za makedonskite raboti magazine


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ZMR's mission is to be actively involved in cultural, political and social affairs related to the global Macedonian community that will help uplift the awareness of Macedonian identity, regarding its rich culture, tradition, history and unique experiences.


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З а м а к Е Д о н с к И т Е Р а Б о т И

w w w . z a m a k e d o n s k i t e r a b o t i . o r g



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КОНВЕНШ’Н 2009Фото коЛаЖ


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З а м а к Е Д о н с к И т Е Р а Б о т И

BAPTISM/кРштЕваЊЕ - Overview

INTERVIEW - Zoran Tasevski

маРатонот како ЖИвотЕн стИЛ - разговор со весна Игинес и Горан мицковски

HIGH CHOLESTEROL - healthy advices from PhD Ofelija Ilievska

STUDYING IN MACEDONIA – interview with Nick Naumoff

конвЕн’шн / CONVENTION - преглед на Црковниот собир




INTERVIEW – Ivanco Talevski











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Page 3: Za Makedonskite Raboti Magazine


w w w . z a m a k e d o n s k i t e r a b o t i . o r g

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The printed edition of Za Makedonskite Raboti (ZMR) is an effort to summarize, analyze and categorize a two year personal dedication in documenting and exploring the

Macedonian community in North America. With a proactive ap-proach and great passion for learning, we closely engaged in forging relationships with people encountered, documenting their stories and their point of view. In this direct approach, we strongly focused on objectivity and immediate personal experi-ences. Through this period we visited most of the Macedonian communities in USA and Canada, we took more then 5000 pho-tos, recorded more then 100 videos, and published few articles telling what we learned about the Macedonian diaspora. Most of the material we shared with our friends electronically through internet, utilizing the alternative broadcasting and social media (YouTube & Facebook), through an actual presentation, or just a simple conversation. We tried to bring an original approach, not seen on a mainstream media before. We personally believe we were successful, or as successful as we could be, with limited time and resources. After all, the whole ‘project’ was solemnly produced, executed, edited and presented by our engagement and personal accessories. The whole initiative is a non-profit endeavor purely based on our passion to create it, and it was probably the only thing we had sufficient, to produce and pres-ent all of the documented material. We depend on our passion as we depend on you, our dear reader, and your interest in our visual storytelling, as a measure of our success. We tried to present personal stories of everyday people, with Macedonian perspective in focus. We enjoyed creating every piece, and we hope you’ll find enjoyment in going throughout the pages of our first edition of the ZMR magazine. Only through our mutual interest we can make this initiative a trustworthy and reliable visual journal of the Macedonian diaspora. A journal that ev-erybody interested in the Macedonian matters can turn to for a reliable information. The magazine was born out of passion and out of necessity, with the quality in mind, and the way we see it, is one in very few. Macedonian community is small, but our strength comes from unity, respect and love. This is what we are trying to build, and share. We hope, you enjoy in our storytelling.

We would like to say thank you to all our friends and supporters who have contributed towards making this project a reality. It took time and lots of effort, but it is here and we are grateful to you.

We also welcome any suggestion and constructive criticism to-wards improving the future format of this publication.

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Baptism cleanses the soul and through baptism, we also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is our first step toward belonging and becoming like Christ and receiving the full benefits of His redemption. Those who have not received the sacrament of Baptism are not permitted to receive any of the other sacraments of the church.

I present to you your child, baptized and confirmed, dedicated to God.

”Baby Mathew Paunov is being baptised by Reverend Rubinco Aceskiin the Macedonian churchof Sts. Kiril i Metodij, Willowbrook

photography by


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мајката Драгана алексовски ја подготвува мaлата кате за крштевање.

While the Six Week Blessing is done at the six weeks, the baptism is done at the decision of the parents.

To the Macedonian family, the christening of a baby brings great happiness. The godparents speak on behalf of the child. They blow three times in the air and spit three times on the floor as a symbol of rejecting Satan. Turning toward the altar, the godparents declare their belief in Christ and the Or-thodox Church. They promise to raise the child as a good Christian. The child is then placed in the open arms of the god-parents holding a white towel as a symbol of the soul’s purity. The child is anointed with Holy Chrism, a special oil symbolizing the seal of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In a sense, the child is invisibly “marked” as a belonging to God in Jesus Christ. A lock is cut from the child’s hair as a symbol of complete obedience. The priest blesses the new clothing brought by the godparents. The mother and godmather dress the child and the priest puts a neck-lace with a cross around the child’s neck. He repeats the words of Mark 8:34, “If any of you wants to be my fol-lower, ...shoulder your cross, and follow me.” Baptism of a Child With the decorated baptismal candles lit, the priest and the godparents holding the child, walk around the font as a joyful dance for the newest Christian member of the church. The parents then approach the godparents and their child is handed to them with the words



“I present to you your child, baptized and confirmed, dedicated to God.”

The Paunov family is one big happy family, and for sure they are greatfull the convention has been around, after all, it’s where John and Jennifer met.

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Being the first president of a church board in the diaspora, born in USA, and the youngest,

are just a couple of many attributes characterizing this passionate young man that at 27 years of age has as-sumed a very responsible position in a very challenging times.

Tell us little bit about yourself and your life, it sims the age has never been an obstacle for you.

I was born in La Grange, IL in 1980. At age of 3, my family moved back to Macedonia and we lived in Bitola, where I went to school till 6th grade. In 1991, we returned to America and I started junior high. Contin-ued my education at Morton west high school in Berwyn IL. After High School, proceeded to College and I got my Bachelors in Engineering Management at the University of Il-linois in Chicago. When I was about 16 I started my working carrier at

the Trane company heating and air conditioning company, where I start-ed as a cad draftsmen. During my 6 years there I took on many different jobs. I was the youngest engineer at the age of 19 and the youngest project manager for the company at the age of 20 and a sales en-gineer at 21. A year after, due to the sale of the company, I started working for a general contractor in Schaumburg. About 6 months later, in 2004 I started my own consulting engineering company, Zoran & As-sociates. The company started with only myself and two retired engi-neers that were working part time. The first year was the toughest, but we got through with dedication and focusing on the goals. Not too long after, we opened our first division of the company which is a heating and air conditioning, followed by a property management company and then our general contracting divi-sion. Our company these days is Zoran & Associates Companies and we are present in two cities in the US, Chicago and Atlanta.

