zeta plus® lp series depth filter cartridges and capsules · zeta plus lp se ries ma te ri als of...

* US Patent 5,055,192 Zeta Plus LP Series* Filters are a depth filter composed of inorganic filter aid and cellulose, extremely low in extractables, and designed specifically for the pharmaceutical industry. The LP Filter Media is constructed with highly purified cellulose to minimize β-glucan extractables and false positive LAL test results. The positive charge exhibited by Zeta Plus LP Filter Media results in increased particle removal efficiency. The high contaminant capacity of the filter medium prolongs final filter life when Zeta Plus LP Filter Media is used as a prefilter. Exacting quality controls assure maximum product performance for each production lot. Zeta Plus LP Filter Media is manufactured to procedures described in CUNO's Drug Master file on record with the FDA. Zeta Plus LP Filter Cartridges are manufactured in accordance with a strict quality assurance program. Each media lot is tested for flow, density, charge capacity, organic and inorganic extractables, and pyrogenicity (LAL Clot Tests). In addition, Zeta Plus LP Filter cartridge packaging is labeled with lot identification number to provide complete traceability from the media batch to the finished product. Applications Blood Products Antibiotics Diagnostics Intravenous Solutions Growth Media Pharmaceutical and Bioprocess fluids CHARACTERISTICS Superior Particle Removal Zeta Plus Filter Media offers unique advantages in contaminant removal because of its strong electro- kinetic properties. In addition to the mechanical exclusion of particles by its depth loading feature, Zeta Plus Filter Media adsorbs contaminants too small for removal by mechanical straining. Since most particles in suspension have been shown to be negatively charged, virtually all contaminants can be removed with proper grade selection. ® ZETA PLUS LP Series Depth Filter Cartridges and Capsules ® a 3M company Features Benefits n Low LAL Reactivity n LP Filter Medium is non-pyrogenic, and is less likely to cause false positive results. n Depth filtration media designed to retain contaminants by mechanical entrapment and electrokinetic adsorbtion. n High contaminant holding capacity for economical filtration and reliable particle removal. n Full range of scaleable capsule and cartridge filter configurations. n Allows pilot testing and scale-up with the same materials that will be used in full-scale systems. n FDA Drug Master File and USP Class VI Biological Safety. n Eases validation and regulatory submissions by providing vital documentation and traceability. n Self-contained, single-use disposable capsule and cartridge modules. n Reduced labor time for changeouts and elimination of cleaning validation.

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Page 1: ZETA PLUS® LP Series Depth Filter Cartridges and Capsules · Zeta Plus LP Se ries Ma te ri als of Con struc tion Con fig u ra tion Com po nent Ma te rial BioCap 25 Cap sule Cap sule

* US Pat ent 5,055,192

Zeta Plus LP Se ries* Fil ters are a depth fil tercom posed of in or ganic fil ter aid and cel lu lose,ex tremely low in extractables, and de signedspe cif i cally for the phar ma ceu ti cal in dus try. The LPFil ter Me dia is con structed with highly pu ri fiedcel lu lose to min i mize β−glucan extractables and falsepos i tive LAL test re sults. The pos i tive chargeex hib ited by Zeta Plus LP Fil ter Me dia re sults inin creased par ti cle re moval ef fi ciency. The highcon tam i nant ca pac ity of the fil ter me dium pro longs

fi nal fil ter life when Zeta Plus LP Fil ter Me dia is usedas a prefilter. Ex act ing qual ity con trols as suremax i mum prod uct per for mance for each pro duc tionlot.Zeta Plus LP Fil ter Me dia is man u fac tured topro ce dures described in CUNO's Drug Mas ter file onre cord with the FDA.

Zeta Plus LP Fil ter Car tridges are man u fac tured inac cor dance with a strict qual ity as sur ance pro gram. Each me dia lot is tested for flow, den sity, chargeca pac ity, or ganic and in or ganic extractables, andpyrogenicity (LAL Clot Tests). In ad di tion, Zeta PlusLP Fil ter car tridge pack ag ing is la beled with lotiden ti fi ca tion num ber to pro vide com plete trace abil ityfrom the me dia batch to the fin ished prod uct.

Applications• Blood Products • Antibiotics• Diagnostics • Intravenous Solutions

• Growth Media • Pharmaceutical andBioprocess fluids


Superior Particle RemovalZeta Plus Fil ter Me dia of fers unique ad van tages incon tam i nant re moval be cause of its strong elec tro-ki netic prop er ties. In ad di tion to the me chan i calex clu sion of par ti cles by its depth load ing fea ture,Zeta Plus Fil ter Me dia ad sorbs con tam i nants too small for re moval by me chan i cal strain ing. Since mostpar ti cles in sus pen sion have been shown to beneg a tively charged, vir tu ally all con tam i nants can bere moved with proper grade se lec tion.

