Bosch - 1 person

Other - 5 people

More than one choice - 3 people

3.1. We need you to specify the living area with which you are related to

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General Part 2:

1. What was your first impression about Yepafrica?

1. Inspiring, inspired, concerned.

2. Wow I want to have anything to do with the objective of the organization, it touches me so

deeply. That feeling is not gone, creating from nothing, growing people, where they are now, but

certainly later still I have much to find and to see in that beautiful process.

3. Warm open organization.

4. Drive, enthusiasm, a heart, safe, proud to assume part.

5. Involvement, practical, useful, meaningful, useful, impressive results.

6. Dynamic, in the lives of young people, encouraging from the right philosophy and approach /

approach change.

7. Organization with a passion for young people and passion for purity.

8. Passionate group of people. With heart and soul to the work they do they make the world a

little better.

9. A project with a very big potential that is supported by knowledgeable and enthusiastic


10. I was immediately hit by motto: "Creating Something out of nothing".

11. Professional organization deployment on the empowering young people to be self-

entrepreneurial and to build and take responsibility for their own future where eventually the

whole community benefits and what inspires others to also take responsibility for the welfare of

themselves and others.

12. Organization with lots of possibilities.

13. Wow.

3. What were your expectations when you started the relationship with Yepafrica?

1. Hoping to Africa to work as a trainer for YEP.

2. I had no expectations, it is always about people, click it or not, I am, however, received very







Less than 1 - 2 people

From 1 to 2 - 3 people

From 2 to 3 - 1 person

From 3 to 4 - 2 people

From 4 to 5 - 3 people

From more than 5 - 2 people

4. For how many years are you related to Yepafrica?

2. What does Yepafrica mean for your

personal life?

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 7.00 5 38.5%

8.00 6 46.2%

9.00 1 7.7%

10.00 1 7.7%

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3. Here I can and I do want to be connected.

4. Collaborate. Learn, work hard, have fun, have new cultural experiences.

5. To take the aspects within each other/together.

6. Coaching programs in The Gambia contribute to spread Yepafrica's concept in Africa. They

are actively involved in what is occurring inside Yepafrica: new initiatives, think along on the

content of programs with it.

7. I wanted to cooperate with or for Yep. Wanted to be part of Yep.

8. To be involved in a strong and powerful movement / organization that really makes a

difference in the world of empowerment, youth and countering poverty.

9. Helping in the sustainable development of both the target group and Yep as myself.

10. No, open and yet expecting.

11. With my knowledge and experience as a marketer and entrepreneur, I was hoping to set up

and to give a better (as knowledge sharing) to the youth in Africa by supporting Yepafrica in the

field of marketing.

12. Expectations are: Most respected organization for Youth Empowerment in Africa and The


13. Organization with daring, innovative, inspiring and different. Above all things is the human


4. Did your expectations about Yepafrica

match reality?

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 7.00

5. Which of the following qualities you think are truly describing Yepafrica's identity?

1. Empowering – 13

2. Entrepreneurial – 11

3. Life changing – 7

4. Value–driven – 6 Yellow – Match with the general top 5 ; Green – Specific for the group

6. Yepafrica empowered me to be the


Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 6.00;


Frequency Percentage

Valid 3.00 1 7.7%

7.00 4 30.8%

8.00 3 23.1%

9.00 3 23.1%

10.00 2 15.4%

Frequency Percentage

Valid 5.00 1 7.7%

6.00 4 30.8%

7.00 3 23.1%

8.00 4 30.8%

9.00 1 7.7%

7. Yepafrica is doing good in Africa and

the Netherlands.

Average rate 9.00

Most popular answer 9.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 7.00 1 7.7%

8.00 3 23.1%

9.00 6 46.2%

10.00 3 23.1%

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General Part 3:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Welfare organization

Organization for Empowerment

Enterprise for Empowerment

Enterprise/ Foundation for Empowerment


Foundation for Empowerment

9. I experience Yepafrica as a:

8. Yepafrica is a value-driven


Average rate 9.00

Most popular answer 9.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 7.00 3 23.1%

8.00 3 23.1%

9.00 5 38.5%

10.00 2 15.4%

1. Yepafrica communicates to me in a

professional manner.

Average rate 6.00

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 3.00 1 7.7%

4.00 1 7.7%

5.00 3 23.1%

6.00 2 15.4%

7.00 4 30.8%

8.00 2 15.4%

Frequency Percentage

Valid 3.00 1 7.%7

5.00 1 7.7%

6.00 2 15.4%

7.00 3 23.1%

8.00 4 30.8%

9.00 2 15.4%

2. Yepafrica acts in my best interest.

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 8.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 5.00 2 15.4%

6.00 1 7.7%

7.00 3 23.1%

8.00 3 23.1%

9.00 3 23.1%

10.00 1 7.7%

3. Yepafrica responds on a timely

manner when I contact them.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 7.00;



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6. Overall, what are the aspects in the communication with Yepafrica that can be


1. Inform everyone more and simultaneously. Now seems that kind of an arbitrariness is settled.

Newsletter might be an idea.

2. Communication is a broad term and therefore too vague. Is Yepafrica is a transparent

organization? Yes, if you want to know what the developments are, where Yepafrica want to go

and there is always someone who wants to talk to from the organization here extensively.

However, keeping entrepreneurs and coaches aware (does not mean the trainers), there is still a

lot to improve, depending on their own initiative, you stay involved, but for a foundation /

enterprise as Yepafrica is it is also important for a long time to tie people to the organization and

that happened in my idea insufficiently.

3. The communication alone is well. I sometimes hear only very little. And then it hits me with

what it's in the background. People little more often are going around clarity as newsletters or

about upcoming trainings.

4. Communications for me must be brighter, clearly pointed in a few words what something is

about. (email and written communication). I also think that the power of a message is often in the

repetition - for example, every afternoon giving back one or more email reminders to the youth

works very well.

5. Sometimes for consultation on data: I can take it into account. Perhaps one year calendar is


6. "For the coaches / trainers: regular information new initiatives on progress of those initiatives,

Yeppers, the evolution of the activities, new directions Yep strikes: in a newsletter. For the

entrepreneurs: frequent information about state of affairs, new twists, evolution. Through

frequent communication: involvement maintain."

Frequency Percentage

Valid 7.00 2 15.4%

8.00 8 61.5%

9.00 1 7.7%

10.00 2 15.4%

4. I feel that Yepafrica takes all my

questions seriously.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

5. Yepafrica is well experienced and acts


Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 6.00;



Frequency Percentage

Valid 5.00 2 15.4%

6.00 3 23.1%

7.00 3 23.1%

8.00 3 23.1%

9.00 2 15.45

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7. Double check for a language errors. I sometimes need to wait too long for a response.