You’ve been involved with the church almost all your life. How did every-thing started?

After coming back to America I used to go to church and hang out with my cousins at the dances. I was never involved in the dance group, but par-ticipated in the youth group for a bit. After the youth group disbanded in 1992-1993, I came back to help the church in 1996. Kole Milenkov was the president that I served under during that time. I was a member of the board until 2007 and served under many different presidents. I

also worked at the church bingo for the last 8 years, as a volunteer and a manager for 4 years. In 2008 I be-came the youngest board president at the age of 27. Also, I was the first president of our church born in America.

What has changed in the work of the board and in the community?

With the new board we brought a new financial system of work. We’ve also had numerous property im-provement projects including a wa-terfall, 10,000 sf picnic facility, and many outdoor and indoor renova-tions, which promote our Macedo-nian history and traditions. Another addition was the formation of the Macedonian Humanitarian Organiza-tion Sv Kiril i Metodij which recently donated a $7000 industrial dryer to the orphanage in Bitola. We con-tinue to focus on the youth at our church to keep them connected by means of events such as bowling outings, and Great America trips. We restarted classes for Macedonian language and Veronauka as well as the first formed English as a Second Language class. We are working to-wards building relationships in our community which includes ties with our friends in the community, state and Chicago police as well as par-ticipating in other voluntary events. Our hard work and new ideas have made this a successful year resulting in financial success.

The church in every Macedonian community in the diaspora besides the religious, is also a center of the cultural and social life. I guess that roll is the same for this community?


3MP6 AUGUST, 2009

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Today, the role our church, Sv Kiril i Metodij plays in the Macedonian community is significantly different than when it began over 25 years ago. Our mission has extended far beyond that of maintaining what we have built, to become much more of a catalyst in creating strong, healthy community by build-ing partnerships, each working towards a common goal. The church is the lifeline of our Macedonian community in Chicago and we, at the Executive Board, recognize the scope of our responsibility and the significance of our successes, large and small. Activism is not the responsibility of a select few; we must each take action to develop, progress and protect our community that our predecessors build. Building awareness and an enlightened citizenry means reaching out on many levels to share knowl-edge, spread wisdom, and nurture ties to tradition that cannot be broken.

What are your personal goals and how do you see your work in future?

Personal goals would be to continue growing my business and focus more on my family. As for the community, the hopes that I have is for our church to keep growing and for the next leaders to build on everything that this board has done. I will per-sonally stand 100 percent behind the next leaders of this church in hopes that one day when we’re old and gray, we have a place that children and grandchildren can participate in and be proud of. I am very pleased to be a part of the Sv Kiril i Metodij Board of Directors, and we will continue to do what matters - and that is to improve the well-being of people who live in our community.

“Beginning with children, the future leaders of our world, the board has planned education programs that inspire cu-riosity, discovery, and respect for the Macedonian culture and tradition that sustains us. Students could learn basics and principals by studying, applying their understanding to practical uses in the classroom and throughout the school community. Religion engages our community, forges per-sonal connections and advances our mission. “ - says Zoran Tasevski

Mate kissing the cross, Vodici, 2009

The church community in Willowbrook, Illinois is one of the smaller communities in the diaspora but due to its cultural involvement

in the wider Chicago area is definitelly one of the most vibrant ones, The church Sts Kiril i Metodij was founded 1979 in Berwyn, Ilinois. In 1992 the new church was built in Willowbrook, where today most of the Macedonians are attending sunday mass and celebrating the religious holidays. Црквата св св кирил и методиј е основана1979 год во Бервин, Илиноис. ново изградената црква во вилоубрук е осветена 1992 година.



Moments of lithurgy and communion, Easter 2007

Top Left - The first board under presidency of Zoran Tasevski, Sts Kiril i Metodij, WIllowbrook, 2008


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маРатонот како ЖИвотЕн стИЛ


Vесна Инигес, родена Најдовска, веќе 35 години живее со семејството во Холандија и скоро целиот свој живот го има поминато

во активно спортување. Со сопругот Антонио се одлучуваат да го продадат фамилијираниот бизнис, и слободното време го посветуваат во подготовки на трчање маратони. Чикашкиот маратон и беше трет во годината но не и последен. “Суштината на маратонот”, вели таа ”не е во натпреварот туку во подготовките и дисциплината. Секојдневниот тренинг од по неколку часа, начинот на живеење, а секако и патувањето низ светот и пријателствата стекнати се задоволство само посебе. Македонија ја посетувам три до четири пати годишно и кога трчам покрај Вардар приметувам дека се повеќе жени трчаат, што посебно ме радува. Мое мислење е дека за трчање не постои годишна граница.” Нејзината препорака е доколку секој има време, да се посвети на ваков начин на живот, што значи, здрава храна, тренирање, и не само трчање но и фитнес. Само со патики и маица, можеш да го поминеш светот, а воедно да одржуваш физичка кондиција и духовна благосостојба.

”Јас сум искусна маратонка од 54 години” - вели весна кога ја прашавме како се чувствува после истрчаниот маратон

Aгњешка Јакуш, весна Инигес и Емил Ивановски - Чикаго, октомври 2008


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ГоРан мИЦковскИ

ЧИкаГо маРатон



Gорд на својата маичка на која стои “Македонија има само едно име” (Macedonia Has Only One Name) Горан Мицковски, финансиски адвокат од Лондон,

за прв пат минатата година во Париз ја промовираше својата порака, а тоа е Македонија за НАТО. Оваа година, во април носејќи ја истата порака Горан го истрча и Лондонскиот маратон. Една од причините за трчањето - како што вели - е да се промовира македонската кауза, а меѓу другото и да се провери физичката подготвеност. Со трчање се занимава извесно време но веќе втора година како трча маратон. Првиот маратон му е берлинскиот маратон во 2007. Маратонот во Чикаго, којшто му беше трет по ред во својата маратонска кариера, го заврши доста успешно и беше задоволен како од организацијата на маратонот така и од самиот град и неговата архитектура. За Чикаго вели дека иако градот ја нема историјата на европските метрополи сепак е привлечен на специфичен начин и се осеќа интернационалниот дух. Запрашан што мисли околу ситуацијата со името, Горан спомна дека живеел во Австралија и дека моментално живее во Лондон, но и покрај се, тој секогаш се чувствувал и ќе се чувствува Македонец. “Едноставно не можеме да си дозволиме да го изгубиме идентитетот” - вели тој. “Сепак членството во НАТО и во ЕУ е приоритет па според ситуацијата во која се наоѓа, Македонија тешко ќе излезе без некаков вид на компромис. Колку што можам да видам владата во Македонија има поставено граница до која може да се преговара и се надевам меѓународната заедница ќе вложи напор и притисок и кон споротивната страна. Досега изгледа дека само ние компромизираме.Во игра се вредни работи, идентитетот но и интеграцијата. Mое гледиште е доколку сте во преговори тогаш сте спремни да компромизирате, инаку преговорите се безмислени.