® ZETA PLUS LP Series Depth Filter Cartridges and Capsules


a 3M company

Fea tures Ben e fits

n Low LAL Reactivity n LP Filter Medium is non-pyrogenic, and is lesslikely to cause false positive results.

n Depth filtration media designed to retaincontaminants by mechanical entrapment andelectrokinetic adsorbtion.

n High contaminant holding capacity foreconomical filtration and reliable particleremoval.

n Full range of scaleable capsule and cartridgefilter configurations.

n Allows pilot testing and scale-up with the samematerials that will be used in full-scale systems.

n FDA Drug Master File and USP Class VIBiological Safety.

n Eases validation and regulatory submissions by providing vital documentation and traceability.

n Self-contained, single-use disposable capsuleand cartridge modules.

n Reduced labor time for changeouts andelimination of cleaning validation.

Page 2: ZETA PLUS® LP Series Depth Filter Cartridges and Capsules · Zeta Plus LP Se ries Ma te ri als of Con struc tion Con fig u ra tion Com po nent Ma te rial BioCap 25 Cap sule Cap sule


Grade SelectionThe Zeta Plus LP Se ries Fil ter Me dia is avail able in four grades. Me chan i cal strain ing alone is in di cated bygrade in Chart 1.

Chart 1 is in tended for use as a guide to nom i nal mi cron rat ing. Par ti cles smaller than the rated pore size will bere moved by Zeta Plus Fil ter Me dia due to electrokineticad sorp tion. Ac tual op er at ing con di tions and the prod uct to be fil tered should be con sid ered in grade se lec tion.Tech ni cal sup port in op ti mal grade se lec tion is pro vided by your lo cal dis trib u tor or CUNO In cor po rated. Theop ti mal fil tra tion sys tem for your par tic u lar ap pli ca tioncan be de ter mined by on-site test equip ment or sam pleeval u a tion in our Ap pli ca tions Lab o ra tory.

Flow RatesGraph 1 de picts the flow rate for clean wa ter. Al thoughthe flow rates de crease when flu ids higher than 16 cpsare fil tered, an ef fi cient flow rate can be achieved withproper me dia type se lec tion. (A max i mum flow rate of 1 GPM/ft2 is rec om mended to en sure op ti mal fil ter life and ef fi ciency.)

PyrogenicityThe LP Fil ter Me dia is tested for pyrogenicity us ing theLAL Clot method. All grades con tained < 0.25 EU/ml,in di cat ing that the Zeta Plus LP filter medium isnon-pyrogenic and is less likely to cause false pos i tivere sults.

ExtractablesZeta Plus Fil ter Me dium is de signed to be ex tremely low in extractables. A CUNO Reg u la tory Sup port File,avail able on re quest, pro vides the typ i cal in or ganicex trac tions from the LP Fil ter Me dium. For morein for ma tion con tact your lo cal CUNO representitive.

CARTRIDGE CONSTRUCTIONZeta Plus LP Fil ter Me dia is avail able in both flat stock(sheets) and car tridges. Car tridges are con structedfrom in di vid ual cells. Each cell is con structed with amolded poly propy lene edge seal and in ter nal sep a ra tor. The cells are as sem bled into a car tridge un der apre de ter mined com pres sion and made into a sin gle unit by three 316 stain less steel bands with poly propy lenecell separators.

Zeta Plus LP Se ries Ma te ri als of Con struc tion

Con fig u ra tion Com po nent Ma te rial

BioCap 25Cap sule

Cap sule Shell,Vent & In let Cap Poly propy lene

Cap sule Overmold (edge seal) Glass FilledPolypropylene

BioCap 1000 &2000 Cap sules

Cap sule Shell Polysulfone

Car tridge Sup port, CellSep a ra tors, Edge Seal & VentCap

Poly propy lene

Zeta Plus LPCar tridges

Car tridge Sup port, CellSep a ra tors, & Edge Seal Poly propy lene

Com pres sion Bands 316 stain less steel

FILTER SHEETS AND DISCSZeta Plus Fil ter Me dia is avail able in die-cut discs andsheets for use in plate and frame fil ter presses.Be cause of the higher flow ca pa bil i ties and greatercon tam i nant re ten tion of Zeta Plus Fil ter Me dia ascom pared to other types of fil ter sheets, it is of tenpos si ble for fil ter press us ers to re duce their fil ter sheetus age by 20 to 50 per cent in pro cess ing equiv a lentvol umes of prod ucts. Be cause our fil ters may be usedwith a wide range of so lu tions and un der vary ingfil tra tion con di tions, the extractable lev els and other test data pre sented here should be used as a guide only.

