your ultimate digital marketing plan part 1 and part 2 · your ultimate digital marketing plan –...

Your Ultimate Digital Marketing Plan Part 1 and Part 2 Sunday, February 26, 2017 1:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Presented by David McBee Olathe, KS American Rental Association 1900 19th St., Moline, IL 61265 800-334-2177

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Page 1: Your Ultimate Digital Marketing Plan Part 1 and Part 2 · Your Ultimate Digital Marketing Plan – Part 2 Introduction: David McBee is an internet marketing consultant and educator

Your Ultimate Digital

Marketing Plan – Part 1 and Part 2

Sunday, February 26, 2017

1:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Presented by

David McBee Olathe, KS

American Rental Association 1900 19th St., Moline, IL 61265 800-334-2177

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Your Ultimate Digital Marketing Plan – Part 1


David McBee is an internet marketing consultant and educator who has been speaking at The Rental Show since 2012. David’s main goal is to educate ARA members on what internet marketing strategies they should be aware of, how to use them, and what to look for when outsourcing. David works with a team of strategists who specialize in the different categories of interent marketing and has had the privilege of working with many members of the ARA over the years.

Why internet marketing is so important:

____% of US adults go online every day. ____% go online “several times a day.” 21% admit to being online “_________ ____________.” The average person spends ____ hours and ____ minutes on electronic devices. That’s 20 minutes more than the average night of sleep. The internet accounted for ____% of average daily media use in 2010. This number is set to reach nearly ____% in 2017. ____% of shoppers research online and buy offline. Consumers gather information for ____ days before making a purchase. 88% of shoppers make their final purchase ____ ____ ________. Americans use their smartphones nearly ____ hours a day. ____% of that time is spent in apps. ____% of Millennials (ages 18-34) report never leaving their mobile device. ____% of Baby Boomers access their smartphones more often than they used to. People are 5 times more likely to abandon a website if it isn’t ____________ ____ ____________.

Three Kinds of Shoppers

Shoppers who SEARCH for your business online, using ________ ________ Shoppers who ask for REFERRALS from their ________ ________ ____________. Shoppers who ALREADY KNOW YOU and go ________ ____ ________ ________.

Strategic Web Design - What you need to know

Place your most important content ________ ____ ________. Include a ________ ____ ________. Include a ________ feature. ____________ should be clear and easy.

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Include robust ____________ ____________. Include lots of clean and attractive ________. ________ portrays the personality of your business in a way that images and content can’t. Search Engines and customers appreciate ________ content. Social media ________ ____ ____– to include or not to include? Make sure the site is device ____________.

Strategic Web Design – DIY

Website should be built by a professional web designer, but be knowledgeable about how to ____________ and ____________ the site. Only you can provide quality ________, ________, ________, etc.

Strategic Web Design - Outsource

Hire a professional to build your site. Outsource certain elements like ____________ responsiveness, the inclusion of a ________ feature, navigation or theme updates.

Search Engine Optimization - What you need to know

The algorithm for ranking your site changes over 500 times per year. The basics: Clean HTML, Title Tags, ________ Descriptions Site ________ Device responsive Internal linking Tagged ________ Evergreen ________ Headlines Comments ________ Signals ____________ of your site is defined by links to your site

Search Engine Optimization – DIY

You have control over the SEO elements that have the most impact: ____________ and ____________ signals.

Search Engine Optimization – Outsource

Outsource an SEO expert to handle the rest. Beware ________ ________tactics like bad links. If done incorrectly, these can penalize your site.

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Local Maps Optimization - What you need to know

Maps is a completely different database than the rest of Google. Maps changes often too. It has gone from ________ to ________ to now ________ listings on page one. Ranking depends mostly on actual ____________ ____________. Ranking is impacted by content on other ____________. Over ____% of businesses have errors in their addresses. Get your NAPs (________, ________, ________) in order. They need to be exactly the same. Listings must have robust content. Claim your “Google My Business” listing and keep it current. ____________ impact local ranking

Local Maps Optimization – DIY

Claim your business on as many ____________ as you can. Update and ____________ your listings on these directories.

Local Maps Optimization - Outsource

Google cares more about what the ________ ________ ________ ________________ say about you than what you say about you.