www.zamakedonsk i terabot i .org

Околу 40,000 искусни маратонци и ентузијасти зедоа учество на Чикашкиот маратон. Поради ова, беше невозможно да се стапи во контакт со Горан, кој до тогаш не го ни познавав a камоли да го препознаам. Од преоптеретеност на мобилната мрежа, ниту пак можеше да се лоцира или да се следи неговиот прогрес. Единствениот начин на којшто можевме да оствариме контакт е тој да не најде нас. Го истакнавме знамето внимателно без да пречиме. Со Горан се видовме дури вечерта кога се врати во својот хотел. Но затоа пак со истакнатото знаме го привлековме вниманието на Весна Инигес (спротивна страна) и Шејн Бел (долу). Шејн две години има живеено во Оризари, Кочанско во состав на УСАИД. Бев пријатно изненаден од нејзиното владење со македонскиот јазик, а таа од нашата акција.

Знак на распознавање

со шејн Бел


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ЗДРав ЖИвот

When not enough oxygen-carrying blood reaches the heart chest pain, called angina, can result. If the blood supply to a portion of the heart is completely cut off by total block-age of a coronary artery, the result is a heart attack. This is usually due to a sudden closure from a blood clot forming on top of a previous narrowing.

Types of Cholesterol

Cholesterol travels through the blood attached to a protein -- this cholesterol-protein package is called a lipoprotein. Lipoproteins are classified as high density, low density, or very low density, depending on how much protein there is in relation to fat.

Low density lipoproteins (LDL): LDL, also called “bad” cho-lesterol, can cause buildup of plaque on the walls of arter-ies. The more LDL there is in the blood, the greater the risk of heart disease.

High density lipoproteins (HDL): HDL, also called “good” cholesterol, helps the body get rid of bad cholesterol in the blood. The higher the level of HDL cholesterol, the better. If your levels of HDL are low, your risk of heart disease increases.

Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL): VLDL is similar to LDL cholesterol in that it contains mostly fat and not much pro-tein.

Triglycerides: Triglycerides are another type of fat that is carried in the blood by very low density lipoproteins. Excess calories, alcohol or sugar in the body are converted into triglycerides and stored in fat cells throughout the body.

What Factors Affect Cholesterol Levels?

A variety of factors can affect your cholesterol levels. They include:Diet. Saturated fat and cholesterol in the food you eat in-crease cholesterol levels. Try to reduce the amount of satu-rated fat and cholesterol in your diet.

Weight. In addition to being a risk factor for heart disease, being overweight can also increase your cholesterol. Losing weight can help lower your LDL and total cholesterol levels, as well as increase HDL cholesterol.

Exercise. Regular exercise can lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol. You should try to be physically active for 30 minutes on most days.

Have you been diagnosed with high cholesterol? Is lower-ing your cholesterol a goal? The first step is to find out: what is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance made in the liver and found in certain foods, such as food from animals, like dairy products (whole milk), eggs and meat.

The body needs some cholesterol in order to function properly. Its cell walls, or membranes, need cholesterol in order to produce hormones, vitamin D and the bile acids that help to digest fat. But, the body needs only a small amount of cholesterol to meet its needs. When too much is present health problems such as coronary heart disease may develop.

What is a Coronary Heart Disease?

When too much cholesterol is present, plaque (a thick, hard deposit) may form in the body’s arteries narrowing the space for blood to flow to the heart. Over time, this buildup causes atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) which can lead to heart disease.



совети за поздрав живот од Др офелија Илиевскa

Др офелија Илиевски работи во Northwestern Health-care Hospital. Др Илиевскa е член на црквата св кирил и методиј во Хинсдејл.Ofelija Ilievska, PhD works at the Northwestern Healthcare Hospital.


3MP10 AUGUST, 2009

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Age and Gender. As we get older, cholesterol levels rise. Before menopause, women tend to have lower total cho-lesterol levels than men of the same age. After meno-pause, however, women’s LDL levels tend to rise.

Diabetes. Poorly controlled diabetes increases cholesterol levels. With improvements in control, cholesterol levels can fall.

Heredity. Your genes partly determine how much choles-terol your body makes. High blood cholesterol can run in families.

Other causes. Certain medications and medical conditions can cause high cholesterol.

How Much Cholesterol Is Too Much?

Everyone over the age of 20 should get their cholesterol levels measured at least once every 5 years.

When being tested, your doctor may recommend a non-fasting cholesterol test or a fasting cholesterol test. A non-fasting cholesterol test will show your total cholester-ol and HDL cholesterol. A fasting cholesterol test, called a lipid profile or a lipoprotein analysis, will measure your LDL, HDL, and total cholesterol. It will also measure trig-lycerides.

Your doctor may start with a non-fasting cholesterol test and then recommend a lipid profile, based on your re-sults.

Doctors recommend your cholesterol stay below 200. Your LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels are important as well.

How Can I Lower My Cholesterol and Reduce My Risk of Heart Disease?

A few simple changes can help lower your cholesterol:

Eat low cholesterol foods. The American Heart Association recommends that you limit your average daily cholesterol intake to less than 300 milligrams. If you have heart dis-ease, limit your daily intake to less than 200 milligrams. People can significantly lower their dietary cholesterol in-take by keeping their dietary intake of saturated fats low and by avoiding foods that are high in saturated fat and that contain substantial amounts of dietary cholesterol.

Quit smoking. Smoking lowers HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels. This trend can be reversed if you quit smoking.

Exercise. Exercise increases HDL cholesterol in some peo-ple. Even moderate-intensity activities, if done daily, can help control weight, diabetes, and high blood pressure all risk factors for heart disease.

