yulya ivchenko cheholka (2)

ПЛАН-КОНСПЕКТ УРОКУ АНГЛ. МОВИ У 9 КЛАСІ Тема уроку: MOTHER ENGLISH. Навчальна мета уроку: - Розкрити перед учнями зміст необхідності вивчення англійської мови, та навчити їх висловлювати свою думку щодо цього; - Ознайомити учнів елементами відмінності британського та американського варіантів англійської мови. Виховна мета уроку: - Виховувати в учнів почуття любові до англійської мови. - Виховувати в учнів почуття поваги до традицій, культури та національних атрибутів англомовних країн; толерантність; відповідальність. Розвиваюча мета уроку: - Розвивати в учнів навички аудіювання, читання та усного мовлення, лінгвістичний та краєзнавчий кругозір, пізнавальні здібності та логічне мислення. - Орієнтувати десятикласників на вибір професії, пов’язаної з використанням англійської мови. ХІД УРОКУ 1. Початок уроку 1

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Навчальна мета уроку:

- Розкрити перед учнями зміст необхідності вивчення англійської мови, та навчити

їх висловлювати свою думку щодо цього;

- Ознайомити учнів елементами відмінності британського та американського

варіантів англійської мови.

Виховна мета уроку:

- Виховувати в учнів почуття любові до англійської мови.

- Виховувати в учнів почуття поваги до традицій, культури та національних

атрибутів англомовних країн; толерантність; відповідальність.

Розвиваюча мета уроку:

- Розвивати в учнів навички аудіювання, читання та усного мовлення, лінгвістичний

та краєзнавчий кругозір, пізнавальні здібності та логічне мислення.

- Орієнтувати десятикласників на вибір професії, пов’язаної з використанням

англійської мови.


1. Початок уроку - Привітання.

T - Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

S - Good morning, teacher.

T – Take your seats, please. Let's have some English practice.

- Розмова з черговими.

T – Who is happy to be on duty today?

S – I am. Everybody is present. Today is Friday, the 23-rd of October. Let me greet our

guests and wish them to get a lot of positive impressions during our lessons.

T – Thank you very much.


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- Постановка мети та завдань уроку.

T – Today I'm going to talk with you about English, the language we study. As far as you know,

English has been one of the most spread foreign languages in the world for many centuries. It is

used not only in England and the USA but also in other parts of the world. Over three hundred

and fifty million people speak it as their first language, and the same number use it as the

second language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it nowadays. English has

become an international language. It is an official language in 44 countries. In many countries

it is the language of business, commerce and technology. That's why the motto of our today's

lesson is "English is the key which opens the door to the world".

- Введення учнів в іншомовну атмосферу.


T – Very often we use English even more often than we think we do. Everybody has a work-

book. Take them, please and let's write a dictation. Try to understand the names of car

models' spelling.




T – And now let's do an association activity. Let's make a spidegraph "Why do we study

English?" e.g.

to use a computer

(to use the Internet)

to read (books,

magazines, newspapers)

to speak

to travel abroad

to understand songs

to be modern

to read operating


in mobile


to work abroad


We study English …

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to watch TV


in business

in sport

to get information

2. Основна частина уроку. - Пред'явлення відео для аудіювання.

- Етап підготовки до прослуховування тексту.

T – Be so kind to take your workbooks and find task two there. Please match the English words

with their Ukrainian equivalents.

mother tongueamazingtranslationto communicatedisappointdisgustingskillspatienceto master




рідна моваспілкуватисядивовижний

- Етап прослуховування тексту для аудіювання.

T – Listen to the compositions of our pupils and try to get the idea of their reasoning for

learning English. Be ready to answer some questions.


Two thousand years ago English didn't exist. A thousand years ago it was a language

used by less than 2 million people. Now it is the most important language in the world,

spoken by more than a billion people on the planet, half of them speak it as a mother

tongue. It has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language.

I learn English because it's a pleasure to realize that I can communicate with people of

different nationalities.

I learn English to understand the lyrics of English songs, though sometimes they

disappoint me: the music is beautiful, but the words are disgusting.

I have been studying English for 8 years, German for 2 years. I have begun to study

Spanish. I want also to learn Polish. I'm not a polyglot. Did you know that one of the most


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famous polyglots was Cardinal Giuseppe Mezzofanti, who used 58 languages, and was

familiar with a total of 114 languages and dialects?


Learning foreign languages is especially important nowadays. English is the

language of international communication. It is the language of progressive science

and technology, trade, business and commerce. It is the language of international

shipping, aviation, sports etc. People have different reasons for learning foreign

languages. Some need them in their work, others travel abroad, and for some of them

studying languages is a hobby. As for me I am interested in learning languages because

when we learn a language we learn not only letters and sounds, but also we learn the

history, traditions and culture of the country the language of which is the subject of our


Of course, learning foreign languages is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that

takes a lot of time and patience. But it is worth doing. T – What mistakes have you noticed in the interviews?


P2 – We say INTERESTED but not INTE ' RESTED.

P3 – We say CULTURE put not CULTURE

- Етап перевірки розуміння прослуханого.

T – Task 3 from your workbooks provides you with some questions. Look them through and

be ready to answer them.