Infogroup Wrong info with one of these providers can mean wrong information ____________. Many are uneditable, change back over time, and new ones are added every day. Pay for a service that ____________ your data to these providers. “Google Local Guides” have the ability to make changes that you can’t.

Paid Search Marketing - What you need to know

Paid search has more ability to rank your site on the first page of Google and drive traffic to your site than any other tactic. Paid search outranks ________ and ____________ results. Paid search appears ________ the ________. Paid search works on a keyword ________ process. “He who pays the most, wins” … kinda. ________ ________ is determined by the trifecta: Keyword + Ad Copy + Landing Page

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Budgets can be optimized based on season, products, services, day of the week, time of the day, business goals… Results are ____________. Because paid search works on a ________ platform, ROI always works out. And paid search isn’t just for Google, Bro.

Paid Search Marketing – DIY

Get educated. There’s an art and science to ____________ ____________, writing the ads, adjusting the budget, optimizing the campaign and keeping up with changes.

Paid Search Marketing - Outsource

Hire a Google AdWords ____________ company. Insist on access to an account manager and ____________ of data. Never agree to a ________-________ commitment, but don’t expect perfection right out of the gate.

Thank you for attending today’s event. If you have a question about any of these topics, or anything related to internet marketing, please reach out to David at your convenience. David McBee [email protected] 913-915-4282 @davidmcbee on twitter Your testimonial is appreciated. Please visit to share your experience with others.

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Your Ultimate Digital Marketing Plan – Part 2


David McBee is an internet marketing consultant and educator who has been speaking at The Rental Show since 2012. David’s main goal is to educate ARA members on what internet marketing strategies they should be aware of, how to use them, and what to look for when outsourcing. David works with a team of strategists who specialize in the different categories of interent marketing and has had the privilege of working with many members of the ARA over the years.

Social Media - What you need to know

The average American spends over ____ hours a day on social networking sites and apps.

18-34 year-olds spend ____hours/day 35-49 year-olds spend ____ hours/day 50-64 year-olds spend ____hours/day

Which channels? Facebook ____ billion users Instagram ____ million users Twitter ____ million users Snapchat ____ million users

Americans check their social media accounts ____ times a day, or once every waking hour. The average mobile user spends nearly ____ hours a month on social media apps. That’s ____% of the total time spent on mobile apps. The key to success on social media is ________________. Stop Talking. Start Listening. Rules of Engagement at a social event:

Get to know others before talking about yourself. Participate in conversations. Attend regularly. Be interesting.

Rules of Engagement on social media: Like other pages before posting. Interact with other pages or people on social networks. Post regularly. Post interesting content.

Edgerank Algorithm:

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__________ __________: Measures relationships based on interactions. ________: Measures the value of the content. ________: Measures the freshness of the post.

In order for your followers to see your organic posts… they must ________ with your posts: like, comment, share Organic VS Paid

Between Feb 2012 and March 2014, organic reach dropped from ____% to ____% A page with 10,000 fans can expect to reach about ____ of them.

With organic reach declining, it’s time to start treating Facebook like a ________ platform. Boosted Posts: Fans of your page, friends of fans, limited audience targeting such as age, ________, location and interests. Paid Ads: Advanced targeting and more options such as advanced demographics, behavior, education, work and other ________ targeting.

Control placement of ads in ________ ________or ________ ________. Use of conversion pixels and Google Analytics ________ codes.

You’re doing it wrong.

You’re constantly talking about your own business. You’re constantly promoting special offers and discounts. You’re posting less than ________ ________. You fail to respond quickly to ________ fans.

Measuring Results ____: click through rate ____: cost per impression ____: cost per click Impressions/Reach Website conversions Page like Link click Video play Share ____ installation Event RSVP Tracking URL tags Understand that a lot of the results of social media will ______ ____ measurable.

Social Media – DIY

No one has access to ________ ________ like you do. No one can capture the ________ of your business like you can.

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Social Media – Outsource

Leveraging the power of social media is actually a ________ ____ ________. Professionals keep up with ________ ________ and changes to current channels. Insist on access to an account manager and ____________ of data. Never agree to a ________-________ commitment. Don’t expect immediate results. Relationship building is a long-term process.