Take medication as prescribed by your doctor. Sometimes making changes to your diet and increasing exercise is not enough to bring your cholesterol down. You may also need to take a cholesterol lowering drug.

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Being half Macedonian, half Italian, we still keep close ties with Macedonia. I have a friend there who send me the information for the American College in Sko-

pje. The college is with American program and English speaking classes with all credits being transferred here. It offered me the opportunity to visit Macedonia and learn about the culture, see my roots, where I came from, met family I never met before, and also to get an education. I jumped on the opportunity and it was the greatest expe-rience in my life. It’s an everyday learning in and out of the classroom, about the language, the culture, meeting new people, customs and of course learning about myself. Being there it offers me to see the world from a different point of view. Growing up in America, and never been out of it, I feel that sometimes we are thought to see things one sided, so it is nice to know that there is a world out there and many different cultures. I feel much smarter now, much wiser, and experienced. It was a life changing opportunity for me and that is why I am going back. It opens more doors that never been existed if I didn’t went there.

Tell us more about the school u study at

American College of Skopje is a relatively new school but it’s on the rise with around thousand students. The first born Americans that randomly selected to go there and study were my brother and I. There is also for-eigners from other Balkan countries, from Canada and many students from Macedonia who lived in America for a long period of time. I am studying marketing, with a busi-ness curriculum, but the school, offers everything as far as the curriculum, with certified and educated professors who have been everywhere.

What were your first impressions outside the university about the people and country?

First time we were going it was just pure nervous-ness, we didn’t know what to expect, but now we are excit-ed because we have more confidence and we can’t wait to go there. Now, we have a better understanding and better concept of the language, we also made our friends there and we know our way around the city. Macedonians are friendly, with great national pride that help me feel more proud about my heritage. Growing up as American, my father kept his Macedonian values, but I really didn’t know who I was as a Macedonian until I lived there. I thought a big, lost part of me was reborn and I feel I fit right, being there. I’ve grown much more pride that I thought could have about my heritage. Living outside of America I was able to see how people have it hard sometimes and how much effort you have to put in to get what you deserve.

Being a young man, I am guesing adjust to the social life and the Skopje’s lifestayle was easy?

Skopje is an old city with ancient architecture, has lots of history, and culture. The city offers a great social life for the students. The nightlife, and I say this to all my friends, is without the doubt way better then here, just a better atmosphere. Everyone is out having a good time awith nothing but fun, and it is a night and day experience comparing to here, and it is safe. We are young and social people, we like to go out and have fun, so we are very much part of that.

Although we have friends and family in Macedonia, to have a sibling close to you makes it lot easier. For my brother and I, if there was a moment of being homesick, which for me there wasn’t, we were there for each other - says Nick (right), here with his younger brother Anthony (left)

Nick and Anthony Naumoff, Americans with Macedonian heritage are the first students born in USA at the University American College Skopje, in Macedonia.



w w w . z a m a k e d o n s k i t e r a b o t i . o r g

AUGUST, 2009 3MP 13

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With all the excitement from the experience there, you probably have a lot of things to share with your friends back home in Chicago. What do you suggest to them?

Chicago has a very large ethnic population, not just Macedonians but many other, the culture and how you act defines who you are. Looking around, almost everyone is of a different ethnicity, so I feel it is almost mandatory for the Macedonians looking for a college education to go and study, even for a semester, in Macedonia so they can learn something about themselves. I believe it would be a great eye opener, and they would learn things they don’t know about the country and personally, touch base to who they really are. To go back to where they are from, to where their parents, their grand parents are from, to this ancient land where we all come from. It is a great oppor-tunity to meet new people, the fellow countryman, learn more about the culture, learn more about who you really are. I myself experienced all of that. I also feel that Macedonian government should help with this, cause it is not only good for the students but beneficial for Macedonia itself. I think the current gov-ernment with it’s program focused on education, will be wiling to help and bring these young people back. I believe they should recruit and encourage this kind of programs because it can bring only good, it enhances the knowledge about the country especially for those who wouldn’t know even to put it on the map. There are random Americans with no Macedonian background who are choosing to go there, they see that the prices are affordable, and it is a beautiful country. I would do anything to help out with this. After all, it is a win win situation.

“It is a long flight to Macedonia, but it is a well worth of a trip. It can be hard on my family, especially for my mother it’s difficult. But with the modern technology, cell phones and internet we are able to keep in touch very often and speak, almost on a daily basis. The time difference is 7 hours but with a big family someone is always ready to speak and willing to be around.” - says Nick

The Naumoff Family - Top from left: Nick, Natalia, Alex, Anthonylower: Marija, Jerry, LuAnn, Marijana

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света литургија по повод црковниот собир на американско - канадската Епархија - св Илија, синсинати 2007.

The Importance of theConventionby Michelle Tasevski

Macedonian Orthodox Church and the AmericanCanadian Diocese

митрополит американско-канадскиг. методиј



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Mакедонската православна црква игра значајна улога во опфаќањето и во сплотеноста на Македонците надвор од

Македонија, особено во прекуокеанските земји. По обновувањето на самостојноста на Охридската архиепископија во 1958 година и автокефалноста во 1967 година, МПЦ направи силен пробив меѓу бројното македонско иселеништво од сите делови на Македонија во прекуокеанските земји, САД, Канада и Австралија, како и меѓу Македонците во денешната Европска унија и во други земји. МПЦ е организирана преку своите епархии: Американско-канадска и Австралиска македонска православна епархија, која е формирана во 1967 година, а во 1974 година е поделена на: Американско-канадска и на Австралиска епархија, во чија диецеза денес е и Нов Зеланд. Од 1984 година постои и Македонска православна епархија за Европа. Основните начела на МПЦ во нејзиното дејствување во дијаспората беа и се, меѓу другото, покрај задоволувањето на црковно-религиозните чувства и потреби, јакнењето на единството меѓу македонскиот народ, слогата, евангелската љубов, чувството за слобода, разбирањето и заедништвото со сите луѓе во средините во кои се определиле да живеат. Тоа придонесува Македонците да бидат добри, чесни, примерни и трудољубиви граѓани во своите нови татковини.


