ymgysylltu digidol ac addysg / digital engagement and education - owen llywelyn

Ymgysylltu Digidol ac Addysg Digital Engagement and Education Owen Llywelyn Rheolwr Estyn Allan a Chyfranogiad Outreach and Participation Manager

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Ymgysylltu Digidol ac AddysgDigital Engagement and Education

Owen Llywelyn

Rheolwr Estyn Allan a Chyfranogiad

Outreach and Participation Manager

Page 2: Ymgysylltu Digidol ac Addysg / Digital Engagement and Education - Owen Llywelyn
Page 3: Ymgysylltu Digidol ac Addysg / Digital Engagement and Education - Owen Llywelyn

Nifer yr eitemau digidol sy'n fyw i'r cyhoeddNumber of digital items available to the public

• Archifau: 1.2 miliwn• Darluniau 98,000• Ffotograffau 273,000• Llawysgrifau 105,000• Mapiau 10,000• Papur newydd 1.1 miliwn• Cylchgronau 438,000 • Print arall 371,000

• Archives 1.2 million• Pictures 98,000• Photographs 273,000• Manuscripts 105,000• Maps 10,000• Newspapers 1.1 million• Journals 438,000 • Other printed 371,000

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Gwasanaeth Addysg y LlyfrgellThe Library’s Education Service

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Rhesymau dros ddatblygu deunyddiau dysgu digidolReasons for producing digital learning materials

• Lleoliad y Llyfrgell Genedlaethol• Mynediad i’r casgliad• Ailbwrpasu ac ailddefnyddio’r casgliad• Datblygiadau cenedlaethol• Potensial technolegau gwahanol• Cyrhaeddiad• Ategu gwaith sydd eisoes yn cael ei

gyflwyno gan Wasanaeth Addysg LLGC

• The National Library’s location• National developments• Access to the collections• Reuse and repurpose the collections• Potential of various technologies• Complement the existing work

delivered by NLW Education Service

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Ymgais gynnar: Antur Fawr Nanw, 2007An early attempt: Nanw’s Great Adventure, 2007

• Gêm gyfrifiadurol• Dysgu wrth chwarae• Hyrwyddo rhai eitemau o’r casgliad• Cyflenwr allanol• Drud i’w cynhyrchu• Prif nod: adloniant (ac addysgu)• Sylw yn y wasg

• Computer game• Learn through play• Promote items from the collection• External supplier• Expensive to produce• Main aim: to entertain (and educate)• Media attention

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2012-2017: rhaglen a dargedwyd2012-2017: a targeted programme

1. Deunyddiau dysgu digidol ar gyfer Hwb: https://hwb.cymru.gov.uk/2. Dysgu rhyngweithiol: gêmau, ymarferion rhyngweithiol ayb.3. Creu deunyddiau digidol ar y cyd â disgyblion ysgol4. Defnyddio technoleg trydydd parti fel Minecraft5. Adnoddau i gefnogi gweithdai traddodiadol

1. Digital learning materials for Hwb: https://hwb.wales.gov.uk/2. Interactive learning: games, interactive exercises and tasks3. Produce digital materials with schoolchildren4. Use third party technologies like Minecraft5. Resources that support traditional workshops

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Deunyddiau dysgu digidol ar gyfer HwbDigital learning materials for Hwb

Prosiect Addysg y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf• Partneriaeth Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ac Amgueddfa Cymru• Cefnogaeth gan Adran Addysg a Sgiliau Llywodraeth Cymru• Y Llyfrgell Genedlaethol wedi bod yn cyfrannu deunyddiau at Hwb cyn y prosiect

hwn• Y prosiect addysg yn adeiladu ar lwyddiant prosiect Cymru 1914• Cytundeb ffurfiol rhwng y Llywodraeth a’r partneriaid ynglyn â rhaglen gyhoeddi

dwy flynedd strwythuredig• Ymchwil marchnad: CwrddHwb, Grŵp Ymgynghorol o athrawon – mewnbwn wrth

lunio’r cynllun prosiect.

The First World War Education Project• The National Library of Wales and National Museum Wales partnership• Supported by Welsh Government Department of Education and Skills• The National Library had been contributing resources to Hwb prior to this project• The education project was built on the success of Cymru 1914• Formal partnership between Welsh Government and the partners regarding a

two year structured publishing programme• Market research: Hwbmeets, Advisory Group of teachers – input while the

project plan was being produced.

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Deunyddiau dysgu digidol ar gyfer HwbDigital learning materials for Hwb

Cyflwynwyd meini prawf ansawdd yn yr amlinelliad prosiect.