Extractable lev els and other fil ter prop er ties should bede ter mined and com pared with ex ist ing stan dards ofac cep tance for the par tic u lar ap pli ca tion in which thefil ters will be used.

90 LP

60 LP

50 LP

30 LP








0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.52FLOW (GPM/FT MEDIA)


Graph 1. Wa ter Flow Rate

30 LP

50 LP

90 LP

10 6 4 2 1 .5 .1


60 LP


Page 3: ZETA PLUS® LP Series Depth Filter Cartridges and Capsules · Zeta Plus LP Se ries Ma te ri als of Con struc tion Con fig u ra tion Com po nent Ma te rial BioCap 25 Cap sule Cap sule


CARTRIDGE CONFIGURATIONSZeta Plus LP Fil ter car tridges are avail able in var i oussizes and num ber of cells (Ta ble 5). For faster andeas ier trial runs, Zeta Plus LP Se ries Fil ter Me dia isavail able in BioCap® Cap sules, self-con tained,dis pos able fil ter de vices Con sult your lo cal dis trib u torfor in for ma tion and or der ing.

Car tridge Con fig u ra tions Ef fec tive Sur face Area

BioCap 25 Capsule 3.9 in2 (25 cm2)

BioCap 1000 Capsule 0.7 ft2 (650 cm2)

BioCap 2000 Capsule 1.4 ft2 (1300 cm2)

45109 (8” diameter cartridge, 8-cell) 2.8 ft2 (0.26 m2)

45167 (8” diameter cartridge, 7-cell O-ring plug-in) 2.5 ft2 (0.23 m2)

Z8FA2NPX2 (8” diameter, 2-cell plug-in) 0.7 ft2 (650 cm2)

Z8FA4NPX2 (8” diameter, 4-cell plug-in) 1.4 ft2 (1300 cm2)

45237 (12” diameter cartridge, 12-cell) 12.3 ft2 (1.1 m2)

45244 (12” diameter cartridge, 9-cell) 9.2 ft2 (0.85 m2)

45245 (12” diameter cartridge, 16-cell) 16.4 ft2 (1.5 m2)

Z16P (16” diameter cartridge, 14-cell) 34.7 ft2 (3.2 m2)

Z16H (16” diameter cartridge, 16-cell) 39.7 ft2 (3.7 m2)

Z16H (16” diameter cartridge, 17-cell) 42.2 ft2 (3.9 m2)

* Patent Design (U.S. Patent Number 4,783,262)

Recommended Operating Parameters

Maximum Operating Pressure

BioCap 25 Capsules: 40 psig maximum inletpressure, 35 psi maximum capsule pressure drop

BioCap 1000/2000 Capsules: 80 psig @25°C, 40 psig @ 60°C maximum inlet pressure; 35 psidmaximum capsule pressure drop.

Standard Zeta Plus cartridges: 35 psid maximumcartridge pressure drop

Maximum Operating Temperature

BioCap 25 Capsules: 40°C

BioCap 1000/2000 Capsules: 60°C

Zeta Plus Cartridges: SA & LA 82°C (180°F), CA 60°C (140°F)

Recommended Pre-use Rinse 1.3 gal/ft2 at 0.5 gpm/ft2, 50 l/m2 at 20 lpm/m2

Sterilization Parameters*

BioCap 25 Capsules: autoclave, 30 minutes@121°C (1 cycle)

BioCap 1000/2000 Capsules: autoclave, 30 minutes @121°C (up to 3 cycles).

Standard Zeta Plus Cartridges: autoclave or in-situsteam sterilization, 1 hour @121°C

Recommended Flow Rates

BioCap 25 Capsule: 3 - 30 ml/min

BioCap 1000 Capsule: 0.1 gpm (0.4 lpm)

BioCap 2000 Capsule: 0.2 gpm ( 0.8 lpm)

Standard Zeta Plus Cartridges: 0.25 gpm/ft2 (10.2 lpm/m2 )

* Steam or au to clave ster il iza tion not rec om mended for CA Se ries


GasketRetainer Various









BioCap 25Zeta Plus Cartridges

Air Vent(Luer Cap)



Rugged PolysulfoneHousing

Upstream Vent



Upstream Drain

Sanitary 1.5"Inlet Connection

Sanitary 1.5"Outlet Connection

BioCap 1000/2000

Luer Style Sanitary Style

Air Vent(Luer Cap)



Page 4: ZETA PLUS® LP Series Depth Filter Cartridges and Capsules · Zeta Plus LP Se ries Ma te ri als of Con struc tion Con fig u ra tion Com po nent Ma te rial BioCap 25 Cap sule Cap sule

CUNO, Zeta Plus, and BioCap are trade marks of 3M Com pany used un der li cense.