Communication need to align better in the reference of the framework of the reader / client.

8. Timely communication in regards to the arriving appointments / new coach weeks and

gatherings. More focus on the individual.

9. Website.

10. It may be adequate. The overall demolition is hidden behind the information, or is it too late.

11. Better and brighter carry out what the activities are Yepafrica. Maintaining contact with

entrepreneurs and they continue to involve in the activities of Yepafrica. Dare to ask.

12. The marketing and PR and we need to respond in 24 hours on each question and email.

13. News around the youth.

General Part 4:

The following contains statements that are related to how you experience working for

Yepafrica. There are no right or wrong answers.

1. How did you get in contact with Yepafrica?

Frequency Percentage

Valid Social networks 4 30.8%

Friends 5 38.5%

Other 4 30.8%

2. How would you prefer to be informed about Yepafrica's activities?

More than one choice Frequency Percentage

Yepafrica Newsletters 10 29.47%

E-mail correspondence 9 26.41%

Personal phone calls 5 14.7%

Face to Face 4 11.76%

Articles on different topics 3 8.82%

Website 2 5.88%

Blog on a social network 1 2.94%

3. How often would you like to hear from us?

Frequency Percentage

Valid Once a week 2 15.4%

Once a month 9 69.2%

When there is an event or other activities 1 7.75

Other 1 7.7%

Other Frequency Percentage

SDD 2 50%

The Founder 2 50%

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4. What role do you want to play in the future in the Public relations and Marketing of


1. In that moment I don't know.

2. "With respect to the other parties involved, such as PR of developments, I am aware that

there is not my strength, regarding marketing I do within my network which I think I should do."

3. As a trainer.

4. I am telling people about Yepafrica.

5. Perform well in the workshops itself. As a coach or coordinator.

6. No specific role. I have a need for professional marketing materials to create for Yepafrica

for my network also in English!

7. "The role that is befitting is a coordinator. I also want eventually to help with tapping into

new markets using presentations, discussions, etc."

8. Yepafrica is always with me and I see opportunities and possibilities I to promote the


9. Brainstorming, defined tasks within my capabilities.

10. I would like to fulfill a role as a networker and conceptual input in a long term.

11. I have been a board member with the portfolio PR and marketing.

12. Stimulator.

13. I live.

Specific Questionnaire for the Board Members, Trainers, Coaches and Coordinators:

1. I enjoy working for Yepafrica.

Average rate 9.00

Most popular answer 10.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 7.00 1 7.7%

8.00 2 15.4%

9.00 4 30.8%

10.00 6 46.2%

2. My work for Yepafrica adds

value to my life.

Average rate 9.00

Most popular answer 9.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 7.00 1 7.7%

8.00 4 30.8%

9.00 5 38.5%

10.00 3 23.1%

3. My tasks are well communicated.

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 5.00 2 15.4%

6.00 3 23.1%

7.00 6 46.2%

9.00 2 15.4%

Frequency Percentage

Valid 5.00 1 7.7%

6.00 3 23.1%

7.00 2 15.4%

8.00 4 30.8%

9.00 1 7.7%

10.00 2 15.4%

4. In my role for Yepafrica I feel

that I am an important factor for

the success of Yepafrica.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

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6. Yepafrica gives me much more

than I expected.

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 6.00;




The following statements are about how Yepafrica values your work.

1. I am receiving feedback about my

work on a regular basis.

Average rate 6.00

Most popular answer 6.00;


5. I enjoy showing in public that I

am part of Yepafrica.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 7.00 2 15.4%

8.00 5 38.5%

9.00 3 23.1%

10.00 3 23.1%

Frequency Percentage

Valid 4.00 1 7.7%

6.00 3 23.1%

7.00 3 23.1%

8.00 3 23.1%

10.00 3 23.1%

Frequency Percentage

Valid 6.00 1 7.7%

7.00 1 7.7%

8.00 8 61.5%

9.00 1 7.7%

10.00 2 15.4%

7. I use my personal relationships to

promote Yepafrica.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

8. Yepafrica is using all the

experience that I have.

Average rate 6.00

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 1.00 1 7.7%

3.00 1 7.7%

4.00 1 7.7%

5.00 2 15.4%

6.00 2 15.4%

7.00 3 23.1%

8.00 2 15.4%

9.00 1 7.7%

9. I would like to contribute more to

the success of Yepafrica.

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 7.00 7 53.8%

8.00 2 15.4%

9.00 2 15.4%

10.00 2 15.4%

Frequency Percentage

Valid 1.00 1 7.7%

5.00 2 15.4%

6.00 4 30.8%

7.00 1 7.7%

8.00 4 30.8%

9.00 1 7.7%

2. I know exactly what Yepafrica

expects from me.

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 3.00 1 7.7%

5.00 2 15.4%

6.00 1 7.7%

7.00 8 61.5%

9.00 1 7.7%

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3. Yepafrica is open for my


Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 10.00

6. Yepafrica is an important part of

my life.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

8. What would you like to change in the Yepafrica organization?

1. More space in which everyone can come to flourish.

2. The contact as I have previously are describing at times when you see each other that the

organization has grown explosively, but not everyone is here sufficiently and taking note, that's

what I miss. The splitting of YEP in a company and foundation I think is a good development,

but also is need to wear his ultimately responsible for YEP. To that moment it is not clear to me

whom belongs where in the organizations and functions can you be both in the foundation and

the BV, this will be the must in the future to point out.

3. Keep up the great work. And I hope I can / should do for YEP more.

4. I find it even more important that the communication goes out the door without mistakes.

5. Understanding plan for the next six months.

Frequency Percentage

Valid 4.00 1 7.7%

5.00 1 7.7%

7.00 3 23.1%

8.00 2 15.4%

9.00 2 15.4%

10.00 4 30.8%

4. I feel appreciated by Yepafrica

for the work I do.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00;


Frequency Percentage

Valid 5.00 1 7.7%

6.00 2 15.4%

7.00 2 15.4%

8.00 3 23.1%

9.00 2 15.4%

10.00 3 23.1%

Frequency Percentage

Valid 6.00 1 7.7%

7.00 3 23.1%

8.00 4 30.8%

9.00 3 23.1%

10.00 2 15.4%

5. Yepafrica inspires me to improve

my work.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 5.00 1 7.7%

6.00 2 15.4%

7.00 1 7.7%

8.00 6 46.2%

9.00 1 7.7%

10.00 2 15.4%

Frequency Percentage

Valid 6.00 2 15.4%

7.00 1 7.7%

8.00 6 46.2%

9.00 2 15.4%

10.00 2 15.4%

7. The leaders of Yepafrica are

inspiring and supportive.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

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6. More communication; Co-creation with new initiatives, Directions that strikes Yepafrica;

More participation and involvement from the beginning: now all decisions taken by: 1 person? 2

persons? Members of the Board? And the lines are already determined before we are informed

will be so: organize consultation sessions to create awareness among the stakeholders that later

in the appeal process will be done to 'perform' a and other support; brainstorming; with working

initiatives; include programs to develop and above: professional, long-term, professionally

developed training curriculum: from basic to expert level/business level; empowerment programs

for companies: brings more money into the house, contributes to creating more internships for

Yeppers, part of the immense need for empowerment in all spheres of society: that will make it

easier for young people. Empowered people want to be involved from the outset and informed!