* How many people speak English nowadays?

Nowadays more than a billion people speak English. Half of them use it as a

mother language.

* Why does the second pupil prefer learning English?

The second pupil prefers learning English because she likes to study the

history and traditions of other countries.

* How many languages and dialects did Cardinal Giuseppe Mezzofanti know?

This person knew114 languages and dialects.


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* Why do some English songs disappoint the first pupil?

Some English songs disappoint the first pupil because their music is really

beautiful, but the words are disgusting.

* How many languages does the first pupil study? What are they?

She studies English, German and Spanish.

* The second pupil has said that English is the language of television and art, is it true?

No, you are wrong. She has said that English is the language of science,

technology, business shipping, aviation and sports.

T – I think now it is time to ask about your attitude towards the Mother English. Tell us,

please, Why do you personally study this language?

P1 – I study English because I want to get a good job and get much money

P2 - I study English because like to listen to the foreign songs.

P3 – I study English because I like to travel very much.

P4 – In my opinion we have no choice. We study English because it is the

school subject.

P5 - I study English because I want to work abroad.

P6 – I study English because I like it very much. I love it.

P7 - I study English because I use the Internet very often. It is impossible

without English.

- Пред’явлення тексту English для читання, впр120, ст.. 30-31 (робота з


T – Tell me, please, my dear students, in what countries is the English Language used as the

national language?

P1 – As far as I remember English is the national language for such countries as the USA,

Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, of course.

T – Right you are. Now you shall read a text giving you more information about it. Open you

books, please at page 30. Find exercise 120. You can see seven words after the text.

Pronounce them properly

- Читання з метою отримання загального уявлення про текст, що читається.


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T – Read the text and be ready to tell me what is it about?

P1- The text is about the differences between English of the United States that of


T – What differences are these?

P2 – The differences are in spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.

T – Yes. These differences are very often discussed. By the way, our 11-th former

Shapovalov Egor works at this problem. He can give you much information.

I'm going to give you some principal differences between British and American English

vocabulary. Look at the tables you have on the desks and study them.

T – You can see the flags of the US and GB on your desks. Please, make two groups

according to the state flag. Let's make a sort of contest.

P1 – What is the American English for …

P2 – The American English for … is … and what is the British English for … .

P3 - The British English for … is … and what is the American English for … .

T – Let's get back to your work books. Find task four there. Please. Translate the sentences

into the BrE and AmE correspondently.

Моя квартира дуже зручна. Я купив її цієї осені.

Величезна вантажівка зупинилася біля тротуару.

"Пірати карибського моря – дуже популярний фільм". Я думаю, що перед

кінотеатром буде велика черга

Сніданок у дитячому садку складається з вівсяної каші, печива та цукерок.

Де тут туалет?

T – Excellent! I knew you could do it! "English is really the key which opens the

door to the world". Now let's do the final task from your workbooks. Complete the

sentences and guess the ending of the one written on the blackboard:


P1 – English is the official language of Eurovision.

T – Why do you think so?


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P1 – Because just now we were given the text of a song which was sang by Al. Rybak and

got the Grand Prix at this modern music festival.

T – You've discovered a secret! It is really so. Listen to the song, my dear students and

check whether you are right or no.

Years ago when I was youngerI kinda' liked a girl I knew.She was mine, and we were_____________,That was then, but then it's trueI'm ___________ with a ____________Even though it hurts.'Cause I don't care if I lose my mind;I'm already cursedEvery day we started____________,Every night we fell in love.No one else could make me sadder,But no one else ______________high aboveI don't know what I was doingBut _____________we fell apart.Nowadays I cannot find her.But when I do we'll get a brand new ____________…

Start, in love, fighting, sweethearts, could lift me, suddenly, fairytale.

3. Заключна частина уроку. - Підведення підсумків уроку.

T - This is the end. You have received a lot of information about the English Language

today. I hope you have come to a conclusion to work hard at learning it. I'm sure that your

independent future life will show you the positive results of this learning. I'm really happy to

have such fantastic pupils and such honorable guests.

- Домашнє завдання .

T - Don't forget about the home task. Make a project titled "English is a World Language"

and complete it with a syncan verse. You already know how to write them.


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American Ukrainian British

Apartment Flat КвартираBathtub Bath ВаннаElevator Lift ЛіфтFaucet Tap КранCan Tin Консервна банкаCandy Sweets ЦукеркиCookie Biscuit ПечивоCorn Maize КукурудзаFrench fries Chips Смажена картопляOatmeal Porridge Вівсяна кашаGrade Form КласKindergarten Infants' school ДитсадокSubway/Metro Tube/Underground МетроRestroom Public Toilet Громадський туалетThe movies The cinema КінотеатрStore Shop МагазинGasoline Petrol БензинTruck Lorry ВантажівкаSidewalk Path ТротуарLine Queue ЧергаHighway Main road ШосеMailman Postman ЛистоношаMailbox Postbox Поштова скринькаSoccer Football ФутболVacation Holiday КанікулиLast name Surname ПрізвищеMom Mum МамаPants Trousers БрюкиSneakers Trainers/Gym shoes КросівкиFall Autumn Осінь


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