3MP16 AUGUST, 2009


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Pрвиот црковен собир на Американско-канадската епархија беше оддржан во 1975 година, во Торонто, Канада. Оттогаш па доесга собирските манифестации беа и се’ многу значајни за македонската дијаспора и црковните заедници на северно амереиканскиот континент. Тие

претставуваат смотра на сè она што е постигнато во редовите на Македонската Православна Црква, во текот на една година, на црковно-духовен, културно-просветен и спортски план. Содржински собирските манифестации се многу богати, сеопфатни и импресивни. Со проширени искуства и знаење, црковните општини се поттикнуваат на покрупни остварувања, преку градба на просторни импозантни цркви и културно-просветни центри, со цел што повеќе да се привлече вниманието на младите. Традиционално, овие црковни манифестации се одржуваат секоја година во првата недела од септември. Траат по три дена и се со богати црковно-духовни, културно-просветни и спортски манифестации, како и со други содржини и активности. На епархиските и црковно-општинските органи и тела им се пружа исклучителна пригода да ги поддржуваат, инспирираат и да ги помагаат севкупните позитивни процеси за уште посестран и побогат развој на секциите при црковните општини, неделните училишта на македонски јазик, играорните групи, хоровите, драмските активности, женските секции, спортот и сите други здружени креативни сили, кои придонесуваат за посилен растеж на црквите и на Епархијата. Од поуспешните години на собирските манифестации продефилирале и повеќе од 10.000 учесници. Средствата за реализирање на севкупните културно-просветни и спортски активности, во кои земаат учество младите Македонци, во САД и Канада, ги подмируваат црковните општини. Црковниот собир во 2009 година се оддржува во црквата Св Св Петар и Павле, во Краун Поинт, Индијана. Значајно за оваа заедница е што е една од поголемите македонски заедници во САД, a црквата во која се одржува собирот е најстарата македонска црква на Северно-американскиот континент.

макЕДонскИ ЦРковЕн соБИР

моменти од 33от црковен собир кој се оддржа во црквата св Илија, синсинати, охајо, 2007 3MP

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на Црковниот собир во тотова присуствуваше и премиерот на Р македонија, никола Груевски

The Macedonian Orthodox Church American-Ca-nadian Diocese 35th Anniversary Convention is

a landmark event for the history of the Macedonian Diaspora. The Convention’s existence has contrib-uted significantly to the cohesiveness of the Mace-donian community in North America, as well as preserved our culture. Whether one was born in Macedonia or has never been, the Convention is the time and place to embrace our roots. We are extremely lucky that the Diocese had such a desire to keep our community together and that the Convention has grown into such a large event. The Convention and its formation has now become a part of our own history as Macedonians. The Macedonian Orthodox Church American -Canadian Diocese was formed in 1967 as a direct result of the churches that had formed across the countries. In 1971, the Toronto-based Sv. Kliment Ohridski requested that all of the diocese delegates in America and Canada meet in person for the first time ever in Windsor, Canada. This meeting proved to be a huge success as the work of the diocese continued on with great intensity and progress. In 1974, the delegates met again at Sv. Bogorodica in Columbus, Ohio. At this




Michelle is a Regional Job Resource Consultant for the Right Manage-ment Company. She lives and works in Chicago.



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meeting, the delegates from the first church in North America, Sv. Petar and Sv. Pavle in Indiana, gave a resolution to have an annual church convention for all the Macedonians in America and Canada. Their rational was that this annual event would strengthen the diocese and create more churches and cultural centers in their communities, as well as continue to pass on the culture to Macedonians in the Diaspora. The intentions were to hold a traditional convention where Macedonians could get together for a Mace-donian and an Orthodox patriotic festival. The vote to hold such an event was unanimous among the delegates. The event was blessed and approved by the Diocese and it was decided that it would rotate locations around North America every year and it was to always be held during the American Labor Day weekend. The first Convention then took place in 1975 in Toronto, Canada. When this first convention was held, the intent was to preserve the Macedonian church, culture, and language for current and future generations. Today, this event continues to strengthen the ties among Macedonian communities in North America and has grown into a three day affair full of the traditional music, dancing, food and so much more that has kept our traditions alive for all these years. Conven-tion continues to be a weekend full of heritage, old and new friends, long-lost family, and appreciation of how much we have accomplished as a community. There is no other weekend that is more highly an-ticipated for all ages. It has become a place where all Macedonians have the ability to share ideas, net-work, and create life-long relationships. This is the core of the Convention, to unite the Macedonian Diaspora through their shared history. The Convention is a privilege and unique to Mace-donians in the United States and Canada. Most of the people attending have lived in Macedonia a very long time ago, or never at all. And the fact that we have the opportunity to meet and gather once a year is a chance other Macedonians throughout the world do not have. A sort of magic happens when you put thousands of people together that have been told the same Old-Wives tales, taught the same folklore dances, and have eaten the same foods for gen-erations. The Convention then becomes a time and place to share stories about growing up the same way, sharing so many customs, and having such a love for the same country. It’s a weekend where you don’t have to be anything but Macedonian, and that’s a feeling that cannot be replicated. Today, the Convention carries on the objectives of its founding members by being a multi-genera-tional and cross-regional gathering of the Diaspora that inspires us to continue to preserve our church, culture, and language. It should make us all proud that this event has been going strong for thirty five years and counting, and will continue to do so for generations and generations to come.

Being part of the generation that started this manifestation Blagoj Jovanovski has some-what

different view on the meaning and beginning of the event. As Blagoj says, “First and foremost we need to clarify the name of it. The proper name for the event is CONVOCATION and not CONVENTION”. Fur-ther explaining the meaning of the word convocation as a religious gathering, he says that the only reason it is called convention, is because of the older tradi-tion of gathering of the Macedonian Diaspora at the conventions of MPO(Macedonian Patriotic Organiza-tion), which is actually a political organization. With-out getting into details of the differences between the two gatherings, and the two organizations, lets point out that indeed “The Convention” as it is wide-ly known in the Macedonian community is after all a religious event organized by the American-Canadian Diocese of the Macedonian Orthodox Church.


Blagoj Jovanovski is a member of the Macedonian church in Willowbrook, Sts. Kiril i Metodij, and he is a long time contribu-tor to Macedonian publications in the diaspora and in the homeland.