Make greater use of all available expertise: e.g. sheet for each coach / trainer expertise,

experience, language skills and knowledge of working methods ...

7. I think we are on the right track.

8. Professionalization of the bureaucracy without falling into the trap itself. Structure with

space for the qualities and contributions of the people themselves. I recognize the desire to grow

organically and it is my idea that growth demands for clarity. My time is precious and my own

business requires a lot of time, it helps me to be with YEP, but I started periodically.

9. Better communication lines, Improved formats regarding follow-ups, improved platform

related files. Expand with (loose) training for young people (beyond the existing empowerment

program). Develop training to market movement.

10. Preparing marketing and communication plan for 2014 with clear objectives and a clear

division of tasks.

11. More products to avoid independency from one product.

12. There is at the height of YEP.

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General results from Yepafrica’s Questionnaire for the group of the Customers:

General Part 1:



1. You are:Male - 1 Female - 3




2. To which of the following age groups do you belong?:

From 17 up to 28 - 1


From 29 up to 40 - 2


From 41 up to 50 - 1




3. We need you to specify the living area with which you are related to


The Netherlands - 3 people

Both - 1 person



4. For how many years are you related to Yepafrica?

Less than 1 - 3 people

From 1 to 2 - 1 person




3.1. We need you to specify the living area with which you are related to


Dordrecht - 1 person

Helmond - 1 person

Schiedam - 1 person

Den Bosch - 1 person

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General Part 2:

1. What was your first impression about Yepafrica?

1. Inspiring, positive

2. What a strange hassle and what a nonsense.

3. Positive, after a first presentation during our consultation. However, I was somewhat skeptical

about the exit rate that was promised.

4. Enthusiastic, sincere, innovative.

3. What were your expectations when you started the relationship with Yepafrica?

1. No commercial interest, doing good for another.

2. No.

3. I had expected that at least half of our participating as customers within a period of six

months a paid job / training and would have found this would be supported independently.

4. No real expectations, especially very curious about how the methodology was unpacking.

5. Which of the following qualities you think are truly describing Yepafrica's identity?

Conclusion from the general part of Yepafrica’s Questionnaire for the Customers:

1. Empowering – 4

2. Entrepreneurial – 2

3. Social – 2

Marks: Yellow – Match with the general top 5; Green – Specific for the group

Frequency Percent

Valid 1.00 1 25%

5.00 1 25%

7.00 2 50%

2. What does Yepafrica mean for

your personal life?

Average rate 6.00

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 2.00 1 25%

5.00 2 50%

6.00 1 25%

4. Did your expectations about

Yepafrica match reality?

Average rate 5.00

Most popular answer 5.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 2.00 1 25%

3.00 1 25%

7.00 2 50%

6. Yepafrica empowered me to be

the change.

Average rate 5.00

Most popular answer 7.00

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General Part 3:

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Enterprise - 2 people

Foundation for empowerment - 2 people

9. I experience Yepafrica as a:

7. Yepafrica is doing good in Africa

and the Netherlands.

Average rate 7.50

Most popular answer 8.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 5.00 1 25%

7.00 1 25%

8.00 2 50%

Frequency Percent

Valid 6.00 1 25%

7.00 2 50%

9.00 1 25%

8. Yepafrica is value-driven


Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 4.00 1 25%

5.00 1 25%

7.00 1 25%

8.00 1 25%

1. Yepafrica communicates to me in

a professional manner.

Average rate 6.00

Most popular answer 4.00;




Frequency Percent

Valid 4.00 1 25%

5.00 1 25%

6.00 2 50%

2. Yepafrica acts in my best


Average rate 5.50

Most popular answer 6.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 5.00 1 25%

6.00 2 50%

7.00 1 25%

3. Yepafrica responds on a timely

manner when I contact them.

Average rate 6.00

Most popular answer 6.00

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5. Yepafrica is well experienced and

acts professional.

Average rate 6.50

Most popular answer 5.00;




6. Overall, what are the aspects in the communication with Yepafrica that can be


1. -

2. I don’t want to deal with the participants, too much phone contacts.

3. Communication was good. Yep Coaches are easily accessible and if they can’t answer

directly via phone you will have a call back within short deadlines or emailed information.

The updates via dropbox on the classroom and refresher days were fine. I wanted to see the

Yepcoach and participants more joint. This was quite late going (also had to deal with one

contact vwb, all young people towards Yep I suspect). I also think the expectations outlined

in the presentation of the route to be rosy.

4. We didn’t had much contact, thus the above question I have answered with a 6.

General Part 4:

1. How did you get in contact with Yepafrica?

Frequency Percent

Valid Social networks 1 25%

Friends 1 25%

Municipality 1 25%

From Work 1 25%

2. How would you prefer to be informed about Yepafrica's activities?

Frequency Percent

Valid E-mail correspondence 1 25%

Blog on a social network 1 25%

Website 1 25%

More than one choice (E-mail correspondence,

Articles on different topics, Website)

1 25%

4. I feel that Yepafrica takes all my

questions seriously.

Average rate 6.00

Most popular answer 6.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 5.00 1 25%

6.00 2 50%

7.00 1 25%

Frequency Percent

Valid 5.00 1 25%

6.00 1 25%

7.00 1 25%

8.00 1 25%

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3. How often would you like to hear from us?

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid Once a month 2 50%

When there is an event or

other activities

1 25%

Only on their own needs 1 25%

4. What role do you want to play in the future in the Public relations and Marketing of


1. -

2. I don’t know.

3. None.

4. I plug and like your messages.

Specific Questionnaire for the group of the Customers:

1.Overall, how do you score your

experience with Yepafrica?

Average rate 6.50

Most popular aswer 4.00;




3. Which of the following statements made you choose for Yepafrica?

1. The organization inspires me, Empowerment is important.

2. By the municipality

3. Empowerment is important.

4. The organization inspires me.

4. Are you satisfied with the quality

of the Coaches?