© 2007 3M Com pany. All Rights Re served LITZPLP1.0307

WARRANTYSeller war rants its equip ment against de fects in work man ship and ma te rial for a pe riod of 12 months from date of ship ment from the fac tory un der nor mal use and ser vice and oth er wise when such equip ment is used in ac cor dancewith in struc tions fur nished by Seller and for pur poses dis closed in writ ing at the time of pur chase, if any. Any un au tho rized al ter ation or mod i fi ca tion of the equip ment by Buyer will void this war ranty. Seller’s li a bil ity un der this war -ranty shall be lim ited to the re place ment or re pair, F.O.B. point of man u fac ture, of any de fec tive equip ment or part which, hav ing been re turned to the fac tory, trans por ta tion charges pre paid, has been in spected and de ter mined bythe Seller to be de fec tive. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO DESCRIPTION, QUALITY, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULARPURPOSE OR USE, OR ANY OTHER MATTER. Un der no cir cum stances shall Seller be li a ble to Buyer or any third party for any loss of prof its or other di rect or in di rect costs, ex penses, losses or con se quen tial dam ages aris ingout of as a re sult of any de fects in or fail ure of its prod ucts or any part or parts thereof aris ing out of or as a re sult of parts or com po nents in cor po rated in Seller’s equip ment but not equipped by the Seller.


45109 (8” - 8 Cell) 11 - Nitrile 30-50-60-90 L - Inorganic Filter Aid & Cellulose P - Pharmaceutical 13 - Fluorocarbon 14 - EPR 22 - Silicone

45167 (8” - 7 Cell w/O-Ring Plug-In) 01 - Nitrile 30-50-60-90 L - Inorganic Filter Aid & Cellulose P - Pharmaceutical 02 - EPR 03 - Flu o ro car bon 04 - Sil i cone

Cat a log Num ber No. of Cells Con fig u ra tion Ma te rial Gas ket Pkg. Code Me dia Grade

Z8FA (8" Plug-In) 2 - 2 cells N - None P - Polypropylene A - Silicone 2 - Standard30LP

4 - 4 cells B - Fluorocarbon 50LP C - EPR 60LP D - Nitrile 90LP K - Teflon Encapsulated Viton

Basic CartridgeDesign Geo met ric Vari a tion Gasket

Material Me dia Grade Me dia For mu la tion Con trol Grade

45237* (12” - 12 Cell) 01 - Unfilled Polypropylene Edge Seal A - Silicone30-50-60-90 L - Inorganic Filter Aid & Cellulose P - Phar ma ceu ti cal 45244* (12” - 9 Cell) 02 - Talc Filled Polypropylene Edge Seal B - Fluorocarbon

45245* (12” - 16 Cell) C - EPR D - Nitrile

ZETA PLUS® LP SERIES ORDERING GUIDEPlant Code 03 Prod uct Code 310

CUNO Incorporated400 Research Parkway

Meriden, CT 06450, U.S.A.Tel: (800) 243-6894

(203) 237-5541Fax: (203) 630-4530


a 3M company

16" Di am e ter Car tridgesCat a log Num ber Con fig u ra tion Gas ket Ma te rial Me dia Grade Op tional Lift ing

Han dle*

Z16 P - 14 cell A - Silicone 30 LP H - with Handle H - High area** B - Fluorocarbon 50 R - 14 cell (Hastelloy® bands) C - EPR 60 T - High area (Hastelloy® bands) D - Nitrile 90

E - Teflon*Omit "H" from part number if lifting handle is not required Bodyfeed cartridge available, please order 45802 (16", 9 cell)Hastelloy® is a registered trademark of Haynes International, Inc.**High Area Cell Count - 30LP & 50LP 16 Cell; 60LP & 90LP 17 Cell

BioCap Series Ordering Guide

Cat a log Num ber Con fig u ra tion Grade Me dia

BC0025L - Luer 30

LP - Inorganic Filter Aid & Cellulose PharmaceuticalS - Sanitary 50


BC1000 (8" 2 cell) A - Single Pack 90

BC2000 (8" 4 cell) B - 3 Pack

12" Di am e ter Car tridges

8" Di am e ter Car tridges

Im por tant No ticeCUNO MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Since a va ri ety of fac tors can af fect the use and per for mance of aCUNO prod uct in a par tic u lar ap pli ca tion, some of which areuniquely within the user’s knowl edge and con trol, user isre spon si ble for de ter min ing whether or not the CUNO prod uct is fitfor a par tic u lar pur pose and suit able for user’s method ofap pli ca tion.