I gefnogi’r cwricwlwm ysgol yng Nghymru cytunwyd y byddai’r adnoddau yn:

• Ateb gofynion manylebau pynciau unigol ac yn datblygu sgiliau pwnc;• Cynnwys deunyddiau traws-gwricwlaidd; • Cefnogi’r Cwricwlwm Cymreig;• Canolbwyntio ar y Fframwaith Llythrennedd a Rhifedd Cenedlaethol;• Cynnwys rhai tasgau ar gyfer Bagloriaeth Cymru;• Adnoddau Cymreig a dwyieithog.

The project brief included specific quality criteria for the resources.

To support the school curriculum in Wales it was agreed that the resources should:

• Meet the needs of individual subject specifications and develop subject skills;• Include cross-curricular materials; • Support the Curriculum Cymreig; • Focus on The National Literacy and Numeracy Framework;• Include some tasks for the Welsh Baccalaureate• They would be Wales focused and bilingual.

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Deunyddiau dysgu digidol ar gyfer HwbDigital learning materials for Hwb

Mae’r adnoddau yn cynnwys:

• llyfrau electronig;• taflenni gwaith;• pecynnau gweithgareddau;• cynlluniau gwersi;• eitemau gwreiddiol;• cilpiau ffilm a sain;• inffograffeg• ffilmiau gan staff y prosiect.

The resources include:

• electronic books;• worksheets;• activity packs;• lesson plans;• original items;• film and sound clips;• infographics;• films produced by project staff

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Creu deunyddiau digidol ar y cyd â disgyblion ysgolProduce digital materials with schoolchildren

• Prosiect Casglu, Creu, Arloesi• Disgyblion yn creu casgliadau digidol• Cynhyrchu adnodd o’r deunyddiau hynny

• Collect, Create, Innovate project• Pupils create their own digital collections• Produce a resource from those materials

Merthyr Tudful 2015 Gwynedd 2016

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Dyma ymgais i greu rhyw fath o ddatganiad o fwriad o’r hyn rwy newydd ei ddweud:

• (Ry’n ni’n ceisio) peidio mynd am gimigoherwydd bod rhywbeth yn boblogaidd: rhaididdo gael gwerth addysgiadol sy’n hyrwyddoein casgliadau.

• Chwilio am dechnoleg sydd yno’n barod ac ailbwrpasu.

• Rhoi ein casgliadau’n ganolog i’r cyfan, a hyrwyddo’r defnydd ac ailddefnydd ohonynt.

• Dealltwriaeth o’r cwricwlwm a thechnegaudysgu cyfredol yn hollbwysig i sicrhau bod athrawon yn defnyddio’n hadnoddau.

• Gwneud adnoddau dysgu yn hawdd iathrawon eu canfod a’u defnyddio, hebwybodaeth flaenorol o bwnc.

• Golygu manwl a chyhoeddi ar Hwb.• Rhaid iddyn nhw fod yn ddiddorol , a hynny i

blant a phobl ifanc.• Peidio a bod ofn arbrofi a methu.

This is an attempt to formulate a mission statement from what I have just said:

• We try not to (!) jump on every bandwagon just because something happens to be popular: it has to have educational value and needs to promote our collections.

• Search for, and repurpose, technology that already exists.

• Make our collections central to everything, and promote their use and reuse.

• An understanding of the curriculum and current teaching techniques is all important to ensure that teachers will use our resources.

• We try to make our learning resoruces easy for teachers to find and use, without prior knowledge of a subject.

• Edit carefully and publish on Hwb.• They have to be interesting - interesting for

children and young people.• Don’t be afraid to experiment and fail.

Page 15: Ymgysylltu Digidol ac Addysg / Digital Engagement and Education - Owen Llywelyn

Ymgysylltu Digidol ac AddysgDigital Engagement and Education

Owen Llywelyn

Rheolwr Estyn Allan a Chyfranogiad

Outreach and Participation Manager

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Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymruac Amgueddfa Cymru

The National Library of Wales and Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales


1• Thema o’r rhaglen gyhoeddi

2• Ymchwil deunyddiau

3• Trefnu digido

4• Ymchwil testun

5• Syniadau am wersi a fformatau: treialu

6• Cyflwyno braslun i Lywodraeth Cymru: adborth

7• Drafft i’r rheolwr prosiect: adborth

8• Drafft i Lywodraeth Cymru: adborth

9• Cyhoeddi ar Hwb

10• Hyrwyddo parhaus

1• Theme from the publication schedule

2• Research resources

3• Digitisation process

4• Research for text

5• Ideas for lessons and formats: piloting

6• Present outline to Welsh Government: feedback

7• Draft to project manager: feedback

8• Draft to Welsh Government: feedback

9• Publish on Hwb

10• Continuous promotion