Average rate 7.00

Most popular aswer 7.00

5. Are you satisfied with how Youth

Empowerment works for the

motivation of youth?

Average rate 6.00

Most popular aswer 6.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 4.00 1 25%

6.00 1 25%

7.00 1 25%

8.00 1 25%

2. How do you value the overall results of

the Yepafrica Workshop?

Frequency Percent

Valid Good 3 75%

Poor 1 25%

Frequency Percent

Valid 6.00 1 25%

7.00 2 50%

8.00 1 25%

Frequency Percent

Valid 4.00 1 25%

6.00 2 50%

7.00 1 25%

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7. Are you satisfied with the way

Yepafrica communicates about the

progress of the participants?

Average rate 6.50

Most popular aswer 7.00

10. Are there other products that you expect from Yepafrica? Can you give us an example?

1. -

2. No.

3. No.

4. I'm not enough substantive concerned to say anything about. The above questions on this

page I can’t answer.

11. Do you have suggestions about how we can improve the program?

1. -

2. No.

3. Be honest and clear about the results. We have chosen this path to generate at least 50%

outflow. While there is clearly something has happened to most young people, it is very

Outflow percentage lagged behind the expectations that were formed.

4. I'm substantive not enough concerned to to say about anything.

12. Will you buy Yepafrica’s

Workshop again?

Average rate 5.50

Most popular aswer 6.00

6. Are you satisfied with your

involvement in The Yepafrica


Average rate 7.00

Most popular aswer 7.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 6.00 1 25%

7.00 3 75%

Frequency Percent

Valid 5.00 1 25%

6.00 1 25%

7.00 2 50%

8. Are you satisfied with The

Yepafrica management?

Average rate 5.50

Most popular aswer 5.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 5.00 2 50%

6.00 1 25%

7.00 1 25%

9. Would you recommend

Yepafrica's Workshop to others?

Average rate 6.00

Most popular aswer 6.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 6.00 3 75%

8.00 1 25%

Frequency Percent

Valid 3.00 1 25%

5.00 1 25%

6.00 2 50%

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General results from Yepafrica’s Questionnaire for the group of the Unemployed Youth


General Part 1:




1. You are:



2. To which of the following age groups do you belong?:From 17 up to 28 - 21 people

From 29 up to 40 - 4 people

From 41 up to 51 - 1 person



The Netherlands, Europe

- 7 people

The Gambia, Africa - 19


3. We need you to specify the living area with which you are related to Yepafrica.

8% 4%4%



Dordrecht - 2 people

Helmond - 1 person

Schiedam - 1 person

Den Bosch - 3 people

Town in The Gambia - 19 people

3.1. We need you to specify the living area with which you are related to Yepafrica.

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General Part 2:

1. What was your first impression about Yepafrica?

1. That it is a particular route.

2. I thought it may have just worked, but unfortunately I find that it has not worked out and as

well they are trying to learn all sorts of things, but they didn't gave a good example. This relates

to arrive on time and how people are looking for work.

3. Weird thing to be honest.

4. Separately.

5. I liked that Yepafrica believes in the power of youth.

6. Fun intensive training.

7. I liked a whole week assignments alone and the business with each other and it was nice to

have their conversations.

8. 1. It was going to be a youth enterprise palace for young people to develop their own skills

while make sale of the centre; 2. It is a centre for youth empowerment and development.

9. Going out to pick anything and make something out of it. It teaches me in life nothing is

impossible, the only way is to do it. If you do it or take action you will never know how you can

do it or make it in life!

10. They helped me to better change and reliance my potentials: to act in my direction rather

than at the direction of others.

11. A body that can inspire people to change in their own life.

12. Youth empowerment.

13. The empowerment of the youth.

14. It's about changing the living conditions of the youth.

15. I was expecting that they are going to help me for my schooling and also for my business as

I want to be one of the most successful business lady during my time.

16. My first impression about Yepafrica is basically the empowerment/coaching which is

leading oneself to realize his/her potentials and get on his/her own direction rather than at the

direction to others more specifically enabling young people to be the change and serve the world.

17. A youth organization that empowers youth to make change in their own lives.

18. Is the first time I have my first enrollment training at man’s beach.

19. The way they move the youth of The Gambia from the level they are to another level in life.

20. Empowerment.







4. For how many years are you related to Yepafrica? Less than 1 - 7 people

From 1 to 2 - 7 people

From 2 to 3 - 1 person

From 3 to 4 - 3 people

From 4 to 5 - 6 people

From more than 5 - 2 people

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21. International organization communicated social and economic development. Empowerment

and youth. Cooperation between The Netherlands and The Gambia and between Europe and

Africa. Fair model for development and existence.

22. Has the ability to transform the lives of young people. Provide education to those in need to

a professional level. Provide entrepreneurship values to youth.

23. It was the ability of the Coaches to help you transmit your ideas into action. It was also they

show their caring and express their story to you.

24. The way yeppers are organized and the way they integrate as a family and encouragement

mood is just good!!!

25. My first impression about Yepafrica is the way they are doing and thinking, it's different

from other groups in The Gambia. They stand for the youth empowerment.

26. Empowering the youth to serve the world and make a change for the new generation.

2. What does Yepafrica mean for

your personal life?

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

3. What were your expectations when you started the relationship with Yepafrica?

1. Finding out more about myself and contacting with people.

2. I thought I could learn really a lot and it was great, but I found it a bit disappointing. You've

learned a lot about yourself, but every month we get into the action, but month after month we

come to one person and there is nothing changed and just they are giving some negative

characters. This is why it have been up too difficult for me to stay and demonstrate socialized

understanding as they get opportunities but nobody picks them ..

3. No. I had no idea what was going to happen.

4. Change.

5. I thought, it's just an ordinary workshop, but running through it, I noticed that it was not just

a workshop. Afterword I through that in these workshop they can found another ways for their


6. When I started at Yep I expected fun activities in which I would help them find work.

7. After the workshop I would know what I was going to do next.

1. I was expecting to have my own shop in the enterprise palace. ; 2. I was expecting to be

supported in achieving higher education. University bills with other basic professional causes.

8. To send me to school. To help call shops while youth will exchange themselves. To do

marketing in Holland so entrepreneurs to export products there sometime.

9. I was expecting to gain employment opportunity: and to get financial support to further my


10. I was expecting after the training program I will serve as a great business man and Yepafrica

can guide me through their entrepreneurship program.

11. I was able to learn a lot from myself and real life. Coming out of my comfort zone,

expressing myself and talking lead in doing what I feel is right.