Lim i ta tion of Rem e dies and Lia bil ityIf the CUNO prod uct is proved to be de fec tive, THE EXCLUSIVEREMEDY, AT CUNO’S OPTION, SHALL BE TO REFUND THEPURCHASE PRICE OR TO REPAIR OR REPLACE THE DEFECTIVEPRODUCT. CUNO shall not oth er wise be li a ble for loss or dam ages,whether di rect, in di rect, spe cial, in ci den tal or con se quen tial, re gard lessof the le gal the ory as serted, in clud ing, but not lim ited to, con tract,neg li gence, war ranty or strict li a bil ity.

Page 5: ZETA PLUS® LP Series Depth Filter Cartridges and Capsules · Zeta Plus LP Se ries Ma te ri als of Con struc tion Con fig u ra tion Com po nent Ma te rial BioCap 25 Cap sule Cap sule

*U.S. Pat ent Num bers 4,881,313 and 5,055,192.

ZETA PLUS CA & SA & LA Se ries* Low Alu mi num Fil ter Me dia isdesigned to provide low lev els of me tal lic extractables, es pe ciallyalu mi num. This pre mium grade low alu mi num fil ter me dia is ide allysuited for parenteral, blood frac tion, dex trose, bioprocess solutionsand in fant food/for mula ap pli ca tions. The Zeta Plus CA & SA & LASe ries are con structed from ma te ri als listed in 21 CFR. Strin gentqual ity con trols en sure max i mum prod uct per for mance for each pro -duc tion lot.

The Zeta Plus me dia ex hib its a pos i tive electrokinetic charge thaten hances fil tra tion ef fi ciency when com pared to other depth fil ters. When used as a prefilter, the high con tam i nant hold ing ca pac ity ofZeta Plus pro longs fi nal fil ter life.


+ Pharmaceuticals - Small and Large Volume Parenterals,Dialysates, Blood Fractions

+ Bioprocess Fluids

+ Food and Beverages - Infant Formula and Foods

PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE MEDIAZeta Plus CA & SA & LA Se ries Fil ter Me dia is man u fac tured to pro -ce dures described in CUNO's Drug Mas ter Files on re cord with theFDA. They are non-toxic in ac cor dance with the USP Class VI, "Bi o -log i cal Safety Test for Plas tics," and meet the strict re quire mentsspec i fied in the Drug Mas ter File, in clud ing prod uct con trol andtrace abil ity.


Superior Particle RemovalZeta Plus Fil ter Me dia of fers unique ad van tages in con tam i nant re -moval be cause of its strong electrokinetic prop er ties. In ad di tion tothe me chan i cal ex clu sion of par ti cles by its depth load ing fea ture,Zeta Plus Fil ter Me dia ad sorbs con tam i nants too small for re movalby me chan i cal strain ing. Since most par ti cles in sus pen sion havebeen shown to ex hibit a neg a tive charge, vir tu ally all con tam i nantscan be re moved with proper grade se lec tion.

Grade SelectionZeta Plus Low Alu mi num Fil ters are avail able in a broad range ofgrades. The nom i nal re moval rat ing for each grade is in di cated inChart 1. This in for ma tion is in tended for use as a guide to fil ter se -lec tion as par ti cles smaller than the rated pore size will be re moved,due to electrokinetic ad sorp tion, by Zeta Plus fil ters . Ac tual op er at -ing con di tions and the prod uct to be fil tered should be con sid ered ingrade se lec tion. Tech ni cal sup port for op ti mal grade se lec tion is pro -vided by your lo cal CUNO Dis trib u tor or the CUNO Pro cess Fil tra -tion Ap pli ca tions En gi neers. The op ti mal fil tra tion sys tem for yourpar tic u lar ap pli ca tion can be de ter mined by on-site test equip mentor sample eval u a tion in our Ap pli ca tions Lab o ra tory.

® ZETA PLUS Low CA, SA, and LA Series Filter MediaAluminum


a 3M company

Features Benefits

+ Depth fil tra tion me dia de signed to re tain con tam i nants by me -chan i cal en trap ment and electrokinetic ad sorp tion.

+ High contaminant holding capacity for economical filtration andreliable particle removal.

+ CUNO high pu rity pre-ex tracted fil ter aid. + Low extractable, fast rinse-up

+ Full range of scaleable capsule and cartridge filterconfigurations.

+ Allows pilot testing and scale-up with the same materials that will be used in full-scale systems.

+ FDA Drug Master File and USP Class VI Biological Safety. + Eases validation and regulatory submissions by providing vitaldocumentation and traceability.

+ Self-contained, single-use disposable capsule and cartridgemodules.

+ Reduced labor time for changeouts and elimination of cleaningvalidation.

Page 6: ZETA PLUS® LP Series Depth Filter Cartridges and Capsules · Zeta Plus LP Se ries Ma te ri als of Con struc tion Con fig u ra tion Com po nent Ma te rial BioCap 25 Cap sule Cap sule


Flow RatesGraph 1displays the ini tial flow rates ob tained for clean wa ter. Amax i mum flow rate of 1 gpm/ft2 is rec om mended to en sure op ti malfil ter life and ef fi ciency.