AUGUST, 2009 3MP 19

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The music of the Orthodox Church formed into a system of holy character, in accordance with the Christian spirit, is called Byzantine, as we have already seen, for it was

cultivated and developed in Byzantium. Having been created by inspired composers who were distinguished as melodies or hymnographers, it was cultivat-ed with great caution by spiritual leaders of the Church and of the State that is Bishop and Byzantine Emperors. In accordance always with the tradition of the Or-thodox Church, the ecclesiastical music during the first years of the Christianity, was simple as were the first Christian hymns. Later however, following the development of the hymns, it was enriched in method and content. In this man-ner, gradually evolving, it acquired a great brilliance mainly during the reigns of the Emperors Justinian 6 th centuries. But the epoch, during which the Byzantine Ecclesiastical Mu-sic reached its apex, was the period from the era of the famous hymnographer Romanos the Melode until the epoch of the father of the ecclesiastical music. Byzantine Eccle-siastical Music has characteristic feature: mono phonetical performance of hymns, in antithesis to the polyphonetical performance of European music. This music is a language of the heart, since it ex-pressed the senses of man naturally and uses special tones which come from the human voice.


Црковен хор св петар и павле, краун поинт (средина)

Хорот од св петка, Чикаго, во заеднички настап со хорот од црквата св Ѓорѓи кратовски, Детроит, во синсинати (лево горе)

Црковен Хор св кирил и методиј, вилоубрук

Црковен хор св климент охридски, торонто (десно)

3MP20 AUGUST, 2009

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според поуките на еден голем и прочуен старец Светогорски, постојат два типа на луѓе. Човек мува и човек пчела. Тој во однос на целата човечка љубопитност ги дели луѓето на

овие два типа. Тие наликуваат токму на оние инсекти по коишто го добиле името. Човекот мува е оној човек што наликува на мувата кој постојано се интересира за нешто што не е во ред, што не чини, се интересира за лошите нешта од животот на човекот. Исто така како што мувата кога лета, лази и оди по нечисти нешта и потоа и до што да се допре таа ги прави нештата нечисти. Од друга страна човекот пчела наликува на пчелата којашто е многу селективна во однос на она што го избира за храна и прибивалиште. Исто како пчелата и човекот кој наликува на неа е човек кој постојано внимава до што се допира, внимава што гледа, што слуша, што зборува се радува на добрите нешта и постојано е преукупиран со убавите работи, им се радува на успесите на луѓето и плодовите кои ги пренесува во својот живот слично на пчелата се вкусни, хранливи, лековити и како што и пчелата не слетува на секој цвет туку и кога ке слета на некој свет не го зима она сето од неа туку само најубавото. Така и овој човек, човекот пчела е оној човек кој што целиот свој живот го има усмерено во правец на правење на добро, на слушање, и гледање на добро на ширење на доброто околу себе. Јас се надевам дека во годините кои што ќе поминуваат во нашиот заеднички живот се повеќе ке почнеме да прилегаме на човекот пчела. Заради тоа што и не случајно Бог не собра во овој пчеларник наречен Македонска Православна Црква, затоа што има една многу важна промисла за нас:“македонскиот човек е човек којшто во својот бит е добро битие. македонскиот човек е оној кој што одсeкогаш му дава на овој свет многу лековити дела: писменост, култура, религија”. Tокму заради тоа и ние како наследници на таа древна традиција треба се повеќе, угледувајки се на тој наш порив, вредни како пчелите да работиме на тоа што го изградиле нашите претци да го пренесеме на нашите потомци.

Дел од говорот нa неговото високопреосвештенство митрополит американско-канадски г. методиј оддржан по повод црковниот собир во синсинати. Целосната верзија од говорот можете да ја погледнете на веб YouTube каналот на ZaMakedonskiteRaboti.

ЧовЕкот пЧЕЛа

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If you are interested in helping here is how. Sign up now and become a part of our roster of experts. This inventory of Macedonian pro-fessionals will be a key resource in building a stronger Macedonian economy.

Are you an expert in finance, law, medicine, infrastructure development, communications, or do you have another expertise?

Please tell us by signing up now. Visit

The Macedonia 2025 Business Association is the premier voice for the North American business community in their transac-tions with their counterparts in the Republic of Macedonia. The Association is an issues oriented organization dedicated to el-evating the private sector perspective and input on issues that affect business development and foreign direct investment in Macedonia.

Established in 2006, Macedonia 2025 is an independent, not for profit and non partisan organization dedicated to strength-ening and enhancing the Macedonian economy. The project is designed to aid in the development of a more sustainable economy and help expedite eventual European Union acces-sion and greater prosperity.

Our aim is to position the Republic of Macedonia as a a gate-way to regional markets and a preferred destination for direct foreign investment. This can only be accomplished by promot-ing transparent government and corporate practices, creating a flourishing climate for entrepreneurship, and instilling a new attitude towards competitiveness.

The Macedonia 2025 Business Association is membership based with a mandate of facilitating trade and investment between Macedonia and North America.

In order to achieve and promote mutual business success, Macedonia 2025 will provide its members with a forum for networking, sharing information, ideas and experiences. The objective is to facilitate contacts that can help lead to direct

business and investment opportunities in both directions.

Expanding the base of business members in Macedonia 2025 will expose even more potential investors to the welcoming investment climate and regulatory environment in Macedonia.



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The Macedonian community in Chicago has been major promoter and contributor of the Macedonian culture in Chicago’s rich ethnic diversity. In the past

year there has also been, an array of cultural events that represent a significant input towards the affirmation of the Macedonian old tradition and young talent. Simon Trpceski’s world class concert at the Chicago’s Symphony Orchestra was also a startup event of the Macedonian Days of Culture in USA. The concert was visited by the Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and members of his cabinet, and a big number of diaspora members. In spring Chicago was a host to the Macedonian “mo-bile museum”, as it is called the 60 year old folk dance group Tanec. A performance that warmed the hearts of the Macedonians, that have waited 14 years for the group to perform in USA and Canada. This summer with the support from the Turkish


Bobby and Melissa Angelovski enjoying the Chicago skyline photo by

Cultural Society and in organization of the Macedonian consulate, the Macedonian culture was also presented at the Turkish World Festival at Navy Pier, which one of the biggest tourist attractions in the city. As always, the annual International Festival host-ed by the ensemble Balkanski Igri and it’s director John Kuo was a host of the folk dance group Goce Delchev from the Macedonian church Sts Kiril i Metodij, in Willowbrook. Balkanski Igri held another event at the Grant Park pre-senting the Macedonian dances and offering free classes to the visitors. The folk groups from the churches in Willowbrook and Crown Point were guests at the event hosted by the Perdue University, presenting the cultures of the former Yugoslav republics. One of the greatest cultural highlights in the com-munity is the foundation of the Macedonian-American Cul-tural and Educational Center that through it’s educational and social activities tries to achieve an advancement of the Macedonian community and strengthen the quality of life in the wider Chicago area.3MP32 AUGUST, 2009