Frequency Percentage

Valid 3.00 1 3.8%

5.00 1 3.8%

6.00 6 23.1%

7.00 8 30.8%

8.00 4 15.4%

9.00 3 11.5%

10.00 3 11.5%

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12. My expectations was that I was going to learn something and I have already learned.

13. That I am going to be successful in the future.

14. My expectations when I started relationship with Yepafrica was to gain financial support to

start-up my own business as gain employment opportunity.

15. Creating employment opportunity for me. The payment of my education (tuition fee).

16. Was to have a good life and to an entrepreneur to help my family and my country.

17. To be a well and fully empowered young gambian youth.

18. To help me reach my dreams.

19. Participate in the development of Gambia. Coach and Empower young people. International

cooperation. Local and international network. Have a useful and enjoyable time.

20. The youth recruit for Yepafrica be transform into a social asset.

21. I thought it was just an art exhibition.

22. Integration, sponsorship on various courses.

23. To become a computer specialist who will support in repairing computers for institution or


24. Changing my life more than I was and custom and cultural exchange within my fellow


5. Which of the following qualities you think are truly describing Yepafrica's identity?

1. Empowering – 20

2. Entrepreneurial – 19

3. Life changing – 16

4. Improving – 13

5. Social – 11

Marks: Yellow – Match with the general top 5; Green – Specific for the group

Frequency Percentage

Valid 1.00 2 7.7%

4.00 3 11.5%

5.00 4 15.4%

6.00 6 23.1%

7.00 3 11.5%

8.00 4 15.4%

9.00 2 7.7%

10.00 2 7.7%

4. Did your expectations about

Yepafrica match reality?

Average rate 6.00

Most popular answer 6.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 3.00 1 3.8%

4.00 1 3.8%

5.00 3 11.5%

6.00 1 3.8%

7.00 6 23.1%

8.00 5 19.2%

9.00 3 11.5%

10.00 6 23.1%

6. Yepafrica empowered me to be

the change.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 7.00;


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7. Yepafrica is doing good in Africa

and the Netherlands.

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 8.00

8. Yepafrica is a value-driven


Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


Charity organization

Enterprise/Foundation for Employment

Welfare organization


Foundation for empowerment

Social Enterprise

9. I experience Yepafrica as a:

Frequency Percentage

Valid .00 1 3.8%

4.00 2 7.7%

5.00 5 19.2%

6.00 3 11.5%

7.00 4 15.4%

8.00 6 23.1%

9.00 2 7.7%

10.00 3 11.5%

Frequency Percentage

Valid 3.00 1 3.8%

4.00 1 3.8%

5.00 4 15.4%

6.00 4 15.4%

7.00 7 26.9%

8.00 4 15.4%

9.00 2 7.7%

10.00 3 11.5%

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General Part 3:

1. Yepafrica communicates to me in a

professional manner.

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

2. Yepafrica acts in my best interest.

Average rate 6.50

Most popular answer 8.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 2.00 2 7.7%

4.00 1 3.8%

5.00 4 15.4%

6.00 4 15.4%

7.00 6 23.1%

8.00 3 11.5%

9.00 4 15.4%

10.00 2 7.7%

Frequency Percentage

Valid 1.00 1 3.8%

2.00 1 3.8%

3.00 1 3.8%

4.00 2 7.7%

5.00 3 11.5%

6.00 5 19.2%

7.00 4 15.4%

8.00 6 23.1%

9.00 1 3.8%

10.00 2 7.7%

Frequency Percentage

Valid 2.00 2 7.7%

4.00 2 7.7%

5.00 4 15.4%

6.00 5 19.2%

7.00 5 19.2%

8.00 4 15.4%

9.00 1 3.8%

10.00 3 11.5%

3. Yepafrica responds on a timely

manner when I contact them.

Average rate 6.50

Most popular answer 6.00;


4. I feel that Yepafrica takes all my

questions seriously.

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 6.00;


Frequency Percentage

Valid 2.00 1 3.8%

3.00 1 3.8%

4.00 1 3.8%

5.00 2 7.7%

6.00 6 23.1%

7.00 6 23.1%

8.00 2 7.7%

9.00 3 11.5%

10.00 4 15.4%

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6. Overall, what are the aspects in the communication with Yepafrica that can be improved?

1. No idea.

2. I find them when the people want to learn things and set a good example and it is not given

always because of the negative behavior and late arrivals and there is nothing to do with people

tolerating the received huge opportunities that are given to them.

3. This isn't something that I can come up with.

4. For my own experience it would be the tasks facing the workshops. They should be more

intense, so similar action.

5. None.

6. When the other participants do not adhere to the rules, this should be communicated to

everyone as an example if they arrive late too.

7. Call i.p.v texting.

8. Communicating directly through the email and not changing decisions; for the most

sensitive issues we may need the telephone call.

9. Direct communication, email to all.

10. They need to improve more in a professional manner: when communicating with Yeppers.

11. Give chance to Yeppers to contribute to their decision making.

12. Early not close communication that could serve as no excuses for not been able to deliver.

There is always a need for clean and straight communication on both sides Gambia/Holland.

13. They, I don't know when but there is need for communication skills for is not all the time

that it flows.

14. I believe the overall communication is excellent to me,

15. There is a delay in terms of communication because they do tell us the actual fact of what is

going on and I think we should be transparency.

16. Indeed Yepafrica is doing good in communication but still needs to improve in a more

professional manner on a timely manner when addressing issue regarding yeppers and other


17. A system in communication such someone to be responsible for all necessary important


18. Is the way they give information to people is still lacking in bringing all the Members


19. The social media communication should be more informative regarding the Yep page.

Frequency Percent

Valid 2.00 2 7.7

4.00 2 7.7

5.00 3 11.5

6.00 1 3.8

7.00 7 26.9

8.00 4 15.4

9.00 4 15.4

10.00 3 11.5

5. Yepafrica is well experienced and

acts professional.

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

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20. All considered communications/news should be transparent.

21. Communication is very good. Newsletter on the coming website will keep up updated on the


22. Communication with partners.

23. Allowing us to choose the Coaches and programs together with Entrepreneurs we want them

to bring for us. And also take decisions and allow our opinions in decision making.

24. Strong communication line between the Yep Board in Holland and the Board in The

Gambia. There is a need to have someone also involved more just like Paul.