High Contaminant LoadZeta Plus is a graded den sity depth fil ter. Large pores on the sur -face re tain large par ti cles, and more nu mer ous smaller pores withinthe in te rior of the fil ter ma trix trap smaller par ti cles. The com bi na -tion of graded den sity and the in creased sur face area of a depth fil -ter re sults in higher con tam i nant load ca pac ity.

Chemical CompatibilityEx cel lent re sults have been achieved with the use of Zeta Plus inthe pu ri fi ca tion of a broad range of prod ucts. When re view ing car -tridge com pat i bil ity, gas ket rat ings must also be re viewed. For more in for ma tion about Zeta Plus com pat i bil ity, con tact your lo cal CUNODis trib u tor or CUNO Tech ni cal Support.

FILTER MEDIA SELECTION Zeta Plus car tridges have been de signed to pro vide clean, easy touse fil tra tion sys tems that of fer sig nif i cant ad van tages over con ven -tional fil ter press op er a tions. The Zeta Plus SA & LA se ries havebeen de signed to be heat (both in-situ steam and au to clave for onehour at 121oC [250oF]) and chem i cally ster il ized. The Zeta Plus CAse ries may be chem i cally ster il ized only.

FILTER SHEETS AND DISCSZeta Plus Fil ter Me dia is avail able in die-cut discs and sheets foruse in plate and frame fil ter presses. Be cause of the higher flow ca -pa bil i ties and greater con tam i nant re ten tion of Zeta Plus Fil ter Me dia as com pared to other types of fil ter sheets, it is of ten pos si ble for fil -ter press us ers to re duce their fil ter sheet us age by 20 to 50 per centin pro cess ing equiv a lent vol umes of prod ucts.

CARTRIDGE & CAPSULE CONSTRUCTIONCar tridges and cap sules are con structed from in di vid ual cells ofZeta Plus Fil ter Me dia as sem bled to gether with poly propy lene sep a -ra tors un der pre de ter mined com pres sion. Stan dard cartridges areunit ized by three 316 stain less steel bands. Plug-in car tridges andBioCap 1000/2000 uti lize a polypropylene post. Each cell is con -structed us ing poly propy lene molded edge seals and sep a ra tors forhigh per for mance. Var i ous gas ket ma te ri als are avail able de pend -ing upon ap pli ca tion.

Materials of Con struc tionCon fig u ra tion Com po nent Ma te rial

BioCap 25Cap sule

Cap sule Shell PolypropyleneOvermold Glass Filled Polypropylene

BioCap 1000& 2000

Cap sules

Cap sule Shell Polysulfone Cartridge Support, CellSeparators, Edge Seal & Vent Cap

Poly propy lene

Zeta Plus LPCar tridges

Cartridge Support, CellSeparators, & Edge Seal

Poly propy lene

Com pres sion Bands 316 stain less steel


Ta ble 4 - Car tridge Con fig u ra tions


Nom. Dia.(Inches) Height (Inches) Num ber of

CellsStd. Pkg.Units/Ctn.

45109 8 6 5/8 8 1545167 8 6 5/8 7 245230 12 10 3/4 15 245237 12 10 3/4 12 245244 12 7 11/16 9 245245 12 10 3/4 16 3Z8FA2 8 3 1/2 2 8Z8FA4 8 4 3/4 4 8Z16P 16 10 3/4 14 1Z16H 16 10 3/4 16 1Z16H 16 10 3/4 17 1







0 0.5 1 1.5 22GPM/ft

90 LA

60 LA

50 LA30 LA







0 0.5 1 1.5 22GPM/ft

70 CA

90 SA 60 SA

50 SA

30 SA

60 CA

50 CA

30 CA

10 CA



tial P







l Pre


e (p




tial P












0 0.5 1 1.5 22GPM/ft

Graph 1 - Wa ter Flow Rate @ 25°C

30 CA, SA

10 CA

50 CA, SA, LA

70 CA

90 SA, LA

10 6 4 2 1 .5 .1


60 CA, SA, LA

Chart 1 - Grade Se lec tion

Page 7: ZETA PLUS® LP Series Depth Filter Cartridges and Capsules · Zeta Plus LP Se ries Ma te ri als of Con struc tion Con fig u ra tion Com po nent Ma te rial BioCap 25 Cap sule Cap sule

Ta ble 5. - Zeta Plus Car tridge Sur face Area

Cartridge Configurations Effective FiltrationSurface Area

BioCap 25 Capsule 3.9 in2 (25 cm2)

