zach and zubyr big week

ZACHARY P. AND ZUBYR H. THE BIG WEEK 2/12/13 to 2/19/13

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Zachary p. and zubyr h.The Big week


Peking DuckFamily: AntidaeGenus and Species: Anas platyrhynchos domesticaFound: Duck Pond Park, CoppellSpotted by: Zachary

Mallard DuckFamily: AntidaeGenus and Species: Anas platyrhynchosFound: Duck Pond Park and nearby backyardsSpotted by: Zachary

Male wood duckFamily: AntidaeGenus and Species: Aix sponsaFound: Coppell pond Spotted by: Zubyr

Ring Billed GullFamily: LaridaeGenus and Species: Larus delawarensisFound: Duck Pond Park, CoppellSpotted by: Zachary

Cayuga-Mallard HybridFamily: AntidaeGenus and Species: Anas platyrhynchos cayugaFound: Duck Pond Park, CoppellSpotted by: Zachary

Note: This hybrid can be shown by the blackish body of a Cayuga and the yellow bill and green head of a Mallard.

Eastern PhoebeFamily: TyrannidaeGenus and Species: Sayornis phoebeFound: CoppellSpotted by: Zachary

Northern CardinalFamily: CardinalidaeGenus and Species: Cardinalis cardinalisFound: CoppellSpotted by: Zachary

White-winged doveFamily: ColumbidaeGenus and Species: Zenaida asiaticaFound: Coppell Spotted by: Zubyr

Dark-Eyed JuncoFamily: EmberizidaeGenus and Species: Junco hyemalisFound: CoppellSpotted by: Zachary

Rock PigeonFamily: ColumbidaeGenus and Species: Columba liviaFound: CoppellSpotted by: Zachary

Blackbird thrushFamily: TurdidaeGenus and Species: Turdus merulaFound: Coppell Spotted by: Zubyr

American RobinFamily: TurdidaeGenus and Species: Turdus migratoriusFound: CoppellSpotted by: Zachary

American CrowFamily: CorvidaeGenus and Species: Corvus brachyrhynchosFound: Coppell High SchoolSpotted by: Zachary

Coopers hawkFamily: AccipitridaeGenus and Species: Accipiter cooperiiFound: Coppell Spotted by: Zubyr

American kestrelFamily: FalconidaeGenus and Species: Falco sparverius Found: Coppell Spotted by: Zubyr

Northern mockingbirdFamily: MimidaeGenus and Species: Mimus polyglottosFound: Coppell Nature ParkSpotted by: Zachary

Budgerigar parakeetFamily: PsittaculidaeGenus and Species: Melopsittacus undulatusFound: Zubyrs houseSpotted by: Zubyr

Bonus Ameraucana ChickenFamily: PhasianidaeGenus and Species: Gallus gallus domesticusFound: Coppell High SchoolSpotted by: Zachary and Zubyr

Name: Cleopatra

Final bird countZacharyZubyr139Includes birds found by both, when we could only use one of the pictures..

Number of unique species found18

Thanks for Watching!

Other coolstuff we foundStellar bird watching moves!