25. Yepafrica needs to cooperate more so to achieve more on what they want.

General Part 4:

1. How did you get in contact with Yepafrica?

Frequency Percentage

Valid Social networks 3 11.5%

Friends 9 34.6%

Other 13 50.0%

More than one source 1 3.8%

Other sources Frequency Percentage

Child fund, The Gambia 5 41.65%

Municipality 2 16.65%

From the town Den Bosch 1 8.34%

From my coach in the town 1 8.34%

Social service 1 8.34%

Agency 1 8.34%

Youth organization 1 8.34%

2. How would you prefer to be informed about Yepafrica's


Frequency Percentage

Valid Personal phone calls 3 11.5%

Yepafrica Newsletters 1 3.8%

E-mail correspondence 5 19.2%

Blog on a social network 1 3.8%

More than one choice 16 61.5%

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More than one choice Frequency Percentage

Personal phone calls 16 28.07%

E-mail correspondence 11 19.3%

Face to Face 11 19.3% Yepafrica Newsletters 7 12.3%

Blog on a social network 6 10.52%

Website 4 7.0%

Articles of different topics 1 1.75%

Youth group 1 1.75%

3. How often would you like to hear from us?

Frequency Percentage

Valid Once a week 11 42.3%

Once a month 6 23.1%

When there is an event or other activities 3 11.5%

Only when there are big events and activities 3 11.5%

Other 2 7.7%

More than one choice 1 3.8%

4. What role do you want to play in the future in the Public relations and Marketing of


1. I don't know.

2. ???

3. None.

4. Help with new ideas.

5. I don't know.

6. It is unclear, because I don't know what role I can take in Yepafrica.

7. I am doing what I'm good at.

8. Leadership role on how to improve and manage the people.

9. I am a young entrepreneur dealing with fashion and cosmetics. So I would like to sale the

concept of Yepafrica and also will like to employee youth in my shop because I can do it alone.

10. By convincing people to join the Workshops program.

11. I have a role to play when it comes to marketing of Yepafrica. I have a role to improve the

awareness of people to know what Yepafrica is all about. I also have a role to bring people


12. Spreading the concept of Yepafrica in youth empowerment forums, also meeting people

who stand for youth matter. Relating their minds to put attention on youth empowerment.

13. Any role that I can play I will make sure that I help in any possible way.

14. I want to be a sell marketing Coordinator.

15. I would like to be a sales agent in selling the name of Yepafrica to the world at large.

16. To meet youth groups, unemployed and individual entrepreneurs to inform and influence

them about Yepafrica, it purpose and activities they render.

17. Training and coaching young people and become a professional accountant.

18. I will do my best to give clear information to the people who are nearly interested in Yep.

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19. My music shows, Radio interviews and social medias.

20. Local and international communication, and image and concept - development.

21. Whenever necessary, I can support but may not take PR and Marketing roles.

22. I want to be an active member in all aspects that my speciality hits in. I also want an equal

share responsibility that I can relate into working as a volunteer or employed member of the


23. An employed yepper and serve YEP in the best interest of the community of Yepafrica at


24. Promotions in the YEP concept.

25. To serve as an entrepreneur.

Specific Questionnaire for Unemployed Youth (Yeppers):

1. Are you currently employed?

Frequency Percentage

Valid Yes 9 34.6%

No 17 65.4%

2. Are you in school at the moment?

Frequency Percentage

Valid Yes 5 19.2%

No 21 80.8%

3. Are you still receiving a social

contribution from the Sociale Dienst?

Frequency Percentage

Valid Yes 5 19.2%

No 21 80.8%

4. What influenced you the most in The Yepafrica Workshop?

1. Stories of people who I have heard.

2. Some nice contacts gained and they could appreciate the stories of the entrepreneurs.

3. I got more confident.

4. Dealing with personal problems.

5. My situation with different eyes to look, there is a solution for my situation.

6. The activities that we need to take and the first week with all participants.

7. I have to work, but I wanted to get my education necessarily!

8. Feedback sessions, the involvement of Dutch entrepreneurs.

9. Think out of the box, Creativity, Work on your talk instead of bla bla bla.

10. They made changes to my life to build up self-confidence and creating something out of

nothing. They made more improvement in my life.

11. My commitment statement really influenced me and I am proud of my statement.

12. The Baobao three, going out of your comfort zone.

13. Because it is very educative.

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14. My biggest influence in the YEP workshop I am always expecting to learn new thing that

will add value to what I am doing or up to and to be more creative, thinking out of the box.

15. Is because we meet new yeppers from Holland and also learn from them and also we do

become friends.

16. The "Art of Entrepreneurship Workshop" where I learned about creativity/innovation which

is about thinking out of the box and create out of nothing, the ten commandment of

entrepreneurship, moving out of the comfort zone to explore and act and also public speaking

confidence etc. Again the coaching and training of trainers Workshop. In general, almost all the

empowerment workshop conducted by Yepafrica influenced me fully!

17. First of all, organizations are many, but their way is different.

18. Those are the theme of the Workshop, the networking between us and the entrepreneurs

from the Netherlands and the interacting and the knowledge we gain.

19. What influenced me most is the way we do the workshop is different from the other group I

worked before I became part of Yepafrica's workshop.

20. The commitment of others to change their likes.

21. The ability of the Coaches to interpret my blurred vision into action. The Workshop also

helped me realize them and people in this world who can and want to help.

22. I gain new knowledge and experience from the trainers and my fellow yep members during

the workshop. I also exchange ideas with the workshop team.

23. Participation, self-esteem, community, presentation, integration of different ethnic and

cultural people.

24. The youth empowerment training which includes the creation of something out of nothing.

25. It makes me more open minded person and it makes me more creative to plan for the new

coming generation.

5. The Yepafrica Workshop made me

stronger and because of that I have

more faith in the future.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 10.00

6. The Yepafrica Coaches pushed me

in the right direction.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 7.00;


Frequency Percentage

Valid 4,.00 1 3.8%

5.00 4 15.4%

6.00 2 7.7%

7.00 5 19.2%

8.00 3 11.5%

9.00 5 19.2%

10.00 6 23.1%

Frequency Percentage

Valid 4.00 2 7.7%

6.00 3 11.5%

7.00 7 26.9%

8.00 5 19.2%

9.00 2 7.7%

10.00 7 26.9%

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7. Are you now more self confident because of the Workshop?

Frequency Percentage

Valid Yes 22 84.6%

I don’t know 2 7.7%

No answer 2 7.7%

8. Overall, how do you value the

Yepafrica Workshop that you have


Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

10. What can we improve in the workshop? 1. I don't know.

2. Draw up rules and remind people to keep them. Take real action .., so many chances, but

every month I see little change. You're always working on yourselves, but I find that more

spiritual comes for yourself that this may be a lot less correctly and more are busy with work.

Low as a beginning effect, more personal conversations.