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Sимон Трпчески оддржа три маестрални концерти со Чикашката Филхармонија. Вториот, кој воедно беше искористен и за официјално отворање на

манифестацијата, Денови на Македонската Култура во САД беше посетен и од голем број на Македонци, кој по тој повод допатуваа и од подалечните градови како, Торонто, Детроит, Колумбус и секако голем број на македонци од Чикаго. Настапот претставуваше незаборавно доживување за сите посетители, кои имаа можност да го слушаат македонскиот виртуоз. По завршувањето на концертот се оддржа коктел забава на која свечено беа отворени Деновите на Македонската Култура во САД. На гостите им се обрати и премиерот на Република Македонија, Никола Груевски кој истакна дека “Уметниците го постигнуваат тоа што понекогаш им оди потешко на политичарите, нижат успеси”.

“Македонија има големо културно богатство, и голем број на културни уметници со кои што треба да се гордее, и ги имаме на светската музичка сцена. Министерството за култура и Владата на Република Македонија искрено ги ценат овие уметнички вредности, и како и досега и во иднина, ке дадат се од себе да овие уметници ги негуваат, и им помагаат во нивниот понатамошен развој и интерпретација”. - изјави министерката за култура на Република Македонија, Елизабета Канческа-Милевска.

На деновите на македонската култура во САД, Македонија беше претставена како земја со високи културни вредности. Презентирањето пред американската јавност беше извонредна можност за подобро запознавање и зацврстување на пријателството што постои помеѓу американскиот и македонскиот народ.


Top right, Prime Minister NIKOLA GRUEVSKI announces the Macedonian Days of Culture in USA for open, to his right: JOVICA PALASEVSKI Council General of Republic of Mace-donia in Chicago. right Members of the Macedonian Com-munity in Chicago.

photo by

ДЕновИ на макЕДонската куЛтуРа во саД

Simon Trpceski at the concert with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra

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Tanec is an award-wining Macedonian ensemble that performs folk dances and songs all over the world, showcasing Macedonia’s rich and ancient folklore

heritage. The meaning of Tanec, the Macedonian word for dance, goes beyond just a word. It portrays drama, ritual, tradition, songs, even military movements while encompassing remarkable precision. Tanec is considered a “mobile museum” with its vast array of musical instruments and authentically col-orful folk outfits from all regions of Macedonia. Tanec was created by the Macedonian Government in order to pre-serve Macedonia’s folk heritage and has been symbol of Macedonian culture and art for six decades. Since 1949, Tanec has been an ambassador and presenter of the Macedonian folklore heritage in Mace-donia and around the world. With the highly artistic and creative presentation of folk dances and songs, this En-semble has been successfully capturing the hearts of their audiences time and time again. Tanec also serves as an inspiration to young peo-ple in Macedonia and the Macedonian diaspora around the world. As a result, many other Macedonian folklore groups exist in the Republic of Macedonia and around the world.

Tanec performing the dance Drachevka, choreographed by Atanas Kolarovski - North American Tour, Chicago 2009



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Folk Group Goce Delchev dancing Pajdushko at the International Festival

The festival promotes Balkan folklore and it celebbrates the things we have in common rather then focusing on the differences. It is an anual event cosponsored by the ensemble Balkanski Igri.

JOHN KUO with his wife GALIA are the coordinators of the ensemble. One of the regular instructors every year at the festival is ATANAS KO-LAROVSKI or as he is know internationally “the man with the golden legs.” He was also one of the first choreographers of Tanec.

AUGUST, 2009 3MP 20

1. Visible excitement 2. ZLIDAR FAMILY during the intermission 3. NICK KUBUROVSKI, (LEFT)one of the organizers of the tour, MILAN ZAFKOV, chief of orchestra, 4. MACE CENTER MEMBERS Macedonian Cultural Center members at the concert satisfied with the presentation of the Macedonian folklore in Chicago

1 2



6 7 8

5. Tanec dancers performing dances from Ohrid 6. Lazarenki danc displays the rich folk heritage from the village of Petrovo, near the city of Gevgelija 7. Drachevka 8. Tanec singers perform Macedonian traditonal folk songs



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It is an interesting experience to be in the studio of Ivanco Talevski. The visual surrounding brings a feeling of mysti-cism, spirituality, otherworldliness and yet a familiar feeling of being home. The questions come easily and his willing-ness to speak about his work is obvious.

So, how did you become interested in image making & what aspect of it are you interested in?

The interest in image making has been with me since I was a child. My fascination with the ability of how one can create an image and the possibility of creating a world consisting of images, that signify something culturally, or socially was the reason why I have chosen to become an artist. I work with painting, drawing and intaglio print making.

Tell us about the begining of your education and how did you decidе to study in USA?

I had the opportunity to be surrounded with people who were dedicated in painting or had strong interests in it. Through all my education, from the beginnings I was ex-posed to serious artist, when I was at the elementary school Dame Gruev in Bitola studying with the art teacher Blagoj Ognenovski, at the Icon workshop with Risto Dimovski I Nikola Krncev. I begun my high school at the School for the applied arts in Skopje, Lazar Licenoski, and studied under

“Selfportrait” - combined technique, published in the New York Times, August 2009

Ivanco’s painting studio in Philadelphia

Agnieszka, Ivanco & Emil




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Во работата на Талевски преовладуваат културно историските елементи од македонската традиција и уметност. Посветен на изучувањето на македонското културно наследство со индивидуална визија и креативен пристап креира ново визуелно искуство. Голем дел од инспирацијата ја црпи од богатото историско наследство на македонските цркви како фрескоживописите и иконите. Во неговите дела често можат да се сретнат карактери од блиското семејство, но и од иконографијата од Македонија кои испреплетени со традиционалните елементи не’ транспортираат во нови светови, независни од време и место. Впрочем, како што и самиот тој вели:”Сликата ја разбирам како средство за транспортирање, слично како и иконата”.

professor Angele Gavrovski. Then I received a full scholar-ship, and at the age of fifteen I left Macedonia, to study at the Interlochen Arts Academy, in Michigan, then at the Maryland Institute College of Art, in Baltimore, and finally at the School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, where I tech now. The experiences and the exposure to some great artist through out my educa-tion, has been a crucial influence to the way I think and I approach art making. I had the opportunity to study in Florence, Italy for a semester, also be an assistant to a world famous artist Odd Nerdrum in Norway and Iceland, so the quality of work that I have been surrounded with has been a great example to me and has influenced me the way I think what is a great painting or a drawing or a print. Education is what gives the opportunity to a young person to live hers or his dreams; thanks to my education I never have stopped dreaming.