Content Marketing - What you need to know

Definition: a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to ________ and ________ a clearly defined audience. Content influences buyers. Thanks to ________, your customers are more educated than ever before. Content can be articles, photos, infographics and/or ________. Search Engines love content – and they like it robust, unique and ________. Make a plan to reach your audience. What interests them? What are they most likely to ________? Distribute the content via email, social media, and even ____________ ________.

Content Marketing – DIY

No one knows your ____________ like you do. No one knows your ____________ like you do. You are the ________. You are the authority. You are the thought leader.

Content Marketing – Outsource

Maybe you aren’t a ________. Maybe you aren’t a photographer Maybe you aren’t a graphic designer. Maybe you aren’t a videographer. Maybe you don’t have the ________… or the ____________ to create content. Maybe you do, but need help ________________ what you create.

Display Advertising - What you need to know

The internet is ________ because of paid ads on the majority of (non-retail) websites.

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The opportunity to promote your business, your brand and your products is unprecedented. Thanks to new targeting techniques, there are less ________ ____________.

Site Retargeting shows ads to people who have ____________ your website and then left. Search Retargeting shows your ads to people are ____________ the web for your products and services. Keyword Contextual targeting shows your ads to people who are ________ ____________ that is relevant to your products and services. Category Contextual targeting places your ads on sites that are ____________ to your industry. Geotargeting and Geofencing allows your business to show ads to users based on their ____________ ____________.

Measuring results ____: click through rate ____: cost per impression ____: cost per click Impressions/Reach The value of branding is nearly ____________ to measure.

Display Advertising – DIY

If you have graphic design skills, you can build your own ____. The Google Display Network is an inexpensive option, but has ____________ targeting options.

Display Advertising – Outsource

____________ often have access to technology and ad exchanges This means they can provide better targeting and more inventory options than can be accessed by individual business owners. Look to ____________ media companies and digital agencies. Insist on an ____________ ____________ and quality reporting.

Mobile & Geofencing - What you need to know

Americans use their smartphones nearly ____ hours a day. ____% of that time is spent in apps. ____% of Millennials (ages 18-34) report never leaving their mobile device. ____% of Baby Boomers access their smartphones more often than they used to. Geofencing allow a business to target users who have visited a specific location.

Retarget people who have visited ________ ____________. Target people who are visiting your ________________.

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Target an audience based on a ____________ ____________. ________ targeting can show ads to users at a specific event during a specific time and date. Ads are served in ________ and via mobile browsers. Some technology even matches users across devices.

Mobile & Geofencing – DIY

There aren’t many DIY geofencing options available at this time.

Mobile & Geofencing - Outsource

Geofencing companies have partnered with ____________ media companies and ________ agencies to offer this technology to SMBs. Insist on an ________ ____________ and quality reporting.

Thank you for attending today’s event. If you have a question about any of these topics, or anything related to internet marketing, please reach out to David at your convenience. David McBee [email protected] 913-915-4282 @davidmcbee on twitter Your testimonial is appreciated. Please visit to share your experience with others.

Page 11: Your Ultimate Digital Marketing Plan Part 1 and Part 2 · Your Ultimate Digital Marketing Plan – Part 2 Introduction: David McBee is an internet marketing consultant and educator

Is Marketing That Important?

Understand why marketing is important and learn to view marketing as an investment in your business instead of a line item expense.

Developing a Marketing Plan

You wouldn’t go into business without a plan and marketing your business should be no different.

How to Plan a Marketing Budget

Marketing is an investment in your business and should generate a positive return.

It’s All About Branding

When people think of your business, what words would you want them to use to describe it?

Using Public Relations and Advertising

There are so many ways to broadcast your marketing message - how do you know what outlet is right for you to use?

Online Marketing Basic

Get your share of the ever growing online consumer market by learning how to get your message out effectively to those looking for rental stores.

Enhance Your Website for Search Engines

Making sure your site is built to be search engine friendly is key to increasing your online traffic and thus converting business.

Social Media and Your Business

With the growing popularity of social media platforms, which should you use and how does it benefit your business?

Marketing Matters

Marketing Minutes … All part of ARA working for youFor more information, go to

Why Marketing is Important

How to Develop a Marketing Plan

Tips for Creating a Budget

In mere minutes, you can learn:

The Importance of Branding

Online Marketing Strategies

Pay-per-click advertising is a powerful tool to help you attract new customers. Learn more about how this flexible and effective marketing activity can benefit your business.