3. I think it's as good as it is.

4. I was satisfied with the workshops.

5. I find it as good as it is.

6. As I said let everyone play by the rules and stay in communication when we have needed

personal assistance. And let everyone to actively participate in the activity, if necessary in the


7. If someone has a dream that may ensure that it will come out of well.

8. Putting all plans into actions, developing new strategies for development of our organization.

9. Transparency.

10. Build more workshop treat will help us to change our life and to make our dreams come true

in the future.

11. I will love us to improve on. The topic discussed to be implemented. Most of the topics that

have been discussed are not put in the right place in the right time.

12. More training days and continuously coaching.

13. I can't really say anything.

14. We need more practice for the trainers and also a fallow up.

Frequency Percentage

Valid 3.00 2 7.7%

5.00 1 3.8%

6.00 3 11.5%

7.00 4 15.4%

8.00 8 30.8%

9.00 2 7.7%

10.00 6 23.1%

9. Would you recommend Yepafrica's

Workshop to others?

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 10.00

Frequency Percentage

Valid 3.00 1 3.8%

5.00 3 11.5%

7.00 5 19.2%

8.00 6 23.1%

9.00 4 15.4%

10.00 7 26.9%

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15. Every time is entrepreneurship and I think we should change it to something very


16. To conduct/implement workshop that is helpful and valuable to the best interest of yeppers

and Yepafrica organization and that will however boast the moral and competency of all yeppers

to be more professional in all matters. This is what is happening but to improve on it is also


17. From five days to ten day so as to know more and understand it well. Let yeppers take the

lead during the training, they can be able to inspire their fellow young people. Strong connection

from the coaches and yeppers.

18. It’s the time duration.

19. What we can improve in the workshop is make it all over the Africa so that other young

people in Africa can know Yepafrica.

20. Continued coaching because the last one didn't continue and it helped us in maintaining our

focus on what we wanted.

21. To make more follow ups on youth matters in the Gambia and inject it to the workshop


22. More trainers during workshop and give more into the training.

23. By trying to find out the problems of the participants while also support them to realize their


24. Create a job opportunities.

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General results from Yepafrica’s Questionnaire for the group of the Entrepreneurs:



1.You are: Male - 11 people Female - 2 people




2. To which of the following age groups do you belong?:From 29 up to 40 - 2

peopleFrom 41 up to 50 - 5

peopleOver 56 - 6 people



Dordrecht - 2 people

Helmond - 4 people

Other - 7 people

3.1. We need you to specify the living area with which you are related to Yepafrica.


15%The Netherlands, Europe

- 11 people

Both - The Netherlands,

Europe and The Gambia,

Africa - 2 people

3. We need you to specify the living area with which you are related to Yepafrica.

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General Part 2:

1. What was your first impression about Yepafrica?

1. Ideological / gooders.

2. Positive club, idealistic.

3. Positive.

4. Nice initiative.

5. Well, involved.

6. Good idea and nice to do something to contribute.

7. In the first instance I've never heard of, but then, because of the professional approach I

needed another opinion.

8. Warm, strong, never giving up your dreams.

9. An organization with passionate board members with a passion for the youth in The Gambia.

10. Positive initiative.

11. Positive. Very interesting to take note of the situation of young people with potential, but

knowledge without experience / financial capability to start as an entrepreneur in "The Gambia" /

Africa and addressing YEP.

12. An enthusiastic and driven organization that really makes a change.

13. I was particularly impressed by the inspiration of the Dutch organization Yep. Excellent

introduction trip that made a big impression.

3. What were your expectations when you started the relationship with Yepafrica?

1. Fun, open minded.

2. Change, a real contribution, support for those who need it.

3. Getting to know the workshop. To be able to apply in Helmond workout and to help with

projects in The Gambia.





15%Less than 1 - 2 people

From 1 to 2 - 2 people

From 2 to 3 - 4 people

From 3 to 4 - 1 person

From 4 to 5 - 2 people

More than 5 - 2 people

4. For how many years are you related to Yepafrica?

2. What does Yepafrica mean for

your personal life?

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 1.00 1 7.7%

2.00 1 7.7%

3.00 2 15.4%

6.00 1 7.7%

7.00 5 38.5%

8.00 3 23.1%

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4. Great. Thought to be dealing with an organization with potential and a very strong program

and objectives.

5. Less long term than it has become at long last.

6. To put our effort in commitment, doing something in motion by arriving in Africa that

particularly young people can benefit from.

7. In the first instance they were little. Gradually they become more and that is still growing.

8. None.

9. To learn about helping young African entrepreneurs and what is their self-interpretation.

10. You could make a positive difference.

11. In the first place, to take the knowledge out of the "issues" and to see how it is tackling in

YEP. Also time into a Fundraising from Dordrecht, unfortunately with limited yield. This / our

approach was not very successful, one hand by the economic slump and therewith fewer

companies willing to sponsor, but rather in that was not entirely what Paul E. envisioned on the


12. The expectations I had become true.

13. None in particular. Orienting.

5. Which of the following qualities you think are truly describing Yepafrica's identity?

1. Empowering - 9

2. Life changing – 9

3. Value-driven – 8

4. Social – 8

5. Entrepreneurial – 6

Marks: Yellow – Match with the general top 5; Green – Specific for the group

Frequency Percent

Valid 3.00 2 15.4%

5.00 2 15.4%

7.00 1 7.7%

8.00 5 38.5%

9.00 1 7.7%

10.00 2 15.4%

4. Did your expectations about

Yepafrica match reality?

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

6. Yepafrica empowered me to be the


Average rate 5.00

Most popular answer 5.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 1.00 1 7.7%

2.00 1 7.7%

4.00 1 7.7%

5.00 4 30.8%

6.00 2 15.4%

7.00 1 7.7%

8.00 1 7.7%

9.00 1 7.7%

10.00 1 7.7%

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Foundation for Empowerment - 7people

Charity organization - 3 people

More than one choice - 2 people

Enterprise - 1 person

9. I eperience Yepafrica as:

Frequency Percent

Valid 3.00 1 7.7%

4.00 1 7.7%

7.00 2 15.4%

8.00 6 46.2%

9.00 2 15.4%

10.00 1 7.7%

7. Yepafrica is doing good in Africa

and the Netherlands.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 2.00 1 7.7%

3.00 1 7.7%

7.00 2 15.4%

8.00 5 38.5%

9.00 2 15.4%

10.00 2 15.4%

8. Yepafrica is a value-driven


Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

More than one choice

Charity organization/Foundation for Empowerment 1

Enterprise/Foundation for Empowerment 1

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General Part 3:

1. Yepafrica communicates to me in

a professional manner.