BioCap 1000 Capsule 0.7 ft2 (650 cm2)

BioCap 2000 Capsule 1.4 ft2 (1300 cm2)

45109 (8” diameter cartridge, 8-cell) 2.8 ft2 (0.26 m2)

45167 (8” diameter cartridge, 7-cell O-ring plug-in) 2.5 ft2 (0.23 m2)

Z8FA2NPX2 (8” diameter, 2-cell plug-in) 0.7 ft2 (650 cm2)

Z8FA4NPX2 (8” diameter, 4-cell plug-in) 1.4 ft2 (1300 cm2)

45230 (12" diameter cartridge, 15-cell) 15.4 ft2 (1.4 m2)

45237 (12” diameter cartridge, 12-cell) 12.3 ft2 (1.1 m2)

45244 (12" diameter cartridge, 9-cell) 9.2 ft2 (0.85 m2)

45245 (12" diameter cartridge, 16-cell) 16.4 ft2 (1.5 m2)

Z16P (16” diameter cartridge, 14-cell) 34.7 ft2 (3.2 m2)

Z16H (16” diameter cartridge, 16-cell) 39.7 ft2 (3.7 m2)

Z16H (16” diameter cartridge, 17-cell) 42.2 ft2 (3.9 m2)

* Patent Design (U.S. Patent Number 4,783,262)


Recommended Operating Parameters

Maximum Operating Pressure

BioCap 25 Capsules: 40 psig maximum inlet pressure,35 psi maximum capsule pressure drop

BioCap 1000/2000 Capsules: 80 psig @25°C, 40 psig@ 60°C maximum inlet pressure; 35 psid maximumcapsule pressure drop.

Standard Zeta Plus cartridges: 35 psid maximumcartridge pressure drop

Maximum OperatingTemperature

BioCap 25 Capsules: 40°C

BioCap 1000/2000 Capsules: 60°C

Standard Zeta Plus Cartridges: SA & LA 82°C (180°F),CA 60°C (140°F)

Recommended Pre-use Rinse 1.3 gal/ft2 at 0.5 gpm/ft2, 50 l/m2 at 20 lpm/m2

Sterilization Parameters*

BioCap 25 Capsules: autoclave, 30 minutes @121°C (1 cycle)

BioCap 1000/2000 Capsules: autoclave, 30 minutes@121°C (up to 3 cycles)

Standard Zeta Plus Cartridges: autoclave or in-situsteam sterilization, 1 hour @121°C

Recommended Flow Rates

BioCap 25 Capsule: 3 - 30 ml/min

BioCap 1000 Capsule: 0.1 gpm (0.4 lpm)

BioCap 2000 Capsule: 0.2 gpm ( 0.8 lpm)

Standard Zeta Plus Cartridges: 0.25 gpm/ft2 (10.2lpm/m2 )

* For LA & SA grades only.


GasketRetainer Various









BioCap 25Zeta Plus Cartridges

Air Vent(Luer Cap)



Rugged PolysulfoneHousing

Upstream Vent



Upstream Drain

Sanitary 1.5"Inlet Connection

Sanitary 1.5"Outlet Connection

BioCap 1000/2000

Luer Style Sanitary Style

Air Vent(Luer Cap)



Page 8: ZETA PLUS® LP Series Depth Filter Cartridges and Capsules · Zeta Plus LP Se ries Ma te ri als of Con struc tion Con fig u ra tion Com po nent Ma te rial BioCap 25 Cap sule Cap sule

WARRANTYSeller war rants its equip ment against de fects in work man ship and ma te rial for a pe riod of 12 months from date of ship ment from the fac tory un der nor mal use and ser vice and oth er wise when such equip ment is used in ac cor -dance with in struc tions fur nished by Seller and for pur poses dis closed in writ ing at the time of pur chase, if any. Any un au tho rized al ter ation or mod i fi ca tion of the equip ment by Buyer will void this war ranty. Seller’s li a bil ity un der this war ranty shall be lim ited to the re place ment or re pair, F.O.B. point of man u fac ture, of any de fec tive equip ment or part which, hav ing been re turned to the fac tory, trans por ta tion charges pre paid, has been in spected and de -ter mined by the Seller to be de fec tive. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO DESCRIPTION, QUALITY, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANYPARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, OR ANY OTHER MATTER. Un der no cir cum stances shall Seller be li a ble to Buyer or any third party for any loss of prof its or other di rect or in di rect costs, ex penses, losses or con se quen tialdam ages aris ing out of or as a re sult of any de fects in or fail ure of its prod ucts or any part or parts thererof aris ing out of or as a re sult of parts or com po nents in cor po rated in Seller’s equip ment but not equipped by the Seller.