One of the most important thing about any artist, as well as you is, where do you get your inspiration?

My work comes out of an urge to make a home for myself, one that draws upon what feels most vital to me from both my culture of origin and my de-facto home of the last decade. I live with a constant sense of not being home in myself, of cultural displacement. At some level, I am a psychological refugee. Instead of belonging to both cul-tures I feel caught in between, and do not quite belong to either one. I was raised in the visual culture of Byzantine iconography, having trained as an icon painter from age eleven to fourteen. Byzantine icons were the only access I had to a sacred visual culture, imagery with mystery and the possibility of expansive experience. When I entered the churches of my youth I was enveloped by a complete-ly new world, a world of concentrated awareness. Icons demand attentiveness and return that attention to those who are willing to give it to them. They are incarnations of the possibility of images to call us to live more fully, be more observant, and present to our moment. The images I create are echoes of memories, psychological states, mo-ments of awareness. I am trying to capture moments of experience I have had, standing in front of icons in Mace-donia; I try to recreate a feeling of dialogue. I have to build something new, to carry those experiences with me, I cannot recreate the icons, but I try to create something that embodies that world for me, to make faces that can speak to me of my private history and my present reality. I would like to make images that can function as personal altars, standing in for a world, that is not accessible, and allowing me a way to enter into some kind of relationship with it.

What is your professional engagement at the moment and have you had recent exhibitions, and achievements of course?

At the moment I teach two classes, Drawing and intaglio-Print making, at the University of Pennsylvania. It is a pleasure to be surrounded with people who are dedicated in art making and are eager to learn as much as possible about it. In regards to exhibitions, this year of 2009, I was awarded with a medal at the Guanlan International Print Biennial in China; few thousand artists entered the com-petition from about 78 countries from all around the world. I was one of the 11 awarded artist that received a medal

at the opening ceremony of the exhibition. My works have been exhibited in Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art, Seoul Museum of Art, The International Print Center in New York, The Krakow Print biennial in Poland, and number of exhibitions in Spain, Italy, and in the US. Recently one of my works was reviewed in the New York Times. I have painted two paintings for the previous pope, John Paul II, and had the opportunity to meet him in private audience in the Vatican. Exposure and recognition are very important for the artist, but I believe that the quality of the work and the artist’s dedication in it is what’s most important.

AUGUST, 2009

“My work is embedded in the Macedonian subject; Mace-donia is in my heart, and a very important part for the rea-son of my work. I believe who ever see’s my work see’s a piece of Macedonia.” - says Ivanco

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UMD Board of Directors and Officers, UMD Global Conference, 2009

TOP From left: STOJAN NIKOLOV, Director, DENIS MA-NEVSKI, Treasurer, ALEKSANDAR MITRESKI, Vice Presi-dent, METODIJA A. KOLOSKI, President, ALEKSANDRA TRPKOVSKA, Director, The Fund for Macedonian Chil-dren, BOBAN JOVANOVSKI, Director of Policy Planning,

MEETING NEW FRIENDS. In the middle: STEPHANIE ATSEFF from Virginia, to the right DIMITAR NASEV with his daughter from California and MIKI DODEVSKI from Australia

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) successful-ly organized its first Global Conference June 11th -13th in Washington, D.C. The conference attract-

ed Macedonians from the U.S., Canada, Australia, Aus-tria, Romania, Russia, Croatia, Bulgaria, and Greece. For the first time in the history of the Diaspora, a select gath-ering of the most talented and successful Macedonians gathered to discuss questions of profound political and economic significance to them and to Macedonia. These Macedonians traveled to Washington largely to question, debate, and advocate.



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UMD President Meto Koloski speaks at the launcheon in the Canon House

AWARDEES From above: EARL POMEROy Congressman, BILL PASCRELL Congressman, CANDICE MILLER Con-gresswoman, MARK SOUDER Congressman, RICHARD LUGAR Senator, STEPHANIE & VLAD ATSEFF Activists

AUGUST, 2009 3MP 39

UMD acclaimed several individuals and organizations for their extraordinary courage and merit in the

support of Macedonia. U.S. Senator Richard Lugar was given the UMD International Freedom Award. Earlier that day at a luncheon in the Cannon House Office Building, U.S. Represen-tatives Bill Pascrell, Candice Miller, Earl Pomeroy, Mark Souder, and Harry Mitchell were honored for their unwavering support of Macedonia in the U.S. House of Representatives with the UMD U.S.-Macedonia Friendship Award. Dr. Srgjan Kerim was recognized with the UMD Macedonian Heritage Public Service Award for his distinguished career in diplomacy at a luncheon on U.S.-Macedonian Relations. The UMD Human Rights Awards were conferred on the Vinozito Party of Greece and OMO Ilin-den PIRIN of Bulgaria for their struggle and sacrifice in protect-ing the dignity and basic rights of Macedonians in their respec-tive countries.

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There is absolutely nothing like a Macedonian wedding. It’s usually a multi-day celebration that is a mix of rich cultural traditions, flavorful ethnic foods, spirited music and dancing. When it comes to wed-dings, traditions are defined as the spice of life itself! It is the traditions, especially the ethnic tradi-

tions that have added the spice to the glorious ceremony of the joining of two souls, the ceremony we call marriage. If you are looking to add a bit of romance and history to your wedding celebration, embrace your background and incorporate one of many Macedonian ethnic wedding traditions into your wedding. VisualE-tiquette is based in Chicago and has done many Macedonian ethnic events in the Midwest. VisualEtiquette has specialized in Macedonian weddings and customs, so for your most glorious moment, choose VisualEti-quette’s photography and videography services, and get a free Engagement session. VisualEtiquette offers custom tailored packages for your personal requirements.



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