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 2.00 2 15.4%

4.00 2 15.4%

6.00 1 7.7%

7.00 5 38.5%

8.00 3 23.1%

Frequency Percent

Valid 2.00 2 15.4%

4.00 1 7.7%

5.00 2 15.4%

6.00 2 15.4%

7.00 5 38.5%

8.00 1 7.7%

2. Yepafrica acts in my best interest.

Average rate 6.00

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 2.00 1 7.7%

4.00 1 7.7%

6.00 2 15.4%

7.00 5 38.5%

8.00 3 23.1%

9.00 1 7.7%

3. Yepafrica responds on a timely

manner when I contact them.

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 3.00 1 7.7%

5.00 1 7.7%

6.00 3 23.1%

7.00 5 38.5%

8.00 2 15.4%

9.00 1 7.7%

4. I feel that Yepafrica takes all my

questions seriously.

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 7.00

5. Yepafrica is well experienced and

acts professional.

Average rate 7,00

Most popular answer 7.00;


Frequency Percent

Valid 2.00 2 15.4%

4.00 1 7.7%

5.00 1 7.7%

6.00 2 15.4%

7.00 3 23.1%

8.00 3 23.1%

9.00 1 7.7%

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6. Overall, what are the aspects in the communication with Yepafrica that can be


1. This has been already discussed during the time of evaluation of anniversary activities.

2. -

3. More information on the programs in the Netherlands and the results.

4. There is little to no communication. Once in a while there is a lot of things asked of the

stakeholders. Ideas, recommendations for workshops, what we think of it. All without outcomes

or feedback. Sometimes that comes out of control about. Certainly there is no news from Africa.

5. -

6. Lack of experience with YEP v this question.

7. Promises.

8. None.

9. I don't know.

10. Personal.

11. Would like to see a historical overview of Yepafrica and both the approach in The Gambia

and in NL. The yearly data basis, persons ("learners" and bodies such as the Begeleidings Cie in

The Gambia and the institutes / municipalities in NL). Furthermore, to get an idea of the short-

term plans.

12. Suggestion: regular newsletters, which a record of (and about) the new Yeppers and

furthermore the entrepreneurs 'short' report about the themes in the workshops.

13. There rests is too much on the shoulders of a limited management group. Interested

entrepreneurs can be connected in a longer-term.

General Part 4:

1. How did you get in contact with Yepafrica?

Frequency Percent

Valid Friends 10 76.9%

Social networks 1 7.7%

Other - Paul Engelsman 1 7.7%

More than one choise – Social networks/ Friends 1 7.7%

2. How would you prefer to be informed about Yepafrica's activities?

Frequency Percent

Valid Yepafrica Newsletters 4 30.8%

E-mail correspondence 3 23%

Face to Face 1 7.7%%

More then one choise 5 38.5%

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More then one choise Frequency Percent

Yepafrica Newsletters 5 35.8%

E-mail correspondence 3 21.4%

Website 3 21.4%

Articles on different topics 2 14.3%

Blog on a social network 1 7.1%

3. How often would you like to hear from us?

Frequency Percent

Valid Once a month 6 46.2%

When there is an event or other activities 2 15.4%

Only when there are big events and activities 3 23.1%

More than one choice:

Once a month, When there is an event or other activities.

Once a month, Only when there are big events and activities.

2 15.4%

4. What role do you want to play in the future in the Public relations and Marketing of


1. None.

2. None.

3. Supporting.

4. None.

5. -

6. I don't know.

7. Taking care of clear briefings.

8. Unknown.

9. None.

10. I think that we could do quite a lot as a PR and Marketing for Yepafrica's organization.

11. In short term not by other - overriding - business. But probably after a good year I can

contact again and make a consultation on the options.

12. -

13. Involvement in PR and marketing, setting up the learning center.

Specific Questionnaire for the group of the Entrepreneurs:

1. How did you hear about this Workshop?

Frequency Percent

Valid Social networks 2 15.4%

Friends 10 76.9%

More than one choice 1 7.7%

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2. The workshop match all my


Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 1.00 1 7.7%

5.00 1 7.7%

7.00 3 23.1%

8.00 5 38.5%

9.00 2 15.4%

10.00 1 7.7%

Frequency Percent

Valid 1.00 1 7.7%

5.00 1 7.7%

6.00 1 7.7%

7.00 2 15.4%

8.00 3 23.1%

9.00 2 15.4%

10.00 3 23.1%

3. The workshop motivated me to do

more for Yepafrica.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00;


Frequency Percent

Valid 1.00 1 7.7%

5.00 3 23.1%

7.00 1 7.7%

8.00 5 38.5%

9.00 2 15.4%

10.00 1 7.7%

4. The program was inspiring and


Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 1.00 1 7.7%

3.00 1 7.7%

4.00 2 15.4%

5.00 2 15.4%

6.00 1 7.7%

7.00 5 38.5%

10.00 1 7.7%

5. The Workshop empowered me to do

things differently.

Average rate 6.00

Most popular answer 7.00

6. I was well informed about the

Workshop by Yepafrica before we left

to The Gambia.

Average rate 8.00

Most popular answer 8.00

Frequency Percent

Valid 1.00 1 7.7%

2.00 1 7.7%

4.00 1 7.7%

6.00 2 15.4%

7.00 1 7.7%

8.00 4 30.8%

9.00 2 15.4%

10.00 1 7.7%

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9. What are your suggestions to improve the program?

1. None.

2. None.

3. I have not participated in the workshop.

4. None.

5. -

6. No suggestions.

7. Excessive concept approaches.

8. None.

9. None.

10. No, I have not participated. The costs are quite high for a smaller company.

11. -

12. No.

13. Not from the first familiarization trip.

10. Please, let us know, what role you would like to play for Yepafrica?

1. Ambassador, I might go in the future once.

2. None.

3. Trainer coach. Entrepreneur who supports projects in Gambia.

4. None.

5. -

6. I don't know.

7. PR, communication.

8. Unknown.

9. None.

10. PR and Marketing would be to me sophisticated yet.

11. For the present I am not by other interests, but perhaps in a year you may contact me.

Frequency Percent

Valid 1.00 1 7.7%

5.00 2 15.4%

6.00 1 7.7%

7.00 3 23.1%

8.00 2 15.4%

9.00 4 30.8%

7. How would you score the hotel

accommodation and the food during

the Workshop?

Average rate 7.00

Most popular answer 9.00

8. Would you recommend this Workshop to


Frequency Percent

Valid Yes 9 69.2%

I don't know 4 30.8%

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12. For the moment I don't want to play any role. I would like to stay well informed of the


13. Establishment and expansion (e) learning center. Increase involvement / binding of

interested entrepreneurs.

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Research Project “Yeppiness”

September – November 2013

Created by Ralitsa Voronevska (internship student)

and Yepafrica’s Team