Ba sic Car tridge De sign Gas ket Ma te rial Grade Me dia Con trol

45109 (8” - 8 Cell) 11 - Nitrile 10-30-50-60-70 C - In or ganic Fil ter Aid & Cel lu lose A - Low Aluminum 13 - Fluorocarbon 14 - EPR

30-50-60-90 S - In or ganic Fil ter Aid & Cel lu lose

45167 (8” - 7 Cell) Plug-In 01 - Nitrile 30-50-60-90 L - In or ganic Fil ter Aid & Cel lu lose 02 - EPR 03 - Fluorocarbon

04 - Silicone

12" Di am e ter Car tridgesBa sic Car tridge

De sign Geo met ric Vari a tion Gas ket Ma te rial Grade Me dia Con trol

45230* (12” - 15 Cell) 01 - Unfilled Polypropylene Edge Seal A - Silicone

10-30-50-60-70 C - Inorganic Filter Aid & Cellulose A - Low Aluminum 45237* (12” - 12 Cell) 02 - Talc Filled Polypropylene Edge Seal B - Fluorocarbon 45244* (12” - 9 Cell) C - EPR 45245* (12” - 16 Cell) D - Nitrile

30-50-60-90 S - Inorganic Filter Aid & Cellulose A - Low Aluminum

* Patent Protected 4,783,262. 30-50-60-90 L - Inorganic Filter Aid & Cellulose A - Low Aluminum

ZETA PLUS® CA, SA, & LA SERIES ORDERING GUIDEPlant Code 03 Prod uct Code 310

a 3M company

Cuno Incorporated400 Research ParkwayMeriden, CT 06450, U.S.A.Tele: (800) 243-6894(203) 237-5541Fax: (203) 238-8977www.cuno.com

CUNO, Zeta Plus, and BioCap are Trade marks of 3M Com pany used un der li cense.

© 2007 3M Com pany. All Rights Re served LITZPLA2.0207

16" Di am e ter Car tridges

Cat a log Num ber Con fig u ra tion Gas ket Ma te rial Grade Me dia ControlLifting


Z16 P - 14 cell A - Silicone 10-30-50-60-70 C - Inorganic Filter Aid & Cellulose A - Low Aluminum H - with Handle H - High area** B - Fluorocarbon R - 14 cell (Hastelloy® bands) C - EPR T - High area (Hastelloy® bands) D - Nitrile

30-50-60-90 S - Inorganic Filter Aid & Cellulose A - Low Aluminum H - with Handle E - Teflon

*Omit "H" from part number if lifting handle is not required Bodyfeed cartridge available, please order 45802 (16", 9 cell) 30-50-60-90 L - Inorganic Filter Aid & Cellulose A - Low Aluminum H - with HandleHastelloy® is a registered trademark of Haynes International, Inc.**High Area Cell Count - 30 & 50 =16 Cell; 60, 70, & 90 = 17 Cell

Zeta Plus BioCap Low Aluminum Series Ordering Guide

Cat a log Num ber Con fig u ra tion Grade Me dia

BC0025 L - Luer 10-30-50-60-70 CA S - Sanitary

30-50-60- 90 SA

BC1000 (8" 2 cell) A - Single Pack30-50-60-90 LA BC2000 (8" 4 cell) B - 3 Pack

Cat a log Num ber No. of Cells Con fig u ra -tion Ma te rial Gas ket Ma te rial Pack ag ing Code Me dia Grade

Z8FA (8" Plug-in) 2 (2 cell)

N - None P - Polypropylene A - Silicone 2 - Standard 10-30-50-60-70 CA

4 (4 cell) B - Fluorocarbon 30-50-60-90 SA

C - EPR 30-50-60-90 LA

D - Nitrile K - Teflon-Encapsulated Viton

Zeta Plus 8" and 12" Cartridges

Im por tant No ticeCUNO MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANYIMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Since a va ri -ety of fac tors can af fect the use and per for mance of a CUNO prod uct in a par tic u lar ap pli ca tion, some ofwhich are uniquely within the user’s knowl edge and con trol, user is re spon si ble for de ter min ing whether or not the CUNO prod uct is fit for a par tic u lar pur pose and suit able for user’s method of ap pli ca tion.

Lim i ta tion of Rem e dies and Lia bil ityIf the CUNO prod uct is proved to be de fec tive, THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY, AT CUNO’S OPTION, SHALL BETO REFUND THE PURCHASE PRICE OR TO REPAIR OR REPLACE THE DEFECTIVE PRODUCT. CUNOshall not oth er wise be li a ble for loss or dam ages, whether di rect, in di rect, spe cial, in ci den tal or con se quen tial, re -gard less of the le gal the ory as serted, in clud ing, but not lim ited to, con tract, neg li gence, war ranty or strict li a bil ity.